The Story of The Venthyr Covenant - Full Version [Lore]

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[Music] hello everyone while leveling through the shadowlands exploring the different zones meeting the different factions we uncovered that said the nephews is actually in league with the jailer he sent down a whole bunch of anima into the maw aiding the imprisoned eternal one with its release long ago we stood as one to imprison that monster with the primus gone and an atherius a traitor our pantheon has been broken and doom comes for the shadow lands [Music] there is yet hope this mortal saved me from the more and revealed the sires treachery they aided my forest as well their kind has shown great potential if focused it could turn the tide in our favor agreed for the good of the shadow lands each mortal must choose a covenant and when our realms have regained their strength we will stand together against the darkness it's decision-making time and in this case we're going to join the venther in raven you may question why we are willing to impart our power onto a mortal though you are no ordinary mortal are you no you can breach the boundaries of the moor with ears something that even the oldest ventier are unable to do that ability alone would make you perfect for my plan but there is so much more to you isn't there it will never be enough to simply defeat danathrius we must also break his hold on revenge his grasp on this realm comes from the medallions he created each containing a fraction of his power given to subordinates that would obey without question we must secure these medallions and with them ushered in a new era that would see revenge return to its true purpose i distinctly remember hearing of such a plan many years ago renethal before the master's true intentions were known with castle nathria and the threats of ravenrath being our first raid coming up the prince of enfier they make ready to take on the sire and we're going to need his gifted medallions to do so pride desire everest envy dread dominion and wrath to control harvest drain and seize the burdens of the souls delivered to their domain the master has forced these medallions of the harvesters let them be the conduits of his will providing power and the machinations of death to those servants deemed most fitting may they be instruments of his ever-vigilant force may they be the fangs by which he feeds upon the sins of the death but to get to them and the master to have the van fair return to the duty of helping souls atone for their sins saving them from an eternity in the maw we'll have to empower ourselves empower our followers and empower our covenant first we pledge ourselves to the court of harvesters regaining the covenant abilities that we used while questing through the zone please take your place when you are ready to begin you stand before the court of harvesters willing and able to accept our gift help us return rev draft to its true purpose help us rid this realm of a tyrant whose actions threaten all of reality this gift of power will be yours so long as you remain loyal to our cause as we adventure through the shadow lands our connection to the covenant it grows ever stronger and our renowned will as well a higher renown it means greater rewards greater power we gather it by completing chapters in our covenant campaign by returning anima to our storage and by saving the souls from the maw itself but what's power if you don't show it off if we are to aid the rest of the shadow lands we must begin here in our domain first right here in ravenrath our first time completing three world quest in ravenrath it rewards us with anima safely stored in our sanctum reservoir this power can be used for many things but this sanctum it can't function on anime alone it's going to require the combined effort of many souls working together to unlock its full potential wouldn't you know it we know of a domain where plenty of souls would love to come with us and be put to work back to the mall we go where our broker friend vannari helps us out for a price of course with the souls collected we can start on our first covenant upgrade maybe we'll decide to lay down a transport network for easier travel in the zone an anime conductor perhaps to activate new challenges and adventures a command table don't think we'll have to explain what a command table does or a unique upgrade that's different for every single covenant in the case of de venvir this upgrade will give us access to the amber court allow us to throw some amazing parties and help rebuild rendezvous influence by rubbing shoulders with some very important people across all of the shadow lands now the power of the harvesters it flows through a mortal body but there is even greater might to be found by binding our soul to another the soulbind is not an irrevocable bond however it is not to be entered into lightly we will experience one another's past our hopes fears dreams our very memories if any of them still linger we will become kindred spirits in the truest sense once complete our connection will transcend physical space and make us stronger in more than mere brawn in our case our first soul bind is with najia the misplayed every ninja please come forward you will be the first to receive this honor may her blade serve you well more walker do not look so glum draven you will get your turn soon enough you are so refreshingly fresh [Music] as our renown grows so too will our bond over time but there is the ability to accelerate the process with the uses from conduits just pick the different abilities that we want the different paths our bond flows through great power it awaits to be unlocked it is done may the power within your soul serve you well that's the basic setup for the covenant onwards to the weekly campaign for the van fair during our questing we kind of helped side the nethreus for a bit not knowing what he was truly up to we took down and imprisoned the accuser while she warned us that the nephes was not to be trusted he wanted her to defile the ancient rituals that define who they are something that she could not do even for him we kinda helped replacing her with lord chamberlain and he has no problem doing whatever the sire requests of him no problem giving up their sacred charge and just torment and squeeze every bit of anima out of their charges as long as it pleases the master the accuser shows us how it's supposed to be done this plays a proper ritual of absolution it's not a kind or easy ritual but atoning for one sins never is an easy process after all rituals of absolution are complete each soul must then face its final judgment with three potential verdicts if proven unworthy if they are unable to atone for their sins then they are condemned to the maw for all eternity but if fully absolved of its sins it will either be elevated to avenfir or they can return to the arbiter to be assigned a new destination within the shadowlands it is their most sacred ritual and one of them is happening right now while disguised we witness how the judgment happens on the lord chamberlain's command and it's all perverted and wrong the soul presented before them is one the accuser is intimately familiar with she knows that it has spent millennia atoning for all of their sins but the others they condemn it to the maw anyways a mockery of their sacred ritual she can't just stand at the sides hidden let them do whatever they want she steps in to sire this soul herself biting hers to chronoid feligri and attested our worthiness to be made of enfire their fate and that of the accuser are now the same inquisitor train can't undo this even if they want it feligri is granted the status of venther and with it comes their new eternal name grassit but as for you accuser i will not forget your vow or the vulnerability it creates she sacrificed a lot to save this single soul and would do so again because it is right it is their sacred charge ravenrath might be a realm of penance and torments but it is done with her purpose beyond just feeding the jailer and desire there is a chance at redemption for those willing to take it and the accuser remembers what they're here for and she's not the only one either despite what we witnessed here some steadfast van fair they do still remain within these halls those who have not forsaken their vocation and carry on with their calling archivist feign is one such as these the archivist they maintain strict records of every soul that passes through these halves or at least they're supposed to the sin stones are powerful then fear they tend to go missing like the one of inquisitor trien he might have stolen it or someone could be hoarding it as blackmail either way we need to gather some sin stone records from the crypto filers in the area with it he'll be able to complete his archives and we'll get any sin stone that we need then we just need someone to use the sin stone like we did when we fought against the accuser our old friend tamil will be perfect for the job and thankfully crypt keeper cassier he holds no grudges about that time that we kicked the crap out of him but he can't give us tamil though the lord chamberlain deemed tamil a threat to his control his thugs had bashed into bits and scattered the pieces amongst these crypts nothing a bit of anima can't fix though so after gathering the sin stone record and putting tamil back together we're ready to confront inquisitor treyan or as he was known in life palaval the biased who squandered his unparalleled intellectual gifts who made judgement from his perspective alone who was slow to admit error and quick to accuse it we'll be able to obtain more sin stones in the future hunt now more of these corrupted inquisitors for the achievement it's always cindy and ravendrath for now though a significant threat to the accuser has been taken care of and good old grassit joins us at sinfall now i'm not entirely sure if story wise this quest is supposed to be available yet but it is available in game lord chamberlain he is the end boss for the halls of atonement dungeon and while the other harvesters of sin they might be converted to our cause his medallion must be taken by force with allies at our side we venture through the corrupted twisted halls until the lord chamberlain falls and the medallion of pride is taken back to our base at sin fall pride of all the sins a soul can be burdened with pride is the most delicious it presents the greatest challenge when trying to exanguinate this burden from the souls that are sent to us it takes time ceremony dedication to this end may the medallion of pride be forever upon the neck of only our most skillful and patient fan fear may it grant them authority over the ceremony ward so that they can use his vast powers as an instrument to strip these souls of their burdens and fulfill our noble purpose yes we still have our old reliables our workhorses last time we set up our base and we dealt with our mistake of placing lord chamberlain in charge at the halls of atonement we brought back his medallion of pride but we're going to need all of the medallions granted by the sire to stand a chance against him and the jailer we must convince the court of harvesters to convene and convince them to forsake the greatest patron in all of their reality throw their lord in with prince wanafal a failed rebellion with a quote-unquote new plan a meeting that's gonna take place at the old fortress of dark wall tower we revive childra the blade wall with a little bit of anima to help us clear out the place while also placing some banners with the right words and incantations they will turn this area in a temporary sanctuary to guard us from the power of the harvesters and the master himself then it's just a simple matter of actually inviting them the stonewrite is our first guest to visit she is ancient powerful and responsible for creating the stone legion but never ever confuse her sympathy for creations as a weakness she holds the medallion of wrath for a reason and is not someone that we want to be subtle with together with general draven we walk right through the front door by crossing the bridge of defiance on foot defeating any who would dare to stop us we may have an audience with the mother of the stoneborn this right here is an ancient rite however our safe return is not a guarantee beware so draven you continue to serve prince renethol despite his many failures mother of stone i serve ravendrath at this time the dark prince is the only one who has a plan to best do that with this ma walker's help we may undo the master's blind devotion to the jailer and the maw very well i shall see what renethal has to say if nothing else perhaps i might end this pointless struggle that has my children fighting each other the countess harvester of desire does like the occasional intrigue and mystery her wits are sharper than most swords and while she never seems to carry a weapon you must assume that she is never unprotected her dominion was dead of the castle ward and it's her authority that keeps the nobles in line it's cudgel face that hooks us up with a little disguise to make us look like one of the servants as a dredger we can just walk through the party be ignored by the nobles chatting and drinking the night away deliver our invitation to the countess an invitation from prince renithol how delicious i simply cannot miss this finally there's the tithe lord at caretaker's manner believed to be the 275th caretaker to lord over the village ward he is as dangerly ambitious as every harvester of envy before him and he will only help if he believes to gain more power for that reason it is too dangerous to just go up and walk to him instead we use tamil as the stone fiend is a common messenger of ravenrath and a few aside from a handful of observers will bat an eye at his arrival what is this so the dark prince is making his move to usurp the throne i suppose someone of character should be there to stop him now it's up to prince ranifal to use his charms sway the crowd and convince them to join his side with the medallions combined we can seize control of rev draft you mean you could seize control these are merely the ravings of a selfish prince desperate to reclaim his former glory the bargain between daenerys and the jailer will leave us all to be consumed by the more i want our ways to survive if that makes me selfish i would hope you were all selfish as well none of your grand words matter you cannot defeat both the jailer and the master i will not subject my stone-born children to further suffering [Music] i've heard enough this usurper demands our medallions but offers nothing [Music] why renethal if only you had shown such passion ages ago i find it positively enthralling but i must agree with the others you lack leverage the other harvesters are not convinced so we'll have to do this the hard way increase our renown show them that our side is the winning one or take out any that remain unconvinced now there is one that is fully on our side though teotar the mad duke has come to realize that we are meant to be the most kindred of spirits our enduring nature it has enraptured him and he is afraid that he cannot bear to imagine an afterlife without our beguiling presence let us bind our souls forevermore and carry each other in both heart and mind my most gracious farewell to you this spring in my step is only matched by the lightness of my soul what an occasion this will be i warn you i tolerate no bamboozlers last week we brought the chord of harvesters together but the prince he has failed to convince them to join his side meaning that we're gonna have to find a different way to get our hands on their medallions the medallion of desire it rests upon the neck of the countess it's a source of power for her but not her only source claiming it by force it would only bring a short victory but theotar might know a way to be more sneaky about it steal it without making any new enemies before they cast them out into the light he held a prominent position within the countess's court that position amongst others it granted him a mirror direct access to her chambers so she could meet with her paramour in private that's our way in but the estate and the mirror they've been given to another upon his exile theodore he can't exactly walk into his older state that would just earn him a one-way ticket back into the ember ward so we meet up with his butler bogdan for him get his old staff back in service find the key to thornhill manor and take care of this count nikolay the one that currently inhabits the manor the countess will avenge me why the lady chose such a loud as a new paramour we'll never know it's going to take them weeks to rid the estate of his stench we'll leave the staff to handle that disgusting job let us use the mirror and sneak into redelath tower i've been expecting you [Music] come let us find a more comfortable place to chat [Music] no need to be on edge as you can see my guards have been instructed to treat you as a guest you will enjoy my hospitality so long as you remain receptive to what i have to say please take a seat perhaps you misunderstood that was a command not an offer now sit you came here with the intent of stealing my medallion no need to deny it i am just stating the known facts i'm grateful we have this chance at civilized discourse since stealing from an aristocrat could find you making atonement or worse but please eat let us not speak of such heinous crimes do you dare ignore my hospitality you have no need to steal anything in fact i am prepared to give you my medallion you see the medallion is powerful yes but it is not my soul source of influence the role i play in this society is a crucial one all i ask is that you take the time to learn a bit about what i do and the medallion will be yours it really is quite that simple i don't know about you but the countess is quickly rising as one of my favorite wen fear she makes it her business to know what's going on within her district knowledge is power beyond just that of a medallion and to keep such a position of power amongst the snake pit of vanfir is no easy task as we discover from a missive not sent by stone fiends but rather by fenfeer it mentions how they must rid themselves of the countess her loyalties no longer lie with the master she accommodates mortals within their city as if they're equals the party upon the terrorists presents itself as the perfect place to strike you must find a way to secure an invitation united our houses will be strong enough to usurp this sympathizer the note is clearly written by andre of house iremore the handwriting is obvious but it gives no hint as to who their ally might be it's no use trying to get andre to tell us who he's working with is not gonna talk and we can't risk alerting his accomplice my death will not delay our plans at the same time he is a threat that we cannot allow to stay alive so we track him down for a nice little chat and then burn down his mana to the ground to make it look like an accident that still doesn't flush out his co-conspirator though but the countess has an idea we're gonna invite everybody over for a party give them that chance to strike that they were looking for with a dosmire elixir in our system our voice it will compel the guests to speak the truth as we question them ask them if they're enjoying themselves to figure out who has ill intent towards the countess to me it clearly seemed like the house of dark vayne was the culprit sure enough i can forgive sir geoffrey who'd rather stay at home and be with her cat but duchess leona she is enjoying herself about as much as he enjoys a dagger to the eye soon they won't have to endure these self-indulgent sauris i'm sure that that is how you pronounce it soiree a formal evening party well madame lanuara finds this display of excess disgusting does the countess really think she can control us with these parties so when given the choice between house briarbane primrose dark vanes sourwine duskmeyer and sinfang i picked house darkvayne of course house darkvayne chancellor cardren leads them find him and enact immediate justice eventhear that consorts with mortals is not fit to lead i will finish what andre started after checking out wildhead though it seems like there is no choice at all all of them are ready to stab the counters in the back and all of them are potential ally to andre all you need to do is pick a name any name really i guess that's how it goes in ravenrev and now we see the importance of the role that the countess plays her parties serve a much greater purpose keeping the influential and elite entertains it helps quell uprisings if their minds are consumed by trivial things they don't have time to plot or plan sometimes battles are best fought before they begin and giving us her medallion is an example of that until until we meet again more walker desire vanfir are mostly loyal servants but they function best when properly motivated why choose this eternity if it does not come with appropriate rewards and so i name the medallion of desire to grant authority to avenfeir to manage my court and their needs as well as collect a savory number of special souls that my most elite and trusted of children might enjoy may this medallion allow his harvester to grow the castle ward and the aspirations of it fanfare even higher last week we managed to obtain the medallion of desire this time around we're gonna go after the medallion of everest everest it apparently means an excessive or insatiable desire for gain or wealth it's the sin of greediness while this medallion bestows the wielder authority over the catacombs ward there let those afflicted with this burden be sealed away until long after the time that they believed they would be remembered let them fade away to be forgotten the memory of their great deeds be measured against the unending weight of eternity the tool of the curator one of the few remaining true venther forged during the founding of ravenrath like prince renethal and the stonewrite the curator was not turned van thier from a mortal soul rather she was wheeled into being by desire you might recall how we saved her from the tower of torgos as that's where she was sent to after their failed rebellion the time in the tower it did her no favors as her memory it isn't quite what it used to be this is worse than i assumed more walker the crypt ward has plunged into chaos in my absence there is much to do i hid my medallion through this mirror before denaturius cast me into the moor to prevent him from reaching it i cleaved the glass i entrusted each of the halves to my subordinates oh it is imperative we reach them before dinarus's forces do watch your emel and sin keeper matteo we're trusted with safeguarding the mirror shards and it's ammo that we tracked down first the guard captain lost contact with them when the chaos erupted and they've sent guardsmen doran ahead to search for him he too has yet to return and since we're gonna go deeper into the catacombs anyways we might as well give them a hand their reinforcements never showed up which left them unable to tend to the souls here they broken out of their cages before they were ready for the next step in the process but the chains of regret they allow us to chain the backup and put them back into their cages then their guards weakened by the lack of anima they've become overrun as the sin stones that this land is built upon rose up around them not to mention the manifestations of the souls who can no longer be tended to that are now running wild we slay them making the grounds a bit more defendable but we sadly reach guardsmendoring far too late their journal describes the hunt for emmel and when they saw the cloaked scouts from arkhavam they thought salvation had come instead they drew their blades against them their very own kind not all have remained loyal to the curator some have decided to side with the sire as we discover while escorting a male none other than syn keeper matteo wants to acquire that second mirror shard for the sire foolishly he let his guards do the dirty work and they stand no chance against emel and the mall walker fighting them together emma you are safe matteo has betrayed you he returned dark of him it seems he will stop at nothing to acquire your medallion for the sire then i fear we do not have much time we must put a stop to this now reaching mateo isn't going to be easy as he's hanging out in the curator's former manor it's guarded by norman the doorman an extremely loyal dredger that will only grant access to those that possess the right fangs the fangs of the commanders of this operation examiner dassinia bojan and lonara if we do manage to restore the mirror there's also the little problem of it being cursed by design we're gonna need to locate some death lotus powder but the curator simply can't remember in which crypt she stored it all a bit of brute force is gonna fix that problem stone breaker melody in hand we start knocking down doors until we find what we're looking for as we go around breaking all their stuff we might as well eliminate the netherius's lackeys as they've resorted to tearing arkevan down to the core for any evidence of the curator's medallion you find any other nickname let me get that door open for you real quick good luck in here and the new boss is a big temperamental the power of the harvesters will be mine come sinners serve your master no the curator's power was nearly mine now which order did i set those two now that we have all of our components we can proceed once the mirror is complete remember to apply the death lotus powder if you do not you well it is definitely not good my memory may be going but yours seems to be going even faster use the powder to enter safely the accuser has helped the curator with setting up some protections a wall of sin it stands between us and the medallion the power of the venther it's allowed us to pass walls such as these before open your eyes and use the power more walker it is the only way or a bubble does the trick as well either way the medallion of avarice is now in our possession somehow we forgot how to be vinci we need to remember reverend medallion quickly take it from here before denaturius discovers what we have done castlenutria has been available for a bit now yet the curator still mentions that the nephes is gonna bring destruction if we linger around i guess that means lore wise the entire castle hasn't been conquered quite yet either way with all the work that we've been doing she will now be able to resume her duties while we take the medallion back to renoval we've been working pretty hard at gathering those medallions handed out by the sire but one fanfeer cannot wear seven medallions and command the power they bestow nor command respect from anyone looking at them what we're going to need is an infinity gauntlet an artifact that can contain the power of the medallions now the nephes's corruption attains the forges of ravenreth so we're gonna have to look elsewhere our best option being bastion they're not just gonna open up the gates for denison's raven draft though we're gonna need to activate a mirror that they've hidden there long ago for operations in the master's name join the mall walker and i your skills will prove most useful on this mission venture to another realm where we may be killed on site to ask for help oh morbidly exciting theater this is an order from prince wrenithal we will meet you round side mow walker bastion even i can't escape my sins how do the kirian endure this obtuse brightness he will meet you at the eternal forge your presence should ease any tensions that arise upon our arrival tensions what have you gotten me into this time draven draven hmm come at your sire's bidding i see and more walker why are you here athletes betrayed us all this mar walker is helping us redeem revenge wrath from danathrius's power we have need of your skills forge like prime little reason to trust you stoneborn but this mortal has served bastian a steward always helps friends legion of force one infesting my forge clear space to work and i will help even the van fair are aware of the magnificent works crafted by mechanicos the fort light prime but the workshop is gonna need some work long ago general cal was sent here on a mission for daenerys the master he was rather envious of the forge has send out his stone-borne agents to sabotage it by siphoning away its anima stores weakened the forge's defenses allowed the forsworn to capture you wonder why i am distrustful of ventier we will make amends for this forge-like prime i swear it best to fix that damage done mckenna goes he can't work without his tools so we also slay vamos his former apprentice and grab his tool chest building something that's going to help in our mission it would require some metal taken from the force worn constructs refined in the flames of the eternal forge to purge them of their corruption the design the mechanicos has in mind it's gonna be a crown capable of channeling the powers of the harvesters a perfect circular mold already exists in his old storage all we need to do is go in look for it and bring it back then the fours worn in the area they are a bit of a problem those of you that have played a secretion you might find this quest line a little bit familiar as you've already cleared this place of their threat now i can understand that multiple mall walkers they might show up here to clean up the forge area at the same time but faistus is once again stolen by overseer atticus i'm not exactly sure how that works how kyrie and evan fear can kill the same npc at different times and use it for different things either way it is what it is and we grab face this and bring it back time to forge the crown i sent guards to establish a foothold at the forge hurry we will not be able to hold it forever theotah we need you too move more walker the four sworn had their colossi operational we cannot hold this position for long everyone eyes on me i cannot craft alone lend me aid your magic on the anvil disciples give us your blessing just a few more elegant and powerful a crown to defend a realm crown focuses the raw power of the harvesters exercise caution mortal [Music] enjoy the chaos while it lasts yes empower the crown that voice where would work my loyal servants i will rise again it is coming from the medallion in the crown hurry more walker my influence is irrefutable you will serve me i think that all of this takes place after we conquered castle nfria and sealed sireneth within ramornia his echo his influence though is still considerable upon the medallion so much so that the crown started to feed on our soul we'll need to break the loyalty to the medallion's former master at the citadel of loyalty hot spot and base of operations for the forsworn the apologies for the delay convincing our new ally of my flying ability proved difficult i am fine we need access to the temple to fix the crown protected by a barrier must disable we've draven helping us from the air we're able to slay even the mightiest of the force warn the anima is drained from their barriers source of power clearing the way to our destination the barrier around the temple is no more then we must move now the temple is the only way to break the crown from daenerys's control no time to spare you must go and present the crown those loyal to shadow lands recognized here you dare to defy my reign enough of your insolence this ends now your hubris we have your back stay back their loyalty must stand alone some really sick flashbacks to taking on the nephries in the castle with his hands of destruction and the cleansing pain merely an echo yet the mighty desire it still puts up a good fight all the same we're able to claim victory and purify the crown i am without your aid and trust he would not have succeeded we are in this together but remember that when bastian needs help at your service forge like prime you and me against the air let this crown embody everything sinful stands for rev wrath will unite and redeem itself from the sins of donathius last week we forced the crown fit for the prince to wield those medallions of power that we've been gathering but in the meantime heroes of the world they've gathered their numbers and conquered castle nathria disposing of sire the nephes now trapped in his blade dramornia but also running into an old familiar spirit kel'thus sunstrider you are free from the sire's tyranny but you cannot escape your own deeds come with me and i will help you find atonement in life kael'thas led his people through the most dire of times they were still high elves back then enjoying the good magics of the sunwell but all of that changed when arthas and the scourge showed up arthas menethil now an agent of the lich king with frostmourne in hand frostmourne connected to the jailer he was on a mission of bringing back kel'thuzad as a lich and to do that they were gonna need the powers of the sunwell despite their best efforts and many brave heroes giving up their lives heroes like sylvan as windrunner none of them were able to defend the high home of the elves kel'thuzad he was brought back corrupting their ancient fount of power kael'thas had no choice but to destroy it revealing the addiction of the elves that had formed itself over generations not only that there was also still the undead scourge left behind in their lands while the prince he tried to work together with the alliance at first grand marshal gareth he made that quite hard by giving him near impossible tasks even pushed it so far to place kael'thas in the dalaran prisons to await their execution with promises of salvation for his people not to mention avoiding the executioner the prince eventually teamed up with lady vash and illidan stormrage but that salvation never came illidan kept his secrets close and kael'thas was lured to the dark side to the demonic side now allied to kill jaina the deceiver and quite addicted to fel magic he turned against his own people tried to summon kil'jaeden into the world until we put a stop to him send them off into the shadowlands where he was deemed worthy for ravendrath normally ravendrath would actually help him try to atone for his sins in life but not anymore not under the rule of cyrodias instead they amplified those sins adding anima and the sins of others to the prideful prince's soul while his pain and hatred were channeled to make him a powerful weapon kael'thas was on the verge of destruction when we rescued him from naflia unstable confused and pushed to the edge of its own existence the accuser she's taken upon herself to try and redeem him a task which is going to need all the help it can get out of my way i shall avenge my people impudent child you do not give orders here the very arrogance that doomed you in life every choice helps me identify the true sins of kale foss sunstrider what character flaw are most hindered kale force jealousy arrogance oh greed i never had need for gold i had riches and power to spare jealousy please i was superior to him in every way your arrogance swells within you like so many other tyrants when the sun well was destroyed and chaothouse was desperate to regain a magical connection for his people who did he surrender his will to the lich king the old gods or the burning legion never that monster took everything from me the old gods held no sway over me kill jaden exploited your arrogance paranoia and obsession to bend you to his will i have found the heaviest burden on kael'thas sunstrider's soul how did chao thoughts fail his people did he abandon his people betray his people or corrupt his people careful sunstrider committed all of these sins against his own people you cannot judge me i did what was needed to save my people you did what you wanted and everyone else bore the consequences careful son strider you failed your people you will continue to unravel if we do not extract the excess enema from your soul chaothos i will take you to a place where we may expunge that enema in a productive manner this place is in shambles so are you that is why we are here at dark wall tower the place where prince renoval suffered a great defeat we help kael'thas humble himself while the curator prepares the next ritual his current state and drama it requires nothing short of perfect intervention and instruction to correct when prince renival fled dark wall tower he was forced to leave many people and belongs behind the powerful relics and weapons they were long ago carted off to the master's lair but the princess dredgers they were forced to stay and serve the masters traitorous lackeys instead we save them and send them off to sinfall while also forcing kael'thas to give up some of that extra anima that's bursting out of him true leaders they sacrifice of themselves to empower those under their care many stoneborn and gargan including the prince's own pet they were left dormant in darkwall by the master's forces that animated he carries will be of great use to reanimate them while the prince thinks we're too focused on his negative traits he also has incredible strength and we might as well put it to good use while he has it let's find the usurper that took the tower from the prince and get some sweet vengeance you call this a challenge i shall burn your world to ashes no you will show her mercy your enemy will live mercy is a weakness she will pay you are weakness your obsessive arrogance blinds you in time i will free you of it but first we free him of those extra sins bound to his soul by the master something that would be a crushing burden for even the most noble of souls which kael'thas certainly is not let us hope that our time with him has prepared his soul for the ritual this ritual will help you expel the excess animal trapped inside of you chaothos it will hurt but no more than you deserve now kelphos expel the animal no i want it's power important fool that anima binds your sin stone release it or i will throw you into the more myself stand down i will deal with this manifestation i am free hardly that sin stone still belongs to you kale foss sunstrider tend to it the sin stone of kael'thas sunstrider lord of the blood elves deserter traitor tyrant in the wake of his people's devastation kael'thas sunstrider abandoned the survivors in pursuit of vengeance instead of seeking a cure for his people kael'thas sunstrider led them into corruption for the sake of power rather than rebuild his kingdom's legacy kael'thas sunstrider bartered it to the legion as a conduit for darkness pride greed wrath to redeem this soul all three must be expunged he is now free of the corruption from the master but he is far from liberated of his own sins onward to the chalice district for the next lesson when prince renithal made his final stand at the dark wall tower he called for aid from many of the noble houses here but none of them came most simply avoided the conflict out of self-preservation shameful but understandable choice however one house they took action lord blackpale replied with cruel mockery and send his stoneborn to aid the master's armies instead renethal has not forgotten that betrayal and since kael'thas is so fond of vengeance let's give him some by taking out the stoneborn as we do we also come across a suspicious weapon unlike those wielded by most of the van fair yet the marxist bears are unmistakably familiar the essence of the power it also feels familiar to kael'thas so we have to discover where these weapons came from and who imbued them with such power an opportunity to test out my new weapon the tithe lord will have your our old friend the tithe lord harvester of envy they're the ones controlling this operation working together with a lich from maldrexis and we're getting closer and closer to revealing the identity of the one who's been causing so much trouble behind the scenes i must inform prince renethal of the maldraxa's threat immediately i am placing chaothouse under your care more walker humble him we are the only thing standing between you and oblivion chao foss the note we picked up it mentioned a meeting in dark haven now kill us he wouldn't want to tell us the best way to absolve his sins as the accuser insists that we do however what if we would investigate gather some information present to the accuser and renoval it could be quite useful to them and a very selfless act of assistance on his part the death of the master surely means the master's removal changes nothing tell lady wixera that i am still in charge and my carriage is upstairs we will finish this discussion on the way now that we are away from itching ears you can reassure lady wixera that our plan remains intact we may even be able to increase the rate that we are supplying her with anima that would please the archlich greatly of course it would inform your lady i am still in charge everything will proceed unless she fails to uphold her side the archlitch will not allow her failure i am pleased that we see eye to eye if you're part of the necrolord then the next bit is gonna look familiar as the two covenants they now pretty much do the same thing disrupt the maldrexin camp and put a stop to their operations but it is a bit disappointing that it doesn't really line up with each other you could imagine that draka now shows up and joins this bit of the campaign but the way that we get here the dialogue in between the conversation at the end it's not really compatible you've got the van fear going in here and taking care of business and then the neckrelords they're doing it again it's a bit of a shame it could've been cleaned up and just made it flow much more easy but what can you do with the camp and the operations put to a stop it is time to confront lady quixara the one sent over by margrey zindane to oversee the encampment let's have a little chat kael'thas's style maybe even find out who this archlidge is that they all keep yelling about unbind me what magic is this why are you sending anima to mount jaxus who do you serve answer me you cannot stop my master he is allied with the banished one himself who who is your master i serve the mighty kell fazad and he will conquer i will claim justice for silver moon finally the new baron for the house of rituals has been revealed it is none other than kel'thuzad allied to the jailer he is the one that has been pulling the strings behind his scenes his former human found himself allied to the lich king and used his call to the dam to spread the plague across the lands of lordaeron a plague that was not only designed to kill its victims it also brought them back as the mindless undead bound to the will of the lich king we took him on during classic but his phylactery the thing binding him to the mortal world it was never destroyed this allowed him to make a return in wrath the lich king yet once more that phylactery evaded us as a lich he's probably more at home in the shadow lands than we'll ever be at the same time it seems like our time with kael'thas it has not been a complete waste he might boast and come across as arrogant but he's also reflecting on his past life after the sunwell's destruction and the near-extermination of my people i vow to claim vengeance upon arthas and kel'thuzad but i needed power to see that happen and to seize that power i kael'thas grows quiet i am ready to return to sinfal i must recover my strength for what lies ahead as the accuser is so fond of reminding me i have much to ponder make no mistake i will have my vengeance but i suppose i can afford a measure of patience be sure to inform the accuser of my selflessness i look upon you and death so it is true the tithe lord is working with maldrexas we must plan our next move carefully no more surprises i shall extract more information from the souls we recovered from the masters lair and i shall reach out to my most trusted contacts in maldraxas come kalethos you served well today but nothing has been atoned for you speak of atonement it is the lich kel'thuzad who will atone for his crimes i will burn his icy bones to ash focus on yourself your hatred will only hinder you the tithe lord is no ordinary enemy he will need a great deal of strength to topple him strength is not my concern i require your understanding of strategy first step in toppling the tithe lord is to put an end to his oppression of stone vigil overlook that way we can win over the hearts and minds of his subjects they've been wrung dry by the tithe lord's greed the prince dressed for the occasion can offer them sanctuary and a chance to fight against their oppressors meanwhile draka thinks that this winning the spirit of the people operation is noble and good however a display of might is also an order the tithe lord has sent his stoneborn to further reap the anima from these citizens to send the right message we crush the oppressors and return the enema to the stone vigils well then it's onward to the leader of this incursion for talon vartox if we strike her down the tithe lord will be left exposed for our attack interlopers die by my fist time to pay the ultimate price defeated by a mortal ugh prosthetic she would barely pass muster as a maldraxi foot soldier i will meet you back at renathal's location now is the time to rise up fanfia we will reclaim the anima from your oppressor what that carriage is running off with the last of the anima after them there it is we're right on their tail this anima belongs to the tithe lord stay back or die he is cornered let's show this dare you delay the time lord shipment no i look upon the strength of our mighty champion well done more walker there is a simple oh my dear subjects we have achieved a small victory reclaim your anima from the spoils we must move now and take the fight to your oppressor the vanfir have the best kind of run charging towards their destiny towards the tithe lord his base of operations is at caretaker's manner named for the harvester whom he replaced don't forget this is like the 275th caretaker something about being the harvester of envy it brings out ruthless ambition let us strike him down decisively now he draws power from these animal wells and keeping it all for himself if we're able to hold his attention renethal can not only empower us to defeat him but also disable the wells connect we must strip these wells of their anima so the thais lord and his allies can use it you overstep your bounds here i have all of the power gods slay the banff here now is the time to tear these oppressors down quickly more walker slay any in your path to the next well i sense the power of my own medallion you are no longer the harvester of dominion renathol that power belongs to the archlich you gave my medallion to a ledge great work press the assault what never mind i will cut you down where you stand more walker maldraxis honor our deal slay this would be what is he running to who is he running to archlich join me use the metallion you were given and together we can crush this more walker no i think not you have served your purpose now i must serve mine where are you going to the next part of the plan of course do try to slay some of these obstacles before they destroy you yeah i was promised power no it will take time to repair this mirror we need to get the medallion of dominion back from that lich kel'thuzad's manipulations have plunged maldraxas into chaos what will your covenants medallion allow him to do he could levy an army of unwilling denizens of raventreth with enough anima he might even be able to manipulate the very fabric of the shadowlands with the tithe lord's defeat we got our hands on another medallion this time the medallion of envy greed the festering need for what others possess such souls burdened with this must be forced to confront their needs and overcome it may their in squalor and desperation until their need is shattered so shall there be the village ward may the medallion of envy grant its harvester authority over this dark ward forever in the shadow of castle nephria forever within view of something greater that can never be achieved and as it turns out the nethreus former ruler of the castle is bestowed renethal's medallion upon argelich kel'thuzad as long as the medallion is in the hands of that lich he'll be able to hold sway over countless venvir if he ever learns its secrets last week we confronted the tithe lord and took away their medallion the arch lich kel'thuzad used the mirror to travel back to maldrexis leaving their former ally to their fate the mirror has been shattered and is going to need to be repaired there's only one person fit for the job master mirror maker lorend who's been stuck in the amber ward you might have saved them already by finishing up all the quests in ravenrath or when you needed to set up your teleportation network i didn't either so to continue my quest i quickly popped into the amber ward i saved lorent and her friend simone just like that the mirror is repaired a direct link into the necropolis that floats above the bone fields of maldrexus are wein on the hunt for kel'thuzad and of course prince kael'thas he's not gonna miss this opportunity to claim his vengeance do you think yourselves clever building a mirror to breach my domain no one enters these walls without my knowledge you will not leave here kel'thuzad taunts us from afar but not for long his necromancers will divulge where he hides eventually i will take to the skies and scout the land below where can i find kel'thuzad tell the who never heard of him i have no time for this i grow tired of these lies tell me where counts are we'll find you kill those sunstrider good let him come be smarter than the others tell me where else is underground far below this necropolis please have mercy for traitors death is a mercy general draven approached this mother report have you discovered kel'thuzad underground like the coward he is then we shall draw him out but first we must clear the skies of enemies you should be sufficient for that task general i'll scout below draven's might is unleashed upon our foes in the sky while kael'thas checks out the ground below soon enough he sends out a signal kel'thuzad's liches they've turned their army back into stone we simply can't proceed without the support of the stoneborn so we destroy the crystals that are draining them of their animals destroy these meddlers that beast is incinerating our forces will be overrun necro lords hold your ground we will not fail maldraxos hail [Music] this is where the raven draft and necrolord campaign comes together united forces to take on kel'thuzad the mad lad he actually did it he has managed to summon a creature out of the maw right here into maldrexus and if he's able to summon this maw in furnace who knows what else he might be able to set free enough with these distractions we will not be deterred now is the time to strike we must take the fight to kel'thuzad what an impressive gathering so many courageous champions i am truly honored why prince chaofus is that you i never did properly thank you for the use of your sunwell enough khal fouzad you have defied the laws of the primus and conspired to bring ruin upon maldraxas surrender or be destroyed fools it was all too easy to sow chaos and discord within your squabbling houses the jailer's plan unfolds exactly as intended a pity you will not see it come to fruition kel'thuzad is siphoning power from margaret sunday weaken him so i might use the staff to release her our allies hold off most of his reinforcements kel'thuzad displays some powerful new spells while also making sure to keep it old-school some cool new tricks but still he is unable to prevent the third fall of kel'thuzad interlopers you will not escape your paint we are not the ones you need to fear kel'thuzad your cause is lost you said now you'll answer for your crimes against maldraxis and against me foolish margrave your victory is a hollow one the medallion is ours let us return to revenge what we cannot simply leave not i will have vengeance for silver moon his fate is not yours to decide [Music] the banished one called you to his side the arch lich didn't seem overly happy with being dragged back into the mod towards his master against the deep love that he had for the lich king it does not extend towards the jailer we did manage to banish his evil from maldrexis and reclaim renethal's medallion of dominion it is a truth that for every one of those raised to fenthir every soul that has expunged their past deeds and faced their burdens there's a chance of remission to watch the watchers to grand dominion over the dominating there is the medallion of dominion may this medallion grant authority over vanfir who succumbed to the very corruption they serve to accentuate will it be enough we do not yet possess all of the medallions [Music] you do know him and what his lust for power made him become [Music] yes you are right i cannot wield such power but we can the time of science is over riverdraft no longer serves a master but a court [Music] renewal like the curator and the stone right they are not souls that were turned into fenfer they were willed into being by the nephews himself despite that he's still able to ignore the temptation of power and push forward towards a new future for all of raven wrath speaking of the stone right her medallion of wrath is the last one that we need to claim to complete our collection something for the future i suppose right now we finally get the soulbind with general draven and receive vratnik renethal's loyal gargan as our new mount kael'thus is pretty pissed that we were unable to claim vengeance upon kel'thuzad but also opens his eyes to the mistakes that he had made in life perhaps in time he can atone for them yet he would gladly trade his own redemption to claim vengeance for his people for those who died because kel'thuzad kill the size because i failed to protect them don't worry kael'thas i'm sure that kel'thuzad will make a return soon enough and that our forces are going to march against him him the jailer the force of the maw and whatever else they might throw at us then for ranking as a lot of you asked me how i would rank the different covenant campaigns the event for one i'm gonna place at my number one spot my favorite campaign out of all of them which might not be entirely fair to the others as this covenant campaign is tightly connected to the first raid but all in all it just felt to me like a thought out interesting storyline that starts back while questing in ravenwrath and right away it has a clear vision as to where it wants to go the new characters that we meet like teotar the accuser or the countess they're interesting fun and memorable about the halfway through the campaign we have that raid castle nathria with the nephries imprisoned but even beyond that what could have easily been the conclusion of this campaign it kept on going with a very well known character from azeroth the continuation of kael'thas's story with the accuser the bond and the dynamic between them i thought was fantastic to see the prince of the blood elves open his eyes to some of the mistakes that he made in life and then of course that history between him and kel'thuzad not even touching upon arthas the lich king sylvanas all of that which is still to come then the whole aesthetic of the van fair is just great which is why i chose it for my main character yeah all in all that is why for me the van fair are on number one but all of this is just my opinion of course by all means share what you think in the comments down below and as always thank you very much for watching everyone subscribe if you like my videos leave a like if you enjoyed this one and until next time see ya
Channel: Nobbel87
Views: 43,199
Rating: 4.881804 out of 5
Keywords: Nobbel, Nobbel87, NobbeltheNoble, Story, Lore, Venthyr, Revendreth, Covenant, Campaign, Full version, Denathrius, Renethal, Accusor, Curator, Kael'thas, Nathria, Anima, Maw, JAiler, Garrosh
Id: mY6YRlH-dco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 38sec (4358 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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