2020 Quarantine Olympics In Tokyo Japan [ft. Abroad In Japan, Sharmeleon, Akidearest and MORE!]

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welcome to the TC Olympics the most prestigious games you'll ever will see on new cheap probably today what we got coming up on the TC Olympics edamame shoot out a thing with hits and a rice race where people put rice and a bowl in a race Sugoi desu there i am chris broad i'm your host for this most prestigious games and who we got coming up at we have six contestants one two three four five six from six exotic lands the first of course is Aki dearest from America us a looker gay there's tokidoki Emma from Australia with her green watering can which she loves so daily Natasha from Singapore who likes to type upside down and do quirky positions there's Alex from Malaysia who is well just the coolest by far less pacer Sharla me Liam from Canada who is wearing the most green shirt I think I've ever seen and of course little giant Cherie from Japan with a melon bigger than her own head brilliant and today's first game is edamame shoe town all you have to shoot as many pieces of edamame soybeans 50 centimetres away into a mug in one minute how many can our contestants get into that mug let's find out off to a great start admittedly there [Music] she's gonna need to wipe this table a lot after this game is over I bought three well done Sharla she set the bar pretty low let's see walnuts contestant candy he's gonna put on the ball because I feel like it's more effective to reach butter and and mommy like this I'm so nervous oh my god go oh oh oh I'm not even gonna get one in can I get one please come on this is harder than I plan for the video to be oh my god come on one oh my god hey and I thought Sharla is bad it's not going well oh oh so close oh my god and go on let's not sugarcoat it that was a show I'm Sharla set the bar light here Natasha kind of pushed the bar down even further no there must be like a physics to this this is hard all there the Maccabean seems to be going off to the left of the screen all right I wonder if there's some sort of scientific reason behind that or if it's just because everyone's rubbish at firing karate chop the other mother zero sorry guys I dare this seems to be getting progressively worse we've gone from three two one two zero not very good uh ki not very good let's see what sorry I'm looking to sue one go oh that's actually pretty good oh my god my pull my gym floor come on damn it come on guys where's ya where's your judge please I'm amazed I got one in oh that was good don't worry I'm gonna wash all these and eat them I got 13 seconds Go Go seven no no come on man I can't believe I got one in I'm still excited about it [Music] well I got one beat that well somebody has B Emma unfortunately this is ridiculous I thought Charlotte was like gonna be the laser I made some big assumptions currently she's leading with three let's see what our next contestant can do can someone finally top off Charlotte from her number one spot is Shiori it's a really terrifying camera angle as well because the camera is just behind the mud so I feel like edamame they're coming out the screen hitting me in the face like a 4d experience but again not a great performance idea this is probably a pretty pretty hard challenge isn't that my without fear zero Oh Shiori that was that was terrible well not Alex how can I like stick of all the mugs we've seen so far in this first game that is definitely my favorite don't touch me peasant is she cheating she just throw it in aah disqualified take your points away shocking behavior some serious miss counting go on here Alex is quickly losing the probability that is she established in her little morning montage at the start video no no Alex not 4 points 0 points disqualified as our first game over edamame shooter but how did our players do in the last place because she got disqualified for cheating convinced Sharla leading the board in first place with her pitiful number of 3 edamame soybeans not a great start is it but then again it was a pretty hard game and one that I don't particularly want to play but what is our next game what we got lined up it's to me a hit - where our contestants have to swivel their way across the floor without using their hands and they have to get their body across the 2 meter line ok 2 meter hip - you always say represent didn't do this as fast as I can you teensy did yoy ok I go I love the commitment the fact she's like roped her legs together like Gerry's holding her hostage but look at guys multiple Tolima logical ten seconds and she's done in 10 seconds impressive stuff I was a fast but slide I will look what can I say Americans were good at but slide next up is Natasha and she's going incredible speed like a Ferrari of hit dashing 7 seconds absolutely toppled our last contestant [Music] sure he's off to a good start look at her face look at her face I've never seen anything quite as disturbing as this since I've seen the ring 8 seconds for the second place and the shower is off not really making as much progress here this is not good easily the worst so far disqualified because you didn't even get her hips over the line absolute show they exist can we swear in these next up is serial cheater Alex let's see how she'll do I mean the floor doesn't look ideal for this yes the sliding but there is no no no we just kind of did really dead just say that's ten seconds next up is tokidoki Emma flying the flag for Australia Oh completely different kind of movement there it's not much swivelling going on it's kind of she's using her legs which feels a little bit like cheating which might be why she's got tenser for this game is Natasha kicking everyone's asked quite literally almost over hip - line but seven seconds the impressive speed well done in second place little giantess Yuri which might be little but she's a giant when it comes to hit - third-placed okey-dokey Emma with her unique technique sixth place Charlotte who's disqualified for not even finishing the game utter disaster our third and final game for today is hi I hashey literally fast chopsticks where our contestants have to get tiny minuscule grains of rice from one plate to another using nothing but chopsticks how many can they do in one minute let's find out and it's quite frustrating what I've done this and it's really really quite annoying Pema get that fat off and she's off she's doing right to carry all right born and raised in Japan sure he does have an advantage over other contestants such as Aki Sharla and Emma seventy-three enough to make one piece of nigiri sushi that's pretty cool what do we got for our next contestant how can they do all right let's go she couldn't finish the last challenge for helping shala do this time round in heii her she silent look at her fingers doing some sort of weird finger movement with her left hand like a circle is that secret to success we're about to find out 19 absolutely rubbish compared to Yuri I'm gonna make an assumption that Charlotte can do better than a key because she's lived here in Japan longer and been using chopsticks longer how can a key do I think I'll do better with this one so the further adue start Austen I have none one dude tonight mr. mr. Cothran toilet look at her face look at the concentration yeah okay I'm doing a little bit better here this is what we've been missing for the Olympics dang such a shame that it was canceled [Music] oh okay let's count in 18 19 20 21 I got 21 grains of rice that's more than Sharla right 21 grains of rice Charlotte well done okay I think I won maybe I don't know I don't know how anyone else is doing all right one minute timer starting yeah and she's off is she gonna cheat like she did in the first game and she's just gonna pick up the grains of rice and throw them in so far she's doing all right one there we go 46 baby 46 baby and she puts herself firmly into second place well done Alex threatening the camera with their chopsticks next up is Natasha it doesn't look like she's doing one grain at time does anyway she's just scooping them up with their chopsticks that was nothing [Music] okay let's count how many green surprise one to 124 is that first place although I'm not sure it feels a little bit cheating to me the way she's gonna scoop them out and held the bowl so I'm tempted to disqualify her I ever think [Music] hooking a hand in a kind of awkward way that's making this a lot more difficult than it needs to be against keeping feels a bit like cheating doesn't weigh better than I expected I have a few bits on the ground which I will not count am i counting her rice 185 Emma firmly takes first place by storm some people might say it's cheating because ever a Natasha did of course scoop the rice out but the rules didn't specify you had to do one rice grain at a time that's that's our fault not theirs but get justice done in the comments who really won that one by your first place tokidoki Emma with 185 rice grains second place Natasha Little Giant Rory 73 Alex 46 aki darius 21 and Sharla 19 the loser although really did she do better than the other two did she do better because she did do one rice grain at time which is of course a lot more difficult debate it in the comments let us know what justice really should be that is all for today's TC games and we're off to a good start some of our contestants really pulling out further ahead of others but for now guys many thanks for watching we'll see you in part two of the Tokyo creative Olympic where's my coffee it is maybe I could try to get in the right way that she was just walking down the street daddy nicety she look bad huh it's my first thing of real exercise today Wow
Channel: Tokyo Creative
Views: 164,927
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tokyo Creative, Tokyo Creative Play, Tokidoki Traveller, Tokyo Creative Talk, Japan, Japan entertainment, funny, humor, super fun
Id: Pr-Ond0i8Vk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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