The Time I Got Scammed for All My Money

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today i wanted to tell a story i recently told on stream about the time i got scammed for all of the money i had at the time i must have been 18 maybe 19. i was definitely still a virgin when this happened not that that's pertinent to the story but just a little bit of lore there a little side note and my friend andrew had come visit come to visit me so we could party at my university but unfortunately when he came up there were no parties and if there were we certainly weren't invited the lacrosse bros did did not want the gamer nerds coming in so i've got my buddy andrew over and he's just eating [ __ ] reese's cups as we're doing nothing except playing like tekken tag tournament two and then eventually we decided to find something else to do and we found a carnival that had rolled into town it was like one of those pop-up shop carnivals where they transport everything in on like a dilapidated school bus so they scooted in and they set up shop nearby and were like well [ __ ] it we're not doing anything else let's go to this carnival and i swear to god when we got there it looked like something out of courage the cowardly dog this place looked haunted and we were pre basically the only customers there there was like a few children or at least the spirits of children that were there like hanging out and they were riding the only ride at this carnival which was one of those spinning rides that it was like this giant horrifying metal contraption that just looked like a medieval torture device it looked like a [ __ ] transformer that had gotten hit with a stick of dynamite it looked so rusted and gross i have no doubt that was just a tetanus disaster waiting to happen i don't even know if those kids are even alive anymore if they wrote that [ __ ] thing but that's about all they had that one ride and then a ton of shady carnival games not like the fun goofy ones that you can actually win you know like the basketball one or shooting water into a target they had only the rigged ones that you can't win under any circumstances so this was less of a carnival that came in and more of just like a rolling scam that travels but of course i'm 18 19 years old at the time i'm a virgin so all i'm really thinking about is titties and how i'm not seeing them so you know i i kind of disregard that and i'm going around with andrew and we're playing a few of the games of course we're not winning anything not even like those tiny stuffed animals we're getting nothing all we're the closest thing we're getting to a prize is stepping on a used condom in the parking lot like there's just really nothing that we're accomplishing we're just wasting money and wasting time to reiterate the location it was literally in a parking lot in between two condemned buildings that was the location this [ __ ] barren wasteland looked like something out of the fallout universe it would have been less gross to just wander through catacombs because at least then we wouldn't have been losing money doing it but i came to this with like 200 dollars in my wallet or something like that and we were playing through these games not winning and i'd gone down like 50 or 60 bucks i don't remember exactly what but it was a lot like we were spending a lot of time just indulging in this filthy sin now before i get to like the actual meet here of when i lost all my money and how this all happened i want to drive home a point i'm not exactly like a super gullible person i don't think i like to imagine like i'm a grisly chiseled man with hair on my sack because as an avid runescape player i know how to recognize a scam i started playing runescape in 2005 and i got used like a fleshlight on that game i was falling for a lot of scams i once gave my [ __ ] password away to a guy who said that he didn't think my password was cool so to prove him wrong i just gave him my password in order to impress him and then i lost my account to him like i i was scammed a lot and it was an invaluable lesson it taught me when someone's trying to take advantage of me how to recognize a scammer and just like all of these red flags that should go off in people's heads when they're faced with a scam uh you know i think every child should be scammed at some point teach them a valuable lesson they don't need to lose their house or anything or like get wrapped up with a crypto gambling scam or whatever but you know maybe just like a small scale scam for candy you know teach them a little something that i always believed that the lessons i learned in runescape through getting scammed would be very helpful and so far they have been but on that day nothing could have prepared me for the scam that i was going to encounter at that godforsaken carnival the game was the toss of ball off a backboard make it land in a bucket and you win one of the jumbo prizes like the [ __ ] wumbo sized unicorns and bears and [ __ ] so for those that don't know the game is a wooden backboard it's a big circle and it's at an angle slanted this way underneath it is a basket that's poking out just enough for a ball to bounce off the backboard and fall in the basket and you only have to do it one time and you win the biggest prize so this carnival's not very big obviously andrew and i had passed this a few times and it wasn't like there was some heavenly glow on it like this is the game for me this is the one i want to play but as we passed it for like the third or fourth time the dude finally calls over he's like you guys are just wandering around come over here let's just like talk and hang out and you know we weren't doing anything so we'll come flirt with this guy whatever and he's just so charismatic we're just talking shooting the [ __ ] i think he brought up sports and at the time i was like a sports fan so we talked a little bit and then he just started talking about his game he's like if you guys want to play you can just like play this game it's five dollars for three throws you know might as well and we'll just keep talking i was like that's a good deal five dollars three throws and it looks really easy and he's like well i don't want you to think that this is like rigged or anything i want to show you that this can be done because you know he must have seen us losing so he demonstrated that it could be done so he walks up he's like a little off off to the side of where i'm standing where i have to stand to shoot and he bounces it off the backboard first try right in the bucket he's like yeah i can do this all day picks up the ball does it again picks up the ball does it again he does it like three times in a row it's like okay this game looks really easy so then he hands me the the balls it's an absolute disaster i'm sticking my dick in my own ass i can't get a single ball even close to the bucket no matter how lightly i throw it or where i'm hitting the backboard for some reason it's like it's being shot out of a cannon once it hits that backboard and it's not making any sense to me because i'm doing like the exact same thing he is i'm putting a little spin on it it's just not getting the job done nothing's working and then he hits me with this proposition for ten dollars i'll give you ten throws and i'll give you your money back from this round and the previous round and still give you the big prize i was like what in tarnation this is the nicest guy on earth what a great deal 10 throws 10 and i get all of my money back plus the big prize what am i waiting for i'm [ __ ] losing money not playing right now how am i going to say no to this that right there is a huge red flag i didn't know this until well after the fact this is a well-known carnival scam when they start saying you could win your money back they're they're doing that because they know you can't the game is rigged he shows me again he's like hey let me just make sure you know that you can do this just do it just like this so then he just makes it five more times right in front of me like it just shows that it is very easily achievable hands me the balls i go through all 10 balls nothing even close like sometimes you can get it to bounce off the backboard and hit the basket inside but the ball's so light that it bounces right out like every single time so now i'm 15 in the shooter and i'm feeling really bad andrew's trying to be like the guardian angel on my shoulder like charlie let's just go ahead and leave you're not gonna make this it's it's clearly too difficult and there's some trick to it you don't know and i took that as a challenge i'm like excuse me [ __ ] what did you say to me you said i can't do this sign me up for another round let's ride and it's the same deal he doubled the price again so twenty dollars for ten balls but i can win my money back so for twenty dollars i can win my fifteen dollars back and then i'm back where i started and everything's good and i get the big prize so again i go through all 10 balls nothing nothing at all now this is a lot of money again this was 200 that's everything i had in my wallet that's everything i had at the time for spendable cash so this is a lot of money that i am uh juggling around here we didn't go to the carnival with the intent to spend a lot but just getting wrapped up in boredom and just like the will to not keep being a loser at the carnival just kept me spinning so after the twenty dollars i'm like jesus christ what is going on you know it's definitely a me problem i've seen this [ __ ] guy do it you know ten times now now let me paint a picture of the guy for you because it's not like he was some kind of athlete where it's like oh this guy he probably plays in the nba he's just got real talent no this guy had a body like a bag of hot dogs like he is not some guru of backboard bouncing or anything so clearly if he can do it i should also be able to do it anyone should be able to do it he so he demonstrates it's possible again he's like bro look i really hate to see you lose this much money i'm not gonna double the price this time look just give me another twenty dollars give you ten more throws and you can win all your money back and i'll still give you the prize i'm like thank you for being such a nice guy damn near wanted to lean over and pat him on the ass i was like man this guy what a saint so i give him another 20 and i do my 10 throws and you know how the story goes it doesn't go in none of them go in they're not even close so at this point now what am i 55 60 down almost and it's been like half an hour of just this andrew's sitting there watching this whole train wreck happen and it's just it's not getting any better the guy's gone from charming to full-blown scam mode he like completely drops the facade of being nice after like the second time i did 20 dollars for 10 throws he's like yeah you want to do 20 more you can win your money back you probably want that money back so he starts guilting me into it i'm like he's right i need that money back so i give him another twenty dollars i go through the balls it's not even close i lose again and i'm sweating i am sweating so [ __ ] hard andrew is begging me not to keep playing the game but i'm seeing red now and it i i can't stop i have to so i do 20 again for another 10 throws to try and win my money back i don't do it i fail again this [ __ ] like this this guy is still just prodding still trying to squeeze every cent out of me i'm just this dude's little dirty [ __ ] rag that he's ringing out and getting some money from so we continue for another like 15 20 minutes or however long it was it felt like an eternity and i'm down to my last twenty dollars in my wallet and you know i i'm praying you know [ __ ] give that twenty dollars it's a kiss and i spend it i i rolled the dice i went for it one more time and i don't win i'm now completely out of money i tell him that and i start to just ask if he could just give me some of it back i'm desperate i i wanted some of it back i i needed some of it back and he's like bro i just can't do that my boss would be really mad at me if i'd let that happen but look there's an atm over like it was like a couple blocks away told me the location is like just go to the atm get get some more money come back and i i will absolutely show you the the perfect tricks you're just not getting the technique right and i'll show you what you're doing wrong so this piece of [ __ ] tried to get me to go to an atm to get more money out to keep playing his game which was rigged there was no way to win from the start i i'm shocked he didn't try and get me to sign some kind of contract with blood this [ __ ] demon and i strongly considered it i did because that that's a lot of money it was like 140 that i spent on that game 200 in total at that [ __ ] carnival but on that game in particular there was 140 right in the goddamn toilet right into that stinky dumpster and i needed that back like i i really wanted that back but andrew talked me out of actually going to get more money from the atm like from savings or something and i didn't go back i just i ate the loss that to date is one of like the most shameful moments slash scams of my life now it wasn't until way after the fact in fact even on stream is where i learned how he was actually able to do it i thought that i remembered on one of those shows that bust carnival games that are rigged i thought the reason he was able to make it and i wasn't was the angle he was able to throw from he was able to throw much closer than i was in this game there is a line that you have to throw behind there is like a little barrier that you have to throw from behind that in order to to participate and i thought that was the key he was closer than i was and that's how he's able to ricochet it off every time into the basket but it's actually deeper than that that does play a role but he actually used a heavier ball he didn't use the exact same balls that he gave me his ball was weighted more so when it bounced off the backboard it didn't fly as far so he was able to get it off the backboard into the basket and have it stay in the basket and that's why mine couldn't do it it was something i never noticed at the time that he wasn't using the same balls he was giving me he had a heavier one or a heavier set to use so even if i went and somehow found a thousand dollars to put into that game that night i would have never had a chance of winning my money back despite this guy showing me the how it was done and promising me that if i just made one single ball in that bucket i'd get all my money back and all the problems would be solved i still absolutely despise that guy i hold the grudge on that [ __ ] it takes a lot to scam someone right to their face especially like an 18 year old college student who is telling you how much the money means to him and for you to knowingly keep misleading them and make them believe they can win it back and that you're a good guy like you're a giant piece of [ __ ] besides the obvious lesson i learned from this experience i also learned how to [ __ ] them in the ass the games that aren't rigged i mastered i decided i want to win all their big prizes because [ __ ] them i'm able to win their biggest prizes on my first try and i just give those prizes away to people at the carnival so i never feel scammed again it's definitely petty but it's a little bit of revenge for what the carnival took from me on that night so i posted this video a few years ago and it's showing me winning like the basketball game in the beer bottle game for the giant prizes both of these games are also rigged in favor of the carnival but i was able to master the way of doing them so the basketball game the rim is an oval instead of a circle so you have to have an absolutely perfect high arcing shot in order for it to make it and for the beer bottle game you have to lean at the right time and the right like distance lean and you can stand it up every time so i master these games i get the big prizes and i give that [ __ ] away just that way they lose a little bit of money on those prizes a little bit of pettiness from charlie i'm like the [ __ ] batman of carnivals so yeah anyway i just wanted to share this story maybe it'll be like educational for someone out there but at the end of the day i just thought it was a fun story i'm over it now i still don't like the guy who did that to me but yeah i just thought it was worth sharing that's about it see ya
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 1,280,317
Rating: 4.9786797 out of 5
Id: 2nlshOsJe7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 25 2021
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