How to Change your Oil

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howdy guys just came out to the hangar we've been flying one bravo charlie quite a bit since we got her picked up from paint now it's time to change the oil i usually change the oil somewhere between 30 35 hours or so we've got about 34 hours since picking her up from paint so i'm going to show you guys how to change the oil first step you got to get the engines nice and warm so we're going to go take the plane around the pattern a couple of times and we'll come back and get the oil changed so i usually will if i know that i need an oil change when i come back from a flight i'll just pull the drain plugs out let the oil drain and then just walk away and come back the next day and finish up the oil change but i was sitting there thinking to myself i was like man i've been flying quite a bit lately so i need to change the oil and or check the oil hours so i checked the hours and uh well we're at 34 so it was time time to get it changed so i had a morning before i needed to go to work time is uh very critical for me i had the time it was time to do it foreign charlie is that skyhaven request taxi uh vfr we're gonna do one lap around the delta then land we're just heating up the oil for a change this says seven seven one bravo kelly roger runway one five to activity one five via alpha cross one eight short of one five one bc tower twin cessna seven seven one bravo charlie is ready to go runway one five we're just going to take one wide lap around the delta and then land them back on one five that's okay 771 bravo charlie roar tower runway one five play for takeoff proceed on course one five cliff for takeoff one bravo trolley thank you alrighty very accommodating and very slow here it appears we were the only one in the delta pretty stiff left crosswind usually feel that early on in the role with this big tail so we get enough air flow over all right fuel pumps run low bills on the main starts coming up 1700 next year's full rich alright seven miles to the northeast through your airspace cessna two zero zero rotate bricks here coming up [Music] and we're clapping out blue line [Music] oh my god i think i found the key to my landings guys i mean that wasn't like the world's smoothest but i did these vg's i had to take a full 20 off of my short final speed and then that was so much better than it has been so much better no brakes needed today bravo charlie turn left at alpha cross runway one eight tanks to the ramp for maintenance frequency lifted off across one eight with you to the ramp one bravo jolly see it already i'm gonna finish taxiing her back to the hangar and then i will show you guys how to do an oil change hopefully i can set up some cameras and it can make sense for those that are interested got to be really into aviation to we're mechanically inclined to care about that i know that doesn't appeal to everybody for those who just like our aviation adventures jamie and i are still planning new trips uh we will continue that uh throughout the year and thanks again for the support we'll see you guys in just a little bit over at the hangar [Music] all right guys just got to push back into the hangar the engines are super hot right now so i'm just going to pop the side off the cowlings off on each side just to let it cool down it's the same thing on both sides so we'll just show one side of this just to show you guys but it's pretty simple these screws just come out i think these are called zeus fasteners they stay in there and so i'm just going to pull this off so that these engines can cool down so that i can touch it and get the oil out of it without burning my hands after you get the side doors down now the air is flowing in there it'll really cool it down i always pull the top cowling off too just so that i can inspect everything like i was mentioning when i was taxiing out earlier so i'm gonna take the top off same thing it's just some zeus fasteners all around and then you can just lift it right up and set it off [Music] there you go guys this is what it looks like fully uncowed got access to everything we're gonna let it finish cooling down now and then i'll show you guys the rest of the process so here we are underneath the plane just underneath the left engine this little panel right here with these seven screws that just simply covers the oil drain plug which you guys will see in just a minute i got everything i need here i've got 10 quarts of phillips 66 20 w50 i got my pie to cam guard that i throw in there i've got a collector cup for my oil filter or oil analysis and we'll take that mid-stream and i got my wrenches and pliers and stuff to cut all the safety wire and stuff so you guys will see how this goes it's really pretty simple but very important so now step one you just gotta take the cover off and that takes a bit so now if you look in here this is the drain plug that's the paint the oil pan and there's this piece of safety wire that's hooked to the drain plug and you always got to make sure when you put the safety wire back that it's pulling it tighter not pulling it looser i know it sounds simple but you'd be surprised i'm going to cut the safety wire try to collect it which happens every now and then got that one so that's it you get the safety wire out of the way and now we're ready for the messy part i use regular old five gallon five gallon drum or barrels and then we're gonna try to make the least miss possible i'm gonna move this over just a little bit put a glove on because it's still a little bit hot for mine at 7 8 just crack it open it doesn't take a lot of pressure there's a crush washer on there so we're going to pull it try to have this right underneath just like just like in your car so drain plug put that back that's got to be reused the wind here sucks my camera is now covered in oil so we're going to get about halfway done and then we're going to take this it's just a guesstimate there's no real science to it and that looks good i did a little better this time [Applause] put the lid on that we'll send that off for analysis hopefully we get a clean bill of health so that's it as you can see we're just gonna let it finish draining out here and then once it's fully done we're gonna pop the filter off and i'll show you guys how to do that we're gonna let this drain for a bit as mentioned here's the oil filter i use tempus oil filters that's a spin on filter it goes right onto the oil fill oil filter adapter you got this safety wire like i said you want to make sure that it's pulling it tighter which it is not pulling it looser so it cannot spin off so we're going to cut off the wire pull off the oil filter so now you can see the hole there in where the safety wire goes it's completely free so now i'm going to use the wrench this is a torque wrench that comes specifically for these tempest filters and it's preset for torque so we're gonna put this on we're gonna back the filter off and we're gonna put some cardboard underneath to try not to make a mess here so let's see how we do on that [Music] so now this is what we have in here i don't know if any of this is turning out you can see the oil filter adapter we were able to get that out of there without any oil coming off so what we're going to end up doing now is we'll clean that up it's done dripping out now and we're going to take the new oil filter that we have right here put it on and we're going to torque it in just get it started nice and easy they get the angle just right and you should be able to screw it all the way in until the gasket touches so now we take torque wrench [Applause] we put it on and we just tighten it until it clicks clicked so that's it you get it until it clicks and then we put the safety wire back on i'll show you guys how to do that i'm going to dump the old oil filter out and then put that to the side because we're going to end up cutting the old oil filter and inspect for metal and the pleats i'll show you guys that in just a bit so i get most of the oil out of the filter just pour it into the barrel underneath and then i put them upside down in the garbage can to let them finish leaking out i'll leave them like that for a day and then it makes it easier when we come back and cut them i will show you how we do the cutting of the oil filter and the inspection for metal in there so now we take some safety wire don't have to be exact you know i always get way more than i need got to make sure it doesn't scratch the airplane cut a piece of safety wire off [Applause] and then we're going to thread it through that back hole on the oil filter adapter and then you just kind of even it out you get equal parts you pull it kind of tight here i usually just cut it back again just so what i'm twisting they're together and then you just measure again you want it to make sure it's pulling it tighter so you just measure about how far you think it should go which for me is right here and then you lock the safety wire pliers in place and then you just pull this and it spins it on tight once you have a nice braid in the wire you check out how you did i put the safety wire on the back of the hole there i braided it nice and tight i thread it through right here and then you just reach up with your safety wire pliers and you pull it and you get it nice and tight in there and then you safety wire the outside curl it back together where it's nice and tight and looks good and that's it [Music] so the final look at a properly installed filter for the 310 here we have it on we have it marked with the times the dates you get it torqued on properly and then you safety wire it so now if it tries to come off the wire pulls it tight doesn't allow it to come off so that's it for the oil filter so now we're going to go back put a new crush washer on the drain plug safety wire the drain plug and then we can start dumping the oil back in alright guys we're back under the plane now and before i put the drain plug it is a lot easier if you go ahead and loop the safety wire in there's a it's very hard to see but on the top of the drain plug hole there's a hole where you can [Applause] shove the safety wire through it's important when you put the drain plug back in that you install a new crush washer [Music] when in doubt just leave the old crush washer on if you don't remember and then you do it the same way every time crush goes up so i'm going to take the old crush washer off [Music] sit it over here next to the junk pile [Applause] then we're just going to clean up the drain plug real good not that it really matters again this is just the way i change oil i am not an amp mechanic i will reiterate but owners of aircraft can do some limited things some preventative maintenance items change tires and batteries and change your oil and a few other minor things this is just the way that i do it so you get that cleaned up put the new crush washer on and then i clean it off a bit put the bolt in make sure there's no cross threading should go on all the way nice and easy until the crush washer contacts wipe it off again keep everything nice and clean then back to your 7 8 inch wrench [Applause] just snug but not over tightening you do not want to get this thing stuck on here forever you don't want to damage damage the hole so that's good there so back to safety wire pliers cut off some of this excess right about there it's a little tighter in here to get a good safety wire done doesn't take much so now if you look up in there you can see the safety wire looks pretty good it goes through the pan through the bolt and it's pulling the bolt tighter it's pulling the bolt this way so if the bolt tries to come off the safety wire will not allow it to come off so that's it now all we have left is to dump the oil in i i leave this off and we'll dump all the oil in put the cowlings back on and then we'll go take it out and run it up after we get the oil dumped in because when we have to come back and leak check it make sure nothing's leaking anywhere it's pretty simple drain plugs in super important part now you just come back filter's on everything's done take one port at a time and then you just dump it in here [Music] set it like that and then you just let it drain we'll do that ten times in a row and then we'll put the plank of [Music] cam guard in and then we'll call it back up and give her a quick run up all righty all 10 quarts are in put the killer cap back on drain plug is safety wired oil filter is on its safety wire there's same quartz oil in here we're gonna put the cowling back on button it up and go run it up leak check [Music] [Music] clear just a quick start up here first thing you're looking for right away make sure you got oil pressure oil pressure is good we'll lean for ground offs i usually just go across the pad across the runway to that run-up pad on the north side of 2-7 i just want to see the oil kind of get up temperature i try to run it up to about the max ground run up i'll feather the props just to circulate all the oil in there and then we'll go back and we'll shut it down and we'll do a leak check ground twin cessna 771 bravo charlie out sky haven uh i just need to run up the engines for a bit after an oil change can i cross the approach end of two seven and do that in the pad on the north side of two seven twin says that seven seven one bravo charlie um jackson mike grant the uh alpha one mic one crossroads two seven alpha one mic one cross two seven to the microgram one bravo charlie thank you much what i usually do is just kind of like a pre-takeoff i'll just run it up to about 1700 rpms and then i'll feather the props not fully feathered but you guys know what i mean i usually just do that i don't typically do this more than once but after an oil change i'll do it twice just to kind of flush the oil that's out of the propeller hub with fresh clean oil all the gauges everything looks good this is pretty much it i'll just run it up for just a minute or two and then go back and leak check it that's the 310 pilot way of doing the oil change [Music] before we pop this cow down turn the lights on we're looking at the oil filter looking at the adapter don't see any leaks there are no leaks anywhere in there come down to the bottom side of the airplane look at the drain plug there's no leaks anywhere around the drain plug so that's it that's all we needed to do this conducts how to change an oil on a cessna 310 all right guys well it's been a couple days i just usually pull the filters let them sit down just to finish leaking out the rest of the oil just to make them dry i let them do this for a couple of days and then you take each filter and just strap it onto the vise here and then they have these oil filter can wrenches and it's pretty simple you just put it on you make sure it's seated right and then you just twist it around [Music] and then here's the paper filter so now what we're going to do is sit this out and this is what i do other people may do something completely different but i get a razor knife and i cut it around both sides here and then i pull it out pull it apart and inspect it with a magnet so hopefully this turns out we'll see [Music] what i do is i pull out and inspect each pleat to make sure that there's no uh no metallic flakes in there and that's where the magnet comes in handy you can get whatever magnet you like i like this one because you can fit it down in here so you'll see little particles that are just a non-metallic buildup sometimes i believe it's just carbon or whatever it is but so you i will just run this just in case it's like some microscopic metal that i can't even see then when you get done just throw them in the trash if i ever had a question or if i thought i saw metal i'd put this in a ziploc bag i would take it to my mechanic um and again i look in the filter but nothing there so clean bill of health i make sure to put the entry in the engine log books that i change the oil you sign it as the owner put your pilot certificate number in there you make sure the date put all the times and stuff and the only other thing that i'll show you guys hopefully i can attach it maybe at the end of this video is what an oil analysis report looks like they tell you they have different columns and it shows you this particular analysis and they check for i don't know 30 different types of metal and criteria and they show you your last three oil changes what each parts per million were for each category and they tell you average for your engines throughout the fleet throughout the country so you can kind of see what your engine is doing right now what the trends are of your engine and what the averages are across all other engines like yours so it's pretty neat uh the idea being hopefully you can catch something early before you end up losing an engine in flight and you can get it taken care of whether that means a new engine or new cylinder or whatever it may be lifters whatever it may be anyway thanks for the support guys hopefully this oil change video i've had a lot of people ask for more technical type stuff well pre-flights walk-arounds oil changes whatever so i just thought i'd do some occasional videos showing the other side of owning an airplane it's not always fun travel all over the world sometimes you gotta do a little work to keep the bird healthy and happy but until next time we'll see you guys around bye you
Channel: 310 Pilot
Views: 74,143
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oil change, oil, maintenance, preventative, aviation, airplane, aircaft, plane, AOPA, EAA, Cessna, engine, Continental, Lycoming, A&P, mechanic, Beechcraft, Piper, Cirrus, Mooney, pilot, owner, oil filter, safety wire, important, critical, safety, analysis, metal, how to, instructional, educational, informative, learning, steveo1kinevo, Captain Joe, 310 Pilot, wrench, tools, hangar, airport, FAA, Avidyne, Garmin, Chicago, helpful, step by step, Embry-Riddle, University, college, powerplant, camguard, phillips, professional, excellent
Id: F3dqQhBX_MQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 20sec (1640 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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