Youtuber Apology Tier List

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this episode was brought to you by opera gx we all love youtuber apologies and if you're thinking to yourself charlie i don't like youtuber apologies well then you're lying to yourself and more importantly you're lying to me and you make me sick to my [ __ ] stomach make me want to spit everybody loves youtuber apologies it's a timeless classic and a staple on the internet nobody says i'm sorry more than youtubers youtubers apologize more than a child whose parents just caught him with his hand in the cookie jar so today i'll be looking at some famous youtuber apologies and slapping them on a tier list so get a box of tissues out cause some of these are real tear jerkers the first apology we'll be looking at is actually historically significant it is the fine brothers react apology this was kind of the progenitor of youtube apologies and really set the bar low extremely low for every apology that would soon follow and it really just kind of kicked everything off really the genesis of youtubers apologizing now the fine brothers react channel is kind of like a fossil these days because luckily people have finally stopped watching that god-awful show and in 2016 the fine brothers were at the height of their popularity the react series is basically where they just take random people kids teens adults sit them down and show them memes and then ask them one question what did you think of the video and that's the entire show and it went on for years and it used to be super popular when the internet was still this magical mystical thing nobody understood and the fine brothers in all their greed with little dollar signs in their eyes like mr krabs decided let's copyright this the fine brothers themselves are personalityless androids and when they saw the youtube community start to react to content they began to panic and get a little swamp ass going in their diaper with cold sweat so they did what they thought was the only play they could do try and capitalize off it by copywriting the react format because all they have is the react format because they can't rely on themselves actually like being entertaining so they just pull in random people to react to [ __ ] and react is the wrong word because people just sit there silently and then say yep video was good it's dog [ __ ] i've never liked the react series but that that's what they had and when other people were reacting to videos and adding personality to them they wanted to get their fingers into that pie so they wanted to copyright it and you'd have to go through them for their react format they called it and it just led to this whole big mess where the internet was outraged like how can you trademark and copyright reacting to something and making jokes about something like they don't own that and in their announcement about it with react world they just use very vague terms which scared everyone that made them think they were going to strike down any videos that reacted to anything it was just a huge mess and they never really did a good job explaining it but they did do an apology where they basically just said it's your fault for not understanding our huge iq play and in their apology video they come off extremely insincere and like tommy wiseau levels of acting the fine bros have actually made a movie of their own called f the prom and it's a terrible [ __ ] movie and it looked like this was an audition for roles in the movie from these two it is really poorly acted it seems and it just came across as like three minutes of them just blaming the audience and they even said things like we should have used simpler analogies to help you better understand what was going on making it sound like everyone was just so [ __ ] dumb that we couldn't quite comprehend their galaxy brain analogies and they needed to put it in a simpler terms for us like oh imagine react content is the vegetable paste on your mother's spoon and she's flying the airplane into your mouth and that mouth is the react world you know it's just it was just a garbage apology and for that i'm giving it a nice b tier because on the the tier list of youtuber apologies i think this one is historically significant i genuinely believe this was where it all started this was the patient zero of youtuber apologies and they did an incredible job of setting the tone for how shitty youtuber apologies would be from this point forward but one thing you'll never have to feel sorry about is your web browser i'm talking today about a new browser called opera gx which is the first web browser designed for gamers with gamers at the forefront of every design choice now i'm not saying that using opera gx is going to improve your kd and make you a world championship in your favorite esports game i'm just saying if you do happen to improve your kd and become a world champion while using opera gx it's probably not a coincidence opera gx has a ton of changes to classic web browsers that make it much better for gaming performance for example let's say you're kicking back and having a hard gaming session you have a ton of tabs open on chrome some of them are playing music that can oftentimes lag your game and just tank the performance but that's not going to happen with opera gx with a feature called gx control you can have a bunch of tabs open without hurting your gaming performance the panel lets users limit their cpu or ram that they're willing to let their browser use there's also a network limiter which limits network bandwidth used by opera gx so you can gain performance in games and streams there's twitch and discord integration which allows you to log in directly to those accounts just from the sidebar of the browser and you can design and customize the opera gx browser and another really cool feature is the force dark pages functionality which just puts pages you visit into dark mode so you're not just blasted by blinding light from some of the pages you visit so if you're interested in trying opera gx you can click the link in the description below to get started next up is tana mojo i don't really know why people watch her or what content she even makes three out of every four videos she uploads is her apologizing for some more terrible dumb [ __ ] that she does she's pretty much a magnet for every bad decision you can make online put into one person she's done a lot of racist [ __ ] in her past she had tanacon which was a complete disaster where she like rented out a small lobby in a hotel next to a dumpster or something and then people had to like snake around outside in the scorching heat and people were getting heat stroke and then when she finally showed up all she did was like twerk for 30 seconds and leave and nobody got what they were promised and it was a terrible disaster so she apologized for that for like eight videos and like six of them were shane dawson documentary series on it i mean her entire channel is like the netflix of apologies it would be impossible to choose one for the tier list so i'm just to put tana mojo on here as like an actual person because she is like a singularity for which all drama is sucked in and then turned into a terrible [ __ ] apology so tana mojo is going to sit on this tier list at a comfortable a tier tana mojo is constantly apologizing giving apology enthusiasts tons of content to work with she's apologizing for heinous [ __ ] that she's done because she continues to do terrible horrible things so she's got more terrible and horrible things to apologize for and she does it horribly i mean it is this incredible cycle of continuing to make mistakes and not taking responsibility for them but pretending that you kind of did it's it's incredible so when it comes to youtuber apologies she is the superstar nobody is apologizing more frequently than tana mojo and i don't think that's changing anytime soon she is holding that world title belt i imagine so easily an a tier youtube apologizer next up we have ricegum's apology for promoting a mystery box company aimed at getting kids to buy a box full of wet farts you get basically nothing out of the box for a high price and he fell into some hot water for promoting it and of course rice gum being the pathetic worm that he is makes an apology video where he basically just says it's not a big deal and you guys are wrong for getting outraged and then gives away some amazon gift cards that he personally used over a year ago so he didn't even give away valid amazon gift cards the man sucks this is an easy f tier rice gum himself is like a human f everything that man does is an f tier if a [ __ ] gas station toilet could speak it would have more interesting things to say than ricegum i've never liked him or his content i've always found him to be one of the biggest douchebags online so this one's very easy to just slap there at an f tier next up is t martin's famous apology for the cs go lotto scandal this involved more than just t martin it also involved syndicate and those were really the two big ones here a huge mess csgo lotto was a gambling site that was used for cs go and promoted by these people without them ever mentioning that they directly were involved with the site as owners and when this came to light i mean it's a big deal it's illegal to not disclose that you have an affiliation with that site or an ownership of the site and there's this huge outrage about it and t martin in response makes an apology video where he just brings his dog on he gives his dog some little nuzzles on the nose trying to make people seem like hey look i'm human too i love animal and then look in the background i have a [ __ ] monster truck parked outside because i'm richer than you because i scammed your kids on cs go it's a it's an apology video where he never takes responsibility he says that you know things like hey i made it clear i own the site i made it clear even though there's plenty of evidence to prove that it was never disclosed his actual involvement with the site and it was just a huge deal in the apology videos basically just spent with him rubbing wealth in the face of his audience and again blaming them for not knowing that he and his friends owned it so it's a great apology video because it does exactly what youtuber apologies aim to do which is take no responsibility and blame the audience for being dumb it seems like most youtubers think their audiences are the dumbest [ __ ] people on the planet so when they apologize it really comes out and t martin was pulling no punches with how dummy thought the people that watch him are and to be fair if you're still watching t martin you probably are pretty dumb t martin's apology i'm putting at a c tier because it's pretty much the epitome of a youtuber bad apology it hits all the beats and tries like bringing a dog in to make it more emotional which is like some south park [ __ ] it really went in on being a bad apology so i think that's definitely a comfortable c tier next up we have one of the most entertaining apology videos laura lee's apology video where she was apologizing for racist tweets that surfaced from her past laura lee gets on camera and does her absolute best to summon tears from her eyes for five minutes she's trying to be like a tear sorcerer where she's trying her absolute best to just conjure a little moisture in her eyes to make it seem sincere that she's sorry for whatever she's apologizing for but she just can't do it so she does like little fake moans and like tries to wipe her eyes like scratch her eyes and make them forcefully you know leak some water and fluid but she just can't so it's five minutes of laura lee struggling to cry while trying to apologize and say how sorry she is it is a beautiful disaster of an apology video truly one of the best this easy s tier laura lee's apology absolutely an s tier it is it is wonderful and there's really nothing else like it in the apology uh community on youtube it's it's really some incredible stuff next one to slap on the tier list is jstation's apology following the stunt he pulled where he kills his girlfriend or his girlfriend was dead or something i've already [ __ ] forgotten to be honest all the j station [ __ ] is so incredibly stale it was fun at the time but it's just so played out and tired i don't even remember his apology and i don't feel like going back and watching it to be honest all i know is that if it's j station it's just not interesting so i'm just going to put this at an f tier i think that's safe i don't think there was anything wild about his apology considering i've totally forgotten its existence until today and i think after just fits now we move on to the absolute most popular youtuber apology that currently exists on the platform it is logan paul's apology for filming a dead man hanging from a tree in the suicide forest logan paul for those that don't remember not too long ago filmed a dead man hanging from a tree and posted it as part of his vlog like a sick [ __ ] he used that as part of the entertainment of the vlog he'd be like oh it's a dead body whoa that's a real dead body guys by the [ __ ] maverick merch woohoo maverick merch baby dead man over there i'm honestly still surprised he didn't go over there and just start putting maverick merch on the corpse to be honest it was some disgusting [ __ ] and it caused a huge backlash for backlash for logan paul and really the platform as a whole it was just damaging to pretty much everything and everyone around him so then logan paul made an apology in response to it being the most popular apology to ever be posted where he just says he's made a severe lapse in his judgment and the [ __ ] is bad and he's sorry it was straight it was to the point there's really not a whole lot to dig into with the apology itself it's just the most popular one ever posted with 58 million views and he's apologizing for perhaps the most disgusting thing anyone's apologized for on youtube so far literally filming and making fun of a dead body in a suicide forest like that is super [ __ ] up [ __ ] so the apology itself isn't the most wild or crazy apology it's just the whole magnitude of the entire situation i think leads it to being a b-tier at least apology so i'm thinking b-tier for the logan paul apology next up we have another big one this is social reposes apology for cheating on another youtuber named jacqueline glenn and i actually made a video on this one where i called it the worst apology on youtube and to be honest it still just might be the the drama here that he's apologizing for is he cheated on his girlfriend if i remember correctly it was multiple instances of cheating on his girlfriend and his apology was basically not apologizing i'm if i remember correctly he didn't even say i'm sorry a single time and instead kind of put it on to her saying that she just got too attached she loved him too much so he had to [ __ ] somebody else it is still to this day perhaps one of the most unbelievable apologies to ever be posted it is baffling how anybody could have watched that apology been like yup i look pretty good here and i think i've cleared myself up it's terrible it is still absolutely [ __ ] horrible and it is hard to sit through it really is so i think this apology from social repos deserves an a tier in just how [ __ ] terrible and horrible it is because it is wild it is still wild to me that this ever got posted i'm pretty sure he took it down but the fact that it was even up for any length of time it's crazy to me next up we have tati's recent apology i think the makeup community drama is extremely boring each one of them is making like 40 to 50 minute planet earth level documentaries about some petty [ __ ] drama that happens and it is hard to sit through in tati's most recent apology was no exception unnecessarily long full of a lot of fake tears and moments of sincerity it just doesn't work it was not a good apology and especially because the entire drama was about her jeffrey starr and shane dawson attacking james charles because they wanted to serve him a slice of humble pie as shane puts it it was terrible all the drama was super [ __ ] dumb and then tati comes out of nowhere like over a year later talking about like i finally have the strength to go through this this one's for my family i mean finally gonna go over what happened last year and the whole drama was they just wanted to [ __ ] a young man's career because they didn't like them and were jealous like it's not like you were some kind of hero coming out of you know this the heavens to grace us with this apology video and an explanation like it just made no sense and the apology video is super boring i definitely think this is a d tier i for sure the last one we'll be covering on the tier list today is dadio 5's apology for those that don't remember daddy 05 you're very lucky daddy 05 was a youtube channel where a man and wife were abusing their kids for youtube views they were absolutely horrible to their own kids one in particular where they would mistreat them for the sake of youtube pranks it was absolutely disgusting it was truly abominable [ __ ] that went on for way too long flying under the radar it finally picked up steam and things were finally settled where i believe that kid that was singled out and picked on the most was taken out of their care thankfully and their channels were shut down so luckily it had a happy ending but daddio 5 before the end before the ship finally sank made an apology video and he still doesn't quite understand what people had an issue with his apology doesn't address the blatant abuse that they filmed and posted they would mistreat their kids for all to see and yet they couldn't register it they called them jokes and pranks and that people just didn't get it and then their apology they're like well if if i didn't know these people i think it was bad too but knowing us we know it's not bad and the kids like it so in an apology it's basically them just saying you have to know us to understand it and the fact you don't know us yeah i guess we understand why you thought we were actually horrible [ __ ] parents but there's nothing joking when kids are getting tossed around yelled and screamed at lied to forced to stay home on adventures just because they didn't like the kid like it's terrible terrible [ __ ] and i actually think it is genuinely evil so i'm super glad that daddy 05 no longer exists but the apology video is still out there and for that the daddy 05 apology goes into f tier because it's absolutely just disgusting it really is that whole channel was unbelievably bad really bad [ __ ] so these are the the 10 apologies you wanted to cover on the tier list i think these were really the 10 biggest ones that i could recall and yeah that's about it see ya
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 7,470,599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Eq72iEjcU4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 20sec (1040 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2020
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