Bugtime Aventures - It's the Pits - Christian cartoons

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[Music] losing your way in a big world like this can make you feel timid and small [Music] the stories will unfold and for you [Music] the stories will unfold and for you the light will shine to find your way [Music] a long time ago in the kingdom of persia there lived a man named daniel taken from his homeland as a youth he had been brought to persia where he served the king as one of three governors daniel what news do you have for me today in spite of having different beliefs from the persians daniel prospered my district has again been blessed with a huge harvest of grain your majesty look at how much we have harvested everything has been shipped ahead of schedule good daniel very good he was the king's favorite governor but one day daniel had to choose between the king and his own faith in god this is the story of daniel in the lion's den [Music] talk about a crummy assignment hanging out and waiting for the giants to drop bits of food iggy are you nuts free food is well free and bucklesville needs every crumb we can catch i can't remember the last time we were all so hungry you're telling me yesterday mayor greene gave out the very last of our bread i'm getting weak just thinking about it can't hold need food uh here you go big fella you need this more than i do we all might be hungry but we can get through this we won't be hungry forever if only we hadn't moved bucklesville inside for the summer [Music] that was one heavy crumb here daniel take some of these fine breads no please the eggplants are enough your highness it's the least i can do i only wish my other two governors were half as productive as you are this is most annoying daniel always gets the first meeting with the king and we must sit and wait i don't mind waiting zathu i'm getting pretty good at it see what's wrong with you baga don't you want your chance to impress the king oh dear is that a trick question i mean yes yes i want to impress him right of course daniel uses every opportunity to make us look bad by making himself look good daniel brags he boasts he works hard never lies and always delivers on his promises it's criminal get ready to grab whatever drops [Music] anthony where have you been with the news i've got you can all forget about crumb catching [Music] greetings athu baga have a pleasant meeting have a pleasant meeting did you see those gifts from the king just another reason why i can't stand daniel governors king darius live forever i'm thinking of giving daniel a promotion perhaps under his supervision you two could be more productive you're right anthony we can definitely forget catching any crumbs now the king never gives those two anything man that's the pits everyone's counting on us to bring back stuff to eat but that's just it we're never going to have to worry about food again [Music] look at all this [Music] is still my fluttering tummy it's like uh gigantic stupendous it's a bonanza good thing for bugglesville the dex and i found it now all we need are a few dedicated citizens to help us relocate it you mean like take it somewhere you could keep it all at my house well my enthusiastic fellow we can decide those details once we've removed it from this storehouse we'll cart it right into bubblesville and give it away right roderick give it away hey hey right of course our hungry citizens must be fed roderick are you sure this doesn't belong to someone it took a lot of work to gather all this food here not to worry anthony the star house is quite abandoned just look at all this dust yeah and mayor greene said that anything we did with the food is okey-dokey no okay if you say so if mayor green's behind this that's good enough for me me too let's get started yeah the sooner we start the sooner we eat dex see that our volunteers are well rewarded for their hard work your thing boys and after we sell this food to buglesville i'll be rich wait a minute don't you mean we yes yes anything you say [Music] ready to load another hurry up you worthless loafers we must ship this grain today load those camels faster faster stop it i'm trying to supervise the caravan a double cheers on daniel we're killing ourselves just so he won't become our boss we should kill him instead i think you're on to something come with me is your name baga oh dear is that a trick question oh come on [Music] we'll have daniel thrown into the lion's den but zaful that punishment's only for criminals daniel never does anything wrong [Music] in fact he prays three times a day to his god an excellent idea baga we'll make that a crime [Music] ah this job is wearing me out yeah but it sure beats getting squished catching giant leftovers six carts full not a bad day's work not bad for a start you gotta get it all unloaded before we take it into bugglesville here take some more bonuses for your hard work [Music] see you tomorrow you bet brighton early count on me doesn't it feel great to help solve the food shortage i'm not gonna be able to sleep just thinking about what we'll be eating tomorrow hey i have an idea for an invention that'll make tomorrow's job faster and easier [Music] what is this you bring me is this a trick question a petition sire we need your help we could be so much more productive except our workers are taking too much time off to pray and this is a problem a most serious problem they're praying to gods other than you it's not even a trick question go on the problem will vanish my lord with a law saying that for 30 days all subjects can only pray to you and what if someone breaks this law they'll be cast into the lion's den sire a harsh punishment but harsh is good your awesomenessity [Music] more importantly the new law will make our districts more productive very well i will write such a law then you really outdid yourself anthony my man yeah it makes the job much easier and we'll have this place emptied in no stop time that belongs to us [Music] why are you stealing our food we're not stealing this storehouse is abandoned why would you think that because i said so you can't take something that isn't yours i most certainly can if no one's around to claim it as the old saying goes finders keepers but we worked hard gathering this food it is ours i think there's a very simple way to settle this argument dex [Music] you didn't need to act like that yeah there's so much food here we could have shared a little with them it's not like they'd eat much i'm in charge here you were hungry and i fed you if you want to keep being fed you'll keep your mouth shut dax give them their bonuses [Music] and one more thing don't tell anyone about our two twiggy friends why not oh ants are so slow because i'm in charge and you'll do as i say right sure thing broderick whatever you say [Music] keep an eye on them dex make sure they don't say anything to anyone [Music] i still don't like the way roderick and dex treated those walking sticks what if they were telling the truth the storehouse really was theirs and we've been stealing their food for roderick and dex [Applause] no no that that storehouse looked abandoned to me yeah and uh bogglesville really needs that food [Music] just forget about it it's a good deal for us for for all of us yeah maybe but it still doesn't feel right [Music] bad the king's new law will put an end to your prayer sessions for a while no it won't norrick i'll still pray three times a day you're not afraid to be thrown into a den of lions god has always taken care of me that's why i will always be faithful to him daniel i admire the courage your faith gives you hey wait a minute i know it's been bugging me if roderick and dex really thought the storehouse was abandoned why did they ask us not to tell anyone about the walking sticks but dex said that it was okay with mayor greene that's just it iggy if mayor green already knows why do we have to keep it a secret no i think roderick's been lying to us from the start [Music] anthony we already took roderick's bonuses and we promised to keep quiet maybe we could give the bonuses back uh ah too late for me if we gave them back won't roderick and dex get mad at us yeah and then we'd be in big trouble with them wally's right if we leave things the way they are bucklesville will get plenty of food to eat we get plenty of food to eat roderick and dex stay happy and you know what happens if they get mad so we we shouldn't do anything okay anthony megan i just don't know what to do look baga he's praying we've got him daniel you are under arrest for before oh dear what's he under arrest for again for breaking the king's new law say anthony maybe you'd feel better if you had a little something to eat i'd give it to you if i had it that's okay wally i'll be okay [Music] come along and bring his carpet [Music] have you been here long long enough to see anthony and the others get rolled up in that giant's carpet we've got to save them [Music] daniel it saddens me to learn that you have broken my new law push wally easy for you to say quiet you two someone else is in trouble did you know the consequences of your actions daniel yes your highness but even that couldn't change my devotion to god i should never have signed this law uh nevertheless sire as you know here in persia once a ruling is signed into law it cannot be undone daniel i am forced to send you to your death put him in the lion's den did you hear that the giant named daniel is going to be thrown to the lion if he'd obeyed the king's new law he wouldn't be in so much trouble hey everyone i see the life [Music] hold on everybody [Music] hurry up the lions are hungry yeah come on dicks [Music] you should thank us daniel you'll soon find out how much your god values your prayers and here this will make your stay more comfortable [Music] is everyone okay finally that's the end of daniel uh we're too late how could this possibly have happened well um those guys wanted to um have an adventure with the giants yeah that's it even after roderick and i told them it wasn't a good idea where exactly is roderick gee i don't know i haven't seen him [Music] i think we're okay the lions don't even see us too bad the daniel giant isn't as lucky oh i can't look wait what's he doing [Music] he's praying that's a crazy thing to do here right before he becomes flying food [Music] maybe not [Music] man are you seeing what i'm seeing [Music] an angel is protecting him and i know why it's because the daniel giant did the right thing even though he knew he'd get in trouble yes megan exactly now i've got to do the right thing about roderick and that food we all have to do the right thing anthony we should have listened to you before as badly as we all want that food we have to tell me agree the truth even though dex might do us some serious damage yes iggy we have to do what's right no matter what happens and we'll do it together daniel daniel king darius live forever oh is it possible god was with me praise be to your god [Music] you're safe oh thank goodness you four should know better dex told me all about the silly stunt that got you into this fix what silly stunt why your plan to have an adventure with the giants of course no you've got it all wrong mayor greene yes yes we'd love to hear all about your grand adventure after we get you safely to buglesville no stop mere green dex and roderick found a huge storehouse filled with food it didn't belong to anyone they said we believed them and started taking the food for buglesville but now we think it really belongs to someone else so we really were stealing it and dex and roderick knew it all along we let our fears and hunger get in the way of doing what's right hmm roderick mayor greene i don't know what they're talking about we must be dizzy from hunger nah you gave us plenty to eat yeah to keep us quiet boy you creeping crawling bunch of snitches i've heard enough you four are very brave to admit your mistake it takes great courage to do what's right especially when you know that you'll be punished for it [Music] thank you for returning our supplies mayor green yeah yeah buglesville needs the food but uh we would never steal from someone else we can show you where to find plenty of food oh why that's most kind of you he has uh thank you very much hey anthony you and your little friends are going to pay for ruining my perfect scheme you can't scare us anymore roderick we did the right thing and that's what really matters roderick dex keep working anthony megan iggy wally you've repaid your debt you can stop hey what about us oh you can stop too after you've unloaded 20 more cars yes it better get busy this map will lead you to all the food you can gather [Music] in the end the two wicked governors that had plotted against daniel were severely punished for their misdeeds and as for daniel for staying true to his beliefs he was protected by god in the lion's den and went on to live a full and happy life [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Bible stories - the teaching of Jesus
Views: 161,126
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: christian cartoons, Bugtime Aventures It's the Pits, Bugtime Aventures, story of daniel, Daniel, true to his faith, lion's den, Bugtime Aventures cartoons, bible stories for kids, jesus stories for kids, Jesus story, bible story, Bible stories, Jesus's stories, story of the christ, jesus movie, life of jesus, christ, jesus christ, Christian, adventures, cartoon, animated movie, christ story, animated film, story of jesus, superbook, bible stories, cartoon for kids
Id: fiJ1x6sW7kg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 50sec (1430 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 19 2020
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