A Tour of The Anime Man and Akidearest's Japan Apartment [TC Homes EP: 7]

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hello everybody we are right now in Shibuya and we have cool announcement to make we are having another offline event TC and this time we're going to be making some pizza boxes together for those of you I don't know what those are is basically Japanese lunch Japanese lunch box kilowatts different stuff in there so in this event we're actually gonna make five different types of Japanese dishes yes to go into the vendor and it's gonna be me and it's Asha and surely it's gonna be a whole bunch of us so we're all gonna be making mentos together and you can make them as well so this event is in collaboration with Tiger yes and if you attend you also get a free stainless steel Tiger water bottle they're very fancy very nice super fancy so the very first event that we're gonna have is actually on the 24th of November this forum 1:30 till 5:00 Otsuka station which is on the Yamanote line so super convenient easy to access and every day yes and also on the same day at the 24th that's actually wash up in oke so why is Japanese choco is like food it's like Japanese food no day so it fits really well yeah so you're interested you can find out more details and information in the description box down below yeah hopefully see you guys there it's time for MTV Cribs am I allowed to say that look at all these shoes I know most of them in your shoes [Music] okay I've been to this house before when you were living by yourself before acting yeah and it was nope it's been a lot of changes suffice to say yeah Aki's done like 99% of the interior design I think the only room she hasn't done interior designing is my office okay so this room here is all her I want it to like put up the finals like I didn't know how to deal with that like royally the finals suck yeah I'll keep picking out this like neat little way we use foam times yeah it's just kind of holding over there really so yeah and they're like nice to hold up I like how this is a rack it is all black it cool it's mostly my stuff and then we have a hammock over there yeah oh my god she's because yeah well we do that with the pillows yeah that's why they called three pillows yeah because you throw them on the floor and then over here is a keys office No get out no it's fine oh yeah no I'm just doing some online shopping hello everybody this is my office so I kind of opened up a Pinterest account and that's what caused the lobby design I am a huge Kingdom Hearts phonetic so I have like my low Kingdom Hearts corner don't ask how much yeah it's it was a lot of light over time I like the Gameboy with a lot like you like a lot of vegetation vegetation because that's easier actually and it makes this one but I combined the girl yeah yeah that's right so already sick she makes a lot of like Gameboy REM stuff other consoles too and she goes by Wacka Wacka island and she's also put repackage this isn't that cute it's great it's like I keep finding new things everywhere I look I'm like oh this just so much ok yeah I like your Evie collection oh yes that was a gift from Joey because like the Pokemon Center nicob McGrew released an Eevee collection and they are so evil with how they arrange things cuz it's like we know you want all of them yes so then Joey was like well you keep staring at that so he just got that for me this is actually a couch /a bed if anyone really call comes in so that's really convenient whenever we have people that come over Jess if you guys ever get invited don't worry we got a bit do you get ready here in the money yeah pretty much this is a soul of my terror products a lot of this stuff by the way I got from America you don't really realize you probably know this you don't really realize who you live here of like how much stuff you're used to you yeah yeah that's basically my room awesome yeah this is the toilet there's nothing really interesting about it but if a day yeah but I know there's always that one person that I must know I must know what the toilet like what I must know where these people do yeah so Joey's gonna thank you guys yeah yes this is my workspace this is basically just all my figurines I've collected yep longer around here art books and doujins down there what do you feel on the wall yeah I play piano for 12 years okay what do you want me to play I can do [Music] amazing amazing yeah and then this is probably like my tube like most prized possessions quote-unquote this wall just by itself is very expensive so these are both like limited edition signed paintings that ones by multiple todai-ji and that one is by ito gingy and I think this is you can see here it says number 7 out of 100 Wow it's only only 100 of these were ever made I will cry as well so yeah that's basically my line very claustrophobic one space not really it's more like organized clutter which I like that look alone yeah it's like this so much stuff but both of you guys have really organized with everything but let's it looks for the rest of them yeah [Music] I put for me because we don't have a his-and-her sink how does he have the sugar yeah this is this is the alternative to that oh no this is like I don't know like we all here live in Japan so this is normal for us but I know I got a lot of comments from people when I did a couple videos when I was in here and they're like oh why are you putting the water like in there I'm not in the bathtub yeah this this is where you take a shower and then this is where you take a bath it's totally fun you see that drain right there everything goes right there and then you sit on the stool which I know sounds uncomfortable for people thinking of this on a chair you know break yourself into it when you when you visit and you will start to actually really like it let's go to the living room and kitchen this is my house so yeah this is our kitchen um yeah yeah I just actually recently started like redecorating it because I wanted like a very bright look so lots of whites and grays in here also I just did a spice rack here nice yes so I went to like dice oh and I got like a bunch of these so each one was like a dollar so I just put all the spices in here and it looks really good you got a three burner stove yes yeah and this sees a lot of cooking specifically from me but Joey makes a pretty good pasta what kind of pasta I make a chicken and asparagus Jenna busy well one thing you can cook it it's a little face all right no so he makes the rice when I asked him to nice they think yeah actually speaking of space we just want this thing so it comes out like that oh yeah and then we'd have an Alexa over here so Alexa bleh Pikachu I don't know okay cool we have a water dispenser oh yeah yeah this is their name oh yeah because this is an office all right I'm just gonna get myself a cup of cold BAM wait BAM wait Bam Bam wait oh I can't but like see like I make Joey Eggs Benedict a lot and people wonder how i poach an egg now I can poach it the traditional way in a pot but this saves you so much time I got it at Daiso so it's an egg poacher yeah it is specifically for poaching eggs so you crack the egg in here and then you like poke a hole in the oak just a very small hole and then you put a little bit of water and salt in it then you put in your microwave for an X amount of time and it will do it perfectly every single time this the living room this is a recent thing we added to the living room would you like a peanut bite oh thank you can have a peanut by the way you look at this thing oh yeah so this is a painting from minakami Takashi oh oh is like a really famous Japanese artist Tina step around yeah yeah it's very famous very famous stuff so we managed to get a painting of his signed as well which is done so it was really hard to find a frame for this because we originally wanted a round frame but we found out that custom round frames can go for like six hundred bucks or so so we just got a square on and then we got a bunch of crap around the TV just giant Keyblade so Joey showed you his prized possession that is mine Matt it's pretty dope because it lights up and makes sounds oh oh wow the TV no budget so I thought this was just a book when I got a thrift store open it oh oh you wanna cry to stop dabbing it's that's basically our house awesome yeah okay so I got a few questions for you guys about the place and just spend some whatever you feel comfortable so um I was wondering how big is this place cuz it's pretty spacious it is spacious it's a thrill DK and I believe square meters it's like plenty of space for two people are you comfortable giving a range of what price it is well it's probably not as expensive as people are thinking it to be because we live outside of Tokyo if we had a place like this in Tokyo we like to screw back yeah we won't say how much it is a month right now but if it was in Tokyo it would go for maybe 2 to 3 km oh yeah like I'd say like 3 to 4 K yeah yeah so it's not that much so you outside Tokyo can you tell us like what you like about the area that you're living in you know as long as I've been here like I've never really lived in like central - yeah it's convenient as it is I just don't like how easy and you can just that it all gets yeah so like the good thing about here is that way more quiet yeah especially for where we are and especially for how convenient the area it's like a 10-minute walk from the station and in the station that we're at can go straight into Tokyo right there so that's really really nice and with your your apartment in particular is anything specifically about it that like is your favorite thing I mean I like the fact that we have our own now yeah because again I like my old place cuz I was like a one-day-old ek last time so like I didn't even have my own office and I was the only one living there and when every time he came to visit she didn't have space violence and now we have so much more space which means we have so much more room to customize it and make it look our own yeah and I think we've done a pretty good job of that when I showed my parents the way that I did this apartment they're like oh you made it very American or whatever because they're like it's not something they thought I had a cool tattoo and everything like but I can't I can't sit on the floor right yeah I consider for a limited time but I'm like crazy I'm like I think I think what they meant is just say oh we expected Japanese so like we didn't think you'd make it so not I kind of like to think it's kind of like a hot light a halfway point and you know I think most Japanese people don't live like traditionally I think yeah like modern and living quite I guess list of living in like a hundred-year-old house yeah yeah but as far as the design goes I think like I like lots of space yeah cuz I want room debris that's why you don't actually see a lot of anime stuff outside from our rooms if you haven't noticed this is more like the gaming room so I don't mind there being a keyblade everything but when people watch our videos they expect like the house to be completely otaku and only you have no idea how how overwhelming that would be yeah yeah well yeah I think that's everything say thanks you guys for having me over no no it's great I'm gonna hang out for a bit longer but you guys have to go you gotta leave the house get out get out I feel so much for watching I will see you and video sometime soon get out house bye you know please [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Tokyo Creative
Views: 1,483,573
Rating: 4.9628496 out of 5
Keywords: Tokyo Creative, Tokyo Creative Play, Tokidoki Traveller, Tokyo Creative Talk, Japan, Japan entertainment, funny, humor, super fun, apartment tour japan, big apartment japan, japan homes, living in japan, the anime man, akidearest
Id: Bwp50z5Lma0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 07 2019
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