Woody Woodpecker Show | The Contender | 1 Hour Compilation | Videos For Kids

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[Music] hmm big time tv wrestling tonight ah come on that wrestling stuff is so fake oh then you could probably win the 5 000 prize they're giving away to anyone who could beat the champion five thousand dollars tell them to make the check out the woody woodpecker bob i could beat the chump blindfolded standing on one leg with both hands behind my back [Music] anyone and here comes our first challenger now let's hear it for woody [Applause] and woodpecker world champion the granulator don't i know you [Applause] nice trick bub licorice ropes huh i would even hit you just run into my fist oh look i hang now [Applause] and there's the bell for the start of the first round woody woodpecker voices the granulated [Music] [Music] oh tremendous woody could be down for the count ladies and gents wait what's this the granulator is making woodpecker pancakes [Music] one two three yeah [Music] sorry one shot per contender who's our next challenger [Music] [Applause] okay so maybe wrestling's not all fake but you know just the right gimmick i bet i can psych this guy out and now ladies and gentlemen the next contender hailing from the moors of scotland let's give it up for the scottish scarecrow i don't know any scottish scarecrow [Music] prepare to suffer the consequences it's time for me to toss [Music] him on the takedown on the right on the left what a wrestler dang you see the granulator couldn't even get out of the way of me lumber and tabletop no could he no he's slow [Music] okay okay he's big he's bad but i bet i can still beat him with pure woodpecker speed the next contender welcome the from afar [Music] [Applause] [Music] how did you do that russian ballet training allow me to [Music] [Applause] always champ now my little conrad oh what a turn of events the blinding speed of the tsar has wait don't count the granulator out just yet a mama now why didn't i think of this before oh my word ladies and gentlemen it's the match to end all matches it looks like the granulator versus stop straight sunny everybody's looking this is totally unhider will the granulators mama put him down for the count you sit right here where it's safe mama oh my are you sure it's safe sonny i've heard about so many folding chair accidents lately llama you're right that chair could have taken you out [Music] be a good boy and pick up my pocketbook dear [Music] mama i gotta go wrestle why didn't i think of it if you before to your mama you need some rest this is unheard of the granulators mom is making the champ take a nap but mama no but down you go now close your eyes rock up my wrestler down on the mat count the little sheep with me one two [Music] three and you're out [Music] the granulator has gone down in defeat now i want you all to leave quietly so sunny boy doesn't wake up [Music] hey a free lifetime membership to anyone who can make a hole in one tomorrow oh boy that's for me [Music] hello yeah a gig tomorrow oh joy i had to practice my tuba playing [Music] better practice my long drive [Music] what's going on around here sorry there neighbor i'll just practice in the other direction i'll have to drive at least 300 yards tomorrow i better see how far this bad boy can fly [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] [Applause] let's do it what do you know the perfect target practice [Music] looks like you uh got some of my balls hmm what comes in my yard stays in my yard ah come on be a sport and just give them back i said no okay i guess you just don't have it in you have vaught in me you can't blow hard enough on that thing to send those balls back oh yeah vodge well what do you know you're a real big bag of air after all [Music] better get 40 winks if i want to be fresh on the links [Music] huh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this woodpecker's gonna do what a woodpecker's gotta do [Music] i am hans von silencio the greatest tuba player of all time yeah i was passing by then i hurt your plank oh maestro i have heard of your great silence what your plank is missing is silence you should be so good that the audience could actually vol un sleep in their chairs [Music] [Music] he loves my playing sleep well mr handsvon woodpecker miss me [Music] get my hands on your bike [Music] [Applause] [Music] just gotta catch my z's it's tea time [Music] [Applause] one hole in one coming right down [Music] woodward [Music] a hole in one a hole in one we have our newest lifetime club member woody woodpecker what no no [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] well mr wilson your chart calls for plenty of rest neck rubs and three hot meals a day boy oh boy what a setup free food a tv and round the clock care hmm suddenly i don't feel so well doctor prescribes bed rest big meals and hours [Music] oh thanks for coming i'm head nurse meanie ah well well my head's fine i don't need a head nurse i need the neck rub nurse from next door your chart says you're gonna get lots of rest i don't feel like resting anymore good then i'll just have to tire you out with some old-fashioned exercise you know nothing relaxes me before bedtime like weight lifting now you try oh my you should never lift weights when you're that sleepy [Music] this isn't going like i planned your chart calls for big meals hot diggity dog bring on the cow nurse frau i made you extra large portions of today's special bran muffins bran salad and for dessert a brand souffle yeah i mean yum yum healthy food makes a healthy body i'm gonna watch you eat every bite [Music] whoops your chart fell [Applause] hmm i don't remember that statue must be a new interior decorator on this ward oh and don't worry there's lots more brand left over for dinner easy big fella i know we didn't eat but we still got tv the identity of the thief is none other than hey what's the big idea there's a sicker patient in room 302 who needs this tv sorry but it's hospital policy oh yeah so i'm not sick enough eh we'll see about that [Music] oh my [Music] oh no i'm so sick sicker than the guy with the tv but you're covered in sweat oh and chicken pox you're burning up [Music] a hot water bottle so you've been faking what do you know i'm cured you'll answer to the hospital administrator for this code red code blue i'm out of [Music] [Applause] [Music] sleeping on the job are we head nurse and find nurse mini doctor she wants me to see her patient ah phooey i gotta find a way to get past the head honcho bingo the worst case of dizzy smacked us i've ever seen luckily [Music] cancel my appointments nurse this is my golf day come back [Music] oh i'm terribly sorry sir you young folk always in there in my day we respected our elders [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i made it i'm out [Applause] [Music] never better see you later back again woodpecker i'll give you a free loaderectomy you'll never forget [Music] nice going laughing boy oh no it can't be [Music] [Applause] [Music] look what i found ma'am another chickenpox case this could be very serious you've done a fine job getting him here but you look tired take the rest of the day off yeah all right oh i mean thank thank you ma'am wow just what the doctor ordered [Laughter] quick quick another cartoon warning to all ranchers beware oh snaggletooth the sheep bandit josephine laverne and earth john gladys gracie mabel where's mabel [Music] me [Music] now dc all you got to do is watch out for old snaggletooth [Music] dizzy come on come on don't be afraid dizzy see this whistle uh well if the wolf shows up just blow it like this [Music] and i'll come running and remember you gotta be up on your toes [Music] well okay but don't let it happen again see [Music] now get back on the job go on get going [Music] so [Music] now stop playing wolf because he might really come along and you'll be sorry [Music] oh there's something schooly around here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] daisy [Music] oh boy betcha go home brooke yep this is the [Music] a place welcome to buzzard's general store where our saying is if we don't have it buy some mouse what do you need pal i need supplies for gold mining gold mining yeah my great grandpappy was feathers mack pecker gold mine air extraordinaire and i have a secret map then what you need is a guide someone who's wood smart knows how to pack light and won't let you end up or dives for a bear i come with the supply [Music] since i'm gonna be your guide maybe i ought to take a look-see at that map sorry it's top secret whew all that hiking has made me smell kind of foul bath time i'll have that map in no time oh my grandpa oh my grandpa oh my grandma he [Music] i'm gonna swim up right behind [Music] oh my goodness oh my goodness it seems i've got too many i guess anything you want to do with it you seem like a very busy bear places to go people to eat nasty around [Music] now's my chance to get that map and ditch this chop i keep the map bub oh but i'll need to see it so i knows where to let you uh us off we need to get off right up ahead good i'll have a service [Applause] oh no if he goes over those falls i'm gonna lose that man [Music] the fall's not so bad it's the bottom that'll get you a good guide always leads the way [Music] the trick to getting across a rope bridge is to travel light [Music] okay now throw my stuff over now throw all your heavy things [Music] [Laughter] [Music] what does it take to get rid of this guy now i'll climb ahead and set these pitons for you when i give you the signal climb up [Music] when you're good you're me oh mr buzzard [Music] gold this way looks like i beat that city slicken woodpecker after all now where's that goldberg [Music] wow [Music] and it's all mine [Music] how am i gonna get this back down the trail that gold's mine and i'm taking it with me you win buzz you win just please please whatever you do don't put me in that cage oh please buzz no don't leave me here [Music] [Music] fuzzy old boy what took you but i you well thanks for carrying the load i'll take it from here [Music] okay gang we're ready for the next cartoon [Music] is [Music] yes woody this is winnie sure you may take me to the stockholm [Music] what do you mean queen you're going to the sock hop with woody i'm sorry buzzy but he asked me first well if woody doesn't show up how about me taking you winnie i can large cool dig that crazy washing machine [Music] drop dead drip [Music] hiya baby doll woody couldn't make it [Music] lose yourself square boy she's going with me i know we'll all go together we'll go in my car i'll talk to you for okay cornball [Music] when your dream boat sails away from you just [Music] isn't he just the most creepy ah he's nowhere [Music] so [Music] hey i'll boys [Music] oh [Music] oh buzzy is woody gone he's real gone come on i'll buy you soda crazy [Music] oh no not lebago [Music] for me oh i think your singing is out of this world of course [Music] he hit it with his plasma rifle but ran out of ammo then zak zoba loaded all the ships intergalactic cooper guns ready for that night's invasion [Music] yeah what are you little yard monsters up to tonight hmm we're protecting the neighborhood from space aliens miss me wanna help ah no and make sure you keep your aliens out of my yard sorry uncle woody we're watching out for aliens good night you two don't bother me unless you actually bag an alien aliens ah those kids [Music] oh what was that check the alien reference guy it's this tentacled alien cyclist for sure [Music] so [Music] [Music] yikes woodpeckers on a stick hey you're not an alien uh no i'm buzz buzz flight gear yeah me and zach zobar here was in the flight academy together back in the day you know zach zubar i don't remember you from any comics well i'm on a very dangerous mission to fight an alien hiding out in this old house read all about it in the next issue or perhaps in tomorrow's paper now scram if we help buzz fight gear we could be in the next issue too [Music] where did he go [Music] [Music] fuzz we thought you were an alien no no but hey maybe you could help me see if these particular baddies are using the uh galactical appliance alliance to make themselves invisible what you gotta do to jam their invisibility frequency is to gather up all the radios tvs and stack them in the northeast corner of the house say here by the back door all right go blast flight gear [Music] don't aliens like to hide under beds and in dark places yeah let's set a trap we can get the radios and stuff later [Music] now let's go bust that appliance alliance and what self-respect penny pincher doesn't like hiding a goodies under the mattress sometimes my job is just too easy get it [Music] we got it it's buzz yeah he doesn't look so good help help me the alien must have taken over his body close call abras oh yeah good job now all you got to do is keep away from me ah i mean keep it away from me [Music] here take this and take all this just keep yourselves busy make yourselves the world's most powerful alien eradicator i gotta get out of it [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh hi uncle woody uh you're up late please buddy you gotta help me all i was trying to do was rob the joint visibly like you mean you're not a friend of zack zobis a cook shouldn't have to go through what these kids put me through [Music] [Music] see kids i told you there was no such thing as aliens ah now let's get some shadow [Music] [Applause] [Music] whoops here's a cartoon beetle brow arizona where the sand meets is dune [Music] well if it ain't cheap red carpet though heat wave continues props ruin unless we get rain the chief isn't going to like this [Music] looks like the big rainmaker is going to be in trouble [Music] you make em rain quick or else [Music] okay chief i dude [Music] ah [Music] by am i tasty [Music] is [Music] [Music] rainmaker wanted well i guess chief reign in the base had enough well if it isn't tommy hawk and his five scalpers [Music] why the grief chief you rainmaker am i a rainmaker am i a rainmaker get a load of this chief [Music] my boogie beaded bacon thunder make them lightening yeah lightning me beat them wreath me thank me very hip guy be them symbol me beat them drum they keep big giant all the storms will come we make a much rain me flood the place a buffer was a chieftain known as rain in the fez [Music] rain got dancing me make em rain that make them cornrow again [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] the place [Music] we search for the truth behind the legendary fur bearing trout this week on apparently we don't know fact fiction or just really bad fashion statement apparently we don't know because of its hairy high the fur bearing trout is only found in cold climates it could be in northern canada the arctic circle or even outside an igloo research shows the fur bearing trout feeds on clothing to support his own fur [Music] the furbearing trout feeds on clothing to support its own fur [Music] yeah it's all fun and games till somebody loses an eye with these things oh and uh thanks for the hat bub [Music] you gotta watch your hygiene there bub there's critters living down here [Music] [Music] can i help you there bub i got a business to run here you gave up all rights to that hat when you used it for bait to try and catch me i can't be giving it back this ain't no lost and found [Music] [Music] what is it now mom what are you doing in there [Music] this little guy's really starting to get under my gills that's the problem with this business it's all laundry white star dry cleaning the trout's work is never done [Music] trout season's over kid didn't you get the memo [Music] what a mess [Music] are you nuts this is a genuine whoa [Music] hello the nervous some people [Music] listen bub i need this coat in order to run my business here well since sapps like you think i'm the furbearing trout they try to bait me with all these items of clothing this coat is the key to the clothing empire you see before you without this coat i'm just some old trout heading upstream for a good time so you're gonna have to stick to your own gig bub and leave me to mine [Music] see you around small fry and action we thought for sure his fur amongst all this snow would make him stick out like a sore thumb but apparently we didn't know [Music] uh listen bub i thought i told you to scram [Music] doug nuts is here with his film crew to shoot an expose that we'll broadcast tonight on an exclusive pay-per-view that will air all around the world operators are standing by to take your order if they find me i'll be ruined for sure you know what they do to furbear and trout imposters well it ain't pretty you gotta help me little buddy come on what can i do the coat you're right the coat take it and get out of here just take it and some of these long johns too i'll be back though they can't keep lefty the trout out of the clothing business forever no matter what the law says so far no sign of the little devil but wait what's that it can't be ladies and gentlemen thought to be extinct since before the jurassic era it's the fur bearing penguin oh mr penguin wait we'd like to ask you a few questions there [Music] mr penguin hello hello come on hello stay out there please miss we'll get our first angle later [Music] how come i always get no job i cook for you i clean you i clip your nose as a lot that's because i am the boss around here and you are the boss around thee well you're not the only one with big dreams and perspirations you know whitey [Music] okay okay look i'll give you a shot tweaky now this is the con that's finally gonna get us out of this ice box we find some beginners and charge him big doe to teach him how to ski then we take him up to the top of the expert slope quick like an avalanche you and me then jump back into the gondola for a clean getaway to warmer climates leaving them stranded by a perfect snow job all right here comes some suckers i mean skiers now hello hello i am the famous ski instructor for the children at prices any woodpecker can afford how much can you afford ski school personally guarantees that steam will become a second language to these kids they'll learn to say voids like slalom and uh when my snow pants right up they chase things [Music] hmm i don't know we provide souvenir pictures safety lessons copper-to-slope experience and hands-on training and okay okay you're twisting my arm the kids will leave you alone all day so you can ski by yourself a lot oh boy it's a deal [Music] wait the dough and i mean wait wait the 500 i'll pay you after i see how well they ski you were supposed to get the money up front now we're gonna teach these little boys how to ski or we don't get paid relax boys ah that's how good it me how tough could it be we don't know how to stay [Music] i'm telling you boss if we give him everything i promise and teach him to skate just a little bit we'll make all our dough mr buzzard oh what's this rope for smile everybody souvenir picture souvenir pictures check and be sure you just never do that with your face mr tweety good safety lesson check now where is twiki and um little boys [Music] check [Music] [Music] don't worry kids i'll save you [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're one gnarly pro hands-on instruction check [Music] why do they call it cross-country skiing mr buzzard why don't you ask him oh wait cross country because he's cross and uh wheezing the country let's go i'll catch you let's go awesome hey i wonder which way we're supposed to make a lookout you know boss this is a lot easier than i first thought that's because you're on my skis [Music] all right that does it tweaky i'm taking charge of this here khan again and i say we quit just go back to the lodge where it's warm and safe and mr buzzard where are you and there are no little woodpeckers to drive us crazy oh but we can't ski who's skiing last one time's a rotten egg [Music] ourselves [Music] that's it no more mr nice frenchman [Music] [Music] indestructible [Music] how was that oh [Music] hey there's two chairs oh hey thank you guys for teaching the kids i saw them out maneuver that avalanche yeah that was cool can we sign up for more or less we want to ski with you guys all winter they're the best yeah [Music] no no no keep them away from me twiggy you've got something to do [Music] you
Channel: Woody Woodpecker
Views: 9,415,288
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: woody woodpecker, woody woodpecker full episodes, woodpecker cartoon, woody the woodpecker, kids videos for kids, cartoon, cartoons for children, cartoon woody, chilly willy cartoons, cartoons for kids, woody woodpecker laugh, woodpecker, woody, woody wood pecker, winnie, woody woodpecker show, pica pau, woody woodpecker bonus round, woody woodpecker movie, halloween cartoons, kids cartoons full episodes, woody woodpecker song, woody woodpecker intro
Id: wXNkhouaxu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 17sec (3977 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2017
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