The Story of Garrosh Hellscream - Full Version [Lore]

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Hello everyone! “To get a better understanding of garrosh hellscream, you’ll first need to know a little bit about the history of the horde and his father.” That’s how I started my 2012 version of the story of Garrosh Hellscream and quite a lot of you have requested an updated, deep dive version. Not only has more story been added, it’s also one of the earlierst lore videos that I’ve done so lets go back in time and talk about one of the best characters build up within World of Warcraft... “You made me what I am!” The orcs living on the world of Draenor had found themselves mixed up with the Burning Legion who had corrupted their people and turned them against the Draenei. Dark fel magic, exchanging their ancient traditions of shamanism to become warlocks. Demonic blood offered by Gul’dan and the pitlord mannoroth with grommash Hellscream being the first to embrace it. All of it to increase their power, bind them to the demonic legion and wipe out the draenei, believing that good things would come to the orcs. Believing their leaders were passing on the wisdom of their ancestors. Instead they ended up with a dying world, their skins turned green reflecting the corruption that had seeped into their world and their people. Water and food became rare, that demonic blood pumping in their veins turned them against eachother. At their most desperate, the Legions creator Sargeras manipulated them towards invading another world. A world full of food, water and plenty of enemies to kill. To weaken it and have the legion claim it. Azeroth’s defenders managed to push back the Hordes first invasion. The second one was also repelled with the alliance stepping through the dark portal to stop the horde from ever again inflicting the same suffering they had caused to Azeroth. The dark portal was destroyed seperating the Hordes forces, leaving some of them, like Grommash and his warsong clan, stranded on Azeroth. They believed their way home was lost forever and that their beloved Draenor and all those left behind were dead. Gromms thoughts turned to his son who had indeed stayed behind. Not because he was too much of a coward to fight or didn’t believe in the mission of the horde, quite the opposite. Garrosh had caught a case of the red pox. This wasting disease is highly contagious, lasts for months, and kills many of the infected. Every few generations, an outbreak would wreak havoc among the clans. Those effected were placed in quarantine in the beautiful land of Nagrand under the care of Great Mother Geyah. Although much of the world had been consumed by the legion’s influence, this piece of land remained intact and so did its people. Those here were far enough away from the fel to keep their normal skin color. They remained uncorrupted or as the orcs call it, Mag’har. Father and son living seperatly from eachother. On Azeroth, Grommash would live on and learn. Team up with young Thrall, liberate other orcs from their itermentcamps and reform the Horde. Thrall’s journey placed him on a path of destiny, one to fight back another coming of the legion. Gromm was at his side, but he could sense that things are like old the demons are near and bloodlust takes hold of them once more. The warchief of the Horde decides to put Gromm and his men on the task of setting up a settlement in ashenvale forest. Entering the territory of the night elves, cutting down sacred trees they’ve guarded for gave Gromm the fight he was looking for. But overcoming something as powerful as the wild god cenarius was going to take more then they had. Once more they drank the blood of mannoroth, despite it going against everything that thrall tried to teach them. They embrace the rage and the old days, slay cenarius, but also place themselves right back into the arms of the Legion. “Ah thrall. You always believed that the demons corrupted our race, but that’s only half true. We gave ourselves up willingly on Draenor! The other chieftains and I...we drank Mannoroth’s blood, thrall. We brought this curse upon ourselves!” “You did our people...knowingly? AARGGHHHhH!” History repeated itself here with Grommash fully embracing the demonic curse. Thankfully Thrall and his new ally Jaina Proudmoore are able to make Hellscream see clearly again. It is time to confront Mannoroth himself and make him pay for what he has done to their people... “The boy believed you could be saved, but ti didnt know what burns within your soul. Within your heart, you know we are the same.” ROAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR Pam pam pam pam charge at him gromm. Kick mnnoorht booty. Ow snap you carved him up real good, but that means...that means...EXPLOSION TIME...Ahhh get out of the way, don’t try to facetank an explosion like that without your cooldowns up. No healer to shield you, nothing but pure pain and agony. Oooow snap yep he'’ down. Thrall’s arm isn’t looking too good. Grommash is pretty dead :( “Thrall. The blood haze has lifted. The demons fire has burned out in my veins. Cough cough cough cough. I...have...freed....myself....” Rip grommash... “No old friend, you freed us all.” “ROAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR” Grom’s heroic sacrifice meant the salvation for the orcish race. Thrall would go on and help save the world from the Legion. Put up base for his new horde in the lands of Durotar with their capital of Orgrimmar. Trying to keep that peace between the alliance and horde going. Some might see this as a fools errand, the horde and alliance destined to fight eachother, but people like Thrall...people like Jaina...they did their best to show the world that there was another way. That there was enough room and oppertunity for both factions to exist together on Azeroth. Meanwhile back on Outland, Garrosh grew up with stories of his father. About his savagery and his battle frenzy and his appetite for violence. How he had been the first to give himself to the horde and to foul magic. Allowed himself to be corrupted. Growing up believing his bloodline to be cursed. Living beneath the shadow of his father’s greatest failure meant that by the time we see Garrosh again, with the burning crusade and the re-opening of the dark portal, the warchief of the mag’har clan is quite depressed. But Greatmother Geyah, her time to join the spirits fast approaching, knows that he has what it takes to lead the Mag’har. He is strong and wise, all of the spirits aprrove of him. He just needs to find a way to believe in himself, to let go of the fear that he will become like his father. Garrosh is in such a bad state that he even suggests for us to take over leadership so that he can go ahead and just die, erase the shame of his family name. Nothing we do seems to be able to snap him out of it, but once we realise that Greatmother Geyah is actually the mother of Durotan, Thrall’s father, we quickly warn our warchief and make him get his orcish butt over here so he can talk to his grandmother. She reveals the name his parents would have given him as Thrall was his slave name. They would have named him Go’el and our Go’el is asked to talk to Garrosh. To reveal what happened to his father. Thrall does one better and shows the boy how his father died. How he gave his own live so that all of them could live free of the blood curse. Thrall gave Garrosh something he never had before. Confidence and Pride. Pride towards his bloodline, towards who he is... “I am Garrosh Hellscream, son of Grom, chieftain of the Mag'har!” Warchief Thrall saw much potential in garrosh. Sure enough, he was brash and quick to anger, but thrall believed garrosh’s fierce pride and knowledge of orcish cuture would serve the horde well. The warchief convinced the mag’har orc to act as his advisor back on azeroth. Journey with him through the dark portal where it’s soon obvious that Thrall and Garrosh have very different visions when it comes to the Horde. Seeing the city of orgrimmar with his own eyes was amazing to Garrosh. Don’t forget, he thought nearly all of the Horde was gone and here he was, in a city bustling with orcs from all ages. The color of his skin, being Mag’har, made him stand out like a sore thumb. There was an old veteran, one that served under Grommash himself, who approached him. Told him that he would do his people proud and if he was still able to fight, he’d follow the young hellscream just like he had his father. But not all was fantastic and glorious. At the valley of honor a younger orc that had spend her childhood in the interment camps opened his eyes, made him realise that the products sold at the market could not have come from the dessert land the horde called home. Ashenvale to the north was full of everything they could ever need, but they didn’t settle there. Their beloved warchief, that would do everything for his people, chose to build a city here to pay for the sins of the past. A strange notion to Garrosh. Who would set the price? Are these children that have grown up within the interment camps not punished enough? Thrall’s Horde was quite different from the one garrosh had known, especially since it included more then just the orcs. Then there was a meeting at Theramore to try and extend the peace that Thrall and Jaina had going to more leaders, like Varian Wrynn. The king of Stormwind had lost much to the savage orcs, like his kingdom, his father and his freedom but perhaps times had indeed changed. Perhaps this new warchief Thrall was the beginning of something great. Despite all odds, their negotiations actually went quite well, small steps towards working together, discussing things like trading timber for ore and exotic hides. A discussion fit for merchants in garroshs’ eyes. Why should the orcs make concessions when they have the strength to take what they want? Too which young Anduin Wrynn asked; why waste your warriors and resources in battle when a few words will bring you greater profit? Point being that thrall was open to the idea of working together while Garrosh was more like his father, a bloodlust for conquest and battle to claim what the Horde needed. “My people should have taken this world long ago, during the First war. But they fell to corruption. In their weakness, they allowed the pitiful races of Azeroth to join the horde.” Regardless, their meeting was disturbed by outside sources preventing peace for the alliance and the horde. Both sides would soon have to deal with the Lich King waking up in northrend and undead forces knocking on their door. While warchief Thrall called for counsel and held his ground, Garrosh wanted to take action. Take the fight to Northrend and protect the Horde. Their argument got so heated that Garrosh called for Mak’gora, a duel of honor, a challenge issued out of sheer frustration and rage. At the ring of valor he fought to get his warchief to act, but their fight got interupted...quite lucky for Garrosh though he’d rather die then admit it that he couldn’t take on thrall here. The scourge did the job for him by attacking Orgrimmar and with that the order was given, the Horde and the Alliance, seperatly marched upon Northrend to confront the Lich King. None other then Garrosh was tasked with leading the hordes forces, hungry to prove himself to his people. We can find him in the borean tundra at the warsong hold, defending their keep against the spiderlike nerubians. Their army was called the Warsong offensive, with seasoned veterans like Dranosh Saurfang, leading the hordes vanguard, and his father Varok, doing his best to impart some wisdom upon the younger, hotheaded orc. Most of it seems to be lost on him, prefering his own tactics and knowledge, but Garrosh is not a fool and some of what Varok tells him actually sticks. “Honor young hero, no matter how dire the battle, never forsake it.” They spoke of the past, of what it meant for the orcs to be freed from the blood curse only to now have to deal with their sins, with what they had done. Grommash and Saurfang both drank from the blood of mannoroth which lead them down a very dark path. He won’t let Garrosh take them down that road again, with the promise from saurfang to kill him before that day comes. The campaign pushed forward and Naxxramas was soon conquered, but our time in Northrend was not just focused on the lich king and the scourge. There were distractions like The Nexus war with malygos the blue. Also great losses at the Wrathgate, Varok losing his child while up north in Ulduar, the explorers league uncovered a horrible...ancient evil. “Yogg’saron has awakened.” “Hmmm” “I want to see this dwarf.” “Garrosh...” “To see the fear in his eyes, then we’ll know if he’s telling the truth.” “ wait!” “We’re going to need all the help we can get.” “Thrall!” “What? What are they doing here?” “Let me explain!” “I thought i smelled the stench of alliance pigs.” “Control yourself!” “You want my blood? Come then dog.” “ROAAAAAAAAR “ He’s mine!’ Roaaaaaaaar. Fight fight fight, cant touch this. “Stop it!” “We have all lost....a great deal in this conflict. But we stand to lose everything if we do not stop fighting and work together!” “A true warchief would never partner with cowards.” “At the wrathgate, the hordes partnership killed more of our men then the scourge. I’m done with your Horde. May this death god take you all.” “You disapoint me...garrosh.” “Hmpf.” With their leaders not seeing eye to eye, heroes amongst the factions would rise up themselves to push back the evil of Yogg’saron. What’s interesting to note is that at this time in the story, Garrosh and Varian are very similar. The human king has two sides to him, one of them being his lo’gash side. Quick to anger, quick to lash out, a deep hatred for the Horde and all they had done. He was unable to look further, to let go and work towards a better future like Thrall wanted. Garrosh was similar, had no love for the alliance only to his horde. While this was the second time he and Varian had come to blows, it would not be the last. And the words spoken by his warchief ‘You disapoint me...Garrosh’ they would haunt his steps as Thrall stuck around and inspected Warsong hold. While doing so a report came in. The Alliance had attempted to conquer Mord’rethar, but A horde patrol had seen the regiment and succesfully prevented its attacking them from the rear. Pinched between the Scourge at their front and the Horde at their back, the Alliance forces had perished – but so had the horde’s. The scourge too had suffered losses, but the gate remained under the Lich King’s control. Forces lead by Blackscar who proudly reported back to Garrosh. Though it cost them their lives, their selfless bravery prevented the Alliance from capturing a strategic point. Such courage is worthy of true soldiers of the horde!” Garrosh send a messenger back, telling Blackscar to immediately return to Warsong hold. An ambush on open troops waiting to fight is one thing. To attack a regiment already engaged in battle with another from behind? What...what was Blackscar going to do next? Sneak into their camp and poison their water? Enslave one of their commanders with magic and force him to murder his troops while they sleep? Rain disease upon their enemies like the Forsaken? Fight the way they do? There is no combat but honorable combat. What blackscar had done was coward’s work and Garrosh would not have cowards among his ranks. One last chance was given to Blackscar, to return to Orgrim’s hammer, lead his soldiers in a manner worthy of the Horde. Prove that he was no coward or it would be his head on a pike. A wise decision, one that Thrall approved. He had no regrets making Garrosh the commander of their forces. He only wished for his attitude towards the alliance to change. But hellscream had a duty to the horde and the horde alone. Would not compromise like Thrall had. His people would never dwindle, not again... The Horde would never fall... After a tournament held by Tirion Fordring to figure out who was ready to assault icecrown, the alliance and the Horde finished their campaign in Northrend by slaying Arthas the Lich King and replacing him with Bolvar. The armies of the alliance and the horde returned home as conquering victors. They had triumphed over one of the greatest threats azeroth had ever known. Back in Orgrimmar, their people greeted Garrosh with a thundeorus applause. With a parade that was his idea, to honor all the veterans of the northrend campaign. He was now seen as a worthy heir of the hellscream lineage and a remarkable battle commander in his own right. The rumors of him singlehandedly taking out the Lich King might have been a bit much, but it was undeniable that his leadership had brought them success. That Garrosh was exactly what the horde had needed in their dark hour. In the shadow of the armor and skull of their great enemy Mannoroth, Thrall presented young Hellscream the weapon of his father. Gorehowl, the axe that had slain the pitlord, but was also used to slay Cenarius. “Like any weapon, it can be used for good or ill. I charge you with being the best of your father, Garrosh. With using this weapon wisely and well, for the good of your people. If only Thrall could predict the future... but his attention would soon be drawn to the coming of the cataclysm. Shamans around the world sensed that something was coming, that something was wrong with the elements themselves but what was causing this upheaval remained a mystery. “And all will burn beneath the shadow of my wings.” To figure out what was going on, the warchief decided to travel to Outland and communicate with their elements. While he was gone, someone would have to lead the Horde and thrall decided that Garrosh was the perfect orc for the job. To lead the horde on his behalf until he returned. At first Garrosh thought that politics were not his game. He understood battle and tactics and how to rally troops, but ruling their people? He’d rather have a sword in his fist than a scroll! Thrall assured him that he wouldn’t enter the political battlefield without a weapon. At his side would be seasoned advisors like Eitrigg and Cairne to help him uphold the honor of the horde. No need for glory at the moment. You just need to take care of it. Put its needs before your own, as your father did. It is my true longing to lead the horde to the best of my ability, garrosh said. And so yes, a thousand times yes, my warchief. I will lead as well as I can and i will consult with the advisors you suggest. I know what a tremendous honor you do me, and i will strive to be worthy of it. Ancestors, thrall thought as he watched garrosh stride away, chest swelled with pride and pleasure, I pray i am doing the right thing... This right here is a critical moment for the story of Garrosh and the Horde as a whole. As news spread about Thrall’s choice, people like Cairne could not believe their ears. Surely thrall wasn’t about to hand over leadership to this arrogant blusterer to guide them in this time. There were good elements to Garrosh, Cairne could see it and with time those seeds would perhaps take root in garrosh’s soul, but right now he was not fit to lead the horde, any more than grom had been. But Thrall had made up his mind, left the horde behind and Cairne did his best to advise garrosh. So did the others, but often the Horde leadership clashed with eachother, clashed with their new warchief. Where thrall hoped this new responsibility would temper garrosh and grant him wisdom, instead taking on the mantle of leadership only encouraged garrosh to indulge his warlike ways. He had always believed the horde was being too timid, Thrall’s way of paying for past crimes, trying to work with the alliance... all of that was not what he had in mind. His gaze turned northwest, to the lush forests of ashenvale. It was a land of plenty, and it was well within the hordes reach. Most of the region belonged to the night elves, but that did not stop garrosh from sending troops into the woodlands. Their assault enraged the alliance. Tensions between the factions flared up, and open war seemed inevitable. Some of the hordes members welcomed these bold and aggresive maneuvers, but cairne did not. The elder tauren did everything he could to reason with the acting warchief and prevent bloodshed. In cairne’s eyes, garrosh was leading the horde down a dangerous path, one that would inevitably destroy it. The warchief did not listen to his wisdom, and so cairne spoke the only language the orc would understand. He challenged garrosh to mak’gora. “Garrosh, you are not fit to rule the horde.” Quite a lot of you, rightfully so, commented that the hostility in ashenvale, the attack that pushed cairne into action, was actually carried out by the Twilight's Hammer Cult masquerading as members of the Horde in order to stir up tension - Cairne was actually falsely accusing Garrosh when challenging him. This is true when we go by the story told in the shattering, a novel released in 2010. The story back then was indeed a peacefull meeting between tauren and night elf druids, disturbed by the twilight hammer that made it look like Garrosh instigated the attack. News of this reached Cairne and the duel followed. Chronicles volume 3, released in 2018, makes no mention of this. Rather it goes with the explenation I gave in part 2, Garrosh setting his eyes on ashenvale, those lands of plenty. Tentions flaring up between the factions and Cairne doing everything he could to reason with the warchief, until he spoke the only language the orc would understand. Challenging garrosh to mak’gora. Before a crowd of onlookers, the tauren and the orc fought for the future of the horde itself. On one side stood the promise of a peaceful future. On the other, the promise of blood and conquest. It was blood and conquest that won the day, but not because Garrosh was the better fighter. Despite the age difference, Cairne’s knowledge and expertise outplayed Garrosh at every turn. Playing into his bloodlust, his hotheadedness. The old bull stood his ground and might have won that day was it not for Magatha Grimtotem. Part of the ritual for this mak’gora was to have a shaman bless their weapons. Seeing how Magatha had always wanted to take Thunderbluff away from Cairne, she saw this as the perfect oppertunity and coated gorehowl, without garrosh’ knowledge, with poison. One strike, a mere fleshwound, was all it took. Cairne blinked. His vision was blurring. Had he gotten dust or sweat or blood in his eyes? He took a precious second to wipe the back of his hand across his eyes, but it aided nothing. His hand shook as he lowered it. And his legs...they felt weak... Stunned, he stared at garrosh. The orc was sweating profusely and breathing hard. As Cairne watched, Garrosh gripped the axe and met cairne’s gaze. Cairne clutched his own weapon. It weaved in his hands. It felt so strangely heavy – And then he knew exactly what had happened to him. And so I, who have lived my whole life with honor, die betrayed. Having Garrosh do the dirty work for her allowed Magatha to sieze thunderbluff and sieze control, but her victory was not absolute and didn’t last for very long. Cairne’s son Baine Bloodhoof found aid in Theramore, financial support from Jaina Proudmoore to retake his city. Her betrayel, her use of Garrosh was whispered and rumored and the warchief wasn’t happy about it. So it was that when she asked for his aid it was denied with a letter that said; Unto Elder Crone Magatha of the Grimtotem, Acting warchief of the Horde, Garrosh Hellscream, Sends his most since wishes for a slow and painful death. It has come to my attention that you have deprived me of a rightful kill. Cairne Bloodhoof was a hero of the Horde, and an honorable member of a usually honorable race. It is with disgust and anger that I discover you have caused me to bring about his death through accidental treachery. Such tactics may work well for your renegade, honorless tribe and Alliance scum, but I despise them. It was my wish to fight Cairne fairly, and win or lose by my own skill or lack of it. Now I shall never know, and the cry of traitor will dog my steps until such time as I can sport your head on a pike and point to you as the real traitor. I will not be sending any truehearted orcs to fight alongside your treacherous, belly-crawling tribe. Your victory or your defeat is in the hands of your Earth Mother now. Either way, I look forward to hearing of your demise. You are on your, Magatha, as friendless and disliked as you have ever been. Perhaps more. Enjoy your loneliness. And with that Garrosh washed his hands of her foul treachery and Baine took back the city. Following his fathers wisdom he decided not to execute her. Exile would be magathas fate and for those that remained at her side. This, the young tauren believed, was the best way to honor his fathers wishes. To put the needs of their people before his own desire for vengeance. This mindset also helped him to get past the mak’gora between garrosh and cairne. He held no massive love for Hellscream, but for the sake of his people and for the sake of horde, he gripped his warchief hand and pledged the taurens loyalty once more. “Garrosh....CAIRNE WAS MY BROTHER!!!!” Thrall’s decision to make Garrosh the acting warchief had caused him the life of one of his closest friends and allies... He had been wrong to puth his faith in garrosh, and he blamed himself for all that had come to pass. But Go’el had learned much about what was to come. Was on a journey of saving the entire world so he couldn’t exactly come back as warchief and Garrosh was left in charge. Under his leadership the Horde’s aggression accelerated, which actually made a lot of people happy. It was a change from Thrall’s leadership, that’s for sure, but this new warchief quickly became a fan favorite. His war campaign took the Horde into Ashenvale, the lands of plenty, where Garrosh’ brutal tactics, like deploying the magnataur taken from Northrend, forced to fight for them caus they held their children hostage, it almost secured their victory. Just a bit unlucky that around this time Varian Wrynn was dealing with his inner turmoil. Where before he and Garrosh were quite similar, now he was working on reigningg in that aggresion he had inside. Genn Greymane and the gilnean worgen wanted to rejoin the alliance. Guided the king of Stormwind through his own ritual which ended with Varian becoming the champion of the wild god Goldrinn, leading the worgen forces to aid the night elves in ashenvale. Once more Varian and Garrosh clashed blades, the king disarming and wounding the warchief. Having a demi-god on your side helps quite a bit and the Horde was forced to retreat, litteraly pulling garrosh off the battlefield. No battle lost did not mean the end of the war. Garrosh pushed forward with their campaign, assaulting more territories while also dealing with his fellow leaders and commanders amongst the Horde. The new warchief had vision and ambitions for his faction, all the while remembering the lessons of the past. “There is no combat but honorable combat.” so when news reached him that Overlord Krom’gar had ended their campaign in the stonetalon mountains by bombing Thal’darah Grove, the warchief decided to pay them a little visit. “whahahahahahahaha” “Look upon the world, Cliffwalker, and see the might of the Horde! “ A portal from Orgrimmar suddenly forms nearby. Garrosh Hellscream and his guards emerge from the portal. “What have you done, Krom'gar? “ Krom'gar bows before Garrosh. “Warchief! I... I was carrying out your command! “ “My command? “ “Was my command to murder innocents, Krom'gar? “ “Warchief... Sir... I... “ “: Am I a murderer, Krom'gar? “ “No, Warchief! “ “Then I ask you again: WHAT HAVE YOU DONE! “ Krom'gar begins to cower before Garrosh. “I sent you into Stonetalon Mountains with an army. Your orders were to secure this land for the Horde. Instead, you laid waste to the land. Murdered innocents. Children even... I spent a very long time in Northrend, Krom'gar. I learned much about the Horde in that time. While there, a wise old war hero told me something that I would carry with me forever... "Honor," Krom'gar, "No matter how dire the battle... never forsake it." Overlord Krom'gar, you have disgraced the Horde. You have brought shame to us as a people. By my right as Warchief, I hereby relieve you of your duty. Garrosh picks up Krom'gar by the throat and lifts him over the edge of the lift bridge. “YOU ARE DISMISSED. “ Garrosh drops Krom'gar off the edge, sending him to his death. He then turns toward the hero. “And you, <race>!“ “Wait, Warchief! Please! <Name> was the hero responsible for uncovering this corruption. <He/She> tried to stop Krom'gar! Have mercy, Warchief. “ “Mercy... Your wife and child were murdered. Your kin wiped out. Your home burned to the ground. Mercy... Chieftain, on this day I learn from you. One of the moments that made people cheer for Garrosh. There is another that we’ll get to in just a moment. Before that, upholding honor amongst the horde proved difficult with the other races like the Forsaken and sylvanas windrunner who had taken over the battle at Gilneas. Honor meant very little to Sylvanas, she’s more about getting results. Despite her warchief banning the use of their plague, she did it anyways. And when she showed off the new powers granted to her by the valkyr...garrosh wasn’t impressed. “Why have you called for me? And more importantly, what are those scourge fiends doing here?” “Warchief, so glad you could make it. With the death of the Lich King, many of the more intelligent scourge became...unemployed. Those ‘fiends’ as you so delicately put it, are called valkyr. They are under my command now... and they are part of the reason that I asked to see you.” “Get on with it sylvanas.” “Very well warchief. I have solved the plight of the Forsaken. As a race, we Forsaken are unable to procreate. With the aid of the valkyr, we are now able to take the corpses of the fallen and craete new forsaken. Agatha, show the warchief.” Agatha Uses her abilities to resurrected the fallen humans into brand spanking new forsaken. “What you have done here sylvanas, it goes against the laws of nature. Disgusting is the only word I have to describe it.” “Warchief, without these new forsaken my people would die out...Our hold upon Gilneas and northern Lordaeron would crumble.” “Have you given any thought to what this means sylvanas? What difference is there between you and the Lich King now? “ “Isnt it obvious, warchief? I serve the horde.” “Watch your clever mouth, bitch! Cromush, you stay behind and make sure the banshee queen is well guarded.” In Orgrimmar garrosh decided to evict the majority of the non orc races from the center, believing only the orcs possessed the strength to truly defend their city. The advisors left behind by thrall were more and more realising that they were talking too a wall. The discussion between vol’jin and garrosh pushed the darkspear out of the city and nearly out of the horde... “Don't talk back to me, troll. You know who was left in charge here. Haven't you stopped to ask yourself why Thrall chose me instead of you? “Dere be no question why, Garrosh. He gave ya tha title because ya be Grom's Son and because tha people be wantin' a war hero. To which I tink ya be even more like ya father den he thought, even without ya havin' da demon blood. “ “You are lucky I don't gut you right here, whelp. You are foolish to think that you can speak to your Warchief in such ways. “ “Ya be no Warchief of mine. Ya've not earned my respect and I'll not be seein' tha Horde destroyed by ya foolish thirst for war. “ “ And what exactly do you think that you'll do about it? Your threats are hollow. Go slink away with the rest of your kind in the slums. I will endure your filth in my throne room no longer. “ “I know exactly what I'll be doin' about it, son of Hellscream. I'll be watchin' as ya people slowly become aware of ya ineptitude. I'll laugh as dey grow ta despise ya as I do. And when tha time comes dat ya failure is complete and ya "power" is meaningless, I will be dere to end ya rule, swiftly and silently. Ya will spend ya reign glancin' over ya shoulda and fearin' tha shadows, for when tha time comes and ya blood be slowly drainin' out, ya will know exactly who fired da arrow dat pierced ya heart. “ “You have sealed your fate, troll. “ Vision of Garrosh Hellscream spits at Vol'jin's feet. “And you yours, "Warchief".“ “The Darkspear are 'ere because I led dem here. Orgrimmar be no home as long as it be under Hellscream's hand. Still, I fear I was lettin' my temper drive me ta bein' rash. Thrall devoted himself to makin' the Horde what it is, so I've no eagerness to be leavin' it on a whim. Dis will be needin' much more thought. “ Some left while others joined like the goblins with their leader gallywix or the Shatterspear trolls recruited to aid with their campaign into darkshore. The cataclysm carried on with not just the alliance and the horde fighting eachother. The bigger threat of Deathwing and the old gods plans with the world required some attention as well. Both sides ventured into the twilight highlands to take care of the twilights hammer cult. Fleets of airships blotted out the sun, laden with war machines and soldiers, but our entry into the highlands wasn’t just smooth sailing... “Fellow warriors of the horde, hear me now! Ahead hides our foe. Worshippers of chaos who seek to remake the world. A new world is coming friends. But it is not the world of their design. Together, we will crush the Twilight’s Hammer, raze their stronghold, salt the earth, and burn the bodies. All will tremble at our might. THen we will stand astride this world as its masters united in our conviction, unrivaled in strength, beholden to no one. Today, WE will remake the world. OUR world. FOR THE HORDE!” Captain, sir! Alliance naval fleet sighted off the port bow. The alliance steams in close formation without escort. Air guard, attack!! Strafe them now while they cannot maneuver! What – WHAT!? What does he think he’s DOING? The carriers are unprotected. What kind of madman orders away his close air support? SMACK A winner. They’re after the warchief – Get! OFF! MY! SHIP! The warchief’s zeppelin is in flames! It’s going down! Despite a rocky start, we do make landfall and come in contact with the dragonmaw clan. They were actually part of the very first horde, quite a long story involving the enslavement of alexstraza, the red dragon aspect and her flight. These days they’re lead by the fel orc Mor’ghor, but a bit of persuasion on our part, a bit of murder to get rid of this corrupted orc replaces him with Zaela... “Where ever the horde takes us, we will keep our heads high and our blood pure. Good riddance, Mor’ghor. A new dragonmaw dawns this day.” “The warchief is alive – he was rescued off the coast. Come outside, quickly. The town is ours!” “Ah there she is. The battlemaiden of the dragonmaw. Let me see your face.” “Hellscream, I am zeala of the dragonmaw. Your people have freed mine from tyrany. We are your instrument. The strength of the dragonmaw is yours to command. FOR THE HORDE!” “Blood and honor hero. The horde welcomes you. Your people will be put to the test as we obliterate the twilights hammer and lay claim to this distant shore.” And so they did, their adventures together forming a close bond between Garrosh and Zaela. If they ever want to add a secret child of Garrosh to the story, Zaela would be our best bet. That’s never been stated though... In this moment, the twilights hammer in the area was defeated and eventually Go’el and the aspects, the world of azeroth, were able to stop Deathwing and the old gods plans. “You are azeroths true guardians and the future of this world is in your hands. For the dawning of the age of mortals has begun.” The damage inflicted to the world meant that Go’el stayed with the earthen ring to heal azeroth. Garrosh stayed on as warchief of the Horde and this dawn of the age of mortals was his time to push forward with their plans of dominance and conquest. The other horde leaders were gathered as Garrosh explained his plans of taking out theramore, home to Jaina Proudmoore. The one thrall had worked so hard with to establish peace had now become a prime target for the warchief to take out. Not all of them agreed with garrosh’ choice, not all thought that this was a good idea, but all the same... the horde rallied its forces at their warchiefs command. Going after Jaina was quite a dillema for Baine. She had helped him reclaim his city after all. She had been there for him when he had no idea who he could trust, but at the same time he wasn’t going to abandon his duty to the Horde. The tauren would march with them. As a middleground, he decided that at the very least Jaina shouldn’t be caught unaware. In secret a messenger was send to warn her of the coming attack, which gave Theramore the chance to evacuate its civilians and call in aid from the alliance. Unbeknownst to baine was that this played right into Garrosh’ hands. Despite their bitching and moaning about making their troops hold back and wait, not immediately attacking theramore, the warchief had a plan in mind. He waited for as many of the alliance forces to be gathered in one place so he could reveal his true plan. Theramore was not going to be conquered with brute force, it would be completed innihilated with the focusing iris. Stolen earlier from the blue dragonflight, turned into a bomb curtasee of the blood elves, dropped over the city by the goblins. Only Rhonins brave sacrifice saved Jainas life and prevented the blast from doing so much more damage. “Baine was a warrior. His eyes had seen almost more than he could bear of the horrors of war. But this...The mana bomb, so thoughtfully provided by the blood elves – who stood cheering with other Horde members who somehow felt that what garrosh had wrought was a good thing – had exploded over an entire city and had not just harmed its citizens and buildings but crushed them utterly. Tears ran down his muzzle, and he made no effort to wipe them away. He stood surrounded by throngs of cheering Horde, but as he looked around, he saw, illuminated by the ghostly arcane glow, faces that wore his own expression of shock and revulsion. What had happened to the warchief who had once said, ‘ matter how dire the battle, never forsake it?” Here we would see a massive shift in Garrosh’ character. The whole conquer and conquest was nothing new, I don’t think many have issue with Theramore being a target to take out. Rather it’s the methods used by the warchief that made people wonder what the hell was going on. Where one expansion earlier he had thrown overlord Kromgar off a cliff for using a bomb in the stonetalon mountains, here he was doing it himself. And the bomb was just part of it. Dark shamanism, forcing the elements to obey them right after the cataclysm. Kraken summoned from the depths. No longer did honor dictate his choices and it was such a difference that back then some actually wondered if there was more to it. Was perhaps the Garrosh that we knew replaced in the twilight highlands when he fell of the ship? Was his new ally, the extremely loyal and enforcing Blackrock orc Malkorok...was that Kil’jaeden in disguise, mirroring the manipulation of the orcs of old? None of that would come into play. Blizzard has clearly said that it was Garrosh who made these decisions. No old god influence or legion manipulation. The conflicts with the advisors left behind and slowly filling up his inner circle with those in line with his vision for the future, all that became the path they laid out for Hellscream with the bombing of theramore just being the beginning. The victory earned by the horde at Theramore was caus for celebration in orgrimmar while whispers started to rise up within the faction. People like Baine and others not agreeing with what their warchief had done. Speaking out or taking action at this point in time was not really an option. People merely visiting an inn and whispering their discontent found themselves under assault and scrutuny by malkorok and his forces. Hellscreams eyes are always upon them so they layed low and remained loyal to the Horde. Jaina’s survival meant that she was able to return to theramore and witness the carnage. She looked for survivors, but found none. The peacekeeper, the diplomat she used to be was murdered by Hellscream. Rage took hold over her heart and while there were no survivors to be found, she did encounter a group of orcs poking around the debris, laughing too eachother, looting of the dead. “No one can protect you! Kill the proudmoore wench and bring me that bomb! Your people are dispicable cowards, orcs. Youre nothing more then rabbit dogs and you will be put down. Brave words mage, I will spit in your face when you beg for mercy.” “You spit on mercy? Then you will have none! You want carnage? Garrosh will have more blood then he ever bargained for.” Now the focusing iris was in her possession and she planned to use its power to create a massive tidalwave and drown out all those in Orgrimmar. Go’el and the blue dragon Kalecgos were able to change her mind, convince her not to become another arthas. Instead she used the water gathered to help the assembled alliance fleet. They were fighting against Kraken who were dealing massive damage to the ships. The warchief did not just send the creatures of the deep to do his fighting, he too, gorehowl in hand, jumped into the fray, once more clashing blades with Varian. Three times they had done this dance now, Garrosh wanted to end it but their battle was interupted by a kraken and Jaina’s tidalwave secured victory here for the Alliance. But warchief Garrosh was far from done though. In his mind, he was simply thinking to small. It was no longer just about taking over kalimdor, they had to crush the alliance utterly wiping their filth off the face of azeroth. More ships, more weapons, more elementals and beasts and demons obeying their commands. “Garrosh hellscream, said baine calmly. I ride now for Mulgore with my braves. There are far fewer of them than when i rode out to answer the cal of the warchief of the horde. My loyalty to the horde is deep, and you cannot gainsay me on that. But know this: I fight for the true horde, not one that utilizes methods both unnecessary and shameful. There must never be another Theramore – not if you wish the aid of Baine Bloodhoof! Garrosh stared at baine with narrowed eyes and a slight smirk that baine could not interpret. Duly noted, he said. As he gathered up the reins of his kodo, Baine glanced at voljin. The troll looked at him sadly and gave a nearly imperceptible shake of his head. Baine nodded slightly. He understood voljins reasoning. It was the same as baines own – Voljin needed to protect his people from the wrath of an offended garrosh. A world war. As baine headed west, toward home and the serenity of the rolling plains of his beloved mulgore, he could not decide if garrosh was mad with power...or simply mad. After the cataclysm and the bombing of theramore, a new land was discovered.. “ I am pleased to report that the battle at sea goes well, Warchief. Our forces report decisive victories off the coast of Tanaris and Tol Barad.” “ Alliance blood spills...this pleases me, General.” ”There's more. I've received word that our southern fleet engaged an Alliance envoy. We chased the royal flagship, until it ran aground. ” ”Aground? Where? ” ”Apparently, they found a massive uncharted land mass, shrouded by dense mists. ” ”AND YOU LET THE ALLIANCE GET THERE FIRST?! Redirect the invasion fleet. General, you and your best veterans will pave our way. ” ”STORM THE SHORE AND PAINT THIS NEW CONTINENT RED! ” Garrosh crushes the model representing the Alliance flagship with his foot. And so the eyes of hellscream fell upon Pandaria, a land previously covered by mists, one waited to be conquered in the name of the horde. People, resources and power, that’s what the warchief desired. Unknown to both sides was that pandaria was infected with something called the Sha. It fed on negative emotions and bringing our faction war here was like offering them a banquet. Problems all across the land arose, problems that adventurers had to solve. Mix and mingle with the local pandaren until the warchief himself, around 2 months later, joined them and pushed on. “ Vol'jin. What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be on your island kissing frogs? “ “ The question is, what are WE doin' here? Yeh bring 'dis war to anudder corner of Azeroth, and I wanna know why. “ “ Your lack of vision is why your people are still primitives, and your lack of loyalty is why I did not summon the Darkspear for this campaign. Look around you, Vol'jin. This land is rich in resources: wood, stone, iron, fuel. And people. A show of might on these shores will make the pandaren think twice about joining the Alliance. “ “ All dis bloodshed make everyone tink twice 'bout joinin' da Horde. “ “ This is the difference between me and you, Vol'jin. I won't let MY people starve to death in the desert. I will stop at nothing - NOTHING - to ensure a proud and glorious future for the orcs and anyone with the courage to stand with us. Wait here. “ Garrosh whispers to Bloodrazor: ‘I have no doubt that you will be able to confirm my suspicion. See how the troll reacts. If he approves, he may live. If he does not – he is a traitor. Cut his throat. “ And that’s exactly what happens on the mission. Inside the dark rookery they uncover wicked dark mogu magics to shape flesh, to build warriors and vol’jin has had enough, can’t go through with this. “Garrosh playing god? Making monsters? Dis aint what the Horde is about!” “Grrrr he knew you were a traitor! SLICE” “Help” “The warchief will anihilate his enemies!” The troll nearly lost his life here, but we’re able to fight our way out. He’s going to lay low for a while, discover what it means to be horde, to be a family and eventually return for the darkspear rebellion. Before that moment we saw the warchief abuse the blood elves in the search of the Divine Bell. This ancient mogu artifact allowed them to empower their warriors and strike fear into the hearts of their enemies. A weapon Garrosh very much desired, one that the alliance was keen to keep out of his hands. At first it seemed like they were succesfull, able to track it down before the Horde got their hands on it. With the aid of Jaina, now leader of the kirin tor, they hid the bell away only for the sunreavers to be used by the warchief and steal the mighty artifact. Jaina finds out about this and all hell broke lose in Dalaran. The purge of Dalaran they call it, but Garrosh didn’t care. He got his prize and as a bonus, the blood elves who had been thinking about leaving the horde and rejoining the alliance were now forced ever closer to Hellscreams horde. “We sin’dorei will take our future into our own hands. And get this damn thing out of my sight. Hellscream bought his treasure with the blood of my people. I hope it destroys him.” “My Lord. YOU would make a fine warchief.” “It may come to that. Bring me my blades. The next move is mine.” Horde heroes are invited to witness the ringing of the bell, Garrosh experimenting with its powers but it seems to be a bit too much for our warriors to handle. On top of that, Anduin Wrynn has been busy recovering the harmonic mallet. An artifact of pandaren design to turn the chaos of the bell into perfect harmony. “Die, whelp!!!” GARROSH SMASH The warchief’s rage crushes the bell and nearly every bone in anduins body, but doesn’t kill him. The prince will spend some time recovering while the alliance and horde deal with the threat of the thunderking and realise that working together is better then constantly trying to kill eachother. Vol’jin, now healed up and a bit wiser, also makes his return, kicking off the darkspear rebellion. The time without their leader hasn’t exactly been great for the darkspear trolls. Even Go’el can see that the time to clean up his mistakes has come...Together with Saurfang, who had promised to kill garrosh if he lead the horde down a dark path, they went on in ahead of orgrimmar with the aid of Nazgrim... but Garrosh has been quite busy during his time as warchief, perhaps its already too late... Hmmmm it thursts. Bring it to the pools Cheer cheer cheer, lets make a bridge to the pool. The heart is thirsty boys it needs some milk Enough, you have run rampant for far too long hellscream. But that Muhahahahaha step aside pandaren. You confront a force beyond reckoning. Your father dabled in powers beyond reckoning. Where is he, now? ROAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR PUNCH I have fought beside the tauren trolls and others. You are nothing like them! Uhooo footstuck in the bridge They are no longer part...OF MY HORDE. Get stuck on my gorehowl GET OVER HERE The world will hear of this. They will come for you. Yesss im counting on it. The armies of the world will come for me. And within my fortress they will face all the terrible creatures I have wrought. The boundless power I have mastered. And one by one, they will fall at my feet. Anyone who would rise against my new horde, will be impaled upon the spires of Orgrimmar. You pandaren tried to burry your hate and your anger. But such power cannot be contained. It...must be UNLEASHED! Cloink, uhooooooo the heart of the old god A time will come when you will answer for your crimes. I answer TO NO ONEEEEEE ooooow snap the milk is explosive, yep this cant be good. Thats the power of a freaking old god at his side. All who challenge me....will burn in the fires of my hatred. Deep beneath the land of Pandaria they have found the heart of the old God Y’shaarj, burried there millenia ago. Empowering it in the pool causes a massive explosion, massive devestation to the land of pandaria. Alliance and Horde work together during the so called siege of Orgrimmar, realising that this warchief has to be kicked out. Our raid started beneath the vale against Immerseus and the Fallen Protectors. it then moved on proving and cleansing ourselves for Norushen, guardian of the vault where they found the heart. After the sha of pride fight, a sha released by garrosh, we discover just how far the Warcief has stepped away from the orc we knew in the past... “Look here, he left his weapon behind.” “Gorehowl.” “This means he’s complete unhinged.” “News to no one, Regent Lord.” Gorehowl, the blade of his father, of his fathers father, replaced with Xal’atoh Desecrated image of Gorehowl. It whispers to its wielder which might make you wonder if by this point Garrosh was under the control of the old gods, but again, they’ve stated that he was not. Good or bad, atleast his choices were his own. Choices that made some step away from him, while others remained ever loyal like Zaela riding atop Galakras, the last blood of galakrond. It’s the proto-drake that we defeat while Zaela survives the encounter to fight another day. Atop the walls of Orgrimmar, General Nazgrim remains ever loyal to his warchief, but the gates can’t hold against the night elf onslaught. With the gates fallen we find out exactly how far garrosh and his horde have taken this. Theramore citizens, presumably those evacuated before the bombing, are found caged or used for target practice or forced to fight eachother for the sake of their children. “Muhahhaa I ... I cant...They took my children So sorry....please, find my babies!” The Trolls are also hung up, tormented and used for target practice. At the auction house, goblins are forced to dance for the orcs entertainment. Ji Firepaw has been beaten nearly oncuncious as theyre trying to get information out of him on the gathered pandaren artifacts. Even Gamon who heroicly held his ground against the korkron, has been tied up. “This ends here! I...GAMON....will save us!” After taking out the dark shamans Haromm and Kardriss we join Gamon downstairs to confront Nazgrim. Despite loyal orcs like Eitrigg and Saurfang stepping away from Garrosh, Nazgrim will not...can not let go of his duties to the warchief. Fiercely loyal to the horde and bound by a rigorous code of honor and duty, Nazgrim will hold the line for his warchief until his dying breath. “I die...with honor...Lok’tar Ogar.” A more recent, but nonetheless fiercely loyal orc that is Malkorok. When the warchief needed a volunteer to infuse with the power of y’shaarj, it was only natural that malkorok would offer without hesitation. Already a force to reckon with before the infusion, he’s now a massive hulking force. Beyond that are the spoils of pandaria, artifacts, weapons and treasures found in that land. Thok the bloodthirsty from the isle of giants. Siegecrafter Helix Blackfuse, the only goblin to satisfy garrosh in his search for the engineer of the true horde. Creating monstrous, deadly weaponry like the Iron Star. Then the Paragons of the klaxxi, the mantid bug like race ever loyal to their old god Y’shaarj until all were conquered and only Warchief Garrosh Hellscream remained... “It is not too late, Garrosh. Lay down the mantle of warchief. We can end this here, now, with no more bloodshed.” “Ha! Do you remember nothing of honor? Of glory on a battlefield? YOu who would parlay with the humans, who allowed warlocks to practice their dark magics right under our feet. You are weak. We are the ORcish Horde, the True Horde! We die bloody and thrashing on the field of battle, like true orcs SHOULD. You are an Orc no longer, and speak for none but yourself. You betrayer our people to forge your fragile alliences, and I will take great pleasure in tearing them apart.” “The n you have forced my hand. I will correct the mistake I made long ago. Spirits of the wind, the earth, the water, hear my call! Come to my aid!” “Hahahahah Fool. My dark shaman have twisted and tortured the elements for miles around. They cannot hear you now. Once again you prove too weak and powerless to do anything.” “NEver powerless Garrosh. And never alone.” “SO, you wish to face off against a real Orc Warchief. So be it.” Smack smack OW SNAP “I Garrosh son of gromm, will show you what it means to be called Hellscream. SMACK Anger, Hatred, Fear...They are weapons of war. The tools of a warchief. Empowered by the heart of yshaarj. Yessss.....Yes. I can see it now. I can see the future of this world. A world ruled by the Horde! MY HORDE! The heart will be your end.” While the heart of Y’shaarj hangs above the inner chamber, occasionaly empowering garrosh further and sucking us in. His korkron and iron stars race across the battlefield, coming to the aid of their warchief. “You can never leave this place. There is no way homeeeee” “The true horde will come to pass. I have seen it. IT HAS SHOWN ME! I HAVE SEEN MOUNTAINS OF SKULLS AND RIVERS OF BLOOD AND I WILL HAVE MY WOOOOOORLD.” More and more of Y’shaarjs powers are flooded into Garrosh until its time for him to show us a glorious destiny, the thing he wishes for the most. Muhahahaha you think you have won? You are blind. I will force your eyes open!” “Behold, my glorious destiny! HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA” And while he fought very hard to bring that dream of HIS horde to life, the world, the other factions amongst the horde disagreed. Disgreed with his vision and his methods, garrosh is kicked out of the mantle of warchief while the heart of Y’shaarj is completely drained... “ cannot end like this...What I...What I have seen....” “You disapoint me....Garrosh.” Oh no not this again “You are not worthy of your fathers legacy CLOINK “His punishment is not for you alone to decide.” “I won’t let you take him.” “We have all suffered from his atrocities. My people, more then any other. Let him stand trial in pandaria. There he will meet out justice for all.” Yeah fine what ever lets put him on trial. Go’el would not have someone else have the killing blow so rather then just killing our enemy, a trial it shall be. I’ve done a much more detailed video on the novel warcrimes if you’re interested in all the little bits, the video is up on the channel. In essence they held a trial in pandaria with Taran Zhu as judge, the august celestials to pass judgement. Tyrande Whisperwind as the accuser and none other then Baine Bloodhoof trying to defend garrosh. The book was more about recapping past events and pushing the story forward into the next expansion. We did see Sylvanas and Vereesa, the windrunner sisters planning to poison garrosh. Vereesa very keen on taking vengeance for her husband rhonins death, but she had a change of heart, informed Anduin that the food was poisoned and the prince prevented his death. Tyrande and Baine showed moments of the past, moments connected to Garrosh like the bombing of theramore, but again the trial itself didn’t matter much as the august celestials would have chosen for imprisonment anyways. Only where there is life can there be change, which the book oddly enough makes you believe could be a possibility. That there could be hope for Garrosh. That this might not be the end of his story. The former warchief had quite a few conversations with anduin about their nature, who they are, what choices they’ve made along the way. While reading, I was really hoping that Garrosh could go through more character growth and in an interview Christie Golden actually mentioned that had Kairoz not approached him with their schemes, we might have seen a different garrosh. Of coursetheres also the behind the scenes bit of different teams working on his story, having different visions for the character, a different end destination....all that said though...change would not be his fate. Garrosh was given a chance to speak, he said ‘And Prince Anduin Wrynn, who by all rights should be foremost among those clamoring for my death, has chosen to spend hours in my company. I attempted to slay him, in a brutal, cruel, and painful manner. And what does he do? Garrosh shook his head, as if in disbelief. He speaks to me of the Light. He tells me he believes that I can change. He has shown me kindness when I offered hatred and violence. It is because of him that I stand before you, facing what I expect to be a pronouncmenet of my death, as a warrior, not as a broken slave. He lifted his shackled hands, and gave Anduin a slight bow before turning to face the crowd once more. Oh, yes. I know full well how much blood is on my hands. I know exactly the magnitude and the consequences of what I have done. He took a deep breath and seemed to be gathering his thoughts. Anduin leaned forward, not wanting to hope, but hoping wildly, beautifully, anyway. And now, here at this moment, when I am free to speak my mind and heart, I tell you true: I regret...”Muhahahahahaha”His laughter ran through the arena. Nothing! Anduin forgot to breathe. He felt cold, numb. he sat, staring at Garrosh, for a moment unable to mentally process the words. Sound hammered on his ears, the outraged cries of a furious public. Taran Zhu struck the gong futirely, calling for order. But Garrosh, ti seemed, had only begun. He lifted his shackled arms and bellow, Yes! Yes! I would destroy a thousand Theramores, if it would bring the Alliance to its knees! I would hunt down every night elf whelp that bleats on the face of this world and silence their mewling forever! I would banish every troll, every tauren, every simpering blood elf and greedy goblin and shambling walking corpse if it were within my power – and it almost was! Garrosh continued. Anduin clenched his jaw. How could he have believed Garrosh could chnage? The only attrocities I regret are the ones I did not perform, the orc shouted, grinning ferociously at the turmoil his words had caused. The only thing that preys on me is that I was stopped before I could see the true Horde live again! And with that speech, the plan behind the scenes was put in motion. As Zaela, Shokia, Thalen Songweaver, Harrowmeiser and the infinite dragonflight assault the temple where court was being held, the bronze dragon Kairozdormu working together with the black dragon Wrathion, used a device that we helped power up. The vision of time, to set Garrosh free and take him back in time to an alternate reality. This with the intend of Garrosh forming a new horde and have that horde stand with Azeroth against the coming legion. “You are warchief no longer hellscream. You are free because I willed it. You live because i will it. You will join your father and rally the old orc clans because I will it.” An alternate reality set before the time the orcs drank the demonic blood, specificly selected to be one where Garrosh had not been born. Grommash’ wife, Golka, died during an ogre raid before they were able to have kids, which is also what happened to garrosh his mother, but not before she gave birth to him. But what the bronze had not counted on, was that Garrosh had other plans in mind. His future for his horde is not under the controle of some sort of Bronze Dragon so he picks up a shard from the vision of time and murders Kairoz with it. With his partner in crime defeated, Garrosh has the near impossible task of convincing this alternate version of his father and the warsong clan of the future. He jumps into a pit where the warsong clan has their mak'rogahn, not mak’gorah but mak’rogahn, a way for the warsong to prove their worth. It’s not necesarely a duel to the death, it’s more a duel of will,although sometimes accidents do happen. Garrosh all chained up and a pure outsider to the warsong clan, tries to convince Grommash to listen to him without telling who he actually is. "Grommash Hellscream, I have traveled far and sacrificed much to stand in front of you. I am here to defy what fate has dictated for you and all orcs." "Slavery. The loss of our souls and everything that makes us great," At first Grommash laughs at his face and declares him to be a lunatic, but Garrosh has to convince Grom. He explains to the chieftain that The path to the Warsongs' slavery will not come from war or defeat. Your fate will be accepted freely and gladly," he said, raising his voice, "and it will be you, Grommash Hellscream, who will insist on being first to tie yourself to the orcs' new masters. The rest will follow. We will never recover." Now Garrosh had insulted Gromm’s honor and warsong mercy only goes so far. The four guards that were holding him are told to duel Garrosh, and he manages to win, chains and all. This gives him the chance to talk to Grommash and explain more about his motivations. He shows him the shard taken from Kairoz and he guesses that the elements at the stones of prophecy, the same place where Thrall told him the full truth about his father, will be able to show Grommash the future. They travel to the location and on the way garrosh explains more about his plans of conquest, his plans with the orcs. Bringing together the clans won’t be easy, but the spoils of war will convince them. Once they reach the stones the Elder Zhanak already knows they’re coming. The elements have been rising up since they can feel that Garrosh does not belong there. The Elder treats grommash with respect, but gives garrosh nothing but venom. He goes as far as to deny garrosh acces to the stones, but Garrosh is oke with that aslong as Grommash is allowed entry. ‘"The stranger believes the fate of this world rests upon my choices," Grommash said, lifting the glass while standing inside the stone circle. "He also claims the proof lies within this. Prove him wrong and he will die here. Show me the truth, one way or the other."” The elements respond and Grommash is picked up by a great swirl of air. Inside he see’s the truth of Garrosh’s words, he see’s how the horde is formed, how they slowly turn green, how the powers of the warlocks are embraced and how Gul’dan offers them the demon blood. He sees how the events took place in our time and and how he himself steps up to be the first to drink it. Grommash was told by Garrosh that he did this not because he was weak but because he would not let any other orc take such a risk first." This was a lie, although perhaps a lie garrosh told himself to make his father look better, but a lie nontheless. Grommash WANTED to be the first because none would be stronger than him. Not for a moment. He would never be weak. The visions continieud as Grommash saw his future unfold, but in the mean time the elder saw the same visions as Grommash. He was terrified to realise their future and at first Garrosh was being very kind to the old orc, but then the orc realised what their future COULD become. Peace, they might see peace. The visions did not stop with just the bad part of the Horde, they continieud showing Thrall and the new horde he tried to build. "Hellscream can bear it. He can overcome it. The corruption will not be the end." Tears streamed down Zhanak's face. His voice was laced with joy and hope. "One world in ruins, but the other stronger than ever. Hellscream's sacrifice saves us all. You've seen it…" Garrosh has seen this future before and does not like it. Thrall’s vision of the Horde, one trying to aim at a peace with the alliance is the precise thing that Garrosh turned his back on when he became warchief and he does not want that future to happen. He wants this horde to become conquerers and take Azeroth for him so he places his hand over the old orcs mouth and nose and slowly sufficated the life out of him. Now Zhanak won’t be able to influence Grommash. Garrosh then quickly makes his way to his father and tells the guards to pull him out of there, to end the vision before Grommash knows to much., before he finds out about Thrall and the rest of the story. With only half the story in his mind, Grommash agree’s to Garrosh his plans of invading azeroth. It’s not going to be easy and they only have a few months, but they will have to convince the rest of them to not touch gul’dan’s so called gift. Guldan scoops a delicious bit of demon blood for grommash to drink nom nom Drink, hellscream. Claim your desinty. You will all be conquerors. Yeaaaa no i dont think so And what guldan must we give in return. Ow let me show you, everything. Yeaaa hard pass i dont want to look like you. Look at you, your ugly. Giggle, you would reject this gift? Guess who it is grommash! Ow snap its mannoroth, he s so pretty. And did you bring these mongrels here just to watch you die? Nahhhh famn we came here with a plan. Look, fireballs in the sky. This is highly advanced tech from the future GET REKT NOOOOOOOOOOOOW Oke garrosh going now. Iron star deployed. Surely this will hold the massive pitlord in place. Ow snap noit didnt. KABOOM Yeeeep that iron star is going to need some manual support. come on grommash, whats the point of all those push ups ifyou cant even lift an iron star. ROAAAAR ZOOOOOOOOOOOM BAWOESSSSSj Ow look at that, through fire and flame gorehowl stuck inside your head. One shot one kill. But uhoh history abotu to repeat itself, grommash about to be blown up BUT THERES GARROSH WITH THE SUPPORT. What a trooper, what a life saved. Hello guldan you alright? This was not our destiny. Times change. OW man that line is iconic,. Yep just grab the eewy goowy gorehowl and pass it along to your not really dad. WE will never be slaved! CHEER CHEER CHEER But we will be conquerors. This cinematic is still amazing, with the paralels of grommash caught in the explosion, only this time garrosh is there to push him out of it. This was not their destiny, this is a different horde. The Iron Horde, gathering the clans and receiving quite a few technological upgrades from the visiting Garrosh. Grommash would be warchief of the Iron Horde while Garrosh became leader of their warsong clan. The Dark Portal turned red trying to accomplish garrosh’ goals of conquest, but Azeroth has grown pretty strong over the years. The initial assault is quickly pushed back, stepping through the dark portal, back in time to this alternate reality. “Storm the portal!” Step by step the Iron Horde is dismantled, but to keep it focused on garrosh...our escapee was found in Nagrand where he nearly ended our lives. Thankfully there was Go’el to steal the kill, I mean confront the mistakes of his past and challenge Garrosh to Mak’gorah... “Now you die” “Garrosh!” “Thrall? You’re too late, old friend.” “No. No more, Garrosh. Just you, and me. I challenge you to Mak’gora.” “” “Very well shaman. We finish this alone, where it all began. At the stones of prophecy.” At the stones of prohpecy thrall and garrosh meet up for their epic showdown. The maghar orc born and raised in the shadow of his fathers mistakes versus the warchief of the horde, raised by human hands/. You must answer for your crimes garrosh. Ow garrosh did not like that. He did nothing wrong after all. ROAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR Smack smack, doomhammer versus gorehowl. A match of the ages. Notice btw how each time thrall strikes theres lightning in the sky. All I did KICK I did for the horde! Yeah noooo YOU FAILED THE HORDE. OW snap yeah you dont want to throw your 1 weapon away. Ow ok you got fists. You made me warchief! You left me to pick up your pieces. YOU...FAILED...ME! I mean, hes not wrong thrall. Youre kinda a dummy You never had the strength of a true warrior. I do not rely on strength alone, Garrosh. My power is all around you. Ow snap that’s right he’s a shaman lol. And on draenor the elements are all the more stronger. Yeah garrosh you made a booboo THrrall! You made me what I am. chose your own destiny. AND NOW ITS TIME TO END IT. I sentence you toooooo BAWOESJ Awww thrall so sad, had such high hopes. Shaman no in peace Garrosh. While i might have wished for a bit more character growth when it comes to Garrosh rather then just use him to kick off the next expansion, the raw emotion, dialogue and cutscene that sends him off is rather awesome. There are those out there that say Garrosh did nothing wrong while others believe he’s evil incarnate. I think the truth lies somewhere in the middle, mirrored here by the final conversation. He went from an orc growing up in the shadow and knowledge of his fathers worst deeds, not having a shred of faith in his own abilities, until thrall showed up and completed the story. A succesfull campaign in Northrend lead to Garrosh taking over control of the Horde, despite voices like Cairne, like Garrosh himself telling thrall that he wasn’t ready for this, but thrall had made up his mind, believing that the advisors surrounding him would guide garrosh in the right direction. A mistake he would later realise. Their different visions clashing with the new warchief, even going as far as threatening his life caused him to replace them, surround himself with those that already agreed with his vision. That’s the major difference of the paths between Varian and Garrosh. Where once they were similar, Varian listened to those around him, advised him, kept an open heart while the ones that were supposed to challenge Garrosh’ ideas either abandoned him or were kicked out. That’s what I mean with the truth lies somewhere in the middle. It’s not just Garrosh’ fault, but to say he didn’t do anything wrong is a bit of a stretch in my opinion. That is of course very debatable and another thing still being discussed to this day is the question, did thrall cheat during this mak’gora by using his shamanistic abilities. My opinion is that Garrosh knew full well who he challenged, that there’s no set rulebook or referee for mak’gora, that if thrall cheated by the old rules then so did garrosh and at the end of the day....I don’t think that’s the point of this. It was closure, a circle of storytelling for these two connected characters. While Go’el’s choice here, cleaning up his mess, realising that there’s some truth to Garrosh’words. Bravely saying you chose your own destiny is only half the truth, and that emotional inner turmoil caused him to eventually give up the doomhammer and pass it on to a shaman hero in their battle against the Legion. In the case of alternate draenor, grommash and the iron horde would be defeated. Gul’dan and his fel horde would be defeated. The burning legion would be defeated as we left this alternate reality behind to do its thing. Later on the Horde would reconnect to this reality, now with the timeline synched up meaning that around 35 years has passed on alternate draenor. Grommash actually had a son in that time but exarch Hellscream has thrown in his fate with Yrell and the Draenei. A war is going on between the mag’har orcs and the holy draenei. During the recruitment scenario we didn’t actualy see Garrosh, only the sacrifice of perhaps if in the future they return to this storyline. Dive deeper into what’s happening on alternate draenor, we might find out more about this alternate Hellscream... In the case of our Garrosh, he’s been deemed one of the worst possible incarnations of himself by the bronze dragons. In countless potential timelines, he was seen as a great hero to his people. Some called him the Horde’s greatest warchief... and despite judging our garrosh like that, even now people still see him as a hero. Not a thrall as a warchief, not one to beg and crawl for peace, but one willing and able to claim what his horde needed, by any means necesary... “I am the warchief of the horde. Respect my authority!” And with that I think it’s time to wrap up this video. It’s been a while since we did such a deep dive into a character, but man has it been fun. I really hope you enjoyed it as much as I did making it. Question for the comments, did thrall cheat during the mak’gora? Lets see what argument we can come up with. As always, thank you very much for watching everyone! Subscribe if you like my videoes, leave a like if you enjoyed this one aaaand until next time....see ya!
Channel: Nobbel87
Views: 208,207
Rating: 4.8472281 out of 5
Keywords: Nobbel, Nobbel87, NobbeltheNoble, Story, Lore, Garrosh, Hellscream, Grommash, Thrall, Horde, Alliance, Nagrand, Outland, Draenor, Dark Portal, Gul'dan, Mannoroth, Burning Legion, Demon, blood, Sargeras, Kil'jaeden, Draenei, Orgrimmar, Siege, Theramore, Jaina, Dalaran, Anduin, Trial
Id: fpfu-Wj7lII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 3sec (5463 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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