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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hot welcome to buff imposter i'm assuming i'm running away from the buff imposter you need to find all the milk it's like this game was made for me this is my game it was made for me go back i don't want to go back i'm afraid of the buff imposter getting me the maze always changes pick up the milk i will pick up the milk but i feel like i mean god damn i love milk oh no oh where's the milk and also where's the buff he's here he's there where the arrow zero are pointing where he is or is he over there i'm gonna guess he's in here [Music] what the hell happened what was that what what is that what is that what is it was that an eyeball oh my god is that is that the buffing buster looking at me this game is terrifying i expected it to be a meme but it's terrifying where is buff imposter oh no not the long hallway holy crap [Music] oh look at that oh wait a minute hang on a second wait a minute ah it's a wall when you said it always changes does that mean while i'm playing it changes because that's pretty impressive i'm not gonna lie that's that's kind of cool how are you doing that wait hey wait a minute wait wait a minute it's dead oh no he's so buff uh all right fair enough man you know you're right you're right but uh yeah i made it all right well maybe if you weren't so bulked up you could get some endurance oh no i think the moral of the story is don't go any long hallways because it's clear nope okay clearly it's the wrong answer hello i thought i heard a knocking on the door i heard it oh that ain't good can i get some milk been a while since i've seen milk he will find you willy oh oh free to the dark nope [Laughter] oh what the hell wait a minute this isn't the same hallway i remember it's like i'm trapped in the back rooms with a buff imposter god damn that imposter is buff oh what in the heck in hell what is with this parallax ass window what man that buff imposter got fast oh no please big imposter man oh don't do it dude he was gonna do it to me oh no why are you running oh no i'm running because you're chasing me i thought that would have been very obvious oh i'm totally in the clear now ask me why i'm running why are you running at me is that just how you walk you big lumbering behemoth he's here yeah right no way behind you no hide i can't that's not how this game works these are incredibly unhelpful hints funny you funny man what was that i thought i saw milk oh hey but you said oh what what what i'm gonna go around you i'ma go around you oh milk is mine baby this game has no right to be this good this game has zero right to be as competently made as it is no impossible no close close it okay he was actually there something was weird about the screen i thought maybe he wouldn't have been there are you lost given to your power i got all right i guess i'm done now don't follow the thump alums hey buddy how are you hello seeing any thumper lumps here i got a bad feeling i got a bad feeling i got a bad feeling oh what where in the hell in the heck in the hell where where what what i was just looking at this room and it changed before my eyes i don't like this big room don't even think about it like don't even think about it you can't withstand my power shut up don't make fun of me he's coming yeah he is yeah he is god afraid of the dark not quite i'm afraid of a big burly imposter surprisingly sexy imposter too another big one eh a whopper of aruma oh i see i see what's going on here uh-huh he's coming he's coming he's close he is oh so you're so horny ma'am he punched me through so many walls oh yeah i don't believe you oh he's behind me oh no why is it so well done why is it so well done i don't like that it's well done all right what's behind door number three all right what's behind door number four my time has come oh you gotta make it sound so enticing big man not me not me not me get the other guy man not really a lot of milk here my bones no you didn't scare me this way nil two of three boy [Music] i am the best this game is why oh hey big guy hey big guy okay well it's only the one door so oh interesting are you in oh it here open for me wait okay follow the arrow i don't even need to click on the door it just opens the arrow was a lie okay no more arrow okay i don't like that he's coming he is oh hey big guy hey big guy ah [Music] i bet this that like that the programming of this game is is quite simple but it's so well done and it's actually unsettling it's not like scary scary it's kind of funny scary right it's fun scary it's funny funny okay i must be crazy because i don't see him anywhere i think he's gone i think i've gotten rid of them [Music] stop okay i won't you can't escape i'm not trying to i'm finding milk i just want milk please oh thank you ah i knew it i knew it oh i knew it okay wait wait wait hang on hold on hold on buddy buddy buddy oh oh okay bell hey pal hey pal okay easy easy easy stuff easiest actually the breeziest oh no good thing he's slow ah he's gonna punch me never mind i did not heard something scared potter hello hello it's here it's here it's definitely here man wow i did it very i don't know what the leveling is for that's kind of strange but okay so that is buff imposter i bet it's made by the same guy that made that other imposter horror game this one's even better not gonna lie very good scary fun good stuff link in the description good stuff welcome to dying of thirst if you've ever been thirsty in your life this game is for you oh oh oh i have a cup i have a cup why does my lamp look like a martini glass all right really throwing me into the deep end of the pool here i i don't know what i'm doing you know actually i guess i don't need an explanation i don't know why i'm expecting one really the whole premise of the game is dying of thirst so i guess i'm gonna dip my cup in the fish tank and slurp a blurp i already fed the fish earlier i just hope the pump isn't still broken well time for a drink all right anyway i'm gonna go get a drink of sweet delectable delicious tap water or fridge water okay oh yeah that's the good stuff hello hi who are you who are you god look at that smile all right anyway well now that that's over with time to get my drink anyway pardon oh hi okay all right anyway good night okay fishy uh this is what it means when the pump's broken my fish are getting super oxygenated oh good great just gonna get my you know i can start sipping at any moment i feel like i could just continue filling i feel like i could have just done that but no it's okay i go turn off the tv play my gamecube probably get in trouble for playing this late yeah hi look at that smile are you wait a minute can i help you there pal i know you're still down there you just went into that cupboard uh you okay all right you come out whenever you feel like it if you want a drink you just need to add oh hi all right maybe now i could take a sippy sip all right good night [Music] oh i thought that was my stomach [Music] oh okay short sweet to the point uh but seem to be lacking a big jump scare finish so lexian can you hit him with a big jump scare finish so we can move on to the next game okay thanks i'll leave you to it alright have fun did you do the big no what's that oh oh oh i'm sorry i'll go no i'll go i'll go i'll come back later no you can still do it it'll still be good it'll be a big finish um but i'm i'm going to go so you can do it but it'll be fine it'll be just scary i'm sorry i'm going to leave okay all right bye bye sorry bye [Music] just wanted to say again i'm kind of sorry ah sorry welcome to the well if you don't know this game's developer you actually do know this game's developer it's james from discover my bodies and water womb world and lips like vellum and the future release of discover our bodies which i'm looking forward to very much with all that being made clear i hope you enjoyed the well it is the first entry in james's secret games games made available first and foremost to my patreon supporters hi you know the story farmer seth atwood was past 80 when he tried to sink that deep well by his door with only his nephew abe to help him dig the neighbors said they worked like had mad mad mad actually you know what this is better going down and down we could only laugh and hope the old fool would soon be sane again but young abe had gone crazy too so that he stove a hole through his uncle's sorry skull and then fearfully bricked up the well tight as glue pastor emerson went and talked the mad boy down and when he abe led him to the old man's body the pastor saw godless signs set deep in his naked skin they took the boy up to the county farm but emerson still goes to see him and they pray after the funeral pastor emerson sent for me i'm guessing he sent for you as well he was looking for someone to assist me to clear the adword farm in cottage we're supposed to pass along any valuables to the young man's next of kin but did emerson tell you this we're supposed to stay away from the well for the atwoods we're chasing after some cursed pagan treasure we hazard our souls standing here i've never been one for superstition i don't know about you of course we can work later before you got here first thing i did was tear those bricks away pagan gold's worth more than any pasture nickel a day if you go and peer down into that hole i bore you can only see a ladder reaching down deeper than the light can tell oh we ought to see how deep down it goes before we think of heading down don't worry i brought me old navy pap's lead in line i wonder just how deep seth dug down in this dark black soil [Applause] [Music] all right you just lower the line down and i'll feed you more rope if you need it i'm sorry i'm sorry what you've not ever used one of these before eh well it ain't too hard is that a cat is that a cat swishing its tail like that is that is that supposed to be a cat not whatever we ought to work quick however wouldn't want the pastor seeing we sniffed around here you don't talk too much do you well don't mind me i'm a talker anyway just hold down the z key to let the line down i'll help you oh and if jingle starts making a fuss quiet him down just tap z to go to him and give him some love by tapping z a few more times eh i do it myself but i'm over here let's get to work oh i don't like this oh i hate it why do i hate this 20 feet okay good thank you can you stop barking at me okay okay stop it it's perfectly normal uh-huh 60 feet yeah uh-huh oh there let's take a bit of a break i'm not as surprised it's a beautiful day isn't it but the atwood farm got overrun quick the woods and the boars is rotted through the bedroom is stinking like all hell it looked terrible like animals had lived in it for months not days where did you say you were from again i've not heard of that place oh cincinnati ohio anyway anyway let's get back to it okay 80 feet oh it's okay oh oh oh oh good kitty all right that was great uh yes what happened i'm sorry hello hi the hell is that did you feel anything on your part of the line let me take a look i think something's tangled in the line don't know how why don't you bring it back up and we'll both take a look how about we don't you know this is a crazy idea and i know i've never suggested it before but how about we don't do that thing that you're suggesting how about how about we don't okay whatever back up we go 80 feet oh god oh man i know this is by perfect design but i don't want to pull up whatever we're pulling up is that normal is that supposed to happen okay whatever huh what am i looking at i knew something had snagged on the line i guess that's it huh yeah that's it yeah whatever tangled nest of circuit boards and nonsense that is funny made such a damn loud noise yeah funny about that yeah funny uh we are to get back to work okay tap z to further inspect the object you you oh oh what are you looking at it for oh i missed that pepsi to further inspect come on now i'm inspecting it you're a strange one you're a strange one what the hell did we pull up so like some blair witch okay wait no hang on yeah i'm on i'm on to something split it down the middle mirror it across the horizontal plane cut it in half flip it match it up end to end what do we got okay we got that i don't know what that is all right come on i am go throw the lead down and i'll hold tight back at it then yeah you're right hopefully with no more distractions yeah you right about that yeah you right about that [Music] what's wrong oh good kitty good kitty nice necklace kitty you're welcome this is a delightful game for delightful people like myself 20 feet 40 feet 60 feet we're about to get past the point where we snagged on something before oh it's okay kitty don't worry about it don't worry your pretty little head you're good kitty 80 feet okay we're breaking new ground hey there give me a moment ah jingle ain't bothering you too much eh good good we're lucky to have you how did you meet first meet with the pastor um i see oh jealous question to me well uh church surprisingly had not heard of that hospital oh never mind a hospital you're in the college of sciences at the university then sure i see i see but you've taken some divinities classes eh you're a smart one and that book learning didn't make your hands too soft eh well we ought to start again enough of my drawing all right enough of your jaw all right 100 feet damn how long is this line it's okay kitty it's okay good kitty oh something on the line again eh you feel it certainly hurt it yeah i feel it yeah tangled again damn bring it on up okay this is a good idea this is a good idea this is a good idea this is a good idea oh it's a good idea oh it's a good idea oh it's one of those good ideas ah oh it's a good idea oh boy it sure is loud whatever that is oh it's real loud someone's coming up you got that right oh what's that what in the hell is that a good question i was asking myself the same thing weird looking thing very weird yeah you're right talk about pagan that things look like a devil yeah makes my head hurt just looking at it damn damn you know usually i've never encountered many things in my i've never many i have not often encountered in my life things that i look at and make my head hurt outside of an optical illusion usually that's a bad sign i'm gonna inspect it what was that did you just dude i don't know hour the hell a little worm just bit me that's bad thought i felt something looking at me for a second that's bad all right go and put it away maybe dig a hole and throw it in it maybe dig a well and throw it in it maybe that's what the well is for you mentioned you were at the university yep i sure did you ever see something like that in book nope yeah yeah i know i don't i didn't know nothing about this area don't surprise me none my me late wife well not wife but we was betrothed her daddy used to go digging through the burial mounds oh good oh a grave robber wait a what a good way to put a grave robber he often found something i didn't catch that lexington what was it oh i didn't put it in my brain okay thank you one day he did though wouldn't tell me about it weird fella you ever find yourself a lady friend oh you know yeah hmm it can be hard funny i swear i saw or something on his back weird stuff yeah you right all right i'm sick of looking at this ugly thing yeah you and me both back her work here we go again third time's the charm baby where's the kitty kitty where's the kitty kitty's gone everyone panic gets gone and i got a bad feeling about this one guys i don't know if you ask me something boy don't that dirt look good in what way i'm sorry i'm feeling funny but don't look good look how dark it is ad hood dug in here because he knew how dark it was the atwood's here so wise deep enough in the soil that they don't even die deep with her what uh what what worm bit you what worm bit you was it maybe it might have been a worm out of like a resident evil game or something like that okay cool anyway i'm gonna keep putting the line down hey [Music] oh again okay all right again yeah you gotta we'll never get this work done god damn it all right bring it up what are you talking about no i didn't say nothing to you what oh yeah what was that about all that dirt talk i just been calling out the footage the line you feeling okay we can take a break mind you if you really need it would it prefer not to though good good have you seen jingle by the way no well there are certainly enough rats around here to keep a cat busy eh okay bring her up then man the dirt looked good don't it have you ever seen a pile of dirt a pile of dirt about yay high looks like dirt here we go again oh boy oh boy something's coming up it's a rock my god look at that it's a rock wow looks like some oh egg full of something i was gonna say rock in fact i did say rock what do you mean it's not just a rock i was i literally think it might be just a rock man looks like a woman's belly full of slugs that's an odd comparison to make my friend it's disgusting and yet don't say do not be horny right now it's beautiful he might be horny like a child being born okay not as horny we have so much to give and we don't deserve none of it horny she deserves it all i'm just a worm that's 100 horny right there you better watch yourself but i'm just a worm me too bud me too anyway i'm going to inspect this object i'm just a worm i'm you feel odd at all oh i feel uncomfortable that's for sure given that i've never actually looked at you my friend i feel odd i can see something like a dream strange stuff it looks like a big leather bag that been left out in the sun rain but it's moving and twitching all strange something turned it inside out to make a way for a beautiful lady there's something pulsing under it sliding around like a snake under wax paper again with the analogies i don't often see snakes slithering under wax paper my friend we ought to get back back to her work this wonderful work that we have with this great job that we secured for ourselves oh jingle you're back something's different about jingle all right one more time eh what's wrong with jingle has jingle got lightning across jingle 20 feet i'm gonna pet the hell out of you jingle i'm gonna pet the goddamn hell out of here oh come on now we barely got down there i don't want to even work anymore feeling a bit sleepy you raise it up i'll do me thing i'll go lay down in a deep dark hole home home on a warm dirt moon where the worms are oh i'm sleepy all right come on you got it pal 60 feet 40 feet something's coming up oh another furry friend there was there another ratter at atwood's had a fluffy one eh oh looks fluffy all right jingle have a friend eh [Music] oh your jingle how did you make yourself in two jingle did you play a trick but maybe you're the real jingle and the other is someone else but [Music] how long has it been since she has dug in i see you've done well to bring her so quickly it was a bit risky in daylight however perhaps if it was night it might have been a bit cooler and there would be fewer flies [Music] more importantly word had spread you were lugging around something strange i overheard some parishioners speaking of it i told them you were just hauling away some refuse from the edward estate how long how is the temperature how long is this protuberating bengal what's protuberating lixian please give me the definition of protuberating thank you kindly let me take a closer look has she told you anything else very well we'll have to go i don't know what's happening her body is aiding to her parthenogenesis genesis lexian please give me a definition of parthenogenesis thank you kindly is there something wrapped around one of her spikules licks here please give me the definition spike yours thank you the line is tangled here you see she's in there with him in the line it seems when his pelvic girdle was separated it made the dangling even worse please don't separate my pelvic girdle i'm very fond of that i am envious of this man he is so close to her the pneuma drawn from his bloodstream is to her as milk to a suckling babe lexian please give me the definition of milk i mean goddamn i love milk thank you in any case it's fortunate we are both here we will have to pull loose the line to unblock the metrador i think we all know what metrador means all right i will be the ballast at the back you pull from where you're standing pull hard but give it slack when i tell you we don't want to hurt her ready pull fast till i okay here we go i'm pulling i'm pulling him well i'm pulling 30 feet left i'm pulling what am i pulling what am i pulling out of what am i pulling hold on okay hold on oh we must not be too hasty give some time for the fetal form to uncoil itself a bit and we will begin again shortly are you well did you do that [Music] boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy stop give me a moment i must inspect the metrador my goodness she spoke just briefly to me the subtle body is immanetizing we're very close [Music] daughter of the deathless worm [Music] the cracked bell oh the moment is at hand indeed oh the moment is at hand what am i pulling out of whose ass the light what happened to the light i can hear the chime of the bell is she here [Music] my god she's beautiful ah [Music] oh oh okay well i am confused that was lovely i lovely that and apparently based on an hp lovecraft poem which i did not know that was the case so thank you very much for that i will appreciate the nightmares and thank you and have a lovely day and thank you that's all i have to say about that um yeah uh yeah i thought it was great because it's just something about james's game style it just makes things so disturbing but i loved it [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,657,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, 3 scary games, lixian, lixiantv, markipliergame, markiplier scary games, horror games, indie horror, scariest games, buff imposter, dying of thirst, the well, yames, creepy, among us horror
Id: n_zQR6c3Dfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 7sec (2407 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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