Total Chaos Landing at Wealthy Airport

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I’m just gonna say it. Matty Boy is a fucking douche.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 56 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PowerfulRelax πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 26 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

ah yes, the "we violated the airspace of a sovereign country, without doing any research on border crossing regulations, and shockingly get arrested" dude.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 30 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Aluminum_Owl πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 26 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

When it hurts your doctor killer ego to follow a faster airplane.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mrlaheysliqour πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 26 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I watched the video. He and I have very different definitions of "total chaos".

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Matt: "Hey can we cut in front of that Learjet in our 40 year old bugsmasher?"

Tower: "No."

Matt: "Geez, this fuckin' guy. What a douche."

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/senorpoop πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

How the fuck can this guy afford that Bo while I get sucked into debt to pay for my PP?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/300blkdout πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 26 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

"Do not cut in front of the lear jet" NO SHIT lmao

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Mobe-E-Duck πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I can’t bring myself to subscribe to him because he seems like such an ignorant entitled asshole

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bitchdad_whoredad πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

He pulled this same.shit in England. Took no time to learn UK ATC idiosyncrasies and then whined and complained when he got in trouble for not understanding "pass your message."

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/KawarthaDairyLover πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 27 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
you'll be number three follow the legit about eight miles from the seven hotel pop number two following a vfr serious runway one cleared to land number two okay number two clinton okay we're cleared up land number two or do we cut in front of them or you want to think don't do not cut in front of the legendary hotel tango bonanza will give way to you really just like honestly here get a new iphone against the painful process of switching phones for a few days and then switching okay maybe it would have been worth it but it's only like you know 20 seconds yeah midfield left downwind runway one seven everything bleeding off air speed the turn here [Music] before the numbers got a back taxi oh that was a little after the numbers that looks like the welcoming party's here okay so we made it to aberdeen we loaded up the plane picked up rachel we're gonna hop in head to casper wyoming tonight that's where luke and lucky are with the j3 cub that they flew out there from vermont which is just damn impressive uh owen's flying up tomorrow in a bonanza and it's pretty windy so we're going to get going averaging traffic hotel pops departing runway 1-7 go to casper somewhere in wyoming or idaho or montana i think it's wyoming that general vicinity but i mean we don't really know where we're going we're just kind of heading in that direction nice and heavy now [Music] hot day three people lots of luggage lots of fuel nice and slow with the climb here today a little heavy struggling to get there another minute for the last 300 feet but we can do this potential aircraft hazardous weather information vector segments one two four and five central valley so zero two five five zero for south dakota and north dakota wyoming minnesota wisconsin colorado nebraska all for thunderstorms far informations on flight service frequencies number six seven hotel pops contact denver center one two seven point nine or five today one two seven nine or five and in seven hotel papade so we're just leveling off at ten thousand feet here uh i got about another probably two and a half hours to go to get to casper wyoming at night i don't know if we're actually going to make it there we got some weather kind of just before we get there it looks like there's a little break right now but you can see one thing we get here with siriusxm that we wouldn't with adsb uh is radar coverage so we see you know where there's roughly uh radar coverage in the mountains uh and also you know if there's a radar sight down or something but because it's in the mountains there are some shadows there so there could be some stuff you know in some of these gaps that we can't actually see here it's a really nice picture of where that might be so we can kind of try to fill in the gaps but right now it looks like there's there's definitely a you know 50 mile or so break and some scattered stuff so if that's still there when we get up there and we can see it you know we'll just head on through there uh but otherwise we'll probably just stop in uh maybe like rapid city or somewhere like that and gaps closing up a little bit we'll see what happens as we get a little closer but i think uh i think you're pointed at some of the most least severe stuff i don't know about rides or bases for you i did have some mice and reported well above you but uh if you need to deviate let me know i think for right now it's gonna be all right so something see a lot of lightning off the right kind of straight ahead and just barely right looks like there might still be a gap between them and it's you know a good 50 miles wide but uh it's not clear yet so we're just going to keep heading in that direction if we have after we'll turn around and do something else today 119.57 ellsworth approach minions of 367 hotel pound for one zero thousand 367 hotel papa elder throats good evening wraps the altimeter two niner five seven 205 seven uh how's that gap looking just kind of straight south or rapid and do you have any ride reports through there number seven hotel papa no ride reports i'm showing at cells currently five zero southeast of rhapsody regional airport in another cell about two zero miles southwest over absolutely original airport for the gap in between thank you so it looks like there's somebody going through there right now you have a rival performance yeah continuous flight turbulence occasional moderates guys 53.78 for about 17 000 down so they're getting tossed around number seven hotel papa just now in embryo three zero miles south of wraps the regional airport towards reported light to moderate turbulence below one seven thousand probably seven hotel pop-up showing an area of moderate to extreme precipitation between your 11 and 12 o'clock eight miles area is three miles in diameter and for seven hotel pops we go about 30 right for now then seven hope tell papa deviation 30 degrees right of course fruit can survive in clear weather this looks good outside looks good on there we'll just see what the turbulence is like and we don't like it do something else [Music] seven hotel pops there is an area of moderate to extreme precipitation after 12 o'clock and approximately two five miles area is one zero miles in diameter so the problem okay quick about uh yeah i guess 240 looks good right right here we'll try that for a bit i mean we can see straight through it which i really like and the stuff off to the left doesn't look terrible and we're keeping a pretty wide berth on this stuff off to the right so now we're going to cut just a little bit more towards that so we're gonna get just a little bit of light rain here but so far this seems really smooth but i don't want to mess with that guy over there the nice thing about doing this up here at ten thousand feet is that we've got a relatively high true air speed but relatively low indicated airspeed so we don't really have to slow down for the turbulence or anything we just keep on trucking you know want to make sure we don't get in a updraft and let that speedy increase a whole bunch trying to maintain altitude so we got to prioritize the airspeed over the altitude but other than that it looks like a great night to go flying you're interested just to fly by mount rushmore is that your two o'clock eight miles a month and say southeast as a large parking structure southeast of the mountain so i've got that cool uh kind of stand this heading a little bit we'll see if we can spot it there you can see right there on the right where is it right there on the right oh is it oh right there it's set in the hills right there i don't see it is it is that it wait where i don't have the 200 is that it oh okay and then okay so that's now you can't really see the face way far away as you just see rock right yeah i just see rock but that's got to be it that's cool though yeah what are you pointing that out are they still planning to do the fireworks over there for the fourth heads up right now it's still on cool did you get a good look at it yeah we got a pretty good view from here another monument you might be interested as crazy horse monument that's your 12 o'clock eight miles also face the southeast i like this he's just giving us a little scenic tour this guy he's like you made it through the weather yeah 10 or 15 degrees contact denver center 127.95 have a good night okay back to denver one two seven nine or five seven pop like this tour good stuff so yeah just a little bit of weather here around casper it's looking pretty light on the radar but again you know here in the mountains sometimes stuff gets hidden a little bit so we ultimately want to go by our eyes but it doesn't look too crazy kind of skirt around the back edge of it here i think and then head on into the airport probably just go ahead and put the gear down here and that'll help a little bit too and casper traffic bonanza seven hotel pop is centering the left downwind runway [Music] three okay it's just barely sprinkling here in casper a ride awaits and we just booked like the last couple hotel rooms at the hotel that they're staying at so we got here just in time hopefully find something to eat get to bed and do a whole bunch more of this [Music] tomorrow um okay so yeah so we just got to casper so uh we're thinking we're all in agreement you know uh luke and lockheed came how many how many hours 35 hours they've lost track um you should you should definitely either fly the bonanza up or or worst case like airline out for you know in the morning those airlines are really out to get you right now oh yeah they are aren't they yeah i mean you can get here tomorrow for uh 938 we would love to see you owen i know i want to come too but i'm for sure i'm gonna go i'm gonna fly myself got some shoes we're ready for the mountains okay so after much deliberation we're headed to jackson wyoming looking at all sorts of options we're also taking off at high altitudes like this you know relatively heavy we're right at max growth weight um you know we got to make sure we got enough air speed especially with the gusts today keep the speed up get up accelerate ground effect get the gear up keep accelerating and ground effect and just make sure we've got enough air speed to keep flying with all the gusts and whatnot almost ready to crop maybe we'll just go to six i have trouble believing that 8700 feet would be improved so you don't really have to lean it out because it's an altitude compensating fuel pump but we'll need it just a little bit probably do we start over there [Music] starting to crash it's like even a right crosswind here that wind's shifting looks about good just a touch leaner that should be about best power right there airspeed's alive play right crossman thousand feet down the runway we got 50 knots book says rotation is about 74 but vx is 85 so we're going to wait until we have that [Music] just over 5000 feet remaining 70 knots 78 79 we're getting a little bit of a gust there to help us out so we're going to build that 3 000 feet left to get the gear up for [Music] will be departing to the south casper nicely done thank you and you can see that right as we were getting the rotation speed all of a sudden the air speed is just increasing much more rapidly you know we don't want to just kind of buy that and say oh we've got 80 80 knots now let's go fly uh get the gear up and then a few seconds later we're back at 65 or 70 knots and on the runway with no landing gear we don't really care if we're climbing we just care that we have enough air speed [Music] he locking you up [Music] they lock you up maybe it's really thing but i think it's some good country music totally is hey lackey you up where where are you at right now okay we'll be looking for you [Music] loud and clear cool i'm just uh departure at roughlands okay we're about two minutes out we'll be uh right overhead about the time you're rolling [Music] yeah so it's almost like it's a vlog or something i think because he's taxing alpha health before making sure the runway one month ralph it went because [Music] oh i see him okay yeah there's a little white dot that's not moving yep yep that's what that airplane always looks like so yeah so lockheed's just off of uh winds airport in pinedale wisconsin with pinedale wyoming [Music] southlands traffic cub is counting left crossland runway 1-1 roughly cub you're looking good where are you we're orbiting above you and we still going to jackson or like what are we doing hopefully jackson we're going to see what these clouds up ahead do but yeah the uh the idea is jackson all right so you'll be uh you'll be weather ship that's very helpful okay so basically we got some clouds here in every direction there's a pass up ahead you know right now we're good we're going to follow this road which takes us to that pass and just kind of see what we see if we don't like it we can uh always turn around and come back and land where lockheed just took off but for the moment we're just gonna go and see what it looks like up here but we are kind of cubbing it we're gonna go low and slow and well low not slow well we're gonna we're not gonna go too fast though because we wanna have some maneuvering room what does this road climb to terrain lines this road uh passes through the hobock river pass so it would be i mean this is gonna be an estimate but it's uh below seven thousand okay how sharp of it like so after this little bend here does it go up that way and then back or uh i just think it feels like we're going so it's going to bend to the right by about 20 degrees and it bends back to the left onto our present heading and then it takes a sharp left turn about 90 degrees and goes through the pass probably gonna get some terrain warnings when we get up here well we're definitely gonna be going through a pass below deep level uh and it's not a very wide pass caution terrain terrain caution terrain terrain will be due west okay so i'm just going to go northwest here that way we've got a left turn if we need it into the wind okay look at those snow-capped mountains up there you see that at about two o'clock guys that's snow oh land i guess ever actually really in every direction if you're two o'clock and then off the left from like nine to 11 o'clock oh wow well i'm thinking like kind of where that mountain goes like that and that mountain feels like that is the past right well you're not talking about that mountain are you because the big mountains are beyond where we're going we're going to go through a pass okay like you know yeah yeah i think it's like like that tall thing there yeah and this tall thing here like in between that little where they kind of go like this straight ahead so you're talking this notch right here yeah the lowest notch and then hang a left that'll work okay we'll stay on the uh downwind side of the pass so that if we have to turn or something like that we can turn into the wind i'm not really going to turn though and also it puts us on you know the upwind side of this mountain so that uh you know we're more likely to get some lift out of this with some downdrafts over there but yeah this is just spectacular beautiful this is why we came to wyoming yeah look at this road down there that's so pretty how it just weaves through the mountains with that river there just off the left just in front of the wing [Music] so we're here at 8 300 feet and all the train is just well above us it looks like you could just reach out and you know kind of lose sense yeah you kind of lose sense of the uh like scale of all this oh man that's awesome we just reach out and touch it we are through the past we'll see on the other side [Music] hey let's go ahead and get this there we go foxtrot and we're about 18 miles south of the airport so we got a direct crosswind but that's okay one checks the whole tower that leader center for hotel tanko it's uh over joe goats on the iron of gps one x-ray suit before hotel tango jackson tower reports inbound [Music] right over the top of us bravo 10 north of the airport inbound the field three miles northeast field three miles [Music] for runway one give me your numbers again bonanza feel like 367 hotel papa thank you and report uh five miles southeast of the field on our right base entry okay we'll put five south east for the right base to runway one [Music] midfield right now right now amanda seven hotel papa if you would remain well to the east of the extended center line runway one there's allergic traffic coming up on about a 15 mile final roger continue enter midfield right down right now for spacing and sequence okay we'll uh plan to enter a midfield uh downwind for runway one uh you want the uh lego midfield left downwind midfield right down please okay midfield right down for runway one three zero problems [Music] went out of the seminar in the midfield out or above 8 000 for traffic midfield download procedure okay at or above 8 000 we have that serious on downwind that will come in behind if you're someone else actually you'll be number three follow the legit about eight months three zero bravo keep it in tight runway one clear to land one zero two zero four here and seven to ten pop nice out there so no top pop out uh he's close in runway one cleared to land number two okay number two clearly i wasn't quite planning on that i was hoping for it but it wasn't expecting it so now i gotta get us configured here looking way ahead of the uh clear yeah tell papa look for uh learjet about a five mile final uh reportament site do you see him negative [Music] and banana o'clock up you want to do one left 360 to keep it kind of close into the airport you're more welcome to do that okay so if i'm just comfortable uh you cleared us land number two or actually you have to let me know if you see the legit you're gonna be following the legit inside of five mile final but if you want to keep it close to the airport 360 and then come back and look for him okay we got the learjet could we just uh i mean we can just can we cut in front of him or you want to say go 360. i know go ahead and uh don't do not cut in front of the leader yet you can go ahead and make that right 360. it looks like you're in it now just roll out out okay we'll make a right 360's on the top thanks there's three zero roblox alpha three attacks at the parking via alpha nice sub guys to monitor the uh ground frequency when you're off the runway oh definitely yeah [Music] thank you number two follow that legit cautionary turbulence he's got to be off the runway prior to you crossing the uh threshold so uh right i mean that's what he was saying right like the cirrus was number one we were number two that's that was my understanding too uh because there's no way that cirrus was on the ground at that point i mean we were definitely number two and my only question is did i misunderstand that the syrup was already on the ground i don't think so i mean we could have easily been on the ground before this guy we were right there all right i'm going down seven o'clock papa you can estrogen through finals if you needed that literal exit at the very end there they're just going to tell encouraging that for hotel tango right turned it up for without delay traffic short final and attacks the parking via alpha monitor ground off the runway all right uh no delay and then uh we'll monitor ground next here's the green picture's good he's turning and [Music] yeah we'll stay above his weight and get the second second seven hotel papa right turn at alpha three or alpha four hold short of alpha give way to the lyric uh inbound to uh the fbo via alpha and you come on into your ground when you're off the runway okay elsa three will hold short uh for the leader jets really like honestly here chandler jefford hotel tango bonanza will give way to you and follow the inbound thanks appreciate it we could have been here about 10 minutes earlier but this will work about 10 but oh pretty close the time we did that 360 waiting for this guy like it that adds up can be doing a turnaround and exiting time soon or it's parting anytime soon or is it going to be a while uh for seven o'clock we'll be uh we'll be here at least until tomorrow all right sounds good nice stuff i appreciate you all there's so many tough bumps no problem okay now now that i got you out of the way for everybody can you just could you just leave well we made it to jackson really beautiful here smells like christmas trees some gorgeous scenery and we are definitely the plebeians as evidenced by the sequence there on final and that confusion here comes our rental car gonna go grab a bite to eat well actually we're gonna wait for lockheed to land in the cub we're gonna grab a bite to eat and uh explore figure out what the next few days hold but the most epic part was ridge soaring around the i literally to get over that pass at the bottom of the range i literally like circled up over this ridge i was trying to figure out the wind direction and stuff and you're just like it's cool [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Matt Guthmiller
Views: 250,495
Rating: 4.8388982 out of 5
Keywords: aviation, pilot, cockpit, flying, flight vlog, airplane, aircraft, beechcraft bonanza, matt guthmiller, mountain flying, weather flying, ifr cross country, ifr flight, general aviation, flying in rain, flying around thunderstorms, inflight lightning, single pilot ifr, high density altitude, takeoff, landing, density altitude takeoff, cockpit view, cockpit view takeoff, cockpit view landing, mountain flying weather, pilot life, atc audio, air traffic control
Id: OBxDmfWMiUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 3sec (1563 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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