God's Chosen Path For You! Live Spirit School Session 1 - Kevin Zadai

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[Music] hello everyone dr. Kevin's a tie with you with warrior notes school ministry and thank you for joining me on this spirit school this weekend it's Friday night and we're gonna get right into this subject it's called God's chosen path for you and this is an excellent subject God has really restored the pathway through Jesus Christ that you can walk in in this last day that we're in right now with move of the Spirit that's happening you need to be educated and understand what God is saying to you about your part in this last move of God God's chosen path for you is an amazing subject that God gave me several years ago and I'm just getting to teach on it now you guys are getting to see it for the first time so thank you for joining me and all over the world just get your paper paper and pencil ready and start to take notes and also just so you know because of this spirit school this weekend we are making available an impartation CD download that you can get on my website and it's going to be half off it's called God's chosen path for you and then also we have available a PDF that you can go to the website and download that for free and then follow along it's got some of my notes in it and things like that so you can just keep up with this we're going to be meeting that's tonight we're meeting here now and then also Saturday morning at 10:00 a.m. at 2:00 p.m. on Saturday afternoon and then 7:00 p.m. Saturday night this is all Central Time so remember that that because of what's going on in the world right now we need to be educated on how to walk in the spirit and to allow God to discern in our lives show us through the discernment of the Spirit of God what it is that we're supposed to be doing right now we're not just be focusing on the problems we're supposed to focus on the the command from the command center of Heaven from the throne room of God the angels of God are given orders to execute and implement God's will on this earth through the church so God is right now using the church that's us as believers to implement God's plans and purposes so it's our time to shine so so body of Christ just rise up in power in the resurrection power and and begin to preach the gospel and lay hands on the sick and see people recover and and be the answer for for what God is is saying in this at this time don't allow anything to catch you by surprise pray in the spirit be always mindful of what God is doing on the earth he's doing that by talking to you inside of you he's he's chosen a path for you but he's also speaking to you you know when bad things happen God doesn't stop talking he wants to talk to you even more in trouble in times of trouble and where you don't know what to do God wants to talk to you even more than then in the times of peace you know he's he's not like a moody like we are he doesn't back off like we do he wants to always talk to you so just remember that that we've got a PDF that you can go to Kevin's a.com and get that download so that that way you can follow along with me and then number two is is that we have the God's chosen path CD an impartation CD for for half-off right now and then you can you can download that as well and then also I have an angel course that I that I do in my school I want to offer that to you for half price actually it's going to be 75% off and so we're gonna offer that too so you can go to warrior notes school ministry and you can that's where your notes school comm and you can buy that course right now for 75% off so that that is a great deal and in that book that I wrote on the agenda of angels it talks about how the angels work in this final move of God so this course that I did it really gets into depth on what you need to know about the spirit world and what the angels are doing right now so remember that 75% off the course and half off the CD and then the the PDF is is free for falling along with me this weekend so get get excited about what God is doing because this too shall pass and everything is going to accelerate from now on and we need to get ready for what God's going to do next there's going to be a huge recovery God is going to bring us to the next step and we need to be ready for the harvest God is wanting us to talk to people about Jesus and we need to remember that we need to focus on that Jesus whenever he was on the earth he didn't talk about the government he didn't talk about all the things that were going on at the time in in politics he talked about what his father was saying he didn't address Rome he didn't address the the things that were going on today there were even killing babies in Jesus time they try to kill all the babies to get to Jesus you know they tried to extinguish that that's what happened with Herod Herod said get kill all the babies to get the Messiah and they didn't get Jesus he still was there still preached fulfilled to gather God's heart for that day but he did not come against Rome he did not he he didn't speak that way he spoke according to the spirit he spoke against the religious system of the day so you know to check this out when you when you read the Bible he never spoke against the government he always said to the religious leaders you brood of vipers he called the religious leaders brood of vipers he addressed those things that his father said to address so remember that don't allow anyone to pull you into this political arena right now let the father speak through you the gospel that's what that's what's supposed to be spoken right now is the good news of the gospel the answers that's what God is saying so God's chosen path for you is to do just what Jesus did he didn't get involved with all the stuff that was going on in a day he just preached the message of the gospel He healed the sick he raised the dead he cast out devils he gave people hope he talked about the year and Jubilee about the forgiveness of debt he he was the answer and that's our answer that's our hope we are going to do fine God has these pathways that he wants us to follow and they are already established long before we were born so I'm gonna get right into it and I'm going to talk to you first of all about ancient pathways they got established long before we were even here God has already established his ways the way that he does things there are certain things he likes and he has revealed his will to us through the Word of God so don't ever think that God has has got caught by surprise on anything that's happening that is not the case at all God knew in advance everything that happens in your life and he wants to give you understanding he wants to give you answers to everything so getting right into this I have a scripture that I want to read it's very key and it's actually in 2nd samuel chapter 22 verses 29 through 38 and i'm gonna read that to you and then we're gonna go through that in great detail here and then in the other sessions we're gonna we're gonna be talking about the move of god and about the different characteristics of this next move of god and what god has already shown us about that move and then the other things that are in the word that you might want to consider as you get ready for the greatest move that god has ever placed on this earth it's it's here already and we are going to be part of this amazing time this is a time when God wants to prosper us this is a time where he wants us to be in health this is a time when he wants us to hear his voice in clearer than ever you can do this you you can shine right now you can do this you have to yield not to fear but you have to heal to love you have to know that God loves you and that everything in the spirit is fine it's a bright and shining day in heaven today and he God wants to share that with you and he wants you to share it with others you can be an answer and a hope to speak a word of deliverance and hope to many people that's your calling that's your chosen path but God's got these ancient pathways and this is what it says it says Oh Lord you are my lamp the Lord lights my darkness in your strength I can crush an army with my god I can scale any wall God's Way is perfect all the Lord's promises proved true he is a shield for all who looked to him for protection for who is God except the Lord who but our God is a solid rock God is my strong fortress he makes my way perfect he makes me a sure-footed dear enabling me to stand on on a mountain on the mountain heights he trains my hand for battle he strengthens my arm to draw a bronze bow you have given me your shield of victory your help has made me great you have made a wide path for my feet to keep me from slipping I chased my enemies and destroyed them I did not stop until they were completely conquered ok so so this is a scripture that we're going to kind of refer to during that this session and this spirit school is going to be off the charts just see though the anointing of God is so strong and you know last night the Lord visited me he woke me up and I prayed for hours seeing how effective this was going to be all over the world we were wanting God to to have his way with us and he is wanting to have his way with with us as well he wants to shift our perception so that we go to the next level and that that that there's no devil that is ever sent against the body of Christ that will be able to outfox what God is doing he's not going to be able to outdo any of these Devils we'll never be able to keep up with what God's doing God is shifting the perception of the body of Christ so that they see into the spirit so we're always ahead of the devil the devil's always following us around trying to figure out what he's going to do and what we're doing so we've got him guessing he's he's really nervous right now the body of Christ is going to the next level and so this this this verse is from a warriors perspective this verse these verses are an amazing way to meditate and go to that next level this weekend and God has assured me that this is gonna be well worth it every minute that you spend studying the Word of God and praying and listening to what God is saying to the church right now you know I was sent back from the dead to speak in this day right now as a voice to this generation and I am NOT going to get into the political realm I am NOT going to get into controversy I am going to speak what the father is saying to the body of Christ and that is is that you can do this you can shine you can make a difference you can change history and you're a warrior God has chosen you and he has a path that he wants you to walk on so so first of all off you have to realize that God does have a plan for your life and that the Devils are always guessing at what God is going to do they don't know everything they're trying to guess at what God's doing with you so what you have to do is completely yield to the Spirit of God hand yourself over continually talking to God about the ancient paths that he has already established for mankind ancient paths that he has chosen for you before you were born and that you need to synchronize yourself with heaven the angels of God coming in and helping you to walk in this you can do this this is part of God's plan for you I was sent back for this hour I was sent back for this very moment to speak to you to get you right in there to where you need to be and stabilize the situation you have nothing to worry about do not yield to any kind of worry because see it's wasted energy you you you lay everything at the feet of Jesus you you cast all your cares upon him because he cares for you and then you don't touch it again in your thought life you just continually say every time you're tempted the fear every time you're tempted to worry about your situation you just say Lord you know you're my provider you're my healer you're my protector you just come you don't use constantly refer everything back to him you you constantly confirm with him the covenant that he has established through Jesus Christ this is your calling this is your walk okay so so before we get started I want I want you to be established in this thought that no matter what you think no matter what you feel right now you cannot you cannot you cannot worry no matter what it is that you're thinking about right now no matter what it is that that is is pending in your life you cannot yield to worry you got to establish that God has a plan for you and that he's not worried he's not in any way concerned about what you think is about to happen to you all the things that are pending you've got to resolve that right now so right now just say with me God you have a path for me just say God you have a chosen path for me and I thank you for it just just say thank you now I woke up this morning saying that I'm saying that to you now I know that to be the case this is the time where you move to the next level this is not the time that you yield to fear this is not the time that you yield to worry okay you cannot accomplish anything by mentally or emotionally worrying about things you've got to thank God that he is is in control of your life and that the angels are helping you along they're going to provide for you supernaturally you watch what happens okay we are we are establishing this this trend that the angels of God are with you in trouble as well as in good times we're establishing this trend that God has as already knows no matter what happens that he he's already knows that this stuff is gonna happen to us there's certain things that you cannot control there's certain things in the world that the world is going to do no matter what but we as Christians we as the body of Christ we have to establish the fact that we have covenant so there are enemies of God there are people that are enemies of God there are situations countries there are religions that are enemies of God you have to establish that there are certain individuals certain groups of people certain countries that have turned away from God okay so establish that that there is a lie and a darkness you are in the light you have chosen to serve God okay so there's going to be certain things that happen because evil people make decisions they make decisions and you don't have any say-so in it so what you need to do is separate yourself from these these of enemies of God and that could be religion that could be some people that claim to be Christians but are against what God is is saying in the word God has established his covenant through the blood of Jesus Jesus came to set people free he is not putting people into bondage and and he is not in any way speaking anything against you right now he loves you God is for you and if he's for you who can be against you so there are people that are against what God is doing right now if that involves anybody that you're associated with you have to keep in mind that those people if they're going to yield to the spirit of fear if they're going to yield to the spirit of the world then they're gonna be like what Judas are we what Peter did Peter was yielding to the spirit and said thou art the Christ the Son of the Living God and Jesus said that has not been revealed to you by man that has been revealed to you by this by my father okay then the next day he started telling Jesus that he's not going to Jerusalem and died and Jesus said get behind me Satan for you to have not in mind the things of God but the things of man what happened it was the same same Peter but he had yielded to another spirit and he was speaking from Satan whereas the day before is speaking from the Spirit of God so you understand that that Peter wasn't was a disciple around Jesus all the time but yet he yielded to a different spirit and he got rebuked in fact Jesus addressed him as Satan speaking speaking through Peter so remember that that there are enemies of God and those spiritual entities will will cause people to make decisions and to say things that are contrary to what God is doing so you have to be discerning to know the you are part of the body of Christ you are part of God's perfect will on this earth and being here on the earth right now you're in the perfect well God because you're here and you're a believer okay so with within that realm of things you have to allow God to to guide you on the path that he's chosen for you and he's chosen a path for the body of Christ but but there's decisions gonna be made that are not what what God's in agreement with because this world is not in in control by God himself it's the spirit of the world the spirit of the air the power of the air that Paul talked about that is in control of this earth you know not God God is not in control of the earth or these situations there are government's there are people's their religions that they're doing what they want to do they're not doing what God wants wants them to do but see they make decisions based on their own agenda and then you have to deal with that okay that's what's going on with you you have to realize that God has chosen a path for the body of Christ he's chosen a path for you personally but there are enemies of God and even Jesus had to deal with a spiritual entity that had caused Peter to say something that was not of God and and that's that's what I'm addressing right now right off the bat you've got to stop worrying you've got to realize that God has a chosen path for you but number two is you got to realize that there are enemies of the agenda of God there are enemies of God and they will confront you personally if you are following Jesus Christ if you are falling God you have to discern what God is saying and know that not everyone is going to be for you you've got to understand that there are people that are above you making decisions that affect you but it's not God so you have to understand so we've got that's what we got to pray for our leaders we've got to pray for our government we got to pray for church leaders so that the spirit of the world that spirit of the air does not get into people and start to influence in a wrong way that causes a our well-being you know to be affected you understand what I'm saying we have to pray that's why I've been up since 2:00 a.m. praying it's because I I felt like if I'm going to do this this this broadcasted on Friday night Saturday morning Saturday afternoons Saturday night that I am going to speak from the prophetic I'm going to speak from the the plan of God but but I'm not going to succumb to fear or control I'm gonna promote the father God's agenda just like you want to do well in order to do that you have to discern that there are enemies so there's these scripture verses that we just read it shows that God is great training the psalmist here who is speaking in in second Samuel he's that this is this is a training a warrior for battle and this is a time for an empowerment of the of the body of Christ not a time for us to hide and step back you know this is a time when we we shine with God's plan and His purposes so Jesus Jesus explained to me that he's not going to be able to be sent back to the earth and and retrieve the bride until the harvest comes in so there's a harvest of souls that I was told years ago that was going to happen I was told about about what's gonna happen in the world years ago so all that this happening now was I was told it was going to happen though within that framework he told me that China and the Soviet Union which is now Russia and the Middle East would all have a great harvest coming in he said when you saw China come start to come in in in large numbers to the body of Christ they would there would be salvations the church would would increase in China and then in the same in Russia and the same with the Middle East that Jesus said when you see this happen and he referred to the walls of China coming down you know not physically necessarily but you know spiritually to where they're free they're free to worship when people start to come in in in in large numbers in China he said when you start to see these things happen he said then you can the time of the end will start but he he said my father will not send me back until the harvest comes in so there's a harvest coming in so that Jesus told me this long years ago before all this happened that this was going to happen so I understand that Satan's device now is to try to slow the growth of the church in China and slow the growth of and the meeting and the power Minh of the body of Christ all over the world by not allowing them to meet not allowing them to to to function in in this world like so they were isolated this is Satan's device and so in order to to succumb to this or in order to to prevent this from in coming against us in and restricting us because it's like a snake that once to like we restrict us the only way out of this is to start to intercede and pray and find God's path pathway for us individually so that we are starting to build ourselves up start to get ready for the next step so this time right now that we're in is to build us up and to get us ready for the next step okay so when when Jesus told me that I was coming back he told me that that I would speak from the other realm and that people's lives would be rerouted in other words he said if if you don't come back he said in the messages and spoken people are going to end up in a place where they fall short of what I had for them but he said I'm sending I'm sending you back to speak so that people end up right they end up in a proper way in their proper destination it's all part of God's plan so I when I came back I'm not back to defend myself I'm coming back to talk to you about God's plan for your life and God's plan for history for this nation for the world the body of Christ establishing the kingdom of God on the earth to where people come in to the kingdom that that there's a great amount of salvation so from this point on you're gonna start to see great amounts of salvations you're going to see God moved by his Spirit this is just this is a process of us reestablishing our plan our purpose on the earth the Spirit of God is speaking very strongly so in this scripture it talks about first of all I want to emphasize these things to remember and that you need to meditate on in this session are this it says the Lord the Lord is my lamp he said Lord your might a lamp you know and you're my you're my spotlight so he illuminates your path so this idea of you not only being on the earth right now you have a path and there is a lamp that God has shown on your path and this is the Spirit of God coaching you telling you what to do next you you you don't um slow down use you just keep going with God and you stay in the spirit because these things change all the time you know think about this a couple years ago two years ago the Lord told me to get out of them stock market so I got out of the stock markets I got out of everything two years ago when everything was going crazy and the Lord said no it's time to get out that's it and so I did but see now when I look at it everything has been cut in half in just a short amount of time and I if I would have done if I would have done my own thing I would have lost a lot I didn't lose anything I've actually gained will see that the Spirit of God wants to tell you you know there are certain times to do things and it might not seem like at the time that you're being told to do things that it's it doesn't seem right but see the thing that is is right now the Lord is telling me to tell you that things are about to explode all over the world in a good way so we need to get ready for that we need to get ready for the next phase that Satan is trying to get people to back off that are in the body of Christ the believers right now to back off when actually it's time to to establish you in the spirit establish our next step so that's what the Lord's saying to me get ready because we're about to have a beautiful wonderful move of God but also there's a time to prosper there's a time for God to favor you in amazing way we're getting reports all the time about people getting we just got a report last week of people their salary doubled their there's people that that are having God move in in their lives and so you can participate in that as well it has to do with God's favor it has to do with his mercy and His grace you just ask God for help you don't claim to know everything you know I don't claim to know everything but I know God's voice and I listen to that I I let him tell me what to do and that's what that's what I want you to experience in your life that's why I'm doing this spirit school this weekend is I want you to get on God's chosen path for you and let favor start to take over in your life to let that that help that that provision whatever it is that God has for you that you would experience that okay it says here that the Lord lights up my darkness okay so there is a presence of darkness sometimes but the psalmist is saying the Lord lights up my darkness so what is it that's going on in your life right now is there darkness around you is there something going on in your life where you need God to shine his light well guess what he has promised that he is your lamp he is the one who will shine on your darkness and if you've ever noticed when light comes in it starts to chase away the darkness and that's what's happening right now even as I'm talking the spirit realm the other realm is coming in to your perception into your life right now and God is shining in a strong way and you're starting to feel the light get chased away do you ever notice that that when light comes in it seems like darkness just flees it just it just runs away that's the way it is with Jesus Christ when he comes into your life he chases darkness out that is when the word of the Lord comes to you it chases darkness out fear is leaving you right now because you have nothing to fear God is right here with us he is right here in us in us any school working through us don't back off I'm telling you the spirit Lord is really strong he says it says here in your strength I can crush an army with my god I can scale a wall okay so this is profound but this is this is the spirit of victory this is this is what the Holy Spirit he's a person there's a personality like this we think of the Holy Spirit as being something that's laid-back and like a dove you know they because if people think that the Holy Spirit's a dove because he he lighted on people like a dove but it doesn't say that he was actual dove it says that because the Holy Spirit is not a bird he's a person he is part of the Trinity so we think that the Holy Spirit sometimes is somebody who is very shy or you know just very cordial you see the Holy Spirit is a curse breaker the Holy Spirit enforces a blessing the Holy Spirit is a is part of the Trinity very very full of authority I have heard the way the Lord come by the Spirit of God and I'm telling you that was anything but calm it was really forceful and bold and the command from heaven was coming through people's lips and in moves of God in that passage I've studied the the Holy Spirit was very bold very strong and here he's saying he's saying through the psalmist that that in the strength of God I can crush an army you know when's the last time you woke up during the crisis and thought that well did you did you ever think that maybe the Holy Spirit is saying that in this case right now with you is that hey right now you can crush an army if you yield to God if you'll trust in God you can crush an army it says with my god I can scale a wall any any wall so what is the wall that's in your life well God's saying I can scale that wall I can cause you to get over any boundaries anything that the devil has placed in your life anything that is restricting you in your mind right now God is saying you know you can overcome this you know the fire of the Holy Spirit is so present right now God's Way is perfect it says the psalmist says all the Lord's promises prove true okay so that's your case right now whatever it is that you're going through you have to understand that God's way is perfect that's what the psalmist says here God's Way is perfect all the Lord's promises prove true period that's it nothing else the end of discussion that is the word of the Lord as a Christian we believe that the Word of God is our foundation in 2nd Samuel chapter 22 verses 29 through 38 that I'm reading from here it says by the word of the Lord God's Way is perfect all the Lord's promises prove true Samuel you know this is the book of Samuel the second book of Samuel he was an amazing prophet he was a prophet that his words never fell to the ground he never missed it in his whole reign he never missed it it says that the the word of the Lord was present with him and it never not a one word ever fell to the ground that Samuel spoke he was an amazing man he was a man of God he was a priest he was he was a amazing ruler at the time that he lived but he net didn't miss it so I don't know many prophets that don't miss it but he never missed it and he's saying here in 2nd Samuel he's saying this God's way is perfect so say it with me right now God's Way is perfect so the chosen way that he has for you is perfect you hear me you've got to allow yourself to go the next level right now this is graduation weekend for you right now I'm telling you I'm doing this for you the Lord is telling me by his Spirit to do this spirit school this weekend and so tonight you are receiving your calling you're receiving your command from heaven and that is is it you're not to fear that my way is per it says the Lord he says I got this taken care of he said all my promises are true that's what he's saying right now now I woke up this morning being told this I knew that I was going to be teaching this tonight I I realized that that Friday night was gonna be off the charts because God had ordained it and like I said I'm gonna keep doing these spirits schools until the devil backs off I'm not going to back off you know you know that the Psalms 91 says that all these things are gonna happen to your enemies but they're not gonna touch you you know I don't care how many people are falling on one side or the other it's not gonna come near me when are the body of Christ going to say these words in Psalms 91 and just say you know what as for me and my house we're gonna serve the Lord I'm not worried right now about anybody else I'm not gonna be concerned about anything except doing God's perfect will well God's perfect will is to walk in love and to believe God God's perfect will for my life is to yield to the spirit to walk in love and to believe I am a believer so I believe so God's Way is perfect and I'm just gonna keep emphasizing this until I feel like this the whole every all you've all you are watching all over the world because there's thousands of you right now logged on thousands thousands of people watching right now and all over the world and if that's all we need is to to agree and we will have it so we've got thousands of green right now so we all agree just say it with me God's Way is perfect God's Way is perfect and his promises proved true come on Oh God's promises for your life they prove true say Lord your promises they prove true you can you can see the salvation of God in your life it starts right now okay he is a shield for all who look to him for protection so are you looking to him for protection because if you are he is a shield to those who look to him for protection that's it that's that's what the Word of God says so right now you have protection you have a shield of protection around you period that's what the Word of God says now as a Christian you have to agree with that and and this is how simple it is a child can go into the kingdom of God so easily because they're simple they just read it they say okay if God says this if he says that those who look for hid to him for protection they will have a shield of protection that's why what God has promised us okay for who is God except the Lord there is no other God that you know when I was in heaven I saw that God was the the center of everything that there was nobody even close to the great I am the the y'all Yahweh what what what the name of God is is beyond and above every name at the name of Jesus every knee is going to bow that I saw that I was I was at the spot in heaven where there was nothing higher I was I was seated with Christ in the heavenly realms as it says in Ephesians chapter 2 verse 6 and in in Colossians chapter 3 I saw that I was there there is no one I saw I saw the throne I saw Jesus at the right hand of God there was no one greater I was at the highest spot in the all existence in the universe and all everything that was ever made the throne is the highest place I saw the one I didn't see his face but I saw the one who sat on the throne the great I am and I knew that there was no one else even close to him okay if that's the case if we are in that's in that place with him right now if we are seated with him in the heavenly realms then there is no one who could come against us so think about that if God is for us who can be against us it's impossible for anybody to be against us if God is for us that's what it says in Romans chapter 8 so but who but our God is a solid rock okay so in the throne room I saw that because this was the highest spot that everything was was solid and foundational I saw that it was immovable so what God has already established in his kingdom what he has already established from his throne he has spoken those things and they are permanent forever so you've got to get this remember these things God is a solid rock everything that he has ever spoken was built on a foundation of righteousness and truth justice faithfulness all the characteristics of God everything that he says is based on the fact that he has established his throne on a solid rock and that it is a mountain there's a mountain of God there there's a there's a there's a lot of huge amounts of Revelation that you have not received yet there is a light there is more in the Word of God then you're gonna be able to handle I'm telling you when I was in heaven there was so much more to learn there was so much hidden in the Word of God that the Spirit of God has to pull out that it would take it's gonna take eternity to learn all there is to know about God you're never gonna know you're never gonna know everything you're always going to be learning you're always going to be seen so God is a solid rock so we have to plant ourselves we have to place ourselves in this in that place in the throne room constantly because that is where the chosen path that God has already established for us that is where it started it was established by his word when he spoke it from his throne room okay so God is your solid rock so you just picture yourself building not on the sand like Jesus said don't build your the wise men built on the rock that's the rock he's talking about it's the Lord God himself it's his Mountain it's his throne and when I was there there was nothing higher there is no one to appeal to beyond Jesus and the father right there in the throne room there was no one greater at all in anywhere okay so he is a solid rock he is my strong fortress I love this he's my strong fortress that means that I'm protected because I'm I'm in a place that has walls of protection so I my world by the fact that God himself he says it here he's my strong fortress so in the Word of God God has established himself as our fortress that means that no matter what the enemy has against us we are protected that's the truth that's it you you have established yourself as a Christian you've established yourself in Jesus Christ Jesus is the way he's the truth that there's no one there's no one else greater than him he has spoken all that the father has sent him to speak then he went back to the right hand of the Father okay now we have that word and that word you cannot amend it God has already spoken on your behalf that means that that if he says that he has protected you that there's a strong fortress and that's the way it is you have to stay in there in that strong fortress right now so whatever you need to do to readjust in your heart you need to get back into this this frame of mind no matter what what country you're in right now what situation you're in God has already established a fortress that everyone who runs into him is safe he is a strong tower he is a a a fortress his he makes my way perfect this is what what was says next he makes my way perfect okay so what is perfect to you like what is perfection to you I mean if you if you had a choice and you could just order something from a menu or or order something from a store and you see the different items that are available within that whatever it is you want so you go to a restaurant you do you order food according to the price or do you order it according to what you once what you like and it's the same way with items you know you you see the higher-quality stuff it's more expensive but do you do do you ask for something or do you buy something according to the price or according to the quality okay so that it has to do with your financial situation right and what you what you purchased your purchasing power everything about that okay what what is it about the Lord when he says that he makes your way perfect well he's full of excellence he's full of quality he he wants to do for you further higher above than you could ever ask or think see we can't it hasn't entered into our mind what God has for those that he that loveth that we that love him we love him no it hasn't enter into our minds what he has for those who love them this is in second this is in first corinthians chapter 2 but it says but it has been revealed to us by the spirit because we have the mind of christ so god has given us the mind of christ well the mind of christ is is different than what you might be experiencing right now that's what i'm trying to tell you as i said his his ways his plan his chosen path for you is perfect according to scripture anyway no like I said this is Samuel this is in 2nd Samuel Samuel never missed it as a prophet he's he's he's saying right here he makes my way perfect okay I want that perfect way I don't know about you but I didn't come back from heaven come back from the dead to live this life down here to just do things half-heartedly or or just experience like you know that the medium like a medium quality of life I want the fullness of the of the life of God in me I want divine life I want that the divine power the resurrection I want to be effective in other words I don't like one to do something just be medium you know just like it like halfway there I want it with excellence I want it with power I want to see your life change I want to see you healed I want to see you prosper I want to see you succeed at all the plans that God has for you but I have to tell you that God's Way is perfect so once we establish that he is a rock that he is on a throne that he is on a mountain a mountain of God and that he is higher than any other God and that he has said over his body the body of Christ that that the gates of Hell will not prevail against the church if he has said that because he has then then you need to yield to the truth that's been spoken over you no matter what you go through because it's totally worth it it does pay it does pay to serve God God will always win he will always win in any situation you just have to stay in the fortress stay on the solid rock stay in the way that's perfect you get miss because that this this works no matter what no matter what time we're in no matter what country were in no matter what situation we're in it doesn't it doesn't matter to God it matters that we believe we have to get back into faith we have to establish the fact that we're being were being being chosen for this generation we have been chosen and that it's coming to us the revelation that we are chosen a chosen generation okay so he makes us sure-footed it says here as a deer in abling me to stand on mountain height so you know you've seen this with the with the deer and and the different animals that are in the mountainous areas they are able to scale steep cliffs and steep gray a grades of up upward and downward they they can do those things I've seen deer go straight up I don't know how they do it but they're sure-footed and that that's what this psalmist the psalmist is saying here this was Samuel saying you see it's an Abel you to stand on mountain heights so no matter what what happens you're sure-footed but you want this go up to the mountain heights you don't want to stay down in the valley you want to start to ascend up into the heights of God's provision into the heights of God's revelation into the heights of the of the of the harvest the great harvest you know that's what I'm seeing in the spirit God wants to give us that nation's as our an inheritance so that's souls I want to see people come in I'm believing for 1 billion souls to come into the to the body of Christ I'm I'm thinking I'm thinking that this is going to happen within the next few years we're gonna see 1 billion souls come in we're gonna see a lot of the Middle East and the Middle East just just Islam alone is over 1.2 billion people in there if we see China come in its way over that it's it's it's it's an amazing amount of people in China if China comes in so Russia that's another amazing amount of people there there there is a point in ton that Jesus told me that all these people will start to come in in huge numbers ok so you you've got to allow God to to make you sure-footed and start to climb up and this is the time to pursue God with all your heart with everything you have there you might not you might not see this yet but I'm here to tell you this weekend I'm telling you right now by the Spirit of God that it is actually open heaven right now it is literally open heaven this is the season to get oil in your lamps just like it says in the parable this is the time where you need to work while it's still day while we still can work because Jesus said there'll come a time when darkness is gonna come and no one's gonna be able to work and this this time that we're in right now is open heaven the Spirit of the Lord there's angels I mean I got woken up at 2 a.m. this morning just so that I can speak by the spirit to you tonight the reason why I was woken up is because the Angels wanted me to know that they're on the ground and that God's chosen pathways for people has already been established and that they're ready they're ready to take hold of the people's arms all over the world that's you and just start walking you into what God has for you this is open heaven time you know don't look at the circumstances look at what is in your heart with your spiritual eyes look and see the mountain of God look and see the fortress of God look and see that there is a solid rock that God has established his kingdom on and that God is the only god he's the Most High God okay he he trains my hands for battle he strengthens my arm to draw a bronze bow Wow so he's getting us ready for battle you know isn't it interesting that the Lord years ago in an experience with he called me victorious warrior and then I didn't know this eventually he would have me call the ministry warrior notes you know notes of a warrior and that we would have a school called we're nuts school ministry and you know all of this was was training people to be disciples and a train for spiritual battle against our enemy the devil and and to drive back the enemy at a time where we would want to back off you know this is not the time to back off so it's very interesting that that here that psalmist is saying he trains my hands for battle he strengthens my arm to draw a bronze bow well the idea here is is that a bronze bow would be hard to pull back because it's metal and @nd yet he is strengthening us right now I mean I'm not kidding you you watch what happens you know the the devil will think of something else to do but he's running out of ideas right now think about it what what will be next are you ready for whatever it is next that he throws at you you have to be strengthened from these situations to go on with God so you're climbing up the mountain of God and you're being trained not just to do just a regular bow that is probably just wood but a bronze bow well it that the the bronze bow is going to have a quicker faster more effective arrow shot from it but it's gonna take a lot of strength to pull that back are you ready to be trained are you ready to go to the next level because I know you are and you know I was sent back for this time I was I'm called into the kingdom for our time such as this to start to rally the troops together and that we need to intercede and pray from the fire we need to start giving out commands in the spirit and driving back the enemy and and let people be set free we need to see the body of Christ set free from fear and from being being a beans to the point where you back off you cannot compromise we've got to get over this Jesus spoke about lukewarmness to John on the Isle of Patmos and he said that the one church was going to get spewed out of his mouth because they were lukewarm you cannot find yourself lukewarm you cannot find yourself in these days short on oil you've got to have your lamps full you got to have them trimmed you have to be willing and able to speak the hope to which you believe in you've got to you've got to realize this right now that that you cannot back off I'm telling you you're gonna get to heaven and you're gonna remember that I said this to you on the spirit school I'm telling you this is the Lord Jesus Christ by Jesus right now and he is telling me to tell you this is not the time to back off this is a time to choose the path that I have chosen for you says the Lord this is the time to be mindful of the calling and the election that I have given you I have written in your book many many years before you were born I have established a covenant with you and I am walking in you and through you and this is the day that she shined for me says the Lord see I just got taken over by the Spirit of God right now because this is the way it's going to be he has strengthened you in this time of trouble training you to pull back a bow so you have to take that you have to take that word that I just gave you I mean the whole spirit school was worth it just now because I just got possessed by Jesus I felt him walking to my body and speak that to you I mean I'm gonna go home and meditate on what he just said through me because it is a privilege to serve Him it is a privilege to be trained as a warrior right now to establish the kingdom of God on this earth and to see the greatest harvest that has ever been known to man 1 billion souls are coming into the kingdom over that over 1 billion will be coming in and we need to get ready for it ok so then also it says here you have you have given me your shield of victory so not only is he training us on a bronze bow which is very high quality it's not a medium you're not just a regular soldier you are being trained with bronze and then he says this I'm giving you your shield of victory so it's a it's a shield but it has the word victory on it so that means that you're going to win that the victory is sure your help has made me great is what he says here your help has made me great so the Lord has given you a shield of victory so with that you have have Lord your intervention in my life has made me great that's what it says right here your help has made me great so I don't consider you second-rate I don't consider you as being a person who who is being passed over by the Lord I consider you the cream of the crop I consider you the Holy Ones that have been set apart for this day everyone listening I was sent back to bring people together and I'm not gonna let the enemy separate the body of Christ right now we can be put together by the Spirit of God and we can take this time that we're in to be able to be trained for battle and we've been handed a shield of victory and the Lord has says they that you made me great that's what he's saying he said because I'm helping you I'm making you great so the battle is not yours it's the Lord but he always wins okay you have made a wide path for my feet to keep them from slipping okay so you have made a wide path for my feet that means that it's not restrictive so if you feel right now that you're being restricted cuz that's what the Lord is telling me there's a lot of you that feel very tight and tight confinement you know all the things that are going on right now that the Lord is saying no I'm making you a wide path he said I'm going to help you so that you don't slip so I'm gonna keep you from slipping that's what he's promising right now and I'm telling you by the Spirit of God that he's gonna create a wider path for you and you're going to feel and since his favor with you he's gonna smile his face is going to shine upon you and you're going to find favor in these days you just watch what happens God is is is a God of breakthrough and he is making your path wide so this is what Samuel saying here he's saying this I chased my enemies and I destroyed them I did not stop until they were conquered Wow i I I don't sense that as being someone who's compromised I don't sense that as someone who's just wanting the medium product you know you want the excellence you want the best you know what is it that you that you want from God I I want the best I want them whatever God has I want that's what God told me he said listen he said John 17 says that we are one with the father and that everything that Jesus gets we get so we've inherited everything that Jesus has gotten we are co-heirs we are where we are fellow servants with Jesus Christ wear a coat with Christ's heirs of God co-heirs of Jesus oh Jesus obtained all this for us we can participate in everything that Jesus got I'm not kidding you this is the truth okay so this final verse verse 38 is talking about he chased his enemies and destroyed them because because God had given him all these promises so when you go through that because he had given him strength to crush an army and scale a wall because he had given him a lamp and that darkness was dispelled because God's way is perfect and his promises are true because the his his shield of protection was given to us because there is no one better than the Lord and higher that he is a solid rock because he's a strong fortress because his ways are perfect because he has made us sure-footed like a deer enabling us to scale the mountain of God and because of the hands being made ready for battle because we've been given a shield of victory because his pathway has been made wide so that we don't slip then it says here I chased my enemies and destroyed them are you ready to see that because that is what the word of the Lord is for this weekend is that now that we have allowed God to be who he is in our lives that he has trained us through this situation that we find ourselves in to be ready to destroy the enemy and not to stop until they were all conquered that is the word of the Lord for this weekend that is what God is saying and I don't have any bad news and I'm not going to address any issues any political issues anything going on in the world I'm going to today what the Lord is telling me to say and that is all as well and that I am training the body of Christ to get ready for the harvest and I am training them for the war in the spirit the weapons of our warfare aren't carnal you know the war that we are involved with here is not in the flesh it's spiritual so I am going to deal with everything on a spiritual level do you understand that that I can do everything that I can in the flesh in the body I do everything I can but after that I have to leave it to God and I do do not address all these issues in the flesh I address the spiritual things going on because I'm a Christian and God is a spirit so everything that God does is from his realm it changes in this realm through us we have to implement it through prayer and then we manifest the power of God and you are the answer you become the answer the body Christ is the answer but we don't get involved with discussions politically in all these different situations with the drama of all this stuff I don't want to sit around and talk about what the devil is doing I'm I don't want to give him any any free time he doesn't deserve any of that God our Father in Heaven deserves all the time he deserves all the glory all the attention and he gets all the credit for the victory you know wheat like I said when we started this session you have to discern that God has enemies and if you are going to be on God's side guess what you get his enemies so not only do you get the amazing angels and all the saints and all the truth and the plans and purposes of God that are in the kingdom you get all that you get the favor you get the healing you get the deliverance you get all those things but you also get God's enemies know the enemy of God is Lucifer he's it's Satan he's fallen he is establishing his kingdom on this earth his truck is doing his best to get as many people to be deceived as he can in a short amount of time that he has left he is going to try to get people to side against what God is doing so this is a way it's gonna be so like I started this whole session out with we have to realize that God is wanting to destroy the enemy he's made a show of Satan openly triumphing over him in the cross he has exposed the works of darkness God has come through Jesus Christ and totally disabled the enemy that through the blood through the name of Jesus he is disabled okay but now the church who is on the earth not Jesus Jesus is in heaven at the right hand of God the spirit of God was sent to the body of Christ on the day of Pentecost so now all believers who who believe in Jesus Christ have the Spirit of God okay we have the Spirit of God in us the Spirit of God is promoting the father he's promoting the kingdom well Jesus is enforcing what he did on the cross through us right now and this spirit school everything that I'm doing on the earth right now and that you're doing on the earth right now it should be from the kingdom's perspective it should be the father's heart well that doesn't mean that we're supposed to get into discussions about what the devil is doing and what and all the agenda of different nations and individuals it that that that doesn't matter as much as what God is saying what are what are you doing with what God is saying to you because you together with everyone else in the body of Christ we build ourselves up in the unity in the faith that's what I'm called news build people up and bring them in the unity well I got to speak from the other realm I can't speak from the fleshly realm I'm not I can't build you up spiritually by talking about daily events and political views and you know situations like that you know the bottom line is is that God will have his way but he needs people he's looking for people that want to do the agenda of the Father they did the angels they have an agenda but it's the angels they receive a command from the Father they received commands from Jesus Christ they receive commands from the from the Spirit of God that the angels are told what to do so they don't have an opinion and so you you don't have an opinion either I mean it doesn't matter what people think it's what people know do they know the truth because that's what sets you free so I know you get this but you have to realize that you are being trained to enforce a blessing to enforce favor to enforce the truth against the enemy you're you're continuing to do the work of Jesus on this earth he is at the right hand of God okay so in Psalms 139 16 we all we all know this but this is this is one of my key scriptures it says that you saw who you created me to be before I came became me before I'd ever seen the light of day the number of days you plan for me were already recorded in your book okay this is the word of the Lord this is the Bible okay I'm gonna read it again listen to me you have been established you have been written in a book your pathway is ancient it has been established long before you came into being on this earth you were written in a book everything that you would do was written in a book according to the scripture so let me read this again and this time really really accept it because you're going to the next level God is giving you the stability to climb up the mountain of God right now and be sure footed he's expanding your pathway so that it's not restricted he's causing you to be sure footed okay you saw who you created me to be before I became me before I'd ever seen the light of day the number of days you plan for me were already recorded in your book Psalms 139 16 I saw this so clearly in heaven that that it blew me away I didn't know I was coming back I didn't I didn't know that I was going to be sitting here talking to you Friday night I I thought I was gonna stay in heaven with Jesus I saw that everything is rigged in our favor if we would accept it if we would allow the spirit to take us to the mountain of God and show us in the scripture who we really are and that our plans and purposes were sealed long before we were born we would never speak if you saw this like I did you wouldn't speak against anybody you wouldn't come against anybody you would just do what God called you to do you wouldn't focus on opinions and agendas you would you would pray for those in authority you would you would build up the body of Christ you would you would not tear them down you would speak good things and encourage people you would bring correction if there was something doctrinally wrong but you do it in love you do everything in love and you bring the body of Christ into unity that's what the fivefold ministry of the church is the Apostles the prophets the pastors and teachers and evangelists should be building the body of Christ up into the unity of the faith they should be speaking to the body and building them up they should not be speaking political agenda they they don't need to do that they that Jesus did not do that Jesus when he was there he addressed the things that were going on against the religious system he came against the Pharisees but he did not come against Rome he did not come against the government he said he said that that the the brood of vipers who has warned you you Pharisees he said you go halfway around the world to get a convert and once you get one you make them twice the son of hell that you are that's what Jesus said to the religious leaders of the day the Jews the Pharisees but he did speak against the government's think about this they extinguished babies within two to three years trying to get to him they tried to kill all the babies at the time that Jesus was born and they missed him but he didn't speak against that he went to Egypt with his parents for two years until Herod had stopped that then came back through the Jordan just like the children of Israel came out of Egypt retraced the whole thing into the Promised Land and then preached a gospel the Spirit of God came on him and he preached the gospel he preached for three and a half years and they killed him who killed him the religious leaders killed him they handed him over to Pilate because they couldn't kill someone because they were Pharisees so the Sanhedrin they all met everybody met at night and handed him over so that the people couldn't resist it the religious leaders of the day handed Jesus over Jesus was against the religion of the day that caused people to not be set free so that is what God is saying right now that God's chosen path for you is that your days were written in a book Jesus he was just doing what the father asked him to do he did not get involved with political agenda he he continued to reveal the father and build people up and tell them listen the kingdom of God is at hand repent turn from your wicked ways and follow God and Jesus is the way he was lifted up and he's drawing all men unto himself right now and that is the agenda of God okay so when we when we think about the process right now of where you're at and where you're going God is moving with you he's walking with you so first of all I want you to understand that that in in this second samuel verse that god has established this pathway and that he is with you so he's not left you okay now i want to talk to you in in psalms 18 if you turn there at verse 35 and 36 and um it says you have also given me the shield of your salvation your right hand has held me up your gentleness has made me great you enlarged my path under me so my feet did not slip so this is this is a reference to what was written in Samuel so Samuel and Psalms 18 are talking about the same thing one thing I want to point out to you is in Psalm 16 verse 11 it says you will show me the path of life in your presence is fullness of joy at your right hand are pleasures forevermore okay and this this was written and Jesus told me that this was written because he rehearsed the this whole chapter when he was going through what he went through and after the crucifixion he ascended into the belly of the earth he told me that during that time he revert he rehearsed these things because God would resurrect him and bring him back up on the third day and so he he actually rehearsed these verses in Psalm 16 is what he told me so you need to rehearse these in the in the terrible times that you you will go through this is what I do I always set the Lord before me and because he is at my right hand I'm not going to be shaken that's in Psalm 16 and and it says right here you will show me the path of life so there is a path of life in your presence is fullness of joy so I know that my path has life but I know that as I approach God in his presence is fullness of joy so I'm gonna have joy I'm gonna experience joy unspeakable joy are you are you sensing that joy coz I'm about ready to just bust out a laugh I feel the power of joy right now I I have an anointing of joy coming on me it's I can feel it pouring down over my head right now at your right hand are pleasures evermore I mean that is excellence to me that's not just a medium rank right there that's not like you know Lord I'll just take the medium you know whatever the medium is you know like you you go to a store you want the best but you can't afford it you go to a restaurant you want that you want that really good meal but it's very expensive so you order something lower because of the price with God there there's nothing like that I'm just telling you when I was in heaven I saw that we were not to live a medium life down here we are to live on the excellence well in God's presence there's joy so that means that you can't stay depressed you can't stay in fear you cannot stay sick you are going to experience joy in God's presence because there's fullness well what's fullness that's excellence that's that's like to the top and overflowing so if you're not experiencing overflowing you're not there yet you need to allow God to fill you up to where joy takes over now I have this happen all the time it's happening right now but it's happening right now for you because you're not going to be able to remember what you're worried about and I remember a lot of times I would go to prayer and the power of God would hit me just like it's doing right now on this joy what just like overcome me all of a sudden I couldn't remember what I was worried about or what I'd come to the Lord for in prayer I couldn't remember what I was I was concerned about and I started laughing and I said I have no I have no worries I have no concerns I have no needs I couldn't think of a thing to ask God so I just started laughing I said Lord you're so good and I realized that in his presence is fullness of joy so Psalm 16:11 rehearse that and go over that so that tomorrow morning when we get together again you are full of these scriptures so go over the second Samuel 22 and then also go over some 16 and especially verse 11 because it says here at your right hand are pleasures forevermore so that means beyond your imagination God has more for you than you can ever imagine listen I mean like look at me right now I'm telling you I was there I was in that place at his right hand I was in the throne room I was seated with Christ in the heavenly realms just like Paul said in Ephesians chapter 2 verse 6 and there were pleasures forevermore there I mean beyond what I can say to you in any known language I cannot express what I experienced there I do not want to be back here but I'm back here because I know that it's a Father's heart so you know that's why I'm gonna keep doing these spirit schools until the devil backs off of you because I can't lose I was told by Lord if you go back you cannot fail you know I've never had anybody talked to me like that on this earth you know there's there's there very very few people I mean I know one person my father Jesse Duplantis he doesn't he doesn't talk to uh he doesn't talk like any normal Christian that I know he never shuts me down he doesn't he doesn't limit me he is but he's been to heaven too he's been to the throne room he stood on the very spot I stood on and up there there are pleasures forevermore see Jesse's experienced that so it changes a person when they experienced that so he's not limiting me because God's not limiting him God is not limiting me and he's not limiting you because I'm not gonna limit you I'm not gonna come back and give you anything less than what God gave me he showed me that at his right hand are pleasures evermore he said that in your presence in his presence is fullness of joy I know that to be the case like right now you can yield to the joy I'm just like holding back from just giggling I just feel the power God so strongly I feel laughter I feel joy okay so remember to rehearse that remember to rehearse Psalms 18 verses 35 and 36 it says you have also given me the shield of your salvation so that word salvation is the word for deliverance and it's also the word for Jesus so you have also given me the shield of your Jesus and your right hand has held me up you have understand that the word salvation in Hebrew is the word for for Jesus its salvation the word for salvation is the name is what Jesus's name means it means salvation he is the deliverer he is your salvation Jesus is your shield he is your your ticket into into deliverance your ticket in the salvation he is the only one that can give you this Jesus is the only one he is your salvation your right hand has held me up so God is holding you up right now this is your chosen path he he has been gentle with you it says your gentleness has made me great so god being merciful you know not judging you he's holding you up he's made you great he's making you look good in a situation that he should get all the credit for it but he will make you look good in in the most dire circumstances he is causing you to triumph listen listen the Lord is telling you with me you cannot fail you will always win you will always win that's what the lore telling me and you know this is in his word this is not something and I'm just making up you enlarged my path under me so my feet did not slip okay Psalms 119 verse 35 is and let's let's first of all let's do Psalms 27 11 and we'll go over that one and then we'll do something 119 35 it says teach me your way O Lord and lead me in a smooth path because of my enemies okay so the psalmist here the idea here that I want you to get is that this the pathway that that God has chosen for you it is it is the Lord teaching you his way so it says teach me your way O Lord okay not your way but the Lord's way okay and lead me in a smooth path not a rough path a smooth path this is what the psalmist says why because of my enemies in other words he's being pursued by his enemies so the psalmist is saying this is David he's saying because of my enemies or can you make my path smooth so that I can be led because I can be taught how to go in your way see this is God's chosen path for you he has already established us now I don't know how many times I have to say this I'll just keep saying it as a spirit tells me but I'm telling you when I was in heaven I saw that God's path for you has already been established and that you have nothing to worry about I'm telling you the truth you know I'm not doing this for myself I'm doing this for you I have the benefit of meeting Jesus face to face I have the benefit of being in heaven where we're all going I know I know I have that benefit but it doesn't benefit you if I hold it to myself if I would have chose to stay in heaven you would never have known me you would never have known about this but because I'm here and because I'm going to give the devil a headache every day I'm gonna tell you about what I saw and what I saw was is that we have already had plans and purposes written about us and that God wants to establish a smooth way not a rough way he is wanting to establish his covenant with his people and he knows it your enemies are his enemies but he knows that they're pursuing you so God is going to smooth things out for you he's gonna make it better okay the psalms psalm 119 35 make me walk in the path of your commandments for I delight in it okay so this is another thing that you've got to say and I want you to meditate on us in until we meet tomorrow morning make me walk in the path of your Commandments for I delight in it so you delight in it I delight in His commandments I delight in his path I don't want my own way I mean how long is it going to take you to figure it out that you don't really want your own way I don't want to choose I want I want to choose life I want to choose Jesus but after that I let God dictate my steps I tell I tell God you know what I want my desires to be your desire so whatever it is you need to do you need to conquer me you need that you need to win me over to where I will only do what you asked me to do I have no other desires you know the things that are in me they their their desires for the kingdom their to see the body of Christ build up I want to be a true prophet that builds people up I want to excel in building up the body of Christ now how I do that is by speaking from the other realm in love and I build people up I don't tear people down I don't address political issues I address the spirit I address those things that have to do with the church I come against religion any false ideas any false doctrine I come against the religious where leaders and the religious thinking that come against the purposes and plans of God but see the body of Christ is not part of that religious system the true church the true body of Christ is those who adhere to the commands of God that love God and like Jesus said if you love me and obey my commands he said you can ask what you will and I will do it for you that is the god I serve that is the body of Christ that I serve this is the body that I speak to I'm not going to speak any other way except by the spirit but I'm gonna speak to the body of Christ I'm gonna pray for my my leaders in my government but I'm speaking to the body of Christ those who are considered to be believers I build them up into unity of the faith that is what the fivefold ministry does nothing else the fivefold ministry of the of the church was given to bring us into unity of the faith if you check it out in Ephesians chapter 4 you'll see the plans and purposes of the fivefold ministry and they are to establish the kingdom and to establish the body as one unit on the earth one in unity of the faith and that is what we're supposed to be doing I don't address these other things I address the enemy I address the body of Christ I pray for the world I pray and intercede but I don't I don't get involved in the agenda of men I am too busy wrapped up in the counsel of God to get involved in the counsel of men I pray for those people but you have to understand something about God he has already divided between sheep and goats he is already discerned who the tares and the wheat are he's already discerned who the though wise virgins are and who the unwise virgins are he's already discerned those who have been given talents and some that hidden them some that didn't invest them at all or got very little return he's already discerned the people that that that are not really with him he has discerned who the lukewarm are so I don't need to do any of that stuff God does that he is already through his word divided between sheep and goats so I'm not going to try to convert a goat into a sheep goats are goats they're always going to be goats sheep are the ones that submit to God who love God who who are passionate toward him Jesus said that those who obey my commands and love me passionately he said me and my father will come and live with you that is the honest-to-god truth about what's going on right now how many people in all the world through the the times that we've gone through that that right now they realize that God is their refuge they realized that their only hope is in God when everything else around them fails this is a time when people start to discern see I was sent back for the for those people I was sent back for the people that need healing the people that need God the people that want to know God the people that that need deliverance you know the people that don't don't discern the religious people that don't want deliverance that don't even believe in miracles they don't believe in demons you know that they I'm not called to them I'm not called to argue I'm not called just sit around a round table and discuss agenda political stuff I'm I'm called to to preach the gospel which is good news I'm called as a prophet to speak from the other realm to help build up the body of Christ that's what that's what prophets do in the New Testament so that is what the fulfillment of what God is is called called me to do now what he's called you to do is is to pray that God causes you to walk in the path that he has chosen for you that the path of your commandments because Jesus in the New Testament in John he said if you obey my commands that's Commandments you're his if you obey my word he said you can ask what you will and it'll be done for you the psalmist delights in that and so do you you delight in the commandments of the Lord you delight in hearing his voice she delight in the path that he's chosen for you this is this is the summation of where we're at right now is in Psalms 119 and I clothes with with this for this session and we'll get back into this tomorrow morning Saturday morning at 10 a.m. Central time in Psalms 119 verses 105 through 106 it says this your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path I have sworn and confirmed that I will keep your righteous judgments that is you that is exactly what you and I have confirmed right now tonight this this Friday night on this spiritual school we have established that God's Word is a lamp to my feet as it shines to where we're going okay and that shines out to you the path as well so it's not only just right there immediately in front of you it also is a light that shows where you're going I'm telling you this by the word of the Lord he told me to do this spirit school this weekend is so important for you to go to the next level and not to let the devil in any way have an inch of a territory that God has given you you have been established as having a light to your path but you also have the light to your feet so you can see down where you're at and you can also see where you're going okay then you have sworn you swear and confirm that you will keep God's righteous judgments in other words what the decisions the judgments are are things that he's already discerned and decided ahead of time God has not been caught off guard by anything that's happened what he needs from you is your full cooperation your full attention and you need him globe you did not to get you do not need to give the devil any airtime you do not need to give him any attention you need to give God the attention right now and you need to build up the body of Christ you need to pray for your brothers and sisters and you need to discern that God has made righteous judgments already concerning everything and that you that you don't need to sit around and express your opinions because God doesn't have an opinion he only has the truth he has already established that truth on a throne that he sits on now when I was in heaven I saw that the only thing that matters is what comes out of the mouth of God that I don't live on bread alone that I live off of every word that comes from the mouth of God and so I encourage you on this first session meditate on these download the PDF so that you can follow along with me and go over these verses I'll include them in on that and also remember that that impartation CD that I'm offering for half price is very important to I do those impartation CDs to reinforce what is what when I teach so that you can stick it in a player and listen to it over and over again and and of course it's a download so you can play it on your device and then also remember that it's very important I have I have by the guidance of the Lord I have knocked the it's a very very big in-depth course on angels the agenda of angels it has to do with the mindset of the coming move of God and I'm knocking that off 75% just for this week so you can take that course and be part of what God's doing on the earth and understand the mindset of God and the mindset of angels and so that you can get on that path that's been chosen for you god bless you and remember tomorrow morning at 10 a.m. central we're gonna get right back into this this is God's will for you his chosen path we'll see you then bye-bye many people go through life wishing they could understand the realm of the Spirit and the warfare that goes on behind the scenes in his brand-new study guide and three CD set the notes of a warrior vol 1 dr. Kevin say die helps you to develop your ability to engage the enemy on every level Kevin's brand-new study guide and three CD set the notes of a warrior vol 1 will help equip you to learn to recognize God's direction for your life encounter clarity and knowing God's battle strategies against your enemies exercise your authority as a believer walk in increased discernment through the Holy Spirit's power and much much more in this exclusive offer Kevin also praised in part asian prayers on each CD to help you in your advance against the enemy order today Kevin's brand-new study guide an exclusive three CD set the notes of a warrior vol 1 for a donation of $29 us shipping and handling included to order call eight eight eight three four zero one four six zero with offer code one zero zero T or go online to Kevin's a.com slash offer it's time to stand up for your rights as a Christian and give the double a headache [Music] you you
Channel: Kevin Zadai
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Id: cuV-22RjZxw
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Length: 94min 46sec (5686 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2020
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