Nazmir Full Playthrough - Battle for Azeroth Alpha

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[Music] so here we are we are in NASH mere of Xan dollar and as you can see it's very alpha ish like that map just took me to Macari because why not and on the Horde side you party with the Zandalari right right let's see what princess Solange e and this is the daughter of king rustic on leader of the sandal our and we're partying with her hair as trouble is brewing amongst the kingdom of the sandal re how are ya you and I are gonna go ahead and start taking down any blood tools then we see this be the start of our campaign to end them these monsters want my kingdom and its people destroy it so we're going to destroy them first I thought of things that the blood troll fret is just going to go away on its own like it in the past the things are different now but oh come and the others are moving north of here to establish a camp for us to stay in tender go to join us in to fight are you ready look for signs of blood trolls ahead Prince the lungi okey-dokey we be establishing a base and outer ones nearby you to be careful I am having a bad feeling about this thanks rock on it looks very very Jurassic Park s my people slaughtered you see now who will be fighting the blood trolls be monsters yeah they're kind of dead alright the kind of very dead blood rolls are monsters I hear them all around us we stopped them today we must be wary nobody comes back from NASA me are leaving on standing now you see what my father refused to acknowledge the blood trolls are beating us and they need to be stopped our plan is simple we're going to turn we're gonna go out there and kill as many of these blood trolls as we can you go east I go north you meet with me afterwards and see what is left to do we're gonna take these blood trolls to feared as under laddie the blood cells are gathering the corpses of my people to use them for the blood magic this ends the day I'm taking care of the corpses here take this torch it's fires be blessed by the priest upon somebody the lower of the death our lower of death even not even low of the dead low of death burn any corpses of my people as you see each corpse burns means less power for these monsters blood magic you be careful man I be dealing with the corpses before going to kill them blood rolls well find me when you be done make those blood trolls suffer trophy male blood draw pH placeholders right I I need to burn the corpses don't I poor guy is that a player yeah that's a player does that your balls gonna serve us well yeah you like the weapons mechanical not gonna let they're kind of cool dude I want your dinosaur uh you're gone ah where did you go everybody dude a dinosaur they kind of just vanished when they go past here well he did we must be wary nobody to come back from the smear you done good we're sending them the message we close the ending this thing me people deserve better than this when this is done we're probably honoring them in zoo desire hello eyes are smiling on us today the matriarch of these blood trolls a sick monster named Athena is upper hands we got a change in plans we're going to end this entire fret now we kill Athena and blood trolls are thrown into chaos she's a powerful hexer you start the fight and I'll ambush to catch her off guard let's get moving we're gonna be back as soon as I before today it's over stay away from the voodoo I'd be sneaking around for the time is right I'll be jumping out to help you with a Tina yeah I don't think this is gonna work out the way she expects it to go work out I'm gonna kill you and whatever it is go who is we're children of a powerful lower your face to the power of Cahoon it'd be hopes let's try stop us let me show you you're not escaping me I don't care what dark food who you were using she must be around here somewhere I'm not giving up nobody's close to killing the leader of these monster right oh there she is okay she she took a little bit of time to do a Tina is not going to get away from us we got to keep moving I'm feeling a Tina's dark guru up ahead we need to keep moving to try and stop her be ready for anything up a heads we do not know what is Cahoon is that she spoke about but I do know one thing if it's frightening my people then it's going to die just like a Tina bye-bye now prepare yourself we got no idea what's going to be up ahead and people have been telling me to dislike the Titan facility thing going on what the no this is the true power of the blood trolls curse my father for ignoring it for this long what's happening oh do me curse the cowards in zu desire for not stopping this read sooner my father was a fool to think that this is just going to go away this isn't going to end was just killing a Tina it's far worse than I'd ever imagined we need to move we shouldn't stay here beefy Enya place overseeing a review of the true power of the blood trolls a giant corrupt it's heightened monster huge armies of blood trolls and a tina market alum g ends with a horde of blood cells descending upon everyone a giant corrupted titan monster me we got a move hold on oh [ __ ] okay run little princess nothing's gonna save you from my master goons gonna eat you up I'm not scared of you or your monster you're all gonna die by my hands while we run away our life force to project a barrier to destroy any incoming missiles go they're not following us looks like we're in the clear the blood trolls are stoppable of the freedom monster we're gonna need a new plan you and the Horde isn't going to be enough hurry I'm hearing the others nearby happy to see this you bought the collector's edition by the way that's uh it's just a sound investment right there they got watts I thought you said these things were just a bunch of swamp natives this Cahoon must be giving it more power more oh we can handle we got to change our plan you sound like you already got a plan princess how you doing mom the blood straw frets is bigger than I ever could imagine the construct they're working on is enough to destroy all of zoo desire so what are they working on careful month what are they working on um beer chimera bus and go home is it a dungeon well maybe all right don't be shy we're going to any more than order to stop this the blood trolls are stronger than ever thanks to this cocoon and now they are empowering a giant construct we need a plan to destroy that construct Cahoon and the blood rolls it's not going to be easy but I have an idea old council with to launching a Rokon to decide our next step bye-bye now let's discuss what we can do to fight the blood trolls okey-dokey we need more power to stop the blood trails and we only got one option the lower anosmia lower may be ancient powerful beings princess how do you know if they're even in this swamp it's me to be a cruise please but one Morello arrest stand back I'll be using the Guru to find out who be there dad thought of God a turtle Lola he'd be wise and benevolent it'd be easy to get his 8 let's see who else is there a frog low a crack wall years in the smeared he's a strong lower who does not put up with evil of the blood rolls he leaked the bat low I he must be somewhat in rush me he'd be cunning he could be knowing how to stop this one son bead LOL deff he be a powerful low up a dangerous always making deals I'd be feeling his power he'd be close closer than all the other lower so we're gonna make a deal too low out death the turtle low out the bet Lola and a frog low huh all they have to stop the blood trails these be the only way to save my people Oregon I'd be willing to give everything if it means they are safe you win by being princess to the very ends talk to me get into Lois hell maybe the only chance we get to stop at the blood trolls let's get moving we got four lower Oh y'all are too princess we gotta go we could've blood trolls and her in a favor of these lower go out into the swamp and do whatever you can to help the princess and open don't fight the blood trolls cauldron you'll be me me let's go kill you sublet rolls just trying to keep up with me I'll be the one strong shits on the ladder offer your let us get underway if we kind of we could find high leak we movin out we're gonna show the prince and zoo desire to be nothing to fear from the trolls finally I'll be able to unfilled a mystery to rush me here this should be interesting neat we only be knowing where one is when somebody as uncomfortable as it makes me I'm prepared to do anything to stop the blood shows even if means dealing with the lower of death ages ago when somebody had a temple here in NASH mere mice crying has revealed a few locations to the north where it sends a magical presence search them for clues hurry zoo desirable fall if we can't obtain when somebody's help stay away from the zoo young was a la you you can be helping me I know sir young he looks like a shaman but I know we can be trusting him Luke the terror of the wetlands beyond debt now we got to be putting it down before tries to destroy this entire place just be given me a minutes and you'll be seeing this loopy bad news sir young they're gonna see they're all gonna see are you okay my Lita show me Luke terror of the wetlands stay away from the voodoo guru be near I can smell his teeth aren't you Luke now blah look I'll go down here and show you this guy be crazy idiots you're gonna be food for auric you just be like a lot of crazy you go to this oh my god yes come back I want you as my mounts so yeah that that's an undead dinosaur greetings ma'am now you see we gotta beat Luke I know how to do it but I can't do it alone I'll be needing my power back and we're gonna kill Luke he beat me bad last time I tried to put him down you helped me get power back and I help you make Luke deaths deal first step I need you to use this dagger to absorb what is what is left of the life force of any croc list you kill when the dagger seems to fail seems to be full come and find me that's right sir young they're gonna help us then Luke see who the strongest is I need more things to help me get strong I need to get me some of them sorry teeth no sir young you're ain't trusting him too much it's just be enough I ain't gonna be betrayed again this dude is talking to himself man is very weird I've been needing these teeth were rich I'm gonna perform help it get the power back once I'm not so weak um you're gonna take down this undead monster and be seein ya I'm gonna get things ready for the ritual we're gonna kill Luke once I get my power back stupid sir young why you're running your mouth like that in front of everyone they're gonna think you crazy yeah I already do me you give me some and I need to teef of these dinosaurs yeah yeah it definitely doesn't feel like you could pull big groups and just make it out anymore [Applause] wait to get into a dungeon in here two or three if the music files overlapping oh nice and we got some ass right the blood of has Ralph crystallized into clumps of ass ride an extremely potent a powerful material this will make the ritual go really nice you got enough tea for me sure do let me count them good this will work I said it would work not that we've done stop annoying me sure young there's there's something not right about this guy spirit via man you'll be getting everything I need now it's time to get more power ah more will be needed more power every gonna kill you rock IV take care of the balance of nature of course I care about the balance of nature sort of he don't need to be knowing that I'm feeling stronger but I need more power before we take down Luke no sure young you be scared of Luke more than me I ain't scared of nothing you got an attachment to me now after dat ritual I need to go kill them sky terrors nearby their death will be fueling my strength take my grappling hook keeping and ragged em sky terrors down for this from the sky with it and I'll put hurt on them to Syrian I should be doing this what do you mean I need to recover Oh fine I've been needing more power in the sky tours be having sky terrors be having X nearby and into the back some of the extra few my energy damn X got lots of life force in them you destroy them and I be feeling the energy coming back to me come on sir young this be easy I could be doing this well you make a good point you always were the smart one out of us there's a really big sky terror that these names is your akkad yucks I need his tongue was that Surya not his tongue his eye you sure hmm I'm needing his eye for the next ritual I know what you're thinking tongue makes more sense that's what I look suryun Sargon Sargon oh oh we found a typo go get your Cardiacs eye and bring it back to me for the next ritual spirits be with you man with you helping I'm strong enough so we can be beating a rock again I'll be waiting here to prepare the next ritual sir yon don't be crazy we ain't leavin rush me after this I never go back to Zulus a I believe so desires like the capital are those true based believes they be closed me oh dose oh yeah those are hahahaha does our true base claves yeah you like okay so we need X we need to draw those theis sky terrors out of the sky and we need him get an eye another tongue oh my god they are huge oh snap give me your life essence cleverly disguise chests mm-hmm I got a feeling that once we power up that troll and we actually defeat the t-rex he's gonna reveal to us who exactly Suri honest and I'm not I'm not ready for it yeah are you a group boss wha maybe I should actually go to the city real quick a pickup like better gear apparently you could pick up Legendary's in the city might be an idea cuz I'm tossing pretty much everything I have at this guy and he's still kicking my ass there we go okay we've got it I it almost feels like the eye is looking at you good I'm feeling stronger already - free of us make a good team I'm feeling better already maybe I should be strong or with an X in the future I need that I you get it yeah should it you got the eye I'm feeling the power coming from this Finke see it's shut up chargin they did it again spirits be with you man good I'll be feeling more me power coming back to me aha I am almost there and we are almost ready to kill you rock talk to me I will take care of the balance of nature the blood of my enemies I'm feeling power I feel my power returning but we're not done yet we need more power we're gonna kill this undead rock we're gonna be pushing into rocks lair dread 6b swarming in the area I wanted to bring with our blood for the final ritual take this it's my trusty dread stick dread tick gasser you throw it any area dread tick sniff its day and deaths hahaha now get going sir young you keep telling me to let them do this sort of work but I could do it too fine I'll just work and get individual ready [Music] if we're gonna fight Arak I'm gonna need my gear back it all got lost when I'm running from Iraq the first time shut up sir young I had to ditch it in order to run faster bring me gear back to me and I'm ready to fight you rock with ya like he's constantly saying sir young by the way so yeah I'll be moving up ahead get things ready for us to fight yah your name's Noble it's never where do we start calling your daddy no it's not sir young I should be doing all of this you know I don't like sitting back watching someone else work was that sir young hmm fine good point nice cause we talk to the same sir young man and we're gonna gas him oh wow that is quite effective okay what have two artifacts we're going to use our artifacts to cleanse sargeras's sword there's currently corruption in the eye if you want to see the cutscene it's up on well heads I don't know if the cutscene is actually available in the game right now yesterday we went to syllabus but we figured out that since this character is not done on Taurus there is no sort in syllabus so we couldn't really check it out and if even if I wanted to go do on Taurus on Elif R for example it won't let me in because I don't have a high enough item level got a shorter pants this shoulder pad has been gnawed on by the wildlife but otherwise seems usable I just need two more it's a bonus area right this helm smells terrible hmm interesting I wonder why that's gone oh look at that what the hell is happening there ah they're eating him alive run little Dino roll over the ground man kill up with your spikes what are you doing ah poor fing okay we're gonna put him out of his misery F oh you do in my the blood of my enemies you got me to blood yeah this substance stick to part of your hands as you slide it into a bottle this will work we be getting so close to get him a power back you got my gear this helm smells terrible but not on but about life and it's been not on but about life Kevin my gear ah they smell brand-new did you clean them Neeta we'd be so close now just got to get my gear I can feel it's my power is returning yeah Mon yes it's time we're gonna put down a rock sweet hello MA this be it's my power is back we're ready to put down a rock he used to be a noble piece you know big and strong now you rock is just a mine with some deaths it ain't right we got to put up to rest I'm gonna run up ahead swear you get near a rock I'll be hoppin out to ambush him let's do it shut up sure young of course we gotta win if we don't I'll just be finding another shaman to help me out be seein ya we waste no more time Rock must be put down you better be helping me out oh here we go we're gonna put the test Rock I sure I had to be sorry that it had to be like this alright I used to have a model like this on my desk from undead t-rex the coffin is roar that David is holding as oh man is he punching a dinosaur he is actually punching a dinosaur go puck we've been doing it I told you sure young we could beat all rock what that would be this thing inside of you rock let's handle the complicated things I'll be outside of rocks layer so out of a rock we got like a whole bunch of maggots coming out poor Dino troll boxing your zombie Dino perfection yeah everything's getting corrupted with blood and [ __ ] around here yeah it is very low autumn I'm also like 190 when it comes to high level green we did it you rock is gone for good it's a shame to put him down but that sort of creature isn't supposed to be like a lots of other things to do like finding the other two trolls out here and killing them what do you thinks are you should I be telling him now maybe maybe you are right maybe there are like three people inside of him sorry sir young and someone else stay away from the Voodoo good working with ya if you see a troll named Kruger make sure you kill him don't be stupid sir young he wouldn't think I'm joking okay fine let me make sure they know it and I'm not joking I want that troll dead just like a rock here good hunting sorry Yoon soo young and just just Bob Bob is in here too so you know be dispels short range but it allows me to stay in contact with you for a while the first presence I sense was besides a stream there's a pause at least one just northeast of here right so last time we helped Syriana out in Syriana is a bit of a multiple personality problem going on so this time I gotta go to the priestess directly to get to some of the new juicier bits well it's try and investigate it this monument is ancient but it looks exactly like the shrines to want somebody in Zandalari arts that offering is fresh looked like when somebody steals a worshiper in the swamp how very interesting a broken spear I sense anger and grief in this building whatever happened here didn't nuts and pleasantly intruder you're gonna pay for the death of my sister but it wasn't me ma'am I just got here with your little bloodhound tick as a pat oh that means hunters can get it as a pet as well I hope that would be pretty awesome alright well think wake of actions was a mistake to place it there I think it's still very very alpha and I believe that there are not completely done with revamping classes so yeah at this rate we're never gonna cleanse this place up on somebody for bone somebody wait there's someone over there and there another blood troll hey over here hello Ginga how are ya these um deaths are an affront upon some day we can't rest till we make this right we're having a we have a task from insomnia the lower of death to purge this place its of its on death's they be controlled by a monster called Cal Fox Kia helped there are zombies to show a Masonic Temple over there and we do not have the strength to fight them all take this torch killed on zombies then burn the corpses with the torch it should be delivering their souls upon zombie you do debts and we're one step closer to stopping Cal vex if we're going to deliver Cal Fox salt upon somebody we need to be doing it properly we need to be doing two things first there be torches remaining around the temple nearby light them with the torch I gave you the torch this used to be our way to show that we've been delivering a spiritual Sundy Cal Fox will be knowing it is going to be his time seconds I need special ritual power that's deep in the temple it's the key to stopping Cal Vox go now I'm praying to will somebody be favoring us bye-bye help cleanse the old holy place upon somebody to pink it used to be so glorious yeah when it comes to the class changes keep in mind alpha will be alpha right they'll be tinkering around they'll be looking at numbers but it's it's definitely interesting considering at the Paladin retribution class has definitely in my opinion been build upon the artifact system the more artifact power you got the more ability to unlock the more fun it became and more interactive it became and right now it just feels slow but I noticed it yesterday as well as leveling up my paladin and I just noticed that without those artifacts it without those abilities you're yeah you're slow all powered as shingu claims is to keep you stopped of the Lich Kell vyx oh it's a litter okay deep in the swamp uncovered sista a friend of the frogs bring the boom a peg for death turtle power everything contained bleeding the blood trolls oh snap hello you're what what just happens howdy car man I think I think when somebody was was pleased with the lighting of the torches pretty sure he was pleased with that hmm well something's deliverin syria girl I could tell when somebody is pleased by you releasing his followers light those torches and get the powder so we're gonna get well somebody's favored good did you feel when some of these presents even if it's just for seconds Cal Fox so is bound to free phylacteries Wow free of them Naomi's been doing good is that like folding in the work of like I'm not opposed to him though the more than his Horcruxes you could just pick how many you want even if you destroy him he'll just reform them my old power is returning me old power be returning off he lit them torches I'll be able to enchant this powder that allows you to go through Cal Fox's voodoo find these flecks Ruiz and bring them to me we're gonna look Cal Vic's in the eye when we destroy them I should warn you this power might be messing with your head so you may have some visions after you use it be careful be careful man Cal vyx once we solve everything well somebody's about find them phylactery so we can end this affront and falls you're more CalWORKs is having powerful voodoo an aside the kind that could kill you instantly for not careful I know how we can be stopping this magic but when he bones lots of them we're lucky Carol Fox is having a large skeleton army I need to be going out there and collecting these bones bring them to me and I'll prepare them to be used against his guru be seeing ya go those trolls want you to kill them why don't they commit suicide yeah they were controlled by the Lich by that what's he called Cal Vox I mean I imagine a calyx also the one that corrupted him to begin with I mean I do have to say though it feels a little bit better to be leveling over paladin again I can at least pour groups and not worry about dying instantly you must be affected by the spirit powder to take this stuff out oh snap okay vision of Cal Fox def Walker shinga Deathwalker ancient nas money yeo-hwa so the Naz Minami knows money are crying and this Cal [ __ ] this troll litter apparently while everybody else is crying he's just looking at it he's like oh well that's cool and now everything's on fire ah neat vision up on some the priest more ancient as money with some de priests so they think he lost like his family or something that's being carried over there these hulking troll oh very cool okay so there's kelvis again and kelvis is talking to heretical osmani and i guess they're like uh he doesn't look too happy with them okay oh wow you see that his skull mouth started to glow cool okay so it appears that Cal Fox ran into some of these early blood trolls I guess you need to be up here yeah corpse bringer oh god I think I'll add to the Caliph axis corpse offering oh please don't your mask doe cool also the AoE attack right now it doesn't go forward like our AO e does on live Oh what the hell oh that's pretty cool I don't think she wants to do it again I always wonder how NPCs actually pick their commands to use is it like pet battling I think they got like a set list the buttons they could push me like a cool-down on it I won oh that's designed Cal Vox has plenty of offerings to be killing yeah all right yeah that's what I was thinking aim musashi so here we have more deaf walkers more heretics and the heretics are fighting with the original Deathwalker so once upon a time in the glory days with a worship on Sunday these blood trolls showed up potentially got in contact we're like the sympathetic old God or whatever is going on here and they're like yeah we're taking over baby Roy let's find a flexitime not everybody burn blood scavenger destroyed ruin investigated and they got a bit of a sore problem a blood draw looks like she was sacrificed look to kill her at the dagger behind a minor spell and dare followed a phantom and let's see what is worshipable somebody has gone oh that's the dude I just ran into isn't an outsider you're looking for pon somebody's tempo you must be desperate agree go in there lucky for you I'm heading that way myself oh we're gonna save this one for a little bit I'm gonna finish up the whole littering firsts we need them fleck trees that were having a chance destroy calve oaks this flexp looks like it's been damaged and repaired over the years neck traumatic energy use from this jar adorned by a troll skull this flexy looks brand new and it's adored by a blood troll symbol good I'll be saving this for later I'm gonna be looking cal fox in the eye when destroying his phylacteries bye bye now relax did you get them bones we need them ever gonna stop quel vyx voodoo good I'm working on you to these bones to counter Cal Fox's dark voodoo later I really kill Cal Fox and send his salt upon some day for judgment you should know something before going in Cal Fox was our son that is my bone somebody chose us to stop this madness oh I'm not knowing why Cal Fox chose to forsake everything we believed these centuries ago but here we are even without some debts Cal Fox is a very powerful be prepared this is our shot to end him and find our rest stay away from the Voodoo Cal Fox was her son alive but now it's just another monster destroy him so we can send his salt upon Sundy that's a bit cold do we know how long trolls live not long when merlocks are around hello Cal Vokes mom and dad want to talk to you buddy foolish mortal my armies are destroying you servants to me what where are my zombies my skeletons what's going on it doesn't matter I've seen the rise and all of this civilization you're not stopping me interesting lifts model so this is what a troll it looks for looks like even so ours parents gonna show up in any points enough the blood God demands your destruction I shall deliver its won't somebody be dance Cal Vox this is enough mother father your spirits be fuel for the blood god it is time to face judgment of assam d we have to flex race and Nobles got the bones to counter your voodoo what are impossible i will not be changed not by you know but will some be gale fox is vulnerable again it's up to you laugh curse you and curse won't zombie he will not have my soul what happened to my Jamaican accent well Kurtis you and Curtis won't zombie need not be having me so there's my accent if I gotta do it at all stream long is gonna be a very long stream all right buddy say hello to pull something for me once some be no compromise that I'd never be defeated all right puppy mummy time - oh [ __ ] various Carol Fox Deathwalker Oman a man how you doing who you be who you be how you do one alright hi it is over as you can see Cal [ __ ] is strapped in his phylacteries all that is left for us to do is to destroy to contain is acceptable somebody for judgements we couldn't have done this without you maybe will somebody be with you and may you be wise enough to know I'm gonna make a deal with him 200 count loads who want to drink 200 Trinket all I'll take the gloves sure the CNEA mother father I'm sorry please forgive me speaking somebody on my behalf it is too late for that son you choose to be Trayvon someday you'll need to pay for them no mother do something your faith is up to one someday now best hope he be having more mercy than us no I can't sleep on some B I don't want to please stop once some these will be done it is time we're all gonna get arrests see ya on the other side also fYI in the future you do not want to mess with one somebody once son D can be generous but oh my god can he be a cruel master hums a bow you have much more to do you're looking for more something simple you must be Jeff desperate to be going they're looking for you I'm headed away myself only two types n-tuple somebody simple anymore those looking to make a deal would be death and the debt you don't stink so I guess you're a former I'm headed to the temp myself so how about trade see the land across the bridge there's a witch named nojima that I've been tracking the blood souls are corrupt to the core but their souls are useful offerings touple somebody she's too strong for me to deal with but if you can slay her I'll get to the temple trigger fool now that witch has some powerful mojo hello blood which your bones will serve the mistress and now it's a mistress look out behind she's a hunter oh they can also do like the blood attack oh look at the animation by the way that animation is pretty cool this changes nothing soon you're all going to die oh you did well this one soul is going to be a worthy offering to blonde someday oh sure now let's get out of here there is a shrine up ahead called Zobel meet me there for the record not very large this came home will you go to any life event anytime soon be nice to meet you in real life and maybe get a picture yeah um he said it on stream today so I guess it's okay to say preach Khan will be the next life events robbed yet so if you want to meet me go to priest come baby this rune be sacred upon some need the blood trolls are not going to follow us here and this is the area where if you die you actually end up with one somebody greetings outsider you should do it mom her soul is perfect for enough ring now before we're going to go to the temple there's one more thing I need to do this is a sacred place from one zombie but now it's little more than a ruin even the spirits are unable to escape the passage of time and a fade away leaving only the drained husba Hinds retort returning to life we will hear I'll be collected as souls of my hunts into this charm use it on the drain spirits and will bring this place back to what it once was do not lose your soul okay everyone Sunday are you doing no I don't want to make a deal with you Boone somebody that model though let's bring life back to this place shall we drain spirit restored bless you stranger my winged friends are ready to fly wherever you'll be needed to go oh we actually bring the town back to life cool that motto is - to die for I live again thank you my services are yours when I meani stay away from the Voodoo do I know how many airships both factions have lost no nuts one looks off my head I am renewed Thank You stranger Oh stable master hey Ramon if you'd be having any lost companions I can help you find them and once some D bless ya a profession er at a repair guy huh what do you want with Hans Abu the Spears be watching over syllable again now about our deal tread can't wait something is coming this way who are you stranger not a blood troll or the spirits would have cut you down forgive the intrusion my friends I've come with an urgent request for an OBE greetings outsider a deal is a deal and I pay my debts won't somebody might be a bond son these are mighty low I ain't gonna need a powerful ritual to gain his attention you're in luck I already know exactly what we need to do when something's simple the neck rapport is just to the north meet me in the courtyards and we're going to see about getting you an audience with a lower after what's your said I will go on ahead to prepare for the ritual meet me there when you are ready ready yeah one of our scouts your chunga is infiltrating the blood trolls but we're not hearing back from him I need you to help find your chunga and see what he is finding out about them blood trolls if we gotta find him we need to sneak in by looking like one of the blood draw women they are the ones with the most freedom to move around I got a ritual that can be changing you helped me set up the ritual to get you looking like a blood draw help which stuck to kazoo boo completed ritual the disguiser blood blood roll I'll see ya later okie dokie what you won first we place the components we place a skull place another skull and another scope and an are you doing mine I'm ready to begin the ritual to disguise myself as a blood draw see ya later I should warn you this may hurt a little well most likely a lot that heartbeat doe our charge to the war party so we need to look like one trust me this will work dare you now if the spirit of a blood draw within you the magic will transform you we get near the village Oh neat I do not know J relax the rituals done me you were ready I know you might be thinking nothing has changed but trust me the Voodoo works I think you should transform it to one of them blood shows where you get near selamat or one of the year their villages your chunga should be there somewhere I'm most likely near large gathering of blood trolls find your chunga and tell him I'm sending you then see what he knows about the situation there once you get near their camp you will be transformed to one of them but be careful this disguise it's not perfect dad Rep Meyer audience we've won somebody again let's take a moment to appreciate you approach right here this is the same as what happened in the dungeon what's happening I was think I'm a better now where am I the torso lighting up the candles are placed and the offerings are ready now the circle must be drawn what do you want with hands abu are you ready there you are we are ready to start everything with rituals together now it's time to begin for this to work I must chant the words of old it is an exhausting task so I'm needing you to take a de modo fetish and draw the ritual circle then beat upon the drums if all goes well open something main fighters into the temple if not our souls will be 4/5 let's not be making any mistakes do not lose your soul let division guide your footsteps to form the original circle careful now one Sam D will not be happy if their ritual gets sloppy Hey sloppy rituals oh you can't actually mess up the ritual okay so very much like not a flux Academy we're drawing some circles on the ground very good now sound the drum Baba Kazuto bow meta or qu great born sandy the drum has sounded in your name these offerings await you I know this voice and these gifts very nice come in come in bad feeling about this those torches lighting up like the approach oh it's so good Astro I'm doing exclamation temple up on somebody so we explored this before but back then we went in there without questing and now we can actually see oh ah hello there Hans Abu you're gonna be paying your dailies one Sunday I come bearing more Souls as we bargained I am also bringing this outsider who wishes to speak with you mighty law cuz he has friends on the other side Oh boom Sundy you look so much better than you dip my friends Wow cool you're brave to come here but you need to be having more than just bravery if you're wanting blow in somebody's favor yeah oh yeah good good that you pointed out by the way we also have zalazane that's you know not having the greatest of all times within pull somebody's temple it's what you get zalazane it's what you deserve right what do you ask of open somebody when somebody knows why you're here you're seeking my favor ponder - silently a test to see if uber vehicles on this time there are spirits whose prayer son whose prayer sing of something called Cahoon a PE pay me homage no more Wow work so difficult I will not allow the desecration of my own temple go and subdue the strongest of the ancient spirits if you do this for me you may be worth the trouble at all after all defeat the hex priestess and war mrs. manleigh she run along man once I need to get back to soba there are still more souls to gather before I can pay off my debt I'll see you soon I'm surprised that he actually didn't offer us as like a tribute but yeah ever since the spirits have begun calling upon his kahoon my temples have been uncovered with the unbearable taint of the undead the undead be an abomination but the blood stones that create a more powerful that could be used to burn some knee if you wish to show me your fervour then cleanse my temple of their feel from perimeter blood stones the spirits of the faithful flux in my eye tempo you see them out there yes they come to enter the other side enjoy my realm however Spears who turned their backs upon Ville somebody dates who have come to my temple grounds they praise one called Kahuna and spread the blood magic desecrating across the Necker Pole this ends now go out there remove to the secretions that are infesting my temple oh yes no voice lines yeah okay as Alassane if I remember correctly zalazane was part of Jesus before the Cataclysm we had like operation nombre gone and the liberation of the echo isles that's where we took care of zalazane who was like abusing the powers upon somebody Vol'jin made a deal blown somebody to get let us get close to zalazane and that's where we took care of him and ever since then he's been you know not having a grandest of all times though mess we pulled some d I am dead serious oh boo bad jokes are bad oh goody the health bug has come back we'll survive since I wasn't here and will somebody had dead deal reporting way back when have we met burn gin proceedings Alassane is there I have not seen engine quite yet now yeah so far this zone is giving a much better impression than reservoir but that might just be the subject of recovering to be honest Cahoon is the master of this land soon even a fool will someday will be made to serve I'm telling a man that a wee ability does nothing look how low the damage is on my [ __ ] AoE what the actual heck no weird how about stress pardon yeah but as far as far suppose it might be that shield today are going on yeah damage they can reduce by 50% there might just be yep never mind I said nothing this will not be the end but maybe it will doe this is like what was he called the guy in the throne of thunder you know why talking about his blood is all over the place Marda Marda where be you watch me Maura it seen that I be it I bet she said I'd be good girl I wait and wait and wait and I'm not sure how long I've been waiting here for oh it's cold and lonely here hey could you help me find Mara I swear I'm not caused you any trouble yes Mara talked about a deal will some day I bet she's still the temple somewhere Little Miss Bea writes her Mara not be on the other side go on go on find his wayward Mara and bring them together oh all right come little one let's see what your mother's doing then whatever your mara might be Hakuna Matata what a wonderful phrase Mia Mata met the priest there I got a nice nice dress from them too they were so nice did they sacrifice your Mata it's dark in here you go on I'll be right behind you you're gonna you're gonna lure me into a trap aren't ya I think we're close mara where are you oh are you sure we should be checking this out little on once we open it up you can't go back who dares disturb my wrists found you mata let this be no how dare you bring that thing here but chit child's my Barca people and somebody wants to live in exchange for your soul you're gonna ruin everything wow that's a big crew in ER know how us to live forever no man and I will be together forever yeh it is true ma did it wrong but I forgive her now we can spend the rest of eternity together on the other side I hope Matt and I will see you again now we have friends on the other side High Priestess y'all being empowered by a dark source and let's not forget that polls like this on the shaman would have killed me this poor soul now belongs to Cahoon oh maybe I should also buff myself again that might might make a difference good this is not what you promised mom you were gonna live forever sir August sellers a is kneeling in front of a weird-ass urn I'm not knowing who you are but I need your help my precious of all jabu always told me to didn't care that he took the vows of a priest we would be together forever well my time came to pause and I knew I was not gonna be able to go on without him I came back and I've been wandering this spot for it seems forever and volatile who never showed I'm walking around this world for far too long please I'm begging you bring a memento of my vulture boot back to me as alizée shibi deviling among the living too long do whatever it takes to bring her soul to this so so very patient God hmm hello follow Kapoor there's no reason to go to the other side submit to Cahoon and life return all yours for the taking another soul to break for guru yep master blessings up one suddenly to You stranger and we pick up his ring a crew band that is tarnished from untold ages spent in the grave dinner lover try to sell her for immortality no no no no no no now that was the kid the kid's mother sold her for eternal life this one was just captured by a blood priest in layout the Queen's rest must not be interrupted the Queen's rests yo I stunt you and you still datura bility I call hax do you think of genre or Nizam will be the big baddie for this expansion which one do we kill first pretty sure we're gonna kill her Chara first but not 100% guaranteed I will the big debate be the big baddie maybe could also be deployed lords to be the big baddie or maybe it's us maybe he's gallywix mm maybe it's a Zuroff itself no tracks basically the story behind his own so far is hang on place order and nothing special happens oh look at that he was protecting the Queen that monster yank the story is the Horde goes into storm went to safe zandalari priestess Tadashi I think she's cold but it's just up ahead and prophet Zeus with her we escort them outs and then we end up in an area where we're not allowed to be up and now we're in this zone and in this zone this story is the blood trolls are causing all kinds of trouble they apparently have liked this Titan constructed they're working on corrupting and the princess is like fodder or why did you ignore this for so long damn it's so we need to take care of business in order to take care of business after we found out that they have like a Titan construct under their control we realize that we're going to need more than just the horse take care of this we need the aid of the lower there are if I remember correctly for Lola in the zone there's the bat one the Frog one D on that one and another one there are more low of course but those four are the ones we're gonna recruiting and yeah that's what we're helping out right now unless we have their power we need to figure out how we're gonna stop the blood souls and disco whoo did you find volge abou yets his urn is around here somewhere she looks two shots oh well [ __ ] boo why did it go on without me a ghostly tear drops from our eye Thank You stranger I'm gonna pass on with no regrets I've been walking as well for far too long it allows peace be mine ah ho that's a mighty soul open somebody feeling spry now is me powers because owing is he leaked from vanilla zoo group yeah go and you forgot stone beside a fire by a torch Stoneman was set on fire by torch yeah and congratulation - hello pond someday did I do good are you proud of me buddy debt witch hunts the debts I feel their soul strengthening my powers I knew you be worthy of once on these time to an appraiser two hundred waste and doesn't really matter does it remnants of the dams you got the blood stones for me smells like Jeff sure do DS will do nicely hey desecrated Sam boy you've done good mom the neck ripples already starting why are you clapping like a seal Kira's mom key Alice mater be foolish to think she's never gonna pass all to the other side but now she's together and I'm having two more souls in my realm you're done good mom you did well with my tasks I'll be thinking you show promise you might be worthy of a deal very well I pledge to lend you my powers to use against your foes in exchange you're gonna be sending one being sauced up on Sunday no need to look shocked you're plenty capable of doing this come meet with her the court of spirits that will be finalize our agreements 1 million spirits come to the court of spirits it's time we'll be finalizing our contract I don't think that's a good idea though oh snap everybody's teleported out now we oh that's that's not even right a quart of spirits is a little low what millionaires a rookie numbers huh we're gonna be amazing it wants to kill like your thousand or your million throw a troll he would show up and he's like wow you actually did it you madman you absolute madman okay the right of binding is old mojo old as the world itself with this mojo when you kill something when somebody gets their soul if you accept this we got a deal you're ready won't you shake a poor sinners hands data bindings be old mojo are you ready let's begin oh you're ready oh yeah ready at last you left the safety off to everyone you look like you smart woman yet here you are interrupting me in my own sample I give it this one chance to submit the blood God surrender or be destroyed no one be telling won't somebody what to do so you think you have what it takes to face me little thing bold words but you'll be meeting the same fate as all who refuse Cahoon rise minions rise the destroyed is full lower champion deal with that which those dancing bone shakaal minions gonna fall to the true Lord of the Dead are you ready origin of bone somebody is unknown my friends never before before solace aims fall all right enough you won this battle but you can't hide here forever soon as you leave you die such audacity and a tech camión temple goodness me they gotta be mighty sorry what why does Boone somebody say goodness me they gotta be mighty sorry Mary sorry these blood trolls under guard Cahoon they be far more for fret than I realized the ritual to seal the pact between you and I will be incompletes but considering the circumstances like a Fink we could skip the formalities as long as the prize is paid you can count them on somebody's aid a 200 shoulder or 200 head I'll take the head now it's time for you to leave there there be many of them blood shows Souls for you to be sending to the other side football zombie and you're not gonna find any more of them here drove to the Zobel ruins and speak with Hans abou don't you be forgetting our deal now keep sending your souls come on sandy if you want to keep me favored have much more to do so you formed a pact with somebody too good the more sociable some be the stronger he'll be and debt work out better for both of us just you'll be leaving some hunting for Hans Abu I got my own pack to pay for watch yourself a pacts with death got rip the hungry oh snap this is that village where we had like the whole blood troll transformation Oh check out the model oh my god what oh happy birthday Kim oh I want this as a race now look at that hell yeah does it also change my voice I doubt it right so you mean I'm stuck with this hair color alright ah let's infiltrate the blood village shall we and I go killed a little pat was that a flask of blood rage the rage the poacher feels to a furious rage increasing haste by fifty and a mistake about fifty unproven drudge obediently Rudge great hillock lower of bets and serve enough Cahoon this sacrifice is offered to you this pleases me bring more to my lair must commune with the master now snap so the bet lowers already with Cahoon yeah what do you need Mara cos Yahoo sent me look we gotta be sneaking away into Bloods rolls the females are the leaders you need to order me to go inside the hut over there maybe say it to get a blood ritual ready nobody be batting an eye if you be ordering me around alright your chunga I need you in a hut over there to get a blood ritual ready I listen to your mother I be going now I'm in charge now yer look at the feet by the way sick [Music] good we'll be safe in here it happens I'd be happy that you're here cuz I'm not able to stop this alone vial of vampiric mojo leech increased by 50% I should really stop putting things in my mouth that I don't know what to do huh chance Val attack you to Alisha volley or shadowbolts okay um good I'm not able to stop this alone I've been growing up hearing stories on the savage blood trolls this is worse than anything I've ever been told he leaked the low of the bats he's corrupted by Cahoon we are not gonna get help from her I'm sorry I said he's we only got one option if they got a low on their side we gotta kill her it's crazy and we Pro probably died but I got a plan we gotta isolate this place first the blood trolls got four drummers that are sounding an alarm if anything happens in this place we need them gone but you gotta be sneaky about it you gotta get disguise so you can just go and order them drummers to go away from their posts okay isolating salamat so we gotta kill the troll lower the low out the bat lower because apparently it's already taken over by Cahoon how do we block troll you're gonna have to blend in if you don't want to get anything gets if you don't want anyone getting suspicious this isn't gonna be pretty Debbie touches around a camp that be tied up as part of a ritual they get beaten as a testament to make them stronger any of them that fail to ritual sacrifice the ones that succeed are allowed to fight this on the lhari if you're gonna blend in you need to test these drudges as part of the ritual it's weird but that's how they work do you think we'll get Sun the lady paladin's I'm pretty sure that they've data mined what does on the ladder can be and paladin's was not amongst them of course this is just data might information not set in stone I've always said in faerie any any race that could wield the light as well as a weapon could become a paladin but that's entirely up to Alyssa to decide I could take the pain I'd be ready to fight Oh hit me harder mm-hmm I like it Maura I think I saw some movement over the Northwest's mara what I'll be doing for you the camp requires more would go and retrieve 30 pieces of only the most pristine lumber I come back when I'm and done Mara bye bye we can take more pain basically what to try to do is it was like a Titan facility where they did research and I was researching upon old God's essence and debts went wrong and that's what Cahoon is if I remember correctly quitting steam RI it's so quiet here we do require 50 pristine croc list guys go retrieve them I do not come back until you have them all see the reason why I know how to send them away is because these kind of quests are always given to me anything for you murder there's also a quest there let me pick it up before I forget your people be doomed join with me and you'll be saved bah I'd be surviving lots of things I know you're ain't gonna win you serious I think we should be taking his offer but it's a lunches retainer wants to accept the offer but Shadowhunter Dodger was like well no I am horde ah pellet in me I mean OBE I'll be hearing whispers of your name maybe you'll be smarter than these two Zil desires gonna fall to the blood souls you be knowing this you could be saved it should promise to be serving me I can be giving you more power than you ever imagined listen to what I could be offering ya alright Lich oh this is also a lich what okay tell me your offer tell me your offer witness my power mortal and know that you can be having a part of it Zubaz are to be falling to the blood trolls in Cahoon but you don't need to be sharing that faiths serve me and you'll be saved and I'll be giving you a part of Kahuna's power go whoo and be consuming everything there is no hope you can't be spared if you'd be serving me go whoo and be promising now ya got no choice zoo the sodomy dooms Kahuna's gonna be freed oh I need to click on a man breaking free here we go here we go haha you'll be strong but all you'll be falling for Cahoon my offer stands whenever any of you be wanting it okay so called Romney's gonna betray us that's Brits pretty certain Zombrex is tempting us to join him but it's not gonna work we're gonna stop this legend anyone else who wants to help the blood rolls his lizard rocks be trying to corrupt us to join his side I'm not falling for it and I know how to be stopping it he's gathering power from the amounts of skeletons we gotta burn em to cut Celtics up to some power I'm strong in a fire mojo I could be imparting some of my connection to the fire to you to burn the mounts I'll be staying here with cauldron I think Xander X is getting to him I'm ready to receive your fire mojo you stay focused while I'll be giving you a part of my fire mojo there that'd be the most I could give you without hurting myself too much go and burn them skeleton mounts oh my ass is on fire why did he put my ass on fire doe how you doin man ah OBU czar Drax is got me on the edge saying we're all doomed that there is no hope I once be having a plan to stop him all we had to do was kill a hexer Nana cook who be helping spreads other expire and still the fetish she be using then you're getting a gift of fetish to dull Shu and he's using his food to get us more power but it's hopeless now maybe we should just be siding with shadrach's how could we stop something as big as this leader I don't know about this - ooh nobody can't stop this we're all gonna die you just leave this thing to Nobby she's gonna kill that heck sure you'll be talking about don't worry about a minute me and my fiery buck got this there's also a quest over there though who's that thorn horde missive whoo you find a torn horde missive hologram it appears that the group of forsaken let by name and my let let by a man named Chet wicks Paxton were sent here to investigate now schmear we're unable to discern why they were sent here but there are coordinates that indicates where they were going you may be able to find the scouts at the coordinates and enlist to aid in find the blood trolls neat right so we sent the drummer's away and we test its the thingies we just need to remove one more war drummer I've not seen you before you better hurry and get in signs word be the nojima work group be found dead hey Dad Amara every bad news we lost track of them intruders that killed Mishima's work party it camp requires more stoned going to cover only the purest of rocks with finish me at a sixty of them I go now matter anything for yeah I like the civilization I want to stay here can we stay here um ha now we got plenty of room they mess with this camp they know beginning reinforcements from the other blood shows two hundred ring two hundred boots good work nobody's respecting a ping did any of them crack under the pressure no none of them a little bit this point about up high mouse it can become monks there you go the void else can become monks there you go Nobby what's happening oh now my disguise it's gone well my disguise still work hmm I think this changes things poisoning the brood now we got room for a plan to kill Harry you see no be my specialty is making potions and poisons I'm working on a potion to use on here reek when the time comes I got no idea if would be working or not I want you to take what I already made and use it on them bets around here it should kill them instantly if it's working then I can make it stronger with my food oh and be giving us a chance to kill Hillary there are three witches in the camp that got talismans to power by Hillary I need to get me them talismans to use after you prove my poison works perfectly I'm using essence I'm usually essence horrific in dental I'd be using the essence havoc in dental as months to make what the [ __ ] is this sentence man am i poison doesn't work well I am thinking on that it's gotta work as we need it to you just go get them talismans and I'll be here hiding from the blood rolls and I get to do all the work yeah all righty every sure did it work uh uh worked hey hello mean feature Tahari next your gear looks awesome I really hope you got like one of those miles to where I'd be down for that oh oh so everybody can do that trick okay wasn't even that special good news no ball shoes and the divine sentinel now available a US and EU shops and that's that's good news why fresh mates no not for you leave me alone I'll feed you to hurry myself dit dit dit dit dit dit - do you doggy mount ya for cash though I'd rather have it with like subscription get six months of subscription and get these mouths that will pique my interest but paying extra for amounts amongst the three hundred mouths I already have yeah right so for those wondering about the whole ass right thing I've just gotten enough as to right to get my necklace to level two and like I said it's it's pretty much Ross that right now I believe I don't think it even change that much like ten extra or something yeah it's like Ross that the whole system isn't implemented quite yet my soul for Kahuna all right well we got the things that he wanted us to get [Music] let's see what he wants before we finish up the bonus events I wonder if Cahoon offers good health care well it's better than most of America I suppose whoa that looks cool I knew my poison at work I just need to put a bit more of my food in therefore to be ready for her reek you got them talismans we don't got much time see what he comes back out and try to eat us blood magic emanates from the stone talisman stone talisman stone tell us man uh you did it I just need to cry him up like this and done I did this poison is gonna work Oh gonna be down step forwards I alone shall deal with you my disguise and her leek well this be it's either the plan works will we be dead Herick knows were here my knowledge of healing is right he's going to personally kill us after we present ourselves it's lamb then you're mean you're gonna walk out there to a horde of blood Souls wanted to watch the low Achilles take this dagger AP code with the poison I be making I trust you to survive longer than me to use it you pretend to cower to her leek and I'll be doing the talking on my signal you jump on Eureka start stabbing and then we hope for the best okay oh mighty here eek my faith will stand down come forth the filers and meet your ends your blood shall feed Cahoon all right Lord of the midnight sky yo do the thing do the thing you're not doing the thing may where's your trigger is it in the blood pool do we need to jump into the blood pool all right we're jumping in the blood pool I'm ready let's a nectar plan to stop you great hurry we beg for your mercy spare us mercy foolish insect we will obliterate you as well as all desire very well Nobby no ha what can you hope to do against me I am the lord of the sky enough I will feast upon your broken bones ah you are strong but non stand against the night of Aloha get down here's coming here eek all the bravado only to die my lair I shall consume the remains on sati cover good she thinks were debts we needs oh we need a new plan ha ha well at least my spine wasn't snapped I'm hurt really bad I don't think I could be moving don't worry I got some potions that can heal me slowly hey leak is just down the hall the poison entered it but it's a lower and it's gonna take more than that to take it down I know believe we you gonna kill Aloha it's just something we do but here leek serves Kahuna we got no choice it's all up to you now kill Harry and end this madness you go on I'll heal I just need a couch I need some time sanctum of midnight hello Eric shall we finish this buddy I will feast upon your flesh and offer your soul to my master no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no Batman [Music] take over come on come to your senses or eek come to your senses why can't we be friends [Music] here excerpt Cahoon you're gonna pay for these insults after zoo desire the Horde be nexts ya dare kill our Lua we're gonna hunt you down torture bleed you dry can't stop what's coming no hope for zoo desire no hope for you Cahoon wakes Cahoon Rises well we just killed a lower but I'm going to imagine it the same rules as a wild card applies to the lower right it just returns to the realm but it came from and looks like he's doing fine get us a ride out of here I know it's been done here Rica's death must meet us a cursed place we never were meant to kill Aloha but here we be one hand or one hand are to hand area yes please you want to see the models one model tomorrow's three models it said Hillary had to die but at least the blood trolls are weaker now my potions are healing me up nicely I did some looking around it came across this guy he's a bit skittish but he's in a hostile I think he can use him to get out of here hurry up and jump on before he breaks the rope I'll find my own way outs you have new don't have to worry bye dude cool place though it's next door alone yeah so far I'm really really digging the lower storytelling it's pretty fantastic compare this right like this is a whole different troll tribe different storyline connected to a different lower ideal way of different abilities res on the other side we did twice pretty much the same thing I think that's a big reason why I like this zone more so far found a salem vibe from the others but blood trolls or more troll lures always a plus I never definitely quest its that stood out I think that the whole trial thing was a lot of fun the little girl in the grave here was a lot of fun but it's it definitely has a bit of repetition going on I started to feel it for sake a scouting party oh yeah I need to find a witch hunter guy and those are dealing with let's first check out what the forsaken out today yeah oh come on cut in half by the cephalic this is no way to go you okay there buddy what is it oh hell over there fancy you meeting you out here in the swamp yes I'm Jeffrey Paxton or approximately half of him care to help beware the living it's I'm seem to be in a bit of a predicament my squad was scouting on behalf of ladies of honest when we were ambushed by some snake men calling themselves a frock as you can see my lexif is separate from my body me ambush it's just a flesh wound luckily care to help me get reattached then we can get down to business of vengeance against whatever the sefirot are trust no one just be gentle when you get my Lexton tend to wiggle when you get detached this happens often sir yeah this better be good all right I've got your Lex what's next yeah we just jammed that one part in ah they're not too bad have you done this before what now that feels a lot better I think time to get down to business of some proper revenge I do believe it's time to show these cephalic the meaning of pain right and first order of business rescue the remnants of my company to suffer killed most of us but they took some hostages I'd like them back if you please I'll be sure to put in a good word for lady with Lady Savannah's once this was all over not the summer like you needs it's show force these things called the cephalic think that were really whatever easily handled that's only because we were ambushed and not ready for fights all right perhaps we were easily handled but that doesn't mean we won't strike back kill as many of those cephalic as you can don't know who they are or what they want but I do know one thing they signed a des warrants when they attacked my squad and cut me in half race the shadow I'll move up ahead to higher grounds let the squad know to rendezvous or my location desert in a swamp what are the set work up to you right so these are the Snake Eyes yeah Oh God oh my god that mounds what the Frick I want to see you come here ah don't dismount they look pretty cool I mean they look like snake people not much else what you can wish about it right there's no way that nobody's actually here attempt to save me thanks for the rescue the cephalic are looking for some sort of shadow magic in NASH mere who knows why I've heard all about you get me out air water relief the sepra wants some sort of magic to unlock power of one of the artifacts I knew we'd be rescued well maybe I just hoped really really hard over here I'm trying to see if these names are like meaningful but I don't remember them hello Ingrid Alex I haven't got all day thanks for rescuin usha helping a little plan that i have the commander of this place is the cephalic called cephas he's got this thing called a sky call gem where does the looking for some sort of shadow magic and uh shmoop to try and really power this thing up luckily your Shirley has her own shadow medics Judas then maybe you don't see oh I don't keep up with what powers you keep carrying ha ha ha get the gem from civis that will have some real fun afterwards I'll get out of here while you take care of Cephas then we'll see what this gem can do this is the end Jeff are are you training holy [ __ ] he was training go what is the snake people origin I would love to tell you below I don't think we'll discovered it in this zone for the others will come may get the gem back but now it's mine I do know that we've seen these spikes before though in the other zone like the temple is surrounded with her whatever asset goes and begins to spread as they magically change the environment into what they're comfortable with a yeah okay I don't believe it no be over here which order Hawkins my favorite deaf Knights hello Timothy did I think I see a friendly face in this place thanks for the save but did you hear Ingrid's plan yeah I did and I already got it Juba discards Oh dinosaurs okay okay Andrew come on chat week we can fry them with the Skycar legenda nobody's gonna get we'll put it to a vote all those in favor of staying in a dangerous swamp to watch someone else use a gem to kill snake people yeah yeah yeah all those against nay nay the yes habits looks like we're staying to watch a lightning show huh a company fine work it's good to be reunited but my body and we my squad he's a twister okay good I could hear their screams from here they will remember the hordes do you have English Jim please tell me news he's been absolutely insufferable about it lightning crackles from within the depths of this gem excellent work freeing Ingrid she has taught me about this particular gem and a company is voted that you should test it out on our snake enemies ding-a-ling the cephalic seems to believe there's something in a schmear that can unlock the destructive power of this gem we don't have that we have the next best thing an insane warlock who's willing to experiment with magic three winglets and have her begin to process to unlock the true power of this gem watch your back what now don't experiment with shadow magic they told me it would be do it will it will do all of Azeroth to keep delving in today as they warned me give me back my arm you can't use it as the components he screamed there's a pulled his arm off oh sorry just reminiscing I need you to empower this guy caller gem goodbye oh I've been waiting to do this for awhile stand back it is ha ha excellent working it's not disconcerting at all what would you ask um damn jet gem appears ready to do some damage let's just point it elsewhere for now he where boss no bee I think we have a new snake problem Oh [Music] oh is that a teleportation Network or something interesting so they use those spires to travel this be quite the educational day speak quickly it appears the cephalic are quite serious about keeping this Yemen I do wonder where they found it in the first place hmm perhaps lady some fans will be interested in this as well somebody bumbler he believes this gem commonly seen lightning ash aromatic of her words not mine epic proportions I do believe it will be best for everyone if you tested it out on the small separate army currently looking for a solid time we'll have fun with the gem I think the ritual kept it's mostly insects boss how did you survive I saw you get cut in half Clayton we're forsaken of course we could survive getting cut in half sometimes it's not the first time we cut in half hopefully it will be the last when was the first time you were cut in half that information is classified use the sky call our gems we've a parade any cephalic in an area will only work near to sever expire whoa yeah I like this Oh zap can I use this ability everywhere that'd be great the sky college gem is overloading who knows what will happen if you use it now use the sky color gem to evaporate any Suffolk in the air you only work oh god you're all gonna die aren't ya judgement bolts right light and we murdered all of them now I'm going to assume that it's not supposed to just be a bright light I'm going to hope that it looks a little bit more epic but and the result all the same we killed all of them ha ha that was amazing you're still alive that's relief but I believe was a tad over the top for my tastes what is it get work this setback will be back but we proved our point witches don't cross the hordes does it seem like overkill to anyone else that we annihilated several scores of Safra over killing a few of us nope nope not in the slightest right just me then who if that business over way if my squad will be off hopefully the next time we meet we'll be under nicer circumstances back or wrist oh I won't like to know what the clock looks like yeah well alrighty move out so we're more of this place to scout so we can't get ourselves ambushed again I don't think that's our fault boss given how we were attacked by a group that was supposed to be there we should have seen here tech coming who was supposed to be the lookout it was Tucker the cephalic killed him first Tucker should have known at least he paid the price for his incompetence keep it down lady Savannah's won't be happy if we fail our mission is she ever happy boss she will be if we do our job properly Ingrid I don't know what this group is I don't know where this group came from but I like this quest line it is fun can't wait to see droids exits and apparently he here we are poisoned if we go into the swamp all right skeletal mount destroy it's where I'm at oh here they are oh yeah okay that's where they get the power from my power fades hi you must be really desperate the thinking this will work and Zod rocks czar Drax was the one who tried to get our people to join him and we broke out at the power burn baby burn do you think this is making a difference the blood girl's power flows through me you cannot stop it ah ha ha your efforts are meaningless you're never gonna stop my power with the power of Star Trek's in Cahoon we be unstoppable new you're not gonna go under the ground either just so you know Zarek's never gonna be stopped his powers gonna help us destroy zu Lazar you got anything to say he's Eric's no Nana kook now I have to just get myself another blood draw baby endless and you be doomed Wow he doesn't give a crap project destruction in a Oh better get moving and destroy them skeleton bones I done diddly dude out I saw them fires burning from here as the other day was gonna be hurting from this one you got a fetishes yet maybe cauldron be calming down when he sees we got a chance to survive luck magic seeps from this fetish good job getting this fetish whoo there's be a lot that I can do with this thing wait what did he say how many source of power are these Bluffs rolls heaven I'm gonna terrorize when we first got here I found a whole bunch of problems on the other side of sirenix Baro Debbie Dee's monsters zombies walking around the area we got to take him down to make sure they don't get the Zul desire I use my food to be modified that fetish you just found use this new fetish to weaken and kill the zombies there are skeletons that are funneling blood magic into Xeroxes Barrow my guess is that Zeller has created them to help get a more power they gotta kill these skeletons if you want any shot of killing this Lich you should be getting weaker to be ain't having them as a source of power I'm staying here in the meantime keep watching our backs no telling it'll be blood trolls coming to attack us why'd you want dams on the ladder you're a bit of a sushi aren't ya I know be doing this anymore you and I should be wrong we not be stopping zodiacs I'm leaving you know stuff it means either exciting us from destruction giving us new power calm down cauldron spirits be with you man calm down caldron we can still defeat Zarek's and be seein ya we all be domes are thought to be saving us and you'll be dead if you try to cross me cauldron nobody got to go after him even if it means you might have to kill him gladly it's all hope is lost is that the guy that just ran away a lot oh no no that thing's gonna come to live in here I am shocked and surprised honor all hope is lost is the questline here of course maybe no hope why not joining us are drugs why did you leave us me I mean I I could smell it from a mile away but why did you leave us they're gonna snap out of it now I'm actually gonna kill ya I seen the face of Cahoon no hope no hope I mean I did take care of a Titan just sayin well somebody might have some friends on the other side but you know I got some Titans backing me up humbling the terrors good work we'll be saving lots of people in zoo desire for being crushed by them some beasts is that really necessary can't wait interruption I could be telling from here that Zarek's power be getting weaker we close the enemies we got no time to be mourning called Adam he made his choice so now we make ours to defeat our ducks we call be focusing on the last of caldron he gave up hope that's not something we're gonna do this is the time to strike answer lurks his power be waning go to the heart of his Barrow and destroy him once at all that should show them blood trolls who they're messing with I would help you but I'm weakened from the blood trolls attacking me when you were gone don't worry about me I can still be handling them animals if they come back good luck Kyocera drugs before he's corrupting anyone else to his side Oh goons power is in me I'm not gonna fall oh that looks dope spending Kahuna's power you know be stopping me Wow actual abilities my my my link to Cahoon is fading Oh No the last barrier will fall anga hoon will be free okay that that blood animation could use a little bit of work do you know if there's a requirement to be lowers just a title heart say considering that the lower are very diverse from a freakin frog to boon zombie and it kind of seems like Fulton's father also became a lower or at least they seem to be hinting at out so hard to say and goo and appears to be a old card experiment gone wrong yet in its Tsar lux be gone another block trolls are losing a major source the power I'm gonna be way back to the camp to let princess the lung she know about cauldron she deserves to be knowing that he lost hope in her calls might be good to be seeing if anyone else is having doubts about what we're doing a 172 trinkets but why weird that doesn't appear to be right whatever intellect a great strength and too bad cauldron was too weak to be seeing we were gonna win huh I'm gonna go back to Zoo John's ruins we'd be seeing if anyone else got crazy ideas to run off and join the blood trolls okay Oh My look at my pants my pants are amazing oh yeah Oh baby Toland pilgrims hey my god are you my spirit animal well look at this you came back alive Nobby I did I was supposed to talk to you wasn't I yeowch Uncas alive the lower here Rico later you did what you just cannot go that's not you're not to be killing Louis my bad who you be sorry you did what you had to do i I don't believe that is Cahoon could be corrupting a lo of all things mush me it'd be a curse place for everybody be seein ya okay what the hell is that on his back are you like the krummel of this expansion yeah how you doing mom good to be seen you want peace Nash meaning it is a place of nightmares but you're surviving just fine no command me convinced your horde that we need more supports he's getting ready to meet with his reinforcements I still want to be getting the lowest aid what's happening with you getting help from boon zombie and here wreak Delta launch about to experience but blues zombie and Hillary stay away from the Voodoo set the lungi about gree get him on some beach aid and killing hurry okay - okay you'll be telling me you got balls on these aid and killed hillock we got no time to be shocked about Hillary this leaves - Louis we can be joining the tour tollens on the pilgrimage to see toga the turtle lower Neff fine you could come along keep the noise down this is a pilgrimage not a party well our luck may be looking up if we couldn't be getting here maybe getting Touareg on our side be seeing ya named lash we're not here to join any cause we just want to hear torgus legendary stories I don't know if you'll help but you can try persuading torogai lower of the Turtles and see if I'll help you fight these blood trolls you can join on our pilgrimage to toga just keep quiet followed up off and find Keyshia she'll tell you where to go my shadow Anthes and I will scout ahead so I'll be trusting you to go to princess alright let's be off the seat Orca just remember to keep the noise down I don't want to miss even one of his stories you say the first time we're dealing with your altar columns just keep walking I think we'll get along fine princess Keisha what do you want can't you see I'm in the middle of pilgrim pilgrim Inge you're just standing around lash said you knew where to find Sora oh no I missed out on all the dialogue Oh ma'am I'm just adding air okay how's this does this count is pilgrim Inge happy now am i moving around enough for you look just keep going down these roads don't wander off and you'll find tortuga he's a giant turtle hard to miss I might as well get moving before someone else comes along asking for directions I missed out on the dialogue there though I felt like the second option was gonna be two more but whatever joke where are you shoke why won't you work just find joke come on I need to define show cannot bounce off that totem is good-for-nothing scroll just work and find shoke I hate this place I just want to go home but I can't because of that Oh show kiss missing this a blood elf I'll make it worth your while if you help me find it dunce I've got a way to find show but of course these stupid totals are blocking my magic what wouldn't they take this scroll and uses magic to burn these totems I'm going to look around to see if the bonehead is just sleeping somewhere I'm going up ahead while you destroy those totems hopefully we can find it off once the totems are gone not afore sacrifices right hmm Oh oh snap it was like rupture coming out of it oh my Burt [Applause] don't lie you love them bonus objectives ha nice now that they reopened rain over the dinner works do you believe we can finally see a Toccoa as a playable race it could be gonna love my ass off with the Alliance get see orcs though that would be just amazing joke this is a funny anymore too close to the blood flow outpost and then he disappeared no don't run away buddy [Music] no fella Targa's this weird oh oh yeah stop circling me a fine joke oh no no no then nothing for trolls have choked and he's gone again wha we need to do it again that idiots why did I get a kiss or better blocks rolls oh dude come on is there an option to auto accept quest I believe this like in interact with target and stuff like that but there's also the add-on that allows you to automatically accept quests but you know we got it working we're hearing a whispers about ya think I'll enjoy eating you how many bodies did you eat to get this power oh snap look at that it sticks yeah I still think the cute can I read the quest text can do right killing cannibals choke and I had a few run-ins with enough not support roles and most be what I wanted to caption it idiots the women and I strive actually eat the men and anyone else they can get their hands on I'm sure they're getting ready to eat choke it was all a favor and kill some of those cannibals the world would be a better place without them just say no to cannibals of course then Napa for trolls have choked why would it be easy I'm sick and tired of running from these trolls that's why you're going to end this the NEFAs for trolls have three powerful tool shamans corpse corpse mongers take them out and you'll send a tribe into disarray of course they could all fail spectacularly and make my terrible day even worse jokes on the menu I don't know what stupid thing shoke did to get captured by the knife report trolls will find out once you rescue him I bet they're getting ready to make a meal out of choke you need to work fast to get him out chokes one of the largest Oaks that I know those trolls won't be happy to take in a meal away all right nice hub design as well I think she was pretty much eating as we barged in I think each arm before I throw it to the totem so cool corpse explosion what oh we're diaw blowing now you better enough me to get my power YUM I don't know what's waiting inside their tents but that looks kind of huge no I'm not finished I'm still very very much Dutch soda maker yashka damn you be good power for the totems damn how's read so far um pretty slow in my opinion and of course no abilities as far as I can tell except for burning hands maybe but yeah right virus the MA fiends just wanted to make one more oh there's oak ash oak okay buddy are you I don't think shoke is doing all right if you're not here to eat me get out of here save yourself the trolls will be here any minute to get their food oh and dude he speared to the tents what are we gonna do for him here they come watch out I didn't think we'd be eating you after this Italian I think we be eating you after the Tortola enough ha for ambusher says Posca oh he just straight-out bugged out alright damn dude how the flesh supposed to give me power I'm fine I can move I'll meet with Kosh I bet he's pretty angry um oh I guess I guess he's fine the whispers tell me flesh be giving us power only a flesh wound good work the novel for trolls should be in disarray none of those things are out of the picture I could hear their screams from here these blood rolls are monsters no elf who eats their own people thanks again I thought it was them for I'm still surprised that you survived choked but sure you idiots do you know how worried I was ah gosh you should have seen it dark magic everywhere trolls doing weird stuff I even had Spears in my stomach you always got eaten them how many Spears to your stomach at least two and they were big ones and thanks for healing me you're welcome [ __ ] don't run off again let's go back to the others I've got so many stories to tell if you get lost before we get back I am NOT looking for you again Oh Oh get lost I know look for me anyway Roy so the pilgrimage is done and we've come to Tortola how could it happens Aloha deaths all of Tauranga stories gone forever doriga No who would do this to Targa he only wanted to tell his stories I tell you who the blood rose follow me we're gonna make em pay so yeah at the total ask is kind of huge and also kind of dead talk do me this be the work of the blood trolls I be knowing it's we began it to the bottom of this we gotta talk to total gut spirit and find out what exactly happened here and how we're gonna be stopping it you'll be saying it's building to pull something now yeah it'd be time to test that link when it was something to get us to work as spirits bye bye now I'm ready to try and someone won't somebody you'll be careful month cuz I got a friend on the other side let me guess you want to speak to the soul a port or a guy ha how about a deal huh your roomie to solve another lower then I get to Tortuga spirits we're not gonna play this game on somebody you want to lower spirits he leaked already be killed but no B you could get air spirits you got a little fire in the belly tell Angie let me help is still gonna cost ya maybe you don't need to be killing a lower but you still need to do something for me if you want my help there be blood trolls swarming all over this place they are really picking torogai clean get out there and kill some blood trolls inside the beast if you want to be taken to talk of spirits talk to talk of spirits you could be calling it an act of goodwill on my parts he's already got you down for bringing me lots of these Souls thanks mom someday you're an okay guy this whole thing is crazy you know what you know that I don't think any story could top this one ha ha we hear the insufferable sounds so stupid dread take sucking on targets meats make my skin crawl what you can't hear its yeah trust me there are rounds needing to be taken care of here take this stroll we've had to do these dumps insects in the past read it near them it will cause them to explode you said the lungi is that at the lungi really how I be feeling something dark a powerful beings being summoned in the husk of torogai you need to stop it there must be some sort of really summoner using tor Turkish blood to finish the ritual do what you gotta be stopping em I'll be staying here to keep these for Poland's safe from the blood rolls bye-bye well look at that the others are finally getting off the shell to come down about time I thought we were the only ones who cared about the Oracle being debts Keshia lush we're going to take care of these pests shopping of toga you should stay and help us figure out a plan the blood souls are too much for you to fight you're not the boss of us of anyone we need to teach these butchers a lesson those things will be the death of you they're now steeped in the blood flows being counted on the last pilgrimage how do you know stay here if you want we're gonna go ahead I know every inch of this area fine see if I care the ex like she's built this place roids reading our straw which makes them go boom can we do two at a time but uh I want to see in Fela Tana has one target at a time [Music] yeah they've been busy insights inside our turtle guard right here they've been very busy and we have yong-go doing some sort of ritual whatcha doing the Avatar be made whole you know be stopping this tada beautiful it's too late the blood got us here stop come o I speak for Agra hoon he will lead you will serve or die this lower husk feeds me feeds Cahoon he will try to stop Cahoon you will fail and suffer yes struggle or resist Cahoon hungers for your suffering oh snap what you do to me - bruh okay could you polite me not kick me under the world that would be great i caress a little easier knowing that there are less of those things in the world don't be sure we'd be too late then let's hope poor guy can help us destroy whatever it is that you saw be seeing ya when some day I did the thing good I'll be collecting older Souls now you'll be living up to the part in the bargain I'm ready to show you what remains of towards our soul after debts I'm heading back you always welcome to call me again but only if you got another deal ready one zombie we're ready for you to summon thought ago spirits torogai your spear be needed here poke your head out of your shell Oh lame I am here tell me what you wish to know Tolga lend us your wisdom tell us what must be done to stop these nut rolls ah you must destroy yong-go it is an avatar of Cahoon created with my blood destroy the encampments surrounding my remains doing so we could have low blood to that monstrosity only then will you stand a chance of destroying a young girl good luck and thank you I expected more of that I expected like a massive turtle head like the one we saw on Pandora come out but it was just the EDB is any image talk to me we made a beginning for The Gazette but we can stop whatever the blood souls are planning here you heard Tortuga we need to be taken to fight the blood souls we're gonna be stopping his avatar the trolls be having these monstrous crawls in a camp nearby we destroy them and we can do blood tools the rest of us are moving ahead to find out what else it's blood trolls are planned around this place you'll be careful man if torogai wants us to help you kill you after off Cahoon then I guess we'll help first we need to rescue our people I found out that the blood trolls are draining the blood of her friends nearby and then feeding them to crog's this is no way for it to toll want to die not after 100 years of gathering stories on Azeroth take the scroll it will purge whatever blood magic the blood tools using my friends be careful with my scroll I want to back in one piece you know what's just as important is killing after Cahoon getting our stuff back the trolls have been taking our people and our relics I saw some troll just tossing at me the chests like to her nothing I need to get a read expect before those idiots break them they don't make relics like this anymore oh also Holbrook had an important thing called the scroll of fates hands see about getting them back we'll need it - Keisha we need to seek around the blood tools to find out what else are up to have anything to help us of course I've got the scrolls all that I you are Keisha have a look through my stuff yeah this could take all day princess you don't realize how many Scrolls this Alzheimer has let's see you scroll of eternal return sound writes no did you ever bother reading it but I keep it handy we'll need it when we're done with this mess oh dear this one looks like it's written in the old cars language where did you come across something like this I never told you that story it was amazing where to begin focus we got no time for these stories fine here it is scroll invisibility this has to be it's anywhere it somewhere these what keep us hidden enough to sneak around the block trolls just stay close to me good let's get moving and keep quiet last thing we need is you to canon capture by the blood Souls can't wait to see this voice active man stolen Tortola a relic this relic seems to have much value for the hide from the blood god those miles of sexy dough you first they kill Touareg are now they're killing us what's wrong with these trolls okay so be like two hours more I mean I guess I could set the recordings ready for tomorrow guess we could cool dude up damaged scroll face ham this girl seems badly damaged innocence on the verge of falling apart the good for nothing say that you rescued ran off set that a lot of things to do a bunch of cowards oh good work rescuing them did you get a relics back we can't find things like that anymore yeah we do good they're mostly intact and the scroll is usable that's good we're going to need it ye did good job without them cross the trolls be moving slower throughout the swamp giving us time to strike a turkey ah I got some good news and bad news for you about this whole quest to destroy the effort off Cahoon bad news first there's an entire army of skeletons between us in the next area I'm guessing they use the stalkers blood to animate them good news is it destroyed it covered from Halbrook can summon a powerful hand of fates and a bad news is the scroll got damaged when Holbrook died and is only good for one more use man take the scroll and destroy that skeleton army we best get moving and see what else the blood trolls are doing up ahead yeah no I think we might actually kill this a photographer who n-- he says the making of the best story ever experienced by : avenging Aloha and killing the avatar some monster meat so gives you control over the enigmatic creature known as the hand of fate best use with caution depending on relationship with fate oh my god really I'm a hand of fate I can uppercut I can rock and I can heal myself creepy and spooky mysterious Sandusky [Music] altogether spook any earnest family start out up bum bum Donna has been sated I shall deliver you to safety fate is sometimes kind no that was the last time we could ever use that I saw the destruction from here maybe I should try to fix it scroll up you know for future use princess the longji things were almost ready to kill this after off Cahoon maybe she's right mayor all debts who knows what I do know is the table trolls here are our carving and carrying away parts of Tor a gap where I could tell they're using port orgas meet the powered blood rituals this has to stop go out there and steal those pieces of meat from the blood trolls I'll figure out a way to dispose of it yeah we'd be so close to weakening this avatar this is our final push there be loads of black magic nearby while you'll be fighting all this time I've been working on creating totems that could be clans in the area black magic take these totems and place them in areas nearby they should be draining some of the black magic out of the area that avatar should be weak enough for us to actually kill after all this stay away from the Voodoo this quest looked handy boom look no bail be happy once we've killed his avatar we could say things we can have things go back to normal until then you need to deal with these monsters blood trolls called skull crushers lovely rights as far as I can tell those things have some sort of connection to this avatar might be why they're so huge you kill these skull Crusher's and maybe we can just a fat are a bit more Oh a because even angrier and kills us all what have to see come we must be preparing to destroy the avatar of the blood Guard yes yes we're coming [Music] place a little totem here oh we actually pets up the wounds do we it is Pandora starting area all over again [Music] Shenzhen zoos little brother Emma yeah my bows are still active I think I'd like an item level of two hundred right now 198 yeah sister well there you go princess talung she was saying something about feeling the blood magic the CIPA tating from inside Tortuga I sure hope she's right you get that Lola meat yeah this is no way for torgus remains to be treated I'll make sure this is properly destroyed magic believe in this area I be time for us to strike before the blood trolls gain any more advantages this be it the blood magic be wicked enough that we can actually be hurting the effort of Cahoon it's gonna be taking all of us finally this thing to stop it's we're gonna beat you inside of there we can't be losing here if the blood shows control to work us blood then there be no way for us to be stopping okay - okay let's get moving horizontal rn4 torogai it's been ages since my heartburn research fire port orga wait until the others hear the story of how we killed after Cahoon do I just attack your efforts are meaningless I am untouchable your overconfidence be your undoing your power be weak enough for me to dispel your efforts futile I am untouched what no no nothing against Cahoon suffer and die yeah I think this is a place order pretty sure Sydney doesn't really do anything no that's okay marce I believe you this proves nothing he would leave another vessel seals will break Cahoon will be free me people done with defending ourselves from you and your blood trolls me no bien de hordes we're coming off to you and I'm gonna tear you apart piece by piece huh amazing we actually did it I'm ready for a break now indeed let's return to the shrine chefs it be done the blood trolls no longer be having a lot of tour guys that a resource of cure army I know we'll be hoping to have Tortugas aid but at least we're able to strike a blow to them we should be moving out we need to find the rock on any errors along the crack well if he's still alive yeah look-alike Luschka want something oh it's not a player right bye-bye now well we did it doesn't make the plan we had any less crazy but there's still one more thing left to do I'll be visiting Tortuga for years he told me stories of powerful Scrolls on a particular that he said was meant to be used to put a lowest spirit to rest I think you should be the one to read it I mean if you're smart enough to read it but I just take the scroll and read it before I have second thoughts what's the spirit of a lower to rest supposedly goodbye Tortuga I would remember the story she told me and share them with others and I'll make sure all of our people know how bravely stood against Cahoon I ain't gonna rest until cajon intellectuals be nothing but a memory this I swear to you Tortuga what in the name of ha that sly old turtle he wasn't ready to rest he wanted to be reincarnated take good garrison Lowell asked me and nobody need to be too looking for more help he put it on his hat law will stand with you against his blood guard princess just stop pestering me about it I bet I could convince the other to tollens still when a schmear to help maybe sugar kayo she will come to thank you both your loyalty means much to me it's a Hall of Zandalari I guess we're in this for the long Oh Keesha and I have a lot to take care of it we're going to help I even know where you could go to find a troll friend of yours and crack Wow that's adorable there's only one save Aryan a schmear that did the Rokon and your other horde friends could be in gloom hollow lucky for you it's also close to correct was then we use gloom hollow as a last stop on a pilgrimage make way to gloom hollow along the poorer Marty map and so any tollens along the way to meet us there they'll be interested to see in the end of the story quiche and I will make our way there and grab anyone else be fine I'll be making my way into gloom hollow while you do be the toast was along the way all right all right Keisha let's hit the gloom hollow and get or any of our kin we meet along the way nobody will pick up anyone we mists yeah I like the area ma'am cool design and again similar as what we saw in the Alliance I'd a lot of different themes when it comes to one single zone where's Keisha I thought she be here to give directions uh what do you want I'm ready to head home there's nothing interesting happening here anymore so Chris about what happened with torogai and a chance for new stories to be told if he goes to gloom hollow you all did war I'm not missing this story I'll have to gloom hollow sigelei is for the Horde zone I definitely give it yeah I really really enjoyed his own for the Alliance I think it still needs a bit of work oh it's a snake person rare okay and another little turtle lost on its way toward a gets debts and now I've got nothing to tell the others when I get back tour against debt the blood source of overrun displays the entire pilgrimage is ruined there's no point in staying here till court of course there's a great story to be had if you helps the Horde fight the blood trolls the Safety's on the laddie well I guess fighting a horde of blood trolls would be an interesting story fine I'll go to gloom hollow they're sleeping why can't believe these masters those masters gutter Touareg I don't think a lot of tollens want to hear the details of a debt and got it lower what am I going to tell the others now when I get back if he wants to live a crazy story they should go to gloom hollow to help stop the blood trolls and a guard fine I got the gloom hollow and see how crazy this will get crazy so Tolan definitely seem interested in gathering Scrolls about not gathering stories gathering Scrolls definitely similarities with the lore walkers and that's what happened with Tortuga what news from the horse reinforcements we're still waiting on a princess we also got a lead about a lower crack wa-hi we have to strengthen opposition we're all that stands between my homeland it's good to see ya princess the lumps you'd be telling me all about Oregon dirt Oh tillens guess we're lucky that we got something out of this we were waiting our reinforcements from the hordes the law will be powerful but we need soldiers and we're gonna have a chance of stopping up nut rolls from building that giant of theirs we're not able to destroy that thing before us we finished then suicide and all of our people are gonna be deaths we need the help with the hordes where does the situation ready to be sent to the war chief as soon as we be hearing her reply become way what that be that noise spirits what's that noise I'll got the princess you go investigates there's be troubling brewing monoblock trolls be on the move they set up a large camp nearby I've been sending a small force to the island south of here if they discover our position while we have no defense this is gonna be game over we need to see what they're up to and get rid of them our best bet is to investigate the Isles south of here you want to join me I'll be ready to head out you'll be careful Mun the island south of here I'll be waiting for you there Lasky's just chillin together with the troll and warriors innkeeper I don't maybe you think mystics Oh a dinosaur as a flight master a nice still no chest though I am older disappoint something fell out of the sky you'd be over here oh god no it's not gonna be goblins is there a small message to scrawled upon the side of the Rockets attention official message if you are not of command or rank within the horde stop reading now from Petkov squad my teams be sent to deliver some firepower so there are plan in NASH me you can proceed or bring in a cannon devil makes short work of anything that was stance against us we're on the liberation and are looking for an anchor point off the eastern shore send a guy to direct us to a deployment points gob squad might as well investigate while reddit over here this one be injured voice acting mom a fence yeah for now yeah wounds be deemed home gun of crack wha goblins aboard overview news in the Lord why the war chief have to send us goblins I'll be honest with you have little patience for goblins and antics gummy believe they're insured of this crew and a weapons already for the assault Azul Azul the sounds gonna be over on my table trolls if we fail good luck you be careful man why did it have to be goblins what you why I can fight no more the blood trolls day making a move on crack wha in a big way I gotta be feeding him to their bloody God please help us mom the Freak Marsh be under siege me master the great Loic require he not willing to bend to the way of the blood trolls and a dark earth so now they be taking his power by force he's laying his children they taking his totems of power they gonna even take aqua and sacrifice him and if we're not able to end this madness stop them so lady invaders and the leader perhaps never be slowing him down for a while it'd be giving me time to find a more permanent solution have you taking this guy back to his lower and kill anyone to get past ya the blood trolls seek to weaken crack wanna take his power they steal his idols of power to crack open a feat of magic Selfridge what iOS you can they were needed to make crack was strong strong enough to fight them off once and for all perhaps how buggy is the Alpha it's not too bad compared to other alphas that we've had but then again this was also like what's be what you're able to test on the Alpha right now it's pretty much what they offered on a demo floor during Blizzcon so they haven't really brought out the new stuff so to say and yes there's also been another stance of squish this figure emanates a faint power my gosh the poisonous you I saw you speak with Zen seem oh please that Oh too much time left these trolls they came for our blood I was already near bled dry before this wants to come to my poison searched his body that blowgun and dart should still be there dip the darts into my blood and use it to weaken as many of the numbers as you can I would not let my death be in vain if these throws one of lots are badly and they shall have it mmm-maybe anger of the girls may be a poison tips dealing physical damage and applies to disabling hah disabling debuff right so yeah they also added the whole get different buffs in different zones kind of deal alright uh those frogs though poor fangs you too late the lower all gonna be food for the blood god just taking a little picture here there we go even has the guitar yeah baby okay so you still need to implement those statues let's go say hello to the Frog God he ain't easy being green Lord's ooh his wounds were too much I am so sorry Zen Timo oh that's to do it we saw the entrance right yeah I got you you are a friend to the frogs I will not eat you ha ha ha your leads do not go unnoticed Zen Timo spoke of you before passing when I did up when I did no Ben tablet rules corruption they attacked now they seek to sacrifice me to their God I don't even know how to do criminal commands hello I met van hooijdonk I have no more followers to work through but perhaps you will help me more it ain't easy being green [Music] yeah what my idols yeah my totems so many taken so many broken I know you say what you could it will not be enough too much of their once great powers been drained I see you brought many to my gosh sacrifice thank you to your valor thank you for your valor please take the weapon with you and go with my blessing I'm required once mighty curse the blood trolls in a dark God they slay my worshippers until only send Teemo remains and now even he is gone I want to revenge on the blood trolls but first I must honor the last of my hungin as I have no others I must request you perform the ritual then we can talk of revenge I bless you have a small portion of my power you use it to help Zen Teemo joy my children scepter of rebirth ritual performs all right returned to the frogs Zen Teemo has served me well his spirit will live on among my children ah I became little frogs those monsters struck down my last remaining follower I'm on unleash the rage of 10,000 years upon them excuse me Illidan is that you I will unleash the rage of 10,000 years upon them I will hate you against the blood troll evaders but first I must be made strong again will you aid me Zen Teemo must be honored your ritual was done well with your help I will not be fed to the black-scholes guard I will do reading the blood short X have not stopped until now today if we can be significantly and I need to get my strength back my followers used to bring me offerings of meat from the nearby lands go and bring back a mighty feasts my strength will return and we will stop these attacks once and for all another frog rage aah long ago when it's all began listening to the whispers of Darkness I instilled Portia's of my power to the totems to surround my lair I need the power now in a swamps north of here our glow fly is their magical essence will eat me in drawn to store power from the totems collect them I return then you will see what I was capable of at the height of my strength completely different feeling of all the other areas we've seen so far very lush swampy alike man this frog has several wounds inflicted by Naga Spears oh oh Nagas getting some of the Nagas should help Carcross followers you'll have to get to the bottom of the button agar planning dope Naga who wears a Sharad yo take me to your queen show me the way what I was easy so naga ins and allure interesting frog is really Illidan yep wonder if the nagging will get new player model updates what do you think I have no idea might keep taps he leaked and Tsonga are totally our debt will suddenly is on our side and the Frog Lowe is willing to join us if we help them total Gaia is reincarnated ding he's mad I won't get away with dividing these frogs crack was chosen the now you'll be taking the most powerful champions of Krakow and draining them with the power take this potion if we returned the power of them noble frogs they deserve better than being drained but he snake bastards I'd be staying here then a guy got in some lucky hit saw me I hope drachma be forgiving my weakness the Nagas here are led by priestess Zelda axia she is the one who wants to be used the power of crack well for herself do what I could do now and kill these priestesses shioda naga declare war aims Aloha to be taken lightly are you praying to connect well for your success Kirk was blessed to be with ya shows aldrick Shia that she messed with the wrong lower okay give him the potion [Music] go go get him dude or just run off that's an option to hear little froggy these frogs belong to us now you knew ah would have been great if we just eat her that would have been amazing yeah it looks a lot like a Sunnah a Naga operation going on here it's interesting that we see Nagas already out and about here I was kind of the impression that they were taking cult at us first but maybe they're just attacking on both sides that could be a thing the priestess is draining all the Naga you you've ruined everything the frogs remains to feed our magic for years why do you need to if why do we need to feed on frogs impudence scum our people will finally have our magic say--let's no more firsts no more yearning all our precious frogs will be caged they will live to serve our needs I will not fail you Queen Azshara the Frog shall be yours I shall see to it why you were so close to never first thing from magic again way way way wearing on a minute since when do de Naga first for magic is that the reason why Vash teamed up with Illidan was she hoping to make another well of eternity now apparently mom they're looking for ways to shake them on addiction didn't first say that they were addicted to KY Walker are free did she yeah hmm well I mean it does make sort of sense the Naga were highborn before they were transformed and they were connected to the well of eternity and all of them that were unable to step away from using arcane magic have moved way to using either a different well or a different source of power so it's not entirely surprising that the Naga would do the same which also shines a light on what Vash and the Naga were trying to do in the parade crusade like I don't believe they've ever actually explains why they were trying to claim the water besides you know people need water to live and therefore they thought they could get power with the water but there was speculation way back when that they were actually working on making a new well of eternity over there interesting you did its Canuck why be pleased with this I'm sure of its waves all the rocks yeah death the Naga should be leaving soon you did what I couldn't sand for death you have my thanks Greg was blessing beyond yeah I be hoping be hoping soon he recognizes me devotion to him now rests you've proved yourself worthy to become a follower Kanaka it's an honor but I do not deserve it I couldn't stop the Naga are you so proud to be questioned towards whom I get my favor no forgive me cakwe come to my Barrow there's much that must be done see you long dinner read up to this point daughter of king of lust account of the Zandalari figured out that the blood trolls are a huge threat to her people despite her father turning the other way for many many years she recruits the Horde to help her out and we eventually figure out that Cahoon is pretty damn powerful as they also have like a corrupted Titan construct thing going on therefore we need the power of the lower as well as the support of the hoards to save her people from these friends I hunger here you go buddy good luck what consumes all of the meat in a couple of gulps yes I've been hungry for so long as my followers died my hunger increased perhaps were more come to follow even once again be just as an enjoyable pastime I should have done this long ago as my followers would be murdered but the blood trolls were always too strong we've utilized the laws the best chances are survival I am Fett and my body is prepared I can now be instill my power to hold and for the time will be immune to the blood curses and leeching powers use the magic of the glow flies to channel my power from the totems into me soon you will see me restore its den we will destroy the army to prepare that prepares across the river to take all that is mined by force all right activate the totems ah my strength is returning quickly unleash the magic from another totem good my mite grows at least the power of the final totem I am ho now is it time for my revenge will be better if he just grew in size to be honest like there isn't really anything to changes I feel like myself again back when I had hundreds of followers pouring their faith into me my power will fade but the trolls shall learn to fear crack well once more your previous attacks has angered the blood trolls they now send an army to take everything they are too late I am crack wa I will not be eaten I do the eating meet me at the edge of relays joy river you will bear witness to my power and I will bear witness to yours yeah what a being cooler my opinion if you actually grew in size as you brought this power back just just the little size comparison right here round round baby the Bloods rolls are amassing the forces for another attack upon me you my children this time it is I who will do the killing how you ready oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I will suffer these attacks no longer crush them I am Clicquot and I am the one who knocks I mean feasts tongue lash yo what's oh my god err little trolls oh yeah enough with these insects onto their leader oh we already got their leader like halfway down our whatever double-up god be having its do now or later you can't stop us Revere your hide your what come let us return to the borough okay that was fun that was a fun quest more more like that please you know there's gonna be a world quest yeah it's like the dinosaur quest all over again the savages flee at the sight of crack well this pleases me but they will come back in large numbers soon unless the dark other stopped as long as you oppose him I were crawling through my boon day reckoning comes you will have my aid outstanding work mom yeah come speak with me when you'll be ready we'll be having a war to get back to one before we left I heard that princess the lungi was headed to glooms Hollow she should be there by now we should be heading back she would want to hear the tale of your success ooh be careful month the princess when I hear a report straight away best not keep her waiting ah there you are she's going through over mu tumors report it seems you two have had quacky adventure it was amazing a token also says something except it didn't really register will make a powerful ally in the coming battle oh and a blocks rules are crushed I've no doubt many Xander laddie will come back to worship Him bye-bye now and you don't meet the requirements for that quest it says okay no it's making off before a mod our wages are gonna be garnished for the rest of our lives if you don't get it back ticker and patch of the golf squad boy what have you guys done you looking at me good night caboose our mission is the disaster a complete disaster about to drop anchorman a guys from the ship the battle was hard but we had the upper hand until the sea giant came out of nowhere it beat the ship harder than a four man beats a lazy peon the lazy peon don't worry we'll get this plan back on track but first we need to get the crew together our mission is dead in the water unless you move fast I found a perfect spot for a new base while I secure a location the rescue team a bring them back we trained this for a million times just the rectum towards the rendezvous points and they'll find a way we don't know much time let's go stay strong pal there's a hidden spot over on the other side of these ruins that would make a perfect base of operations tell the team to rendezvous there oh go look the boss might be keeping our level headed here a level head here but we should show these Naga would happen where you messed with the golf squad don't you agree the nagger senator behemoths to destroy was leftover ship why don't you take my rocket launcher and make an example out of them I will send a message loud and clear move it aye aye captain so nuts ago that sounds pretty damn naga s to me but whatever oh [ __ ] can I use that bucket like voice okay it wasn't just goblins that were sent over by the way there were definitely more sailors amongst the crew down these gobblers they'll mess around ice table yep nude gasps what thought I was gonna suffocate in there thanks pal you're welcome buffs thank you thanks I'll see you at the rendezvous yeah no no the monk in this zone you'll make a bargain we will someday and every pretty minutes when some people bring you back to life Nagai everywhere no bra you can help out if you like no okay freedom are you trying to do the grid smart mouth huh thanks for saving my hind you're welcome why are - now I got trying to enter the temple what they're trying to do great - Scioli Oh made it back in one piece thanks - hey there's the guy of the hour excuse me I'm a lady well spit it out everyone's present and accounted for outstanding if you can make it here you can make it anywhere there you go let's have a moment of silence for the not so dearly departed and uh look I'll be honest with you our mech the a mod was the best we've ever made it was mobile it was powerful it was one of the kinds what I'm trying to say is without it's our whole plan is ruined so we have to selvedge every build it's the big oaf of a CJ and broke da matta part and scattered pieces all over the shore find his parts and I'll try to hammer him back together Oh go yo can I help you with something well I was scouting out the area I saw a big armored Naga bossing the rest of the snakes around call it a hunch but I'm pretty sure he's their leader as long as the Nagas ever come on their operations here we'll be threatened take come out get lost will ya Oh our ship our son our ships are sunk or emails gone we've lost a lot on this mission and the bills for the cartel don't offer insurance the debt collectors will be all over us we got to make up for these losses they beat us warmer if now I got trying to collect artifacts from the ruins how about we grab some of the treasure and make back our money I'm sure we could find a buyer willing to take them off your hands we'll split the process process proceeds 8020 sounds fair to me careful out there only 80% you could have gone way higher where's the Creed come on any % is plenty I push it at risk blowing the deal there's no free without the risk jeez you really need to be more gambling right goblins everybody goblins for all any prediction who wins this battle frazzle war no army we all lose yeah if you want to see what happens to the artifacts just go to youtube and look up like sacrifice of the artifact or something let out should be their shattered firing mechanism yeah exactly old gods win yeah all right actually took away two raka today oh that's dumb we get a a mod barrel what else you got okay they're supposed to be part oh it's the the Lord something some but I don't need to kill her gotcha yeah I'm never getting a new breast blade I'm so sad these treasures belong to death I'll scale yet new look at that by the way my mana bar actually stays empty for a little bit wow I wonder how difficult this is another classes actually I don't think I would have gone through this with my shaman like this might explain why it took us so very long to get through the Alliance side of things my queen I failed the chest is locked tight but with some effort you should be able to bust it open attempt to open the chests how dare you touch me treasures captain Mukalla says ya horror me treasures and all of that for a placeholder I just wanted to see what it was okay it's a cursed chest I thought maybe there's like a whole big event event that goes down no just one spirit right team quickly quickly got anything for me angel relic or fragments the eons had not been kind to whatever it is used to be part of nether nevertheless it still glows with latent power nice Hall did she keep the cartel offer yeah that should take somebody here of us do not get on galley with bad side go those parts yet slightly bent but sell whose balls some of the gears are correct something might be salvageable looks like you've got everything well we've got the important stuff at least no we've got a big repair job pull out there no loitering whatever that means time to get to work we got the email back together are you actually gonna do well yes oh he just instantly spawns it lo big shot huh we're gonna have to give it a tune-up we don't want to end up digging shrapnel out of our rear ends lucky for us that a few Naga camps remaining allow me to giant ax broke the gun in the first place they'll be great for target practice will deploy da mall just decide the building here obviously deploy go man it's I'll help you fire a few rounds while I tune its gun everything will be fine unless it isn't security enforcement exciting let's move fifty gold pieces through the first one against the deployment points outta my way to go it's got my name on it nope mine we're set up and ready to go just hop on in ditch this can this can only this this can only end well we need to check the accuracy of the gun before we could do anything else so why not get rid of a few thousand Agha at the same time watch out they've got cannons firing upon us take them out with some cluster shots giant incoming hey I got a rector ship time to get payback whoa okay done I did sue just redo it's my way or the highway plates off be a mod needs a few more tweaks uh but nothing we can't handle oh hey good shooting it's gonna take a bit to get the gun chase to set up who knew lifting big equipment could be so hard in the meantime why don't you go check back with your friends make sure everything's ready on their ends I'd hate to drive this gun into another ambush because they're not ready yeah don't try anything stupid all right team good luck you can ride my rocket back to your base it's a one-way trip though so don't fire it up until you're all set to go yeehaw let's go mute claims his rocket makes the save of a one-way vehicle or dávila limbs he constructs suggests otherwise let's get outta here baby sweet dreams free jam I'm flying over the world yeah hey huh that went better than expected ah you're back you were gone longer than we expected did you encounter any trouble talk to me Naga you say well sounds like it quite the crisis there I'm glad you were able to get things back together we almost ready for return to Zildjian we need to be waiting on the golf squad to get their artillery back here in the meantime I want you to look at something strange there'll be the remnants of some sort of statue and gloom hollow I be swearing - something is moving inside of it ever since you ate it crack wall go examine this thing and tell me if you'd be knowing what it is a row can be saying good experience this sort of thing stay away from the voodoo okay so we have an old statue which looks very interesting the static blood of Azeroth the tactic detected request installation of missing did that the data core damage core recovered that's probably what we go from the goblins right I imagine oh wait no static core is right in front of him tight and keep her data core oh [ __ ] this data core hums with ancient powers several collects Mars site his object has seen better days rebooting protocols voice operations repairs remaining systems badly damaged containment analysis impossible what kind of Voodoo is this you think you'll be able to help us stop the blood trolls in Cahoon tight the keeper has nail protocol contain corruption within nash me a task impossible due to damaged systems what crap she's talking about maybe this thing because hid it in the blood smells corruption corruption seeping throughout Nash mirror must contain eliminators utilize a corruption will render aid of corruption contains we need all the help we can get solve whatever issue this thing has as fast as you can so tight and keep our heads well what the hell that's quite a new design but behold everybody a brand new tights and keeper core detect its appreciation for retrieval you're welcome buddy you a it is required we must begin massive corruption detective even Nash me or must the next containment scan of area indicates spirits clad and armor plating or her roaming area purpose defensive structure animated by corruption detecting remnants of Heights and plating with in spirits armor request recover remnants that the keeper has now capable of breaking down tight and plating 342 weapon against forces drawn by corruption unacceptable levels of corruption detected nearby scan indicates vegetation affected by corruption or corruption must be eradicated requests destroy any vegetation affected by corruption major system repair possible within nearby structure preliminary go repair exhilaration auxiliary systems scans detect freefall and Titan keepers recover course time to keep our heads and I'll able to retrieve data from course that the keeper has ergo reboot auxiliary systems reach nearby structure these are all primary systems Co corruption results corruption contain side the keeper has now able to aid against blood rules blood souls definition not found in data banks objective clear it's moving to forward position deliver completions a new location the way I understand it is that the Titans or at least the kind to keep her here in this regards was messing about with old God stuff and that is the reason why the corruption now is here right I mean Chronicles was supposed to clean up the lore that was already established right but at the same time the story keeps on going and I feel that it would be a bad idea for Blizzard to stick with the Chronicles in such a weight and it hinders their creativeness if they feel like we want to make some more keepers whatever shoving us another Titan keeper with his core the data core is much lighter than it appears what exactly you store it within its how am I feeling about rap I feel slow but I also think it's a little bit too soon to start judging classes considering we don't really have the whole necklace to go with that title keeper bow come to doom buddy at our instruction detected intrusion detected scanning for corruption corruption release eminence activating security protocols into the phones eliminate intruder cleanse cleanse cleanse okay so this guy sees me as the phret he very much looks like a mogul but we control mask on he put a book on this date of course much lighter than it up here is what are they doing okay recovering the remnants tied up Lanie required here you go buddy there are strange marks all over the plating perhaps they mean something to keep her Hospital sufficient side I'm plating will begin forging process once functionalities towards vegetation corruption reduced an acceptable level insert data course course recover its data validation and merge will begin shortly upgrading auxilary systems please wait partial restoration success must continue forward repair containment for corruption massive corruption surrounding nearby structure immediate actions required I was about say you're gonna like pop in and be quests bone procession under entities influenced by corruption surround nearby structure impossible to approach plan requires calculating plan achieves large creatures designs reanimated monstrosities focal gathering point of corruption take Titan weapon forged from plating recovers use it to become a straw city to collect the bones will run process to destroy bounds prevent creation of further monstrosities unwelcome on death's corruption reanimating dead creatures nearby and morphing into monstrosities must be stopped cannot kill all but could reduce numbers so the dues numbers equates to less corruption outside of containments destroy undead in surrounding area keeper hair cell systems will continue rebooting while I do so reboot goal recover data regarding nature of corruption mmm you see strange blood orb that emanates whispers of suffering a destruction there must be a source of energy for whatever corruption has well something they appear easy enough to destroy you can see more of these orbs around a temple grounds but I'm destroying them will help weaker the corruption in the area okay I see a Fort Portal up there by the way know what that's all about Oh faces corrupt oh never mind huh that explains it Oh we turned it tidying could almost turn it into my pocket the help okay oh it's Heights and keeper mmm insert bloody fuse bones to continue these bones radiate Kahuna's blood magic destruction of bones will begin undead levels lower to acceptable amount still require metal to bypass targets in order to access containments scanners did not pick up evidence of corrupted energy must consider continued repairs cannot make same mistake again system restoration your progress day that he covered source of corruption is from an old guard entity multiple entities detected near by blocking go of analyzing and containing corruption of mesh me year and the thieves appear to be from the voids drawn here from old guard corruption request to destroy void entities avoid presence inhibiting and repairs of systems eliminate six phases ones scans indicate errors in reality surrounding nearby structure portals directly to the void current fairy corruption is old God s source avoid attracted to old guard corruption portals must be sealed to contain entities lured here by old gut corruption take this device tied to keeper hazardous for state thanks to help empowering up systems use device to seal void portals prevent more void entities from entering the area system repairs progress on one key component need its containment protocol because their protocol will fully reboot defensive systems allow tide to keep her heads out to properly maintain containment scans indicate large creature within temple has absorbed slab containing a Tama protocol creature exists between this plane and void requests destruction of creature and retrieval of the protocol Overlord calexis has containment protocol inside of itself let's go get it everybody new dinosaur New Mexico fee I speak old God fear me these are the new faces models by the way they're pretty cool oh that's easy enough judgment is doing quite an absurd amount of damage now harboring harboring are you lost I hope to keep her the secret hunts a battle for answer off I really do as well the secrets in leads were probably some of my favorite things that happen in the expansion okay so here's a massive portal as well hello overlord the end is upon you goon will be free Azeroth will be ours hang out in the dark all day Yemen being edgy is stuff just look up avoid elzar doing when you think about the tentacle boss inside Freehold near to shout punch the boss I have not seen that one too late goon cannot be contained or will die good same protocol this large slab is supposedly the key to sealing Cahoon structure interior Claire being designated princess the lungi has joined this place looks familiar and also destroyed alright old guards minions temporarily reduced will not last long without proper code Simmons before toll no longer detectives must continue please present consumer protocol supposedly a tacky to ceiling Cahoon good same a protocol same system reboot will be initiated much must scan interior structure for damage to determine best course for the pair's have limited time before old cut corruption lures more forces inform you and your ready to proceed cooperation that if sir containment yesterday I'll begin to process the restore goons containment oh snap okay placeholder scene has their own reviews go hoon being an old guard being experimented upon I refused blood shows want to destroy zoo desire in order to free Kahoot no way fix the current containment must protect Zoo desired a teen a blood flow matriarch Orion's badly damaged as hazard oil prepares to strike so Cahoon is an old girl and they're experimenting upon it then we just don't know where it came from who grunts Mara attina the feed its likes let's go struggle fights yes suffering fees me master is your master poo now oh boy take shelter has those shields the heart be falling next you gotta pay for killing Hillary you got nowhere to run bloody apocalypse maybe you're right after your girls baby was synthesized maybe he was that maybe it's the fifth old card which was kind of cut out of the out of the Chronicles maybe he's responsible for zealots off in a way that she is right now who knows damn this lady has some help by the way it comes so far only to fall before the masses fury behold the destroy of zoo desire I hope you try and stop us your sufferings gonna be glorious it'd be over and we all alive attina be paying for all of this real soon new protocol initiated defeat of blood trolls critical priority all God Cahoon by a destruction of containment structure commander blood trolls to destroy a final one in location zoo desire so zoo desire is the final containment structure okay title keeper has been almost a data structure of blood rolls cannot allow Cahoon to be freed must leave interior of a tune ISM nozman me tied to keeper as well outside a temple will help return to gloom hollow Okeke de oke are you gonna fly me time to keeper has no systems operating at 50% capacity after that scene a fight must conserve remaining energy for blood troll purge purge oh god he just jumps as now the blood trolls be gathering in zone as I'm nas man if you're gonna help us that's where you need to go affirmative request no more fought regarding tide to keep a hazardous position will make way to area designated zone as none [Music] ready don't be shy this be it we got everything we need to be going after the blood trolls now we gotta get movin we got the aid of croc WA and the golf squad we gotta get back to Zoo John the ruins are begin a plan to stop the blood trolls there's just be a problem the golf squad can't be moving artillery in the jungle we got to take about boats you're me you're gonna ride along with them and make sure that blood trolls don't destroy any artillery I'm gonna run ahead and get to the boat ready there the riverbank you hurry and meet us there I'll hit the boats meet me there I'll be taking some of the tour Poland's I move to so jump by foot good luck you to do me we have to strengthen our position with all of us then between my home you're here for a mile yeah well let's get going soon about here - better I'll be piloting this thing you see anything bad you just shout in all shoots you ready to go I'm ready let's hip hop on this barge and get back to Zulu ins if you can make it here you can make it any we're gonna load this thing up I don't know ourselves in that River and blow us up some trolls who's ready for a good time eh yeah yeah that required a cinematic huh all right order the golf squad to blast an area using the goblin pummel error let's hope ryokan and the others make it back safely to zoo luján otherwise this be a real short trip rope has been around for a long time princess he ain't gonna die to some blood trolls look blood trolls they must be getting ready to attack my city take out the blood rolls we can't let them sink our barge the night you're sleeping with that swamp issues that's how goblins from Kazan roll tonight you're sleeping out we already had that one out all working together everyone suit is that it low undead they must be marching toward zoo desire we need to destroy them whoa nobody said we have to deal with you on there we work we fund that all the time you idiot boss I believe the technical term is first sake and haha yeah the golf squad is fun man just imagine as being a voice ected as well it's gonna be great I wonder who's gonna voice actor longji she seems to be playing a massive role we're gonna blow your old guard up goblin style Oh God yeah man Christie golden is working on the dialogue now I wonder if that's part of it I hope they don't kill rustic on with how big the lungi is as orokin being announced as leader of the trolls yet pretty sure is the leader considering use at the Embassy gobbling or worgen starting zone faction by sucide goblins for playing worgen for story princess I ain't no expert but I think you guys got a blood draw problem I'm glad you recognized that patch your step ahead of me father Lal dominated Hydra what oh [ __ ] we got a big problem here just being ain't a problem you gotta use old curveball curveball curveball hahahahaha what the [ __ ] hahahaha what the hell man this is brilliance yeah curveball more bring it on I don't know why I believe working with goblins with the result on anything other than this well excu no no oh well excuse me princess we'd be in the clear now we need to be moving pause once we landed Zildjian ruins got a princess you should be thankful to get a front row seat to the latest and greatest a governor technology boss we got some screws missing a place is that the manual clearly says requires crews manuals are for Schmucks newts we're doing it live nekron [Music] okay they appear to have done a fair bit of damage to get us in here Oh God is you guys again hi you having fun yeah all right this is this area where we started like this is pretty much where you begin and you made your plans to get like all the lower together bukhan you'll be alright it looks like a petal happen here and blood shows rebelling in outs it out put the guards as we arrived they weren't expecting us detect from the rear how you doing we made it but we only be getting to the hardest part now are you ready I am we have learned so much and came so far thanks to you and the horse but all of it will amount to nothing at the blood trails defeat us here we've all worked hard since we first set foot within this accursed swamp without a chance to even get any sleep or have a decent meal there are some of the finest soldiers I've ever encountered but even they have their limits let's remind them what we're fighting for ring the ancient Gong be seeing ya first we need to assemble everyone champion a ring that Gong over there dish that should do the trick Oh boys what up soldiers friends we've gone through much hardships but the end is in sight our foes seek to destroy our homes in all that we hold air we must not allow their plans to succeed everything depends on our actions this day we will destroy the blood trolls home we will ensure that the abomination they are creating will never be used against us with a low outer side and our strength combined today we will be victorious yay we're ready now now it is time for us to bring our fight to the blood trolls it's time to strike our then in the blood trough rap once and for all which I hope back to the blood fire ravine and this time it will be the blood trolls will be sent running mounts up and together we will show them we are a force to be reckoned with okie-dokie no bow follow me everyone else join me for o'connor at the northern battle line for the future of Elendil our move outs oh yeah this is pretty dope yeah not sure what habits the prophets Zul to be honest Finkel turn against us to be honest oh okay the battle has begun lead us to victory the blood trolls are putting up quite the fight what's worse is they're raising a very debt to go against us they're necromancer's were raised at a debt with the help of totems filled with blood magic if we can show them that should take the pressure off our truth you'll be careful man all righty mmm how dare to totems right ol old actually go for a princess hang on princess I'll help you Yeah right walks knee she was looking for her man she was ready to go none of that please good work let's move on good work that should make things easier and that's see ya enemy reinforcements incoming damn this models are really really cool the ravine is ours we must plan for the next assault to me you fought well the blood souls are under run let's keep up the momentum ah here he comes here he comes to save me what are you guys doing hey now okay stop are we gonna do bombardment again don't be shy so far which so do you like more thus furnish me yet without a shred of doubts under presence rush me so much better you fought well the blood soils are under run let's keep the momentum my people continue to be captured and hauled into the blood trolls villages for the slaughter to be used as fuel for the dark rituals just the head I could see somebody kept is who fell along the path I hear the cries as they're being forced to move or the blood trolls are doing a vow rituals upon them where they lay we can't leave my people dare to die in the swamp take these bandages to save any son the ladder you encounter down there okay-dokey well spit it out just look at him those blood trolls are holed up pretty good down there and at fortress of there's multiple defensive lines lots of equipments they got everything they're completely unprepared for us I almost feel sorry for them let's start off by showing that what we think of their cute attempts at making barricades here take the smoke grenade I put a signal right on top of those barricades we'll see how well they hold up to high explosives security enforcement extortion we do it all excuse me I would like the safe that's on the ladder right there well why can't we use explosives on everything no you are now neutral with the Zandalari tribe oh I was the healing animation book again okay owls and blessings upon you stranger I'm not a stranger we work together man okay let's get this barricade down doesn't it hurt me no it is not okay oh boy I'm on Sunday man it's ink I let you die when you still owe me the rest of these fellas be all yours have fun but don't forget you still be paying me a debt send me their songs yeah to see all of that come together is pretty damn cool yeah like to try to do a similar thing on the alliance side right like you have the whole getting the order of the fire emblem together [ __ ] line up it's just very repetitive and this is a lot more diverse in my opinion when somebody's just the light man I'm sure if we if we wanted to we could make a deal to bring a certain volume back you know just offer another million souls for just virgins come on do do but keep in mind everybody our blood as we're doing like contests the best content it's alpha right everything is subject to changed nothing is really finished let's hold off with judgments until we actually get to test beta and even then they're still adjustments to be made Elfa see your eyes e alpha oh yeah yeah yeah yeah that one oh [ __ ] that was amiss uh-huh hang on I got this good the puffy open now older the remains is to clean out the vermin you're right so we're making a way to the temple oh yeah the road of pain our soldiers will return home stronger wiser and most importantly alive on behalf of my people I thank you good job now we can move deeper into this den of evil the soldiers rescued spoke of raises and the lad blood Cyril Raiders for roughing at the mouth and possessing supernatural strength overwhelmed the defenders they say that a strength came from the flask of mojo that the ranks raiders drank drink before going to combats needless to say we callin a lot of blood trolls tickets here to possess them go down into the campus destroy any of the flasks you may find who'd be careful man and zombie like rate this great looks like a muscles on the ladee origin likely hauled here by the blocks rolls off to one of the raids inside the crates you see bags of grain salt and meats these supplies would come in handy perhaps you might find more supplies at the possession of the blood cells within the cap right so we need to destroy flasks good job oh my god no I'm also out of buffs by the way lalalalala no no rip Weber get know rip don't be shy mojo miss Chiefs a good work that's one less as long as the blood trolls have over us what do you have there relations and supplies stolen from Samuel ah ah good thinking bee supplies will go a long way towards helping people at home you have my gratitude it seems your actions here have not gone unnoticed I feel a dark presence approaching a Tina's near this is our chance if we strike now to video a huge blow to the blood rolls let's move stay away from the Voodoo come this may be our opportunity to end this once and for all it was an accident in an experiment oh so the accident has been confirmed but we don't know if it was good food or not okay there's like the fourth time that we face her by the way how you doing mine I'm ready you be careful man Tina your frets of my people ends here such a brave little princess gotta be functioning in the Royal mouth of yours oh [ __ ] oh my God we're Dragon Ball Z in this one living in comfort and luxury safe from hunger and death your people be soft princess there's a malaria the finest Navy in the world we've proven our strength the blood of your soul should be feeding the armies when the Great Beast rises all of Sunda lies gonna crumble I'm not gonna let that happen I am the shield of my people why Matt 1% when I was in a bubble if you saw my god I got no time to play with a spoiled child time to complete the awakening ritual servants deal with them and our princess is not feeling too great he did choking choking is the term alright princess saved your butt again thank you she's far stronger than at all do mean she is so much stronger than expected but we s no surprise of her own let's bring up this gun of yours and see how well it performs bye-bye play sort of scene the garb squad arrives and sets of their gun the gun sets itself the position if I have the construct shut up close view of the gun the gun fires and impacts but a magical bear protector construct view from near the triangular point of shell exploded magical barrier till every gun is in a distance grant made a teen had a blood strong nature at loss and taunts you for failing camera swings down looks up at it seen at the construction behind her protected and unscathed so our guns fielding yeah how you doing nothing I can't believe the weapon are no effects damnit seen a dark magic we're going to have to get up there somehow to remove that barrier I'm afraid seizing fortress is not something I've much experience with but the token of yours he's seen his share about as I understand he might know how best to proceed meet with her Okun within 2 4 could we eat Dean's math the princess sent it to me good choice our battles just started the trolls we faced be strong but they be nothing compared to what be a heads I'm Mac I beat the strongest blood straw ever seen and she's right across the way here again she's be feeding the bodies at the Sun the ladder to her pet Crocs makes them big fat and deadly it's time for revenge and we'd be doing it with the help of her own pets go kill a krahgg and caught its poison clan out of his belly we Fitzhugh could weaken Amica and put an end to her be seein ya good luck mom I'll be on guard here to make sure nothing comes at us from behind yeah you've been doing that a lot mate you guys have been do it at a whole lot like oh yeah no Khan is like the greatest hero I've ever seen probably he knows how to do it and then they're like well if you go kill the thing then I'll stay here and like sure may I'll go kill the fing howdy I'll bring her okay got a poison glands splashes the targets we've concentrated GOx poison greatly weakened in a targets maximum health and damage five second cooldown all right now we're just gonna find our targets talak d corrupt its temporary model cool me crows gonna savor feasting on your bones yeah new sorry about this not VD ends ah there's a good little beasty did you enjoy eating dem booty what you want well done the blood trolls gonna be hurting with that death of the general now let's keep the pressure on them yeah that bullets trolls be coming real soon now what we need a safe paw through this fortress and a meeting point secured I'll sneak ahead it clear out immediate point on the end of the bridge you move on and clear the path to me we're almost be done here just a bit more blood to spill beer it's I figured any soldiers we'd be coming across might be one like somebody then so I brought some extra weapons just in case see you up ahead those cages up ahead of full of trolls awaiting their turn to die we're gonna swoop in their videos to the prayers going armed as many of them as you can run events every sneak around ahead to Clara's a safe place for our next move meet me near the bridge when you are done okeydoke okay ah you gonna die here I mean I haven't died yeah and how is the alpha looking so far it's a little bit too soon to give it a beating on it but I like what I see so far I mean that's definitely a thing the zones that's definitely one thing that really impresses me I was a little bit worried when they announced the Bliss Condor we're only gonna get free zones the level in what's so themselves feel so freakishly massive it is quite insane a message of blood and Fire this one is the same that you saw the blood trolls use to incinerate the corpse of the Zandalari prisons where there are no madam perhaps you might be able to you what the [ __ ] perhaps you might be able to use the gift of blood throws a taste of their own firepower could you not me you scared the bejeebers out of me alright no more banging off the drum then yeah please my prisoners kind of build on me it's kind of hope hoping they would help but you know it's not meet it would just be nice we also need to burn down our huts is that those indicated with little flame thingies yeah they are nice how you do it we gotta win this war man is under now to be depending another they got maan and things now be secured here we're about ready for the final axe good job man justice be served you did good then soldiers gonna be fuel for the blood trolls dark mojo no more King I'm gonna 13 you proved to be a much greater ally than I could have ever hoped thanks to you and your horde we've come this far now there's only one thing that remains again we must confront the leader of the blood trolls to put an end to the dark lot once and for all without a Tina's mojo to protect it we can finally destroy the monstrosity of theirs before it could be a leash upon zoo desire you know what must be done go orokin and I will ensure that nothing else comes across the bridge slay Grande Mara attina away from the Voodoo it's finally happening yo we're finally gonna take it round except you come the free shot no let's go do you seen through [ __ ] ends here not if you're gonna interrupt the mistress oh my god yes yes oh this zone is everything so much more oh this this zone is just mwah mwah mwah hello the end of the Sunda Larry begins now go go go and nothing happens on the bridge place all the seen golf sport cannon fires another shot shut up close view of the cannon preparing to fire the shop connects blasting harder to the construct of the moment it lists harder falls over the collapse of through the floor or white sugar to control platform sly pan downward follow the Constructors apartments into the depths okay so this is supposed to have opened up and the construct is supposed to fall on down yeah talk to me finally our battle here be done more importantly you've made good friends with the total ins and have gained powerful allies in the lower I feel that we will need to call upon her aid in the future come let us leave is there place he felt like the devil falls in now does Jeff definite or may I agree to Falls it did nothing at all and that is an absolute waste that he killed him but they made the decision to kill him anyways bringing characters constantly back from the dead to be like yeah he died but you know doesn't matter he fell you said I would water like no scream for example he came back as a deaf night that is different than what he came back then what he was when he died and I would like to see a similar thing with Falls you maybe it's a lower it would be pretty cool finally a Tina's death and the blood trolls are leaderless still we will be foolish to believe there are no long enough threats and I have a feeling this is not the last you seen it the horrible thing they were working on my father refused to even acknowledge the blood trolls as a frets but you and your [ __ ] have proven to be invaluable allies you have my thanks your emissary one you're calling the finals who wants to hear news of a victory you should let him know as soon as your are a blue speak to the finals like cholera vendor allure right okay all righty but I don't think we can actually get tuna fanos as in that area is not available for testing right pretty sure that's the case right so I quickly popped into the Alpha to grab some recordings and then I noticed that Yosh over here Yash has a little quest for us I can say that I'm doing a full playthrough my fault might as well check it out and quickly grab a recording of it what is it now you lose something one of the lookouts said he saw a bunch of blood trolls chasing after the Sun Dulari on the other side of the river you seem to be dressed like your group why do you people get running into trouble of the in this place Oh mark on your map where he was last seen you don't bring a horde of blood cells over here all right right who's missing then guards at AO net with a grisly fate the file antidotes the Zandalari next to this antidote is barely alive this on the ladder he appears to be barely holding on there's a broken dart lying on the ground next to him he appears to have dropped the bottle before it collapsed you grab the vial could it be some kind of antidote I mean it it's say bottle of a nodosum oh and we actually have a healing animation out oh I feel dizzy want some DDP Kali me we came investigating rumors of blood trolls teaming monsters what we found is so much worse I urge them to leave but they had to just see one more I barely made it out if not for you I would not have made it at all Oh No here it comes Oh yummy well now that's better another needs help up ahead if you be willing sure guard I'll help watch one thanks stranger that was too close just ahead chronicler Jabari got caged waiting to become a sacrifice brother bye brother I see them take away I hear the screams blood range defeated blood magic and what was left food for the beasts he'd be doing only one left and I don't have to strength to save him yet get your body out of there so we could return to bring just a lunch stay away from tofu do bad juju look mom between you or me there is no way we will drag my friend out of here without getting the samples that got us in this mess we did see three hours in this camp they're filled with a power of the blood magic can be used in dirty rituals blood is drained for volunteers to corrupt the tadpoles of korek wa to form vicious crocs if this is a possible fate for children of lo out we must end it take this vial and bleed them orbs dry there is some research that chronicler needs to do war modern Aglaia is driving a force brutality strength we didn't ever expects blood trolls desecrate all they touched in a preparing to wreak havoc in order to remain as they say cut off the heads and a beast will be debts I will have her head as a trophy to show that our brothers were avenged BC and yeah so we didn't do it they've been doing blood rituals around this area and the ones who were drained were fed to the beasts chronicler what's she doing buddy oh there we go not the most graceful of exits but one I do very much Rafi there's much yet to learn these nut rolls a little time to be hand well that was terrifying just a few more pieces and we could be forever away from this place or the resources eh mmm earn their trust is a young one can be taught to trust that there's a chance for days species they may not have been born of the bad blood but it is what makes them a monster they may have been born of the bad blood but is that what makes them a monster if you can earn his trust a mighty Ally he could one day be a little there could be a thing and don't be forgetting food I think some let's roll oh excuse me maybe extra tasty Pete growling if you can earn a cross-links trust a man mighty a like one day be crawls have been battle trained are already set in their ways cleansing up from the camp may be the only way to get a young ones a chance spirits be with you man stay strong I will check out the towel all right your bones gonna serve us we're bogeys Kapisa indeed were right okay so we need to drain these blood thingies we need to get some samples and if I remember correctly these beasties look like they're be stickin stranger things darts I think it was called they also come in a form of mouths and which one oh there's the war mater okay we also had to do some fat the little ones right you can try don't think you'll succeed though why are there blood trolls into cages now I could imagine that there would be prisoners in the cages but those guys well maybe they've just been tattooed or something change yeah but no that one is called rolling blood I call it in Iraq with it but it's it's a thing Final Four there are two rare spawns maliki leo it is very very big crawling fat all right we need to feed them domain so how do I get a crawling you know I can I can kill blood falls easy enough but how do I feed em to DC [Music] all righty war mother come here I feed it to my pets blood elf yeah yeah all my cereal really like to look at the mound of wonder if I actually get this one rather than the one I really wanted there in Legion the one with all the multiple heads honor really sure the most like mythic Argos that you have to do for up yeah that's not on the agenda for a while how we try to do mythical down and we couldn't even get that down yeah you can easily avoid the hateful smash but I'm being lazy daughters this is how you deal with guests oh snap okay I can oh there we go I need to click on these guys got yeah should have done that first because that's where I got the guy out of the cage you got you got you come on little one let's go feed you some trolls yeah doubt you're gonna eat your own kind there we go II thought it was delicious you know man stop fussing with her mom there's much [ __ ] to learn these blood trolls oh that was awful okay earn their trust he is sated now autumn bad juju I feel the corruption I'm sure secrets are locked away in there it will serve my research well thank you their suffering is over now Lita how you do it does it still live the severed head of war mother Nagler spits on the ground the world is better off without that monster in its - 24 - 24 spirits why do you want this young man has made bonding with you bring it to crack wha see there's anything to be done to heal him of the corruption stay away from the I don't need to nurse him on I survived Holly's chili sure let's equate spicy to poisonous injections of death Debbie a fair comparison hey big guy come closer young one okay help em the Krog laying makes some strange squeaking sounds - scoffs - speak of a lilypad frog Ronnie I'm crawling seem to be communicating croc rod nuts your companion I see there is nothing I could do to change him back he will have a better life if you keep him with you keep him safe oh okay this young one is no longer one of them but he could never be one of us take care of him take care of him of darts speak of the devil and darts can consume corpses my charge horn Gore consume devour and rip is considered a beastie where'd you go dart iron the floor arya come here oh you're so tiny now you're adorable alright whatever the little side quiz then I guess this is the end of a full playthrough boy [Music]
Channel: Nobbel87
Views: 444,404
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nobbel, Nobbel87, NobbeltheNoble, Story, Lore, Nazmir, Battle for Azeroth, Alpha, World of Warcraft, Princes Talanji, Rastakhan, Zandalar, Zandalari, Trolls, Loa, Vol'jin, Rokhan, Horde, Gob squad, G'huun, Old God, Titans, Keepers, Darkspear, Blood trolls, Forsaken, Snakes, Frog, Bat, Turtle, Wild Gods
Id: bFSPAiqkl_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 237min 37sec (14257 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2018
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