The Story of The Night Fae Covenant - Full Version [Lore]

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[Music] hello everyone while leveling through the shadowlands exploring the different zones meeting the different factions we uncovered that sire danephryus is actually in league with the jailer send down a whole bunch of anima into the maw aiding the imprisoned eternal one with its release long ago we stood as one to imprison that monster with the primus gone and an atherius a traitor our pantheon has been broken and doom comes for the shadowlands [Music] there is yet hope this mortal saved me from the more and revealed the sire's treachery they aided my forest as well their kind has shown great potential if focused it could turn the tide in our favor agreed for the good of the shadow lands each mortal must choose a covenant and when our realms have regained their strength we will stand together against the darkness it's decision making time and in this case we're going to join the night fae in arden wield they fill a critical role in the eternal cycle of nature spirits the balance of many worlds depends on their work and we get to help them out there's just a few details left little things you know oaths to be made blood packs to sort out first borns to be promised what fun you're about to have nah moon bear is just kidding well not about the oath parts long ago after the trees and the nightfall arose the first mortal soul appeared in arden wield our queen met it at the gateway you are neither spirit nor fae why have you come to my forest i have been sent to you for in life i devoted myself to serving nature then be welcome in my realm replied the queen the soul knelt how may i be of service oh queen tend to these spirits forevermore the cycle must continue or all is lost how shall i do this oh queen the soul asked for my body is no more i grant you this boon become as the wild creatures whatever shape you require it shall be yours and so i extend the queen's boon to you arise before the queen grants us their full power and they accept us formally into their midst there are certain traditions which they must uphold we need to be properly introduced to the rest of arden wield which takes place in this amazing play the journey we've taken during legion and battle for azeroth is on display for all to see it's quite a thing to behold so i want you to see the entire thing we took place at the end of the video now after the play ysera is quite dumbfounded by all that we showed she just thought that it was a dream so much has transpired on azeroth in her absence but there was one dream that she did not see portrayed on the stage she had dreamed of tyrande whisperwind engulfed in darkness twisted by anger and a thirst for vengeance she witnessed a forbidden ritual the rise of a new night warrior and a hunt that can only end in tragedy that too must have been real i thought it was all a dream argus in the sky the blade in the desert teldrasse and the flame all of those souls lost to the maw and tyrande her rage darkens her heart like a shadow on the moon her hunt is endless and unrelenting but the night warrior's power is as much a curse as it is a blessing it threatens to tear her asunder from within i could not aid the kaldorei when teldrassil burned i pray i can aid tyrande before it is too late for now however i believe the queen bids you speak with her step forward and receive my favor you have achieved much in the span of a mortal life we are fortunate to call you an ally and so by animal we bless you by spirit we embrace you by oath we stand beside you rise child of evil as huntress of the wild [Music] in order to support the shadowlands with the threats ahead of us threats like sire the netherius allying with the jailer order trust and their drought right here in arthur wield we'll have to empower ourselves empower our followers and empower our covenants as we adventure through the shadow lands our connection to the covenant it grows ever stronger our renown will as well a higher renown it means greater rewards greater power we gather it by completing chapters in our covenant campaign by returning anima to our storage and by saving the souls from the maw itself but what's power if you don't show it off if we're to aid the rest of the shadowlands we must begin here in our domain first right here in arden wield our first time completing world quest in the zone it rewards us with anima safely stored in our sanctum reservoir this power can be used for many things but this sanctum it can't function on anima alone it's going to require the combined effort of many souls working together to unlock its full potential wouldn't you know it we know of a domain where plenty of souls would love to come with us and be put to work back to the mob we go where our broker friend vanari she helps us out for a price of course with the souls collected we can start our first covenant upgrade we could maybe lay down a transport network for easier travel in the zone an anime conductor to activate new challenges and adventures perhaps a command table now i don't think i'll have to explain what a command table does or a unique upgrade that's different for every single covenant in the case of the nightfaye this upgrade is going to give us access to the queen's conservatory a sacred garden where you can nurture the wild seeds of powerful lost souls and prepare them for rebirth think of it like the farm back from pandaria only on steroids now the queen has granted us the covenant abilities of the night fae granted permanently while we stick with them but there is even greater might to be found by binding our soul to another the soulbind is not an irrevocable bond however it is not to be entered into lightly we will experience one another's past our hopes fears dreams our very memories if any of them still linger we will become kindred spirits in the truest sense once complete our connection will transcend physical space and make us stronger in more than mere brawn in our case our first soul bind is with naija don't worry you could be my own adventure to fight beside you my friend for queen and grove as our noun grows so too will our bond over time but there is the ability to accelerate the process with the uses from conduits we pick the different abilities that we want the different paths our bond flows through great power awaits to be unlocked so welcome to the court of night they just know that we're going to save arthur wield oh and the rest of the shadow lands too and if we can't and the forest withers away and the jailer breaks free from the maw plunges all the realms eternal into crushing despair from which there's no return then at least we can say we had fun trying i can't wait to see what you do next that's the basic setup for our covenant and now prepare yourself for one of the greatest quest experiences in all of the game let us introduce ourselves to the great people of arden wields sexual i just need a quick glimpse into your dreams get out of my mind oh my god it hurts wake up sleepyhead this will be a show to remember what do you did you do to me waiting meet him at the theater okay i haven't felt like this since a certain naaru was like let me show you what happened to illidan but sure whatever lady moonberry has the narrator but we gotta prepare ourselves it is time ah there you are we're about to start i'm ready for my close-up let's do it always so much to do oh good there you are no time to rehearse but that shouldn't be too much of a problem the show's about to begin you that's what you're going to wear well i suppose it works for your grand introduction we will reenact recent victories and events that took place on azeroth uh azeroth that's that's where you're from right the starlight company has graciously volunteered to assist us in this production we recruited some special guests as well don't worry about the script this is your story after all just try not to get too much blood on stage it's a little bit hard to clean very well jesus everyone i am now nopes as myself that is that that is me all right place on stage taken for the third time the burning legion descended upon azeroth oh no death to the legion that remained behold our illustrious hero it's me hey i know them high nopes hello i have come to show you my life i hope you're all ready for this act one xavius i am xavius uh fine lord of nightmares is xavius don't be so evil azeroth's champions confronted xavius deep within the emerald dream yup that's that's what i did surely on this character as well and not on my paladin remember when the entire world died that was the legion oh i also like how the bear in the back was like oh death to the legion since they lost their world to the legion it's kind of cute so the nightmare was brought to an end elune be praised it gladdens me to know the dream is safe you're welcome you sarah yeah beat that weird-looking silvar act two ghoul daniel once save you spell azeroth's heroes took up arms against the evil warlock gul'dan [Laughter] this one came from the past and another world in an alternate timeline my god i think that's how it went wait what how does that work don't don't ask it is best if you just don't ask really apologies by the way for any and all druid players out there i have no idea what i'm doing they fought valiantly but someone else landed the killing blow you're not prepared you were not ready well that was rude act free kill jaden enraged by gul'dan's failure kill jayden the deceiver himself sought to destroy the legion's foes no death reigns upon you oh don't kick me off the platform kill him knobs destroy him oh that's interesting that actually implies that alioff also dealt with kil'jaeden the plot thickens my my this is we're introducing ourselves to the rest of arnhem wheeled it is tradition that they learn about your life and normally they spend years and years and years on planning on what to show we're just gonna do the synopsis we're gonna do the highlight so we're gonna be like you what a part and wheel this has been my life oh hero no the defenders of azeroth won this fight i've never been kicked out of platform before [Laughter] well done kil'jaeden well done buddy i never believed that sargeras could be stopped perhaps you will prove me wrong just dramatic enough just dramatic enough okay begin act four argus taking the fight to the legion azeroth's champions battled the corrupted world soul of argus itself death death and hank [Music] [Laughter] totally accurate right now that is that is how it went that is that was pretty much argus okay hope is not lost the spark of life still flickers within these mortals arise champions fight to save your world yeah where's eonar then huh where's leonard and or is she not allowed in arda wield for reasons hmm my torment [Music] and so the champions of azeroth repelled the burning legion ended their crusade and saved all worlds hail to the night thank you thank you also danger cone thank you for the two months in a row and good riddance way to go wait worlds of souls apparently i haven't seen any around here at least i don't think so would they be big perhaps such being slumber in our groves perhaps they do or perhaps because the titans and the magical souls they don't go to the shadowlands it is who knows but we're going to take a bow as we've shown a part of our lives [Music] ta-da okay but that is of course the expansion legion much more has happened since we arrived in the shadowlands some kind of evil silvar from alternate timeline of the burning legion a corrupted world soul beautiful time for the next act i'm ready what do we need to do alright you have my attention not bad not not great but not bad quickly now we'll need to help set the stage for the next act it is time for the next act of our theatrical introduction the grand drama of azerev azeroth right all these worlds they're hard to tell apart help set us at the stage then come back here you'll need to play a few other characters before you appear as yourself again get a move on we have a lot to cover will that be help and set the stage quickly now okey-dokey so we need to place teldrassil oh no and we need and we need to place azeroth so azeroth represented by this big old seed here um they have disabled that you could do it on travel form so we'll just have to carry the world on our back oh that is hang on that is just a representation of raiding right there [Music] what y'all don't think i carry the raid on my back now some sometimes aptos thank you very much 19 months baby okay azeroth been placed and we need to place teldrassil i am a fantastic raider i'll have you know get backstage all right i need to become sargeras and what is it you require you i serve the queen it has been short notice but i have something which might work well enough mind the flammable bits on the stage now hit your mark oh my lords look at me i am sargeras i'm gonna stab the world now are you ready but as the titans were imprisoning sargeras he plunged his sword into the heart of azeroth fortunately he didn't hit any major population centers next costume this cannot be wait so there's a giant sword stuck in their world how does that work it kind of goes in like i was an environmental protector in life you can't just have a planet without serious repercussions to well everything good point how would you even make a sword that big anyway transmute another world no idea i i don't think i want to meet this sargeras guy beautiful hey yeah for you sarah this is all news of course she was like huh what you let what happened to azeroth now need some help give me my costume please make me naufanos i'm sure we'll meet again for the dark lady sylvanas my love night warrior well okay not long after sylvanas windrunner besieged the night elf home of teldrassil seas to the well tree you cannot kill hope can't i well then i'll just kill the tree burn it and so teldrassil was consumed by the flames of war you know that that was only a nightmare oh no auto souls in the tufa this is a terrible tragedy wait they aren't here i'd have noticed the big group like that oh dot dot dot and yes sarah weeps burn it i'll just kill your tree [Laughter] bye teldrassil oh by fire be purged and now we become reverend's kalima's with the 52 months knight faye is definitely up there hot damn it is kind of amazing yo i'm ready to become anduin's horse yes you'll do the custom you're wearing next is a character named virens i wanted to go for something avant-garde material tactile corporal something you can feel something that allows you to physically inhabit the character give me my costume please oh this is um i'm a horse i'm a horse i'm a horse i'm a horse [Laughter] an intriguing idea but i think it's a bit too avant-garde for this production we just need to change a little bit of this uh gestures does to all of you now hold still take care oh yes we are majestic right now forward ho my noble steed why yes anduin the boy king of stormwind assailed the undead city of lordaeron you are a terrible leader king rin wow you're a terrible person warchief how dare you but before he could capture sylvanas she blighted the land and made her escape this made everyone very unhappy i loved it so much this quest line is just oh it's just everything it is the perfect introduction to arden wield and i just love it so much blizzard you did such a good job you did such a good job with this you should be so proud remove your costume i am quite busy you know excuse me i'm done being a horse now even though i'm majestic as [ __ ] stay safe out there oh it's my turn again oh no oh no champion you must heal the wounds champion diamond dwarf reminded everyone about the giant sword champions the world is blading you need to heal our wounds as it turns out azeroth's blood held incredible power it erupted from the earth for anyone to claim wait the world was bleeding world's bleed what champion the fourth wall uh war okay magni i'm doing it yeah look by the way look by the way what kind of outfit they have it's a diamond dwarf look that's the diamond ah and there's tyrande a fierce warrior priestess the winter queen is like what's going on this aptly named azerite the alliance and horde sounded the horns of war again but they were just in a war you serious eyes and disappointment [Music] i understand ysera it's uh you weren't there okay it's warcraft after all we have a hard time controlling ourselves alright and what is it you require i can honestly say [Laughter] i can honestly say that i have never seen a performance quite like this on to our grand finale a battle for your world that is certain to make the court sit up and take notice now for our finale a thrilling performance of the most recent trials on azertov featherlite chexist notes oh right yeah azeroth whatever it features an artificial god a powerful magic ice princess an infamous queen and an eldritch abomination of unspeakable terror who doesn't love a good drama with a dash of existential horror you're back to playing yourself so just do whatever heroes are supposed to do as you another war that's rough friend it's not the line it's not the line you were closed though and so the battle for azeroth had begun whoa yeah wait wait wait which side are we cheering on for i'm not sure does it matter no not really [Music] so we got mother we got azshara oh they did so good [Music] we got a magical ice princess beware aware a zandalari captain sailing into a trap and uh off with their tentacles it it all checks out really it all it all checks out all right are you ready team act six gahoon deep in the jungles of nazmir the champions of azeroth vanquished the blood god gahoon uh do we get blood gods or do they go elsewhere i do believe everything is going to the mog currently [Music] i need to defeat g'huun and apparently click slaying goon oh no old god unit g'huun x-term clover no with g'huun defeated the heart and the alliance returned to fighting each other yay fight fight fight ysera shakes her head oh yes sarah you and me we're on the same line honestly we are so on the same line begin the finale to bring a swift end to the war the alliance invaded the zara lore and killed king rastakhan before ships pursued the alliance fleet but we're blockaded by lord admiral jaina proudmoore hey mong hoard vessels on the horizon mon you have nowhere left to run ice witch mon you really think i've been running captain i lured you into open waters because out here you have no hope of escape [Laughter] yep this is how it happens glimmer dust jaina didn't kill her pursuers come on really really gina didn't die either [Music] fine i am defeated yay yay moving along all right next up azura far under the sea the champions of azeroth fought the imperious queen azshara bow before your queen hi azshara what what's your summoning stand still but keep moving oh no no no no no no the flashbacks no but go left oh we need to soak we need to soak is nobody soaking why too perfect and beautiful to be defeated please somebody jump in and and just drain the platform somebody please why aren't you listening somebody do the console oh no it's gonna blow and we wiped thanks team you ill-mannered and unfashionable fools will get what's coming to you the vain glorious queen was dethroned but it was all part of nazar's nefarious plan freed from his prison the old gods sought to remake the world in his insane image this off daddy no don't do it [Applause] oh my god it has little paranoia abilities now look at him go [Laughter] cool oh no all right now this is not entirely accurate because people are not bonded with each other and they're not running through each other on purpose totally totally not how this fight went down and thus the corrupter was defeated the champions of azeroth had prevailed once more are you not entertained hello any reactions all right await the queen's judgment the winter queen rises from her seat the fey await her judgment with breathless anticipation an excellent performance we've been approved yay nopes nopes why thank you why thank you i like the part where they beat the legion i'm still not clear clear on how that sargeras guy got a sword that big i'm still unclear how the world could possibly still exist with a sword in it well i once met someone whose world was a ring so is it that weird really yeah usually appears as a big cat thing if they're still here i haven't seen anyone from that grove in a while but that's okay knobs will help us get arthur wheel back on track i just know it so was that a halo reference i think that was a halo reference right i don't recall so lady moonberry oh this should be interesting a fair enough performance i think everyone's more acquainted with your world than the role that you played within it next time the set design will be a bit more prepared but for now moonberry naught ysera i think your friend wishes to have a word don't take too long we still have to hold the final introduction induction ceremony at the heart of the forest i'm sure you and you sarah have a lot to talk about last time we set up base in arden wheeled introduced ourselves through amazing play and made just sarah realized that the horrible things that she thought were just dreams actually did happen but one thing we didn't play out tronda going through a dangerous dark ritual to embrace the powers of the night warrior as maiev explained legend says that long ago elune bestowed her fury upon our greatest warriors to secure kalimdor in a sacred ritual the strongest among them became her avatar the night warrior our victory was swift none who have attempted the ritual since then have survived elune's raw power tears them apart but it did grant tyronda the power she needed to kick the horde out of darkshore and then her lust for vengeance led to her jumping into the maul with us where she's been on the hunt ever since the start of the shadow lands arden dreams i see that tyrande has a part to play in defending ardenwild and saving the souls of the kaldorei be warned a potent force seeks to consume her i pray that you and chandras are able to free her from it chandra's pheromone is tyrannos adopted daughter ever since she lost her own parents back during the war of the ancients which is over ten thousand years ago she has become quite a badass in her own right and is touched by dreams as well so my dreams were true my mind doe is trapped in a realm of eternal torment tell me how to free her nothing has ever escaped the more at least until certain mortals like this one proved able to return from it chandras this may be your only hope of saving tyrande hero i am heartened to see an ally in this strange place for tyrande's sake i ask for your aid this is where you're gonna find the major difference in storytelling between playing for the alliance or playing for the horde i'm right now on a night elf druid so chandras she's really kind to me not so much if you're a member of the horde and we're part of the ones that burn down teldrassil no matter what terrors the ma may hold we will overcome them lead on the ma it is even more perfect than the high lord described such darkness and despair the place shown in my vision lies ahead come we will see if any answers are to be found there this is my mendo's handiwork just as i dreamed how can anyone survive this place we must not this path of carnage should lead us to her mind oh shandris why have you come my dreams brought me here we have come to save you foolish child there is no leaving this place but you can join me here forever you will never find the night warrior this realm seeks to deceive our senses keep moving i see another trail of bodies up ahead do not abandon hope you take the river i will provide cover from along the bank let us hope the real terranda awaits us ahead mindo leave the mall with us before the night warriors power overwhelms you no not while our people suffer inside tall cast the goddess gives me i will tear that tower apart and the banshee with it whatever evils lurk within the tower that tyrande seeks we must not let her face them alone i cannot afford to lose her trail i will meet you up ahead keep in mind that the arbiter broke down somewhere during the legion time period so all the souls that perished during the fourth war during battle for azeroth they've gone straight down into the maw not even elune was able to save them from this fate as the banshee queen decided to burn down teldrassil in their final moments a story star seeker held a mother and child close as the flames raged all around them the last three priestesses of elune in teldrassil prayed they did not ask for healing or for rescue they asked for mercy and their goddess heard them as a starry began to sing and elune answered their call sleep brushed their mind feather soft honey sweet the pain disappeared while the fire was relentless the smoke would kill them and the flames would devour their flesh and even their bones only ash would remain but they would feel nothing no pain in the lady's light in the lady's love mother and child both slept breathing gently despite the smoke her duty faithfully discharged a story allowed her own eyelids to flutter closed there will be justice one day but eyes other than ours will be holded the last thing she heard was a cracking sound and she slipped into slumber the genocide of the night elves was a terrible blow yet their suffering it has not ended when they passed on into the afterlife it's inside torgast tower of the damned where we track down tyrande more slain monsters tyrande must be up ahead window none shall stop me she will let nothing bar her path we must fight our way through to her quickly push forward the night warrior's power threatens to consume her tyrande vengeance for teldrassil ah more souls to torment their torment ends now fire loon you can bear these souls to safety we must reach tyrande before it is too late what vile magic is this suffering no hope the souls of the kaldorei twisted into that monstrosity destroy it oblivion would be a kind of fate failed us to the flames childressel sylvanas no peace [Music] rise forgive us there is no other way the fan she has won all life consumed sylvanas will never win this i vow avenge children avenge the bank she will know your suffering one hundred fold in her light all true come with us we can leave the darkness of the ma behind and bring you back to the light no my hunt will not cease until every soul is saved and the banshee has answered for her crimes this ma walker has the means to deliver our brothers and sisters from their torment if that is then i entrust this sacred duty to you child of teldrassil save the souls of our people while i claim vengeance upon the one who put them here please ma walker use the crystal you carry to save these kaldorei spirits at least these caldori souls were freed for the first time in a long while i feel hope i will not give up on my mother but for now we must help these souls find peace come let us leave this place isara it is a wonder to see you awakened once more my spirit was nearly lost the touch of the winter queen awakened me now i am bound to this realm i sense caldori spirits in your soul keeper mall walker release them to the wilds of arden wield knight embrace you mortal what will happen to these souls they will find peace and respite here some may even choose new forms and help tend the groves hey sarah i failed to bring tyrande back she still wanders the maw fueled by the night warrior's might and driven by a relentless rage do not let your heart be troubled young one there may be another who can aid us in saving terranda whisperwind the poor souls of the night elves might find some peace here in arnhem wield while tyrande will not stop until the banshee queen is destroyed or the rage of the night warrior consumes urn it's sarah and chandrus they will do a bit of investigating follow some leads to see if we can find a way to help tyrande as a final note we do get dreamweaver as our second soul bind but i either missed out on it or it's not available but i didn't get a cut scene showing the soul bind last week we tried to save tyrande whisperwind but the night warrior would not let go of her quest for vengeance but at the very least we were able to recover some of the tortured night elf souls and we brought them back to arden wield one use the death stone to come see me on the other side don't be as scared little thing now this week once sunday shows up in need of our aid arden wield is in grave danger as some of the loa that have been sleeping here recovering they've gone missing to take them right under the winterqueen's nose it means that it has to be someone powerful behind it olbon sundi can't have loa vanishing from arden wield they could be him someday we have to put a stop to this so something strange are going on with the spirits of the lua resting up in arden wield you go check it out for me mom taught me wrestling real peaceful now shame bought that nasty business back in zuldrach month mighty mammoth of zuldrak he was turned on by his own followers who sought to take his powers as an effort to survive the invasion of the scourge when confronted manthoth took his own life and in doing so took the lives of many of his would-be slayers taranja be worshipped by the drakkari till them turn on him it'd be mighty hard to find loyal followers these days for ages tarunja was the trusted guardian of drek'tharan keep and patron of those who defended the borders of zul'darak taranja fell to treachery when the threat of the scourge and the lies of the lich king drove his own followers to turn against him they actually popped up earlier on the isle of thunder dambala's wild seed be missing only the husk left behind we best be hurrying and find all her car from the warcraft rpg donbala is the loa of serpents and treachery he teaches shadowhunters to move swiftly and quietly by changing their shape into a serpent or snake what her car be missing too oh no no no this ain't good man not good at all i think we're all familiar with hakari patron and doom of the gurubashi empire this corrupted blood god was defeated during a union of zandalar with foreign powers if you're not that familiar with akar i do have a full video up on the subject now these wild seeds they don't just go missing especially the kind with powerful loa within even the bad eggs like hakkar and dambala they're protected by the winter queen someone or something must be stealing them but why is the question they weren't even ready to be reborn quite yet so we search the area and see if we can pick up the trail missing loa they're bad for business and bonsamdi is already in enough trouble with the boss this is not the first time that he mentions a boss taking us back to battle for azeroth we planned to place vol'jin's urn at atal dazar which is a place of honor amongst the greatest zandalari kings but once some deep he wasn't having it here jin come on out the doctrine wait wait wait no we're in the spirit we'll be bulging no no impossible the boss isn't gonna like this old one somebody not been losing a spirit and all this be bad i might have missed it but i don't think that they've explicitly stated which spirable someday lost i think jindo is still a very good bet as he found a way back into the world after we took him out in classic but if i missed out by all means let me know that be the mark of muzala oh no no no you're telling me the boss behind all this this was supposed to be the moment where buns sunday's boss got his grand reveal but considering that the other side dungeon had been available since the start many were already aware that mu'sallah is bunsamdi's boss he's a loa of death from long ago and the one that raised bon sandi from a troll priest into the loa of death as we know him as today meaning that regular trolls can be elevated into loads father of sleep son of time night's friend there are some of the other names given to mozella apparently it was quite a dark time when the trolls worshipped him blood sacrifices one of the bad eggs i suppose and over time he forgot what it meant to be aloha the bond that you have with your people the power that you share being worshiped it means power to the loa and over time mu'salla's followers dwindled we can find a shrine to him in zul'dazar with the sand fury trolls a tablet of tekka that makes mention of him in zulfarak it's the sandrols that are the ones that we know of that still remain loyal to mozallah as they called to him in the traveler series but the sand trolls they haven't been doing too well meanwhile bonsamdi has been making deals and bargains left and right aided by the amazing voice actor that they got for him he's been given a much more prominent role a royal position as the loa for queen talanji as rezan the loa of kings they were sent off to the shadowlands by prophet zul during battle for azeroth but who needs mortals to worship you where you can ally yourself at the jailer now it seems that they've been draining anima out of the other wild seeds to awaken hakkar and dambala before their time putting together an army of terrible loa the winter queen must be informed and since monsanti is not exactly on the best terms with her we will do the where you see ice queen been a long time but this tree looking good i like what you've done with the place what is the meaning of this intrusion model now your majesty i come in peace we need to be working together if we're gonna beat all mozalla the quarrels of lower and no concern of mine do not involve arden wield in your petty squabbles no no no you got this all wrong the boss be stealing the lure from the sleep and you'll be running to the winter queen with your problems now some lower that you beat one sunday making deals instead of taking what we are your time be done your power be spent and now masala become it collect the winter queen is not exactly eager to do any favors for one zombie but mozalla's actions they cannot be ignored we are going to eradicate his worshippers drive them from the forest before they cause more harm arthrowheel's mightiest are called upon like sorca at glitterfall basin guardian kota atir naval and guardian molon at hibernal hollow together we ride to eradicate muzzala's followers the ones who've been following his orders for quite a while as we saw during questing they've caused quite a bit of trouble in arden wield damballa they're here as well fighting aloha is not gonna be easy but lady moonberry has just a trick to help us out her powers surely are incredible and sparkly together we're able to take out demballa kick musala's forces out of the land it's only a matter of time before the wild hunt completely purchased them from art and wield once someday we let mortals fight his battles me always knew he'd be a coward good hunting the queen will be pleased to know we've driven wazala out of arden wield wazala will pay dearly for the destruction he has wrought those spirits were under my care as for born sandy his fate is not my concern aid him or not as you desire i must attend to arden wield looks like i'm gonna have to settle the score with the boss once and for all was allah be mighty strong and plenty mean but don't you worry about old buan samdi this whole load still got a few chicks up in sleeve but when you finish helping the winter queen uh maybe you come on over to the other side you know just a check in on your old friend i've already done the story of the other side what goes down in the dungeon but looking back at it and reading some of your comments it was not a wise decision i had so many questions about the dungeon that i figured to get it out as soon as i could and at the same time i didn't want to spoil too much of what happens during this campaign meaning that i left quite a few things unanswered quite a few of you wondering why i didn't talk about those certain things and that's on me so i hope i cleared up a bit more about the history and the relation between mont samdi and mozella let me also take this moment to dive into the dungeon again and answer some of the questions some of the replies that i got the other side it's like a pocket domain in the shadowlands it's bunsamd's little corner where he's been keeping souls safe from the maw like king rastakhan who also died during battle for azeroth but he can only do so much we go in to collect some depths for him from the mana storms hakkar and dealers ayaxa the horde they're greeted like this heroes we knew he was gonna come and help you all palm oil zombie well the alliance they're greeted like this heroes no hard feelings about that little disagreement that we had in zuldazar referring to the battle for the zaralor one of the raids during battle for azeroth where the alliance fought against king rastakhan and bonsamdi now i pitched the idea the question whether or not the mana storms are still alive or if this is all taking place within the shadowlands some of you pointed out that they're clearly still alive i just really like the idea of them blowing each other up over some lover's quarrel but i guess i'll have to let go of that dream with the dealer when somebody mentions that he doesn't just deal on azeroth which is really cool to hear i do wonder if that gives any power to the idea that the emerald dream the dead domain is not just connected to azeroth but to all domains similar to how spirits not just from azeroth but from all the remains can also end up in arden wield after bringing enough mojo back to overpower mozella we make bunsamdi the boss meaning that the struggle for this quote unquote true loa of death it's been won by somebody that's not allied to the jailer which is very good for us muzala has been a naughty loa though he's been given credit for dealing with keeper odyn had sacrificed his eye to gaze into the shadow lands learn about the val'kyr and in turn perhaps the shadowlands gazed back he brought helya to the jailer's side potentially connecting the storyline in legion between sylvanus and helya and he also made her warchief with a whisper referring to vol'jin hearing the loa speak to him which led to him appointing sylvanas as to warchief with the fourth war that followed after we actually got in touch with vol'jin to figure out what was going on why i made that choice and we got some hints that something wasn't quite right that's now been revealed we now know that muzzala is bonsamdi's boss and that he's connected to vol'jin's death and the appointment of sylvanas but that still leads the question as to who touched vol'jin's spirit touched by the hand of valor as aeyr describes it but that part of the story i'm not going to spoil last time we helped other pal-born samdi and we confronted moosala this week we got some great news from ysera they have actually found a soul in ardennwield who was also once upon a time a night warrior in life as tyrande is at this moment a former night warrior let us see what wisdom they can share in case you forgot tyrann is being consumed by the embodiment of elune's darkest face the result of a dangerous and deadly ritual that did give her the power to kick the horde out of the darkshore but it's now tearing her apart her quest for vengeance has a wreak havoc upon the maw in search of the banshee queen and despite her best efforts she's unwilling to give up the hunt so perhaps with a bit of luck we can find a different way to help in our time of need my mother took on the power of the night warrior then her fate is sealed my condolences but you must let her go for your sick as well as hers theo next wait well that doesn't sound good goodarin apologizes for his husband's behavior but the night warrior it's a sensitive subject will we help out at the garden with slaying sprigons liberating souls and repairing some soul webs they explain more of their history please forgive my husband vernax became the night warrior to save our world but he paid a dear price in the end vernax knew the risks but we had no choice he invoked the dark power of elune and together we repelled the invaders though we had saved our world the power of the night warrior began to destroy him as it threatens to destroy tyrande desperate to save him we attempted to lessen his burden by sharing elune's power between us but our gambit failed we both lost our lives and he has blamed himself ever since tierneck and kedarin they come from a world called fazandi it was a beautiful world of vast forests mighty mountains and tranquil plains it was for these wilds that they fought against the dark god or presumably an old god as we know them as some generations before he was born the dark god landed on their world this impact wiped out an entire kingdom and disrupted the balance of nature no one who ventured into the area returned from the wasteland their druids kept an eye on the borders but they did not anticipate the monsters that would come creatures with far too many eyes far too many limbs and too many hungering mouths they swept across the world when his great-grandparents were children thus the endless war began entire generations have spent their lives holding against the others and their madness but it was his mother who discovered the nature of what lived in the center of the crater to slay this being from another world she too tried to invoke elune's dark face and she died for the effort meaning that the goddess alone is not just tied to the world of azeroth itself now kadar and and tyranex actually fought over going through this ritual it already killed k'darn's mother and he did not wish for it to kill his husband as well but elune's power was one of their greatest weapons against the monsters so it was that tyranex went through the ritual and he actually survived it with their eyes dark as the new moons they fought against the monsters but they did not foresee the cost the price of elune's dark power it was his life mortals are not meant to hold such things one way or another it was going to kill him for his world for his people and his family he was willing to make that sacrifice khadar however was not so willing to let it happen to tiranex's eternal regret trying to share the burden it killed them both they did manage to win a victory that came at a terrible price not just for giving up their own lives the armies of madness killed many while they were fighting then scattered when the dark one died some of their people had succumbed to the whispers they disappeared or simply went mad they have lost friends family this goddess and it's going to take many generations to cleanse the sickness from their world if it can ever be hiro let us head for the inner garden theonax my apology chandras it is not easy for me to speak of the night warrior is there something you wish to ask more spriggans we're being ambushed never have i seen them gather in these numbers i cursed no what have you done to him i'll never galon's wrath is nadar i cannot lose him again we will break this curse they anax i swear by the light of a loon of curse you say hmm oh i know true love's kiss smooch him there next nothing happened strange that always works in the fables anyway new plan it surely must be a powerful curse if even true love's kiss doesn't work if we can't remove it then kendaron's soul is gonna be lost forever and tyranex will refuse to help us and tyrande will be doomed to die horribly in the maw and everyone will be really really sad no pressure or anything we head out to the growth of memory to find the right counter curse but this growth is also dealing with a spreaking problem time to clean up the place and take pieces of the scroll that we need bind it all together with a tethered binding from a major hex to create the sealed scroll of soulrot from the scroll we learn that we're gonna need three reagents to break this curse first a secret never spoken which is provided by watcher vesperbloom a resident snoop around here keeping the wild hunt informed on any nefarious behavior that takes place in the forest their book of secrets has been devoured by dark war matriarch so all we need to do is reach inside and take it back secondly some attuned anima is going to be taken from some really nasty spriggans at tierne's scythe we take tyranax with us as they could use some nice vengeful therapeutic spring and stomping and then our final reagent is a token of lost love alex strazza must have kept some momentum of corial straws a token of lost love i only hope she is willing to part with it cory elstras is the former consort of the red dragon queen alexstrasza and you will be heart stretched to find a deeper love when she was enslaved by the orcs he found a way to reunite the divided aspects return them to full power and set her free you might recall seeing them together in wrath of the lich king after the wrathgate event and his demise it came similar to how he lived his life in sacrifice to others he blew himself up to prevent their unborn children from turning into vile twisted chromatic dragons that's the one ysera believes that alexstrasza loved most but in truth ysera it brightens my heart to know her death was not an end but a new beginning we were sisters hatched from the same clutch inseparable since birth yesera speaks of corial straws whom i loved dearly but i loved none more than her she gave me a gift when we first became aspects take it with you and save your friend and champion please tell my sister that she is sorely missed fondly remembered and deeply loved from the chest we take a small carving of yasera rough edges smoothed by time and handling the ancient wood carving has been preserved by high quality protection spells perfect to save khadoran okay everyone let's break this curse ah i what happened think alone it worked i know not if the night warrior's fate can be averted but i will do all that i can to aid you thank you theonax and you kadarin you are fortunate to have each other yes we are despite his resentment towards elune she's still given praise that all of this worked hopefully with their inside knowledge we might be able to find a different faith for tyrande than the night warriors that came before and seeing how they're really building up this story of elune now adding that elune's powers are not just tied to azeroth but there are more planets out there that know about her as well i'm really curious to see where that story is going to go in the future this week we're going to focus more on the problems that are hitting are the wield lord hearn he has an urgent request i pray can ill afford to lose more huntsmen and huntresses find them and bring them home recently the wild hunt has been encountering the mast fae in greater numbers particularly in the area surrounding blackthorne grove a hunting party led by erlon it was sent out to investigate but it has yet to return turns out that they were ambushed and while erelon nearly managed to escape the rest of his group were not so lucky don the mask when you are ready we must find the others the entire grove has been possessed take care not to be unmasked basilar i feared as much he deserved better than this nero was the fiercest among us she would never have knelt to the trust tarus knight embrace you old friend gwyer she yet breathes but what have they done to her queer is slowly being transformed into one of their most slaves our friend will turn foe if we don't do something to save her there is one who may know how to dispel the curse in the mountains of drustvar there liz ulfar an ancient foreign speaker who sided with the humans of kul tiras against their fellow trust all the way back when there was a war between gorak tool the drust and the early kultiran settlers if you've played during battle for azeroth then you might recall hanging out with ulfar before they're one of the last just-formed speakers passing on their wisdom to the next generation their guardians of balance keeper of the cycle life is part of nature as is death they know the curse of which we speak dark magic that possesses the mind of the afflicted long ago the drust were ruled by a source to the king named goraktul it was he who twisted their rituals and their people upon the path of death and domination we'll need to claim a portion of his power to break the curse with a fetish placed in the flame of oblivion at goal enough a vowel place where danger lurks amongst its shadows pitiful mortal that witless thorne speaker led you right into my grasp goal enough will be your grave the drugs behemoth islam and the imbued drust fetish will be of great use to us back to the shadowlands we go where the spirit of a powerful foreign speaker named k'var resides they were the mentor of ulfar and may be able to offer guidance on what to do next she makes her home near even tight grove but we're not the only ones that are interested in her the drust have locked her away with three separate keys by the time they were able to gather those from the drust commanders they've already moved her made ready to use it as a sacrifice in one of the dark rituals something that we cannot allow it to happen perfect timing you too though you did cut it close in order to perform our ritual we're gonna need some nox root a unique plant that only grows within soil that's been corrupted by trust magic strike fast ma walker you gather the knox route airline we will need a witch's satchel stealing one from the trust will be a perilous task i will not return without it you have my word meet me at the heart of the forest to complete the ritual good hunting both of you but while we're able to get what we need airline doesn't return with the satchel i'm guessing that we'll have to pick it up ourselves and while we do all we find of him is his broken spear lord hearn will assemble a search party to find and bring avalon home be ready ma walker koraxar's sorcery will not be easily purged destroy those things quickly keep at it the dress sold upon her is weakening stay with us square this curse is nearly broken where no she did not survive even after all that work it seems like the mass victims are lost forever even though we cannot save those who have fallen into possession least we can do is end their torment the wild hunt is instructed to put down all possessed that they encountered while erelon is still out there somewhere troubling news mortal i had hoped we discover the means to restore those possessed by the trust sadly those taken are now lost to us gorax tsar will pay dearly for the wound she has inflicted upon my realm arden wield will survive dark powers and i were able to siphon some of it out of my body and into his can the same be done for tyrande perhaps but the rich will cost us our lives if we attempt it again we must disperse the power among several vessels such as those who were once night warriors themselves seek the horned hunter a peerless tracker in life and a legend within the wild hunt you can find him at route home if he does not find you first good hunting is there beware huntress this road is no longer safe the horned hunter is no longer here tracking his prey to the west at the elder stand these woods in particular they've grown dangerous as of late devourers have overrun the roads between here and the stand so we're gonna have to fight our way into tyrna's scythe these creatures are not of arden wheeled they invade our groves and consume the anima like locusts look those rifts must be how they enter the forest close them quickly that should keep them at bay for now let us continue our search i do not like the look of this place stay close look out that scent your spirit has walked the same path as mine i am home behind it it is an honor and to be saved by you i must return to my post for now good hunting lord hearn has tasked me with culling the devourers left unchecked they will consume what little anima remains in arden wield i cannot return until my quarry is slain nor can i offer you aid in tracking yours that said a good huntsman knows when to accept help hunt with me and i will return the favor our horned hunter is none other than hall and highmountain you hunters out there that play during legion you should be especially familiar with him this legendary highmountain tauren he fought for the defense of the world against the burning legion this was over ten thousand years ago right there during the war of the ancients meeting up with legendary characters like malfurion stormrage and jared shadowsong the wild gods of azeroth also honored him especially cenarius gifting him the horns of acuro those beautiful moose-like antlers on his head after the war was won haln returned home where they renamed the land in his honor highmountain stands even to this day but haln had only just begun next up he set his sight on the black dragon deathwing with the use of the hammer of khasgoroth he was able to banish the aspect out of their lands cleanse one of their eggs into an uncorrupted black dragon called obesian wrathion's brother in arms and when his time came when he passed on to the shadowlands his weapon talonclaw also known as the eagle spear it passed on through the generations until ultimately landing in the hands of heroic hunters of azeroth world eaters instinctively drain anima from their surroundings one must have come in contact with this bush this foliage was once brimming with anima though it likely did little to satiate the world eater tyrn in our resilient creatures our prey must be fearsome indeed to have felled one i believe i have found its trail give me a moment [Music] there we can track it now let us face the beast wait that is vorus the rail meter a mighty foe and one deadlier than expected we must observe it closer before we strike look for nearby cover it can sense us prepare yourself hang on [Music] vorus is no common world eater for all of our stealth it was still able to detect us we will need a cunning strategy to defeat it and i think i know where to start will need to be properly prepared before we can face something like voras we're gonna need some bulging digestive sex from the gorm of arden wield that will hurt quite a bit and some concentrated anima to lure voras to where we wanted to be ah you've arrived just in time your aim is i will finish setting the lure let me know when you are ready arden wield will endure the trap is set follow me we must stay hidden as we wait for vorus to emerge our prey is weakened strike now well fought that was no easy prey even for the wild hunt for queen and i must report to lord hearn then we will speak of your hunt home high mountain long has it been since i witnessed you in battle any friend of jared's shadow song is a friend of mine what would you ask of me chandras we require your skills as a huntsman our efforts hinge on locating an elusive quarry the night warriors of elune we are in need of their aid ah now this is a true challenge very well i will not rest until i have found them you have our gratitude horned hunter night embrace you this week our old friend on sunday shows up wanting to repay the favor that we did for him that whole muzala situation that nasty loa is at his mercy now mothering about some things he stole from the winter queen necropolis be right this way friend things might be a [Music] [Laughter] look who'll be coming back to his little necropolis you're scared me followers gonna tear it down this tastes like a lure once and you got plans for your ragged old followers me forces me here to free me and then you're gonna be real sorry your disciples be weak mozallah tired old boons and spooky little spirits once somebody got all the zandalari prayers in me without the jilla you'll just be a poor forgotten lawyer poor [Music] is still hiding something and we're gonna find out what it is to make him talk we'll need to perform a ritual and for the ritual we'll need muzala's dark mojo taken from the undead outside that are swarming the necropolis drawn to their loas presence with the attack not all of monsanto's followers have made it safely inside and we're going to need their help with the ritual so we save them then there's zelhan the betrayer he is the one leading the undead in nazmir and showing his broken armor to mozella that will break the old loan spirit even further crush all who oppose your musa will decorate muzala's throne mozalla has already won to get mozella talking we're going to feed him a teeny bit of the life essence of everybody in the room don't worry my amazing healing skills are going to keep them all alive before we begin though we'll need to invite a very special guest see you soon the special guest going to be really interested to hear what masala be seen they got a special connection one zombie you'll be too important to summon me yourself but don't be such a fussy fussy pant man i got some here you're gonna wanna see i'll go loose the binding on mozilla know you best be making sure my people don't be lost there is power think you're breaking free now wazala huh fully slower you don't be stopping me power first i'll be feasting on your followers then you be calling the shots no so you better start telling me all the bad bad things you're done to harden wield sure such a grumpy lore i said speed [Music] the chance to be joining they made me bad choice i know they be trapped in the mall you do see well good thing they got to deal with this mortal who got jumped in that battle please and be getting out again [Music] you don't be stopping the jitter him you work in his plans for a long time a long time wars been burning this whole world ashes all over one legal whisper to this foolish troll that voice whispered [Music] oh you like me whispers little chieftain who's gonna send your soul to the mom itself but you've gone to this world with who are the brick you'll be boring time for you to go back to the other side don't you worry though you got yourself a new master your old pulling the strings all along then how about we get a little payback rescue that ancient spirit from the mall and bring it nice and safe to the winter queen go on someday there be no escaping demar yeah if i be going in your soul still be having treats tying it to azeroth just like our friend here so we'll take to them treads and don't be fully manifest in your spirit in that dark place else your soul might be going didn't it be time i said things right no way i'd be letting wazala get the last life i think that we can all agree that they did wolgen rather dirty the shadowhunter of the darkspear tribe he led his people through turbulent times as he didn't really get along with garrosh hellscream things progressed even further vol'jin spoke out he got his throat sliced for the trouble but he still returned for the sake of the horde to stand against this warchief that was leading them down the wrong path then it was he who became warchief to just you know not do anything at all his time was over far too quickly with her death on the broken shore and appointing sylvanas as the new warchief that appointment came with a whisper from muzala manipulations from the realm of death i'll link a much more detailed video about vol'jin at the end of this one if you want to check it out the more we win and the spirit we're gonna save his place it'd be worse than i imagined i be sensing traces of the spirit nearby i be tracking the spirit for ya but that pure anything more and i are gonna risk being stuck here forever we've been spotted on this spirit in eternal torment the tortured is spirit then moved it somewhere else i got the trail this be a tough one to track even for a shadow hunter let's go be awesome a wild god from the war of the ancients it's ashamane that we've been tracking who's a massive panther wild god druids out there that play during legion you might recall picking up the fangs of azgermaine as your artifact weapon she died during the war of the ancients which is over ten thousand years ago taking many demons with her including the pit lord ronokhan his death brought more destruction the fel power granted to him by the legion exploded outward tearing a deep gash in the land and burning ashmane to ash but her sacrifice was not in vain she bought the people of suramar enough time to hide their city from the legion and the world death it meant that her spirit went to arden wield and as we quest through the zone we uncover the whole drought business the choices that they have to make which seeds will survive and which with her away forever on the list of wild seeds to be rescued we see her name but then muzala's forces they got their hands on it she was offered a deal offered a place at their side and she refused to then end up here well thought now come vengeance can wait if she had her strength she would rip mozella apart and scatter his remains across all of existence but the maw it's taken its toll so her spirit enters our soul keeper crystal musana will yet know my fury i place my trust in you our quest it began just for ashamane but vol'jin can sense that more loa are being tortured up ahead three of them in fact and they too don't belong in the maw let's go out and save them i heard his screech when he be dying in nazmir irek lord of the midnight sky died in battle for azeroth at our hands in fact as this loa was corrupted by g'huun there'd be more lord his way hurry one someday told me she'd been consumed by her own priestess consumed by yazma again in battle for azeroth as yazma was working with prophet zul and prophet zul was working for g'huun against king rastakhan the king would enter a bargain with won samdi and kick zul out of their city while yazma she found her end at the hands of heroes within atal dazar there be one lower left one almost gone the law of kings we need to break that barrier the reason why rastakhan needed bonsamdi that was because his loa of kings rezan was lured into a trap by prophet zul at atal dazar his soulless body wandered around for a bit until we put it down while his soul has been enjoying the treatment of the maw we need to rescue him but exorbius the one that's draining razan is projecting a barrier of death nothing is able to get through it unless vol'jin uses some of his own anima to shield us from its magic you will join this pitiful lower in torment this soul is lost there is nothing left to say not yet we're gonna take you out of here get your streets back your soul is fierce you seek justice the last glimmer of my essence is yours carry it to arden wield let all that i was be reborn within you no i'll be just an old shadow hunter our people they be needing you you are the one they need and not be wasting your gift your name gonna be remembered always i can't be staying anymore any longer bring the spirits home to arden wield your majesty your old friend wants somebody be helping this one find all of them missing lua i will take these three spirits into our care once zombie along with this other intriguing a mortal soul entwined with the essence of azoa i cannot say what fate will befall you vulgen of the dark spear but i offer you this chance to one day be reborn anew i be deeply honored your majesty champion thank you for all you done for me in life and in death looks like old virgin starting a new hunt after i be getting some rest well sure your majesty old ones i'm to be glad to give you one of the soul and risk his neck to save and in return all him asked for is depart fine fine but if you ever need this so lower just come on over to the other side i'm just loving the dynamic between the winter queen and sandy that said vol'jin's fate is anyone's guess but i'm really happy to see that his story isn't over quite yet he has the essence of rezan the former loa of kings he's chatted with queen talanji before and she has massive respect for him she even wanted to place his urn within a tall dazar it could very well be that vol'jin comes back as this new loa of kings since as we did learn from bon sam di mortals can become loa hmm razan is smarter than i thought maybe one day there could be a new lower making [Music] this week our attention is drawn to the drust threat the time has come to drive them out of our lands once and for all the wild hunt reports that gorax goraxhar and the forces are deeply entrenched at the edge of arden wields we take them on their captain ingrad riff included while removing the protective runes that are shielding gorakzar fools you are but insects before gorox are strange that does not sound like the gorax are i remember we will avenge the possessed here and now for arden wield go on i'll guard the bridge more walker strike down the barrier what sorcery is this slay her minions i will secure the wild seeds pathetic little creatures you struggle in vain throats will engulf this realm it is over gorak saw no you will pay for your insolence in blood ah more walker finish this i cannot continue your infestation is at an end monster wait i sent something hidden from sight [Music] airline a dressed trick to distract us from that true target [Music] [Music] wild hunt we ride for the grove of awakening we're so sorry airline knight embrace you poor erelon was missing for quite a bit and now the drastic tricked us into taking him out even after all that he endured with having to sacrifice ursuc sacrifice his grove all of that he still found a way to smile again only two there will be time for tears later let us go make the drust pay far grief we'll have to wait we need to hurry hey trust block our path forward i will see to that we shall take to the skies make haste eternal slumber is all that awaits these vile fiends ha look at them fall leave no drust alive wild hunt we ride for arden wield [Music] and deceived us into confronting him he's gone our foe now marches on the grove of awakening conscripting your own subjects into their ranks what are your orders loyal airline understood difficult choices the need to make certain sacrifices but there comes a time to fight for that which we hold most dear our sacrifices will not be in vain sound the horns all of arden wield is called to the hot you will help lead the charge mortal drive these invaders from my grove protect the forest's heart child of dreams let no enemy pass into our sacred halls you gave of your very essence to preserve my spirit i shall defend arden wield until the last with the winter queen's blessing empowering us the wild hunt easily charges through the drug's forces and reaches the growth of awakening the center of the trusted tension the drost believe that seizing the grove of awakening will bring them victory they are mistaken moonberry hearn eliot zahad win back control of the grove's anchors through our soul bond i shall expel these intruders as you command my queen such selfish creatures for our receiving nothing beyond your own desires yet we grow strong while those who kneel before you are left to wither one by one we will claim every grove every faye every soul the drast could have been protectors of nature caretakers of the cycle you choose instead to steal and destroy such a waste i almost pity you help me reclaim the anchor mortal it is done i will hold this ground branches crash as the forest howls cutting wind become a soothing breeze drift along to the others aid the field two against one poor for you i will hold here go right sparkle gerwin not you two i can take it from here get going i do not need the pity of a fading queen you will watch as i claim your throne and crush the heart of the forest in my grasp no this ends now behold the magic of my grooves rises up against you come mortal we will dispose of this wretch vile queen the trust will never be vanquashed the drust effort of trying to conquer arden wields abused their cycle of rebirth to escape the domain of troths that has failed the winterqueen shows all that the cute cuddly forest is not to be messed around with as overpowered as their covenant ability is so too is their queen politely escorting all the drugs back home and empowering us to land the final blow upon gorakzar back at the heart of the forest there's a massive gathering even when somebody's mask gets to join the fun we all grieve for aralan and the others that are lost while we also celebrate their lives celebrate our victory the trust might be defeated but arnold wield will still need its protectors the jailer's power grows and the shadow lands face unrelenting peril stand ready huntress your strength will be needed in the days to come huntress corraine is the last one to join our soul binds while we also gathered up enough anima to fully restore the heart of the forest the drug's threat has been kicked out of the land but the drought is still very much a problem and the powers of the jailer they're still growing time will tell what vol'jin spirit might become in the future and how they're going to use ysera's connection to arthur wield is she now forever bound to the shadowlands or will she come with us in a potential storyline connected to the domain of life connected to whoever the sister of the winter queen might be then there's still tyrande out there all alone charging through torgus those that have conquered the endless halls by yourself you know the pain that she must be suffering the hunt for more night warriors of the past continues plenty of stories still to be told then for ranking as a lot of you asked me how i would rank the different covenant campaigns the nightfall one i'm gonna place at spot 2. it started off incredibly strong with the whole play introducing ourselves and our story in a humorous way whoever designed it they did a brilliant job but then the campaign just went all over the place the major threat of art unwield that is the drought and the drust but if you didn't play during battle for azeroth or maybe you did and you didn't pay a whole lot of attention then the drust they're underexplained what are they trying to do in arno wield where did they come from how did they get into the shadow lands i personally think that it's just not well enough explained which is why we'll be doing the story of the drust really really soon but that major threat was not the only thing that we dealt with during the campaign one week you'd focus on the drust but then the story shifted to tyrande and the night warrior then the next week once someday comes around the corner then it's the drust again it's a bit all over the place which i really enjoyed i find the campaign and the stories really interesting but the overarching story was a bit hard to follow and when i did focus on the drust it did it in a little bit of a boring way the chapter where we tried to save one of the mass fey and then ultimately fail even lose erellon in the process i did not enjoy that chapter but then again the beauty of the zone itself the sadistic undertone of the fae dialogue ysera being a part of it of course and the interest of the story itself and where it might lead it's a solid second place maybe third and swapped with the kirian they're pretty close in my opinion but yeah all of this is just my opinion though by all means share yours in the comments down below and as always thank you very much for watching everyone subscribe if you like my videos leave a like if you enjoyed this one and until next time see ya
Channel: Nobbel87
Views: 52,957
Rating: 4.8649788 out of 5
Keywords: Nobbel, Nobbel87, NobbeltheNoble, Story, Lore, Ardenweald, Night Fae, covenant, Campaign, Full Version, Winter queen, Ysera, Shandris, Tyrande, Play, Moonberry, Drust, Maw, Jailer, Anima
Id: Yzed48ls7_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 52sec (6412 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 28 2021
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