The Story of The Tomb of Sargeras, History, Raid, The Future! [Lore]

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these videos brought to you in collaboration with Wow head com [Music] hello everyone last week we covered events of the leader fall campaign and this week to finish it all up we're actually going to venture forth into the tomb of Sargeras naturally if you haven't done the rate yet and you're still one experiences for yourself be warned there are going to be spoilers ahead over ten thousand years ago during the War of the Ancients the legion was working on a gateway to the twisting nether within pseudo meyers most prominent structure the temple of Elune ground matrix ellison she saw that the legion did not have the best interest for people in mines and they formed a plan to sabotage the efforts al-assad and allies sought out a potent artifact that get it over the years in particular they knew that the pillars of creation once used by the ancient keepers to shape an order answer all they knew that those would possess the vault powder they needed to neutralize the legions portal just as the leads a new portal began roaring to life this sorceress channeled their magic through the pillars they wove a great spell that closed the howling gateway and locked it within a set of unbreakable seals the rebellious highborn they had no plans actually joint and I no resistance instead they use the I vomit rule to create their night well which would nourish them I protect them as a massive shield was placed of the city or the other pillars they will eventually find a way to different locations on the brokest shore the warp the ancients raged on and eventually led to the Sun during which split the land apart shared nearly 80% of calendars landmass and it sucked a big part of the night of land to the bottom of the sea including this temple of Elune 824 years before therefore opened up there was a massive battle between the avatar Sargeras and a Guardian Aegwynn she actually conquered the vessel that held a portion of the Titans power spirits and she was unaware that in her victory cigars made use of her weakened states and infiltrated her body she needed a place to store the remains of the avatar and after considering many locations to serve as the demon Lords final resting place in the end she chose the ancient night elf Assyria Sudama the one at the bottom of the sea when ålesund and Ally sealed off the Gateway they created a series of enchanted seals we would also negate nearby fel energies knowing that the highborn seals would nullify whatever evils still lingered in the avatar she buried the demon Lords broken body within the sunk portion of Sudama a queen hope that sir gars remains would like undisturbed there until the end of time the spirit of Sargeras inside of her it caused quite a bit of trouble since he worked on pushing her away from the Council of Tirisfal eventually leading to her abandoning carosone and making her sanctum of the guardian within the tomb of Sargeras when she decided to have a child to take over as a rolls guardian the spirit of Sargeras just passed on to her son medivh who now not only had the incredible power to the guardian he also had the Titan Spirit inside of him on the dead influence he made contact with you or voila cool damn sir garras want to go there and his horde to come into their world and weaken it so they worked on creating the dark portal and the first horde invasion could begin go Dan was all about getting power and in cyberthieves Minds he learned about the tomb of Sargeras and all the power that was resting inside eventually he decided to leave the horse with fate he made his way to the tombs location and he used his my to lift it out of the sea inside oh he found way more than he bargained for when eggwin had imprisoned the avatar she'd also imprisons a number of his deema followers at his side most of these creatures were deaths or barely clinging to life the Guardian I believe that the tombs enchanted seals that would keep them contained that much was true the demons they would never have been able to escape the structure on their own yet over the millennia some of them had fed on the avatars lingering power at sargeras's commands fully aware of the orcs betrayal the creatures leap from the shadows sit there go dance followers of parts then they turned her off under warlock and flayed him alive ripping his flesh and muscle from his bones his goal was take about a few followers ago dan did did survive the trip into the tomb a skull there eventually play a big part in Illidan's life he absorbed the powers from the skull of Gul Dan gaining the warlocks memories in the process he got the quest of destroying the lich king a mission which took him into the tomb of Sargeras as well in search for the eye of Sargeras with water my f she was hot on his tail she tried to put the betrayer back into his cage while he used his mind to bring the tomb down upon the warden and her troops she was able to blink to her freedom all her remaining forces they were forced to stay behind and find the demise into two eventually ultimate goal Dan was sent to Azeroth and he too made his way into the tomb he found that power it was sealed off all the way back to the War of the Ancients elected and he used it to let the legion in for yet another invasion now we have to reverse the damage done and stop them we have the pillars of creation our possession needed to do so in our first mission that takes us into the Cathedral of eternal night get car has studied the writings of eggwin who said that if rewards were ever compromised a feel safe could be triggered by placing the ages of egg Ramar upon an altar in the cathedral that is our mission but Memphis trough will use all his power to stop us thankfully we're not going to go in alone as nmif they join us on this mission Azeroth will eternally for convey the ages of aggramar to the cathedral i will descend into the tomb with Khadgar and hunt the monster down kil Jaeden reign of destruction will soon be entered you are too quick to trust Illidan prophet I will ensure he fulfills his duty right we have our orders good luck our forces have engaged the Legion on the ground floor we must place the aegis in the tower before our losses grow insurmountable oh this swarm finally arrived I don't forward to ringing those horns from your skull betrayer there is nowhere you can flee that I cannot reach you demon Illidan impetuous demon under the Cathedral is in the upper chambers of the tomb and we can actually see the arms of leader fall fighting with the demons down below as we make a way up Illidan is never one to wait around as he quickly flies away with my f link behind him so I guess it will be up to us to get rid of the leisure forces standing in our way we make a way through the hall of the moon up into the planet Grove where we find out that not even the plants are safe from the Legion and there fail Bombo tenez here it is where we find our first boss aggro knocks an ancient that once served the Night Elves Priestess of the temple of Elune now with the malevolence of the Legion infected Cathedral the guardian has absorbed fel energies through its roots it has become twisted and corrupted spreading the malice through the sanctuary that he wants protected believing that he has finally achieved his ideal state Oh was rich so most if he was perhaps talking about the same rings that were supposed to drown ourselves in according to whisper so vague enough but I think that is just a tree joke the trees are way to Pawnee in region now onwards and upwards we go to the Emerald archives but on the stairs we read with my F again who's finding some of the Wormtongue canton left behind a mess stay close we shall carve a path through these demons smartly done later yes for losers this is actually the brother of smash bite the hateful the one that we fought with within Black Rock hold and dismal work he has no respect for knowledge or learning feeling petty satisfaction as he crashes through ancient artifacts and tramples priceless tomes he has been dispatched to wipe out the mortals entering the cathedrals drawn library and amongst his vast collections are some very interesting books namely a few steamy romance novels Huachuca force trash bite to knock onto the floor read the entire steamy Roman saga before the feeding trash bite and you earned yourself a very nice achievement Oh TMS are the warm tongue they're ready to evacuate the place as they quickly try to run to one of the portals we go up the path of illumination where the fell dry and the spiders they made quite a mess but nothing will stop us from reaching the top as we finally meet up we both in erdan am i yep did you really think you could elude me Illidan run again and I'll shackle you like the beast you are posture if you must Maiev but for now do what you do best and follow me we've lost the Legion broke our lives it pushed us out of the tomb you're all that stands between them and the ages they are coming let them come Maiev and I will hold them on the stairs below forgive me if my clay finds your heart Iligan with so many demons about it's hard to distinguish you from the rest of this bill the leader for army that's been pushed out of the tomb again which is why we had to put in more effort with the whole leader fall campaign to get back into the tomb right now - we're the only hope left apart of the ages in its proper spots but as we do the legion shows up his gratitude for delivering the aegis into our hands the full might of the Legion falls upon you DOMA tucks things that he could just show up and take the ages away but he has no idea of what we had to go through to get it prove yourself hero prove yourself prove yourself worthy of my love Odin head is jumping through hoops for this bad boy and no way in hell did this fell Lord is go to take it away no matter how many little portals he opens up with reinforcements the aegis protects us against his - attacks and DOMA tux goes down this world will be long to run the aegis is secured in its place but the fight isn't over quite yet as a bunch of red wings they're circling our location and they're flying inside I will hold the skies see to the ages Surinder Lucy and I wrote what we do Illidan flies up to take care of the demons there and a coward method off he waited for this exact moment he didn't even have the balls to come in with the mighty demon hunter at her sides as he tried to take us out he even hides in the shadows will make a copies of himself but thankfully Illidan he does not leave us to our fate the shadows to me heroes filled me with the ages while I tear this thread Lord from the shadows with the age of able to keep the demon hunter safe while also destroying as many of the shadows created by my first role until eventually the demon hunter is able to pull the dreadlord back into the light there is nowhere left to run demon long I'm linking to you soil it boy God in Asia tell this shield offended the young world against madness and corruption today it served those who fight forever I am a Glee guardian of Tirisfal I left behind this echo of my power as a safeguard in the events that the wards I put in place to protect the tomb failing indeed I sense that the master of the Burning Legion now seemed to claim his prize yet there is still hope by anchoring the pillars of creation in halls below you will restore my walls and push back against the invaders then you must venture into the depths of the tomb and use the eye of almond fool to eradicate the cell store and sever the legions link to evidence but the pillars alone cannot bring victory only a united army founded on strength and courage in conquer the legions when you and your allies are prepared for the final battle my echo will return to aging the face of Avila rest in your head Khadgar will want to hear of this it seems preparations are in order it's interesting that the image of a Quinn mentions that the ages was once used to protect a world soul inside of Azeroth that Titan spear WF inside so the aegis is been placed at the top and the image tells us that we must also place the other pillars in the halls down below and then use the eye of Amon fool to eradicate the fel storm and sever the leaders linked as role the leader fall campaign that plays out until we're ready to head back into the tomb and drive the leader from our world now a huge huge thank you to preach and the entire raid that carried my little paladin but fruta tomb and allow me to make these recordings and this video way in advance it saves a lot of time not have it away for LFR and it was an absolute pleasure to take on this raid together so preacher if you're listening thank you so much maybe quickly also ranks we must push through leave none standing if we fail here Azeroth burns yes let them call their bonds with you the flames of the burning fall back gaurav knows how to make an entrance by murdering many of the troops that we get hurt as well as the leads of forces within the chamber of the moon intruders killing you when we gain my Master's favor this guy doesn't have the best track record with the legion as apparently he sucks so much debt punishment was in order his flesh had searing wounds and we have every move that the behemoth makes his flesh crackles and hisses with unending torment a skirt that he is happy to inflict upon those who oppose him so for you during the fight he calls down comets and he summons spikes out of the floor until he's gained enough fel energy and is ready to unleash his devastating attack borders will try to overrun our teammates but the spikes they're actually a blessing as they lower the border damage and it gives us the perfect hiding place as he unleashes this ultimate attack and in the end he will have to go back to his master after failing once again the dwarf Durgan stone storm he's ready to provide his people for us and I have no idea where this war came from or why he invited to this important mission but his name it does seem to be a reference to the song that nobody can remember sandstorm by darude - the writes we find an interesting rune on the wall by clicking on it we gain the image of our Godin as these are the rules that he placed in the wall ago included to my F read them during Walker free explaining the fate of the orc and with some of the runes you actually see the spirit pop up and we enact what happens as in golden killing one of his cowardly followers and realizing that he is going to die even his bones are present except of course his skull now back at ashamed of the moon we have Illidan cat-car my yes and villain who move with us to the section of the tomb that still sealed off and the only way of opening it it's my place to the pillars in the proper locations the echo of the Guardian Aegwynn appears just as she did in the Cathedral I filled each level of this temple so that no invader could to his death ashes I never anticipated that the Legion would find another way to breach a shark heart my protective Ward's now far away each seal can only be opened with one of the pillars of creation be warned the demons will stop at nothing to prevent your advance I can sense one of the legions masters working to reanimate the avatar of Sargeras should kill Jayden infused that husk with the dark titans power I do not know whether any force on this world can stop it the image of a green also hands us a quest to collect four fragments of the Guardian seal from the maiden of vigilance in order to move quicker through the raid we then move from the chamber of the moon into the Conclave of torments admit that I am right break the body and the searing those physical pain ah mental anguish is the true level was it not the key to turning Rocky's ah it was the suffering I inflicted which hold the mortals come that full Kauravas failed again so at again and bellick there was responsible for that storm and afflicted upon Rakesh which was valance and they were the ones who turned him into a follower of the Legion physical and mental pain that's what these two are all about kil jaeden has caught up on his best captures to lock us down here and to use both physical and mental attacks to inflict anguish upon us once the energy bars fall you want to move away and attack the other for a little bit and when the anguish simply becomes too much to handle we're forced to confess our actions against the Legion to the demonic Inquisition we are transported into belicus fell prison to wrestle with our tormented soul and peak of remnants of hope after dropping off our torments it's back into the fight and as these two share the health fool both of them go down at the same time whereas God of might not look forward to the punishment that's coming these guys are a little bit more if you CST a fairly new master our suffering will Forge ancient wonder and shape the earth today it shattered the bonds of fate that seek to crush a home the hammer of Casca rove is put in its proper place as we go back into the chamber of the moon down into the hole that was created by Goro you understood my use of the Nagas to obtain the eye of Sargeras but it was a necessary tactic to secure the future of Azeroth let nothing stop you from doing what needs to be done now we go into the underground flooded caverns with a Naga make an appearance insert the pillar that we took away these fools bring the tied stone to us just as our Blessed Queen foresaw slavey intruders take back what is ours this sadly blows my speculation on the old gods in the Naga wanting us to put these five keys in their place since apparently they're not so happy with us holding onto the tight stone and they wanted back for the glory of Ashura charge attend pummel their boom to judge thorne quiet you mindless Oh kill them these naga brutes was trained from birth to demolish his enemies prove a conquest of savage brutality he get her many many cave-dwelling murlocs who see him as a god with a mere bark amount hordes of devout followers follow his lead and join him in this battle he will say this line which I was really curious about like what does it mean but apparently it's never been translated yet it is something also sets by high warlord magentas within the black temple so maybe just a random battle cry either way we deal with the merlic followers we avoid the puddles on the floor and if you want you could use the merggle Murrell horn during this fight the summer elder murk eye and defeat in foreign achievements murky old Merc I elder Merc I it's becoming quite a lineup you slip please why the Queen was fond of him I'll never know we move from Harsha tongue flair to the abyssal throne with more merlocks high skill naga eels and jellyfish in our way and these jellyfish they do some really annoying stunts until we find a chamber where misters dazeem is waiting the tide zone will be ours she has spent a lifetime binding the Dennises of the ocean to a dark wheel with this power she is aqua woman as she summons a freaking massive fish across the battlefield a fish that you do not want to be hit by and she also has a will that pops up on the side of the battlefield trying to suck us in but luckily we can use tipper fouling ink spit out by OSHA nets to make the will go away she was handpicked to watch over these flooded passageways and retrieve the tie stone but perhaps a Jorah herself would have been better choice since the mistress is no match for us Sasha yes if release me from this zone float rivers and seas the very lifeblood of Azeroth today it washes clean the darkness that scarred the typhoon of Gorgon f is in its place and we move back to the abyssal approach up we go on the sunken stair and here we encounter the quest that we had this week the dread stalker and I also checked out what other quests might be available for what I could find we also have Rio de fading which is apparently a skeleton kind of creature and far more interesting is one of the quest could be nyesha deny delft it was with my F when Illidan decided to bring the tomb down on their head of course we haven't seen this quest like yet so it's not 100% certain that to actually be there but are very curious how the dialogue is going to go it will be more interaction between my f Illidan and aisha further up into the Forgotten approach and we end up at the terrace of the Moon where Illidan he does seem to remember what happened to her Warcraft 3 a mage has passed since I last walked these halls I did what needed to be done though at great cost be on your guard I doused the spirits trapped here will be friendly or forgiving or is he talking about something else since on the one hand we know what he did to my f troops but to say that that was ages ago it seems a bit much not to mention the D spirits here they seem to be more of a reflection of the time where the tomb of Sargeras was still used as a place of worship it's a part of the tomb that's untouched by outside influences like an echo of the past yet at the same time we also have good and spirits dying in the tomb so it seems to be a little bit conflicted with each other I personally think that Illidan means working with the enemy during the war ancients finding against the Legion doing what had to be done which eventually led to the Sundering and this area beneath the waves we must be careful not just because of these hostile spirits we also have the traps played by the Guardian Aegwynn traps there were also mentions in the tomb audio drama and if you still haven't listened to this one yet go do it as soon as possible since it's absolutely brilliant activating the traps that will spawn a guardian sentry which is a really annoying a we polymorph bomb we cleared away by being very careful of our steps until we encountered the sisters of the moon I claim for squad sisters got it guide your hand you are ever impetuous Kasparian these wardens guarded the temple long before the avatar Sargeras was even brought here in depth they maintained their vigil but over the millennia something has twisted their ability to distinguish friend from foe their madness slowly consumed them and now any who dare enter their sacred chamber they are put to death at one point it was planned to have nyesha to be part of this encounter but she was replaced with Huntress kasparian which absolutely makes sense if they want to go with defending the temple before Sagaris even got here this encounter looks really really cool as the floor is constantly changing to reflect the moon cycle they use a move between light and dark to change the specs are yourself yells themselves they're bound together and share their health and only have enough power to give one of them a physical form at a time we first fight with the hunters followed by the captain and ending with the priestess okay next our journey takes us through two wailing halls where tormenta priestesses and spectral Guardians ghostly echo light and eternal soul guards they stand in our way they sometimes pull you into the spirit realm where orbs of light can be picked up they increase our damage done and the statue it looks freaking awesome with the cracked face on it and from the wailing halls we move into the befall sanctum where we find the engine of souls and a familiar night oh this was once a sacred burial site for the Night Elves but with the coming of the Legion they've twisted it with the engine of souls this fall machine draws upon the energy of the death twisting them into abominations this fight takes place in both the Corporal realm and the spirit realm and within the spirit realm we find a corrupted soul of High Priestess Jana go to the red the warty ancients you might remember her as the one who got killed by the Legion is then passed on leadership of The Sisterhood of Elune to Tyrande Whisperwind somehow her spirit ended up here and we have enough time pass the host opens up and it's dead that host comes out who's ready to feed upon our suffering both realms can see and fiber the host and together we bring it down perfect beauty embody the dream of what our world could be today they purify your heart for the battle to come the pillars of creation are in place return to the Cathedral and I will reveal the ancient secret this temple hold the elves built this temple upon a site of ancient power evolved i believed would safeguard the husk of my fallen foe but with his disciples aid the dark titan threatens to return to this world stronger than before we will put a stop to kill Jaden's plan eggwin this time we will not fail bold words Khadgar but victory requires more than courage alone the armies of your alliance and horde had courage before facing slaughter on the broken shore the deceiver will turn your fears and doubts against you kil Jaeden hounded my people across the Stars but we are done running he will pay for his atrocities against our world and my son you're right Illidan kil jaeden and the legion have defeated each of us in the past but if we stand together as a rock and yet be saved I know it now we know this place as a tomb of Sargeras before that it was a temple of Elune but before death there was something else not much is known about the city of ancient power the only line that I could find it was a very small description in the chronicles which said some legends say that it was build upon an even older structure of mysterious origins very mysterious indeed but from the architecture that we're going to see in a moment we could be pretty sure that there's some sort of Titan origin mixing to it perhaps this too was once a tight facility taken over known idols who knows we make a way down and we get a little taste of what's to come we clear the guardian sanctum a gwin's old hangout from the iana defenders and the fell shout roaming about until we're ready to face my personal favorite fights the maiden of vigilance yeah well not disturb the mighty where I thought shoes my face neither will you she was charged by a queen to defend the tomb and he stood watch for hundreds of years the Guardian did not foresee however what affects the avatars shipping fell energy would have on this type and construct as it will slowly work but his maleficence it now seeks to destroy any Interpol's as she caused infusion on the entire raids which infuses you with either wholly or fel energy the two forces fighting within the maiden it's very similar to tereus speken of zammis all you need to do is move to the group that you're infused with fel goes to fel Holy Ghost with holy they don't even have to worry about what direction you switch sides with since there is a period of immunity all the same it was a bit challenging to coordinate this fight especially when you have priests who think it's funny to pull back bombers into the raid or so trying to do the right thing when you stand next to someone who does not share your infusion or when the major simply detonates you you are supposed to run to the hole in the floor and jump down preventing your explosion from blowing up the entire raid and you even get a nice boost back on a platform every so often the maiden teleports away and you can enjoy a little minigame of catching your ID or speaking of the ones that line up with your infusion that will power you up with all the other people around you while the opposite ones those are the ones who want to avoid and they will detonate you do enough damage to breaker shields interrupter spell and simply repeats I love this fight a bit especially since it has a high level of individual responsibility it was a lot of fun to do my vigil and let not the dark one awaken we can now take one of the prettiest elevator rides down as to the science you can see lava worms the bones of an ancient old dragon fell sleeping off the walls until some sort of light touches us and we end up in the chamber of the avatar jab noble mortals you scurry through this tomb like vermin dispatching my underlings and imagining yourself the equals of the legion heroes champions fools the husk before you was once a vessel for the might of Sargeras but this temple itself is our prize the means by which we will reduce your world to cinders still I will not deprive you of this chance to fall before an ancient wonder let this avatar be the end of you kil Jaeden doesn't even put a lot of weight into the avatar Sagaris and instead sees the temple as the prize by which I think that they mean the portal Baker going on the might of the Legion that's pouring through that is what will be the end of us still the deceivers are good sports any letters tango with the avatar of Sargeras this is what the Guardian Aegwynn wanted to face by herself and I had a lot of expectations for this encounter but then again I think I put my expectations a little bit too high this effort are does not contain the spirit of Sargeras right it's only the husk that once contained the power it's still incredibly powerful but it's not the same thing that a green wants face it's a bit of a dummy as well announcing audio text editors well another made and this time a corrupted made in a feller she's also with him in the room we use her to prevent the avatar from getting more energy from the containment pylons but also making sure to kill her before energy bars fall she's at that time he'll absorb whatever is left of her lifeblood and added to his own with the energy bar fall the avatar is ready to kick the fight into overdrive he shatters the floor beneath us and he takes us down below this fever we have come to end your invasion of Azeroth your masters crusade dies here is the beg to your sanctimonious bluster melon you claim the mantle of profit that you've always lacked the vision to see the inevitable destiny of our world of all worlds run away Illidan Verena cat-car my f I guess is somewhere else in the tomb right now they take on kil jaeden what we deal with the avatar who slowly but surely is destroying the very ground that we walk on he's pushing us closer and closer to a dip in the fel which is not really healthy for you so we take the avatar down before we're out of room we join our troops in confronting kil jaeden hmm still you fight still you denied the inevitable your incessant resistance is maddening why will you not yield have your countless defeats taught you nothing deceiver the vision Sargeras showed you was a lie kil jaeden surrender let it end never our crusade will never yield savor your shallow victory we will return again and again however long it takes until at last we break you the portal is closing we can seal the legions gateway and end this invasion no no more running no more hiding I must finish lush melon stop sealing the portal bite us nothing Archmage whether it takes a few years or millennia the Legion will return over and over again until too few of us remain to fight them it is time to seize our fate we must use the portal and follow the deceiver into the abyss it is the only way I agree it is the only way go champions we have precious little time to save Ellen and return before the portal closes come if we are to die in the nether we will take the deceiver with us I was thought that there was some massive RP after portal so I quickly jumped in but imagine kil Jaeden going through the Gateway velan quickly going off to him well Illidan he easily convinces get girl and they follow as well I was checking the recordings to see if I missed anything to see if we use the final pillar of creation the AI home on foo anywhere but I couldn't see it actively use I asked around Twitter and some of you suggested that the eye was actually used the power of the laser beam that opened up the tomb the game with I couldn't find any source to back that up the last codex was able to find a screen shot of the portal area in the fall and avatars room which does look a lot like the I was supposed to be used here as like a bath stopper for the portal just plunge it in there and seal out the Gateway but then we also have cat car who says that we have little time before the portal closes on its own I don't know maybe one of you knows exactly where the eye went either way we're here on kil jaeden battle cruiser and it's shooting through the twisting nether on the ship we have lowered dominators another blood mages and even fell born in shadow council warlocks that make for the final troops to stand between us and kil jaeden meanwhile killed in a felon they're having a little Harry Potter moment going on is they try to work out the problems in the relationship you hunted your own people chasing us across the stars never our garner it was you like vision who refused to see the truth of the legions inevitable victory you lost faith in the light together we could have resisted Sargeras and saved our world did the light save your son was it faith that shown in Rikishi's eyes as they closed for the final time or was it hatred for the father who abandoned him and now you're impotent fury has drawn your allies to their doom watch as my infinite army slaughters them all no you will not divide us deceiver I will fight by their side and they by mine together we will end your crusade kil Jaeden has always believed that standing up against our garrison lead in itself but it was simply impossible yet Valen had more faith when kil jaeden Archimonde accepted the dark bargain he took his people away from the homeworld and they've been running ever since many schemes and plots they were implemented by kil jaeden as he followed the orders of his master Sargeras many worlds were conquered by the Legion the formation of the Horde by dere design as well as the invasion of Azeroth they're responsible for the creation of the Lich King they influence Illidan spawn states where and kill for sunstrider to their side as they tried to invade for the Sunwell countless lives were lost to the receiver amongst them Valens own son turned against his father now the time has come to show kil jaeden that united we can stand against him a nice touch is that the martyrdom the blood DK artifact whose creator was so obsessed kil jaeden that will actually respond to being in his presence what is this even when your own doubts and fears are made manifest you will not heal but fall into dark find me champions and I will grant you sight as darkness falls in letting guide the way and allows us to see your enemy and concretes forcing kil jaeden to fight us in the open once more somehow you survived this croc show no matter look upon our wonders you mortals and this behold the world that shall be your throne Argos you will not let it take you done to you the vessel has arrived at Argos the stronghold of the Burning Legion you can actually see the planet in the background which looks freakin amazing limitless destruction is on fire that might be so but the heroes are able to overcome the deceiver and put an end to his torment now at this point I don't believe that anyone has actually cleared me forget so we don't know if there's going to be anything special that happens on that difficulty some mentioned that they were disappointed with kil jaeden sighs but for the fights have you seen it so far I think it's adequate but perhaps so have something similar like our commands and pull us to a whole new phase who knows from the cinematic it does seem like he has a massive wound on his head but it could also be because 20 people were just busy hitting him on the head over and over again I have no idea but I can't wait to see if mythic holds anything special - at least we will have died fighting our war isn't over yet not were we hold true to all [Applause] cantock take us home I was always envious of you your gift your faith your vision I never believed that some errors could be stopped you ready is everyone alright [Music] what have you done sometimes the hand of fate must be forced and there we go the end of the tomb of Sargeras with Illidan opening up a rift in the sky and the threat of Argus is looming above us Valon always knew that he would see Argus again since it appeared time and time again in his visions but he never imagined this there could be no doubt that the fates of our worlds are intertwined can argus be saved or must be sacrificed to stop sir Gareth get gar notice that the Legion Army is ready to strike well sir Elian and hopefully Illyria they're still out there somewhere as well if he could find his old friends perhaps the army of light can help us empty swore Illidan is ready to go to Argos the throne of the Burning Legion where it's infernal machines provides a garrote of an infinite army we must take the fight to Argos and bring the legion to its knees as I mentioned earlier my yes kind of disappeared and she did have a part to say in this part during a PTR she was actually here and had some dialogue on the PTR she said this what are the legions masters had fallen at loss yeah this war is far from over was this the true plan of Sargeras all along his ultimate endgame or perhaps this is another's doing someone who is betrayed this world before my f nerves her eyes as she looks towards the sky I will be watching and ready I've talked a bit more about the end cinematic in an individual video and now of course the question is where do we go from here Argos obviously but we don't really know what's going to go down on their planet it is in the teleporting distance so the way of getting there is a lot easier and I'm personally hoping to see a lot of energy our Draenei architecture which inevitably and unfortunately it will also have a lot of green FL influences the question of who will be the emboss dentists they want answers which I really really like I liked the keeping you in the dark yet at the same time there aren't that many big names left for the leader to throw at us kil Jaeden was near the top of the hierarchy so where do you go from there this is all speculation of course but I felt like Katt Karr was a bit dodgy at times yet his reaction during the cinematic as to what illidan just did I don't think he's an agent of the legion felon was able to resist giving in to the hatred he did CEO fury against kil jaeden but that touch in the cinematic he did have become consumed by it some suggested that he actually gave kil jaeden a vision of the future in that final moment which is possible of course but to me it looked more like him being the bigger man despite millennia torment being able to touch his former co-leader once closer than her brother and be like it's okay you go explode now go with the light some also asked if felon gave him the deft touch and a skill Jaden's really dead now I don't think the villain put him out of his suffering the explosion was already on its way and I didn't see any light influences is it truly that there is always hard to answer because they made a rule that it can only truly die within the twisting nether or on a cell infused planet but the rule is very vague and often not followed I think the story that they're trying to tell is that both arc mount and kil jaeden despite one's life dying out on Draenor and the other being in orbit of Argus I think they want them to be dead the debt is the story so no cat-car no villain as an emboss now I've also heard a let his name pop up after he opened up this rift and pretty much accomplished what cigars always wanted to do and I'm not saying that it's impossible but I am saying that it would be an absolute waste why go through all the trouble of bringing Illidan back in a so much redemption story including the vision of the future in the Illidan novel or is it turn around and be like yeah he's the emboss again remember how we said that it was very naughty that she killed him at the top the black temple now it's a good thing to kill him gonna go grab some lutes not impossible but just a waste in my opinion which means that if we look at it right now and they are going to keep the Legion as our enemy so not counting any void Lords or corrupted Azeroth spirit showing up only one name really holds up and that would be sir Gareth I still very much dislike the idea of taking on the guide it was responsible for wiping out Pantheon that can cleave planets in two but who knows what the future is going to bring I'm very curious to see how the army of light storyline is going to play out if the Titans spirit inside of Ezra of my different role to play and how about them old gods have we now turn to five keys to light their paws let's get guard the Lord of Ravens at the out of Hereford FG ashes in their coming and free lies will the boy king of Fuhrer's still plenty on the horizon but I also really hope that the go to spend some more time on building up new characters of storylines since now that kil jaeden is gone there really isn't that much left but hey that might be a good topic for a different video and of course as I finished up this video Blizzard decided to drop patch 7.3 on the PTR which means that we have to dungeon and then rate journal descriptions and a lot to talk about stuff that I'm not going to cover in this video I'll probably upload a vault of the PTR stream and of course we'll talk about it when it's actually lie for now let's wrap up this lengthy one if you looking for some more details or want to read up on all that we talked about today let's check out the Related article in the description down below as always thank you very much watching everyone subscribe if you like my videos leave a like if you enjoyed this one and until next time guys see you
Channel: Nobbel87
Views: 545,187
Rating: 4.8962026 out of 5
Keywords: Nobbel, Nobbel87, NobbeltheNoble, Story, Lore, Tomb of Sargeras, Temple of Elune, Titan, Old Gods, Burning Crusade, World of Warcraft, Legion, Cathedral of Eternal Night, Pillars of Creation, TItans, Elune, Aggramar, Khaz'goroth, Aman'thul, Golganneth, Highborne, Elisande, Suramar, Nightwell, Gul'dan, Illidan, Warcraft 3, Maiev, Kil'jaeden, Velen, Khadgar, Armies of Legionfall, Twisting Nether, Argus, Sargeras, Naisha, Well of Eternity, Sundering, Azshara
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 26sec (2786 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2017
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