Land Before Time | The Big Longneck Test | Videos For Kids | Kids Movies

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[Music] [Music] Oh Littlefoot benefit hi Petrie what's going on me me fly here say something from sky Littlefoot must see what is it oh it big surprise [Music] hello Littlefoot [Music] all I see is the bride [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm surprised you and shorty are back in the Great Valley dad I know it's sooner than our regular visit but you do know why your dad's your don't you run you're here we were beginning to wonder if you were going to make it I've already begun to set up the testing place testing place yeah for the big long-necked tests huh the big long-necked test is a series of tasks many young wrong next must face before they reached the time of great growing it's usually given to a young long neck by his mother or father that's why I'm here so what do I have to do to pass the big long-necked test ah that would be telling the test is designed to see if a long neck has the qualities needed to someday lead a herd whoa you better get to sleep early tonight Littlefoot grandma's right at the first sign of the bright circle we'll head out to the testing place [Music] what's the matter Littlefoot nervous about the test a little I really want to pass this test but I wish I had more time to prepare Braun says is the kind of tester either ready for or not that sounds like something Ruby might say well I think you're lucky I really want to take the test of Ronald let me it will be your turn soon shorty once you're ready what I'm ready now uh maybe you could give shorty the test today instead of me it's time Littlefoot let's go [Music] I am ready to be a leader why don't I take you over to the watering place you can play with littlefoot's friends yeah okay [Music] I bet I can prove to littlefoot's friends I'm ready to be a leader here come grandma long neck with shorty [Music] shorty has come to play with you while little foots off with his father thank you children come and join us shorty we are playing swimmer and splasher now no thanks I can play swimmer and splash or anytime but while I'm here in the Great Valley I want to see the great stone walk over the great stone walk over yeah little foot told me about it last time I was here it stretches high above the fast water I can't wait to walk across it I'm not sure we wants it sounds like fun an adventure yeah and littlefoot's told us how you all love to go on adventures I wanna go in venturing adventuring adventuring I wanna go adventuring to the stole walk over now but do you even know the way a walk like that could take all day very far away I'm not that slow follow me I'll take you there and we'll be back with time to spare [Music] go adventuring and venturing there's just one thing you know I'm gonna want you [Music] I want to go adventure easy come on it'll be fun everyone follow me why would we follow you because because I've already taken the big long-necked test you have of course and that means I'm ready to leave my herd on an adventure so now he has heard excuse me shorty but the still walkover is that way I knew that I was just gonna take a drink first I am not so sure he would be able to find them walk over by himself yeah well if he gets lost then we won't have to deal with them but I really want to see the great still walk over to oh all right hey shorty wait for us we'll go with you that's right follow me [Music] here we are son now can you tell me what the big long-necked test is the test is comprised of three separate tasks each task ends when you find a red tree star a red tree star okay now the first task is a difficult path that will test your strength endurance and courage you'll need to reach the top of flat Mountain to complete the task okay [Music] you [Music] little foot [Music] do you want to come down [Music] [Music] I made it and there's a ripped restart at least I know I can just slide down [Music] that's disgusting you get used to it I can't go on an adventure with someone that eats like that no I want to see the grade still walk over to it's ok Chomper lets you and I go to the great stone walk over everyone else can go with shorty oh great lucky us huh come on let's go catch up with shorty [Music] dad look I did it I completed the first task well done Littlefoot now it's time to move on to the next task the next task is a test of intelligence you must find the second red tree star which is hidden within this forest how am I gonna do that you have three clues the Stars have fallen face the tree fuzz and root out the problem the stars have fallen face the tree fuzz root out the problem how am I supposed to find a single red tree star here there it is a stone walk over now which way to go me fly up and see which way best I think I would like to rest for a while I would I would well fine if you're gonna rest I'll lead everyone else without you what you can't just leave them behind to watch me it's okay we will meet you there but you can't keep up with me are you too afraid afraid so shorty you taking long leg Colonel could shorty possibly a path a leadership test maybe a test for bad leaders stars have fallen face the tree fuzz root out the problem hey that tree doesn't have any tree stars the stars have fallen wait if this tree doesn't have any tree stars how am I supposed to find a red tree star here stars have fallen face the tree fuzz Treves and it's only growing on one side of the tree now root out the problem [Music] well done Littlefoot now you can move on to the final task [Music] what take it you so long well we decided to take the adventurers way up Yeah right [Music] careful shorty you don't want to get too close this walkover doesn't look dad hi I'll bet it is it is very very hot huh you're all just scaredy eggs but I'm not [Music] [Music] bromium chopper headed this way [Music] your final task is to find a safe way across the fire pit so what long that quality is this supposed to test I can't tell you that's part of the test well I might be able to use those rocks to get across but the fire bubbles might burst onto the rocks so it's not a very safe way across there must be some other way [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Wow thanks for your help everybody hmm because of all your help I'm gonna let you to be part of my group gee thanks [Music] I've used logs like that to cross rivers and canyons but I know if I push the log into the fire pit it'll catch fire that's not very safe either I guess it's against the rules to ask for a hint huh [Music] this way everybody that night way back so there's no point in telling him he's too busy meeting us to listen huh me wish Littlefoot here let me see if I can't give our leader a little leadership you know shorty sometimes the best leaders know when to let someone else lead really sure so maybe you should lead us to show you the way right as the leader I want you to tell me how to get back if I can't find a way across this fire pit I'll fill the test and I don't want that to happen [Music] big long the very big big long-necked is it's been tough but kind of fun I've had to think and climbing one now one more task and I'll have done to complete I'll figure it out there must be away see bubbling fire by myself just doesn't seem safe so how do I do it [Music] the very big big long it's something that I've gotta do to prove that I'm a leader too I only hope I make it through [Music] maybe maybe I can just jump across the fire bed [Music] there's no way I can jump across that big fire pit I'm sorry dad I just can't find a safe way to do this one I guess I'm not ready to be a leader yet [Music] congratulations Littlefoot you've passed the big long-necked test what how I didn't cross the fire pit how could I pass this test was different than the others it was a test of judgement the task was impossible and you correctly decided not to try it what if I had tried to cross the fire pit I would have stopped you and you wouldn't have passed but even if you failed the test Littlefoot I'd still love you let's go [Music] here they come [Music] did you complete the test yes he did dad someday I hope I can meet her her just like you well Littlefoot it seems that you already have your own herd to lead oh great another a long neck leader hey Littlefoot you gotta tell me all about the test don't give shorty any hints Littlefoot huh yes Shorty's not quite ready to take the big long-necked test I'll say he's not ready you mean he hasn't taken it yet uh no but I will soon not too soon I hope [Music] [Music] Oh sky water well now I'll never get to sleep [Music] don't worry Trisha it's okay [Music] [Music] big trees gotta keep us all drop oops meet Sami works fight the sky water makes the ground water dance Wow movie there sure is a lot of sky water coming down that sky water Chomper it just keeps coming down until it doesn't well at least the secret caverns keep us safe from red claw which is good since I promised your mom and dad I'd keep us safe from red claw yeah and tonight they're keeping us dry too huh look the stone teeth are dripping your tail is dripping [Music] all I see is the day in front of us burning with a newborn son [Music] sky water lasted it a long time last night it did it did well me might like sky water if it's not so wet well Petrie the bright circle is out now so it'll dry everything up red Sarah it better Littlefoot my tree stars are soggy tree stars are not yours to eat dome heads no no [Music] hey those three stars that aren't yours aren't yours Thank You Ruby your big voice scared those don't heads it did thank you for the Thank You duckie [Music] nothing treestars to share is always good yep yep yep hello my friends my friends hello hi hi hey you Chomper what's wrong not much I guess I just need to find a new cave to live in hmm there is always something wrong with choppers cave yep yep yeah not always Ruby and me are really happy your family's let us stay in the secret caverns mm-hmm especially with red claw and his fast biters scaring everyone and the mysterious beyond ok so what's wrong with your cave this time it's leaky it's a cave how bad can it be come on I'll show you the water started coming in during the big sky water last night I could not sleep with the dripping sound either no no no it was worse last night yes oh there might have been less water if Chomper hadn't made those holes yeah so I thought we could go exploring and look for a new cave Explorer the secret caverns I don't know Chomper it'll be fun an adventure [Music] I use the darkness of disguise [Music] [Music] adventuring and sharing just one thing you know that you are going to have to do [Music] [Music] oh okay too dark we go back now I think we should try this way okay but the air is fresher this way I think we should go the way we can see best hey spike nice job yeah great going the way we can see will let us see the way we're going Sarah hi suppose okay then let's go this way Ruby you said what I said but bigger err and everyone listened if I could talk big everyone would listen to me too that would be good uh-huh as long as the big isn't so big that you scare everyone like red claw yeah like red claw [Music] [Music] [Music] this cave is too small and this cave floor is too bumpy its cave smell funny oh don't give up yet I'm sure we can find a good cave good cave is such a thing hey guys you have to see this this is what we have to see I think we can all fit what is this place it's a game of many voices listen Wow a talkback wow that was so roar ducky yeah even I'm impressed oh I'm so big now yes yes yes if I can talk big in here Ruby can you show me how to talk big in the Great Valley you just think I talk big because I'm bigger than you but if you are bigger than you you talk bigger too hmm but then it wouldn't be big to you then can you try to help me talk big please I guess I can try me great [Applause] [Music] [Music] you know all the shouting is making me thirsty and hungry too don't look at me out in Great Valley Mesa nest full of stinkfly buzzing things you might like gee that sounds great then let's go [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thanks Petri those stinky buzzy things were spicy but good not sure me what I hear details but you welcome so who's ready to go explore the caverns more we're still eating Chomper you flat teeth sure take a long time to eat say Chomper why don't you go on ahead and we'll catch up with you great idea Littlefoot we're Ruby and ducky ducky I've thought about it and here's what I think - talk big you need to feel big inside so if you can think big you can talk big - I can think of big things like that tree it is big good now be the tree I cannot be a tree no no no but you can pretend to be as big as the tree right Oh pretend now that you're feeling big let's topic fill your body big with air and you let it go from there open wide so you can say that you're feeling big today I'm talking [Music] let's give it one more try stand up straight now don't be shy your big voice will make you proud [Music] Thank You Ruby hello my friends my friends hello hi Ruby uh duckie may I have some tree stars oh yeah sure here hey are you trying to talk differently duckie oh yes I am oh yes yes I mean yes Sarah since I feel big now I am going to talk big - well it might be more convincing if you are a little taller she'll be taller one day guys guys guess what I found a new Cape to live in come on you gotta sing it uh [Music] gee Chomper it's pretty nice yeah for a cave don't you just love it and best of all no stop [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] sounds like someone else's in the secret carriage well there's only one way to find out who it is [Music] the holes make me it seems a lot bigger that's the mysterious beyond I know it's red claw fighters let's go we don't want them to see us up here we cannot let those sharp teeth stay in here no no [Music] [Music] well we can't lead them into the Great Valley so we have to get them to leave the way they came right spike then we can use the vines to pull rocks down and seal off the opening [Music] [Music] now what maybe Ruby and I could hold off red claw while you guys get help hold him off like an appetizer oh listen we gotta stick together if only the cave of many voices could make our bodies as big as it makes our voices duckie that's it remember how your big talk back scared Petri Oh me remember that if we lead red claw as fast fighters toward the cave of many voices we can go inside and make it sound like they're more of us and bigger of us we roar like we big and angry no problem not problem for you [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't move red claw can't see you if you're still [Music] look we are very close to the cave of many voices we are but the sharp Jeep will see us if we go over there they might not see me I am small [Music] [Music] that's ducky she did sharpteeth all confused now's your chance [Applause] your big roars are scaring the sharp team I may be little but I can pretend big now we can all work together [Applause] [Music] you can speak Sharptooth tell red claw to leave because a big and angry herd is on its way okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on we still have to close up that hole okay everybody grab a vine and [Music] now that Red Claws not here this will make a great cave thanks for being so brave duckie yeah we never make it indicate without you sneaking in first hmm sometimes being little is better than talking big but I know I will always be big in here [Music] you're sure this has been a little but I know it's the first day it's cold time but it has to work Sarah and we don't get these tree-sweets tonight they'll shrivel and spoil reach ducky come on down everybody let's find spike spike spike I heard you tell us bite we'd be here so I know he knows sometimes I do wonder what he is thinking about I do I do [Music] three stars but the tree star song is changed there's something new well they're the new songs not coming from these tree stars nothing like tree stars to start the day right all I see is the day in front of us [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hungry and miserable thank you the cold time there's nothing [Music] what about hard water sweets sweets why are those mr. thicknose who hard water sweets are sweet bubbles covered by hard water sounds like something I've never even heard of I'm not surprised hard water sweets can only be found on the first day of the cold time say maybe we can find him don't even bother that hard water sweet stuff is a load of nonsense now mr. three-horn I assure you it's not nonsense oh well if they really exist why haven't I ever found them perhaps because they're hard to find it's not funny tracery hmm water sweet tray sweet sometimes I think mr. three-horn just enjoys arguing Sarah those do too [Music] those guys it's like they're all so busy talking they can't hear the 3 star sing there's that new green food song again if hard water sweets are so hard to find how can they be found well you have to look on a certain mountain on the edge of the Great Valley it's not an easy journey that's never stopped us before now to get there you have to go to the tree with two trunks tree with two trunks make a left at the tree and head towards the mountain on the right until you reach the waterfall go behind the waterfall and around the big stone to the gusty canyon gottsy canyon and then they're supposed to be there at the top see even he doesn't know exactly where to look they do sound hard to find true but I hear it's the most wonderful tasting food you can find at first they're cold and crunchy but when you bite down they're juicy and sweet they sound like the most delicious thing I've never tasted if you like that sort of thing I've never even seen that sort of thing and you shouldn't be telling kids about things that don't exist well you don't have to believe it if you don't want to I believe you mr. thicknose and I want to try and find them if you kids can bring me back a hard water sweet I'll give you my share of the tree-sweets huh or if you bring me back a hard water sweet I'll give you all the tree-sweets in the Great Valley all of them oh well um all that I can find sounds good to me [Music] hmm no what's going on everybody ready let's go go where I know what this means they want to go with venturing adventuring adventuring they want to go and venturing I'm really not sure why why can't they all just be like me and eat some tree stars from a tree but they always want to be up on their way whatever they want us to do we'll end up being dangerous - I'm sure they know but yet they'll go and if they go adventuring I know that there is just one thing that I am going to you go adventurin Spidey's ready to look for the hard water suites yep yep yep oh [Music] here we go [Music] your new tree star song is getting louder is tree with two trunks [Music] that's not it the Nutri star song is coming from somewhere else it's coming from up there [Music] can't we go this way [Music] we are going this way [Music] hmm there it is again [Music] we are going this way spike we are we are spike sometime even little grunt make hard water and ground sparkles give way the big landslide [Music] [Music] no we find pets around wonderful no Petrie mr. thicknose said we need to go behind the waterfall no arguing again all this mist and the waterfall Salada I can't make out anything [Music] [Music] water was even too cold for a swimmer it was it was [Music] that wasn't so bad was it big rock right there gutsy Canyon on other side gutsy Canyon Petrie [Music] [Music] why not just call it windy Canyon that's it the new tree star song it must be this way no if he can do it so can we we can we won't know unless we do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're at the top so where are the hard water suites are they supposed to be here mr. thicknose did say they're hard to find maybe we no look hard enough yeah yeah or maybe my dad was right and they don't exist where is it coming from it's so loud it's like I'm right on top of it mr. thicknose wouldn't just make it up they have to exist guys no they do not they do too it's coming from down here the new song is from sweet bubbles covered in hard water [Music] while the others have to see this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] why does this have to happen every time we go adventuring [Music] where are they [Music] [Music] thank you spike [Music] III Sarah a little further over this way [Music] and hard water sweets on the way down Littlefoot don't wander off spike but if spike hadn't wandered when he wondered he would have been caught in a landslide - then spike could not have saved us no no no yeah well too bad spike couldn't save us from littlefoot's idea to find hard water sweets but I know where they are they do another fight the same old site but today and no one right there something special and I want us to go there come on guys follow me I know just what you wanna see I think spike says please follow [Music] come on follow me I do not know about you but I am going to follow spike whatever he thinks is worth seeing is probably worth a look yeah but what if there are another landslide for me [Music] this is the way things should be all of us happy and eating not fighting and hungry I still impressed you kids found hard water sweets we never went down them if it were not for spike no no no he sure did I'm Anna banks spike all right here you go all the tree-sweets I could find what about those Petrey even we couldn't get those down yeah well watch this [Music] way to go daddy why didn't you think of that me maybe they might argue less sometimes I wish we could all be a little more like spice I do too roommate I do I do [Music]
Channel: The Land Before Time
Views: 2,627,900
Rating: 4.3050447 out of 5
Keywords: the land before time, land before time, the land before time full movie, land before time movie, land before time film, the land before time 2, the land before time songs, the land before time sharptooth, land before time theme song, land before time soundtrack, the land before time trailer, the land before time movie, the land before time 2 the great valley adventure, the land before time 1988, land before time ducky, land before time season 1, littlefoot
Id: 9ECD3iCleSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 1sec (4081 seconds)
Published: Sat May 19 2018
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