Bugtime Aventures - Scare Tactics - Christian cartoons

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[Music] oh this is just fine blisters okay i've got enough green how about you anthony lenny let's head back to town wait what what do you mean my basket's nowhere near full well if you'd stop eating maybe you'd have a little left for everyone else in buglesville stop eating and how exactly do you expect me to keep my strength up oh great now my back is killing me it has been many years since the lord had brought the people of israel out of egypt and in that time they have strayed from worshipping the one true god they now suffer under the harsh control of the midianites leaving true followers such as gideon to question god's purpose pardon me lord it is i gideon why are we being treated this way not that i'm complaining but where are all the miracles we've been promised this is the story of gideon and the midianites hello hello don't worry your people will be saved from the midianites by a mighty warrior some good news uh who is this brave leader why gideon that warrior is you are you sure you have the right person no of course i'm sure didn't you just ask for a miracle yes but do i have to be part of it yes a very important part of it i would double check this if i were you if it's proof you want go to your camp bring some meat and unleavened bread back here that's it bring uh meat and and and and unleavened bread yeah okay got it hey hey you two why are you wait up would ya oh look [Music] back there don't go go around go way around slow down webster yeah we can't understand a thing you're saying when is that guy gonna stop being afraid of his own shadow and where do you think you're going this path belongs to sickle yes yes it does to sickle if you hope to pass you must give sickle all of the food you have yes now look here we have as much right as you to use this anthony no no please don't hurt him you're squeezing me here you are just as you asked place it all here on this rock okay so now what [Music] sickle hasn't told you to go yet [Music] now that's what i call a miracle i i believe what you have told me but how am i going to save my people from the midianites the israelites have turned away from the one true god and have built an altar dedicated to false gods gideon you are to destroy this false altar but if the others caught me and in its place build a new altar and make a sacrifice to the lord i'll do it absolutely everything the angel told me but i'll just wait until it gets dark i i wouldn't want to upset anyone please please you're babbling so i can't understand a word that you're saying now will just one of you tell me what's happened please it was horrible mayor greene we were just minding our own business you know bringing food back to town [Music] and then we came upon this this scorpion wow how did you know looky looky here you trespassers didn't think you'd get away from sickle that easily did you [Music] hey that's my house [Music] you hurry everyone grab baskets and bowls we must save our food nobody move it's not yours any longer it belongs to sickle now see here my good fellow this is our town and while we would gladly share our food with you yeah we uh save your breath mirror green there's only one way to take care of this bully [Music] is that over yet as far as sickle is concerned this is only the beginning now this is sequel's town and you'll all do as sickle cells well don't just stand there furra let's get this over with gladly master shirts are loud you want to get us into trouble [Music] quickly now let's return before we discovered [Music] and keep it quiet out there [Music] we must do something to stop this this monster and i mean whatever it takes [Music] don't listen to roderick violence never solves anything it makes things worse for once i totally agree with roderick you do no no anthony and i volunteer to come up with a totally new invention that will utterly destroy sickle and you're just the ant to do it anthony [Applause] [Music] you wait and see megan this is the only way to handle this creep megan what are you looking at mayor greene's house funny how sickle has every light on inside there what did you say anthony just wait and see what i come up with to get rid of this guy when i get through with him he'll be sorry he ever came to bucklesville [Music] no anthony don't you're always talking about how smart you are can't you come up with some other way to get rid of him without using violence go away megan everyone's counting on me here it was gideon i saw him and his servant destroy the altar to our beloved bail confess [Applause] he should die [Applause] if gideon is to be punished then it should come from baal himself if baal really is a god let him speak for himself have him proclaim that my son is guilty and then we shall punish him what say you mighty bale is gideon guilty of this crime or not [Music] well it seems bale has nothing to say on the matter so we mere mortals should do nothing let's go home all of us joash gideon the midianites have been joined by the amalekites and now their camp is twice as large as it was yesterday something must be done if there's already a plan father an angel came to me and said that i am to lead our people into victory against the midianites can you believe it oh fantastic my son tell me how exactly will you conduct this victory [Applause] i haven't the faintest idea [Music] megan wally please stand back i've never fired this thing before ready anthony you're not thinking this through what if this crazy contraption works and you make sickle even madder than he is right now there's no telling what he might do not if this stops him once and for all [Music] see what i mean violence only leads to more violence well that's not my only idea for getting rid of that monster when are they going to learn nah search me yeah learn what megan your weapon master no i just can't be the right person for this but you heard it from an angel sent by god himself you know another miracle about now wouldn't hurt farrah give me your sheepskin [Music] god tomorrow morning if this sheepskin is wet with dew but the ground around it is dry then i will definitely know that i should leave my people into battle against the midianites this is the opportune moment set target approaching please reconsider this spud the negatory calculations have been made and all systems are go for engaging the afford-matched enemy but what if your plan doesn't work you'll be in a terrible spot sorry but there's no more time for idle banner it's time to proceed excuse me cease your forward movement out of sickles where you puny excuse for a bug commands operation squish scorpion [Music] [Applause] [Music] secondary unit proceed [Music] but now vanquished one i shall dispatch you with my old coup de grace [Music] they're safe [Music] look wally did you see that nope my fingers were in the way you three just wait the sticker will take care of you tomorrow yes know what wally i think we've just learned something very important about that scorpion yes definitely absolutely uh megan what is that that we learned father the sheepskin is wet but the ground is dry then you have your sign you have been chosen to lead our people against the midianites yeah you know it probably wouldn't hurt to test this thing one more time i mean look at me a warrior a leader ah gideon why can't you just have faith in what you've been told yeah really just one more test god this time let the ground be wet with dew and the sheepskin be left perfectly dry it's dry the sheepskin is dry god has delivered a third miracle i will lead you all to fight against the [Music] [Applause] [Music] midianites dex now that he's taking his daily nap we can take matters into our own hands no you go head sickle over the head me but won't that disturb me sleeping remember we must protect property and honor [Music] now sickle is going to have to teach you a lesson no not my building [Music] [Applause] gideon you have gathered too many fighters but look how many midianites there are how can there be too many of us if you win they might boast that the midianites were defeated because there were so many men and not by me i will take care of israel reduce the number of men but how can i do that first ask all of those who are fearful of battle to leave we are now ready for battle o lord gideon you don't even need this many huh yes reduce your army by even more men have the men drink from the river see those men who kneel and use their hands to cut the water into their mouths they will be part of my mighty army no have them go home there may be only 300 of us left but we will attack the midianites and be victorious [Applause] die hope gideon if you still need more proof of your ability to lead sneak into the midianite camp there you will find the courage to begin the fight okay megan you win how can we get rid of sickle yes yes without resorting to pugilistic posturing or violence i have an idea [Music] and i think it just might work i had a terrible dream last night a wheel of barley we tumbled through our camp and overturned all of our tents that's what i've been threshing for weeks now what does it mean your dream warns that gideon son of joash will sweep through our camp and destroy us all god is giving the israelites a victory over midian do you need to hear more master come for uh it's time to attack i don't know if anyone else has noticed but at night sickle keeps every candle and lamp lit in mayor greene's house and don't forget about the cave right yesterday sickle wouldn't step foot into the dark and this is all leading to to the fact that sickle must be afraid of the dark i don't see what's so funny big bad sickle is afraid of the dark so what so we could use our brains against them instead of rocks and sticks and ropes and frighten him away from bugglesville without hurting him very interesting and very stupid all right anyone have any good ideas yeah not so fast roderick i ascertain that this might be the proper redress meaning she just might have a good idea indubitably what do you think anthony well nothing we've done so far has worked it's worth a try do the soldiers have the lanterns farah yes master and they're trumpets as well is this some kind of joke gideon why should we replace our swords with these god himself told me how to attack the midianites split up into three equal groups and take positions around the midian camp then wait for my signal and do exactly as i have told you now move quietly ready everyone one two [Music] three [Music] [Applause] [Music] please don't hurt stay away from [Music] [Applause] [Music] the sword of the lord there are thousands of soldiers i must get into the light well megan wally i've got to hand it to you that's really using your brains after their tremendous victory over the midianites the israelites wanted gideon to lead them but he refused saying that god was to be their only ruler
Channel: Bible stories - the teaching of Jesus
Views: 118,982
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gideon, Madianites, christian cartoons, Bugtime Aventures, Bugtime Aventures Scare Tactics, Bugtime Aventures cartoons, bible stories for kids, jesus stories for kids, Jesus story, bible story, Bible stories, Jesus's stories, story of the christ, jesus movie, life of jesus, christ, jesus christ, Christian, adventures, cartoon, animated movie, christ story, animated film, story of jesus, superbook, bible stories, cartoon for kids
Id: mOxAZDucz9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 56sec (1316 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2020
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