The Story of Tyrande Whisperwind - Full Version [Lore]

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[Music] hello everyone thrawn the whisperwind and the night elves they've been quite the subject of debate lately so i figured it'd be a good idea to just take a step back go back in time and talk about her story no more looking to the past it is time to embrace our future before there were night elves there were dark trolls that found their way to the well of eternity under well's influence the troll's flesh and bones were infused by its energies elevating their forms to match their graceful spirits the tribe's mystics began worshiping the moon goddess elune who they believed was bound to the well of eternity itself the former trolls also discovered the name kalimdor and other titan forged words from communing with elune and investigating strange artifacts that were scattered around the well's periphery influenced by this new-found language they call themselves kal'dorei children of the stars also known as the night elves elune be praised the worship of elune continued and became part of their culture the sisterhood's priestesses had a hand in nearly all aspects of early nidal civilization from acting as spiritual leaders to help and defend their burdening territories from outside threats a good thing too as the legion's eye fell upon azeroth and the world was going to need its defenders that brings us to tyrande over 10 000 years ago just the start of the war of the ancients where at the time she was still an early novice to the temple of elune she had shared her childhood with the twin brothers malfurion stormrage and illidan stormrage but as we all know time changes quite a bit they were no longer youthful companions the simplicities of their childhoods in a given way to the complexities of adult relationships there was a bit of a love triangle going on with both brothers having feelings for our young priestess it was a bit of a rivalry illidan especially wanted to be wanted to prove himself worthy for her while tyrande felt flattered she didn't want to hurt either one of them yet at the same time she knew that one of them was going to get hurt we'll get to that in just a moment first we have a war to fight within azshara's palace we find a highborn dabbling in powerful magics exploring what they can do with their well of eternity in time they make contact with sargeras and the burning legion xavius informed this queen azshara and all of them thought that it would be a really good idea to bring sargeras in have him transform the world purge it to perfection like their queen was all the dark titan had wanted to do for a really long time was to destroy azeroth he just hadn't known the planet's location and now that he did he needed his way to get there they worked on transforming the well into an epic gateway to bring over the epic power of sargeras a portal that powerful was gonna take some time so first there came some of his more powerful troops beings like hakkar the houndmaster manoroth even our command and with them a whole bunch of the demons as you can imagine things took time to get ready the darkness from the palace slowly but surely spread the night elves suffered great losses and territory but in time resistance rose up and some critical players within the war they would make all the difference obviously tyrande was one of those the teachings of elune had their priestesses offer guidance blessings and healing for those in need invoking their goddess asking her to use them as a vessel and pass on her grace when tyrande left nothing but a string of successes in her wake capable of healing even the most infectious wounds she did not see this as anything special that came out of her the thanks should always be given to their mother moon but healing is not the only thing that they do there's also the fighting aspect the aspects of the night warrior she who takes the courageous death from the field and sets them rioting across the evening sky as stars for their reward more than once tyrande found herself at the front of battle covered in blood slicing away at the demons while trying to defend their home are they my sisters for kalimdor now going over the entire war of the ancients and all the characters that played a part it would take quite a bit of time so we're going to focus on the major events that happened with tyrande she came across a young night elf female named chandrus feremoon two maybe three years away from being able to enter into the surface of elune herself the child sat in miserable silence staring at nothing so tyrande approached her she offered her water comfort and a listening ear chandris told her that she had come from arahinam a place that was overrun by the demons her family might still be alive but then again they might not night elves while hardly weak they were ill-prepared for life outside of their cushioned world a failing only now becoming evidence tyranna gave thanks to elune that she malfurion and illidan had been raised differently but they were in the minority there were so many in the same situation that chandra suffered but something about the child especially it touched the priestess perhaps it was that she somewhat resembled tyrande in face and form at that age whatever the case might be tyrande told her to come with her a meeting that would change both their lives forever as from that point on chandrus would hardly ever leave her side and tyrande in time would become her adoptive mother then the high priestess of the temple fell in battle and despite being a novus it was tyrande that was appointed to be her follow-up at first she couldn't believe it how could she with so little experience take on the mantle when there are so many more who know the temple better but none of them were so attuned to elune herself and they had all seen it already stories going around about the miracles she had performed people healed where others had failed an unbroken string of successes without realizing it tyrande had even aided several whom other sisters had failed to heal and then she just continued on while all of them expected her to be unable to stand again to whisper wind she was nothing special all she did was pray to alone and elune would answer her call she will be grateful and then move on in the hopes of healing someone else but according to the others she had done much much more and so she accepted the new position but there would be no fancy rituals or fancy clothes there would be no special treatment when all of them carried a loon in their hearts tyranna had joined the order for one thing most of all to help others through the gifts of elune and she would continue doing that work until she became a prime target you see earlier on malfurion had managed to delay the efforts of summoning in the legion and in the process he had also slain xavius the spirit of the highborn was then taken by sargeras more than transformed until only the finest bits that pleased and remained it was the first of the seder sent back through the portal to fulfill the dark titan's mission and in order to claim sweet revenge xavius set his sights on the two that malfurion cared for most illidan and tyrande his twin brother was already drifting away losing the battle for tyrande's heart to malfurion a battle that the druid didn't even fully understand they were having then for the priestess xavius decided to kidnap her take her back to the palace but going after the one that malfurion loved most it might have been the best idea chandrus first shot xavius with a couple of arrows and then malfurion used his druidic skills to turn xavius into a freaking tree i'm never gonna get over that awesome display of power yet all the same whisperwind was still taken away and in his despair malfurion gave the legion army a taste of the true potential that he held within not the first time that tyrande helped him push beyond his limits and it wouldn't be the last this time in his despair he accidentally called upon such a massive storm that both sides were temporarily separated lightning flashed and thunder rumbled mirroring his turbulent but darkening mood nothing was of importance without tyrande he knew that now for what little good it did him the wind howled mourning his lusts tornado strength gaels battered everything but to distraught night elf until finally a voice it managed to cut through his despair and snap him back to his senses there was still a chance to save tyrande but that meant keeping a cool head and using those awesome powers to turn the battle to their favor meanwhile his twin brother illidan realized what's up he realizes that tyrande's heart desires malfurion and not him believing that he could win this war all on his own he then rides out to the palace to sign up with sargeras as a double agent of course but when you're keeping your plans a secret to everybody it means that his people would soon enough view him as the betrayer as for tyrande she woke up to a nightmare firmly in the grasp of the enemy not completely alone though as a faint aura the color of moonlight had draped around elune's acolyte they had wanted to torture her they wanted to bend her to their will but not even the might of the great archimonde was able to penetrate elune's defenses that didn't mean they couldn't still use her as a trump card against malfurion while elune kept her safe from physical harm the words of queen azshara herself they still cut deeply you need to understand that the queen was beloved by her people there was a bit of magic involved in that department but still despite knowing that azshara had betrayed them all tyrande still wished to kneel before her and had done so if the bonds didn't keep her in place she was offered a position at court as one of azshara's handmaidens something that vash was not really happy with her feline eyes were filled with murder intensely jealous of tyrande but the newly appointed high priestess refused the offer she was sworn to mother moon her life in her heart belonged to the goddess the queen's beauty was suddenly marred by a brief look of pure evil ungrateful little trollop and such a liar too your hearts you actually give rather easily don't you first to one brother than another brother are there other besides the queen's words dug deep complimenting tyrande on her excellent work at pitching malfurion and illidan against each other a tyr escaped tyrande's eyes but azshara felt no sympathy they're already working on what they believed was turning illidan into a full-blown ally and soon enough they would get their hands on malfurion as well you really should reconsider whether to be my handmaiden dear girl you could have had both of them alive and yours to play with after i'd grown tired of them of course such insolence but the queen offering her such a position it did not sit right with vush so soon enough she showed up at the prison pretending to be turan to salvation she offered her a way out out of her bonds and away from the demons the priestess of alone believed their words prayed to her goddess that things were alright now thanking elune for the protection but assuring her that this was now for the best at first however it seemed elune paid her no mind for she felt the protective spell remained fixed i shut tyrande tried again surely the mother moon understood that now the very gifts she had bestowed upon her servant it risked the priestess and at last elune's presence began to recede and the sense of imminent threat overwhelmed tyrande vash was absolutely mental try to slice her throat scratch her eyes out and what was a threat in her eyes something that come between her and a beloved queen only the reflexes of years of training is all that saved tyrande but before she get past vash and escape make use of the opportunity maiden restored the magical bonds that kept her in place perhaps getting to tyrande was not going to be possible so best to spend their time whispering to azshara that tyrande could not be trusted did you know this tyrande whisperwind in life i know she is hard to kill then again a little while later another visitor to her cage this time a highborn by the name of dothramar sunstrider he offered to feed her and while the mother moon had sustained her for a very long time she could only do so much there was so much need for elune throughout all of kalimdor that she couldn't just concentrate on just a mere priestess tyrande felt no betrayal for this only thanks for all that elune had already done but after dealing with rush she was a little bit hesitant to trust dathramar but soon enough she figured out that he might be her chance an opportunity to escape using her position she coaxed him into talking while he feather a meal the highborn was obviously not down with what's going on at the palace but his devotion to azshara was still absolute as the war progressed that too changed realizing that their queen had gone mad that the demons the legion that they were not the way forward dramar decided to release the high priestess and together with others who shared the same mindset they escaped the palace tyrande would speak on their behalf make sure that the rest of the people understood their impossible position but before they could make a clean escape she was dragged up by a doomguard and after slicing him down the hard earth down below it quickly approached she might have broken all of her bones ending her life in that moment was it not for the betrayer illidan stormrage who saved her life marthurian hush tyrander where is illidan by the very edge brother a timely arrival illidan the well is out of control aye it's been twisted and turned by too many spells the fuss we especially you made with a portal was too much the same spell that sent the burning legion back into their foul realm now works on the well it's devouring itself and taking its surroundings with it fascinating isn't it not if we're caught up in it why weren't you running what have you been doing with your hand in the well at the conclusion of the war the night elf resistance was able to revert the portal send the legion back to where they came from azshara wash and xavius they were dragged beneath the waves with a new power and a new destiny awaited victory for the elves it did not come without great sacrifice and loss of life not without great changes as the well of eternity had imploded the land of kalimdor had sundered a part the night elves found themselves approaching a brand new uncertain future one in which illidan was certain that the legion would come back using vials that he had filled with the waters from the original well he decided to make them a brand new one at mount hyjal their people had to prepare they needed the power to be able to stand up against sargeras obviously after just fighting a massive war because of the original well his people were not exactly happy with illidan the betrayer now rather than ending his life on the spot they decided to imprison him that still left them with a massive magical fountain of power that was sure to draw the legion's attention once again it was the dragon aspects they came up with a solution they decided to plant a massive world tree over the well which was called nordrassil and upon it they placed their blessings alextras of the reds granted the el strength and vitality norsdorm of the bronze gave the blessings of immortality meaning immunity to sickness disease and aging and in ysera the green she offered them easier access into her domain the emerald dream a domain that malfurion had already began walking but more of their people would follow in his footsteps of druidism as the centuries passed the burdening night elf society it expanded into the dense forest of ashenvale south of mount heigel tyrande as still being the high priestess she was the one to lead them in rebuilding their society her order was uniquely positioned to fill that power vacuum positioned them as leaders of both their government and the military for the sisterhood it emerged from the war of the ancients relatively unscathed she also forged a brand new fighting force called the sentinels composed of devout and highly trained warrior women this order dedicated itself to protecting what they were building the sentinels they set out to patrol their misty forest home befriending the native creatures of the land and standing guard against any kind of threat meanwhile malfurion continued fostering a culture of druidism amongst their people since you know they gave up arcane magic for a while which some amongst their people were simply unable to do people like dathramar sunstrider and others like him they felt like this magic was the ancient birthright and they saw no reason if they were careful about it saw no reason to give it up there were so many of them that execution was just not the right call so instead they were exiled from the elven lands which led to the eventual creation of the sunwell the formation of quel'thalas the high elves but that's a whole different story others that were able to let go they embraced malfurion's teachings and devoted themselves to living in harmony with nature the druids often took very long naps walking ysera's domain the emerald dream this aloofness it frustrated tyrande and her sentinels though they often sought to druid's help to safeguard their lands few of malfurion's followers were ever awake to answer the call you've changed tyrande there is little mercy left in you long ago i swore to protect this land furion i never had the luxury of sleeping through times of great peril that didn't mean toronto stood alone though while leading their people not only was she still favored by elune at her side there was also still chandris and as the sentinels were formed she rose up and was named captain of the fledgling order and so we got tyrande lean the night elves on azeroth malfurion and druids that are upholding the balance of nature and healing the lands their combined efforts resulted in a long shot period of peace and tranquility life in the forest and thickets of hygiene thrived while the mantle of leadership was definitely demanding tyrande enjoyed it despite the hope and optimism that blossomed amongst the night elves trauna could not shake the feeling the dire times were ahead illidan's words seemingly made an impact they might have banished the burning legion but they had not killed sargeras tyranna believed with all her heart that the fallen titan was somewhere out in the darkness between the stars plotting his next attack perhaps it was only a matter of time before sargeras renewed his burning crusade to decimate all life and if that day did come tyrande hoped that she and her people would be ready for it hello everyone last time we began the story of tyrande talking about our origins as novice priestess of elune the war of the ancients becoming the high priestess of their sisterhood and lean their people into a bright and uncertain future while toronto led their people malfurion guided new recruits in the way of druidism this meant that they often took very long naps and this aluminus frustrated tyron and her sentinels though they often sought to druids to help safeguard their lands against threats like the satyr or leftover demons few of malfurion's followers were ever awake to answer the call you might imagine that they would put quite a bit of strain on their relationship yet tyrande described it as ah malfurion my beloved for a hundred hundred years he slept beneath moonglade whenever i was plagued with doubt i would descend into his barrow i watched over him as he slept even in slumber his presence calmed me i left my fears below the earth and emerged ready to lead my people have you ever loved as i have and while the night elves rebuild the scars of the war of the ancients had definitely left their impact illidan warned them all that the legion would return one day and while it did take a few millennia to happen he would be proven right archimonde was summoned back onto the world and he set his sight on that second well which was hidden beneath nordrassil some of his forces were send on ahead forces like the pitlord manorath they were tasked with weakening the forest defenses most of all that pesky wild god cenarius that had caused him so much trouble in the war of the ancients to make that happen manoreth left behind some of his demonic blood a temptation of power that grommers hell's communist warsong orcs were unable to resist when they made war on the forest stole from the woodlands without asking and felling trees with reckless abandon the sentinels obviously they fought back they were as deadly as any foe that the orcs had faced but it didn't frighten grumman's warriors rather it excited them still the orcs were greatly outmatched especially when cenarius showed up that's when they decided to drink demonic blood again grabbing the power to strike down the demi-god but also chaining themselves firmly back into the hands of the legion while thrall and jaina would ultimately be able to save grommash and grommash in turn struck down mannoroth which liberated their people from their blood curse the damage it was already done at the moment of cenarius's death the wilds around hyjal darkened and trembled dryads chimeras trians and other fake creatures they retreated in horror though some would return to aid the night elves many would remain in hiding for the duration of the war their primal strength was greatly diminished and so the time to invade kalimdor had come the undead are tireless there's no way to outrun them you see lord archimonde we did not fear the night elves the scourge archimonde after 10 000 years how is it possible the legion has returned to consume this world woman and this time your troublesome race will not stop us fools let her slip away find her damn you find her and kill her the sight of archimonde and his vanguard the filing ashenvale filled tyrande with shock and fury but she knew it was only the beginning the legion was not in kalimdor to conquer the forest the demons wanted to consume the entire world with the second well of eternity they would have the power to do so they could open up gateways for the rest of the legion perhaps even for sargeras himself and it troubled her that malfurion and his followers had not yet emerged from the dream and surely they must have sensed the corruption spreading the reason for that was cenarius's death when he had fallen a shock wave blew through the dream weakening the druids throwing them into a state of confusion it would be up to her and the sentinels to get them up and running use the horn of cenarius and bring malfurion back to her side it has been a thousand years since i last looked upon you tyrande i thought of you every moment i roamed through the emerald dream my heart rejoices to see you again fury but i would not have awakened you unless the need was urgent that did it boys we've driven them off let's regroup back at the base and tend to are wounded so the outlanders battle against the undead as well they could prove to be powerful allies against archimonde and his ilk they are mongrels and nothing more they are responsible for cenarius's death i will be damned before i stand with them perhaps you are right my love you've changed toronto there is little mercy left in you long ago i swore to protect this land furion i never had the luxury of sleeping through times of great peril if your endless vigil has hardened you my love it must be part of your goddesses plan some have asked in the past why they call him furion in warcraft 3 and i believe it's merely a nickname now malfurion would soon enough find out just how far tyrande was willing to go to defend their lands they stumbled across the pathway which led to illidan's prison the blessing of immortality it was great for the elves but not so much for the luck to betrayer in darkness he spent his time magical bonds keeping him chained unable to even take his own life his warden maiev shadowsong made sure that their prisoner wasn't going anywhere but our high priestess believed that illidan could be their salvation illidan it's been 10 000 years could he still be alive we should free him furion he would be the perfect ally against the undead and their demon masters no terranda that beast must never be set free but he is your brother be that as it may is far too dangerous i forbid it only the goddess may forbid me anything i will free illidan whether you like it or not not even the guards left to keep an eye on him could stop tyrande from pushing forward she slaughtered any that stood in her way while illidan has had centuries to brood on what it would do to those who had incarcerated him but all that fell away when he gazed upon his beloved tyrande illidan is that you tyrande it is your voice after all these ages spent in darkness your voice is like the pure light of the moon upon my mind the legion has returned illidan your people have need of you once more [Music] because i once cared for you tyrande i will hunt down the demons but i will never owe our people anything then let us hurry back to the surface the demon's corruption spreads with every second we waste all his dreams of vengeance all his plans for retribution faded away as if the long years of his imprisonment had never happened he was astonished by the feeling he had fought himself hardened against anything and anyone especially her but he'd been wrong a small voice in the back of his mind and then i wonder if she had shown up out of kindness or forgiveness but all that really happened was that she was unsheathing him unleashing a weapon against the greater threat no apologies and no remorse fair enough he would do the work but he would do it his way he grabbed the skull of gul'dan and then struck down titchondrius while absorbing a whole bunch of power from the artifacts this transformed him so much that his own twin didn't even recognize him foul demon what have you done with my brother it is i pure heaven this is what i've become no illidan how could you despite doing what they wanted him to do the way that he went about it was something they weren't down with so illidan is banished from their lands but don't you worry he'll come back in just a moment it's still left archimon to deal with and luckily plans were already set in motion by the guardian medivh he had brought thrall jaina tyrande and malfurion together to stand in the defense of azeroth all their forces delayed archimonde as long as they could malfurion worked on their plan ten thousand years ago we night elves defeated the burning legion though the rest of the world was shattered we were left free to live out our immortal lives in peace bound to the world tree we are its protectors and through it we were granted immortality and power over nature now at last it is time we gave that power back you realize that we will age as these mortals do our powers over nature will wane in time if pride gives us pause my love then perhaps we have lived long enough already i will proceed to the summit and prepare our defenses there whatever comes my love remember our bond is eternal thousands of defenders died that day but they did not give their lives in vain by the time that archimonde reached nordrassil malfurin in a druids they had completed their work countless incorporal spirits known as wisps they emerged from the forest around hyjal channeling their energies into the world tree and igniting the enchantments within our command was instantly destroyed with most of his undead and demons a hard-earned victory over the legion yet again but not without a great cost no longer would the night elves enjoy immortality or immunity to sickness they would grow old and infirm they would die just like all the other mortal races but those were concerns for later as for right now not all of the threats of the legion are completely eradicated up north there's still the lich king with his death knight arthas doing his bidding now while being created by the legion the lich king had no intention to remain loyal so kil'jaeden recruited to betray her to take care of his wayward servants in turn illidan recruited the naga and the naga are those former highborn elves that were swallowed by the water with the sundering willingly joined the old godness offside with his forces gathered he then set out to grab enough power to get the job done hot on his trail there was his ward of maiev desperate to return her captain to his cage her quest was now rather difficult after all the power-ups and artifacts boosted illidan had one of her forces rushed out to recruit the aid of malfurion i will go i will lead the sentence there myself no milo the druids and i can handle i am the one who set him free the responsibility is mine then we shall both go if this girl's tale is true myev will need all the help she can get in be praised i knew you would come shondo stormrage i'm glad we reached you in time priestess taronda i'm surprised you came in person are you here to absolve your guilty conscience i did what i had to do maya you are in no position to judge me what you did was murder my watchers and set the betrayer free it is you who should be locked in a cage stop this both of you we're not out of danger yet even back when maiev and tyrande were not exactly close when she was appointed to become the new high priestess and then got kidnapped maiev mourned her loss but also commented that she feared her inexperience had betrayed her perhaps it would have been better for her if her predecessor had chosen one more seasoned with a subtle implication that maiev referred to herself tyranna now has 10 000 years of experience and yet she still went against everything that maiev had worked for she had her reasons and trusted in illidan but perhaps the trust was misplaced i was wrong to set you free illidan i can see that now you've become a monster monster is that what you think of me i have always cared for you toronda i sought only to prove my worthiness my power raw power is no substitute for true strength that is why i chose your brother over you the betrayer managed to escape their grasp and set sail all the way to lordaeron that's where he worked on his spell of destroying the lich king from afar magic that did so much damage that it wouldn't just destroy the frozen throne it would split apart the roof of the world malfurion sensed this well maiev enter on that they continued their hunt ultimately running into kael'thas sunstrider descendant of dathramar sunstrider again those highborn that were exiled for not being able to let go of their magics they had formed quel'thalas their sunwell and evolved into the high elves eventually the blood elves and despite my ass protests tyrande wanted to help their former brethren wait we have no time for this perhaps once your people are safe you will help us hunt the demon we seek it would be an honor we've driven them back but the second wave is advancing we've run out of time the caravan will not survive another assault hail get your caravan moving across the river i will stay behind and hold the bridge that's very noble of you priestess but you're no match for a force that vast the goddess is my shield warden a loon will grant me the strength [Music] she's holding them back we must hurry to save her that current will take her straight into the heart of the undead lands no kale tyrande is a soldier she knew the risks she took we have a greater mission to accomplish now and our time grows short your people are now safe you will uphold your end of the bargain and help me hunt the demon i seek tyrande was left to her fate while maiev focused on one thing and one thing only she even lied to malfurion told him that tyrande was torn apart rather than swept away by the river that lie would cost her dearly when they finally did get to illidan stop the spellwork and captured her targets fools can you not see the spell we channeled was meant to strike at the undead our common enemy my mission was to destroy the lich king's stronghold of ice crown and no he to the cost because of you tyrande is dead what your pardon lord stormrage but the priestess may still be alive she was swept down river but it's premature just simply silence kale you told me she was torn apart you lied to me the betrayer's capture was our primary concern shondo i needed your help i knew you would go to her and we would lose our chance i just who is the betrayer now woman i must go to her immediately believe me brother despite all our differences you know that i would never lead to rwanda to harm let me help you my naga can scour the river for us let me do this at least very well what after all he's done you would trust this tree silence i will deal with you later let's go brother what trickery is this have you come to finish me off personally notrender you must believe me i've come to save you save me you've risked your life for me i don't understand whatever i may be whatever i may become in this world know that i will always look out for you tyrande i knew you would not forsake me i thought i'd lost you forever my love if not for illidan's aid i may well have we have had much strife between us my brother i have known only ages of hate for you but for my part i wish it to end from this day forward let there be peace between us you have brought much suffering to the world illidan for that you can never be forgiven however you saved the life of my love for that i will let you go but should you ever threaten my people again i understand brother lordship over this world was never my aim only power only the magic i've lingered here too long i must go by aiding you i've betrayed my new master if i am not careful his wrath will be my end farewell brother deronda i doubt our path through cross again fools have no sense of justice maiev illidan has atoned for his crimes he is no longer a threat to it's no use tyranna she has become vengeance itself bound forever to the heart and we pray that in her zeal she doesn't cause even more now let's go home beloved we've earned our rest this would indeed be the last time that the paths crossed again tyrande and malfurion returned home but what home exactly as nordrassil it was just recently blown up would still take many years to heal back up one of malfurion's fellow druids archdruid fandral staghelm he came up with a solution he'd been experimenting before with planting happy little world trees from branches of nordrassil now those experiments they might have hardly failed in the past but don't you worry about it staghelm got this now he learned from his mistakes all the same malfurion did not approve and that was a problem because in staghelm's mind a new world tree it would lead to the potential of bringing back his son a son that had died during the war of the shifting sands that mindset was being fueled by an ancient old enemy xavius the same xavius that was turned into a tree by malfurion like the naga he too got in touch with the old gods when the whole sundering took place rooted deeply in both the physical world and the emerald dream xavius had become known as the nightmare lord spreading the corruption of the emerald nightmare as much as he could now he had manipulated staghelm to his side who ambushed malfurion as he slept in his barrow then placing their leader in a deep coma staghelm then took control of the cenarion circle and led them to the coastal region of darkshore where they joined together to plant their new world tree the druids named the teldrassil or crown of the earth and their new home was bright powerful and apparently uncorrupted i have vision that she lacks brimming with hope the night elves established their city of darnassus amongst the world tree's massive boughs unfortunately fandral's decision to create the tree without the dragon aspect's help it proved to be a terrible mistake without their blessing teldrassil was vulnerable to the dark influences of the emerald nightmare from the heart of the emerald dream the nightmare reached out to the tree before long it seeped into the world tree's essence tyrann and the rest of them were unaware of these developments they were kept busy with other threats to notice not even malfurion's long slumber was that much reason for concern as the archdruid had taken long nests before high priestess was of course troubled by malfurion's disappearance yet nevertheless she strived to keep the night elves from reliving the mistakes of the past my heart sleeps in the emerald dream hello everyone four years have passed since the mortal races banded together and stood united against the might of the burning legion though azeroth was saved the tenuous pact between the horde and the alliance has all but evaporated it's in their capital of darnassus where we find tyrann to lean the night elves they've joined the alliance a union of human dwarf gnome and night elf pitched against the horde orcs forsaken taran and trolls despite their allegiance in warcraft 3 old hatreds die hard and the battle over resource in ashenvale doesn't make relationships any better in the meantime she also has to deal with staghelm with quite a different vision for the future of the elves tyrande has no idea how to lead our people unknown to all of them is that staghelm has been manipulated to join the side of xavius the nightmare lord when stormrage told him not to plant a new world tree namely teldrassil staghelm struck out placing the leader in a coma taking control of the cenarian circle while malfurion has been kept alive by the priestesses of elune staghelm has slowly worked on killing him and we actually help with that he has requested heroes to bring him moral grain and that's what he has used to curse malfurion having the nightmare corrupt their druid their world tree itself has made things rather difficult and it's that influence of the nightmare in which classic tyrande mainly played a part you might recall how the druids in the wailing caverns were taken by the nightmare or how in the sunken temple we battled not only with the trolls but also corrupted green dragons that was all due to the influence of the nightmare with the final boss being the consort of ysera herself namely iranicus the trinket you could get there it lets you torment the poor green spirit but staying corrupted would not be his fate when heroes rose up and ventured to the sands of silithus to deal with the threat of the old god c'thun they had to find a way to open up the gates gates that were raised after a war of the shifting sands that same war in which tech helm lost his son the image of his son being used to manipulate him it's all connected i'm telling you but to do so to become the scarab lord and forge the scepter there we're going to need well there was going to be quite a lot that we're going to need but amongst the list of things to do they were going to need 3 shards blue red and green to obtain the last one they were going to need the aid of aranekus which as you might have figured was a little bit difficult seeing how the nightmare held him under control not the only green either the dragons of nightmare were some fantastic world bosses to fight now to turn them back to our side heroes lured him to the moon glade where together with keeper remulos and tyrande herself they battled after weakening him she prayed to their goddess elune to grant them serenity to watch over their fallen and cleanse the mighty green he feels the touch of elune upon his being once more eranikus is redeemed and would return to his beloved y'sera side all the heroes they adventure through angkiraj and beyond now before we move on into the burning crusade there's a little interesting thing that happens which has to do with time travel we've gone over the events of the war of the ancients that big old event over 10 000 years ago but at some point in time the bronze dragon aspect nostormu he was investigating the timeways and he got trapped due to the old gods in a desperate attempt to save the fabric of time and all of reality he called in the aid of the red dragon cory astras who in turn recruited his friends and ally ronin together they were swept back in time with one more that came along for the ride there was the orc brokshigar he played a critical role in the victory earned that day and they still remember make mention of him years later his special ex the acts of cenarius would also play a crucial part in the liberation of malfurion but what is confusing is that tyrande she doesn't change her mindset towards the orcs with that newly added history of brock's but you know it's it's wibbly wobbly timing why me the major thing regarding the time travel and their influence on the story of tyrande is that it formed friendly relationships with the dragons like alexstraza and ysera with ronin and krez's and while broxigar sacrificed himself to stop sargeras from coming through the portal his weapon did make it back to our time into the hands of his niece fura we'll get back to that bit in just a moment first up we have our heroes venturing to a whole different planet or for some of them it's venturing back home with the re-opening of the dark portal during the burning crusade we saw the blood elves through sylvanas sign off with the horde while the draenei through the night elves they joined team alliance the big story of the burning crusade was of course dealing with illinois stormrage you'd imagine that tyrande would play quite a part in this but nope she stayed home while we did our thing maiev did finally get what she wanted her prey was dead on the floor illidan warned her though that the hunter is nothing without the hunt and he would again be proven right worries for later as wrath the lich king is right around the corner just before the expansion hit we saw an attempt made by the alliance and the horde to get some kind of peace going king varian wrynn had been kidnapped by the black dragon onyxia would use the magic to split the king into two there was one weak-willed side that she used as a pawn in stormwind easy to manipulate while the other was planned to be simply killed off that part didn't exactly work out instead this side of varian this logos he escaped and was then enslaved by rehgar earth fury joined the gladiator team consistent of valeera sanguinar and brawl baremental together they fought their way to freedom and glory to which they helped the lost king with regaining his memories regain his life that journey took them through darnassus where tyrande could sense the dark aura that surrounded the king but seeing how she was no sorcerer herself she recommended him to visit her ally jaina proudmoore all the way at theramore ultimately onyxiao was confronted and varian was made whole he was never quite the same though his warrior spirit would remain the dominant force in his heart and in the years to come he would struggle to control his rage that fearsome part of him that had earned him the name logash and the negotiations of theramore they ended in failure and then both sides focused on the threat of the lich king my heart sleeps in the emerald dream for all this time malfurion had slumbered tyrande's heart lost within the dream a vision was granted to her she had received only a handful of such gifts from her mistress over the centuries and all of them had been messages of great importance yet this one this one was most troubling of all despite the best efforts and tremendous vigilance of his tenders it was shown to her it was now clear that malfurion was dying something would have to be done had to be changed to save her beloved meanwhile all across azeroth people were falling asleep trapped in nightmares of their own teldrassil had become more and more corrupted and at staghelm he kept pretending like nothing was wrong some might have bought what he was selling but not tyrande not while malfurion was in danger she gathered allies to join her on the quest allies like brawl bear mental iranicus she entered the dream herself to find her beloved malfurion in the meantime has been enjoying the company of xavius slowly turning into a tree himself this time and even worse xavius was using him to fuel his own power to spread the nightmare even further that didn't mean that there was nothing that malfurion could do he's been sending dreams to fura that nissa broxigar the wielder of the exocenarius convincing her that he was an enemy to track down and take out fura eventually managed to make way into the dream as well to the very location where malfurion was a tree she was about to strike him down about to set him free what malfurion had not planned on was tyrande showing up as well with the grace of elune at her back and her glaive at her side she had battled her own nightmares along the way fears that she carries with her like the satyr the ones that had kidnapped her and brought her to the palace or azshara herself the queen that betrayed them all as well as the fear of becoming like azshara such insolence a lesser monarch might be enraged we all carry our demons and so seeing this orc about the murder malfurion she stepped in between preventing fura from doing what had to be done malfurion tried to scream and warned tyrande but he had no mouth anymore was forced to watch all of his plans shatter before him luckily brawl had figured out what malfurion wanted to happen distracted tyrande long enough for fura to strike break the spells and bonds that helped the archdruid captive gaining his freedom back was not going to be that easy though the nightmare lord had no intention of letting malfurion go and shadowy tendrils wrapped themselves around the archdruids to his rescue came the green dragonflight with their leader ysera herself rescuing him but by doing so opening herself to be captured instead just as xavius had planned the green dragon aspect's formidable powers were added to the nightmare with renewed strength the darkness led by xavius assaulted them and the green dragons realized that they had to get out of there ysera had told them that rescuing malfurion was everything that he was more valuable than even she was the druid could not believe it kept on struggling to go back but in doing so accidentally left the dream and returned to his physical body he could feel the poison of the mortal grain in his system used his skills to collect it and puke it out he was weak but the nightmare and the mist that accompanied it it was everywhere around him there was no time for rest i'm awake i'm awake with ysera captured the powers of the nightmare increased and with it the effects upon the world of azeroth the mist were spreading further xavius power became stronger and stronger with each victim that he took each sleeper that was now trapped within the nightmare the boundaries between the emerald nightmare and azeroth itself became thinner and something had to be done soon before all be lost to the nightmare forever first malfurion reached teldrassil figured out that staghelm had become corrupted managed to convince the rest of the cenarion circle they overpowered their corrupted arch through it to which malfurion removed and cleansed the corruption upon the tree then he convinced those that were still awake still fighting on azeroth their placed their trust within him allowing him to guide them into the dream when they formed an army against the nightmare under varian's leadership the different factions of both the alliance and the horde but also the animals like tigers and raptors they banded together with those still trying to defend the dream you had keepers guardians ancients of war all those able were summoned to this war and their combined might it drew some of xavier's attention meanwhile ysera had done her very best to fight back herself to prevent xavius from using her full power this titanic struggle was taxing on her but she was eventually liberated by her consort eranicus and even though she was too weak to offer any aid further at least she could no longer be used by the nightmare lords that meant that it all fell upon the shoulders of malfurion and tyrande he first wanted to send her away to keep her safe but the high priestess told him that she would not let him go again and they were in this together until the bitter end with tyrande at his side they found the location on azeroth where xavius tree had grown to a gigantic size within azshara at the edge of what was once zinerzari the priestess and druid did the near impossible the powers displayed when this power couple works together are absolutely insane elune's touching radiance the love of tyrande and the comfort that it brings it in turn allows malfurion to tap into primal powers he guided the army that was fighting within the dream he battled against xavius in the physical world while simultaneously leading the efforts against his dream form tyrande called upon her goddess to lend them her strength and aid the light of elune it had so far managed to keep the nightmares at bay but it also been shaped into a weapon which resembled her favorite glaive now to guard malfurion from their attackers elune's aid had come in the form of guardians from moonlight tyrande's touch upon his heart gave malfurion the impetus to push even further beyond what he had expected to be his limits extending his will into azeroth and the emerald dream simultaneously together they vanquished xavius and pushed the nightmare all the way back back to a place in the dream which is called the rift of alm there he found that he could push it no further could sense that ancient evil that actually been empowering xavius that touch of the old gods there was nothing more to gain from trying to push it further so instead they sealed off the vicinity around the rift knowing that the day was saved but one day they would have to fight this war worries for later for now let's have ourselves a celebration a little wedding in fact as after 10 000 years tyrande and malfurion decided that it was about time to make it official for too long they've been apart she might have described the relationship in legion as this beautiful wonderful thing back during this book she wasn't too sure his reasons for leaving her side were solid but with him walking the dream for years at a time she had sometimes come to wonder if he had ever truly loved her and of course he had it was her image on his mind all those countless years we see shandris ambrol that guided a pair down the aisle while many esteemed guests attended the ceremony like ronin veresa varian fura a whole bunch of people the ceremony was guided by none other than the dragons ysera and alexstrasza tyrande whisperwind malfurion stormrage we bless this union and as our gift we also do something else this glorious day this tree was born without our blessing it has been cleansed by the druids and blessed by one of us but a more special blessing shall now be made let it now receive through both of us our hopes for a world and a future of which we can all be proud malfurion and tyrande smiled in understanding teldrassil received their blessing becoming stronger and more vibrant may your life be as full of life as teldrassil is now alexstrasza murmured to the bride and groom as she and ysera step further back then malfurion recalled what still held sway over the rift of alm and he grew troubled it was not a threat that could be left untouched for long the archdruid began pondering what they would have to do and he felt tyrande squeeze his hand she leaned and kissed him enjoyed today mal that's all we can ever ask today together she kissed him again then added more strongly and then we shall begin dealing in earnest with the thalnus that guided xavius evil the archdruid nodded accepting her wisdom he would enjoy the day and all his time with tyrande and knew that he could indeed ask for no more than that still both of them could not also help but have some hope for the future and malfurion stormrage was well aware that great things have been successfully build upon far less than that i like you say would you happen to have a twin brother stormrage has returned to his beloved side but more change was coming to azeroth with the cataclysm deathwing breaking out of the world transforming its surface and making great changes to the land but not just the world was changed we also saw quite a lot of that happening amongst the factions as well we had for example thrall appointing garrosh hellscream to be the new warchief of the horde and argary he set his sights on ashenvale he had never been for asking or trading that was just merchant's talk the horde was strong and should take whatever it wants now it's my turn that's why we also saw the horde assault gilneas this human kingdom had sealed itself away from the rest of the world with a big old wall in the city the worgen cursed and spread while trying to defend their home from this ruthless assault the night elves would turn out to be their salvation helping them out as they felt somewhat responsible for their plight you see the worgen they actually originate from night elf druids that experimented too far with their pact form so these night elves not only guided the cursed gilneans through the ritual of balance to have them regain control they also helped them evacuate when gilneas ultimately fell now there's just a small matter of rejoining the alliance if i am to accept help then i am glad it comes from you for our garrosh gilneas alone was not enough he also set his sight on the delicious resources they were waiting in ashenvale as if the turmoil of the cataclysm wasn't enough now they also had to deal with this threat this is a story that's told within the novel wolfheart which has like two major storylines going on on the one hand you've got the night elves that are dealing with their mortality they're now aging they're falling to sickness and the world around them is changing so they've decided to let the highborne spellcasters back into their society now you gotta understand that's not an easy or small choice to make considering that millennia ago they actually exiled those unable to let go of these practices but times are changing and so must their people not all were down with that though maiev shadowsong has returned to their people after slaying illidan and she now decides to go on quite the murder spree she took out some of these highborn almost murdered malfurion but these events that are described in the book they're not exactly retconned but did it kinda just sweep them under the rug they placed the blame on her brother jarrod for misunderstanding the situation all that so that they could just have maiev back on our side as an ally within the expansion legion so yeah take that story as you will now the other major story that is the alliance that needs to come together like never before if it even wants to stand a chance in this hostile changing world elune has granted the high priestess another vision one which showed her that it would be varian wrynn to bring them all together easier said than done though as varian was still very much dealing with that angry logar side of him during this summit the meeting organized by the elves he first fled out rejects ganon and his people for cowardly abandoning them in the past not exactly a great start but under the subtle guidance of malfurion the two kings were sent on a hunt in which they got to know each other better they grew a bit of respect genn even helped varian to go through that ritual of balance to harness and gain control of the rage within he truly became whole again which allowed them to work together guide the gilnean vorgen against the horde incursion into ashenvale and kick the warchief out of their lands after which varian gladly accepted genn and his people back in and all of them together decided to make that vision of elune come true to make varian the high king of the alliance to which the cataclysm played out horde and alliance going at each other while deathwing servant of the old godness of caused havoc to the world for the elves one of the bigger parts of the story can be found in mount hyjal there nordrassil is still healing but ragnaros and the twilight hammer they don't care the flames and devastation spread until the resistance is able to summon cenarius back into the world push back to threat all the way into the firelands itself now the dragon aspects figured that it was about high time to help the world tree and the surrounding land heal again so they prepared themselves for a ritual one that was interrupted by none other than fandral staghelm liberated by our enemies turned into a flame druid they caused quite a bit of trouble but nothing that we couldn't fix it was even time for another wedding thrall and agra this time a wedding that was attended to by tyrande and then the aspects they finished what they started they helped heal nordrassil further at the end of the expansion we managed to stop deathwing and the plans of the old gods victory earned at a great price as it usually goes this time the aspects themselves gave up a huge chunk of their power and their immortality now more than ever they were going to need the aid of mortals to help uphold and protect the domains it was a brand new age the age of mortals which garrosh took great advantage of he pushed his war efforts to the next level we saw theramore bombed pandaria invaded people resources and power to claim dominance over the world for his horde and auros with the strength to stand at his side the high priestess herself after approving an expedition into the crescent ring wilds she showed up in pandaria herself now what could this millenia old warrior and priestess what could this favor of elune friend to demigod and dragons survivor of the war of the ancients and leader of the night elves what could she offer for the alliance war effort against the horde we have them cornered inside the temple we should strike now things are rarely what they seem tyrande and my son tells me this is a sacred place all the more reason to purify it they're defending a fixed position i'm not gonna play their game we'll draw them out you are wasting precious time be used to make varian look better apparently while she wanted to rush in and most likely get a whole bunch of them killed varian took the patient approach you're being tentative varian you must be decisive if you wish to lead the alliance patience tyrande he had us play some traps for the horde forces within the temple used himself to lure them out to a swift demise earn victory with not a single one of our forces lust the day is ours and not a drop of blood was shed on holy ground i would have charged right in many more lives would have been lost in my rush for victory there was a time when i would have done the same but i've learned a lot over the years i've fallen for too many of garrosh's tricks from now on we define the terms of this engagement tyrande i may not be a politician but i am a fighter i know we can win this war we need to stand together you have to trust me know that i will do the right thing if we act as one we cannot fail i see that now our strength is yours to command high king may this be the first of many victories despite being the one that followed the vision of elune and pushing towards getting varian to be the high king for some reason they portray her here as not fully trusting varian either way the war in pandaria had continued coming together at the siege of orgrimmar not everyone amongst the horde is down with what the warchief is doing and a rebellion is formed the alliance assists with kicking garrosh out of the mantle of warchief now they don't immediately take his life instead they place him on trial to answer for his crimes tyrann is appointed to be the accuser balbane bloodhoof speaks for his defense ultimately this trial didn't matter much as garrosh he was set free by the bronze dragon kairos dormu taken over into a whole different reality that's where he formed his iron horde the dark portal turned red and heroes stepped through to save the day yet again on this alternate draenor they were able to liberate the planet but the events of warlords echoed on into the next expansion back onto our azeroth hello everyone last time we covered the story of tyrande from classic all the way to the start of legion and today we're going to be wrapping up her story so far i really hope that i've been able to show that tyrande in the books and from warcraft 3 that she's kind of a badass she is very much favored by elune which allowed her to rise to the rank of high priestess so very quickly while the priesthood failed she had succeeded elune clearly favors her not even willing to let her step into danger when tyrande unknowingly asked for it but never throughout her years did she demand elune to offer up her powers never did she credit herself for the gift it was all due to the beloved goddess and she was merely a vessel she asked and was blessed by an answer but she also accepted it when none of it came leading the night elves for millennia while male fury and slumbered it can't have been easy and she has helped save the world more than once the power couple of stormrage and whisper winds when these two work together well they've accomplished some insane things while at the same time she doesn't just go along with whatever he tells her to do only the goddess may forbid me anything sadly though that character design doesn't flow over well into world of warcraft she shows up here and there and offers aid for situations but then when she does get a moment to shine we get dialogue like hush tyrande or make other characters look better like patience tyrande which is in my opinion just a real real shame so yeah we left the story at the expansion legion where the burning legion tried to take another bite out of azeroth the biggest legion assault the world had ever seen illidan stormrage also made a return and he was right back in warcraft 3. that really was the last moment that the trio saw each other all really got connecting them during this expansion was a farewell message at the end after illidan finished his millennial mission of sacrificing it all to defeat the legion and then decided to stay behind at the seat of the pantheon where sargeras was in prisons i sense a sorcerer's touch upon this crystal toronda long ago you trusted me enough to defy malfurion's wishes and free me from my prison but over time that faith was lost and like my brother you came to believe that the choices i made had driven me to darkness know that every path i took led toward a single purpose saving our world i could abide no half measures no compromise at those times when i faced doubt i held true to one constant one anchor you you have always embodied the best of azeroth to ronda your faith your devotion through the darkest my belief in you never wavered my fate my duty are now clear to me i leave azeroth's defense to you and to my brother take care of him tyrande though at times i wished your heart had made a different choice in the end i know it made the right one contrite words yet i must wonder whether he truly meant them illidan faced defeat atop the black temple i tried to let go of my feelings my distrust and bitterness when i learned that he was alive leading the fight against the legion on the broken shore i could not bring myself to speak to him the time for talk has passed seems he has a duty to fulfill as do we let us be about it champion a bit harsh to be sure but then again quite a bit of history there and who knows what the reaction might be in the future if and when illidan returns instead the major story that they gave tyrande in legion well there were two to be fair one was all about the emerald nightmare pretty much a repeat of the events from the novel stormrage that which we covered last week they're now shown ingame for all to see while malfurion and tyrande they've been able to push the nightmare back all the way to the rift of all even back then they knew that one day they were going to have to deal with this threat it's within val'sharah where this battle took place heroes they needed to get their hands on the tears of elune but in their way there was xavius the nightmare lord the corruption of the nightmare has been spreading across the land when it finally completely takes over cenarius malfurion loses it charges off on his own we quickly give chase on the back of yasera but that's exactly what xavius wanted to happen the great green is shot out of the sky with the corrupted tear of elune and then turned into a servant of the nightmare malfurion where is my beloved she saw him in a vision and the high priestess has come looking for her beloved together we try to save malfurion pushing through the many tricks of the nightmare lords your beloved malfurion awaits within but what's this which malfurion is real and which is part of the nightmare [Laughter] i have no time for games until finally we catch up to them durand a whisper wind i have longed for this encounter for many years your adoring husband will be joining me in the nightmare his was a special invitation and our dear ye sarah would you believe she's had a change of heart she will aid me in my conquest of val'sharah starting with your precious temple of elune such a dilemma high priestess kneel beside your beloved as he draws his final breath or watch the temple of your goddess burn i've had joanna ask on twitter if i could talk a little bit about tyrande's relationship with yazera but it's mostly assumption or just being there the dragons they've been in touch with the night elves for millennia they fought together in the war of the ancients and then of course they blessed nordrassil which gave the druids easier access into ysera's domain that's where malfurion and the others they work closely with her to protect the wilds and it's through that connection that tyrande knows of her a friendship for millennia and dragons in general for the warcraft lore there they're greatly revered even when they're not aware that the talk with a dragon there's still this gut feeling of dealing with this ancient powerful amazing being and of course ysera was also part of a wedding ceremony so to now be forced to end their life now xavius has me by the throat i must abandon my beloved and subdue the most beautiful creature i have ever known are you truly lost after all we have built all we have done by the light of elune we will end this madness i will end your torment dreamer and i promise we will avenge you forgive me it felt so real ysera goes off into the shadowlands leaving behind a cleansed tear of elune while malfurion he would be saved and the nightmare was dealt with then the second major story that she played a part in that takes us into suramar this is the city of her birth where she spent her days as novice priestess when the legion back then tried to claim the world during the war of the ancients we know of the resistance that was formed the one that tyrande was a part of but not all the night elves joined them those inside of suramar they decided to create a massive shield around their city which protected them from the demons and the sundering over the centuries that followed fueled by the source of power which is called the nightwell these night elves slowly but surely evolved into the nightborne now the legion has returned and their leader grand magistrix elisande she believes that it's best to lower their shield give in to the legion's demands for the sake of their people not all are down with that decision a rebellion is formed one that we got to join over time we managed to fight our way towards the nighthold but not just heroes of azeroth with the order halls backing them up we also saw a union of the elves night elves blood elves high elves and the nightborne they came together to face the threat of suramar and despite it being thousands of years ago tyrande has not forgotten about the choices that the nightborne made arcanist thalyssra i remember where your order stood in the war of the ancients how do we know you won't betray us and become the next elisande the next azara we do not intend to be slaves to the nightwell we seek to drive the legion from suramar and put an end to elisande's oppression the kaldorei will fight to see the legion defeated and the nightwell destroyed beyond that we shall see where elune's wisdom guides us and while the union of elves the heroes of azeroth and our forces were able to secure victory within the nighthold this little interaction right here as well as feeling more of a kinship of the blood elves it would ultimately push the nightborne into becoming allies with the horde a horde that is now under the leadership of warchief sylvanas windrunner they promised she was going to make garrosh look like an amateur we now know that she was in league with the jailer so the overall goal it was just sending as many souls to the shadowlands as she could back then it was sold under the idea of taking care of the alliance taking care of the horde's enemy before their fragile peace crumbled again and the alliance might take them out instead so it was that the horde marched into elven lands with the goal of taking out one of their leaders and holding teldrassil hostage that way the alliance couldn't retaliate and despite their best efforts the elves were unable to hold the line they were making plans evacuating the trivia portals they were making ready for an occupation tyrande told those they were forced to stay behind the chi and malfurion would do all they can so that as many of them as possible would be safe for those who must remain do not fear if teldrassil does fall to the horde the alliance will come hard on their heels we have friends and we have our will we are kal'dorei and when the banshee queen had all that she wanted on a silver plate meaning the arch druid in front of her struck down with a disaudible blow by saurfang she then made the odd choice of not taking the kill right here instead she passed it on to the orc for some reason and the high overlord simply couldn't do it you have led your horde in service of death you will regret this day malfurion no you did not kill him ork why i struck without honor i did not deserve to end him this entire war is without honor how dare you spill so much innocent blood for nothing not for nothing we spill blood so that the horde will endure tyrande with the use of a hearthstone teleports a beloved back to stormwind while saurfang returns to the warchief empty-handed a miracle granted by the honorable hand of a foolish old orc and an overconfident warchief bestially blamed where it belonged this was her mistake as much as saurfang's sylvanas thought to herself this conquest of darnassus would rattle the kaldorei people they would grieve for their lust fear for their imprisoned and tremble at the thought of the horde ransacking their homes but they would not fall to despair not anymore malfurion's impossible survival would give them hope their wound would heal even in this dark hour they would say alone still watches over us and that was almost certainly true wasn't it elune had intervened perhaps she had even stayed saurfang's killing blow and she wouldn't be the only force beyond the alliance to oppose sylvanas's true objective sylvanas's anger grew cold she had known this would happen it'd simply come sooner than expected that was all but they still had teldrassil and darnassus for the taking that with which prevent the alliance from retaliating and yet sylvanas decides to give the order to burn it to the ground they'd expected to be taken captive but to be taken captive alive they did not expect that their people were going to be consumed by the flames men women and children all those that are trapped within the tree desperately they tried to evacuate as many as they could to stormwind we saw mia greymane gen greymane's beloved stay until genn showed up and took her with him in her arms was the last child of the kaldorei to be saved from teldrassil i shall name you finale tyrande set meaning the last for you are the last kaldorei to escape with your life the world tree was more than a city it was an entire land home to countless innocents how many night elves were elsewhere in azeroth far too few now they were all who remained of their people sylvanas windrunner had committed genocide and so kicks off the expansion battle for azeroth and through it we repeatedly hear the night elves being pissed off at their goddess elune for not doing more some even believing that she abandoned them this has also raised quite a bit of discussion within the community could elune have done something more here and considering it's a fantasy story the options are definitely there she blessed her followers and tyranna with some great abilities even during the burning of teldrassil itself she was able to give a painless sleep to those that were still left in the tree so that while the fires claimed them they would not actually suffer could she have placed the enemy asleep as well and it's a difficult discussion to have because again the possibilities are endless but what is important is that the night elves believe it and some amongst them believe that they were abandoned with this orphan i demand to wear your darkest face for our tyrande she was done playing nice priestess no longer would she ask and say thanks for the blessings received now she demanded elune to empower her to make the instrument of our vengeance an incredibly dangerous but powerful ritual yet nothing would stand in the way of claiming revenge it turned her into the legendary night warrior with it they managed to kick the horde out of their lands take down one of sylvanas as val'kyr while the story and the war continued we eventually dealt with none other than queen azshara and the old god n'zoth considering how much of an impact this has had on the life of tyrande it would have been really cool to see her play some part in it instead they decided to give shandris a tiny role then as it was with garrosh even the horde turned on their warchief and the world made ready for siege of orgrimmar 2.0 that wouldn't exactly play out though as the banshee queen just abandoned them all an armistice is signed alliance and horde learning the same old lesson that working together makes them stronger and peace it might be the answer not for tyrande though not as long as the banshee queen still lives she will have her vengeance or she'll die trying and she's not the only one that wants to see the banshee queen pay but getting to sylvanas is quite difficult on top of that things in the afterlife they seem to be a bit wonky so thrall wants to have a chat with the night elves find out what they know find out if they could smooth over elations and he's actually welcome to coming over to nordrassil where the night elves are now hanging out but only under one condition he must bring what is owed what possible balm could he offer to soothe a wound so impossibly deep well our boy goel offers a sincere apology of the horde which obviously does nothing tyranna stays silent while shandris is open to the idea of working together again with maiev being completely against it malfurion thinks that this was all too soon but then tyrande breaks her silence when you have washed the bodies of a thousand kaldorei burned and broken when you have fallen to your knees and kissed the feet of a thousand morning souls when you look into their eyes and tell them our horde has changed and they believe you only then will i accept your apology and treat you as my equal how many orphans did your horde create that day those children will grow they will wake each morning tasting ash and one day they will come for you oh they will come for you and they will make you taste that same ash and then you will know their justice realizing that it was time to go thrall told her i will bring you what is owed then i will not bring you words or promises i will bring you the head of sylvanas windrunner the faintest trace of a smile appeared on tyrande whisperwind's face do it then or never seek to speak with me again vengeance is all that she has on her mind they were able to bring her sira moonwarden not what was owed but at least it was a start as the head of sylvanas is still firmly on her body she has been able to rip apart the helmet of domination shattered the veil between this world and the next several of her dark agents have swooped down and kidnapped thrall jaina bane and anduin they also tried to take tyrande but the night warrior was too much to handle and when nathanos was having a ball on the playglance heroes were trying to take him on it was the night warrior that ultimately got a revenge where is she with him of course in the darkest place along with every soul burn to ash in your precious tree where is she go on kill me you'd send me right to my lady beyond the veil she shattered oh dironda hi priestess night warrior completely powerless to stop then it was time for a rescue mission to get our leaders back heroes of the world would have to venture into the shadow lands into hell or the maw itself to get them tyrande was told by genn not to come with but no one can forbid her anything anymore she came with us on that everlasting quest of trying to claim revenge we then ran into her again during the nightfade covenant campaign where she scoured the halls of thorgast in search of the banshee queen suffering no hope the souls of the kaldorei twisted into that monstrosity destroy it oblivion would be a kind of fate failed us the flames tell brazil tonight burn with us forgive us there is no other way she has won all life consumed sylvanas will never win this i vow avenge children [Music] avenge the banshee will know your suffering one hundred fold all truth come with us we can leave the darkness of the maw behind and bring you back to the light no my hunt will not cease until every soul is saved and the ban she has answered for her crimes this ma walker has the means to deliver our brothers and sisters from their torment if that is true then i entrust this sacred duty to you child of teldrassil save the souls of our people while i claim vengeance upon the one who put them here that's where she would remain on the ninth way they managed to save some of the elves to burn the teldrassil bringing them back to arden wield while the mall walkers worked on their covenants empowered their forces to inevitably confront the jailer and sylvanas the forces of darkness didn't sit still either anduin has been forced to serve the boy king being the perfect tool to strike out bastion was first and then they took on arden wields [Music] [Music] [Music] surrounded i understand you've been looking for me come then show me elune's wrath a loon gave me her strength the wrath is mine alone [Music] [Applause] night warrior i expected more i will take your head banshee just like i took his you didn't know your master is keeping secrets from you [Music] they broke it is [Music] [Music] [Music] at last [Music] once again she denies you victory on the moon do not forsake me end this [Music] [Applause] [Music] bask in the dying embers of your goddess's bargain tyrande nothing lasts tyrande can you hear me she was so close on getting that vengeance desperately calling to elune to finish it and yet the powers of the night warrior slipped away at just the wrong time we don't know if there's a big reason behind it as it stands right now it seems like her battery just ran out at the wrong moment ysera passed on into the shadowlands now bound to arden wield she puts her old friend to sleep the powers of the night warrior they're consuming her and we have met with night warriors of the past that were fully consumed the knight fae had been working really hard on gathering these souls in a desperate attempt to save tyrande tyranex a night warrior of old in life they tried to get rid of the night warrior's power by sharing it with their beloved and still they died for their efforts but perhaps if we gather more of them with all of her powers combined tyrande might have a shot i remember this power a double-edged sword seldom have i seen a mortal wheeled such rage [Applause] mindo please you must calm yourself [Music] terranda do not lose yourself to anger i don't think she's listening the night warriors fury will annihilate us contain it ma walker aid me incoming her strength grows it overwhelms her no she is absorbing even more of elune's power [Applause] threatens to consumer and we'll leave this grove devastated my queen we need your help [Music] in my forest i will have answers [Music] how dare you come here sister after our cries for aid went unheard unanswered i heard your cries felt your pain and in the wake of tragedy sent forth the cascade of souls to sustain oh the great tree all who perished there were claimed by the more then i have condemned my favored children by our hand we may yet guide their souls onto their spring starting with this one tyrande she must choose vengeance or renewal [Music] [Applause] elune speaks through one of our most favorites and we don't know a whole lot about what or who elune actually is in the past there was a conversation between velen and tyrande in which the leader of the draenei he dared suggest that elune seems to be very similar to a naaru a notion that tyrande quickly pushed away and politely asked him to keep his opinions to himself and yet that ideal was somewhat supported in legion with the whole light's heart questline back then we had a shard of the naaru zera which reacted to the tear of elune but now we know that elune is actually connected to the winter queen similar to how arnon wield is connected to the emerald dream still quite a bit too explored and explained there it's also uncertain what exactly a loom means with in the waker tragedy send forth a cascade of souls to sustain you this is about the burdening of teldrassil of course but what influence did she exactly have on the night elf spirits there have been many different opinions many different takes time will tell i suppose the night warrior is given a choice to resume the path of vengeance or go for renewal since apparently both was not gonna be an option despite wanting nothing but revenge for the last two expansions tyrande decides to go with renewal high priestess even in the depths of the ma i could feel your presence i knew you would not abandon us thank you child but i nearly did i was so consumed by the fires of vengeance that i was blind to the ashes at our feet i see now that while many of our people desire retribution what we need most is renewal as the new moon gives way to the full as darkness recedes in the light beard as the night warrior or the high priestess i have faith in your leadership of the kaldorei then i shall endeavor to be worthy of it watch over us from the bowels of starry elune idory quite the change of heart it must have been one hell of a nap and then there's this final conversation it is good to see you whole again mindo i had feared you might be forever lost ever since darkshore rage has swelled inside me a tide unto which i seemed destined to drown it was not until i heard elune's voice that i recognized the grief buried beneath my anger sorrow intertwined with a deep sense of betrayal teldrassil burned i could not understand why the goddess did not intervene why she would allow so many to be lost but i did not know of arden wield of the duty and purpose that awaited the souls of our people at least before them all perhaps we can never truly know the ways of the gods my daughter but i believe elune made a choice to aid her sister not to cause us sorrow the winter queen faced hard choices as well she and mother moon are bound together in an eternal cycle one of death and rebirth a cycle the kaldorei must now rejoin no more looking to the past it is time to embrace our future you can have many discussions about what elune could or couldn't do for the elves with the burning of teldrassil but it's safe to say that at the very least chandras believes that she could have done something more and tyrande goes with it and for some reason they're perfectly fine with this the night warrior decides to let go of our burning vengeance no more looking to the past and embrace their future very impressive for someone who held a 10 000 year grudge towards the nightborne of suramar for walling off their city and i'm kind of curious what critical part the kaldorei played within this cycle of rebirth that they're now rejoining considering that they've been immortal for 10 000 years i guess slowly aging and dying after warcraft 3 that meant a whole lot for arnhem wield safe to say the night warrior story arc it's one that's been dropped quite unceremoniously and while the end result it might not be awful the path that led there is far too short it deserves just so much more story and attention but yeah that's that's where we're at with the story of tyron at the moment now i would love to see a story arc diving into the domain of life the domain of elune and witness elves that have an actual reasonable response to finding out that their god is messed up that their goddess actually send their souls to tormund in the maw while trying to send them over to her sister maybe a deep dive into what elune actually tried to do that's the direction they could take for tyrande and the elves we also got sylvanas who now has a soul returned will most likely play a part in bringing down the jailer would tyrande be able to hear her side of the story and then decide to work together well yeah it's not impossible seeing the drastic change in our mindset anything's possible right now but who knows maybe this is where the story just ends for tyrande within the shadowlands and later on we're gonna find out more about rebuilding their society amongst nordrassil plenty of paths still left to go plenty of stories still left to tell but for now thank you very much for watching everyone really hope you enjoyed this deep dive into the story of tyrande if you did please leave a like subscribe if you're new and until next time [Music] see ya
Channel: Nobbel87
Views: 17,683
Rating: 4.8725491 out of 5
Keywords: Nobbel, Nobbel87, NobbeltheNoble, Story, Lore
Id: Ye62vIX4orI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 36sec (6156 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 25 2021
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