Abroad in Japan's Top 10 Highlights on the Journey Across Japan

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inevitably when you go on an unscripted 2,000 kilometer journey lots of brilliant bizarre random things are bound to happen I've got more memories from this trip than I care to count but the thing I was happiest about the most was the universal praise that the series has received so I thought I'd kick off this journey across Japan highlight video by reading out some comments and just hearing the voice the voice of the fans this pretentious white prick ruins the channel [Music] so on the morning that Reata rode joined this psycho I went down to meet him on this beach by the akashi kaikyo bridge the largest suspension bridge in the world and he was sitting there and he did the smuggest greeting I think I've ever seen a human day good morning everyone and then just as he said the line and now I'm joining the tour ha ha ha this guy came running out the background out of nowhere and threw himself to the ground it was so beautifully timed that even if we had staged it the timing couldn't have been any more perfect than it was and yet I had no idea who it was best of all I didn't even notice and Tyrus sitting down to edit the sequence a few weeks later but I felt the clip the clip of the falling man summarized the sensation of meeting Reata Oh better than words it occurred so on the fourth day of the journey we found ourselves in niigata meeting my good friend Roy and the night before it kind of spoken to Roy and I saw said to him show us around you gotta show us places of cultural historical importance so he can show the world what Niigata is like so he took us to a fried chicken restaurant Roy what the what is that and I'd ridiculous a mountain of Karelia fried chicken usually you don't what but it wasn't the ludicrous quantities of fried chicken that I was forced to eat that stole the show nor I nor Roy but I er the Niigata food fighting champion who by sheer good fortune was just there the same day as us filming a video of her eating a never-ending bucket of food I don't honestly that pile of food how can it fit understand the only downside was at the end of my fried chicken eating challenge compared to what ire had pulled off I just looked absolutely pathetic in comparison winner loser I don't know how I don't know how she did it Osaka is one of my favourite cities and Pete Donaldson one of my favorite humans so with that in mind I knew it'd be a whole lot of fun we've got and it was watching paint Donelson confused the locals with his bizarre incomprehensible dialogue to such say yes yes in my in my accent why I'm an why I'm an or just terrifying us with his aggressive karaoke singing but for me the icing on the cake the highlight of it all was the blade runner-esque neon lit montage that we made at the end of it all it's something I'd always wanted to do as I think Osaka at night is one of the most beautiful places in the country [Music] [Music] I was especially happy to be able to fit in the sounds with the Japanese students repeating the phrases that Peter told them earlier he kind of made the whole thing just just work the spell one of the most difficult daily challenges that I faced was trying to get three people to say the phrase journey across Japan three strangers asked three people to say journey across Japan on camera it was difficult because I was in a very remote place and I didn't want to go up to some farmers some strangers and scare them with my bizarre request it's been a long day of cycling about 50 kilometers my legs were all but [ __ ] but then I found myself in Niigata station by the Sakya vending machines where I met a guy who I was able to convince to say the phrase journey across Japan sky looks kind of friendly covered Oni okay ja ja journey of course but even that became seriously frustrating as he struggled to say the phrase journey across Japan journey across Japan and I remember the frustration growing just thinking come on say say the [ __ ] phrase you can do it and then finally after I think three attempts early across yes yes week into the trip we found ourselves in this beautiful region of South Niigata about 150 kilometers stretch of coastline where there was quite literally nothing nothing of value so I asked the team who choose the challenges to put something good into um Power Man so we could have a daily challenge that we could kind of build the video around build the narrative around okay this one's cool keep your bike with at least five crazy Japanese items it's quite difficult to explain the sheer excitement of going into a secondhand goods store and buying a load of broken crap to stick to your bike I mean it's not often you get to do ridiculous apps like that without being wheeled off in a straitjacket [Music] I'm not sure what happened to all the things we use that day such as Joey's waifu pillow but the fact we got to end the day dancing on a beach with a beer alongside our pimped out bikes listening to the netsuke bicycle soundtrack alongside the wels largest nuclear power station it probably made it the most surreal day of the entire trip I mean just trying to describe it now just makes me feel like having a mental breakdown he watched the drone shot carefully you can actually see my beer is knocked over and stole acai the sting I think it was the only kind of beer that we have left so he missed a devastating blow to an otherwise another wise perfect day it was three days into my journey across Japan as I cycled across the plains of North Niigata the Sun was shining the birds were singing and there was not a living soul in sight except for the old lady at the side of the road offering me biscuits on the surface it looked like a wonderfully friendly spontaneous interaction however what I failed to show in the video is for the ten minutes that I was standing there chatting with her at least eight of those minutes she dedicated to trying to lure me to some elaborate tea party and what was so unusual was the fact I kept saying I know sorry I'm busy my friends are waiting for me I you know I really can't go but she kept trying again and again in a very unhappy knees kind of manner I do it take it off I don't I let you go I did it she even got out her phone to show me photos of other foreigners who she'd been able to lure back to her party and it's just a series of photos a very beam used confused white people standing in a kitchen wondering what was going on suffice to say didn't really work in encouraging me to want to go for me the whole experience the whole interaction represents the greatest what-if scenario of Jenny across Japan I often wonder what would have happened if I'd taken her up on her offer and gone to the house party or if or if I'd ever have been found if there's one place you choose to ever go cycling in Japan make it the Shimon army Kaido cycle across the islands in the inland sea I've been looking forward to it for the first part of the cycle for the first thousand kilometers and when we got there it didn't disappoint up until that point I started to feel really burned out mentally and physically from constantly filming and cycling and spending the day cycling alongside beaches through forests and endless bridges it just felt like one big meditative experience lonely that but for the duration of the day I was far less out of breath than the Sharla wars which made me feel fitter superior and just just better in every way to be honest oh look who it is for some reason that defies comprehension the day that Joseph the animation man joined the psycho I let him choose the first challenge now that day I was keen to show the world you got a petting zoo the wonders that lie within but Gerry had other ideas at Niigata petting zoo you can pet three types of go our whole three types of your eyes of gay I didn't even know there were three types of gorgeous there are now no I want to see petting zoo people want to see us [ __ ] our pants scared brim thanks Joey alarm bells did start ringing when we got to the road leading into the tunnel and found that it was not only blocked off but completely overgrown and it was pretty hard to get to the tunnel was pretty well conceived [Music] keep an ear out for the voice of a woman nevertheless armed with the world's most ineffective flashlight we ventured into the tunnel it was pretty eerie not least because as we got a Midway into the tunnel we did find a damp patch on the wall that looked remarkably similar to Jerry's face you see yeah I can see it it looks like a silhouette Joey that face looks like you I'm joking cuz I don't look like you and we didn't do anything that was genuinely there that was a little bit weird little bit creepy I thought I don't believe in the supernatural but I was a little bit creeped out in the tunnel and I didn't like editing it because I never knew what I was gonna see in the background you never know what you're gonna miss okay I like the man on the beach but some viewers say you can hear a voice if you turn the volume up and if you listen closely I think about 10 minutes in I'd rather not try and listen to be honest especially as at one point Joey ran off and just left me in the tunnel it's terrifying to think if I'd not sprinted out the tunnel after him if I'd stayed in the tunnel I'd probably have been eaten by ghosts time for discus yeah definitely one of the best things about starting the neverending cycle of despair in my old hometown in Yamagata prefecture was getting to kick things off in that scheme originally the plan was for Natsuki to drive alongside me for the stretch but to our surprise to our amazement Netsky actually joined in the cycle himself I still I still can't believe NAT skis actually on the cycle now of the 5 years that I'd known a ski I'd never seen nor heard anything to indicate that he'd done any exercise ever unless he counts smoking 30 Marlboro Red cigarettes every day is some kind of weightlifting training that's he's a man of many surprises but it was certainly an amazing one to be able to kick off journey across Japan with him alongside me but then he surprised us all the next morning when he drove 50 kilometers all the way down the coastline to see us off in the morning whilst wearing a cherry for a hat wearing something different what's this it's Yamaha I don't jelly crease oh oh if I love surprises full of surprises before I get to the number one highlight there is definitely a runner up we had a fantastic production team and for anyone who's appreciated and enjoyed journey across Japan they all deserve special credit whether it was Omar and Chris who in the thick of it filming is the camera crew or when men and Meg here at the daily nightmarish task of collating a hundred gigabytes of data from drones GoPros and DSLRs and cutting it all down to the highlights for me to start working on but other than me there was only one other person who did the entire journey across Japan route the guests changed the crew changed but he was the only one unlucky enough to injure the entire thing last but not least this is he's from the UK what's your favorite thing in the UK a clue the Queen the Queen in our coordinater was like a human Swiss Army knife for two months he drove the gigantic people carrier transporting the team equipment spare bikes and amazingly the only crashed it was [Music] terrible smashed the whole windows everywhere real mess and yet somehow despite driving the car doing the accommodation planning the itinerary building the website somehow despite all those things he was able to be a father to an Padma filling him with daily challenges and even starting a highly successful Anpanman Instagram account there was even one day on the trip where we didn't have a drone pilot as both Chris and when men were away and given I was the only other person he knew how to fly it Ian actually took on the role of being me but if you look closely you can see it's him riding the pike not me to be fair I should have just got him cycling the whole the whole thing would have would have been a lot easier for me but without in and his stoic problem-solving attitude I don't think journey across Japan could have happened so I'm incredibly grateful to him a special thanks to him and though him and I had only met a couple of times before the trip it's safe to say now that him and I are bestest friends forever whether he likes it or not - you see what is do you got to cut a guide to it what's a clay sheet easily the the funnest and most difficult challenge we faced but the end result was completely worth it Joseph the animation man and I was stuck in what can only be described as the middle of nowhere when we got the challenge to make a Japanese commercial about the energy jelly that I've become so desperately reliable you seem to love that energy gel make a TV commercial for them honestly I don't really remember the exact creative process what I do know is in discovered the only interesting thing on the route which was a railway station with a train carriage on display and a giant train set got an entire train carriage to ourselves and couldn't be any better to be honest and I knew there and then that whatever we did had to kind of be built around that setting next we went to Don Quixote we can get any manner of fancy dress costume word worth of Joey Joey picks out his doctor's uniform to become doctor jelly and I decided we really needed the electric box because if the dozen or so times that I'd seen it I really wanted an excuse to buy one and this this was it as for the script and the dialogue we just kind of did it there and then on the spot and thankfully we had in Omar and when then on hand to help film it or to play the role of the bemused passengers I think we're all amazed at how well it came together and it felt like one big masterclass in creativity and teamwork no no cut just cut it cut it [Music] taking an IQ book I was especially delighted we got to put the electric box in there and and again that was that was all my idea could be they do bite you [Music] journey across Japan has been a nightmare but a brilliant one and the journey of a lifetime and I can't wait to share the last week the last action-packed week with you in the next few days but for now guys many thanks for watching for being a part of the neverending cycle of despair [Applause]
Channel: Tokyo Creative
Views: 181,328
Rating: 4.9849768 out of 5
Keywords: Tokyo Creative, Tokyo Creative Play, Tokidoki Traveller, Tokyo Creative Talk, Japan, Japan entertainment, funny, humor, super fun, abroad in japan, journey across japan, japanese, japan travel, travel japan, trip to japan, japan trip, travel to japan, japan vlog, vlog in japan
Id: yCjRJRTbT-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 18sec (978 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 22 2019
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