The Story of Castle Nathria [Lore]

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this video is brought to you in collaboration with hello everyone cyrue nepheus one of the eternal ones that once stood with the pantheon of death and locked the jailer away they've changed sides and been really hard at work at trying to get their ally out of prison how fortunate you are to witness the splendor of what is about to unfold every precious drop of animal so painstakingly run from the tortured souls of lesser beings now paves the path for the banished one to reclaim what was his and once his liberation is secured it shall be by his will that all is washed away the only power that will emerge from this torrent of change is death death and those who shaped its victory someone will stop you to nathrius even if i do not speak observe remember this lesson but not all hope is lost mortals have shown up in search of their missing leaders they prove themselves to be mawwalkers capable of traveling through the domain of the jailer a domain where none is supposed to escape from they've chosen their covenants gathered enema save souls and empowered some of the remains of the shadowlands perhaps they will be able to stop the sire and return ravendrath to its noble purpose it was too easy to breach the castle doors our former master is daring us to venture deeper into his stronghold he knows time is against us with every passing moment the jailer's power grows the flow of anima into the moor must be stopped be on your guard mortals dinathrius has the advantage here he will use all his guile to thwart us welcome i have so been looking forward to your arrival let's see who have we here our wayward prince of course the deposit accuser ever so earnest and our mutinous former general along with a contingent of mortal rabble eager to meet their end we tire of your preening to nathrius come and face us i seem to recall a similar bluster from you not so long ago renathol and we both know how that ended it seems you failed to learn your lesson perhaps i was too lenient i am after all known for my compassionate nature let us begin your atonement with a suitable challenge shall we ever the gracious host the nephrius awakens carame hergetast and moldovak as a little warm up stoneborn ever loyal to the desire until only shriekwing remains it's tossed with guarding the entry hull and does so with sound not by sight this blind monster locates her victims with horrifying cries that reverberate off the chamber walls the last sound heard by trespassers in the grand walk is the monster's cry as she descends upon her prey it's a fun fight to kick things off in a brand new raid and while i will talk a little bit about the tactics don't take this video as a guide there are plenty of awesome real guides out there but i'd like to discuss what happens during the fight to give an idea to those that are not going through the raid as well as fill up some screen time so you can see more of the fight so with shriek ring you'll want to pay attention if you're marked as that means you're about to be hit from the sky and you'll leave a pool of sanguine icker on the floor deadpool is not going to go away for a while and since you need to move around quite a bit drop them where the pools are not going to bother the other players the running around part that comes from the echoing sonar these are disks that street queen shoots out of her they bounce against pretty much anything and if they touch you another one of those icker pools is spawned so make sure to avoid them if done right you'll have plenty of room to then hide behind the pillars during your massive ear splitting shriek you wanna line aside that noise or you're gonna be taking a whole lot of damage at 100 energy she will then jump to the middle of the room you don't want to stand where she lands and she'll pretty much take no damage at this point don't worry you'll be too focused on dodging anyways dodge the discs while hiding from the shriek if you survive this phase it's back to phase 1 until shriek wing and our first raid boss of the shadowlands goes down the anti-chamber is ours but i suspect denathrius has retreated to his sanctum there is a passage beyond the kennels that leads down into the castle's underpinnings from there we can reach the anima stores and stem the flow into the maw if we are to have any chance against an atheist we must deprive him of his most prized possessions i know the path we must take to reach them we get to choose which of the three bosses we want to go after next we decided to move from the grand walk into the houndkeeper's alley and move towards the fighting pit while the sire doesn't hunt a lot himself anymore they do make sure that the finest beasts are ready to go should he ever choose to indulge the kennels house the master's hunting pack he keeps the beasts starved for flesh put an end to the masters cruelty so we can advance to the lower levels of the castle i can smell your fear margo to me huntsman altimore is the one that runs this place and while he doesn't treat the beast too kindly they need to be a good challenge during the hunt he does have a bond with them meaning that the damage he or the gargons take is also taken by the other and once all his beasties are defeated he will be so heartbroken that he's going to take 100 more damage this boat has your name on it in true huntsman fashion altimore will seek out our sin and mark three players with a massive arrow towards them you want to make sure that the shot doesn't go through your entire aid but also don't keep moving around find a good spot to stand at and give others a chance to move away from you at the huntsman side are his beasts with each of them having their own special abilities that you need to deal with starting with margor who does a vicious lunge on a random player damage that needs to be shared your deaths will not be bargast come buttergust comes out next and will rip the soul from your tank the soul it needs to be healed up before it reaches altamor or you'll get a massive damage increase and it simply cannot happen to make it a bit easier top off your tank before the soul is ripped from their body since the healing needed depends on how much health your tank was missing when the soul rip took place there will also be shades of buttercus that try to cause their deathly roar as the name implies it's not something you want to deal with so give them a crowd control not only is that going to stop them from casting they'll also slowly destabilize increasing the damage that they take which makes it a whole lot easier to get rid of them when you're ready to do so don't wait too long though at 100 energy the shades become immune to crowd control meaning that the deathly roar it's gonna go off and you'll be in a world of you killed my favorite i have the cutest yeah now acutus has a petrifying hull that will shatter your bones if it's on you move your circle away from the raid as it will drop a patch on the ground crush us no finish up the beastie and the huntsman will stand there heartbroken all alone as you just murdered his favor pets a fitting end to that wretch the passage is down here mortals the way ahead will be fraught with danger but we must reach those animus stores not the most dignified way of traversing the castle but a hero's job is not always the cleanest and no amount of abnormally sized reds will keep us away from shiny loot i mean saving the shadowlands of course here the largest of its kind i have seen the beast seeks to sate its endless hunger upon the stores of anima below fantastic dispatch this creature before it grows even stronger we've seen these devourers pretty much across all of the shadow lands and while the origin is unknown it's presumed to have come from the in between you know that moment whenever you jump on the flight path to get to one of the new zones you will fly through the in between it's a space between the lands of the shadow lands that few have explored they love to gorge themselves upon the anima and these massive stores hidden away in the castle it has drawn out the hungering destroyer anima drought i didn't think so look at all of this that they're stockpiling here there will be no more weekly quest to gather a thousand animals for covenants we can just take all of this with us and instantly do a full upgrade that's what the rebels knew deep down that the sire was lying to the people of ravenrath and the shadowlands as a whole they've been squeezing and hoarding every little drop for their ally the jailer i'm sure that we can put this anima to much better use but first we'll need to clear out this gigantic devourer it will place a light blue circle around a random raid member which none selected they need to stand in cause it prevents direct healing done you'll need to siphon your allies life energy in order to stay up now just standing together in a big old group hug that would be far too easy darker blue circles they will pop up as well which you do not want to share find a safe spot in the room somewhere where you won't blow up your friends and then get back together on top of that there's also the volatile ejection which shoots out a big old beam out of the boss that cannot be shared with anyone else so again a reason to move away then there's the suck at a hundred energy you will need to get out of this as far away from it as you can otherwise the hungering destroyer will consume your health well done mortals the enema stores lie ahead accuser you managed to escape my grasp only to brazenly return to these halls alongside this ragged band of mortals pathetic genathrius has betrayed revenge by unleashing this anima into the more surely even a sycophant like you can see that what i see is a bold new future about to unfold a future with no place for traitors like you we faced lydia nervous dark vein before as the accuser opened their eyes to the truth of ravendrath back then it was a fight to escape with our lives now it's to put an end to her especially after she dared to hurt the accuser i will enjoy wrenching the sin from you behind darkvane we find 4 different containers each that have a different ability dropped on the field and the more they're charged up the more those abilities are going to hurt until they're fully kept and you're pretty much going to die so they need to be emptied out as well she will throw out bottles of anima that need to be soaked random people they will be linked to the tank sharing the damage that the tank will take if a big circle is performed around you you'll be slowed and eventually spawned on add do your best to run to the tank to make it easier to pick it up finally there's three orbs that will spawn on the field and three players that are going to be linked to each other those players need to line up their beams through the orbs in order to get rid of them sire i have failed you now it seems like the accuser wanted to say something here probably in direction of look at all this anima that anima is not gonna go to the jailer and the maw instead it's gonna be used to bolster the realms to the shadowlands and make up for this imposed drought placed upon it by desire i'm just pit balling here i couldn't find the actual rp something in that direction unless she's just going to host a massive anima party that would be nice as well appalling our people starve outside the castle walls yet these loyalists indulge their avarice as they dance and feast the jailer amasses an army to destroy the shadowlands the fools deserve their fate for believing the lies of donathrius many valuable weapons adorn these halls let us liberate them from the grasp of these aristocrats we'll dance with them in just a moment show them how to bring some life to the party first we dive deeper into the pride's prison the most delicious sin a soul can be burdened with daenerys keeps his most potent souls in this chamber he fuels their darkest instincts forging them into weapons to turn upon his enemies once i break these bonds you will be the first to burn wrath is your most potent sin sun strider it will serve us well this one's pride and arrogance are legendary come let us deprived an atheist of his prize even though the raven draft afterlife short it showed us the torment of garrosh hellscream right here we're dealing with none other than kael'thas sunstrider as far as i know garrosh hasn't been spotted yet but to run into the prince of the blood elves it's awesome all the same in life kael'thas led his people through the most dire of times they were still high elves back then enjoying the good magic of the sunwell but all of that changed when the scourged nation attacked arthas menethil now an agent of the lich king with frostmourne in hand frostmourne being connected to the jailer he was on a mission of bringing back kel'thuzad as a lich and to do that they were going to need the powers of the sunwell despite their best efforts and many brave heroes giving up their lives heroes like sylvanas windrunner and king anasterian sunstrider none of them were able to defend the high home of the elves kel'thuzad was indeed brought back corrupting their ancient fount of power kael'thas had no choice but to destroy it revealing the addiction of the elves that had formed itself over generations not only that there was also the undead scourge still left behind in their lands and while the prince tried to work together with the alliance at first grand marshal gerevose he made that quite hard by giving him near impossible tasks even pushed it so far to place kael'thas in the dalaran prisons to await the execution fitting that the high torturer is called derethos i wonder if there's a connection here or if they just wanted to give a little hint to the name either way with promises of salvation for his people not to mention avoiding the executioner the prince eventually teamed up with illidan stormrage and lady vash but that salvation it never came illidan kept his secrets close and kael'thas was lured to the dark side to the demonic side now allies would kill jaden the deceiver and quite addicted to fel magic he turned not only against the world but also against his own people he made an attempt to summon kil'jaeden into the world until we were forced to put a stop to him send them off into the shadow lands where he was deemed worthy for raven draft my rage burns like a thousand suns normally ravenrath would help him try to atone for his sins in life but that's not how it works in castle nathria not under the masters leadership instead they're amplifying them adding the sins of others to their prideful prince's soul while his pain and hatred are channeled to make him a powerful weapon this has imperiled his soul like no other and it must be saved if only to keep it from being unleashed upon the shadowlands a duty that falls upon our healers this time around as they're the ones that need to heal kael'thas with the rest of the group they deal with the ads that are send in there are these pedestals on the kael'thas which you can use to transfer your own life essence into him but apparently on release day they were quite booked and they made the fight all the harder the ads that do come in they don't just make the fight more interesting for anyone that isn't a healer they will actually drop things to get kael'thas up quicker like orbs that increase your healing done or canisters that when fully healed add a whole bunch of health to him do make sure to take out those soul infusers though before they reach kael'thas as they will drain him and undo all of your hard work all shall suffer my wrath once the soul is back at 40 health and 90 health you will have a shade of kael'thas wielding fellow malorne and mighty fire spells join the fight you'll then want to stack up behind him as his frontal fire cone it hurts a lot well little phoenix adds they followed the group around by having people on the back you can easily share the damage of amber blast which will one shot the person if you don't it was a spicy hot fight worthy of kael'thas sunstrider kel'thus sunstrider you are free from the sire's tyranny but you cannot escape your own deeds come with me and i will help you find atonement i am tired of being used as a pawn by others will your help allow me to claim vengeance you have so much to learn take this soul away and aid him accuser he's now safely in the care of the sinful rebels the covenant that will show ravenrath how it's done how it's supposed to be a story that's gonna be further told in the future right now it's time to reclaim some of those valuable weapons that they mentioned earlier but were not the only ones that came up with that idea interesting fighting has drawn the girls away sired and nathrius's private collection gathered over eons from across the shadowlands yet how do i test their authenticity these brokers are agreed a lot do not let such potent weapons fall into their hands wonderful i have been hoping to test these relics on live targets at the spoils of sin we find artificer zymogs they've been working with the nephrias but not out of loyalty or anything they simply saw their opportunity and exploited it to their own hands they're more concerned with getting the better end of the deal and if that means that they need to take care of us then so be it let us see if the legends of this relic are true mind your step to defeat him we're gonna have to think with portals since players are gonna be marked with dimensional tear which drops a teleporting zone connected to each other wherever you might drop them you will want one of them near the boss and one near the end of the room to deal with most of what he throws at you like fleeting spirits that will possess you when they reach you teleporting away will give your raid a chance to take them out before they take over your body and force you to murder your allies from 70 health the spirits will no longer be a problem instead the root of extinction gets activated these seeds are going to explode in a huge area so pick them up and teleport them away at 40 health it's the edge of annihilation that he throws at us a massive sword in the middle of the room that will suck us to our immediate demise now we need to reverse our portal thinking you'll want to drop one in the middle and one at the boss time your movements and make it so that when you do inevitably get sucked in you're teleported out in time and you avoid that death that's the power of the nephes's arsenal the broker himself also has beams that you want to avoid and traps that can be removed with immunity interestingly enough the artificer does not die at the end of the fight instead this exchange has no further value consider our business concluded for now ah greed truly one of the most malignant of all sins it's funny how the brokers seem very kind and helpful back at orobos but at the end of the day they're about achieving their own goals whatever those might be i don't think it's crazy to think that in the future we might see something with the brokers play out but for now as long as they give me thick and my quest i won't ask any questions come mortals it is time to read rev draft of a haughty band of nobles that stand between us and anathrias we have been working pretty hard though fighting our way through the castle i think it's about time to have a little party thank you both for attending the ball would not be as grand without you think nothing of it darling as long as the wine flows you will have my attention i do not share your love for these frivolities i prefer my gatherings on the battlefield oh don't be such a bore if you behave perhaps i will let you skewer a few of the wait staff or to be more precise crash this feast of arrogance as we were not exactly invited to join this council of blood presides over courtly functions in ravenwrath when one of them goes down the others regain their full health and get an extra ability but it's up to us to decide in what order we want to take them out everyone find your partners or die lord tavor is the poppish dandy of the group i swear that is how they describe him he leads the court and dance but is also deadly with his blades his evasive lunge hurts a ton and is not that easy to avoid as he will teleport behind his current target and then lunges forward in a line he is the one that's ordering us all to find our dance partners meaning that you need to find your dance buddy stay close to eachother while also avoiding the red swirlies on the ground everyone take your positions it is time for the dance macabre every time that they're gonna hit 50 health we get to do a little dance for them and i love this fight so very much it's dance or die transforward shimmy right sasha left left your steps was simply delicious pity you have to die now baroness frida wields powerful anima magics and commands to dredge your weight staff along with the respect of the entire court you'll want to make sure to interrupt her dreadbolt volley and then there's castellin nicklaus who's the strict military commander with an indomitable will and impenetrable armor dutiful attendants are summoned in that you want to be taken care of as fast as you can as their unyielding shields it makes the weakest council member immune to all damage and to that their anime infusion which adds to their abilities and the oppressive atmosphere that deals more and more damage over time it makes it a spicy celebration but so far this has been my favorite fight what kind of strategy was that oh watch them scatter it sickens me how far some of my people have fallen with the cord of blood down our choice of bosses comes to an end the final three of the castle awaits so it's back to the start after all my teachings renathol still you reach beyond your station such disappointment oh but you taught me well enough to dispatch so many of your underlings master true you left considerable detritus in your wake if you're so fond of wreckage my lumbering friend here will happily oblige who making this raucous nobody disturbed master no see that they do not sludge feast will now wreck the room that we fought shriekwing in he is one of the biggens amongst the dredgers and during our questing in ravenwrath we actually got a chance to make one of them ourselves this was done in a mug pool filled with fiber and filth a general binding reshaped reformed and combined a bunch of the dredgers into a massive one for sludgefist his birth came out of the muddy foundation beneath the castle you know that that is the good mug right there and it shows the fight is not technically very hard but his strength is incredible the ceiling it comes crashing down which you'll want to avoid but his intelligence is rather lacking storm stopping time oh oh master be so happy he'll place his hateful gaze on the tank who needs to hide behind one of the pillars in the room running sludge fist into one of those it stuns him for a bit and increases the damage that he takes you want to make use of that as when you run out of pillars it's pretty much game over for the rest of the team sludgefist doesn't want you to get lonely and he partners you up with a chain you want to find each other and stay close since you do have the ability to break this chain by running away from eachother but doing so will deal massive damage and its stuns that means just you know partner up avoid the zones on the floor while bursting down sludge fists before you run out of pillars we must continue our pursuits mortals fortunately this mirror does not seem beyond repair be warned daenerys's most loyal guardian still stand between us and our quarry incoming taking all my strength to hold back their onslaught do not be blinded by misplaced loyalty the bargained an atheist is struck will destroy ravendrath you are a disgrace to our kind draven if you will not serve then you will fall stoneborn strike down these ushers now it's hard to not get distracted by that gorgeous view that they give us near the top of the castle but we can't get distracted not with the stone legion standing in our way these have been crafted into being by the stone right even fear that like renethal and the curator it was not made from a mortal soul instead she was wheeled into being by daenerys himself her children as she calls it have been in a pointless struggle one side fighting for the sire on the other it fights for ravenwrath and the shadowlands itself we've dealt with the stone legion generals a couple of times leading up to a raid into the castle grashau was once draven's mentor and when draven defected joined the rebellion they woke him back up to serve the master that's the beauty of the stone born when you don't need them for a while or when there's not enough animat to go around they just return to their stone form until they're called upon once more grasshall fought against us as we tried to stop the sire for the first time that moment which led to all the anima dropping into the maw then cow she was draven's apprentice and she stands as one of the sire's main generals overseeing his operations in all of ravenrev she failed in stopping us from saving the naaru zarali within the sanguine depths now she's doing all that she can to make up for that failure we first fight them one at a time while the other one assaults us from above then they try to use the stone form against us but it won't save them as we can supply renoval with all the anima that he needs to shatter their form forcing them to swap places until the other one they try to do the same is also blown up by their prince and then they just tried to take us out together on the ground that's when they need to go down around the same time otherwise their soldier's oath kicks in increasing their damage by a hundred percent and that will hurt a lot i'm tired it sickens me to see our loyalty twisted by the one we once served the stone born were not the only ones manipulated and deceived my friend i dare say even the arbiter herself has been made upon the time has come to dethrone our former master what we do next we do for the sake of all the shadowlands the arbiter herself has been made upon i wonder if that is referencing to what broke the arbiter or if there's more at play more loyalists we must drive them back my prince you are the key to victory mortals strike down the one who has betrayed us all look ramona these daring mortals have persevered through every obstacle put before them it seems we have little choice left but to surrender i have a better idea master let me carve them up instead now there's a thought we could flay these petulant small-minded creatures and use their bones to pave the path for our ascension what to do what to do please master it's been so long since i cut into living flesh let me skewer them slice them slash them pace yourself ramona rushing one's work is so unflattering i shall assist our guests with their atonement once they have repented i will permit you to rend their bodies and send their souls screaming into the more the connection between the nephews and mornia truly relationship goals there i wonder when she had a chance to cut into living flesh though considering that we are in the shadowlands did sire the netherius leave his domain similar to how we saw draka sneak around on a legion world considering that dramornia's background is very much unexplored it's near impossible to say we do know that the renoval wields a similar sentient blade which is called vorpalia and we have had weapons speak to us before like for example zalatov and aluneth her name also had some wonder if she's connected to mournblade like frostmourne or mornia but considering that renault falls is called vorpalia i doubt that there's connection there all the same regardless as to how ramornia came to be what might be inside the blade in this very moment she just wants to hurt us a whole lot and so does her master premonia rid my castle of these pests i'll carve them into indi pieces that's definitely some power right there filling up one third of the room meaning that we only have so much time to get into the next phase meanwhile the sire he has burdened us with sin which we can cleanse in a painful manner ripping the echoes of sin from our souls he will also feed upon random members in the raid and torment all of them hold them in place until they paid the price for the number of sins still upon them it is time you remembered your place mortals crawl to me on your knees surrender and i will grant you a merciful end servants remove this refuse from my sight we did all that work climbing the castle only to instantly fall down into the grand observatorium where countless mirrors are used to watch and manipulate events throughout the shadowlands and beyond aid is summoning for the sire walromornia shows us what she can do be a massive blade and slice and dice that small platform that we can stand on oh i'll splatter them across your walls no not the walls the servants only just got them cleaned the nephries will use his hand of destruction to pull us all to his location where an image of himself awaits that image is gonna do massive damage if you're that close to it now as luck would have it this platform has two mirrors on either side jumping through one of them it teleports you to the other side far away from this deadly explosion enough i have been a patient host i showed restraint even courtesy yet you continue to provoke my wrath very well you shall have it no longer does ramornia fly around on her own the master has no patience left for us and wields her devastating powers himself our little fighting area has become even smaller cutting us off from those mirrors which makes dealing with the hand of destruction all the harder once more at max energy he's gonna unleash ramornia's most devastating abilities the one that fills up one third of the room and the other that slices and dices across my voo can not be challenged once upon a time the sire was renethal's greatest master oldest friend and closest confidant he stood with the pantheon of death against the jailer but appears that in time those sins that they were meant to cleanse on the souls sent their way they became part of him pride greed everest so many more had been displayed in the castle it all led to his betrayal for all that the shadowland stands for and it gave us a chance to bring down an eternal one impossible i am eternal this is not the end master let me present you the blade has drawn in his essence so i shall restore your master we will have vengeance no denatrius will answer for his betrayal treacherous prince i will skewer you slice you we've all heard quite enough from you if that sword truly holds the sire's essence i fear your spells alone cannot keep his power contained true but i know something that can we will bring the blade to sinful the naaru that the mortals rescued zarali has pledged to aid our cause for too long daenerys has used the light as a weapon against our people in the ember ward now it will be used to bind him a fitting fate for one so prideful he will watch helplessly as we restore revenge thwart the jailer schemes yes my friend together with these mortars we will claim victory you were ever fond of saying i am remember this lesson and so the sinful rebellion has prevailed castle nathria has been conquered it leaves us with desire trapped in his blade meaning that he's not completely gone at first glance i thought that this would mean that we're going to restore this pantheon of death the ones responsible for imprisoning the jailer that's what the prime has told us to do after all but then reneval thinks that it's gonna take a bit of time time the likes of which our kind has yet to measure but in that time perhaps the nephes will step forth from this pinnacle his true purpose once again affirmed or perhaps darker forces might be able to get their hands on the blade in the future restore the nethress to who he used to be making him with threat once more time is gonna tell how that is gonna play out for now you're up to speed on the story that goes down in the first raid of the shadow lands it leaves us with the spirit of kael'thas sunstrider who is in need of some fixing after what they did to him in a castle let alone the sins that landed him here in the first place and then a bunch of questions like was said the netherlands responsible for what happened to the arbiter what exactly changed him so much what did the jailer tell him to swap sides was it truly just the promise of the power of death conquering all the other forces in the universe we're all still kind of hoping that there's more to the jailer and his motivations than just an evil force that wants to break out and destroy all that we know i really can't wait to get more details more of the mysteries from the shadowlands revealed not to mention perhaps the biggest question of all where in the world is garrosh hellscream who knows what the future might bring but for now thank you very much watching everyone say that you want more details on all the things that we talked about today then check out the relayed wow article in the description down below you could also subscribe if you like my videos leave a like if you enjoyed this one and until next time see ya
Channel: Nobbel87
Views: 319,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nobbel, Nobbel87, NobbeltheNoble, Story, Lore, Nathria, Castle, Revendreth, Raid, Denathrius, Shadowlands, Renethal, Rebellion, Jailer, Maw, Anima, Accuser, Shriekwing, Huntsman Altimor, Hungering Destroyer, Lady Inerva Darkvein, Artificer Xy'Mox, Sun King's Salvation, Council of Blood, Sludgefist, Stone Legion Generals, Sire Denathrius
Id: E2z-UJv1OOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 28sec (2488 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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