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hello everybody my name is markiplier and i'm very tired i'm gonna go into the ocean and i'm going to [ __ ] lixie and roll it back i don't know what i'm talking about this is iron lung i meant to play this a long time ago and then i got lost in space uh if you haven't seen in space with mark blair you should check it out link in the description it's on my channel page you don't check with the front page of my channel every day then you don't know what i'm doing let's see and restart this hi my name is markiplier welcome to iron lung i'm going to go into the ocean i'm a [ __ ] poseidon decades ago every known star inhabited oh my god lixian make me seem like a coherent human being every known star inhabitable planet vanished leaving only those who were on space stations or starships this event became known as the quiet rapture with supplies dwindling and infrastructure crumbling survivors are searching for any trace of natural resources in a universe of barren moons lit by the ghost light of vanished stars one such moon holds a strange anomaly an ocean of blood you are a convict tasked with exploring this anomaly in a makeshift submarine nicknamed the iron lung it was not designed for this depth so you will be welded inside and a forward window will be closed there is no time for training if successful you will earn your freedom wow if its blood just drink the blood blood's got resources in it here's a scientific breakdown of all the materials that are in blood look at all these so i'm assuming that if you found blood you're gonna be a-okay i don't know how to extract resources out of blood but i'm gonna find out also interesting concept about the idea that just like oh here i go then i am cruising depth in roughly 40 seconds standby so you say i have not been trained for this um i'm seeing some voltage irregularities in the instrument so keep an eye out for sparks or flames or anything like that i can't i how do i i don't see any sparks uh the whole feeling it but it's still holding strong well it better be quoting what do you oh okay thank you we're starting to lose range of signal you'll be a crew step soon so be careful you're on your own i'm on my i guess i'm on my own okay tab briefing two weeks ago we conducted an exploration of moon 85 for the first time since the quiet rapture leading to the discovery of the fourth blood ocean a fourth one two three fourth you found three others of these and this is the fourth one what happened to the convicts that you sent down into the other three blood oceans are they okay am i that one i don't think so i have no training your task is to photograph these points of interest with the sm-13s forward camera photos must be taken within two units of the specified position and 10 degrees of the specified angle you can also use the camera to help with navigation only photos taken at the specified points of interest will be saved since you can navigate by site pay attention to your coordinates and consult the map the proximity indicators next to the sub controls will trigger if you're getting too close to an obstacle good luck thanks um what hello ah this is not an expedition it is an execution when they put you in here they don't want you to return and even if you do and even if they keep their promises what freedom waits for you a few dying ships in a sea of dead stars if there is still hope it lies beyond the veil hoping this void is as illusionary as the starlight i will choose to breathe my last year at the bottom of an ocean unseen unheard and uncontrolled they will get their execution and i will get my freedom okay so i'm assuming this is from one of the explorations of the other three blood oceans how [ __ ] cool does a blood ocean sound not at all when i'm in it where am i i've heard node information okay x325 741.88 18. well this is why the universe imploded they didn't name the z-axis with a z so i seem to be at 182 116. okay 182 116. that would put me at 182 116. so i'm starting right here bearing north okay so that's good to know so i need to go up to stay in the 175 range and i need to get to y200 this seems pretty easy well let me just quickly whoa that was turning i did not mean to do that damn it okay my oxygen is doing okay i don't know what this is all about oh [Music] is that a picture of the outside well that's not good well i don't like this and i don't like that i really don't like this at all actually but i know what i'm doing so i'm just gonna go yeah i should be fine all the way up i just need to start turning it around uh 175. bearing uh probably about 15 degrees starting at 175 on my mark three two one mark is my name oh that's way more than i thought okay let's see if there's anything new here what are we looking at all right forward camera shows nothing a few scraggly plant life possibly at least that's what i'm hoping not a lot of light down here might be souls of the damned at the bottom but what do i know i'm one of them all right bearing 16.68 degrees due north north east uh moving forward to 200 y on my mark mark and ceasing momentum we're now 200 y which means that we need to do bearing uh 90 degrees due east uh straight shot to the anomaly roger roger here we go all right we can we can actually be a little bit uh under it because we might scrape a little bit if we go too low but i mean i'm at 200 so i should be fine all right we need to go to uh x 300 roger roger on my mark here we go is that the proximity center because i'm not exactly worried about that because i know that i'm doing okay yeah we're fine oof all right we should be fine i'm not worried about it we're gonna be okay i'm at y200 it's just a passing obstacle no worries about that no no no it's all fine thank you all right we are 50 meters away from marking x 300 and bearing up on x 300 in three two one mark all right we made it to x 300 we need to go three two two so if we drop bearing by about was that 35 degrees so 125 do east east south and we're cruising to why 186 and 322 roger utter engaging what is that sound i think that's just a hall undulating under the pressures of the blood all right three two two coming up on it getting real close we need 186 322 roger very close very close all right uh we should be right up on it honestly i'm sorry do i need to be at a certain depth i notice this is a 33 but i'm not exactly 100 sure what that means i don't think i can drop the depth down either way i'm not i'm not quite there anymore i need 322y 186 so i'm still a little bit off you know cruise a little more south wham this should be it oh are you talking angle i see what you mean angle 33 that's what the a is roger a33 adjusting to angle of 33 degrees close enough and capturing oh well that's a thing i don't know what that thing is but it's a thing did i get credit for that did i ah i got credit for that all right roger uh anomaly located at 322 186 a 33 degrees uh has been located seems to be some uh tombstones of some kind maybe teeth if it's if i'm really scared for my own safety uh if if i'm feeling horny probably dildos uh but i'm gonna go with the dildo tombstones i am scared and horny i am marking that as complete i need to bear about 15 degrees off of north north northeast 15. uh i could probably even approach i've got some unclear readings over here on the eastern wall of whatever feature i am glancing at i need to approach to 378 270 263 roger roger okay bearing actually the bearing's good let me just knock off a few bits off of that and uh 370 378 263 confirmed all right here we go you know this is ship ain't too bad this ship ain't too bad it's kind of cozy when you really think about it all right saving progress that's probably a good sign 378 263 approaching uh approaching too much on the y-axis knocking off some degrees there continuing progress uh making more significant adjustment of trajectory uh reducing that a bit i think 45 might be the way to go on that all right approaching uh we have now crossed where we need to be on the y we got to make some uh reverse progress here because i'm very dumb so i'm gonna go hard 90 degrees over until i reach my destination to try to reduce my uh my dumbness and increase my iq a little bit all right on my mark and here we go we're going to 378 approaching and three two one mark all right and the angle is 50 degrees roger roger reducing to 50 degrees uh east uh northeast is what that would be bam capturing now what do we have here okay um yeah i don't know what i'm looking at houston um seems to be again some kind of teeth uh maybe some thin dildos maybe some tombstones for some really tall people i seem to be like something some kind of i see like a pattern of what might be a skull behind it with the teeth said in the bottom there and like an eye in the background there um got a bad feeling now i'm looking at an angler fish of some type but i'm gonna consider myself lucky uh that i didn't walk into that trap all right next up is 259 406 we got a narrow passage but if i'm hitting this calculating the angle it's not quite a 45 degree from my current position um yeah 45 degree actually 45 degrees should be able to get me through there if i go up to 350 off of 275 350. if i approach clear 45 degree angle opposite of north uh on the other side north here dropping down to wow i can't do math 360 315. so if i hit three hold on just a second houston need to take a picture or something that was outside okay cool all right all right uh pretending i didn't hear that and i'm adjusting it 315 degrees and i'm going to be progressing once again to 275 350 and on my mark here we go you know navigating through blood i thought it would have been a little bit more difficult yeah and for a space-faring civilization hold on you need to check something real quick yeah okay all right once again pretending like that was nothing to make myself feel better we are currently at 347 295 we need 275 350. we are at actually we're pretty close there um the only thing i'm off of is the well actually no wait no i'm nowhere near i need to be never mind using continuing on i need 275 350 on my mark and mark that's going to be fine houston it'll be fine path should be if we're at 3 29 329 we are off course because we are already at 375 we need to adjust just do let's do 300 degrees all right and on my mark we're fine oh my god we're fine what what happened oh i lost oxygen i think wait no yeah i'm fine okay god all right currently at 312 324 312 2324 uh we're still pretty close on that but i think we're okay approaching 275 as objective has dictated don't like these sounds all right 275 350 approaching the right wall [Music] don't like that sound that's not what i would call a good sound houston you hearing this lixian you're in houston command do you hear any of this okay all right admission continue mission as as described thank you lixian i will not let you down um approaching 259 406 at angle 340 roger engaging [Music] i really don't like this and approaching why 400 we're looking for 406 259 we're very close to our objective concerning say these are terrible sounds that i'm hearing oh interesting okay that must be actually the objective that we're looking for adjusting course just a bit scooting forward just a bit and taking second picture all right a little more let's get a better look at whatever the hell this nonsense is all right uh anomaly has not been justified i should have just looked at what angle it wanted it went 296. roger 296 confirmed and take a picture seems to be the source of the sounds that i'm hearing could be some kind of intestinal nonsense all right i'm not close enough i see all right we're looking to oh 259 i see i see i see oops i'm actually going the wrong way all right and looking for 296 right yep close enough got a picture uh well still not good enough huh [Music] i i'm looking right at this thing whatever it is i'm looking dead at it [Music] i could not be closer to this thing i am looking straight at whatever this is these intestinal tubes i'm looking dead at them all right fine but it really wants the specified angle i think i think i got to get this from another angle i'm kind of off i'm 406 is where i should be in the y and x is 259. yeah that's what it wants it wants me to look at it from a different angle so i need 406. then turn back towards it this is what it's looking for the 396 i believe taking picture there we go now that looks like a oh you son of a [ __ ] it's oh god the x is off all right so if i back away from it should be fine all right that's a good picture of it all right good picture confirmed boogieing out of here i don't think that that's a path there but hey maybe it is i should probably give it a try huh all right bearing 45 degrees roger straight off this shot going on the knob and i'm gunning it straight over off of 45 degrees confirmed roger uh moving up to 325 425 325 425 confirmed all right we've reached 425 x trying to adjust angle as we go so i can continue forward uh no further than 350 please we are not going to hit 340. okay 350 has been achieved we will start our right turn making good progress carrying on a little straighten out down i need to hit 375 which is good straight down from here going to 325 325 achieved uh making my way 90 degrees due east [Music] and progressing forward to fourth marker which is at x 560 straight drop from here straight on and through i'm gonna guess that's good sound and i'm not gonna think about it too tightly oh my god why why oh why why why what's going on what is the deal what's the deal okay there's nothing it's just it's nothing okay five fifty approaching 450 feeling good mission log uh feeling hungry actually all this thought of blood is making me kind of yearn for something primal and uh throbbing between my teeth i was trying to go for like eating a heart but it sounds like i want to eat a dick and i just want to reiterate it that's not my true true that's not my heart's truth uh in all honesty i would like to to consume a beating heart you know so i can feel it pulsating between my lips sounds sexy what what what what hey now hey now you see we've reached uh roughly 5 40. i'm turning due north to see what the hell was just blink blocking on my ass over there um taking a gander out the camera yep as confirmed sees nothing gonna adjust south south east uh make my way down to way point four y two two seven confirmed all right adjusting course a little more east making my way to 560. and two two seven two seven seven two seven seven actually we have made it we just need to now go straight x off to 560. that's 90 degrees uh engaged all right we've reached our destination looking at it at angle 43 degrees confirmed 43 degrees locked in progress good taking picture uh okay well all this is just digital noise here well clearly i'm looking at the black mesa logo um lexi and if you just overlay a black mesa logo on top of that you'll see that's exactly what it is we found the remains of black mesa half-life 3 confirmed all right engaging uh engines down to x613y197 uh do angle is roughly about 60 degrees which means 90 plus 60 150 degrees confirm making my way down to uh way point five uh looking for x 6 17 197 confirmed feeling pretty good about this mission you know feeling pretty good i think i'm gonna earn my freedom and uh everything's looking good for me oh my god what i didn't know i i didn't know that was actually a thing what am i on the invincible hey all right 613 197 all right y197 has been reached we're going uh now angling over 90 degrees x uh to reach um [Music] 613 confirm all right 639 has been reached angle 55. roger that 55 degrees and confirmed that's nice all right good picture has been achieved we're looking for a choke point over at 750 due to uh 262. 750 262 angle is approximately maybe like 30 degrees up from 90. so actually pretty close maybe actually it gives me the angle that i need to go we are moseying over to 750 262. no problem so far houston we are locked on course and feeling pretty spicy [Music] all right 752 uh some some 260 okay we've reached our y coordinate apparently the angle that i thought it was going to be has been misleading i'm actually going to drop it down continue on to 750. oh that's not good okay 750 has been achieved actually we need to go now actually 70 50 has been overachieved now we jump up to about 275 there's going to be a real tight squeeze here we're trying to get to if we find the right angle with both those wall we're going to try to get to 802 go 286 800 286 yes let me take a picture okay i'm okay okay this is going really well a64 258 a64 has been achieved hey who who's here okay hey 258 okay we're not quite there [Music] hey 260 258 okay we're very close to obstacles here we don't want to get too close all right 258 oh wow this really nestled in here all right angle 209 roger that 209 here we go take a picture sure it'll be really fun to look at oh what am i looking at wait wait a minute are those windows what am i looking at what am i looking at here why does that look why does that look like a road barrier i swear those are windows like crazy okay whatever um not my problem i'm actually going to back that ass up straight out of here back up to uh 300 please oh yep yep yep i was right 300 please all right actually we don't need full 300 we now need to get the hell out of here uh getting the hell out of here confirmed all right houston we are uh running for our life we have [ __ ] our pants um we will need clean underwear once we arrive uh back up to the surface i am gonna hit something yep uh hitting something confirmed uh let's avoid please where are we 8 37 oh whoops i think i'm nestling in this little nook here let me back that ass up a little bit i think i made my turn a little too early there let's try that again oh hi okay my god you gotta stop doing that you gotta stop doing that i don't like steam i don't like steam tool i'm getting out of here oh two still looking good houston we are not facing any delusions of grandeur except for how great i am that is not delusion that is just pure fact thank you very much houston for listening to my last words as i die beneath the blood okay houston how you feeling handsome um see word x uh 576y 355. what 576 350. how did that that's not possible what do you mean that that's not how did i that that is that's quite literally impossible how did i get here okay whatever i'm not going to question a good thing i i guess all right houston make my way up uh do straight north now going to 400 uh looking at 500 actually i don't that doesn't make any sense how did i get here and what are those lovely noises on the outside of my iron lung are they going to kill me i bet all right we've made it up to 460 approaching 500 once we hit 500 we'll make a course correction do about 70. [Music] i'm gonna start making that course correction a little early houston um approaching x uh or y500 uh looking at 525 about 520 uh 623 by 520 roger that all right 6283 520 520-ish confirmed looking at angle 63. roger roger here we go and taking a picture yeah it's bones i'm beginning to think my uh estimate of uh tombstones and uh dildos wrong teeth we're closer cuz teeth are technically bones um still don't like what i'm looking at gonna turn my tail and run uh houston once again if you could get the heavy duty underwear i'm going to need that upon arrival thank you lixian uh you're the best 270 confirmed straight on looking for about uh 400 by five four by five what is that the siren song of the the ocean of blood siren the sexiest siren of them all i'm getting to think that's something i should inspect up nothing as i suspected on closer inspection turns out it was nothing still fine also it's just the uh blood ocean uh french horn player down here having a good old time seemed to be some unidentified landmarks of some kind causing me a bit of a problem here but uh nothing i can't handle he's nothing i can't handle all right well usually we might have a bit of a problem um when you design this lyxian when it hits the bottom one below this that means i still got 25 left right that doesn't mean zero right all right sure thing you got it pal thank you very much we have reached x 400 we are looking to do a course correction do uh northwest please uh confirmed all right we are approaching unidentified territory right about 360 365 x is where we want to be and then we want to look at uh just doing straight north after that or using landscape as a bit of a identifier maybe doing okay uh maybe a little too much on the west side straight north all right passing through the channel looks like pretty good we have uh 368 614 368 614 approaching the other anomaly i might want to hit this one first though if i'm already at uh if i get up to y650 i'm actually going to go for this one first houston so i'm looking for y650 my 650 confirmed actually i probably want y 660 666 confirmed what is that oh my god hey whoa hey ho fire on the bridge um well the light was kind of nice but i don't know if fire is good i'm gonna go ahead and say fire ain't good uh fire not good don't know how that happened all right five six six six confirmed all right six six zero um locked in actually let's just keep it at 6 59 let's go straight to 70 degrees do dead west dead west and confirmed locking in going to 200 x 200 confirmed it's an awfully peaceful ride actually when you really think about it this is quite nice and i i do like it it's uh pretty good pretty good pretty good all right still going for 200 we've got about 80 meters left to go on the journey um no alarms yet on the proximity alert up and right on cue we're looking at something on the north side but i think we're going to be solid if we keeps keep going straight all right no matter what i hear i'm not going to look over to my left or i don't need to take a picture of whatever is around me it's not important right now we don't need to worry about that that's not a big deal to me i am just fine thank you we have approached 200 we're going to slippity-slap over a little more and then we're going to take a sharp downward turn um kind of the slanting angle uh not quite straight down and going forward i seems to be a sound of something something in front of me and i think i'm gonna take a look nothing sure sounds like something whoa okay as long as we keep going this way we should be okay wow that sounds like a something wow that really sounds like a something huh nothing this ain't nothing it's a big old nothing we're trying to get to 550 somehow oh no you don't okay well that's a problem um here's whoa what am i looking at do not know do not know also do not know how i'm going to back out of this okay hey hey now hey now yeah okay all right let's keep going i guess this is getting really wibbly okay we're looking at 180 576 we're getting real close to it okay 576 hasn't been reached let's not get too close we got to go 180 apparently hitting 90 degrees over there that bearing and we've reached 180 and the angle is 184 all right i kind of already know what it is because i can feel it jiggling my blood 184 confirmed taking picture can't wait to see this with my own eyes well that's a thing all right we got that in there gonna try to not uh look at that anymore we're gonna back that ass up straight out of here thank you for your time uh appreciate it big preach across the board biggest breach actually straight back back this ass up out here what happened what happened what happened what what happened what happened what happened did we move again 2 two oh it got us out two seventy seven three i appreciate that all right course correcting i don't know how that happened but it did so thank you for that it's awfully convenient but i'm awfully curious about why all right making my way to 325 the 741 confirmed approaching 325 on my mark three two one mark and slow down moving due north to 3 41 confirmed approaching waypoint and 341 right on the money okay and angle 18. you got it big boy take a picture more bones by the look of it i'm gonna guess that's more bones all right houston we have gotten one two three four five six seven eight nine nine uh waypoints have been achieved i feel real good about this houston we're gonna go uh do about maybe 120 degrees for a while till we hit uh y700 you got it at least i got plenty of oxygen you know it really sucked if i didn't and approaching why 70321 mark all right why 700 has been achieved let's go a little below let's go uh 690 690 321 mark and then we're gonna do straight 90 degrees over roger roger 8891 and cruising straight east uh till x575 roger and mark houston could i get some music thank you please tell me this is the last goodbye why why whoah okay um we are at 460 690 uh cabin check looking pretty good nothing on the scanners uh this note has not changed to something horrible lots of squeaking going on but we seem to be holding strong because we believe in ourselves and uh self-confidence will get you so far still progressing to 550 roger that kind of curious what they're gonna get out of this uh houston what you're going to get out of this um pictures of bones you know paleontology and all that stuff is very cool and all but uh curious how we're all gonna celebrate this one looks like you were right about that 25 roger roger we are approaching 550 in three two one mark all right we made to 550 we're gonna go straight north at about 15 degrees off north going to 750. y750 here we go three two one here we go why 50 minus 50 to 750 t minus 40 to 750 t minus 30 to 750 t minus 20 15 10 5 4 3 2 whoa uh why they smell good i'll call it a hurry okay course correcting do right and we're making our way to about 775 775 looking to go do 96.50 yep 650. no fires right had the blood will put out the fires all right course correcting do north wamo we are looking for 675 828 what is in front of me where are we right now seven seven nine seven seven not what x 647 oh whoops oh my god not 650 675 is what we were looking for my bad got that wrong i better hurry this blood seems to be rising we're looking for 675 675 cone firmed adjusting course and moving and 675 has been achieved more straight on should look for 675 828 all right we are just about on course 675 confirmed ish 8 28 almost in the bag 8 28 and 3 2 1 8 28 looking for angle 295 295 confirmed beautifully [Music] all right okay um well the expedition ultimately raised more questions than answers satellite images showed pieces of the sm-13 scattered all over the bottom of the trench as though it had been torn apart by some huge beast the wreckage cannot be reached at this time no photographs have been recovered the stars shine pale as bones the moon is a lifeless corpse its ocean a gaping wound the universe what's left of it is dying but somewhere in the void there must be well i don't know about that i'm dead but maybe in another multiverse there's some part of me that uh lives on to uh go into the blood ocean another day don't know why this is the fourth one that they've explored but uh hey you know what not bad that was actually excellent that was incredible i really loved that experience it's so novel it's so interesting there's not like a super direct thing that's threatening you it's everything around you is threatening you and it's constant and pervasive and any game that can create a constant and pervasive sense of death lurking right outside a thin metal wall is a pretty cool game in my book so thank you everybody so much for watching this has been iron lung link in the description if you want to play this for yourself i have an amazing series that if you want to check it out called in space with markiplier is very fun and i think you'll like it link also in the description or you can go to my channel's front page more scary games also in the description there's a lot of stuff in the description why don't you just check it out i also have podcasts with bob and wade we do distractible and with tyler we do go my favorite sports team thank you everybody for watching and as always i will see you in the next video bye-bye [Music] you
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,734,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iron lung, ocean, markiplier, scary games, horror games, indie horror, dread, spooky, creepy, lore, jumpscares, jump scare, scary moments, scare reactions, submarine
Id: WPiCSsW-2as
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 15sec (2775 seconds)
Published: Thu May 19 2022
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