The Story of Torghast, Tower of the Damned [Lore]

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This video is brought to you in colaboration with duhduhduhduh duhdudhuhduh Hello everyone! T Torghast, tower of the damned is the Jailer’s seat of power, a place devoid of hope or redemption. Each floor that rises into the endless abyss is more vile and cruell than the last. To climb that tower is to ascend deeper into despair. The jailers dwelling is a maze of torment chambers from which there is no escape, the souls suffer without end. They are twisted until only a mere shade of their former glory remains. It is then that the tormented willingly serve their tormentor. The Jailers soldiers are the very worst the damned have to offer and are eternally loyal to the very hand that broke them. This wonderful place towers over the Maw and you might recall how our adventures into the Shadowlands actually began here. Searching for our leaders that were abducted by Sylvanas and the mawsworn. We found them, tried to get them out of there, but the Jailer was not willing to let go of his toys. Go champion! Go! Alright dont have to tell me twice, I’m out! Interesting... You’re my special little prisoner now Anduin, welcome to the crew. You...have failed. No...I have precisely what I need. We managed to reach Oribos, earning the title maw walker and our special gift allows us to jump in and out of the domain where none is supposed to escape. A great talent, one we use quite a few times, but we wouldn’t be succesfull without the aid of Ve’nari. She’s a broker, one we’ll talk about more next week as then I should have my rep grind completed. Safe to say that she has spend quite a bit of time in the Maw and knows how to go around unseen. She’s also able to acquire pretty much anything we need... for a price of coruse... although you have to wonder how...either way, her available upgrades make it possible for us to climb the tower in search for our missing leaders, as that’s where they’re being held. Revealed to us by Bolvar, not without great risk mind you but a request that was kinda hard to refuse... Vision into the maw: “please father, we need to know if our friends can still be saved. You do not understand the risk Taelia, for me to peer into the maw would mean- I journeyed all the way to the realms of death to meet the father I thought was lost to me. BOlvar Fordragon, one of azeroths greatest heroes. I havent asked a single thing of you since I was a little girl. The little girl you sent away. But im asking you this. Tell us if they are still alive. MY shining star. I...will do as you request. Calia Menethil and Taelia Fordragon want to know the fate of their friends. Taelia was introduced in Battle for Azeroth. Send off to Kul Tiras and unaware of the fate of her father, not until the shadowlands pre-event where spymaster Shaw let the news slip that her father is actually the Lich King. Some have been wondering if Calia Menethil, sister to Arthas menethil is actually her mother but the information we have about Calia’s lost family doesn’t really line up with the timeframe of Bolvar and Taelia not to mention that there’s no recognition here at all. You’d imagine that if Bolvar was Calia’s lost love, there’d be more of a reaction so I think it’s safe to say that that speculation has been burried. “The broken helm still resonates with the power of the lich king. The power of the maw. Together, we can focus our sight deep into the jailers realm. But beware. DO not lose yourself within the darkness. Oeeee hello tower of torghast, what’s going on inside you huh? I wont...again...NONOOOOO I will not yield. MY mind is my own! Do you hear me?! AHHHh GRRRRR ROAAAARRRR Whoever you are. Whatever you want. I will fight you! You will not break me! ROAAAAAAAAAR They have breached the seat of the primus nad discovered his warning. Unfortunate, but of little consequence. Our eyes are everywhere. This nuisance will be dealt with. “That is all i can see. It is too dangerous to push further. Their cries...they chilled me to the bone! I Did not hear anduin nor baine bloodhoof. Highlord, are you certain you cannot try again? Not yet calia. There is a price to be paid for such visions. I dare not attempt another so soon. I really love that cutscene as it tells so much without showing anything really. The gruesome screams are haunting and I would kill for an audi drama detailing their time in the maw and the tower. To expand upon what our leaders actually expeirnece here. If this cutscene can leave such a huge impression, imagion what an audiodrama would be like. Ahwell, maybe one day. As we work with Vena’ri, learn the rules and secure her little corner of the Maw we run into... Baine: For the earth mother! You will never escape the Maw. Poor Baine tried so hard to escape by himself, caved in many mawsworn skulls to just be yoinked back in. Atleast we do know that our allies stil live. Now we just need to find a way to climb into the most dangerous, maddening tower in all of the shadowlands... “Torghast huh? Once i told you that your friends were being held inside, i knew it was only a matter of time before you came to me for aid. Because i was able to anticipate your request, it just so happens i have already acquired a portal device that leads into the tower. I will dispense with the usual warnings and disclaimers, as your unique combination of courage and foolhardiness would render them moot. Do not ask how it was obtained. Simply consider it a gesture of goodwill that you are now obligated to repay. I look forward to our future transactions, maw walker.” Venari is able to get us the exact key that we require before we even request it...that’s not supicious at all. Can’t wait to see and talk more about the the brokers story, but right now welcome to the tower of torghast where you can explore its halls by yourself or in a group up to 5 players. You have an x amount of lives to lose until the Tarragrue will kindly kick you out of the tower. To give us a fighting chance, anima orbs can be picked up or bought from the brokers inside, each offering an upgrade, upgrades working in unison with eachother to make some crazy builds. There are rare mobs to kill, traps to avoid, quests to complete and souls to be saved. You can even bring back some companions to your order hall and put them to work across the Shadowlands. Meatball and Croman are two that really stand out on my list, because you have to wonder how they even ended up here. Did they die and go to the Shadowlands? Did they hop through the portal to pay the afterlife a visit and then got snagged up? Were they seen as such powerful potential threats that they too were abducted? I mean, who wouldn’t be worried about Meatball, have you seen him fight in the brawlers guild? Mysteries for another day, we just don’t know. That attuned shard Venari gave us gives us access to the layers that specificly lead to baine. Arkoban taunts us, guides us along the way until the Warden is slain and chieftain Bloodhoof is saved. “I was dreaming of home...only to awaken in this place of torment.” Release baine. “Champion! I...I saw you escape before we were recaptured. Do you have the means to take us out of the maw?” “The waystone! I hope your presence allows me to travel through it as well. I will stay close. May the Earthmother guide our path.” “The waystone worked! What a...remarkable place!” One down, three to go. With torghast constantly changing, shifting according to the will of its master, it may be impossible to track the others through normal means. We’re going to need more information, a clue that might lead us to our missing friends. On our next run we pick up a soul touched key, one with a familiar aura. The holder of this key may have been involved in the capture of Jaina Proudmoore. After researching it for a bit, bolvar summons us back, confirming that Jaina is still being heled somewhere in the tower. Countless souls are captive inside that wretched place. A few may be intact, but many are shattered and broken. We take pity upon the remnants and free those we can with the hopes that they’ll be able to aid our search. That turned out to be a bit too much to hope for. The souls were too far gone, but atleast they’ve been released from their torment. A new strategy then. Since arriving in oribos, Bolvar has been approached by many of the brokers. Some ask questions, other offer help.The brokers we’ve run into inside of Torghast might possess information we can use to find Jaina, for the right price. Coded notes and an ice-encrusted debris is bought from them. The notes describe methods to contain Jaina’s power while her magic still lingers upon the debris. Her torment comes with white-hot fires. Though her will is strong, there is only so much any mortal can endure. The attuned shard is modified to now take us into Jaina’s wings where we’ll have to find her before it’s too late... “The souls here are forced to burn. Smelted into raw material for the jailer’s vile creations.” “This is the place I saw when I peered into Torghast. Lady Proudmoore is near.” The walls are coated in ice while a massive swirl of fire envelopes Jaina. The lord admiral of kul tiras still fights, even after all this time in the tower and don’t forget that time is a bit wonky here and their time is full of torture... “Enough of this! How many times must I defeat you?” Ow snap good job jaina “What’s this? Another one of your games, I suppose. Tormenting me with a vision of a trusted ally who’s come to help me escape. No doubt you want me to think this portal is a way out, when in truth it leads deeper into this accursed tower...But ...what choice do I have except to try? Wait! It’s really you, isn’t it? YEs...I saw you use the waystone to escape. It seems so long ago... If I attune my teleportation spell to your ability to leave the Maw, I can finally be free of this place! Unless...unless this is just the cruelest trick of all.” “Baine! Thank the Light you’re alive!” “It is good to see you safe, Jaina. Though my wounds are healing, I confess the horrors of the Maw still haunt me.” “I understand...Any news of anduin and thrall? we need to return to torghast and – “ “With respect lady proudmoore, you need to recover your strength. Let the maw walker resume the search for the others.” “Wise words, Highlord. I trust your judgment. That you maw walker. I owe you...everything.” The torment of torghast will haunt them, the things experienced and seen inside best not repeated. Two of azeroth’s architects of peace have been recovered. Two remain captive. In our expeditions, we’ve encountered many unfortunate prisoners. One of them must have seeen or heard something that could guide our search for Thrall. A dredger has indeed seen a big green fella dragged through here. Hard to miss that one, shouting about lock the tar and such. He’s been taken higher into the tower, deep into torghast. We need to learn where exactly they’re keeping him before the trail goes cold. A Burnt Totem that has seen better days is found. With it bolvar can once again alter the shard. The deeper we journey into the tower of the damned, the closer we get to the jailer himself... “All that matters is we now possess the necessary instrument. We must begin its preparation. Leave him to me. Youve seen what he is capable of when he believes in the cause. A measure of patience may yield superior results. Very well. We have our weapon. Now we shall hone it.” “Mawwalker...Have you lost your way? A darkness...looming...” “An intrustion into my domain.” “Be on guard! He senses us!” “Elements...hear me....give me the strength to....GTHRHGHHHRHAAAAAAAAGH” This is actually a huge moment for Thrall. The former warchief of the Horde has been having trouble connecting to the elements ever since he took care of Garrosh back in Warlords of Draenor. His emotional turmoil of placing Garrosh in charge of the Horde and all that followed after... his connection to the elements became muddy so much so that he passed on the Doomhammer and leadership of the earthen ring to the shaman of legend in Legion. We’ve just seen him swing his weapon around or throw his axe away or bonk people on the head with a crossbow but here...right here and now the elements respond to his call. He even does his earth grabby hand thing and with his aid, we’re able to save the shaman. “At last...the torment is over. I’ve had enough of this place. Let’s go.” “The Maw. I remember. Feels so long ago. You escaped the Jailer...yes. It is becoming clearer now.” “The waystone. Our path out of here.” “I have seen only the darkest reaches of the shadowlands. It is good to know there are places of hope as well. May the spirits of my ancestors be safe in realms of comfort and peace.” “My friends!” “Thrall! praise the earthmother! I am glad of your return brother.” “It is a relief to have you back, Thrall. I will send word to Aggra and the Regent Lord at once.” “I feared the worst. Baine and I both know the horrors that the jailer inflicted.” “The things I saw in that place. The torments I endured...” “Are best not relived. At least, not now.” That just leaves one still in the clutches of the jailer, King Anduin Wrynn... “Thrall, do you know where they’ve taken Anduin?” My captors spoke of a valuable prisoner held deep within the jailer’s tower. It has to be Anduin Highlord. You have peered into Torghast and guided the maw walker through its torments. I beg you to look deeper. To find the king you once safeguarded as a boy. What you ask poses a terrible risk. To all of us. Peering into the domain of the jailer is not exactly without risk so we must make one last attempt to find the missing little lion. He’s been taken deeper into the tower than the others, into an area they call the Twisting Corridors. Now it’s 18 floors that we need to climb each time to complete layer. That means the enemies get a lot tougher, but we’re experienced torghast explorers not to mention that more floors also means more anima powers that stack even higher. The runs are quite long though and considering there are 8 layers to complete, it’s going to take a while to reach the end. Luckily they did decide to place the lore on layer one where we look for clues. A royal ring, a lion emblem and chains infused with Light as they’ve bound someone with a strong connection to it are returned to the highlord. Sure signs that Anduin is here, but no sign of the king himself. We could spend a lifetime searching these endless corridors to no avail. Bolvar will have to plunge himself into darkness once more if we want to have any hope of saving the child he once cared for in life. Cutscene: Anduin chained up in the tower, not looking to have the best of times, but atleast he gets a visitor! “I do hope you’ve settled in. The accomadations are a bit sparse i know. Where are the others? Are they safe? Safe? no ... i wouldnt say any of them are safe. I am so tired of your games As you wish.Unlocked. No more secrets. No more lies. You are a weapon we will use to achieve our ends. I will not become an instrument of death. So you favor life, is that it? That momentary flicker. Every cruel second spend delaying the inevitable in an endless war that you. like every wrynn before you, will not survive. You know the truth. Nothing is fair. Not life. not death. So we’re going to tear it all down. And what purpose would that serve? Everyone suffers sylvanas. But destroying everything will not take away the pain. You misunderstand. We’re breaking a system that’s always been flawed and remaking it into one that is just. Chuckles. Do you expect me to believe that all this time youve been fighting for justice? How can I convince you. From our first breath to our last, every decision is made for us. Then the afterlife decides what eternity we must endure. We can’t even choose who we... We couldn’t control anything. But through the jailer, control of our fate will at last be possible. Look around you. At what, and who youve joined. What makes you believe youre not just a weapon to achieve his ends? You have a choice to consider. Join us willingly or be made to serve. I thought you believed in free will sylvanas. We’ve never had free will, Little Lion. But that is about to change. “That is...all I can see. Anduin...a weapon? What could she mean? At least he’s alive and seemingly unharmed. Whatever the Banshee is after, he will not give in. The Light is strong with Anduin. I know his heart will see him through this. Sylvanas was toying with him. She spoke of breaking everything. She couldn’t mean that...could she? I do not know. But we must be cautious. Deliberate. The jailer’s malevolence permeates everything i nthat tower. If he believes his prize is in jeopardy, he may decide to...discard it. Then we must remain patient. Maw Walker, continue your efforts to undermine the Jailer’s cause. When the time comes, we will find Anduin...and bring him home...” So that’s what seemingly the jailer and sylvanas are after, tearing down this unjust system. Not just the Shadowlands, but all of it. A cosmic war of warcraft is going on and we’re seeing players step out of the shadows and take the battle front and center. Death has been scheming and manipulating for eons and is ready to make its move. Now sylvanas wants to talk Anduin into joining their side willingly. She tells the jailer it’s because of the power his conviction offers, but in truth it’s because she needs Anduin to let go willingly, like she has. To make the choice that was never given to her or at the very least not force her to be the Arthas in this scenario, force a future upon him. Now i think storywise there’s supposed to be a bit of time that passes, maybe get higher into the tower or wait a week, something like that... but the moment we step away, Bolvar calls us back in. “Come at once to Oribos, Maw Walker. I feel a darkness....calling to me. I fear something risees within Torghast. Something terrible.” “Malevolence growing...domination...rising... No! Not again! They were talking with the Highlord when he was struck by a jolt of agony. He could see somethign stirring in the maw, inside the jailers tower.... Dark visions, a familiar he hasn’t felt since... “What is it highlord? What do you sense? A weapon...forged in the fires of Torghast. A mourneblade is born. A ...mourneblade...Oh no... Anduin’s still captive there. Has something happened to him, father? I fear for Anduin as well. But is it safe for the Highlord to peer inside? The toll it takes on him... There is a price to be paid for communing with that darknesss again. But I must see. We all must know! Jaina knows what devestation a mourneblade can cause as Frostmourne took a piece of her beloved Arthas’ soul turning him into an ally of the Lich King and all the death and destruction that followed. Now another is being forged... Sylvanas choice cinematic: Sire denathrius has been taken prisoner, what is our plan to recover him? Every soul has its purpose, denathrius has fullfilled his. We must forge our next weapon. He’s not ready. Then a more direct approach is necessary. We have not come this far only to falter now. You know what must be done. Ahhh there she is again. You know these endless lectures of yours... Have failed to convince you. Regardless, the conversation is over. One way or another we will have you. So I will offer this, one last time. Join our cause or be made to serve. What kind of choice is that? Why even give me one...It’s the choice you never had. Despite all your grand designs, there’s still some shred of your mortality haunting you. As if the banshee queen hasn’t entirely eclipsed the ranger general. Don’t.... Now I understand why you brought me here. Why you tried so hard to persuade me. Caus if you can make me to let go of hope, you can finally too. Enough. Submit, you are only making this harder on yourself. Not harder on me. Right now, you hold all the power. How will you use it? I’ve not come this far to falter now. Then why do you hesitate? Make your choice, Sylvanas Windrunner... The blue crystal added to the weapon sparked some discussion, some speculation on what’s been added. I’m personally of the mindset that this is something like a Soulkeeper, the thing Ven’ari gave us to save souls from the maw. It’s a container to hold souls in and considering that a mourneblade has the ability to steal souls, that just makes the most sense to me but i’ve also heard cool ideas like it being arthas’ soul infused into the weapon. All the same, Shalamayne, assuming this is shalamayne and not just a copy, has been drasticly changed and that’s not the first time either. It started as two seperate maigcal elven blades, Shalla’tor and Ellemayne, gifted to Varian by Jaina as he was dealing with being split apart by Onyxia. While confronting the black dragon, she blasted him, magicced his two seperate halves back into one and so too did the blade. Anduin got it after visiting the broken shore, the place where his father was blown up by Gul’dan. A golden glow now visibile on the weapon. Then Saurfang borrowed it for his mak’gora with Sylvanas, delivering that wound on her face. Now it’s a mourneblade, a dark fate pushed in his face by the banshee queen. The choice is hers, a delicious soap opera cliff hanger. Will she go through with it and truly be an Arthas, confirming what Garrosh knew all along. Will she back down and set the boy king free, abandoning all that she worked for, her new allies. Will the choice be ripped away by a Tyrande showing up at just the right moment or a Jailer pushing her to the side and opening her eyes to what Anduin tried to tell her before...only time is going to tell! “The link has been severed. That is all I can...wait...something is...! Te jailers voice! How is this happening?! ARGH! I! The jailer is tearing into Bolvar’s mind! We have to break their connection. “You were to hereld my coming. Instead, you defied me! A failure. Like those who came before you! Father, resist him! Do not let him win! Fight, highlord! We’re with you! I will claim what is mine! Death comes for you all! Hold on Bolvar! just a little more! Welp that was easy.” Those who came before him is an interesting line. Before Bolvar the Lich King there was Arthas the Lich King and before Arthas placed the helmet of domination on his head, there was simple the Lich King. In the past full credit to this was given to Kil’jaeden, the dreadlords and the Burning Legion but they’ve now added an extra layer to that. The origin of the helmet and frostmourne comes from the domain of death, from the jailer tormenting the runecarver and ripping out the designs. There’s speculation that the Dreadlords are actually agents of his, but regardless of how the connection happened, we know that there’s to be drawn between the jailer and the creation of the Lich King. Arthas was defeated which might just be the failure he’s talking about. Or perhaps was Arthas somehow aware of the threat of the jailer? Able to hold back his control and taunt us along the way to the top of icecrown to end him, rather then overwhelm us with the might of the scourge? Perhaps that’s the reason why the jailer is so interested in Anduin aswell. The boy-king has some similarities to Arthas, some even go as far as to try and suggest that Varian’s not his real dad. Is there something in an Arthas, in an Anduin that makes them invaluable for the jailers plans? Once again we see him hooking up someone with a mourneblade, what’s the motivation, I really wonder. “Father! Well done, Jaina. We nearly lost him. Though we managed to stop the attack, I fear the danger is far from over. MY thanks to all of you. But Jaina is right. The jailer knows what we saw. He will use that knowledge against us. We should gather our forces and attack Torghast. Anduin must be freed! You’ve seen the Jailer’s armies. We’re not ready to launch a full-scale assault. If we follow our hearts and rush in, we could lose everything. We will work with our allies in Oribos to rally the covenants. Only with their help do we stand a chance of stopping the Jailer...and saving Anduin. maw Walker, continue your efforts. Explore the dark reaches of Torghast. Fight for the Shadowlands. And when the time comes, we will claim victory!” “Im so relieved youre safe lord admiral. I cant imagine the horrors you and the others endured. Thank you Taelia, the maw is...bereft of hope. Ive only experiences such emptyness once before. When i faced Arthas in icecrown. The specter of my brother hangs over all of us like a shroud, his choices were his own. Though it does seem his fate was shaped in parrt by the hand of the jailer. My fathers fate as well. The helm. That blade. Were the instruments of the jailer all along. The runes on frostmourne were a type of magic not seen on azeroth before the lich king. But that same power is woven into the very fabric of the maw, and torghast. Arthas and bolvar were not the only ones touched by that dark influence. The blade claimed many lives. Many souls. We cannot allow it to claim anduin aswell.” And so the upper floors of the twisting corridors wait to be explored, but story wise this seems to be the breaking point for the moment. Gathering our strength, increasing our renown, making ready to save Anduin from that twisted domain. Of course the question is...what will happen next and it’s anyone’s guess. I’m personally really looking forward to seeing Shalamourne in action. The Light bound Anduin fall to darkness for a bit and serve at the master’s table. Walk the path of Arthas for a while as a death knight in service to the jailer but then find the strength needed to turn back before it’s too late. Proving once and for all that he is not an Arthas but that’s my personal hope. By all means let me know what you want to see go down next in the comments down below and as always, thank you very much for watching everyone! Say you want more details on all the things we talked about today, then check out the related wowhead article in the description down below. You could also subscribe if you like my videos, leave a like if you enjoyed this aaaand until next time...see ya!
Channel: Nobbel87
Views: 61,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nobbel, Nobbel87, NobbeltheNoble, Story, Lore, Torghast, Tower of the damned, Maw, Jailer, Sylvanas, Shadowlands, Ve'nari, Broker, Anduin, Baine, Jaina, Thrall, Calia, Bolvar, Taelia, Arthas, Frostmourne, Shalamourne, Varian, Saurfang
Id: iZ9YWeT5T-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 17sec (2237 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 10 2021
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