The Test

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hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome to the test now i don't really know what this is what i think it is it's some kind of series of questions to try to unlock a deeper truth about yourself or it could be some silly [ __ ] so if it is some silly [ __ ] then you won't see this video because it won't have existed that's how that works but i'm going to find out what it's about now in order to begin this is the most important part of this entire experience you will be asked a series of questions and you must answer them honestly now when i say answer them honestly i don't mean answer them how you'd like to answer them answer them with truth even if that's hard to face okay we all want to be good people we rarely want to admit our faults grievances or mistakes but you must decide what you truly want do you want this to work properly do you want the truth about yourself your destiny in this world or would you rather live a lie just to hide from yourself i mean i don't really know it seems a lot more serious than i thought it might be the process is very simple in theory just answer a long series of questions this music is a little serious what's difficult is self-analyzing your own psyche to evaluate the truths in your own mind and life so that you can predict your future you see as long as you're honest with these questions and answers you'll be able to see your own future here i'm sorry what this will tell you things you already know but don't necessarily know that you know i don't really want to know what my future is i don't really know as long as the answers you provide to the questions are asked are a hundred percent honest and true this process will simply unlock a part of your mind that you do not have natural access to this isn't psychic this isn't a personality test this is simply nature is it you sure about that this is you this is your mind this is simply nature taking its course this is the human brain at work unlocking hidden truths within itself again i don't know if i want that i was hoping for just you know [Music] fun questions with some funny answers i didn't should i be nervous about this while attempting to answer many of these questions you'll often wonder things like well this depends on the circumstances create your own circumstances in your mind and answer the questions with a simple yes or no as you see fit you may not understand or realize it but your mind will develop the situation required to answer your question the way it needs to be answered will it i invite you to grab a drink of water sit back relax and enjoy the experience we are about to begin with a series of questions and provided that you're willing you're a willing participant we will be unlocking some substantial information today here we go what are you going to do with this information once you find it are you mining me for uh data would you oh would you be all right with living alone forever okay i'm constructing it in my mind the scenario i see me lit by a light from a fireplace i'm pacing in a library i don't know why i have a library i don't even have one now but i do i'm old a slight hunch red sweater vest with the white they're a beige shirt and green khakis and loafers really comfy loafers and i'm alone and the only situation that i would be alone in is if everyone else in the world was dead because we're never truly alone at any moment in our lives because we're all in this world together so everyone else is dead would i be okay with that yeah yeah you know i'm an i'm an introvert so i mean i don't know happiness i don't think is the question here it says would you be all right with living alone forever and i think i would be honestly i would be all right with that yeah i'm questioning it i shouldn't question it it's what the scenario in my head i'm i have i yes yes do you like the color blue more than the color black this is gonna take me forever keep debating it i am wearing a black shirt black pants my underwear is mostly black so do i no i do not like it more if you found money on the street and knew it belonged to some who it belonged to would you give it back to them yes without a question are you sure you want the answers you seek i'm not i'm not sure i do mostly just because i think i believe i i think i believe i believe excuse me i believe i said that i don't really care to know about my future and i'm kind of paranoid about you unlocking something inside of myself that seems a little much i'm not sure i want the answers i'm not even sure i'm seeking them are you afraid of spiders that one's easier no i'm constructing a scenario where the not the balrog what is sh shemoth shibloth shimomo that spider from harry potter i wouldn't like that but that i don't think that means i'm afraid of spiders i think everyone would be afraid of that so no if you knew you would emerge unscathed would you jump into molten lava now now hold on i know what you guys are thinking and shut up this is my quiz i okay unscathed that doesn't mean it's not painful and not that that well yes that should greatly impact my decision but not in the way that you think it would i would yes because i'm emerging unscathed i know that it's not going to kill me how many people could possibly say that they jumped into molten lava and survived unscathed no one would believe me so i'd have to film it great content so many views yes would you consider yourself to be fat no would you say that you have lots of charisma i didn't wink with the right eye but yes have you ever wished you could be temporarily frozen are we talking like cryogenics here or just frozen and then come back to life i don't i no this has never been a desire of mine even in the situation where it's frozen to go into the future oh this is one of the things where it's like you have to construct a scenario in your head so my scenario is i don't think this just means like jump into a frozen lake and be frozen i think it means be cryogenically frozen to go into the future and no i would not want that because i would miss out on so many experiences that would have occurred during my life and that i would miss out on just for some vague idea of what the future might be you know even if it was futurama style and you go 2000 years into the future you know i like the now i like living in the now this is also the same thing about how i don't really want to know the future so no this is all very interesting yes no no yes yes no yes okay why did you realize that the last letter of the five previous five questions would put together spelled the name satan maybe i did not realize it no what do you mean by that i didn't realize it does that make you uncomfortable not really no that's kind of cool are you good at okay are you good at finding hidden puzzles or clues apparently not these puzzles just don't make any god damn sense to me 51.3 you got it buddy no my colleague two street tutu perhaps i could just brute force this this is some kind of a puzzle and uh i don't have the brain power to solve it you know apparently not a y g a f h p o c a gaff hip hook no are you now wondering what other good you shut up you you shut up you don't know me you don't know me alright you kind of know me i am wondering have you been entirely honest with your answers thus far i think so but i don't know are you afraid of the consequences for answering questions dishonestly to be perfectly honest yes i don't know what you're gonna do to me yes were you aware that there could be potential consequences for answering dishonestly but were i in the past no maybe yes now are you wondering how these questions began to take a strange turn god stop reading my mind stop it would you consider yourself captivated does that mean i'm a captive i am not i'm free man i yeah honestly i am i'm super curious but i don't like it very interesting it's not it's not it's not would you consider yourself to be brave despite all my cowardly screaming i do consider myself to be quite brave also i i just noticed that the screen is only in the top left corner or at the visible area what's in the dark areas i'm brave not saying yes do you view yourself as someone with above average intelligence i do you probably don't but i do i know i'm pretty smart i can be very dumb my intelligence is like a roller coaster right when it goes down it goes down real fast and real low but when it climbs up it's slow but it gets up there i think i'm i think i'm above average have you been looking for hidden messages in these questions okay i did once i kind of forgot about the whole hidden message thing but i have to say i did yes are you wondering which hidden messages you got god yep yeah i am stop it have you begun to wonder how long this test will take or how many questions exist in this session uh honestly no i have no idea and i have not been thinking about that because i live in the present i don't worry about then that's for other people to worry about honestly no would you consider yourself to be a patient person [ __ ] no aah the instant gratification monkey is banging away up there uh no do most humans annoy you what do you mean by that no no no no no most would be the majority of people annoy me there are plenty of people that exist that annoy me that doesn't mean that i think that most humans annoy me no do you prefer animals to people i don't think so i love chica but i also love amy and i have friends i do i definitely do i have friends i definitely have friends so no do you believe in magic no flat out do you believe in god or the existence of some form of higher power no do you fear death no are you attracted to someone whom you're not currently in a relationship with no did you answer that like yes are you alone uh yes why the music are you sure oh god why the music you know why you do the piano boom at that point yes i am sure if i told you with utmost certainty that there's someone watching you would will you believe me i've got you there i'm a youtuber [ __ ] i've got plenty of people watching me right now would i oh okay but that's not the question right if i told you with utmost certainty that there's someone watching you would you believe me if you told me if you told me that there was someone watching me i wouldn't believe you because you're a video game you don't know me i keep checking the camera to look behind me but shut up i don't believe you because there's no way that there's someone okay how do i how do i answer this i know that you guys are watching me but this is what i'm recording in right i'm not broadcasting this live i think the question would be different if that if i were live streaming this versus recording this right now in my recording room there's no one watching me and i know that if you said that i would not believe you no have you wondered who i am a little bit yeah well have you had shivers at any point during the session okay you cannot prove [Laughter] when that piano went at that right time i gotta say yes do you feel like you're being watched well now i do that doesn't mean that there's anybody here are you getting a little paranoid about that that doesn't mean that there's anybody here so i gotta say yes but it's not a yes yes it's have you considered quitting this session early no way i'm brave i'm brave do you drink water every day yes i do do you eat at least once per day every day yes oh yes i do do you realize that you've missed seven i don't believe you no i don't realize that because it's not true you realize that you just missed another one no i don't believe you are you wondering what they are yeah but that means i believe you no yeah okay would it bother you to never know without finding them yourself no god no it would not bother me in the least is your favorite number seven no life is short but it's the longest thing we'll ever do do you agree i mean yeah that all that that math's out yeah that maths out oranges cannot be compared to apples do you agree depends on the circumstances they're both they're both spherical you know they're both fruit no they can be compared to apples no venus is sometimes referred to as the morning star did you know that did not know that everyone deserves a second chance do you agree yeah actually i do i do believe that yeah because this is what this question is is like can people change right can people change and giving someone a second chance doesn't mean that you have to give them the same opportunity that the previous chance had like there are obviously a lot of contextual things and this is one of those contextual things but i think as a general statement i think everyone does deserve a second chance you know that doesn't mean they'll always get it that doesn't mean they'll always want it that doesn't mean it'll always occur you could think of a thousand different scenarios where you're like oh this this person shouldn't get a second chance or this person should you can think of so many scenarios in general i think everyone deserves a second chance because the alternative that no one it's either a yes or no right everyone or no one it's not everyone in some that's not the question everyone deserves a second chance yes or no and i'm gonna go with yes you can do anything you put your mind to agree big agree on this one huge agree i'm a living example of it obedience is more important than freedom do you agree no i'm a living example of it i that doesn't make any sense but i'm saying it with confidence no underwater adventures sound like a fun did you realize that the first letters of the eight previous eight questions spelled the phrase i love you no i haven't been paying attention to that totally forgot again nope you wish to be loved i mean i am loved i think i think okay the scenario in my head is that like generally as a human being in my life do i wish to be loved yes of course meaning that if my love that i receive ended tomorrow would i no would i not want that yeah i gotta go i wish to be loved yeah i think everyone does do you have any addictions i this is one of those things where it's like i'm kind of addicted to it's it's a nebulous feeling right but it's the reason that drives me right i'm addicted to um making things and like doing it and and the reason i'm considering is as an addiction is because i've talked about this on videos before in podcast and whatnot but um it it's something that has driven me to driven great levels of success but also it has incredibly hindered my social life in many ways and it has cost me a lot in terms of interpersonal relationships and i think like when it's it's something that i am like it's a great feeling when i put out like a project that i finished that people love that feeling there's probably a word for it that i don't know but um i am addicted to that feeling i i think i can say with confidence i i am addicted i chase that feeling so i think i have one do you dislike the color pink no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no i can't do worf safe right now [Music] no no i punched you in the gonads no there we go does the color gray seem depressing i don't really know do you enjoy loud music no do you like to dance no would you consider yourself normal no do you love your parents yes have you ever been lied to yes do you get angry often yes technically speaking okay so maybe no i've talked about this before as well i am quick to anger actually i'm not quick to anger i when i was uh growing up i was very prone to anger and i didn't like that about myself and so i worked very hard to change that literally i i worked for years just to get myself to be able to control my temper you guys have seen me rage at games that does not mean that i get angry often legitimately like this is something like the majority of the days that i live i live knowing the things that will make me angry and i do not pursue them i do not enjoy them i do not give that part of me any time of day that doesn't mean i can't get angry but i do not get angry often that's the qualifying part of that question so i will say no and that is 100 truthful i also don't play rage games that much for the same reason no do you hold grudges no and this is actually a thing that my dad kind of like embodied he would get angry at people he i i inherited my temper from my mom i'm gonna say that straight up um but my dad had this like way where he would be angry about something or at someone one day and then the next day he'd let it go he he's he was great at that and i inherited that from him it's like i don't really hold grudges and and this is like fluctuate through life but at this point in my life i really don't hold grudges no have you ever forgiven someone all the time have you ever lied oh yeah do you think flowers are more beautiful than trees not really no have you ever wanted to be an animal instead of a person no do you believe you have psychic powers no have you ever seen a ghost no do you dream often yes do you have nightmares often oh yes do you suffer from anxiety attacks no do you suffer from depression no do you exercise often and stay active no not lately god damn you god damn you would you consider yourself emotionally wounded the [ __ ] does that mean what does that mean are you wounding my emotions maybe i don't think i'm emotionally wounded no have you ever felt betrayed yes do you ever feel lost in life oh yeah would you consider yourself a natural leader yes i do actually this is one of the things like i never thought that i would answer this question yes when i was like in high school or college but for some reason when i started doing youtube i had this realization that i could lead in certain aspects i i wouldn't say i have any opportunities to really lead nowadays i'm not going to charge in any battlefields but i i wouldn't have considered myself but it's kind of like this innate thing that was always there within me i think a lot of people have this whereas like even if you are looking at this question being like oh no not me you could because that was me so long ago right and then through 10 years of doing youtube and realizing that i had the potential within myself to take the role of being a leader like i've directed many things i've led teams before i've i've coordinated things as as the head of them and i think anyone can do that and i think you guys can do that anyone can be a leader no one is like i mean sure someone might be naturally inclined or the circumstances of their upbringing got them to the point where they had the confidence to do that but it really just all boils down to confidence right and if you through practice and training can get to the point where you believe in yourself others can believe in you too and that's leadership among other things but yes if you could push a button and destroy oh my god is this the button no no no do you sometimes dream of being a hero oh hell yeah power fantasy dreams all the time have you ever been bullied oh yeah all the time have you ever bullied someone else have i the piano did not need to hit at that moment i'm trying to think of a specific case where i would have bullied someone and i don't think i did because i was often the one being bullied right i'm really questioning this because i feel like a lot of people have at some point i've made fun of people all the time but i don't think i've straight up bullied someone and this kind of is like more the word bullying really only works in school and stuff and i don't think i i don't think i ever did i was always like kind of like on the the outskirts you know like i'm really racking my brain but i don't think i ever did no would you consider yourself to be a dreamer yeah i think that's a fair fair assessment do you sometimes hurt people's feelings unintentionally yes yes i do and this is another big flaw of me and the way i live my life unintentionally it's specifically unintentionally yes all the time well not all the time but i do do you find what the [ __ ] i know this question isn't just about me or this game isn't just a ques quiz for me yes would you consider yourself to be an artist i think so i'm in a creative field and i do things creatively and i'm really good at photoshop now so yes would you consider yourself to be a good friend ah this is oh man this is a tough one right if i want to be perfectly honest with myself i do not consider myself to be a good friend because i just saw my phone light up with a text from someone who i have not responded to in two weeks legitimately i just looked over at my phone and saw a text and a name pop up and i was like oh [ __ ] i haven't [Music] [ __ ] would you consider yourself to be flawed yes that's an easy question thank you do you believe in perfection no oh god no no not at all no one can be perfect nothing can be perfect it's the imperfection that is what makes us all who we are and nature be what it is have you ever stolen from someone probably like a pencil or something i'm gonna say yes just because i said like i don't wanna i'm not trying to make myself out to be a saint i've probably stolen from someone at some point would you ever kill someone under any circumstances yes the under any circumstances there's definitely a circumstance where if i go if i got to kill someone i i'm going to kill that person but it's specific circumstances there's certain circumstances yes if you had one day to live would you tell anyone i don't think so you know to be perfectly honest i because i wouldn't want that to be my last day this is this is probably all so selfish of me if i had one day to live i would look at it rationally and be like okay one day to live it's not really time to do anything that i would want to do it's not really time to make anything anymore it's not time to get any projects done and if if i tell other people god this is the question would i tell amy i wouldn't want her to worry you know one day [Music] i don't want you can't get closure in a day maybe it's selfish maybe those are just excuses and maybe i would just want my last day to me i look in on myself and i ask my like this question would i tell anybody i don't think i would damn [ __ ] this quiz i don't think i would banger video though i only have 24 hours to live that's a pretty good day i'll get a lot of views yeah it would it wouldn't matter at that point i'd have to i'd i'd rather spend my last day writing down my thoughts and trying to like i don't know get my affairs in order i guess you know tell my parents i love them don't lay me i love her but i just don't want them to my last day can't be with them fretting over the fact that i'm about to die yeah no have you ever told your darkest secrets to someone yes i think so do you trust me even though you know nothing about me i don't trust you one bit you're a robot you're a program i don't trust you at all i trust you none no do you know who i am no if i appeared behind you right now would you scream yeah in uh a power scream as i grab you in the throat sorry alexian i guess i wasn't alone in the room i'm sorry yeah if i told you that i've been behind you this entire time would that scare you no because that's a stupid thing to say i've been looking behind me this entire time and that would obviously be a lie no would you consider yourself to be empathetic you calling me an empath i can detect that something's bothering you i think i am empathetic i in that in the real meaning of this question in that i think that i can understand people's feelings not understand people's feelings i can commiserate i can empathize with people yes i am empathetic would you consider yourself to be a romantic no god no god god [Music] no have you ever been in a physical fight i have not been in a straight up fight i have punched people i've never been in like a real fight do you count wrestling no all the scenarios in my head don't they say this is a no i've never been in a full-on fight where it's mere them are you prone to headaches or migraines not really do you look at the ground when you walk no the sky in the scenery is too beautiful also it's bad for your posture are you attracted to the opposite sex yes yes yes i'm not questioning whether like the truth inside of me i'm am i attracted the opposite sex yes would you ever shave your head i've done it are you attracted to muscular bodies no trying to think of like a there's um what's uh in the one punch man the one punch man in one punch man uh what's her name she's like that track that track oh what's her name lixian marcus rachel you know who i'm talking about right right here you know if that's what you're talking about then yes but i'm assuming in my construct is you're thinking like bodybuilding type which i'm gonna go with no that's that's toned and fit yeah i'm thinking you're thinking something else so no you ever dance when no one's looking oh all the time do you trust your best friend entirely i don't even know who i would call my best friend but i'm gonna go yes because if they're my best friend then there's nothing that's not trust do you remember your childhood extremely well yes i do would you rob a bank if you get to get away with it not really i don't think so yeah do you ever dream about running from a killer yes i've dreamed about that do you ever dream about falling off cliff yep dreamed about that ever dream about being naked in public it's not a dream yeah you ever do you enjoy scary movies or books sure you enjoy comedic television yeah you like being the center of attention yeah you feel like someone you feel like something is always watching you are you are you watching me right now or [Music] uh yeah i'm gonna go with yes on this one i was paranoid about cameras you know yeah i always feel like something's watching me have you ever wondered what it would be like to go to space oh yeah have you ever had an out-of-body experience um yeah i think so usually when i have like waking nightmares or sleep paralysis yeah have you ever punched no but i wish i i wish i could say yes but i don't think i've ever punched a nun no you like dogs better than cats yes doesn't mean i don't like cats do you prefer to read more than you prefer to watch movies ah i love a good movie i like to read but i love a good movie i love going to the movie theater i love that no are you still wondering why ask if you've ever punched a nun yeah kind of do you get starstruck easily nah you hate going to big parties oh god yeah is your favorite part of your birthday receiving presents nah i don't care about the presents seriously though have you ever punched in the nut like really just bam right in the face nun punch god i wish i did i wish i could say yes but i cannot okay no let's see did you laugh yeah i did that's good did you say what the [ __ ] in your head or even allowed i don't think i did i thought most of it i it wasn't i was attracted to the question i was disappointed in myself that i didn't have that experience so no honestly i did not yeah no i didn't are you now eager to somehow get the opportunity to punch a nuns i was eager then i never knew i was eager is this what you unlocked in my brain the desire to punch a nun is this what you were talking about at the beginning of all this because man i really want to punch a nun right now yes if there's a hell do you think you're going to it probably i don't know if there is hell god pray yeah i'll probably go there not because i want to experience it's because i know i could handle it right my body could handle it do you enjoy fantasy fiction games yeah you masturbate frequently oh yeah are you wondering what constitutes frequently no not at all i know what you mean by frequently see are you more than slightly uncomfortable right now no is your mouth dry no kind of wet does profanity make you uncomfortable freak no do you believe in legendary bees such as a loch ness monster or bigfoot no are you poor with money management no honestly i would say i make some frivolous purchases but i really don't go blasting my money all over the place as much as i say on like distractible or anything i've talked about where i'm like i've made this dumb purchase i don't really waste money i don't like the idea of wasting money like i grew up with not having money and i'd like to keep it that way so i think i'm pretty good with money management do you enjoy solving mathematical puzzles ah not really it's not my hobbies so enjoy no do you speak more than one language fluently i'm learning damn it takes time no have you ever visited the country yes do i enjoy coffee oh yeah do you believe in demons no do you believe in angels no are you afraid of sharks i gotta go with yes i know that they don't really kill that many people and i know but they're part of the ocean and all that's bad yes do you prefer baths over showers this is a toughie i take more showers but i do love a good bath no i like showers they're more convenient and you never really get clean in the bath because then i start sweating i don't i shower more i think now that i'm thinking about i think i like a shower no does smell perfume or cologne give you headaches uh not headaches i i don't always like it but not headaches did you see that shadow move in your room a few months no do you ever hear your name being called even when you know no one is calling it i gotta go with yes here i've heard i have had auditory hallucinations before yes i have do you things in your home often go missing and then reappear later that's just because i have extreme adhd and i forget things a lot uh [Music] yes you ever hear footsteps around when you're not when you're alone thank god no god if i did if i did uh man i it's the perfect little alarm is like because chica and henry uh their their ears are so sensitive to every noise so like i always even if i'm having a horrible nightmare and i wake up from it i know it's not real because if it was they would be barking like if i had a nightmare that someone was coming down the hallway and opening that door right there henry and chica would be barking you know what i mean so no i don't you ever hear random knocking noises around you oh yeah all the time you often look at the same time on the clock every day you often look at the same time on the clock every day what does that mean no my time management is off i don't know what you're talking about here have you ever felt your feet being grabbed at night while sleeping no do you have any pets oh yeah favorite color green i guess you know yes i know i've said it's red before but that's because everything around that i choose is red but i love green as a color it's the color of nature and stuff like this so in all truth i do love the color green more than i like red reds is too aggressive for a lot of things the icon is red because it's eye-catching i do think my favorite color is actually green yes has been since i was a kid are you attracted to a family member no if you won the lottery would you share the money within it oh yeah yeah if you could be the dictator of your own country would you accept the role yes i would that's what being a natural leader is all about i'd probably get shot my first year in because i would actually try to help people and then someone else would take over but i would do it i'd take that role if you ever wonder what he would like to be in prison i've wondered it do you like fishing no you like hunting no you like camping no do you like guns no are you getting tired of answering questions not really no would you consider yourself to be kinky no eyes are the wind of the soul you agree sure you always keep your promises no would you ever completely trust someone who's lied to you no okay this is i don't think i would ever completely trust someone who's lied to me i would give them a chance to make up for what they've lied for depending on the reason of the lie but i guess i would never completely trust them i don't know i'm pretty gullible the question is would you ever in any situation completely trust someone who's lied to you and so i believe that i'm a good judge of character and if someone's lied to me for a reason that is forgivable could i ever earn their trust back in any situation there you can think of situations where you wouldn't but there definitely would be situations where someone has lied to me and it wasn't as disastrous as light or life destroying but it was pretty bad that it really like broke up the friendship or whatever and then you know they redeemed themselves in my eyes i gave them a second chance and if if i me with my friends is like i completely trust my friends 100 and if they get back to the point where they're my friend again and i think they could it's not a lot of situations but would you ever completely trust him yeah i would actually yeah now it doesn't even seem that ridiculous of course i would yeah are you an only child no do you ever do you enjoy being drunk nah do you like tattoos uh not really do you enjoy being high in any form no do you believe you have a soul no you cry did you cry this week no no are you upset with someone right now not that i know of you maybe is there someone you're not being completely honest with daily daily who do i even interact with daily no do you understand how this works yet nautically if you answered the question twice your truth may change it's not just about answering the questions it's about the time you spend answering them the combination you answer them in it's about many different variables you'd never guess do you understand sorry well if your energy matters about the time you spend is a combination of many different okay i get it are you wondering if the end of the test is coming soon based on the previous question yeah it sounds like it yeah if i were to tell you that this entire process was planted here for you specifically you to learn something about yourself and anyone else that bothers using this is just a byproduct of its intention would you believe that okay i did uh there's a qualifier right earlier in this video i did say like come on but i never actually believed it was just for me however for just a moment i did question how i found this game and if i no one sent me this game i just came across it on steam i would never believe that this game was literally just meant for me no i wouldn't believe that are you afraid of being abandoned no are you afraid of dying alone no do you worry that one day you'll be unexpectedly murdered probably are you always on guard waiting to defend off an attack no i'm vulnerable always do you feel like i know you yet yeah probably you probably got a good idea have you heard any strange noises while answering the question besides the ominous music no yes i think i did at one point i think we have enough information whether you skip questions answer them honestly or dishonestly took loads of time to respond or answered quickly without reading or understanding properly i've been able to tell i'm calculating your results i'm analyzing you very carefully i'm judging you okay all right what do you got to say on what you've told me this is what i can conclude okay and now this is i don't even care if this is just all some joke at the end of it throughout the process of documenting this and you watching this you have learned a lot of things about me and that's already interesting because each one of you is coming up with your own conclusions about who i am as a person isn't that fascinating suddenly in the mere time that this video existed and the duration of the video millions of opinions of me have formed independently all across the world and i think that's incredibly fascinating but let's see what this let's see what this what are you a witch thinks of me hmm wizard oh dear you poor unfortunate soul you've been hurt before and it's clear that it's affected the way you look at certain situations in life whether you realize it or not i'm here to tell you right now that it does not have to be that way you're a lot stronger than you think you are you're a lot stronger than you can even imagine everything you've been through in life every way that others have treated you all the things that have happened they've all led you to this moment right here right now even when it seems like things are falling apart when things tend to go wrong instead of right you still keep fighting you're still here breathing even despite the odds you're not lucky you're a survivor and there's a very big difference you need to fully understand just how incredibly rare that is in today's world and give yourself some much needed praise one thing i can assure you of is that as long as you continue to fight as long as you do not give up even if things get worse despite the odds you can and you will overcome them they don't make people quite as strong as you very often you can survive you can thrive and you can inspire those who are struggling by showing them what happens when you refuse to give in refuse to surrender and refuse to settle i'm so incredibly proud of you and you should be even more proud of yourself what the [ __ ] your secret word is angel remember this word this will come in handy what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what angel my secret word is angel take the secret word that was assigned to you at the end of this session and leave it in a comment for us we will be selecting some of you based on your answers to be included in a future project we're currently working on don't be afraid this is an opportunity for you to be part of history this is a chance for you to be a part of something greater be sure to know your secret word in your comments if you do not wish to be part of the upcoming project simply leave your secret word out in the comments and we will not select your name we appreciate any and all comments you leave and we will always read them thoroughly thank you for taking the time to answer these questions i know they've been some help to you and if they aren't yet it will all make sense very soon trust me on that what the [ __ ] that's very sweet i was expecting something terrible that was really sweet what the hell all right everybody remember my secret word is angel i gotta find out what this uh other project they were working on is what the hell i thought this was gonna be a nightmare it kind of was for a little bit but good god what's wrong with you that was fascinating that was really fascinating that was crazy i did not expect that going into i guess now you know when i said at the beginning like i don't know it'll be a video or not i it's a video but god damn i'll link this in the description if you guys want to find out apparently an inner truth about yourself play this game let me know in the comments what your secret word is and what you did thank you everybody so much for watching i'm gonna go i'm gonna go think about stuff have a lovely day got some introspection done you know not every day you get a whole bunch of thinking about yourself done and so thank you and as always i will see you in the next video bye-bye [Music] you
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,636,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the test, markiplier, the test game, scary test, quiz, scary quiz, creepy, horror, indie horror, rpg maker horror, markiplier test, markiplier quiz
Id: CatkkDrWEbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 12sec (2832 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 24 2022
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