Can I Have A Job Logan Paul

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we live in a clown world where people will do whatever it takes to feel special for just a moment everyone's so hungry for clout more important than oxygen to some people and they'll make a fool of themselves on Tick Tock and pretty much anywhere online I mentioned this streamer a lot but there was a streamer that used to finger his butthole for twenty dollars there was that guy we recently talked about who threw himself in front of a train to stop it as part of like a tick tock Challenge and then got three years in jail for it it's really not easy to stand out from the crowd these days it's pretty Cutthroat you either eat ass or you get your ass eaten and today I want to show you what it looks like when your ass gets eaten I quit my job I mean like he was just being nice and I get it media whatever he has to be nice dude's looking like he rubbed five raw onions in his eyes right now also this is a really inefficient way of like wiping snot from your nose it just looks like you're sniffing your finger after putting it up your butthole her approached him he was bragging about making three million dollars I make a hundred thousand dollars a year 22 I do make a hundred thousand that's cool and I wanna I wanna act I wanna I wanna do these things I'm gonna break down right now yeah this whole thing comes across as like a shitty YouTuber apology but while bragging somehow he comes in pretty hot with the condom off by immediately dropping how much he makes in a year which seems kind of irrelevant like he's belittling a hundred grand by comparing it to Logan Paul's three mil even though 100 Grand in a year is an extreme amount of money more than most people will see in their entire [ __ ] life so it's hard to really feel sympathy for him in that moment and the way he like conveyed it like I make a hundred thousand dollars a year I'm 22 years old it makes it seem like an advertisement I thought he was about to transition into trying to sell me on something like a guru self-help book or something like turn around and start talking about some kind of pyramid scheme or like an nft he invested in and how he got rich it's just really like seems so [ __ ] Goofy oh I'm sitting in the cast I don't even know what to do just watch the clip okay no I no I didn't I quit my job no wait there's a story I'm interested it's a story I quit my job legit two days ago I came up here took a risk I'm originally from Ohio did you sneak up here no I didn't sneak in here I didn't think what do you mean sneak up like on stage are you just like yes I did I could add a lot of his crying just to get into the clip where you can see what brought about this meltdown here so he snuck onto stage during the Jake Paul fight I believe and was trying to get a job from Logan Paul which is obviously a stupid idea you have to be a real Goofy Goober to think that that's ever going to work but I know a lot of people have this fantasy because they've watched anime one time and they see the protagonist never gives up and then he eventually gets the girl and becomes the hero so they try and adopt that Persona where like I'll never give up and I'll accomplish everything but they do it in the wrong way like this guy so he just approaches Logan total stranger and he just starts going over his resume and Logan like immediately calls it out too by saying like hey you definitely snuck in here right he's like no no no but yes it's one of the sneakers did you print the ticket and stuff no like I just need to talk to you really I'm trying to talk to your brother I'm trying to talk about business trying to talk about trying to get a job like I wanna I wanna do media I want to I've been trying to get I would be good at I was having dances I did like this I did that video you know like oh yeah oh yeah you know oh she really got what it takes yeah I don't I don't then why would I need a map he's also extremely bad at making a case for himself so a lot of times like for example when Elon Musk was doing his open conference and taking questions from the crowd and that guy approached him saying like I'm a super genius and you need to hire me for your board of directors because I'm so [ __ ] smart and if you don't you're going to regret it in fact I might even be CEO of Tesla pretty soon so you should hire me at least he was like confident in himself in the way that he like carried it this guy's like hey I want a job but I'm also not good at anything like Logan even like threw a bone he's like oh so you definitely have what it takes like no I [ __ ] suck like if you're gonna commit this hard at least just lie about being cool or something yeah I used to work for the CIA but had to be retired after racking up too many kills or I was the stunt double for Andre the Giant and Princess story and now I'm just looking to get back in the business but this guy he doesn't even bother trying to sound like he's qualified for any position the only thing he can muster is I did a Tick-Tock dance once and I did it shitty like come on man like what do you expect Logan Paul to do like hear that and be like oh welcome aboard [ __ ] fist bump him well I want to say Logan Paul looks really good here he comes across as like a really understanding nice guy even gives him some good advice to go off of so if this was like a marketing strategy from Logan's team they [ __ ] crushed it here because Logan really comes across great but I actually think this was a genuine interaction with a guy who needs some help I mean how do I do that I want to be I want to be like I'm 22 years old I'm just trying I can't be a mentor right now right in my life I'm a [ __ ] up myself I need a mentor you know what I'm saying like I need you can imagine you need people be around you right no I didn't have connections and people around I have Jake that's it you have a brother do you have people friends you got friends you don't you don't have friends I don't I swear to God I'm here by myself I'm here by myself I find it extremely hard to believe when someone says they have no friends because that's pretty much impossible these days everyone has friends no matter how much of a [ __ ] up you are or how outrageous the things you believe are you will always have people that are on your side so I really think a lot of what he says in this video is lying in order to Garner sympathy from Logan thinking that it would help him land a job which obviously never works it's like that same strategy nice guys use to try and make a girl fall for them where they just be as pathetic as they can like they'll be whining and crying in front of the girl they like like oh no no one likes me my dog won't even look at me my dog took a [ __ ] on the floor because they were so disgusted with me God no one's ever gonna love me except maybe you can you show me your titties you know that really weird thing that the nice guys will do to make the girl like feel bad for them bad enough to like date them is that's the impression I get from this guy and the way he approaches the situation because then he goes in to talk about how he quit his job in order to come here and try and get this from Logan Paul dude apparently just quit a hundred thousand dollar a year job at 22 years old it's either the dumbest decision of all time or a lie I cannot imagine anyone would be that Reckless there's nothing wrong with following your dreams but to quit your job and throw away everything in order to pursue them is the wrong way of doing it you need to approach your dreams in a reasonable rational manner I know everyone has this like glorified fantasy that they'll read about online about how like the billionaire quit his job sold his house lived out of a box drank piss for a thousand years before he finally hit it big and it was all worth it but that's just is not likely to happen to you there is no reason to quit your job to pursue your passion you should pursue it while also making sure you are taken care of as well I [ __ ] guy bro you have friends bro you're [ __ ] lying you have friends go make content do stuff with your friends I'm glad you quit your job it takes the balls to do that bro but like now you gotta act I'm trying to make a stuff but I'm not the guy directly you're the guy you're the guy bro my team is this I'm not the guy like you know life isn't about handouts you know what I'm saying I'm not trying to get what you're trying to do I'm trying to work hard for a little money no money that's the very definition of a handout you have approached him completely out of the blue unprovoked told them Assad story and are hoping to get a job out of it that is a handout even if he gave you an unpaid internship position that is him being nice to you because you made him feel bad I don't know I can get a job somewhere else all I want to move to LA and I want to I want to be able to be part of that look I have to go if you really are serious about it bro you should move to LA and just like you approached me start making connections with every single person I'm serious I've always said this if you have if you're charismatic and you can talk to someone you could make it in L.A that's my advice unironically and Paul comes across incredible throughout this entire interaction while I don't necessarily agree with the advice of moving to La he's not wrong either if that guy does want to pursue this seriously he would need to consider going to La and just trying to network I suppose I think La [ __ ] sucks it's my least favorite place on the planet probably but it's also not horrible advice to give this guy either unfortunately though it doesn't seem like he actually took the advice to heart or anything because he starts crying in his car about the interaction so he was apparently not pleased with the result he really went in there with that sense of entitlement like I deserve this job and I'm going to get it again I think that falls into that that like I don't even know what to call it that mindset that some people have where they are the center of the universe and everything needs to happen the way they have it in their head this guy had a very high paying job probably had a big ego and thought you know what I want to get into acting I want to get into youtubing and I'm gonna make Logan Paul take me there because I deserve it and it didn't happen so he started crying and having a little whining Festival in his car hopefully he'll learn from it but I checked his Tick Tock after this and he's just really embracing it so he has a shirt that says can I have a job Logan now and it looks like he's really riding that wave he's been like remixing this video as well because it's got big on Tick Tock for obvious reasons there's not a lot of people showing support to this idea of quitting your job to do something like this which is great it's good to see that but I know there still are people that believe like this is the way things are done like you have to quit everything in order to pursue your dreams and that's just not right and Logan Paul I think really does convey a strong message to this guy like look man you're lying about not having friends you have friends why don't you do stuff with your friends first take baby steps into it and then maybe move to a land start networking I think that's pretty reasonable and I think this video might even serve as a good lesson for other people out there that in their head thought something like this would go over well well in reality it doesn't that's about it see ya
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 3,994,899
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Id: XFltIp9OThc
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Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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