The Story of The Necrolord Covenant - Full Version [Lore]

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Hello everyone! While leveling through the shadowlands, exploring the different zones, meeting the different factions, we uncovered that Sire Denathrius is actually in league with the jailer. Send down a whole bunch of anima into the maw, aiding the imprisoned Eternal One with its release. “Long ago, we stood as one to imprison that monster. With the primus gone and Denathrius a traitor, our pantheon has been broken and doom comes for the shadowlands. There is yet hope. This mortal saved me from the maw and revealed the sires treachery. They aided my forest as well. Their kind has shown great potential. If focused, it could turn the tide in our favor. Agreed. For the good of the shadowlands, each mortal must choose a covenant. And when our realms have regained their strength, we will stand together against the darkness.” It’s decision making time and in this case we’re going to join the Necrolords in Maldraxxus. The eternal protectors of the shadowlands must remain strong to ensure we may continue to fullfill the purpose. Under our command, they’ll restore honor and glory to maldraxxus as they in turn will help us reach our full potential. While the house of rituals and constructs are more focused on dominance and victory, we will uphold the ancient charge placed upon them by the primus. “Come, mortal.” “Necrolords! True defenders of Maldraxxus! Hear my words.” “We now hold this sanctum, thanks to the deeds of this mortal who stands with our covenant.” “Though the Primus has long been absent from these halls, the Maw Walker embodies the virtues he instilled in the five houses.” Stand before draka and gain your power back “Step forward, mortal, and raise your runeblade!” Raise blade, all raise it too “Our covenant grows strong! Victory of Maldraxxus! Victory for the Shadowlands!” Gain back grabby hands “It is a great honor to wield the power of the Primus.” “Do not squander this opportunity, Maw Walker.” Return the runeblade to the pedastal, receive the power of the primus “Within you lies the courage, might, and guilde to conquer your rivals.” “Unto you, I bestow this power. Defender of Maldraxxus!” In order to support the Shadowlands with the threats ahead of us, like Sire Denathrius allying with the jailer or the war going on between the houses right here in Maldraxxus, we’ll have to empower ourselves, empower our followers and empower our Covenant. As we adventure through the Shadowlands, our connection to the covenant grows ever stronger and our renown does as well. A higher renown means greater rewards, greater power. We gather it by completing chapters in our covenant campaign, by returning anima to our storage and by saving the souls from the maw itself. But what’s power if you don’t show it off. If we are to aid the rest of the shadowlands, we must begin here in our domain first, in Maldraxxus. Our first time doing this quest does reward us with anima, safely stored in our Sanctum Reservoir. This power can be used for many things, but this sanctum can’t function on anima alone. It will require the combined effort of many souls working together to unlock its full potential. we know of a domain where plenty of souls would love to come with us and be put to work. Back to the Maw we go where our broker friend Ve’nari helps us out, for a price of course. With souls collected we can start our first covenant upgrade. Maybe lay down a transport network for easier travel in the zone. An anima conductor to active new challenges and adventures. A command table, don’t think i’ll have to explain what a command table is or a unique upgrade that’s different for every covenant. In the case of the Necrolords, this upgrade will give us access to the Abomination Factory. Allow us to dive deep in the art of fleshcrafting andconstruct new companions to join us on our adventures across the shadowlands. Now the covenant abilities of the necrolords have been restored to us, granted permanently while we stick with them, but there is even greater might to be found by binding our soul to another. Souls in maldraxxus are bound together in war. They draw strength and wisdom from those around them. Should we fall in battle, part of us would remain with our fellow soldiers. Just as they would remain with us. Plague Deviser Marileth has volunteered to teach us the process of soulbinding “Ah, my apprentice! You return at last!” Marileth has known many soulbinds, but the foremost of them all was margrave Stradama! Her knowledge, talent and kindness became part of who they were. Now and forever, its a bond they share. Soulbind cutscene: “Shall we get to work?” “I am ready when you are! Ow this is quite exciting!” Ow mannn we’re soulbinding now, i can feel it morty. As our renown grows so too will our bond over time, but there is the ability to accelerate the process with the use of some conduits. Pick the different abilities that we want, the different paths our bond flows through. Great power awaits to be unlocked. That’s the basic set up for the covenant... onwards to the weekly campaign. Mograine:”we have agreed to parley, despite your house’s treason. Now speak.” Rathan: “Gharmal is no friend of ours. If you would have us, we would join your cause.” We have visitors from the house of constructs. Not all of their house were down with the attack on Bastion, but when they spoke out, souls were ripped from their constructed bodies and imprisoned. Emeni, a princess apperantly, managed to escape, but most of them did not. Rathan the abominable stitchmaster wants our help to free the other souls and in return they can build us an army of constructs far greater than any that serve Gharmal. Interestingly enough the quest text mentions Margrave Belligeros, and I don’t know if that’s a typo or a different name used for Margrave or perhaps that Gharmal replaced Belligeros after the attack on bastion. I have no idea, but all the same, we travel with them to the body banks where we can get Emeni a constructed body worthy of their spirit. We’ll just need to gather a couple of tools in the area. Skewering needles, razorthread spooks and clotting patches. Not just any skin will do though. Emeni had a magnificent one, impervious to mortal weapons. It was a work of art that took years to perfect and when she was reomved from her construct, it was faldo iscar who took great deligh in stealing that skin. We’ll just have to take it back from them. Nothing else would be worthy of Emeni...the dread sibling slayer!” “Consult the schematics before we proceed. Emeni’s construct is of complex design.” “Good. Now activate the vat of acerbic bile and connect it to the construct.” “Excellent. Next, do the same for the vat of enzymes.” “Well done. The construct is nearly ready to receive Emeni’s soul.” Just one more step to do. Despite the beliefs of most people, emeni has a kind least she will have one once we give it to her. A choice between a kind, strong or the one I obviously picked... a ruthless heart. “We will be powerful allies, maw walker. But not friends. I do not have, friends.” “You are speaking to a princess!” Emeni the slaughter daughter walks once more with a cute little crown on her head. Time to get even. When she was locked up, she made a list of all the constructs that betrayed is a lengthy one and we get to help teach these constructs the mistake they made by destroying them along with Yardmaster Pralak, who is number one on the list. And while Emeni was able to escape, many souls that had spoken out are still imprisoned within the Etheric vault. Doomed to stay there until their souls fade away, starved of anima. We free them, take them with us to the seat of the primus. At the butchers block we’ll be able to use these souls, construct a new army of battle worthy constructs to lead maldraxxus to victory! We will need some proper resources though so construction can’t begin until we upgrade our covenant and unlock the abomination factory...but still. The allegiance of the slaughter daughter and the abominable stitchmaster will prove invaluable for the times ahead. hAve you children alexandros? I do. 2 sons. 1 betrayed me to the scourge, the other sacrificed himself to free me. I saw him again just recently in the maw. He too has risen as a dk, he too fights to defend our world. You must be proud. My son was a mere babe when traitors struck me down. I fought to my last breath to save him but i do not know if he survived. If he is of your blood draka, i have no doubt that he did. We set up base at the seat of the primus and gained the allegiance of the slaughter daughter as well as Rathan the abominable stitchmaster. Members of the house of constructs that we’re not down with the attack on Bastion. If only the rest of Maldraxxus felt that way since the other houses have joined forces against us and are trying to take the seat. One quick flight on Ragewing, raining death and destruction from above, gives our troops a bit of breathing room but we can’t rely on daring air strikes to hold them at bay forever. Lady vashj has a plan to permanently bolster our defenses. “We cannot hope to hold the seat without a Necropolis, so we shall seize one from our foes.” “Meet me near the House of Eyes. A mission of this nature requires...finessse.” “Do not make me regret this.” “The constructs scavenge the corpse of my fallen house. But a corpse can always rise anew.” The house of eyes, as we learned from Draka, has been blown up similar to how the house of plagues was taken out, but from its ashes a new necropolis will rise. Vasjh knows that not all the members of the eyes have perished. They could lie in wait, hidden for eternity, if such was demanded of them. But it is time to reclaim our destiny so we use her sigil to rally them to our cause while also showing the constructs that the eyes are not gone and do not take kindly to those trying to pick at their corpse. It’s a solid plan to have, but to repair a necropolis, let alone navigate and pilot it is going to take more then the troops we have right now. For our mechanic we rescue Ansid, a member of the house of constructs that’s been toiling on a new necropolis for ages. When nurakkir, the necropolis of the eyes, collapsed, they saw a golden opportunity! He came here as part of the team to salvage parts from the wreckage, but these brutes locked him up when he critized their methods. Our team will be a better fit so we have him from his cage. “You spared me from a terrible fate! Glad I’m on your side!” For our pilot we’re going to need a particular kind of magic, helmsman Caliroux is summoned in. An expert helmsman for the house of rituals that needs a bit of convincing to join our side. “Where am I?! Who dares conjure me.” “Spies?! You will regret this, pests!” “Enough! I yield. Name your terms.” “The eyes are your master now. Await our command.” “My baroness was right about you, Mawwalker. We regroup at Nurakkir.” And finally for navigation we need Xennir who survived the wreckage but grief besets her. Xennir would love to serve as navigator again, but her dearest friend suffers. She feels twiggin even now, struggling against the binding web of the spiders who once served their cause. More victims of this senseless conflict... We’ll have to slay them and gather their venom. With it we can free Twigin from their bonds and reunite them with Xennir. “I am in your debt, maw walker. Akarek’s cunning guide you.” Within the ruins of their necropolis awaits one final challenge. The one leading the salvage effort calls herself Gorgantus. To reclaim their home we’ll have to slay the head gutter for the house of constructs. “Pests! Your parts will serve us well!” “All who betrayed the eyes shall perish!” “Everything is in place.” “Then it is time to seize a necropolis.” Our renown is slowly but steadily growing, impressing even Emeni who think we could use some help. There is knowledge she, which could make us more useful to the necrolords. So just this once she wil lteach us somethign and we wont even have to lose a limb, it’s time to Soulbind... Soulbind with the slaughter daughter. Soulbind cutscene All is prepared to seize a necropolis, but not this week quite yet. This week we did the preparations, next week a necropolis waits to be claimed. I’ll leave you with another stay a while and listen so for now thank you very much for watching everyone! Subscribe if you like my videos, leave a like if you enjoyed this one aaand until next time....seee ya! Krexus spoke highly of you ashrbinger. He did not offer praise lightly. He forged my strength into victories i thought impossible. I will rip out vyraz blackened heart for betraying him. It pleases me to know you served krexus well. He admired your spirit even when you answered to akerek. We both learned much from him and together, we shall see him avenged. Last week we prepared ourselves to seize a necropolis, this week we get to join the houes of eyes and actually take it. “We need to get the lay of the land before we proceed. Survey the area from above as Twigin flies you to our position. We will infiltrate the necropolis while Ansid distracts the constructs. A few explosions should do just the trick! Everything is in place. LEt Twigin know when you are ready to depart.” A mission of stealth will be required to claim the necropolis at Ossein foundry, but someway, somehow they’re prepared for us. The foundry is on high alert so we’ll need to provide a distraction by thinning out their numbers. Then ansid has been captured and placed in a cage...again. We get the key and set them free. “We really have to stop meeting like this.” Enforcer Borgulla oversees all of the work efforts that take place here and she’s on the mooring platform, the spot that’s our best launching point to acces the necropolis above. That means we’ll have to take her out. Then Twiggin is kind enough to fly us up where we insert the runic keystone and take out the Vo’treus keyguard. With that... “The necropolis thrums with power. It is time we depart.” Cutscene: Necropolis takes off despite all of them trying to attack us. This is a necropolis, easily defendable of itself. Behold its power. Now that we control the necropolis, we can open a portal to the Seat of the Primus. Zerekirrs is ours along with everything it contains. Apperantly The primus was personally involved in the design of this necropolis. It was truly a sight to witness his hands shape the form of this vessel. It would be wise to search the room. Perhaps he kept some tools here that might be of use to us. “Ah yes thats it. Armor of unmatched craftsmanship. I have never seen its like before, not even from the forges of the Chosen.” “You should take this back to the sanctum, maw Walker. Perhaps Baroness Draka or one of the others can discern its significance.” These are the bindings of fleshcrafting. They empowered the promis to shape the very flesh and bone of maldraxxus. If or when he returns, we’ll make sure to have his armor ready. “It is said that when the Primus disappeared, the pieces of his armor were scattered. If there are more to be found, we will claim them for our covenant!’ : Might without control is wasted. Focus. Dominate.” And that’s what the necrolords do this week. Secure their possition within Maldraxxus by adding a necropolis to the arsenal. The stay a while and listen seems to change veerytime I check it out so i’ll leave you with another chat. Thank you very much for watching everyone! Subscribe if you like my videos, leave a like if you enjoyed this one and until next time...see ya! I once beheld your world for myself draka. Or rather the shattered ruin it has become. You seem to know much of broken worlds vashj and consorting with demonc filth. Queen azshara machinations brought us untold power. The sundering was a small price to pay for our ascension. I have heard tales of your vain, heartlesss queen. It seems you have a great deal in common with form as well as substance. Maldraxxus is on the path to reclaiming its rightful role as defender of the shadowlands. But the treasonous attack on bastion remains a stain on our honor. The attack on the temple of courage has been routed before. We’ve even ventured into the necrotic wake and took care of business inside, but you can’t keep a good construct down. “We had nearly retaken our temple when your kind returned in force. I will not rest until this ends.” “Neither shall we.” They’ve managed to summon in reinforcements and retake the grounds. Entrenched with shields powered by Necromancy. Shields we can take out with the aid of Xandria, Paragon of Courage. Their crystals get destroyed while we slayour enemies forces so thoroughly that none will ever attempt this desecration again. With the outside cleared we move deeper into the sanctum where the foul necromancers have enveloped the area in a toxic cloud. The kyrian can’t fight back from the air as its foul powers corrodes their very wings. It will be up to us to deal with these befoulers so that Xandria can deliver retribution to the rest of them. Even with her might, the paragon cannot eliminate an endless army. We’ll also have to destroy their portals and stop their reinforcements. Befouler Naux: Baroness Antolyte: “Mograine. The maw will seem a fond memory when I am done with you.” “Antolyte. She could never defeat me in the arena. She will not defeat us here.” Befouler Ahnqat: “You rush headlong to your demise! I look forward to tearing you apart!” “Yet you cower in your necropolis. I will sillence your boasting with a single strike!” Befouler Ghorout: “The skies clear! Regroup with me on the western landing, Maldraxxi. Retribution is at hand.” “Pathetic little weaklings! You cannot stop the House of Constructs!” “On me Maldraxxi! Together we will cleanse this target!” “Mark my targets, Maldraxxi. I will smite them with haste!” Bomb them from the sky “Let the rain of justice cleanse this ground!’ “We have but one enemy left to slay. SPeak to me when you are prepared.” “Enough of your meddling! Face me, so that I might crush you once and for all!” “Coward! I will rip your carcass from my temple and cast it into oblivion!” “All of bastion will be ours!” “!’ “At last, the darkness clears from my temple...Yet I fear it will not be absent long without action.” “The constructs are nothing if not persistent. But I swear to the Light that we will purge them from Bastion.” The baroness for the house of constructs has been slain and victory is ours today. We’ve proven that honor yet remains within Maldraxxus. Margrave Gharmal still stands so the kyrians will take some time to regain their strength while the necrolords will need some time to prepare their forces. Yet gazing upon bastion, the sense of honor and purpose that guides its denizens has mograine wonder if the arbiter made the right call... “Ashbringer. The arbiters judgment is infalible. She must have recognized something within you that was meant for Maldraxxus.” “Yet i dedicated my life in service to the light. Is that not what earns a place in bastion?” “Walk with me. Both of you.” “Our aspirents shed their memories in the temple of purity but we will follow a different path. Does maldraxxus not suit you.? “When i first looked upon the Maldraxxi, all I could see was the scourge that brought ruin to my homeland. The monsters I had sworn to destroy. In time, I learned that they are not the mindless undead I thought them to be. That honor has its place in Maldraxxus. Or at least it did. The memories of your life bear torment in death. Were you chosen for Bastion, they would be deemed a burden. But why was I not chosen? Was my faith in the Light not strong enough? Was my soul tainted from the moment I rose into undeath? ” “Light, Void...such trifling powers have no purchase here. The Arbiter sent you to Maldraxxus for a reason. One we shall attempt to discern.” “Meditate on these scrolls alexandros. Glean the source of your courage. The reason we are not alike.” “The Light has always been my courage. But...I will see what these scrolls reveal. A much more detailed video is avalaible on the channel, but real short. Mograine wielded the legendary blade Ashbringer, earned the title of ashbringer, by litteraly turning his scourge enemies into ash. “Is that...Elena? My love...My Light... She is still as radiant as when I last held her. To think she’d be forgotten if I...Forgive me. Let us continue onward. A threat that had to be eliminated so schemes from behind the scenes turned his eldest son against him. He lured his father in a trap and then stabbed him in the back, giving him to the gentle care of Kel’thuzad who turned him into one of the four horsemen. “ eldest. My demise. His betrayel haunts me, even in death. My son...Would this pain be best forgotten? Please...let us move on.” His youngest son Darion ventured into Naxxramas to save his father, ended his undead life and took to corrupted ashbringer with him. From the blade a voice whispered to him to take him to the scarlet monastery where Renault got what was coming to him. Then Kel’thuzad planend an attack on Light’s Hope Chappel. Darion, in a glorious act of self sacrifice, used the corrupted blade to kill himself. This act saved his fathers soul and the Light responded, obliterating the scourge but also now handing Darion to the enemy. He returned in Wrath of the Lich King to then step away from Arthas the Lich King. Handing over the ashbringer to Tirion Fordring who managed to purge its corruption and shatter Frostmourne itself. “ died to free me from the scourge. And still you stand in defense of azeroth. I will never forget your sacrifice...never!” Slay mograines burden “MY beloved son. I am so proud of you...and nothing will ever take that from me. I believe I understand now. Let us return to the paragon.” “Do you understand now Alexandros?” “The arbiter saw that your memories are not a burden, but your source of strength. That is why you belong in Maldraxxus.” “I see that now. Honor may have forsaken Maldraxxus...but together, we will restore what has been lost. Go on Maw Walker, I would like a moment to reflect.” Giving up his memories would mean giving up his source of strength for Alexandros, which sheds an interesting light on those that ARE judged worthy for bastion. The arbiters judgment was, as always, infallible. Since this weeks campaign revolves so much about Mograine, I also want to answer a question I’ve heard a lot. PEople are wondering how it’s possible that Mograine wields the Ashbringer since in Legion, paladins got the blade as Tirion Fordring passed away. Did Mograine visit Azeroth and steal it from the order hall? But that’s not the case. Bonesmith Heirmir lets us know that the blade is actually called Fatebringer. I made it for him when he was named baron. He wanted something similar to what he used in life. Based on your reaction, I’m guessing you recognize the shape a bit. I guess if I shared a title with a sword, I’d be pretty attached to it. It’s one of my finer creations. Alexandros fought hard to come by some of the materials that went into it. Not sure where the skull came from, but it’s certainly not from Maldraxxus. My headcanon is that Mograine did indeed travel to Azeroth and picked up the skull of Renault, the head of his treacherous son used to bring honor back to Maldraxxus...but that’s purely my own take. So we’ve proven our honor and gained a new ally. Bastion demands vengeance and we shall share it with them. Only our combined forces will be able to defeat the constructs once and for all. “Your presence here is welcome Paragon. We share a common enemy.” “Mograine speaks highly of your leadership and courage draka. I am honored to finally meet you. I see the mawwalker is with you. I trust their choice to ally with you and with that, we can ally too.” “The reign of margrave gharmal ends this day! We shall gather our forces and prepare the zerakris for an assault.” The alliance is secure and now we plan the attack. A story, an assault that will play out next week so for now thank you very much for watching everyone! Subscribe if you like my videos, leave a like if you enjoyed this one aaand until next time...see ya! Stay a while and listen: “Baroness, your original night elf form was restored in the afterlife, was it not? Why abandon it for one akin to the naga?” “When I was kaldorei, I was but a handmaiden to my queen. Prized for my beauty, and little else. As a naga, I was recognized and rewarded for my cunning and resolve. But I could ask the same question of oyu. Why adopt the form of a feeble human, when so many stronger ones exist? ” “This is the form I had when purging countless undead on Azeroth. But I suppose your point stands.” Last week we already had our massive battle with the house of Constructs during the Kyrian Campaign, but this week the maldraxxi also get to experience it. “Xandria awaits our arrival on the Zerekriss. Let’s move.” Lorewise I think the idea is that we’re doing this together. There are multiple mawwalkers established. Some that even get stuck in the maw so it’s not crazy to have the factions working together. What I do wonder is how some of the details work out. In this questline we use the Runeblade picked up in Maldraxxus, empower it and deal massive damage to our enemy... but how does that work for the kyrian when the runeblade is placed in our covenant order hall. Did the primus leave a million copies of it behind. Was draka surprised each time a new maw walker picked it up. The smaller details don’t really line up but either way, let the kyrian and the maldraxxi join forces and take on Margrave Gharmal! “Take to the skies, Ascended! For Bastion!” “This day we bring justice to our fallen brethren and end the foul work here once and for all.” It’s pretty bad ass to see the kyrian take wing like that, a small taste of the all out war we prevented from happening. At the same time, the house of constructs has pushed forward with their experiments and are now able to craft masssive juggernauts with the kyrian parts they collected. While Alexandros and Emeni lead the chose assault on the western gate, we first direct our forces at the eastern side. Our forces above cannot fully descend upon this area while the margraves crystals cover the sky in destructive blasts. The flames of courage are placed upon us, allowing us to call Xandria into action to destroy their crystals. This power also helps tremendously when we take on Woeblade, born of one of the most pained souls that they’ve taken from the temple. Woeblade: “Pain...Agony!” As we go along, we also make sure to take out a fair chunck of our enemies forces and gather scrolls detailing the work of the late Surgeon Stitchflesh, the boss we took out in the necrotic wake. Their demise did not stop their research on how to mold and shape kyrian flesh. but best to keep this information out of the hands of our enemies... “The western flank is pinned down. Mograine needs reinforcements!” “Fight well brothers and sisters. The Margrave will pay!” “Look how they struggle! Soon the flesh of those chosen exiles and their kyrian pets will be ours to craft.” “The margrave’s juggernauts assault Mograine’s position below. They are unable to advance!” “Fight until our last! we will not go gently into the night!” We’ve done our job, but Mograine and our allies need help securing the western gate. They got juggernauts bombarding their position and conventional weapons do nothing against their imbued hides. Alexandros has a plan though, we’ll just need to slay our enemies and charge up our runeblade while also clearing the sky of rocs and destroy astral projects the margrave is using to rally his troops. “Our kyrian juggernauts will vanquish all who dare oppose the House of Constructs!” “Our new allies have granted us power beyond imagining. Sin’dane’s new barok spoke true!’ “Bastion was only the beginning. Soon all will be bound to our flesh!’ It’s interesting they once again make mention of this new baron, new allies hanging out in the house of Rituals. We learned they have a new baron while questing, Margrave Stradama warns us not to trust the baron as we take her out in the plaguefall dungeon. This baron, who ever they are, have been quite busy... I wonder who it could be... Mysteries to be revealed later. For now our runeblade is all charged up. Time to show the house of constructs what we can do. “Let us show these fiends the true power of the House of the Chosen.” “Unleash the runeblades power and destroy gharmals juggernauts once and for all!’ IM A CHARGING MY LASER. IMMA FIREING MY DEATH MAGICS AT YOU ALL PEW PEW PEW ‘Hear me chosen. Hear me kyrian. The time for our final assault is at hand!” “Forward! For Maldraxxus! For Bastion! For the Shadowlands!!!” The zerekriss is in position and Draka is ready to strike. Our forces have control of the house of constructs, and their margrave cannot ignore such a massive loss of troops. All that remains is the fall of the instigator themselve, a battle that’s been long in the making. What we do now, we do for all of us. Bastion and maldraxxus have both lost many to these fiends. United our forces will finally get justice. “Xandria! Are you prepared for the true fight? “I have been ready since they sacked my temple.” “Let us see this done.” “Is this all you could muster? I’d hoped for a proper meal.” “Bluster all you like. It is time to pay for oyur crimes.” “You mistake foolishness for bravery, kyrian. You tread in our domain!’ “Give up this madnesss! The primus would not stand for this!” “We should have raided Bastion ages ago! The Primus held us back!” “Your betrayal sealed your fate. Justice will be done!” “A barony for the one who brings us the paragon’s husk!” “You had your chance to surrender. Now we will avenge Krexus with your blood!” “Krexus was a fool! He pait the price for deying us, and so will you!” “Face us Draka! Or will you beg to join our house, as you did that of the Chosen?” Take out Virulator Ructus. Cutscene: Gharmal being tanked. RAAAaAORRR! Incompetent fools! Defend your house! Defend your margrave! We have them! FIRE!!!! Ooooow cool new necropolis that comes in handy. Do not let them....aaaaarggggghhhhhh!!!!1 “Mograine! Maw Walker! I found something troubling within Gharmal’s stronghold. YOu must see it.” “Lead the way, Baroness.” ‘I thought it wise to search the tower for evidence of Gharmal’s treachery. I did not expect to find this.” “Anima...but not of maldraxxus. This reeks of venthyr sorcery.” “This does not appear plundered like the anima stolen from maldraxxus. This was given as to an ally.” “We know gharmal conspired with sin’dane. If they have the backing of Revendreth, it bodes ill for our cause. We must investigate.” “Agreed. I will prepare for the maw walker and I to journey there. In the meantime, see if Gharmal possessed anything else that could be of value to us.” “Come Maw walker. LEt us search the fallen margraves stores.” “Hmm nothing of much value to us here.” “Gharmal had a voracious appetite for power. They should have used it to defend MAldraxxus instead of their own interests.” “Wait. This could be something. What say you maw walker?” Looks like the house of constructs and by extention the house of rituals are in league with Revendreth. That anima was given and we all know who loves to stockpile anima in that domain. Some jailer influence is revealing itself behind the scenes in maldraxxus...mysteries to be revealed later. Right now we’ve picked up the primus’ mantle of eternal victory. “Well done! YOu may have the honor of putting the mantle in its rightful place, my friend.” “Duty is a mantle worn by all who servce. Fight always for the good of the realm.” Last week we joined the kyrians and took our Margrave Gharmal, discovering anima send over by Revendreth. Seems that maldraxxi conspirators have now been found skulking in their realm. The accusor wants to discuss the anima reserves we discovered so we meet up with her at the halls of atonement. “Ah, my message reached you. You must be Draka...I trust we can deal with our shared problem swiftly.” “We have uncovered an operation in the endmire, but have abstained from investigating. We wil eliminate it...and find out who is responsible. You will. I have also brought a soul with me. He will accompany you through this endeavour. If I must coddle one of your arrogant souls to prove our good faith, so be it. Ride into kaelthas burning a bunch of maldraxxi “If you wished to test my abilities, you could have done so in person accuser.” “You speak so often of your immense power. Now, behave, we have visitors.” “I remember you! Don’t look so smug. Were it not for these shackles, I would avenge my prior defeat here and now!” “Kael’thas will join you. I shall remain a watchful eye.” “This menial labor will not improve me as you hope it will, Accuser.” Kael’thas has been saved from castle nathria and taken into Sinfall to help save his soul and repent for his many sins. We get to baby sit him while taking out the maldraxxi encampment in Revendreth. They’ve got their necromancers charging up crystals with anima, crystals then stacked by the dredgers. If we take out the big ones, we’ll put a stop to their operations. “Kael’thas, you were a ruler on Azeroth? My time there was...brief. I spent most of my life on Draenor. My father and I ruled the finest kingdom in all the world. Until it was decimated by Arthas menethil and the lich Kel’thuzad. I sought to restore the glory of my people. In hindsight, the bargains i struck may have been regrettable.” That’s one way to put it. Margrave Sin’dane has send their hand, lady Quix’Ara to oversee this encampment. Time to take them on and see what information we can learn, maybe find an answer to who this archlich is they keep on yelling about,. “So you fools have discovered us at last!” “Unbind me! What magic is this? Why are you sending anima to maldraxxus? Who do you serve? Answer me! You cannot stop my master! He is allied with the banished one himself! Who? Who is your master? I Serve the mighty kel thuzad! and he will conquer all of...ARGHHHGHG I will return.. Kel’thuzad! The defiler of the sunwell. At last i wil claim justice for silvermoon. The lich was drawing upon a source of great power...” “By the five houses...the pauldrons of the primus!” “Meddlers! You dare strike down my underling? No matter. The house of rituals serves my will. Should you be so bold, face me there!” “I will make kelthuzad pay for what hes done! baroness draka! I insist you escort me to maldraxxus at once. Do not make demands of me fallen prince! We must learn more about this threat we face before rushing in foolishly. This lich imperils both our realms. When our forces are prepared to strike, we will send the call for revendreth to join the fight. Take the armor of the primus to our sacntum, maw walker. We will give it the place of honor it deserves.” Finally the new baron for the house of rituals has been revealed. None other then Kel’thuzad has been pulling the strings behind the scenes. This former human found himself allied to the Lich King and used his cult of the damned to spread the plague across the lands of Lordaeron. A plague not only designed to kill, but to then also bring them back as undead, bound to the will of the Lich King. We took him on during classic, but his phylactery, the thing binding him to the mortal world was never destroyed. This allowed him to make a return in Wrath of the Lich King, yet once more, that phylcatery evaded us. As a lich, he’s probably more at home in the shadowlands then we are. We must unite our forces with that of Revendreth and assault the house of rituals, but that will take time and careful planning. For now we just return the pauldrons of the primus at the seat of the primus and that will be the campaign for this week. So as always thank you very much for watching everyone! Subscribe if you like my videos, leave a like if you enjoyed this one aaaand until next time.... see ya! Cutscene: Enemies arise from without and within. Stand firm. Defend the realms of death. “You revealed the true enemy of maldraxxus maw walker. And now you shall restore these paudlrons to their rightful place. We heed the words of the primus! And togetrher, we will fight to save the shadowlands! Last week we ventured into Revendreth and uncovered that Kel’thuzad is part of the House of Rituals and has been manipulating things from behind the scenes. Getting to him won’t be easy, but we’re not the only ones that want to deal with him. Balmedar, another lich from the house of rituals saw their title of baron stolen by kel’thuzad and pushed him out of the house’s dealings. He has yet to find evidence that would mar sin’dane’s adoration for her new baron and so he offers an arrangement. We get access to the house of rituals and in return we’ll help him bring down Kel’thuzad. “Good, you managed to find my little care package. So you are not entirely useless. Your next task wont be so simple. I hope youre up for a challenge.” We can’t just walk in looking the way we do now, we’ll need an illusion. Not just any will do, to join Kel’thuzad’s inner circle we require a specific body. Fortunately for us, one of the barons favorite acolytes is performing a ritual outside of the house itself. Nelesis would be the perfect disguise to get us where we need to be so we take her out and drag her body back to the ritual circle while making sure that no witnessess survive and we have enough anima power to complete the ritual. “Hmm satisfactory. Come to see me in the hall of blades so i can verify the quality of your guise. Ow hust one small note. That acolyte you’ve just wantonly slain also happens to be the favorite consort of margrave sin ‘dane. If for some reason you see fit to betray me, i will make certain the margrave discovers the identity of the murderer. But you would never dream of doing that...would you?” Yep, apperantly margraves have consorts... i’m sure glad for that little lore detail. Time to present ourselves to Kel’thuzad and do whatever taksks he requires while keeping our eyes open for anything suspicious, to find out what kelthuzad is up too... “The constructs have returned with the remaining spoils of our raid on bastion. Along with my personal prize, a type of kyrian their guide refers to as a bearer. You will answer for this lich, i am no ones prize. Within this pitiful kyrian lies the key to places of great power. And by utilizing the anima stores secured from our allies in revendreth, i hsall open the way to victory. Enoguh reflection. It is time we prepared for the ritual.” “So the baron is soliciting help from the venthyr? Not an unforgivable slight, were he at least to share his spoils. Hardly evidence of treachery though. Let us see what lies within these tomes he seeks.” “Well what have we here? One of kelthuzads little pets.” Kel’thuzad needs more information for his ritual, but to get to the books we’ll first have to help out the baroness with collecting some overdue scrolls and retrieve errant quills and rampant grimoires. With that task done we’re granted access to the volumes our master seeks. “Winged arcanmum, an obvious choice for research on kyrian mysticism. What could he expect to find in such a basic volume?” “Paths of the first ones? An odd choice, filled with speculation and half-truths. Does his ritual somehow involve the pathways connecting the realms of death?” “Greater wards and barriers volume 4: counter-spells. A truly ponderous read. What manner of barrier is the baron seeking to erect...or bypass? Curious.” Binding of the banished one - "Binding of the banished one? Why this is little more than a history book.What could kelthuzad possibly want with this? Despite our efforts we are no closer to ascertaining the barons plans. Continue with your ruse. Let us see what else we can uncover.” They kyrian capable of bearing souls into the shadowlands, Wards and barriers, the binding of the banished one, the jailer and the path of the first ones. Their artifact reacted to us as we made our escape from the maw. For those curious, not a whole lot is known about these first ones, the precursors to the rulers of the shadowlands while it is safe to say that kel’thuzad’s studies are directed at the maw and what it’s keeping imprisoned. He’ll need some time to study the books so next we get to gather the last required reagents. “Perhaps some of these reagents could help us surmise the nature of this ritual. Whatever the baron requests, bring them to me first. I would see what he intends to use.” Sorcerer Vutral is a bit too nosy for their own good. They’ve left a note for kel’thuzad, one he hasn’t read yet, in which they let him know that something is off about us ever since we returned from our ritual with the kyrian remains. Best to sillence such a voice before they unravel our plans here. Then the reagents. Kel’thuzad requires a veilwings heart, but the beast escaped. Recking their reagent area, freeing the blightrays from their cages. We’ll have to hunt it down ourselves and procure its heart while also harvesting the veilwing for their spore clusters. All that remains now is a special shipment he has requested from oribos. “A mysterious delivery from the brokers? Intriguing indeed. I must know of it! Return to me with the remaining reagents. I have a plan.” The brokers deal in objects most exotic and profound. If kelthuzad requires reagents from them, his ritual must be outside the normal scrope of the house of rituals. This mysterious reagent could be the key to unlocking kelthuzads plan so we ambush the caravan and retrieve what they’re transporting while once again taking out any witnessess. IT’s a good thign we’re disguised otherwise the brokers in ORibos might act a whole lot less friendly. The shipment is an highly ornate dagger adorned with the hallmark runes of Domination magic. Wonder how the brokers got their hands on a domination blade if the design was ripped from the Runecarver by the jailer. How many of these blades are out there anyways. Curious, but the pieces are coming together. The kyrian, the paths of the first ones and runes of domination. Kelthuzad is looking to breach the maw and we cant allow this to happen. The maw has been locked away from the shadowlands for good reason. Opening that floodgate could be catastrophic! He’s a bit too powerful to confront headlong, so we’ll have to sabotage his ritual instead. “The caravan was completely ransacked. The escorting brokers were brutally slain. It was nowhere to be found master. Then it would appear we have a traitor in our midsts. We must accelerate our plans. As you command, mster. It will be done at once!” “Having you engaged in the ritual was not intended to be part of the plan, but it seems we must improvise. Though im quite certain the ritual will fail, there may be some...collateral efects. For your sake, let us hope they are not netirely fatal.” Burn the spore clusters, place the veilwing heart. “The ritual begins! Open the anima flows!” Opening anima coffers “Yes i see the way! The darkness of the maw calls to me from beyond!” Not the first time kelthuzad summons from beyond, legion in wc3. “The barrier weakens! Paths sealed for untold ages will soon open!” “The blood of the bearer shall open the way!” “What...what is happening? NOOOOOOO! Impossible...Wait...what treachery is this? SO you were behind this! And what have we here? Balmedars oculus! Guards! Take this wretch to a cell! and bring me that traitourus lich as well.” The margrave must be warned so there has to be some way we can get ourselves out of these scells... Skull: “Unless you wish to speak to someone more on your own intellectual level, a skull won’t do us any good.” Chain: “I fear my magic is distinctly not of the chain-manipulating variety. See what else you can find.” Torch: “A torch? While many a villain might disguise a hidden switch inside one, a jail cell is not a likely place for it.” Hand: “A hand? Yes...yes! By the primus, that’s ingenious!” “The lever is at the end of the hall. You may need to be a bit clever finding a patch to reach it. Try scaling those shelves to reach the lever.” Normally you’re supposed to do this whole parcour thing, but even back in beta we figured out that if you just jump at the lever, you can open the cell without a problem. I remember reporting this, but it’s something that was never fixed. “well you did it! I never doubted you for a moment of course.” “Look there. Signs of battle leading to the margrave’s hall. Hurry! We may be too late!” “What is this treachery! Do you truly believe you can match the power of a margrave? Alone? No. Ninadar? How dare you! Your weakness is unbecoming of the house of rituals, sin’dane. It is time we anointed a new margrave. You will pay for this deceit! PErhaps. But such is always the price for power. So, mortal, you managed to escape. Have you come to celebrate my victory? No? What a pity. Neverhteless, allow me to leave you with a parting gift.” Saphiron rises once more, he and kel’thuzad seem forever bound. This blue dragon in life was chilling in Northrend until Arthas and the scourge fought with him. Raised into undeath he then became a boss in Naxxramas. Dropping the key to the focusing iris, that which was required to fight Malygos the blue dragon aspect. Even here in the shadowlands he answers the call of Kel’thuzad and luckily this time we don’t need a raid team to take him out. “Kel thuzad has retreated to the necropolis. The two of us have no chance against him now. There is little choice but to return to your allies and regroup.” Last week we got help from Balmadar to infiltrate the house of rituals and expose Kel’thuzad but ultimately the arch-lich got full control of the house. Margrave Sin’dane and the staff of the primus are in his possession. It’s going to take nothing short of an army to stop him from breaking the barriers around the maw and setting all those locked inside free. Cutscene: Defenders of Maldraxxus! Through deceit and treachery, kelthuzad has turned our great houses against another. He conspires with outside forces and defies the will of the primus. Today he will answer for his crimes! “What a measly little army you’ve scrounged together. Was this truly the best you could muster? Your foul schemes end here, lich! Pwah. You have no hope of stopping what is to come! But by all means, you are welcome to try. We cannot attack through the main entrance. Those narrow halls would give the liches the advantage. The side route is barricaded. The enemy holds the high ground and would rain destruction upon us. Such pitiful barriers are hardly an obstacle for me. We push forward. Aran, Messana, take your forces over the mountains and harry their backlines. This is folly! The liches will assault you with sorcery every step of the way. A wasted effort! My constructs will weather any storm they can conjure! After the wall is breached, we will follow your direction Balmadar. Once we are inside, we must secure the anima resevoir lest it be used against us. I trust you are ready, maw walker. Break those liches apart!” Defeat baroness Ninadar. “Raaaaagh! Your ascent ends here!” “How disappointing guh.” “Now oyu will learn the folly of opposing the house of rituals. Got to get through me, first. As you wish. Are you still toying with these intruders, Ninadar? Destroy them! Yes, master. I exist to serve.” “I will not be defeated by the likes of you! Teleports outta there, the rest of our forces come up That reckless fool! If we do not stop her, she could destroy us all! Everyone! FORWARD!” Ninadar is charging herself up while we storm the courtyard, taking out necromancer ritualists and ascended liches. “At last, all the power i deserve!” This added power gives her some really cool spell effects, they look like proper raid boss mechanics, but our combined houses are strong enough to take her on. “No! I will have what i was promised! What i have earned! Ninadar! You cannot control that much anima! I...must have...more!” KABOom “That blast utterly obliterated her. Wait...The staff of the primus! It is still intact. IF we return this to margave sin’dane, we may yet stand a chance against Kel’thuzad.” The arch-lich is in the midst of a terrible ritual. Destroying his stabilization crystals might put a stop to it. “Your efforts are futile. You cannot stop my ritual!” Cutscene: You are too late! The way opens! MAw CREATURE Destroy these meddlers! Ow snap one shot That beast is incinerating our forces. We’ll be overrun. Necrolords, hold your ground! We will not fail maldraxxus! ROAAAAAAAAAAAR in comes the vnethyr woehoe! Hail baroness. Revendreth stands with you!” “The beast is exposed! maw walker, strike it down. We will keep you covered! Maw walker i will weaken the beast on your command.” “strike it now!” The madlad actually did it, summoned a creature out of the maw right here into maldraxxus and if he’s able to summon this maw infernous, who knows what else he might be able to set free. “well fought, maw walker. Now for kel’thuzad. Baroness Draka has begun her assault. Give the order, and I’ll bring you to the battle.” The third fall of kelthuzad at Exoramas. “What an impressive gathering. So many courageous champions. I am truly honored. Why prince kael’thas, is that you? I never did properly thank you for the use of your Sunwell. Enough! Kel’Thuzad, you have defied th elaws of the Primus and conspired to bring ruin upon Maldraxxus. Surrender, or be destroyed. Fools! it was all too easy to sow chaos and discord within your squabling houses. The jailers plan unfolds aexactly as intended. A pity you will not see it come to fruition. Kelthuzad is siphoning power from Margrave Sin’dane! Weaken him so i might use the staff to release her.” While our allies hold off most of his reinforcements, kel’thuzad displays some powerful new spells while also keeping it old school. Some cool new tricks, but he’s unable to prevent the third fall of Kel’thuzad... Cutscene: Interlopers! You will not escape your fate! Ow snap we do a sneak. We are not the ones you need to fear, Kelthuzad. HAHAAAAA SINDANE IS BACK BABY Your cause is lost, usurper! Now you answer for your crimes against maldraxxus...and against me. Foolish margrave. Your victory is a hollow one. Ow kaelthas has somethign to say, but draven steps in The medallion is ours, let us return to revendreth. What?! We cannot simply leave! not while Kel’thuzad yet lives. I will have vengeance for Silvermoon! His fate is not yours to decide. Uhoooo someone else has something to say on kelthuzads fate. Mawsworn ready to give a lift. Come, lich. The banished one calls you to his side. Ahhh but kelthuzad either wasnt done fighting yet or not really looking forward to hanging out with the jailer.” “Kelthuzad is gone, yet your forces remain. Were I the suspicious sort, i might believe you were plotting to unseat me as margrave. Not if you will agree to join our cause, Sin’dane. Your strength is needed if we arre to thwart the jailer. I see now the true threat before us. The House of Rituals stands with you. As proof of my good faith, I offer this staff once wielded by the primus himself. We will return the staff to the Seat of the Primus. It shall serve as a reminder of our victory.” “though Kelthuzad escaped justice, his shadow has been driven from maldraxxus. And we have gained an uneasy ally in Margrave Sin’dane. I admit I had doubt about you at first, maw walker. But you have proven to be a valuable champion of our covenant. There is much still to be done. Vyraz must answer for his trachery, and kelthuzad as well. Indeed. But now let us bring the Staff of the Primus to our sanctum and savor our victory. Maw walker, your deeds this day will be remembered for all eternity. Wooooo “Balmedar. YOu colluded with outsiders to defy your house...and your margrave. Only to expose kelthuzadds treachery and restore your rightful rule. Indeed. Then it is only fitting that you atone for your my baron. From this day forth, you will serve as my liasion to baroness draka. I will not fail you, my margrave.” The arch-lich didn’t seem overly happy with being dragged into the maw, towards his master. I guess the deep love that he had for the lich king does not extend towards the jailer. We did manage to banish his evil from Maldraxxus and we can now focus on rebuilding our forces and restoring order to the realm. Cutscene: Focus. Strategy. Relentlessness. These are the weapons of the Necrolords. Victory will be claimed not by a single house, but through the strength of our covenant. For Maldraxxus! Bonesmith Heirmir decides to become our final soulbind and that brings us to the end of the Necrolords campaign, atleast for the moment. Next door to us there’s still Vyraz leading the house of the Chosen. Kel’thuzad and the jailer are still out there, trying to break the bonds of the maw. Our primus is still missing. When will he return and reclaim all those armor pieces we’ve gathered for him. He did warn us right at the start that there is one hope to save the Shadowlands. The eternal ones must stand together once more, before the Jailer escapes the maw. With the primus missing and Denathrius locked up in his sword, that might be a bit tricky. Although the Venthyr are working very hard at gathering all the medallions handed out by their sire which might be good enough to substitute for his power while the primus might make a return. A lot, myself included, believe that the Runecarver is actually the primus. Their minds shattered, unable to remember who they actually are. Bring back enough of his memories and he’ll be good to go! That does leave the question as to who these ancient allies of the jailer might be. Where the sepulcher is that Zoveel must not be allowed to reach. Is it the massive storage of knowledge right here in maldraxxus or is it something else? The arbiter is the final key, mysteries to be revealed in the future. Then for ranking as a lot of you asked me how I would rank the different covenant campaigns. The necrolord one i’ll place at spot 4, my least favorite which doesn’t mean it’s awfull but one of them had to take the lowest spot. The campaign started off really slowly with it taking 3 weeks in order to claim a necropolis. That felt like they watered it down, something that could have easily been done in one sitting. Then the cool parts the necrolords get to do are shared with other campaigns. The battle with Margrave Gharmal, the excursion into Revendreth with Kael’thas and the finale are shared with others. Working together is not my issue here. The way they did it in the final chapter was pretty great. Each side get to do their own thing for it to then come together, that’s atleast somewhat unique. The copy paste that happened with Gharmal and Kael’thas not so much and it doesn’t even work lorewise trying to make it fit.There was one chapter that really stood out, that felt like yes this is a unique one for the necrolords with great information. That was chapter 7 so last week where we uncovered more details on what Kel’thuzad has been up too. Just not enough to make it shine in my opinion of course, which is a shame since the necrolords have the most recognizable characters out of all of them. Alexandros Mograine, Lady Vashj and Draka are heroes and legends we know from our world, but besides their stay a while and listen...not really utilized to their fullest. Many are wondering when that reunion between Thrall and Draka is going to happen. Will we see father and son, Darion and Alexandros hang out with eacother. Will Kael’thas and Lady Vasjh share stories of the past? Who knows, but all this is just my opinion though, by all means share yours and as always, thank you very much for watching everyone! Subscribe if you like my videos, leave a like if you enjoyed this one aaaand until next time....see ya!
Channel: Nobbel87
Views: 45,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nobbel, Nobbel87, NobbeltheNoble, Story, Lore, Necrolord, Covenant, Campaign, Full Version, Maldraxxus, Primus, Seat, draka, Mograine, Vashj, Kel'thuzad, Margrave, Jailer, Maw, Sylvanas, Arthas, Lich King
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 10sec (4510 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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