Rough Day of Flying Over

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one previous trial is on a two-mile final negative traffic number one bravo charlie trafficking is on our left base one brother what type of plane is that for one broadcaster traffic charlie this is never going to work can we get a 360 or something [Music] and i've ever won bravo sure that's proof okay we'll make an ifr360 thanks for [Music] watching [Music] and for one bravo charlie verified cleveland runway number one bravo tell your only two eight codeland clear to land one bc like we just did a low slow 360. that guy's just now touching down all right come over gas undercarriage mixture of props switches autopilots off three in the green wrong glide slope airport off your gun traffic update fader 25 airport crosstalk through a parabola you twenty-five your traffic to follow now a half mile final for runway two eight runway two equivalent traffic sides runway two eight clear to the left another bird [Music] november one bravo charlie turn right charlie to your contact ground point on every day charlie chief ground point nine one pc maleficent grant to assess the one bravo charlie is acting runway two eight going to the fbo november one brahman charlie lafayette ground roger texas rampay and charlie have a good day welcome to home of purdue aviation university guys we're in lafayette indiana coming to get some gas checked out the uh weather and then we'll finish up the last leg back home to aurora it's only about a 30 minute flight from here but i've never been to lafayette indiana [Music] before [Music] 771 bravo charlie with charlie request taxi from the fbo to northwest bf departure november bravo alrighty guys as promised super quick fuel stop at lafayette at purdue university and it should be a quick uh 35-40 minute flight back home that thunderstorms have all broken up looks like we should be able to do it vfr beneath it somewhere scattered around 4000 feet or so so initially we'll come up to 4500 do what we see go direct we don't like it november's not someone bravo charlie crust runway two three and alpha one bravo charlie crossing two three on alpha all right let's double check respect verify looks like we're going to be number three all right let's push tower get the flick oh there we go clear for the option nice to see these ga airports that are actually doing stuff yeah later 99 runway 3 clear for the options smells like fresh cut grass all right run up lafayette tower vader 27 holding short of runway 2-8 ready for south departure 27 las vegas house departure proof runway 28 clear for takeoff wait clear for takeoff vader 27. i'm not even going to call ready that's never going to work in between these two charlie's ready to go to eight via part departure northwest wow look at that offset 397 room 828 clear for the option three for the offshore runway two eight speed 97 771 bravo charlie lafayette tower right to northwest departure approved runway 28 cleared for takeoff right turn approved to a clip for takeoff one rebel charlie all right the next guy's on midfield now i'll have to find out what the guy that offset to the right is doing later 99 when a will start our early right crosswind okay there we go is that a left or right cross was better now 899 make a red cross on the right traffic right traffic later where'd the other go they're both right there okay so we're good i i guess all right here we go [Music] instruments everything's in the green fuel flows look normal air speeds alive [Music] all right we're clear for sure space christian approach twin cessna 771 bravo charlie vfr request 771 broadway charlie affirmative we're uh six northwest of lafayette looking for a flight following to aurora alfa romeo romeo i'm gonna four thousand five hundred out of thirty five that says one problem i cannot believe like that she sent her she's a student pilot send herself around that one bravo charlie cut the chicago center 132.5 32 501 bravo charlie chicago center twin cessna 771 bravo charlie vfr climbing out of forty seven hundred we're going to try yes six thousand five hundred quid and faster that was gonna one broadway charlie chicago center two nine eight seven two nine eight seven one bc thanks i get to check off three forty takeoffs and three sporty landings no my young days are over babe i don't like any sporty take off our landings this is nice that this fell apart man this was a massive line of nasty purple weather yeah alpha 794 out the right then terrible since virginia i can't believe it's only like one o'clock lunchtime i feel like the nice thing [Music] yeah holy crap is that chicago yeah wow i feel like that's really far away we're here 50 miles we can see 50 miles i didn't even know that was like the lake right there i just thought that was like where the horizon was that's cool i don't know if it will show or not concrete valve is sticking up in the shadows over there yeah that's what she's talking about i don't know if it'll show up on the gopro a lot of times it doesn't yeah just in case you got lake michigan over there chicago 6 500 feet that's 50 miles away you can see great right maybe i got a field inside hold on yeah and that's the rain showers that uh have dissipated you guys remember the line that i showed earlier was terrible and it all just disintegrated so we're not being very talkative anymore guys this was a uh even though it's only one o'clock it's been a lot yeah you know you do your due diligence to come out of a short runway you know with low gas you do all that so you're kind of jazzed up for that then we just got so rocked going out and out of roanoke i've never i mean i don't recall experience i've never experienced anything like that in this plane so that gets you going then we had to land at lafayette to get gas because i didn't bring enough gas because i didn't want to take off with the weak tips full with you know known moderate to severe turbulence and that at lafayette holy moly actual time to start down babe there we go all right i want to really try hard on this landing to be at the proper speed the proper altitude i say that but then you know you gotta get home there it is and you're like screw it i'm gonna come in hot and fast i'm just getting on the ground yeah we do have some fun adventures though babe oh yeah i can't wait for the videos to come out on this one that was a great trip now what else do you think we're gonna start getting rocked at fix is not bad 42 our i'm gonna say 46. uh one bravo charlie contact chicago approach 133.5 today three five one wrapper charlie today chicago approach twin session seven seven one bravo charlie's uh vfr descending out of five thousand eight hundred for aurora we have echo 771 bravo charlie thanks for echo midway altimeters two niner eight five landing departing two [Music] 0.12 [Music] see it i don't know these gopros everything looks like um farther away yeah the distance stuff this is tough yeah and we're bouncing five thousand hey there we go we were close you said 4700 didn't you uh yeah 46 i think i was so close hopefully 46 doesn't it'll be worse oh it's going to get worse all right foreign [Music] how is it yeah man they're slow i'm surprised it's not a bad day right now charlotte's traffic two o'clock seven miles south west down alton case two thousand three hundred foreign [Music] seven seven one bravo charlie's eleven out for runway uh two seven [Music] i see him inside this is the seven seven one bravo charlie road tower in our left space our one two seven report three out [Music] base runway two seven one report three out one rapid charlie [Music] for the left base altitude one thousand to go center roar tower eight three ten hotels just wondering now you want me to write 360 here for spacing with uh one bravo charlie [Music] number eight tango hotel he's on about a seven mile left base you can make a short approach [Music] hey farm i'll do a short approach hotel all right tell runway two seven clear touch and go win three one zero four [Music] final one bc we'll go all right babe here comes the beeps [Music] [Music] wind three one zero four runway two seven clear land one two seven clear land one ravager i don't see that guy oh he's off dude he's on the departure of the runway i just like to fly fast i should remove the vortex generator that would be funny all right we're on a good final we'll have to do a 360. gears down we got gas center carriage make sure prop switches well the approach looks good [Music] well guys thanks for riding along hopefully the footage turns out on our what was the name again the placement lake mountain lake smith mountain lake virginia adventures what a blast that was very spontaneous i think we figured it out like the night before we went where we were going and when i don't know what the next flight will be uh one bravo charlie needs to go to the shop i need to do a little bit of avionics stuff and we still have this static issue or intermittent interference that needs to get resolved hold on just a loose connection somewhere or bad ground or something but at any rate thanks again for the support thanks for watching appreciate you guys don't forget to subscribe leave a comment see you guys next time see you on the next one [Music] you
Channel: 310 Pilot
Views: 182,497
Rating: 4.9587398 out of 5
Keywords: scary, entertaining, ATC, air traffic control, weather, mistake, bad, funny, exciting, stressful, happy, adventure, flying, aviation, airplane, aircraft, pilot, co-pilot, sexy, pretty, beautiful, woman, lady, wife, girl, Avidyne, Garmin, STEC, autopilot, turbulence, bumpy, steveo1kinevo, Pilot Joe, Chicago, Indinia, Lafayette, thunderstorm, travel, COVID, go-around, student, training, Purdue, Vader, flight instruction, SML, smith mountain, lake, vacation, flight, AOPA, EAA, general aviation, takeoff, landing, Mentour Pilot
Id: SulxRtjYOnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 41sec (1121 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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