The Story of "Legion" (So far!) [Lore]

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Hello everyone! It’s currently thursday night as I’m writing this script so I’m making this story before blizzard does the whole Q&A thing. That means that some information from that panel might be missing in this video but I figured that there’s so much story to talk about already and I don’t really have the time to work this weekend that I’d make this video and if there’s more to talk about, we can always do that in another video. I’m uploading this early because I’d imagine you all want this information as fast as possible so consider this video my monday lore video. That said, this video is going to focus on the lore and little bits of information regarding characters and storyline for the next expansion, so I won’t be going into the new mechanics or the pvp system or all that good stuff. If you want that information then I’d highly recommend to check out Preach his video, since that’s more of his department. Right here, we're going to talk about the storyline. Also! For those who are like `this is a long video, do you perhaps have a shorter version for me? Check out the story line described in the novels War of the Ancients and the novel Stormrage If you combine those, you pretty much have the story line for the next expansion. Right everyone, that’s enough introduction...lets dive right into it and begin with the first cinematic that they showed: Guldan: *Muhahahahah* The cinematic it shows alternate Gul’dan searching for Illidan. He finds the demon hunter imprisoned within a crystal, he does a little bit of magic and bam, Ilidan’s tattoo’s reignite. From this, my first feeling was ow boy, we're going directly into another legion expansion after just dealing with the legion? But wait...there’s more! Khadgar: On Draenor, old rivals sought to bring Azeroth to its knees. And while the iron tide was quelled, they were but servant of a more ancient foe. That has not forgotten our defiance. The vengeance of the burning shadow has come. And in our most desperate hour, we must wield the power of the enemy...against them. For we stand once more upon the brink of destruction. Staff: * ploing* Khadgar: The Burning Legion...has returned. Wrathion’s warning during Mists of Pandaria has become a reality. The legion has returned and in a beautiful way, the guardian Khadgar brings the news to king Varian Wrynn similar to how the guardian Medivh brought the news to king terenas the second during Warcraft 3 So it’s not just going to be about the burning legion since in the presentation we also saw the broken isles and demon hunters that are coming to the game. As I'm sitting here, I find it hard to pick where exactly to begin, what information should we talk about first, so lets just begin at the beginning and see how far we can go. At the end of the last expansion, Warlords of Draenor, Archimonde zaps Gul’dan and claims that they made a pact. From this I speculated that Gul’dan was send to the twisting nether, but as it turns out, he’s actually send to our Azeroth. Gul’dan owes allegiance to no one save his Burning Legion masters. On Draenor, the power-hungry orc warlock nearly had his entire race enslaved to the demons. Though his plans failed, Gul’dan survived. Under the Legion’s command, he was banished to Azeroth to open a gateway for a monstrous invasion force unlike anything the Horde and Alliance have ever faced. This gateway is created within the Tomb of Sargeras which starts of the legion’s invasion into our reality. The tomb of Sargeras was a tomb used by the guardian Aegwynn to lock away the avatar of Sargeras after she had defeated him. She sealed it of with magic which was impossible to remove with magic from Azeroth, but she didn’t count on the orcs from Draenor which is a different planet. Our Gul’dan also found the tomb of Sargeras, he opent it up in search for more power, but all he found was his own demise. Later, Illidan Stormrage made his way to the tomb to collect the Eye of Sargeras and use this powerfull artifact to destroy the Lich King. As the Warden Maivh hunted Illidan, he brought down the tomb on her and her soldiers, but Maivh was able to blink out of there while her troops died a horrible death as the tomb crashed upon them. Apperantly alternate Gul’dan has relocated the tomb, he opent it up and somehow created a very powerfull portal, despite Khadgar trying to stop him. I wonder if this alternate version, as he's going through the tomb of Sargeras, encounters the remains of our Gul’dan or perhaps even the journal written in blood explaining how our Gul’dan died...creepy thoughts to be honest, but that said, I haven’t really figured out yet why or how Gul’dan ends up in the Vault of the Wardens. That’s the location where in the cinematic he finds Illidan, it's not the Tomb of Sargeras so the reason to that is still a mysterie. Illidan’s description says: After the fall of the black temple, the corpse of the lord of Outland, Illidan Stormrage, disappeared. No one knows the true fate of Illidan’s remains, but legend holds that Warden Maiev Shadowsong took his broken body to the Vault of the Wardens so that Illidan’s dark, lingering soul could suffer the rest of his eternal sentence – along with his followers, the feared Illidari. Justice to be forever served... Illidans dark lingering soul, does that mean his soul is still trapped within his body all this time? Well that would blow the speculation of him going to the twisting nether out of the water and it looks like Gul’dan gives Illidan some nice fel energies which reignite his tattoos and most likely brings him back to life. They’ll probably have an awquard conversation after waking up since Illidan, he consumed the powers of our Gul’dan from his skull. He then spend his time on top of the black temple communicating with the skull of Gul'dan. That's going to be an awkward conversation to be honest and what team will Illidan play for? My speculation is that he’ll start of as a servant or minion of the legion, but will later switch sides and he'll try to do good. People have been asking for Illidan to return for so many years and even Chris Metzen said that he loves a good redemption story so that would be my guess. With the return of Illidan we also get a new hero class, the demon hunters. They start at a high level so you can easily flow into the new content. They didn't specify what level, so we don't know, you first come into our storyline after being awoken in the vault of the wardens, very similar to how Illidan has been woken up. The Wardens decide to wake up these demon hunters desperate for their help against the brning legion. All these demons hunter were place there by maivh shadowsong which we can read in her description which says: if the Watchers are infamous among the night elves, Maev Shadowsong is a legend. Famed for her uncanny ability to capture any enemy, Maiev tracked Illidan Stormrage, The betrayer, all the way to the black temple in Outland. After his demise, she imprisoned his surviving followers, the Illidari, vowing never to allow the fel-touched demon hunters to roam free ever again. Last we heard of Maivh was when she tried to kill Malfurion in the novel Wolfheart as they were accepting the highborn and magic back into night elf society, but her brother Jarod Shadownsong saved Malfurion’s life and scared his sister away. It’s uncertain where she currently is and as much as I would love Maiev to team up with Illidan, I fear with a description like that, that she’s going to be pretty pissed at releasing all these demon hunters. Another cool bit for the demon hunter storyline is that they’re going to get a starting area similar to the death knights which takes place around 10 years ago. This story is told from Illidan's point of view, the way that I understand it, and, you know, people are assaulting the black temple, Illidan decides to send his Illidari on a crucial suicide mission to a completely different world. I think they called this world Mardun, I think that was the way they pronounced it, this is the world that the titan sargeras, when he was good, he created this planet and he used it to imprison and capture the demons that he found in the great dark beyond. Now when Sargeras turned evil, when he found out that the titans mission was futile, this is the world that he shattered. Here is the location where he unleashed all those that he banished and he formed the burning legion. Demon hunters get to see and visit this planet, which is just enough reason for me to make a demon hunter, just to see this planet! They'll do what ever they need to do there and then we’ll move to the present time, where we’ll go through the secret halls of the vault of the wardens. When all is said and done, we’ll learn what it means to be a demon hunter and understand the true meaning of sacrifice. Later on we’ll actually go back to the Vault of the Wardens as a dungeon and there we'll begin our hunt for Illidan. We're going to discover more about Gul’dan’s plans and we're going to face some of against some dangerous creatures since the demon hunters were not the only things locked away there. So gul’dan is allowing for a legion invasion the size of which, azeroth has never seen before. And they described this as apparently it's going to be even bigger then what we faced during the war of the ancients and that war resulted in the world of kalimdor splitting apart into the different continents that we see today, so that’s definitely saying something. They’re trying to summon the dark titan, Sargeras, so it’s, again, it's very similar to the war of the ancients. Khadgar rings the bell and summons the troops to which we track down the source of the invasion at the broken shores. We take the fight to Gul’dan and his demonic armies that are there and after the fight at the tomb, our story will realy begin. This is just the introduction similar to the assault on the dark portal for warlords of draenor, but this one isn’t going to end so well. We’re going to be surprised and shocked, once the dust settles on the broken shore, we’ll wake up to a world on fire. We will be able to wield fabled artifacts of those we have lost and those who have lost hope. This is the new artifact system which they’re introducing in which we go accros the world and get our hands on some mighty legendary weapons. They were talking about the ashbringer, shards of frostmourne, Sylvanas her bow, the first guardian’s staff, emperor shao-hao’s weapon, these are some really important weapons through out the lore and it really has some massive potential. I'm really hyped about this because they explained it as in... you’re going to follow a journey behind the weapon and you can decide what journey that’s going to be. It's going to be for different specs I believe and each different spec gets a different weapon with a different story line. I’m curious what they can come with. They mentioned as an example, a warrior that will go out to find some legendary weapons made out of Deathwing’s scales. Stuff like that sounds really cool to me, but then they also mentioned the shards of frostmourne that are just chilling at the bottem of icecrown. People have been asking about these shards for ages. They constantly hinted at it and kept it secret and now apparently nobody checked the bottom of icecrown for these shards and they’ve just been waiting there. It is just an example of course, they could still change it you know, anything can happen in between, it was just a little bit of a silly explanation and next to that, how legendary are these legendary weapons going to be if everybody is running around with them. I remember when they explained why you weren’t allowed to transmog legendaries, because that would defeat the purpose of being a legendary, and now apparently there are going to be multiple people running around with multiple Doomhammers, Ashbringers, Shards of Frostmourne, I wonder how that is going to work out and I wonder which characters will perish and which characters will despair. If the ashbringer is up for grabs, does that mean Tirion bites the dust or is he giving up? What about Thrall and his legendary doomhammer? We’re going to be shocked and surprised, I wonder how that all is going to play out and I can't wait to see it. As much as the idea of everybody with a legendary... I'm kinda 'meh' about it. The whole potential of the awesome story line that could go behind it...I'm extremely hyped for it! Like I said, I really wonder how it's going to play out. They also showed a screenshot of Varian which is aperantly part of the introduction cinematic that they're going to make for the expansion and if we look at Anduin’s description it says: Heir to the throne of Stormwind, Anduin is wise beyond his years. Time and time again, he has used diplomacy to end conflict, inspiring even his warrior father to lay down arms in pursuit of peace. But diplomacy has its limits, and some villains can’t be reasoned with. As the Burning Legion threatens to annihilate Azeroth, Anduin will learn the true cost of peace...and whether he’s willing to pay it. I’m not sure if I would agree with calling Anduin wise considering what happened to the vale in Pandaria, but regardless of that, it seems like they’re finally going to push Anduin a little bit more and give him some more story development. The true cost of peace and whether he’s willing to pay it, what that means nobody knows, but what a great expansion to finally put Anduin on the path as he was seen in Velen’s vision. Remember Velen's vision from the short story. He saw Anduin leading the army of light against the darkness. I’m not a massive fan of Anduin’s character, but there’s definitely potential. After the whole storm the portal thing, the world is apperantly burning and we go ahead with our adventures on the Broken Isles. The Broken Isles is a land at the heart of Azeroth that’s long forgotten. 10.000 years ago, before the great sundering, a vast bustling night elf civilization lived here. Now all that’s left are the bones of that civilization, a graveyard of sorts with different areas to explore. Our main mission is to restore peace to a world on the brink of annihilation and the whole world burning thing has the alliance and horde wrecked, they're going at each others throats. Things are not looking good. We together with members of our class need to rise up and unite, scour the broken isles for the pillars of creation. These pillars are titan relics used to shape the world and only with these relics can we close the wound at the heart of the tomb of Sargeras, close the portal and stop the invasion. One pillar can be found within the Halls of Valor, located within Stormheim. Stormheim is described as an area where we’ll uncover the fate of vrykul that left northrend thousands of years ago in search of their holy land. We’ll discover the halls of valor and hellheim, home to 2 titan keepers that have been warring for thousands of years. 2 titan keepers and when they mentioned Vrykul, I immediatly made the connection to the lost titan keeper Tyr. Tyr he was part of the titan keepers we met in Ulduar yet he was missing for reason and they never gave an explenation to it. It’s possible that he is the titan keeper that's fighting in these halls, but it’s uncertain who the other titan keeper would be. We’ll also learn of the origins of the valkyr and the kvaldir as we ride the massive ship of souls which I think they called the nagglefor or something like that and we'll ride it into the maw of hell. All the while we’ll be fighting the vrykuls god king and his minnions who are now part of the burning legion. So it’s a heaven and hell kind of deal which are apperantly going to be 2 dungeons with the pillar being located in the heaven part, called the halls of Valor: In the clouds above Stormheim, greatest warriors of the vrykul are called here, this is their reward for being the greatest. While seeking the pillar, we’re contending with the leader of the vrykul, the god king, who’s apperantly willingly working for the legion. We need to prove ourselves worthy so we may claim it instead of their god king and we’ll also learn more about the Valkyr, not Sylvanas her Valkyr, these are the more pure and holy Valkyr, the warriors of the Light But on the opposite side of heaven, we have Helheim. This dungeon is going to be similar to Grimrail Depot as in you’re on a moving vehicle, you're going to go through rough stormy seas on a ship with cursed spirits. They’re being brought to Helheim, these cursed spirits, where they'll live out their cursed afterlife as Kvaldir. That sounds really, really cool in my opinion. I really liked the Grimrail depot so to see that happening, it gonna be awesome! The second pillar can be found with Azsuna. A beautiful place, but as they described the broken isles with being the bones of an ancient civilization, it’s no where better represented then in this area. Once something very special and still special in different way, ghosts of ancient night elves haunt the area, a dieing breed of the blue dragonflight can be found here and we’ll be introduced to the night fallen. The night fallen are exciled royalty from suramar left to die out of their protective walls of the city. Here we’ll be racing agains queen azshara and her minions for control of the pillar in this zone. For those that have never seen the video before: Queen Azshara, she was the queen of the Highborn. Way back when, during the War of the Ancients, they tried to summon the titan Sargeras into our world and they failed. As the Well of Eternity imploded, her palace started flooding with water and the old gods started whispering to the queen, they offered her a deal. 'She would become something greater, she would become something more and when the time came, she would serve'. And she accepted the deal, the old gods turned her and those with her into naga and she is still the queen of the Naga. Unfortunately they haven't really placed a description for Queen Azshara on the website, but they did do it for one of her loyal subjects, Tidemistress Athissa: Queen Azshara,, former leader of the ancient night elves, rules the naga with supreme authority. Her servants are many, but few can match the fanatical devotion of Athissa. At her queen’s command, she is poised to lead a massive naga army into Azsuna, a region rumored to hold a long-lost titan relic of power. Nothing will stand between Athissa and this prize – not the cursed night elf spirits who haunt the land nor the Horde and Alliance forces that are gathering on the Broken Isles. The dungeon in this area is called Eye of Azshara, it's not the name of the expansion, it's actually the name of a dungeon and I assume that we'll find the pillar inside. I was actually really interested by the whole line of the dying breed of the blue dragonflight, but you know I don't really know what we can expect there. I love me some dragon lore, I like it that they're there. I just wonder how it connects to the overall story line. The night fallen that they described, they are apperantly exiled from Suramar for some reason and Suramar is a city filled with a new race of elves, made from an old race of elves. Here they lived for the last 10.000 years and they flourished by using their magical abilities. Unfortunately they too have been turned into pawns of the Burning Legion and they are the ones who have the last relic that we need so we’ll have to go into their city, we'll have to kill every single one of them plus all the elite legion guards that are there and we'll probably even face of against Gul’dan to secure the last relic. We’ll get a dungeon here called Suramar City, a city of night, where the nightborn rule from their palace. The city has catacombs beneath the city and there are noble houses with a whole city that we're going to explore. We’re going to uncover the ties to the legion, we're going to find the ultimate plan that is unfolding here and then there’s the raid called Suramar Palace: 10 bosses are placed in this raid, home of the nightwell the center of Suramar’s power. In here well face off against the Grand magistrix, they didn't really give a name, that brokered a dark deal with the legion, looks over everything and runs the entire city. They used and corrupted the titans pillar of creation to shape their society, create their night well, a conduit of dark energy. I’m not sure what exactly this nightwell is, but it sounds a lot to me like the Well of Eternity, like a pool of power and apparently they used one of these pillars that we need to create this pool of power. If it's truly similar to the Well of Eternity then this should be a lot of fun. Last time the land split apart, like I mentioned, should be great fun. We'll begin underground in the raid, because you can’t just go through the main gate, that would never work. We’ll work our way up, see the royal quarters untill eventually we’ll reach the heart of the nightwell. That’s the area where the grand magistrix and gul’dan are waiting for us with gul’dan being the ultimate boss of the raid and this time there’s no escape. As I go through these story lines and as I go as to what they actually announced, you can tell that it has a lot of ties to the War of the Ancients, so I’d say that they’re using the powers of the well to maybe summon more forces for the legion, maybe even someone like Sargeras or Kil'jaeden and we'll have to go in and stop them. It's actually been described that they want to summon the dark titan, perhaps this is the location where they're trying to do it. The final pillar can be found within highmountain and this is the Highest point of the broken isles. The terain is rough, the biggest and strongest creatures live in this area which ofcourse means that there's none other then Hemmit Nessingware that can be found in this area. It’s also home to the highmountain taurens, which is a new race of Tauren apparently, and they are the keepers of the relic of khaz’goroth. Dargrul the Underking, the enemy to these tauren, he has a description on the website which says the following: For centuries, the tauren and the drogbar tribes of Highmountain lived in peace. But soon after the Legion’s arrival, a drogbar leader named Dargrul the Underking destroyed their unity and stole the Hammer of Khaz’goroth, a powerful artifact protected by the Highmountain tauren. Using the terrible power of the Hammer, the Underking intends to take control of Highmountain. Khaz’goroth, for those unaware, Khas'goroth was a titan, in fact he was actually part of the pantheon which are the leaders of the titans. He was the one who blessed the Earthwarden Neltharion that most of you know as Deathwing and he made him the aspect of earth. It’s no surprise that within Highmountain we’ll actually find Neltharion’s lair, the area where he spend his time listening to the whispers of the old gods, slowly going mad until he finally revealed his madness during the war of the ancients. He convinced the other aspects to place a portion of their power within the dragon soul which he told them they would use against the legion, but he also used it against the night elves and his fellow dragons. We’re going to visit his lair, seek some answers, the lair that has now become the center of the drogbar society, a rocky fierce brutal warrior race so that means a lot of fighting, a lot of killing, maybe even Wrathion is going to show up and we're going to recover the pillar from their chieftain. Now of course, there are more zones within the broken isles, it's not all about the pillars. We have Val’Sharah for example. Once this area was a pinnacle of druidism on azeroth, now it’s a forgotten druid refuge. This is the place where so long ago, Malfurion Stormrage became the first druid trained by the demi-god Cenarius. In this area we’ll face xavius and his massive Satyr army who’s trying to unleash the emerald nightmare into the world. We’ll meet up with demi-gods like Cenarius, we'll see the aspects ike Ysera, all of that to help us fight back the nightmare. If we can’t stop the nightmare then collecting the pillars and stopping the legion would be for nothing. We’re going into the emerald nightmare itself, dispense some delicious justice and ofcourse we're going to get a couple of big glimpses into the emerald dream. This means that those who’ve requested the emerald dream to be part of the game for so very long, you'll finally see your wishes fulfilled. What is the Emerald Dream, you might ask. The emerald dream is a realm created by the titans and it’s described as the blue print of azeroth. Basicly it's the world as it would have been without external influences. Where in the normal world you’d see see for example Stormwind, inside the emerald dream you’ll just see the area as it was in the beginning. Maybe it was a grassy area or just a deserted area, you won't see Stormwind keep so it's just like the planet was at the very beginning. The emerald nightmare is a corruption of the emerald dream created by Xavius with the help of the old god N’zoth. Xavius’s description says: Xavius once terrorized Azeroth with an affliction that almost obliterated the walls between reality and dream. His machinations ended in defeat, but he has been given another chance at vengeance. Now Xavius leads the conquest of Val’sharah, where the tainted World three Shaladrassil spreads the Emerald Nightmare’s corruption. With an army of vile satyrs at his command, Xavius will stop at nothing to vanquish all who oppose the Burning Legion. So the background for Xavius: He used to be a highborn loyal to queen Azshara as he was trying to summon Sargeras into the world again, War of the Ancients. Malfurion prevented the summoning, Xavius’s soul was captured by Sargeras who decided to transform his soul and give him a new purpose. Send back by Sargeras as the first Satyr, Xavius continieud on bringing Sargeras into the world as well as converting more of the highborn into Satyr’s. Eventually Malfurion turned Xavius into a tree and you might wonder, when did they stop him from obliterating the walls between reality and the dream? That story line was done in the novel Stormrage where pretty much the exact same thing happened. Xavius and N’zoth tried to corrupt the world and spread the emerald nightmare, but they were stopped by Malfurion and friends. It seems like the same events are going to happen, like they rebooted the story, Xavius is brought back, Malfurion is captured again. It seems like the events of Stormrage are going to happen again, only this time we’ll be the ones saving the day. Maybe Thura is gonna show up with the axe of Broxxigar, that would be really cool, but we're gonna be the ones helping out and saving the day. Like I said, even Malfurion is going to be captured again. He's going to be placed within the dungeon called Darkheart Thicket: Located within valshara we’ll go in to save Malfurion of the corruption and the clutches of the nightmare. This dungeon is at the base of the world tree while later on we’ll actually start to climb to the top of tree as we go through the raid simply called the emerald nightmare. In this raid we get to party with Cenarius, we're going to face of against Xavius himself. We're going to confront him at the heart of the nightmare which will end the corruption of the dream once and for all. So it is a little bit of a reboot of the story line that we've already seen only this time we're actually going to completely cleanse the Nightmare and we're going to solve the problem. It makes me wonder if we'll actually see the old god N'zoth pop up in the expansion, that would be really cool, but he hasn't been announced or mentioned at all. Another dungeon that you can find in Valshara is the Obsidian fortress of black rook hold. During the war of the ancients, this ancestral home of lord Ravencrest was a military fortress, a bulwark against the legion, but now a dark shadow has fallen over this place. Lord Ravencrest he was quite a bad ass in the story line, he was present during the War of the Ancients. He was leading the night elf forces, he recruited Illidan Stormrage into his ranks, but eventually, unfortunately, he lost his life to an assasin as they were fighting against the legion. Now if we look at the map we can see that there are 3 more locations that I haven’t talked about yet. You can see Acherus, I think, which I assume is the Ebon Hold. We have Thal’Dranath but neither one of those actually recieved any information or explenation and Thal’Dranath has even been removed from another map picture so that’s been kept in the dark. Dalaran is the final location which means that the floating city it's coming with us and its new leader is Khadgar. Last we heard was that Jaina was leading the Kirin Tor and Dalaran and their explenation it was very weird. The person on stage said that he couldn’t give details about Jaina except that she was mad or something like that, but if we look at Khadgar’s description it says: Though he was unable to stop Gul’dan from opening the Tomb of Sargeras, allowing the Legion to flood into Azeroth once more, Khadgar is determined to find the means to reseal the portal and foil the Legion’s invasion. He knows that the combined forces of the greatest champions of Azeroth are necesarry to succeed, even as dissenting voices speak against a coalition and risk ultimate destruction by the demons. I wonder if that’s the reason why Jaina has left Dalaran. Did they reignite her hatred towards the horde or the blood elves? I would imagine that someone like Khadgar would invite any to stand with him against the legion. He had no problem working with both the Alliance and Horde during Draenor and perhaps Jaina was unable to get over that or perhaps there’s a different explenation. Regardless, Dalaran is coming with us lead by Khadgar and the Violet Hold will be a dungeon once again. As it comes closer and closer to the tomb of sargeras, within the voilet hold mysteries and secrets will come to the surface. We’ll learn more about the origins of dalaran, the origin of mages and the origins of the world itself. Origin lore is always brilliant so call me exited. That’s the last dungeon we can talk about ladies and gentleman, but there are two more characters described on the website. First of, Genn Greymane: In recent years, the grizzled ruler of Gilneas has suffered many hardships: His son and his nation fell to the Banshee Queen Sylvanas and her Forsaken, and he nearly lost his humanity to the worgen curse. Yet from their tragedies, Genn has found new strength and courage. He is determined to fight tooth and claw against any enemy that threatens the safety of the Alliance. And then second of all, Sylvanas ofcourse: The Forsaken’s ruthless leader is a formidable champion of her people. But with the Burning Legion’s invasion, the stakes for the Dark Lady have never been higher. Should Sylvanas persih, her demise will be the beginning of her eternal damnation. All that stand between her and this doom are her Val’kyr, yet few of these spirit guardians remain. As her fate edges closer to the abyss, Sylvanas must decide how far she’ll go to protect her people...and whether they’re more precious to her than her soul. Awesome, awesome, awesome. Finally some story development between these two characters and we can only speculate as to how this all willl go down. It could very well be that gilneas is going to be some world pvp area with alliance and horde fighting eachother over dominance. Last we heard was, as far as I know, at the end of the rogue legendary questline but they kept the whole gilneas storyline open as far as I know, it's still contested between Alliance and Horde. With Sylvanas creeping closer to the edge of the abys and the anouncement that we’ll learn more about the origin of the Valkyr...some really interesting lore could develop. Not to mention that they’ve, again, said that Alleria and Turalyon are making a return so who knows what bringing the oldest sister back is going to do. Alleria and Turalyon have also been a fan request for years and apparently this expansion is all about pleasing the fans. Last we heard from these two was at the end of the novel Beyond the Dark portal where they saved the world of azeroth by closing the dark portal on Draenor’s side as the planet of Draenor transformed into Outland. Nobody knows what happened to them after that, not even Khadgar can give an explanation even though he was there, he can't explain what happened to his friends and why they weren’t part of the burning crusade expansion. It’s been speculated that these two have been busy fighting the legion within the twisting nether and now that this massive rift is going to open up within the tomb of Sargeras, perhaps this is going to be the gateway to come back to Azeroth. I almost fear to believe that they’re actually coming back, it’s been said so many times now. Lets just cross our fingers and time will tell. Right everyone, I think that’s about all I can say for the expansion at this moment. I’m sure alot of questions and information will pop up over time. My questions right now: What's exactly going to happen to Wrathion, Azshara, Velen, Med’an perhaps? How will this flow into the next patches. Is the old god N’zoth, Azshara, Kil jaeden or perhaps even Sargeras going to be part of what’s coming next? I actually got this one tweeted to me: If Gul’dan raised the broken isles from the ocean, how can their be night elves which are over 10.000 years old? Is the explanation going to be "magic'? Will Killrogs vision become a reality of us standing with Khadgar against the Legion and will Magni Bronzebeard return since he’s part of the ashbringer description? Hopefully we’ll soon find out more. There is going to be a Q&A pannel I think, where they're going to go deeper into the anouncement so who knows what's going to come for information, but for now I think it's time to call it a night. Yes, I'm definitely sure it's time to call it a night. I've been going on straight on after the announcement so we're going to work on editing this video and get it up for you guys, I hope you'll enjoy it! Let me know in the comments down below, are you hyped for the expansion? I’m personally getting more exited as I dive deeper into the information, but I’m still cautious myself and try not to get overhyped. This is just the first announcement, we haven't seen a beta, we haven't seen any solid information yet so I'll see it as it comes, but you know, it's kinda fun to see that something on the horizon could really, really be cool. It's fun and all, but I'm calling it a night so Thank you very much for watching everyone, subscribe if you like my videos and until next time guys...see ya!
Channel: Nobbel87
Views: 1,401,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nobbel, Nobbel87, NobbeltheNoble, Story, Lore, New Expansion, Legion, World of Warcraft, Burning Legion, Gul'dan, Illidan, Naga, Azshara, N'zoth, Emerald Dream, Emerald Nightmare, Broken Isles, Highmountain, Gamescon, Blizzard, Cinematics, Trailer
Id: qF01K0KWyOU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 46sec (2086 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2015
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