The Story of Sanctum of Domination [Lore]

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Hello everyone! While we’ve done our best to keep the sigils of the eternal ones out of the hands of the jailer, despite our best efforts, he now possesses four of the five keys required. Required for what you might ask? Good question! They’ve hinted at it being connected to the first ones and some sort of forbidden knowledge. Going after that is what landed the jailer in the maw to begin with and now he’s trying again. The arbiter is the final key so while the jailer, his forces and the influence of the maw creeps up on Oribos, we join Bolvar and our forces into his very lair, the sanctum of domination. “Ebon blade hold this position! The jailers sanctum looms above us. How do we breach it? The tarragrue blocks our way. Champions, it is time for the jailers pet to meet its end.” The start of the raid is just like doing a torghast run. Dodge traps, clear trash and score yourself some sweet anima upgrades which you can take with into the next fight. Some are just upgrades for you, some are upgrades for others. Some are pretty vital, like having someone with the Ever beating heart powerup which make you immune to stuns. Alternatively you could also pick the fun upgrades, the ones that empower you and knock everyone else away...your choice really. Our first trial to overcome is the Tarragrue or perhaps our chance to get some sweet revenge as this is the beasty that came after us after we died too many times within the tower of Torghast. It has stalked the halls of Torghast since its first spire was raised and countless victims have felt their souls trampled to ash by this monstrosity. Back then it was quite undefeatable, but now we stand united. When the tarragrue gathers 100 energy, they’ll dissolve into the mists of Torghast, forming several different images and you’ll need to find your safe spot to stand on. However, true heroes that do not shy away from the darkness might want to take a moment to reunite Moraz with Buttons. BUTTONS! MORIAAAAZ Then at 10% health remaining the jailer is done playing around, removing all of our buffs and empowering the Tarragrue, do or die time, take out the beastie before it takes us. “secure the area! Fortify our perimeter! Lady proudmoore, we could use your expertise. Of course, Highlord. The tarragrue’s essence is still tethered to its master. We can use that connection to open the way into the fortress above. The jailer will unleash all his fury upon us. We must not falter. Prepare yourselves! The Sanctum of Domination awaits.” “We will draw their main forces to us! Champiosn, find a way to thwart the jailer’s plan!’ Sounds like a plan bolvar! From the shadowsteel foundry we move on to the Eye’s Overlook where a familiar gaze falls upon us. We brought Odyn’s wrath to the eye of the jailer as the keeper who traded it in to view the shadowlands and learned how to make his valkyr, was not too keen on seeing his eye being used like this. It has allowed the jailer to see all that transpires within his domain which is why we couldn’t stay in the maw for very long. Eventually the jailer had enough of us and made sure we had to leave. And perhaps the eye allowed him to gaze into other domains as well. If that’s true then who knows what kind of events the jailer directly witnessed or manipulated from afar. Best to shut his vision but easier said then done as the jailers eye has an annihilating glare. A massive beam of death that moves across the platform. Someone was kind enough to put two grapple points behind the eye...for some reason... which gives us the chance to avoid the attack. At 75,50 and 25% health the eye gives us a moment to play with his deathseeker adds. Clearing them for a third time puts the boss in angry mode, ready to immediately exterminate us. Once again it’s kill or be killed, nuke it down before it can wipe out all mortal life around it. “What is opened...can never be....closed...” Some in the raid aksed if we were going to return the eye to Odyn, but happy to report that it’s actually been turned into a pet. I’m sure Odyn will love that. We then cross the bridge over Gorgoa, river of souls into the Chancel of the dark pact. When sylvanas threw herself from the top of icecrown and ended up in the maw, a bargain was struck to get her back to the world of the living. This heralds back to the short story edge of night which we have covered in a machinima. With the defeat of arthas, sylvanas’ motivation had to change. Up to that point it had all been about claiming revenge and with the job done, they decided her motivation would be to stay out of hell with the aid of the valkyr. In return, the valkyr would be free from the control of Bolvar the lich king and now they’ve attached the jailer to it as the dark pact sylvanas struck with the nine val’kyr forged her bond with the jailer. Through the years, these winged sisters faithfully served the dark lady, even if it meant sacrificing themselves on her behalf. “Fools. You fight a battle you cannot win. We will stop you sylvanas! FOrdragon. A fallen king without a throne. You will answer for your defiance. RAAAAAAAAAAAAGH Val’kyr, you are bound to me! Strike down my foes! As you command, Dark Lady!” Annhylde took her place first, leaving her with 8. Agatha, Daschla and Arthura upheld the bargain after Sylvanas was shot by godfrey, 5 left. In the battle for andorhall she lost Aradna, 4 remaining and then in darkshore tyrande took out Brynja leaving her with three. Kyra, Signe and Skyja. So how can there be nine here? Well, we’ve seen Helya use some of Odyn’s valkyr to bring back the fallen of the nine yet they don’t directly face us in combat. That honor goes to Kyra and Signe first and once one of them falls below 15% health, Skyja decides its time to fly down and help out. Meanwhile each of the warrior maidens in life unleash devestating attacks upon the battlefield, yet I do wonder if there’s going to be more behind the bargain they struck with Sylvanas. Even when the story was released, people wondered if the valkyr were up to something. Were aiming for something greater then just being released from the frozen throne. Why exactly did Sylvanas end up in the maw? Was she judged to be worthy of it or did the jailer have some hand in it? If the dark pact with the valkyr is what forged her bond with the jailer, then was she always aware of this allegiance and if not, when did she decide to be oke with it? Many questions still left to be answered... “We all... Up the elevator boss once more across the river of souls and in the distance you can already here where we’re going next... “Garrosh ROAAAAR” Once upon a time, the souls send to Revendreth were given an honest chance at redemption. Sure enough their methods are not always kind or gentle, but they are fair... atleast that’s how it used to be, before sire denathrius allied with the jailer. This was beautifully explained in the afterlives short with the example of none other then Garrosh Hellscream. When we finally got to party through revendreth, people expected him to show up or atleast be screaming somewhere...but nope! He was no where to be found and it’s here, at Soulrender Dormazain, where we find out why. “Your rage is exquisite hellscream. It alone could power our soul forges for eons! Release me, worm, and I will show you true rage gruah.” Soulrender Dormazain extracts anima from the hellaciously brutish captives of torghast to fuel the jailer’s armies. He has never met a soul he couldn’t break, but his latest victim is proving resistant to the usual methods. Feeding on this captive’s unending rage, Dormazain will enjoy spending millennia finding his weaknesses. So after being milked in Revendreth they passed him on to the maw. Some might find this a bit harsh for the former warchief while others will think he’s getting exactly what he deserves. They might want to throw a little taunt his way, but do be warned as that will activate his achievement, Tormentor’s tango. The proud orc can’t take this mockery and you’ll have to avoid all torment impacts. That’s the theme of the fight anyways. Avoid any and all torment that Dormazain inflicts while making sure his adds don’t reach Garrosh. Hellscream will also be bound by ghastly shackles that inflict so much pain he can’t hold it in. True to his name he unleashes his mighty scream which hurts quite a bit. “Come to watch me suffer, heroes? Too bad. You will never see me break!” Cutscene: SOulrender drops his sword and garrosh finds his oppertunity. With the rage of a hellscream he sets himself free. They said I must answer for my crimes...repent for my sins... But every choice I made, I would proudly make again. You will...submit... I submit to no one! Not you, not the jailer, and not that coward Thrall! FOR THE HORDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Poof Unyielding, unrelenting, unapologatic till the very end. What a way to go. From one familiar orc we move on to another at the Penance of the Fallen King, none other then Ner’zhul. “ that you? It has been... so long... Cannot see you. My eyes...devoured. I opened...many doors. All agony. He said I ... failed him. A flawed herald...usurped by another. My torment. But I will not...bear this crown...alone!’ Rulkan is the name of Ner’zhul’s mate, the image that was used by Kil’jaeden to deceive him. The many doors, the many gateways he opened up on draenor when he decided to abandon his people and find better days on a different planet. Instead he ended up right in the hands of Kil’jaeden. This is where it all began, the story of the Lich king or atleast this is where it used to begin. The orc shaman that betrayed kil’jaeden and abandoned his people found himself exactly where he didn’t want to be. In the clutches of the burning legion. His failure towards the deceiver landed him in a world of pain and unimaginable torture at the Legion’s hands. The orc’s physical body was torn apart bit by bit, but his spirit was kept alive, intact and utterly aware of what was happening. A group of dreadlords – tichondrius, balnazzar, detheroc, mal’ganis and varimathras, took turn subjecting ner’zhul to the most horrific agony. The orc soon begged for death. Kil’jaeden agreed to grant it to him, but only in return for absolute servitutde as the legion’s new weapon. Death would just be the beginning and Ner’zhul, with his sanity cracking, finally agreed. Kil’jaeden passed the orc’s spirit through death and revived him as a spectral entity. The orc’s consciousness expanded a thousandfold, granting him extraordinary psychic powers. The dreadlords bound his disembodied spirit to a specially crafted set of armor and a mighty runeblade called Frostmourne. But Ner’zhul was still able to plot against kil’jaeden and the dreadlords. “My suffering...will be yours.” For many years people have wondered, what’s up with Ner’zhul?! He eventually managed to merge with Arthas proclaiming that they were one. Then in the arthas novel there’s this sort of dream sequence in which arthas reflects on his road of damnation, ultimately stabbing his last remaining shred of good and ner’zhul. No we. No one tells me what to do. I’ve got everything I need from you – now the power is mine and mine alone. Now there is only I. I am the Lich KIng. And I am ready. The orc shuddered in his arms, stunned by the betrayal, and vanished. Did that really happen or did that only play out in arthas’ mind? Who knows! Ingame we saw that good side of him, even quested with them and the lich king still proclaimed that he used to be a shaman. Then during the death knight legion artifact quest, we stil saw ner’zhul and and arthas as some part of frostmourne? Or maybe an echo of the past. Safe to say, ner’zhul’s fate was unknown and what an oppertunity there was to use the expansion Shadowlands to dive a bit more into his story. No longer is it just the legion that created the lich king, helped him along this path. Now there’s also the jailer added to this, responsible for the creation of frostmourne and the helm of domination. The jailer wanted ner’zhul to be his herald, but apperantly he failed, got taken over by arthas and this is what they’ve done with him. “Every moment torment.” Intended to herald the jailers reign on azeroth, the first lich king, ner’zhul, proved unworthy in his master’s eyes. The last remnants of the fallen orc’s twisted soul were encased in spiked shadowsteel, condemned to everlasting torment for his failure. All who cross his path will share in his suffering quite litteraly with orbs of torment spawning across the field and a nasty debuff that tries to knock us off the platform. Time to chip away at his armor and say good bye to the remnant of ner’zhul. “Ahhhh Rulkan...I come... home....” Anyone that has done torghast knows the pain of its traps and might get some flashbacks as we move through the Black Bellows to the screaming anvil. We can thank Painsmith Raznal for our many deaths as he’s the sadistic mastermind who has spent eons perfecting their traps. “Welcome honored guests. I have gone to great lengths to construct an eternity of pain for you. I do hope you appreciate the effort. The Shadowlands will ehear your screams.” He relishes the screams of his victims as a testament to his skill, listening with malignant delight as they echo through the tower’s desolate halls. Very much reflected in his fight as the floor itself will rise up with spikes. Fire rains down and massive balls with more spikes rol down the battle field. Massive chains with not a lot of spikes but still a lot of damage and knockback spawn around our heroes. Aim of the game is to not kill eachother while avoiding Raznal’s traps and I cannot wait to see this go down on mythic. It’s quite the dance to stay alive, but also a ton of fun. “What pain...lies beyond....” Time to grab a gateway and teleport up to the Crown of Gorgoa where Kel’thuzad waits to greet us. “How fitting that we should face one another here, upon the precipice of death’s victory. For too long I’ve had to disguise my true motives. Pretend to serve false masters. When all the while it was I who helped architect Azeroth’s end! The hour has come to make you pay for the indignities I suffered at Naxxramas! Now, at long last, you will kneel before Kel’thuzad!’ We’ll face Kel’thuzad in just a moment but while we make our way to the next boss, did you know that when he signed up with the lich king, he actually wanted out but by then it was far too late? He was guided further along the path of necromancy by the whispers of ner’zhul, the lich king, guiding him to northrend but when he got a tour of naxxramas, kel’thuzad was like uhmmm this is going a bit far even for me. He tried to turn back, to escape, shown in that very old classic naxxramas trailer, but when dealing with a being like the lich king not even death is a certainty. I truely wonder how many people know that little detail as ingame we’ve only seen him as the ever loyal servant. What an oppertunity to dive into kel’thuzad’s back story. Perhaps even offer him a path away from the jailer or towards finding his beloved prince Arthas. That’s not the path for him though, instead he was apperantly always aware of the jailer, serving false masters. We’ll confront him in just a moment, first up is the guardian of the first ones. “Destroy it all! Leave no evidence for these mortals to find! Abberations are attempting to acquire Sepulcher access cyphers. Guardian, you will eradicate them.” Again this sepulcher is mentioned, the one thing zovaal the jailer is not allowed to reach but it seems like just getting there is not going to be enough. They need a way in which the guardian is not giving them. Pulled by the jailer’s chains from a distant, unknown realm, this malfuctioning guardian seeks to protect the inscrutable knowledge known as ‘cyphers’. It uses the last of its power to obliterate any who would attempt to plunder the secrets of its enigmatic makers. Those first ones are mentioned a lot, but still quite the mysterie. Apperantly they’re progenitors who created the shadowlands and other cosmic realms. Their relic responded to us for some reason which gave us a chance to escape while surprising zovaal. And we know that the jailer is after some kind of forbidden knowledge. That’s what landed him in the maw to begin with, trying to claim the sigils of his fellow eternal ones but his chains have been turned into a weapon and he’s been hard at work trying to get the mission done. That’s why he dragged in Korthia, another area connected to the first ones. It’s where the primus hid his sigil away and apperantly more locations have been explored by the jailer, one in which he was able to find this guardian. it will do anything it needs to do to defend the cyphers. Trying to convince it that we’re not its enemy is pointless so we’ll have to take it out. “Cores....depleted....” I do wonder if there was supposed to be some dialogue after this fight as Bolvar does show up and walks over to the body but he doesn’t say anything. Perhaps if you do the achievement called knowledge is power, in which you need to drag Vazzaren the seeker into the fight, enlighten him with an energy core and then take him out. Perhaps that drops some more lines but I couldn’t find anything on it. In the meantime we’ve made our way to the Loom of Fates where we run into Fatescribe Roh-Kalo. “Rings within rings within rings...It hides. He tore it from my mind...Only shadows remain.” Poor fatescribe roh kalo knew that something was up in Korthia. Knew that the jailer was coming for them. He just didn’t know how or when so he decided to hide away... that is until foolish adventurers like ourselves showed up. Caretaker Kah-Than asked us to help them find their missing Fatescribe, and while we track him down, quest together, the caretaker is way too funny and interesting to just be a regular attendant of Korthia. With the mission done and the Fatescribe’s location revealed, Kah-Than removes their disguise and reveals that dreadlords are truely in league with the jailer. This was suggested and speculated about before, but now we know for certain. That’s also the bridge for how Frostmourne, the helm of domination and the creation of the Lich King can flow out of the designs of the jailer. The fatescribe was immediately taken away while Azodius got the pleasure of trying to kill us. The plot of the dreadlords will continue on in a future campaign quest. Right here we find out what happened to poor Roh-Kalo. Once entrusted with Korthia’s countless secrets now he’s bound to the jailers will. With torghast’s power at his disposal, Roh-Kalo seeks to author a new fate for the shadowlands. The runes on the floor depict our future and destiny now. We can manipulate them. manipulate the threats of fate and put poor Roh-Kalo out of his miserie. I do wonder why the jailer was so interested in him...what secrets might he have revealed? “Ahh sillence at last....’ Moving on to the Throne of the damned the moment is finally upon us. Ladies and gentleman, for the third and perhaps but probably not last time, kel’thu freaking zad. “You’ve meddled with my affairs for the last time!’ The nefarious kel’thuzad awaits at the apex of the soul river, allowing the lich to draw upon an unlimited well of power. All his countless schemes and machinations have led to this final confrontation, where he has plotted the mortal champions’ ultimate demise in service of his true master. We exposed his plots and schemes in maldraxxus too which the jailers forces showed up and dragged him back to their master. It kinda looked like kel’thuzad wasn’t too happy about having to go back, but he seems perfectly fine. In the maw you might have joined the effort of pushing back one of his tormenter assaults and here he’s waiting for us. Bet those adventurers back in classic had no idea what they were doing when instead of following their better judgment, they decided to sell the phylactery to father Montoy. That allowed kel’thuzad to return with wrath of the lich king and that time he made sure to hide his phylacterly properly. It’s the thing that needs to be destroyed to truely get rid of a lich. This time around we actually enter his phylactery to destroy the remnant of kelthuzad. His human form, as that is what he once was before hearing the whisper of the Lich King and diving deeper into his necromantic ways. From the plague that befall upon lordaeron to guiding arthas on his road of damnation, kel’thuzad has been a problem for the world for many years now. Lets finish it once and for all...probably...maybe... “Wait...stop...I can offer you unimaginable power! No! Impossible! me! ughhh” With the lower levels cleared, Bolvar and our allies show up to craft a death gate to the Pinnacle of Domination where Sylvanas Windrunner is the last thing standing between us and the jailer. “Azeroth’s champions. YOu’ve arrived at last. Despite witnessing the broken cycle of life and death with your own eyes, still you would stop us from making this flawed system. What a pity.” “There are no more valkyr to protect you, sylvanas. You wil die here, for the last time.” “The archer does not mourn the loss of their arrows, High Lord. A shame you won’t survive to witness our victory. But if it’s an ending you seek, then come and meet it!” With oribos in peril, a desperate battle at the pinnacle of the sanctum begins. With no masks left to wear, the banshee queen unleashes her full power to protect the banished one while his ultimate plan unfolds. Sending all those souls down into the maw has empowered the jailer greatly and by extention sylvanas herself. She’s able to hold her own against not just heroes of azeroth, but the combined might of Bolvar, Jaina and Thrall. “Your lives end here!” Sylvanas deflated balloon moment. Your efforts are futile. Oribos is within my grasp. No. We will stop you! Jaina we need a portal! The jailer must not take the Eternal city! Something is limiting my magic, where are we? Behind our quary. Heroes with me. Is the jailer trying to break out of the maw or something else?” Sylvanas has quite the advantage here, being able to fly and all. We’re not so lucky as we cross the edge of the abyss with bridges made by thrall and jaina. Meanwhile adds spawn in, Sylvanas bombards us from the edges and tries to cast Ruin. If she manages to get it off, you’re simply dead so not only do we need to be carefull not to fall off, we also need to keep up with her. “We’re done with your games, Sylvanas! You will pay. All of you will pay! You don’t have to do this! Surrender! For Saurfang! For the Horde!” “Sylvanas! Give anduin to me!” “Hear the sound of suffering!” “We’re out of time. Oribos is being enveloped by the maw! Hold them back a little longer. The portal’s nearly open! It’s done, hurry!” “No! The jailer is going to destroy the arbiter. Quickly champions. Stop sylvanas! Death bends to my will!” Kinda wonder what those forces that were supposed to protect the arbiter are doing or where the other eternal ones are... I guess they’re defending the lower levels or their own domains? Either way, it’s do or die time. The jailer has finally managed to escape the maw and assaults the arbiter, the final key. While Anduin keeps our allies busy in the middle, we dance around with sylvanas as we slowly lose the platforms we have to fight her on. Despite giving it all we got.... Cutscene: He’s done it. The arbiter falls. JAiler rips the final key out of the arbiter and brings it back home. Tony hawk sylvanas returns to his side. At long last, the final key... is once again... mine. Sexy armor upgrade and a gateway Now...Kneel. Everyone instantly dominated The way is open zovaal. We already have what we need! Too long I endured the makers’ flawed design. I will forge a new reality, where all shall serve... Serve...serve...serve...... me Yeah no im not down with that, here’s an arrow I will never ‘serve.’ ow? Pity. Still chained by mortality. You did help restore something stolen from me. Allow me to repay you in kind. Here’s your soul back, enjooooy I leave you to their mercy. Come. Be the first to witness reality’s end. Anduin drops the compass and sylvanas is left in our care. C-Cannot let him reach the... ugh... The jailer has obtained his final key, that which was stolen from him. His heart is full, his armor gets quite the upgrade and no longer does he have chains of binding. With his goals achieved he reveals that he has no intention of setting everyone free. Reality will be remade, but not one that is just, but one in which we all serve the jailer. Sylvanas is not down with that and makes her stand, in return the jailer is kind enough to fully restore her soul. Sylvanas lost a part of herself, the day Arthas took her life, and the darkness within her grew to fill the void. That’s what he threw at her and some have been wondering if that means she’s now alive again. I don’t think so but time will tell. It’s also interesting to note that the gem used to represent or contain her soul is similar to the gem they infused Anduin’s weapon with. We still haven’t found Arthas, last we saw of him was being dropped in the maw and people are wondering if that’s the soul used to craft Kingsmourne. Once again, still unknown. Sylvanas is left to our mercy and placed in custody. Bolvar prays she possesses knowledge that can give us an edge to stop whatever the jailer is planning next. A bit of dialogue showed up by skipping the end cutscene in which they discuss this very thing. Theythought the jailer was coming to slay the arbiter but he absorbed her essence. As if her power and sigil were his all along says thrall while Jaina couldn’t care less about the jailer. He’s got Anduin. No matter where he’s gone. We will find him. Sylvanas will be held captive in Oribos. When she awakens they can begin the interrogation. There’s a datamined cutscene, a memory that should reveal a bit more from behind the scenes, a road to follow. That’s also a big question people have been asking, what’s next? And we’re going after Zovaal. A lot of what he really wants is kept in the dark or only hinted at. There’s something about an unjust system, the first ones, Death washing over reality. It’s all new lore that still needs to be explained further, but right now the primus will guide us in reforging the sigils of the covenant in order to follow the jailer and potentially stop his ultimate goals? That could be a thing and of course there’s still anduin to consider. He drops his fathers’ compass and there is still the what lies ahead chapter of the campaign that’s not even been on the ptr. We’ll probably get more details on what lies ahead, i mean with a name like that we can safely assume right? For now you’re up to speed on the story that goes down in the sanctum of domination. A big thank you to Attero Dominatus from Silvermoon for carrying me through the raid and being so much fun while doing it. Say that you want more details on all the things we talked about today, then check out the related wowhead article in the description down below. You could also subscribe fi you like my videos, leave a like if you enjoyed this one aaaand until next time....see ya!
Channel: Nobbel87
Views: 201,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nobbel, Nobbel87, NobbeltheNoble, Story, Lore, Sanctum of Domination, Chains of Domination, Patch 9.1, World of Warcraft, Sylvanas, JAiler, ANduin, Maw, Bolvar, Jaina, Thrall, Sigil, WoWhead, Arbiter, First ones, Cosmos, Compas, Soul
Id: ZNQunqelTJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 23sec (2063 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 10 2021
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