Will we leave Japan? Why or why not? [Ft. JakenbakeLIVE]

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hey guys welcome to TCT time today why don't we actually eat the snacks today because we always have them on the table and we never touched when we forget to you but we get so it's so I don't know it's kind of turning is that our food going I wanted to talk about today why we came to Japan like I think Japan is a place a lot of people want to come to it's kind of a blood people's goal in life to like come with Japan a little bit why'd you guys go clean no no I missed that house it doesn't miss what you said what did you say anyway why did you guys pick Japan and then also why we stay that's what today is about my we stayed how about you so how about you you're still new in Japan yeah what brought you here so when I was in high school I always wanted to study abroad somewhere and I was trying to decide where I wanted to go when I kind of realized that I liked anime I liked video games I liked all these different things that had to do with Japan so I feel like it wasn't one thing that made me want to come to Japan it was kind of just seeing like the architecture and seeing people having fun in Japan that mean we want to come and I wanted to learn Japanese like during the beginning of college so once I started learning Japanese that was when I was like I should probably actually go there and maybe stay there for a while so I can become fluent in another language because I wanted to be bilingual so I kind of just chose Japan and I was like I want to stay here because I want to language em you like be fluent basically right and that's the best thing to do if you want to learn language you should go to the country ideally just immerse yourself yeah did that work for you like did you feel that when you came here you could pick up so much more yeah cuz I feel like I was already in maybe I finish like Japanese six at UCLA at the time and I was kind of flat towing like I knew a lot of stuff but I wasn't really using it anywhere like I could do good on the tests and stuff but I couldn't speak to Japanese people that often so when I got here I felt like I learned everything so much faster cuz I see kanji everywhere and then I have to use Japanese every day so it was definitely gotten a lot better living here definitely that's a big thing like I didn't I couldn't read any country when I first came to Japan I could read the hiragana katakana yeah but kanji I couldn't and then I basically picked it up just by seeing all the signs and like train station names eventually you learn it so being here is like super important was that the same for you guys did you come here to like learn the language how about you yeah yes uh my stories like because like one layer deeper because actually in my last semester at college I I took Chinese 101 Wow and because of that actually ended up living in China for tears and I learned Chinese first and that experience kind of like changed my mindset on my life actually positive way and a serious note which is great to see but actually um yeah I learned a lot like open my mind and I open my eyes to see the world in a different way and I went back to American I was working for a year this is just like this is just less than two years ago and I was like wow like I'm like my experience in China learning a new language just meeting these people like just seeing how the world is outside of this normal you know path that a lot of people would take was so just so like invigorating or like it just really made me feel I don't have a lot of value to me I want to learn a new language so I just literally wanted I picked between a Japanese and Korean because I thought of Japanese and Korean friends from when I lived in China mm-hmm I chose Japan just cuz I mean I guess likes a little simple reason like it was just really like the cleanliness I like coming here traveled here a few times that feeling was great and I Japanese friends quit my job just went to language school and like saved my money I just came and so I came to my Japanese originally and it was making its mainly it's not just our language wasn't for business or anything it wasn't it wasn't even just for anything specific odor than I just felt like for me it just it's a super valuable thing in life is to learn languages to open up those doors as a whole now to group of people that can communicate with and I learned this when I lived in China before so like a second journey for me I guess like to experience the world in a new way yeah yeah that's kind of amazing me you just like dropped everything in America and everyone said I'm stupid I'm actually like whoa that takes a lot of guts just outweigh it like the feeling I had in China was so great like being abroad uncomfortable everyday like that you learned so fast the part of China Shanghai and I knew like kind of language learning is like if you want to learn a language I you know you can learn in school like like you did but you come here just like chewing and listening you're like seems like you're not really maybe the whole time but yeah so it seems like to be a big thing like people who want to learn the language the culture is really appealing in Japan so well know anything lots of people around the world are like familiar with Japanese culture to a certain extent tell me you have to learn the language right because they don't allow them to speak English here so it's true that for soon you're not going to like some country English still it's kind of well are you used right mm-hmm but it's change like we talked about this in an earlier video - yeah a lot of people here do speak English now yeah there's a lot of foreigners so I feel like a lot of people who are here especially at university they don't talk to anyone that speaks Japanese like a lot of my friends like they were here for four months and didn't like anything they just spoke to English people or people who spoke English all day yeah so and maybe they learn a few little things just like like how much is this or something else and or whatever which is a trap too followed by the way don't do yeah yeah you can really live in your little boring bubble here if you want to like you can work in places where everyone speaks English like English schools or go to an English faculty in a university all your friends are gonna be like Edo and then party Roppongi like it'll be kind of hard for you if you wanna come here and learn something meaningful try and make Japanese friends would probably be the thing go yeah well what about you why did you decide to come to Japan it's kind of weird like I feel all three of us are different we are we're all pretty different good umm well mine's way different cuz I'm from like my Japanese heritage side mm-hmm so because my mom lived in was born and live lived in Tokyo mm-hmm I'm not I think maybe you're more similar right because you're kind of international parented right yeah so it's kind of weird it's like my mom you know what the funny part is my hope my mom is watch this video my mom she's how they get this grammars just tell me these family games we're basically we used to play like pictionary like you don't to write something right mm-hmm it's kind of funny because we always knew what what lying with my mom's because it grandma but we really should say something greater you know she'll not just singing it with a plural you know it's kind of like sauce my mom that's kind of weird like you know growing up in America yeah it's a melting pot but you don't recognize like yo why is your English weird you make it because speaking country so I kinda wanted to understand what my mom came from you know like what you know she's born in a different country that I know idea about besides like you're not been here before Oh we'd okay just once just from when I was in sixth grade very short I don't know much but basically like I don't I just kind of weird like as a as a junior high school kid knowing that your mom's from different country but I'm not going why not full Japanese so freely I should like it yeah yeah so then my n about my grandparents was some like oh my grandpa to my mom's side they only spoke Japanese to me like I can't like this culture identity or how like we're in America if you're speaking Japanese to me about I know the work Japanese I don't know Jap in Japan right yeah you don't know it's a theme yeah and so anyways I always set aside I always have this like in my life so that's why I want to come here and then always kind of got inspired by like tilted all thinking that I was coming it's variation I was like kind of like yo where the rice field and where the granny said I like you the nice like shocked and so anyways I I want I loved my study abroad here I study at one year in Kyoto and then my my mom was like I'm almost like it's very different when you're working though so then I was like I will prove you wrong was she right she was soso was correct a lot of things that she was saying was more because when she was living was 40 years ago when Japan was more strict mm-hmm Thanks that's true that's a good point like things have changed like working culture has changed a lot it's a lot more it's a little bit more relaxed no depending on where you work we talked about then another video so check that out yeah but then so you came here um kind of to connect with your family roots that was more or less the same with me because I'm also half Japanese half Canadian and I used to visit Japan as in the summers and it could speak a little bit of Japanese I knew my Japanese grandparents pretty well but I'd never properly lived here and I wanted to kind of know what it was like to live in another country my grandparents also recommended that I just go to school here so I was like oh yeah sure maybe I will how about you you you're here no yes how long have you been here for like a year and I really care if I go one year in language school and now now do like live streaming on Twitch and that's kind of doing it somehow just worked out and now all the time so you see yourself like staying here pretty long-term uh my my short-term like vision is to be living in Tokyo until at least after the Olympics someone to that some you're so awesome like you're more that experienced that and be able to like be some that's creating like contact that are watching this stuff like asset as that approaches right after that decide the next step I mean right now it's like a home basic I'm traveling around a lot countries right now actually to not only just in Japan nice but so awesome yeah nothing to stay here people are interested in Japan I love being here like showing people in Japan do my like weird my weird way it's like super weird it's really weird but people like that so like I don't know I hope I can debut that and uh yeah I mean I think it's good you can give them that like insider look into Japan which is what everybody wants like what is real Tokyo what is real Japan and you kind of give them the live like drawing stuff it's gets weird I know but so it's cool that you are enjoying it enough you would stay oh yeah for a while at least for another two years yeah what where do you think you go after I don't have a plan like I have a long term vision this is like maybe different the topic my long-term vision is to be like a stuffed Anthony Bourdain that travels the world and livestreams like my experiences in other countries so awesome everybody thinks me is just Japan and I can you just think I'm just Asia like that's just cuz it's regionally like it's some nearby right I don't like to go everywhere like I totally like to go all over the place that's like a dream job yeah like going around the world and eating eating amazing food I mean those fake Instagram multi-level marketing guys who say like I want to learn how to travel the world me and my wife will follow my ten easy steps and pay $50,000 to their now I didn't offend any Instagram travel bloggers people you know oh no I don't do that do you do that no none of us like that oh I'm sorry to like shut you shut these people down thank you sticker what percentage do you think you would stay in Japan forever yeah listen we'll take her asked you what am I getting married in Japan we don't know I'm just saying so just to think about it think about your future think about what percentage with all these question marks what percentage still would you want to try to live in Japan forever good question I think it's like 40% 40% so what's that one so what my question is was a 6% I'll just back that the 60% is like if I get married if I marry someone who doesn't want to live in Japan and then the thing is like I like America to like but it's not like I'm in love with America like I like America aligned I like Japan a lot but it's not like either one is like way higher than the other so I think yeah if I got married and then I feel like if I had kids here if they're half Japanese I'd be worried that they're gonna get bullied in school I don't want them to have to deal with that cuz like its chin America they don't know I don't think people really experience too much enough but I've heard like a lot of my friends that are half Japanese like they have a lot of like issues in school especially like elementary middle school so I'd want to prevent that so that I would just be worried about that I guess hopefully does sort of change the next yeah yes then I guess I wouldn't like think about that but I think those two things like I get married and kids yeah that's it I mean no bad things like and there was there was a 40% day yeah yeah safety and then it's really easy to get around and I feel like like Japanese culture I like I like Japanese culture and I feel like the people that live here they travel a lot and they're kind of open to learning about other cultures and I feel like in America a lot of people aren't open in that way like being really stuck in this American bubble and they're like oh my gosh why would you like go to this country why would you travel there why would you do that you know so I think here people are just like oh you want to go to like Ireland there we go that's awesome yeah so I like that mentality that's true it's a little mix though like it depends it's just depend on the person like I do know a lot of Japanese people who've never set foot outside the country like I like opposite yeah way too close and where I'm coming I like baby we're just cuz le so big yeah I've been around here like a lot of my friends that are Japanese like they're just like oh I'm going to Sweden next week and I'm like what whoa I'm like wait why I'm like oh I just have a friend there and I'm like so weird so I guess it just depends true and like your school international yeah I think students being a student in Japan is the time where they would like travel and go out and like have fun that's true yeah that could be part of it we may be there in that sort of environment at school they're more likely to be going out there yeah how about you 5% 5% you would stay in Japan so for me the reason the reason for forever if you say the next five years to me like 90% but forever for 5% because for me you know having the experience of teaching English in Japan I honestly do not like the Japanese ecosystem I would not want my child ever to experience the kind of the upbringing of the educational system in Japan just because it's so controlled by the you know sensei I this sensei's ya Gong see this kind of hierarchy system mm-hmm the school I was brought up that school I went to in Los Angeles was all about expression there's no such thing as a wrong answer express yourself but you know Japanese was there all you saw American but honestly when people said I'm like thank God haven't lost my American roots because I don't want to be in a position where you say how do you feel today today ok what you want to go I don't know right like how do you express what are you angry just dressed like right and they can't explain express that yeah I I honestly do not like that at all so this is despite the safety the low crime rate the staple job you can get you know even if you're not making that much fun it's still you can live a great job for me as a as I become a father I would not want my children yeah that's true I mean to be fair though um like it depends on what you want out of an education system cuz Japan does have a good education system in it they're they're very strong and like mathematics those kind of things way more than the US when it's black and white blue yeah I hit that gray zone when you're talking about critical reading right out just out the way it just depends what you value in learning like Japan is more analytical like memorizing things so they're very good at studying and memorizing facts I think that's also a really good skill to have um growing up in Canada as well I didn't really grow up like reading really good at studying and trying to know how to like memorize things but in Japan they learn that still at a very young age which is also kind of a good thing and they're very like diligent about studying so kids go home after school study I was very just 3 which is that's a great thing too as a kid like you should have that freedom so you like you like at 95% huh Oh what's your percentage that was really good yes I was gonna say like 90 percent really you know leave her that you'd say I would say 90 percent you see yeah so I think so yeah cuz um I've been here for nine years I've lick surpassed that you know there's that some people see you for like years and then they'll be like now I'm done like I'm tired of it but I think I've surpassed that yeah yeah nine years later I think I just see myself continuing on this path and like the stuff that I want to do is here and if you met the main the main thing for me like the opportunities that I want to do as a bilingual Japanese in English speaker the opportunities are so plentiful in Tokyo so yes yeah I really like when I go home I feel come on vacation I come back here I feel like it's my home but I'm kind of still unlike this long journey like I don't know where I'm gonna set roots but I would say very very I would say 70% if things work out the way things are going that I will have a summer to stay your meaning that like I would like to have a probably like nine months of the year you have to be I think it's just because I think if I go down if I go to the pather I'm gonna you know have get married and have kids one day in LA I think how would you feel comfortable to I guess do that wear a bra around bro and but I'm like super I guess I'm super open to being having Faye's having a having a root here having us enjoy a station here right so I mean I always try to but long-term yeah maybe that there you go back home but so if you were to stay what would keep you here exactly like why would you want to stay here there's the reason I moved here is like still the boobies are still exist like what I when I came into traveling I've heard this with a lot of people just that initial time I came here like other than just the very surface of that everyone can say which is cleanliness their respect or everyone's a nice you know the transportation the organization yeah other than all that really what keeps me ears like it's just weird I'm up and getting like all of spiritual on it it's like this weird feeling like it's a horror that maybe all of Japan has but Tokyo specifically has this like or that in like drew me in I was like when I left here the first time I was like did you like it something about Tokyo like got me again when I left I was like okay I'm like the same week I got back I was like what am I going back Shea's it's okay they're still fresh are they where the your magic they say that's real life basically at that five-year mark the other like oh my god you pad don't want to get out and and once you pass that five years you're more like four or five years you're still not even I would say I would say are still honeymoon carry no I'm never gonna in that that's what they all say we go I have a surpassed it right except for its good and bad yeah like but if for me I think it's different because I do have those like cultural roots here too and I do a family here so yeah easier for me to to decide to be here like if all my family was in Canada still that'd probably be a bigger reason for me to go back eventually labor to have kids probably better to be close to family but half of my family's here it would still kind of be doable for me I wouldn't be like totally isolated it would make sense I mean that's what it is but family where your family is is kind of a big thing yeah I mean going up what Jake actually said so we just try to wrap it up that I kind of like I I really felt the past year or so was especially when you're trying to talk about a remember when we were seven and that TV show came up you can't have a conversation with the jacket someone who's used to born by race in Japan because the for me it's hard it's really difficult to have a really deep conversation with someone here and I've realized that over the past seven years how long I've been here yeah and when I go back to America the conversation like deepness I don't know that the feeling is so different it's like an America you feel like oh my god I can yeah yeah yeah you know really I you don't have to pay you don't feel that because know a lot of you if you made me have complete different cultures and honestly I miss that where's like you know Steph Curry let's go to a warrior's game Luminess but we don't go basketball here in Japan right you do you like actually saw your thing recent movie theaters you know in LA everyone was movie theaters yeah Japan it's not a thing really but I mean I think it's like you go hang up your friends every time shopping my why cuz is it movies here they're shopping you can just many do you like those little things it's kinda like your your life just kind of your way of living ships and all sudden it feels like yeah it doesn't feel comfortable at least for me and so I think you don't realize it until you actually stay here for so long and you go back to America home like it's always right yeah it's nice to have those things that you're just like oh my god like that's so much nostalgia like things you go back you forgot about those things and it brings you back so nice feeling you can find your like community or your face here there might be more reasons for you to stay like you can get the good parts of Tokyo the cleanliness the politeness the great respectful culture but also a little bit of that nostalgia from home you can find it here thank you if you want to but yeah so I mean I think it's a little bit about why we like Japan but also why we stayed and maybe why we we can stay it's kind of what happened to the conversation but that's okay because it's tea time and we can talk about oh we can go topic a little bit if we went to but things can get weird in some videos I hope you guys enjoyed listening us listening to us talking listening us to talking to listening but I hope you guys enjoyed it and let us know if you have anything or any ideas of things you want us to talk about in the next video cuz we'll talk about anything that you want to suck that that was a lot of talking and we'll talk about anything I'm tell your creative talk time yeah at least get the name right yeah you get somebody hears you say so we're excited for the comments and that right alright thank you guys see the next [Music]
Channel: Tokyo Creative Talk
Views: 29,306
Rating: 4.956151 out of 5
Keywords: TCTT, TC Tea Time, Tokyo Creative talk, tokyo, japan, why stay in japan?, staying in japan, jakenbake, lesweetpea, is staying in japan worth it?, living in japan, life in japan, experiences in japan, what its like living in japan, worth staying in japan, jakenbakelive, japanese
Id: k0yu31tYHB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 43sec (1663 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 05 2019
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