The Story of Thrall - Full Version [Lore]

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[Music] hello everyone we know him as an epic warchief and hero to many thrall's origins they begin in the time of great turmoil it was the time in which kil'jaeden of the burning legion manipulate the orcs into abandoning the elements in exchange for fel magic and form the horde all that so that they can be used to exterminate the draenei on their world of draenor but the orcs didn't notice they thought that they were following the guidance and wisdom of their ancestors just a few of them kept their eyes open looked around and saw the changes that were happening to their planet and their people figured that this wasn't right amongst those few orcs were thrall's parents durotan and draka of the frostwolf clan they tried to speak out they tried to protect their people but there was no hiding for the uncoming storm and the plans of the legion would be carried out when the horde finally did manage to exterminate prophet velen and the draenei or at least so kil'jaeden fought he abandoned them to their fate left them behind on a broken corrupted world where basic needs such as food and water were very hard to come by devouring demonic blood and using the fel also had its effects on the orcs both inside and out and they were turning on eachother something had to change real fast and luckily for the orcs the legion wasn't done with them quite yet elitist sargeras figured that they could use the orcs for another plan for weakening a little planet known as azeroth a world that the burning legion desperately wanted to conquer under his guidance the dark portal was created and the horde invaded azeroth speaking out against all the things that had happened it did mean that the frostwolves eventually got exiled but seeing how their actions how their curse even passed on to their children durotan and draka could not stay away could not let their people be misguided by these dark forces a secret meeting with their longtime friend orgrim doomhammer it had to make plans of usurping leadership steering them away from this doomed path a secret meeting but not completely unknown there was a spy within orgrim's clan who led drakka and durotan right into the hands of assassins trying to save their people would result in their demise an orphan young thrall or goewell as his parents would have named him this name thrall meaning slave it was given to him by the man that found him abandoned in the wilds a dayless blackmoor came across this gruesome sight a bunch of dead orcs and an infant left to die resisting his instincts to immediately slay the child adelus instead decided to take him with him and raise him as a gladiator this took place just before the first war ended and adeles would become quite the distinguished veteran of the second war the war over azeroth which was won by the alliance under defeated orcs they either ran back home they were slain on the spot they hid away in small pockets on the world or they surrendered those that chose the last option found themselves locked away within interment camps and today's reputation it had earned him leadership over these prisons and that's where thrall would spend his childhood at least if they could manage to keep him alive the ugly little thing it wouldn't eat had grown pale and quiet over the last several days the beast was dying which had enraged blackmore now the answer to his survival came from terefa foxton her father had been blackmore servant for 10 years now and was discussing thrall's situation with his wife who served in the kitchens she had recently given birth to a baby boy and while listening in tarifa thought that the answer was obvious they were trying to feed a little baby meat but that's not what babies eat they drink milk like our baby brother did and dallas had not even considered this and that's the way orcs were viewed by so many so alien so monstrous that they didn't even consider that there might be similarities from the mouth of a child came their answer and after pleading with his wife for a bit mrs foxton was willing to feed thrall sadly tarifa's little brother died of a fever and when thrall was old enough to eat a vile concoction of blood cow's milk and porridge with his own small hands the guards took him away as well terefa cried then one brother had passed away the other was now taken away she got smacked for the effort and pretended to never talk about thrall again to the outside she appeared to be the ever obedient child but she vowed that she would never forget this strange creature that had almost been like a younger brother to her never she would be one of the few bright lights in thrall's gruesome life he wasn't exactly treated with respect or kindness by blackmore and the others as they trained him to become a powerful gladiator the one in charge of his training was a bit of an exception this was a massive human going by the name of sergeant he had trained thousands of recruits and with each group he offered them the same challenge rip his earring from his ear and they will be allowed to beat him to a pulp without warning sergeant came at the untrained unexperienced thrall but something inside of him clicked in place his bulky form always made him feel sluggish and clumsy fear of upsetting his master blackmore or doing something wrong but here in the arena within battle his vision narrowed to one single goal kill sergeant and he got really close sergeant's experience and speed did give him a good run for his money but not even that was enough to hold back the might of this orc he had nearly squeezed the life out of his trainer thinking to himself if only i could get my hands around blackmore's neck and that thought made him hesitate giving the others the chance to throw him off the sergeant yet sergeant wasn't mad quite the opposite he praised thrall for getting closer than any had before but in his rage he has forgotten about his true objective his bloodlust would serve him well in some fight but in the arena he would have to be more present more inside his mind rather than his gut some foes will have to be slain while others will have to be spared thrall dared to ask the question on his mind sergeant sometimes you said sometimes you don't kill why not sergeant regarded him evenly it's called mercy thrall he said quietly and you'll learn about that too mercy under his breath thrall turned the word over his tongue it was a sweet word and perhaps blackmore should have learned it as well beatings from his often drunk master were not uncommon for our thrall nor was he ever allowed to forget that he was a slave later on another plan formed in a daelish's mind if he could teach thrall a little bit more some tactics how to read how to lead then he could use his slave gladiator to lead the rest of the imprisoned orcs not for the greatness of the alliance mind you but for his own gain and power he could already envision it ruling from up high in a different timeline he might have been successful not the one ordered to bring for all the books to study with that was terefa who also snuck in a small tightly folded piece of parchment a little note letting him know that she had not forgotten about him the beginning of many secret letters sent between the human and the orc through her letters thrall's mind was opened to a world beyond his cell a world of art and beauty and companionship a world of food beyond rotting median slop a world in which he had a place he knew that tari did not have her privileged life she was a servant in her own way as much in thrall as the orc who bore the name but she did have friends and she was not spat upon and she belonged somewhere thrall had no people of his own the only thing that he had left to remind himself of the days with his parents that was a fraying square of cloth that boredom symbol of a white wolfhead on a blue field now he could not just walk up to blackmore and tell him that he was done being a slave that he was ready to find his own family and so thrall remained where he was fighting his battles in the arena earning great victories for his master things went rather well for blackmore and the reputation of his pet orcs spread far and wide one time he had thrall fight nine matches in a row eight of those his pet orchid won each victory bringing home more gold the 9th was ill-advised even sergeant told blackmore to let thrall rest that it was enough for today but the drunkadelus wouldn't hear it his slave being tired and injured was pitted against a massive ogre who kicked the absolute crap out of him beating thrall to an inch of his life the fighters were separated and thrall was brought back to his prison he expected healers to come as they always did sure enough he had lost the final match but he didn't earn victory in eight of them something that he had never done before but the healers were not the first ones to show up a severely drunk blackmoor was pissed a thousand gold he had lost because of thrall despite his injuries blackmore started to kick him and did not stop until the next group came in a group of guards took their turn beating him up and this was the thing that broke our thrall broke the chains of his mind that bounded to adalus sergeant had shown up as soon as he heard about the beating and pulled the guards of an unconscious thrall he woke up to the healers and sergeant gave him praise was impressed on how he had performed but it was too little and too late never again would he let himself be used like that once he would have cringed and vowed to be better to do something to earn the love and respect that he so desperately craved now he knew that he would never find it here not as long as blackmore owned him he reached for his writing tools and wrote a note to the only person that he could trust tari on the next dark moons i planned to escape she was at his side of course risking it all to buy miss freedom a fire was started to distract the guards a massive black cloak was already waiting for him to hide him in the night thrall escaped a place that had kept him imprisoned for so many years and reunited with his sister in spirit for 10 years now they've been writing one another and now she could finally hug him again there wasn't a lot of time to talk though but enough time to realize that her life with blackmore wasn't easy either she was the mistress to this cruel man and hearing what her life with him was like it failed thrall with outrage she couldn't escape with him though her life was here in durnhold well his journey was to find his people they call you a monster but they're the monsters not you farewell thrall for the first time our young thrall tastes freedom on the quest of finding where he came from finding where he belonged it would be best to find other 3 orcs in the wild but he wasn't even sure if those were still a thing tarifa had also been kind enough to mark out the other interment camps so he could avoid them as best as he could and arthral set out for one of those immediately along the way he does get captured by humans that bring him back to one of these camps which works out rather nicely except for all of his stuff getting stolen inside he gets to witness the absolute horrible conditions that his people lived in huddled everywhere were dozens perhaps hundreds of orcs some of them sat in puddles of their own filth their eyes unfocused their sharp touch jaws like others paced back and forth muttering incoherently some slept tightly curled up on the earth seeming not to care even if they were stepped on there was an occasional squabble but even that apparently sapped too much energy for it died down almost as quickly as it begun this demonic curse that was running through the orcs veins it had quite the side effects and he got to chat with few of them learning more about their history with the legion and soon enough he realized that it wasn't the walls or the guards that kept the orcs imprisoned they had the strength and they had the numbers to fight the way out of there what they truly lacked was the fire the will to do so if he was going to set his people free he would have to be their fire soon enough word reached blackmore that the other camp might have his pet orc with his arrival and a distraction thrall manages to use the opportunity to just climb over the walls and get out of there he was told that grommash hellscream and the warzone clan were still free were still fighting they were his next target to find and soon enough he finds himself being tested to see if he was even worthy to speak with grum first a test of his fighting skills which our experienced gladiator managed to win he did not kill them though despite that being the custom for the war songs then the second test a test of will in which they presented him a small human child not a threat to them right now but the boy would grow up and pick up arms against them kill him thrall or we promise you you will not leave this cave alive and yet again thrall decides to show mercy then grom shows up impressed by the newcomer they had fought and slain even killed children and bathed in their blood and look at where they got them hiding away and living off scraps thrall's way was surely a sign of the ancestors a new path for the orcs to follow so grumm welcomed thrall to the warsong in the coming days of the warsong grommen thrall grew close his orcish was upgraded while still speaking with a pretty heavy accent more details of their paths were explained and the cloth with the frostwolf symbol it pointed him towards the frostwolf clan and that's where his journey would take him next despite grom wishing to just immediately team up and go liberate their people winter was coming and finding a clan of his parents it was something that thrall needed to do first with blackmore's men moving in closer it was time for him to leave and journey on to the alterac mountains their people would have to wait a little bit longer but liberation would come finding his way to the frostwolf clan it meant that he could speak with drek'thar who had taken over leadership of the clan the blind shaman is able to see more than others and that small piece of cloth tells him all he needs to know once more they test him to see if he was both humble and proud humble by not just showing up and immediately demanding a rank just because of his father and his mother and proud by not letting others just walk over him again he passes the trials and he learns much about his parents the orcish history the dark bargains with the demons and how the elements were upset with them for a being abandoned in exchange for fel it had been many decades since a new shaman had risen up amongst their people but thrall had a connection a strong potential which soon enough was embraced by the elements first there was earth then there was air fire water and finally the fifth the spirit of the wilds they all accepted him and would come to his aid when he asked them and they agreed with his request one of the first new shaman to rise up amongst the orcs in decades as the cold winter time passed on thrall learned more about the orcs and the customs of his clan as the name implies these frostwolves they have a close bond with wolves and at one point he goes through a bonding ceremony they do not simply demand the wolves to obey their wishes rather it's the wolves themselves depict their lifelong companions snowsung chose him and he knew without understanding quite how he knew that she would be by his side until one of them left his life behind and finally they were visited by a wandering hermit who'd haunted thrall told him that his plans of liberating their people that they were foolish the frostwolves had the right of it hiding away in the mountains far away from the humans it was their best course of action better to live as a coward than to die a hero words that enraged our thrall and he challenged his newcomer to a fight what he didn't know was that this hermit was actually orgrim doomhammer his father's longtime friend had been devastated when he found out about their deaths but he did not let it go to waste their warning was the fire he needed to claim leadership of the horde lead their people through their war in azeroth a war they had obviously lost and while the others had given up they've given in to their lethargy orgrim was still willing to fight grumman told him of the son of durotan and he had come to check out if the rumors were true considering that it took 8 frostwolves to drag the enraged fall off of him he got more than he bargained for but he knew that he had found his second-in-command his second to unite the frostwolves with the warsongs and go out to liberate their people but just riding out and tearing down the walls it wasn't going to be good enough their people needed their fire in their hearts and thrall would give it to them pretending to be a broken orc he once again allowed himself to be captured from within he shared stories of their history of what was going on on the outside that there was once again a shaman of the walks amongst them it's definitely not easy but slowly that spark returns to the eyes of his people and they follow him to freedom camp after camp is liberated until in one fight orgrim is heard bad and he passes on not only his armor not only the legendary weapon called the doomhammer he also passed on despite thrall believing himself to be unworthy the title of warchief i am the warchief for doomhammer for the horde with the numbers they had it was time to go for the head of the beast and bring durnhold low the night before the attack thrall spoke with his sister tarifa warning her of what was to come but she couldn't stay with them if she did adeles might unleash his anger upon her family but knowing what was to come at least she could keep them safe that was until she sneaked back in and was greeted by her master he had known about her treachery ever since they had found the letters taken when thrall was captured first the next morning our warchief was greeted by an extremely drunk adalis blackmore despite their history thrall still tried to go for a negotiation all he wanted was their people to be free there was no need to throw away lives on either side i ask you once more blackmore negotiate or die blackmore stood up to his full height thrall now saw that he held something in his right hand it was a sack here's my answer thrall he reached into the sack and pulled something out thrall couldn't see what it was then the object came hurling toward him and struck the ground rolling to a stop at his feet tarifa's blue eyes stared sightlessly up at him from her severed head that's what i do with traitors scream blackmore dancing madly on the walkway that's what we do with people we love who betray us who take everything and give nothing who sympathies with double damned orcs thrall didn't hear him thunder was rolling in his ears his knees went weak and he fell to the earth gorge rose in his throat and his vision swam it couldn't be not harry surely not even blackmore could do such an abominable thing to an innocent but blessed unconsciousness would not come he remained stubbornly awake staring at long blonde hair blue eyes and a bloody severed neck then the horrible image blurred wetness poured down his face his chest heaving with agony thrall recalled tari's words to him so long ago these are called tears they come when we are so sad so so sick it's as if our hearts are so full of pain there's no place else for it to go but there was a place for the pain to go into action into revenge red flooded thrall's vision now and he threw back his head and screamed with rage such as he had never before experienced the cry burned his throat with its raw fury the sky boiled dozens of lightning strikes split the clouds dazzling the eye for a moment the furious peels of crashing thunder that followed nearly deafened the men at the fortress many of them dropped their weapons and fell to their knees givering terror had the celestial display of fury that so clearly echoed the wrenching pain of the orc leader blackmore laughed obviously mistaken thrall's rage for helpless grief when the last peels of thunder died down he yelled they said you couldn't be broken well i broke you thrall i broke you thrall's cry died away and he stared at blackmore even across the distance he could see the blood drain from blackmore's face as his enemy now finally began to understand what he had roused with his brutal murder thrall had come hoping to end this peacefully but blackmore's actions had destroyed that chance utterly he would not live to see another sunrise and his keep would shatter like fragile glass before the orcish attack thrall it was hellscream uncertain as the thrall state of mind thrall his chest still raw with grief and tears still streaming down his broad green face impilled him with his glance mingled sympathy and approval showed in hellscream's expression slowly harnessing his powerful self-control thrall raised the great warhammer he began to stamp his feet one right after the other in a powerful steady rhythm the others joined them at once and very faintly the earth trembled the powers of the elements under thrall's command opened the way into the keep into a final 101 duel with his former master the man who had tried to shackle his heart and his mind with taking the life of one so close to him another fight it did not last long the rage of tarry's death giving him all the strength that he would ever need but blackmore didn't die at once he lay gasping fingers impatiently clutching his side as blood pumped out in a staggering rush of red he stared up at thrall his eyes glazed blood trickled from his mouth and to thrall's astonishment he smiled you are what i made you i am so proud he said and then sagged against the wall these words stung but drek'thar explained that blackmore had been right thrall was what he had made him but so did tarifa and sergeant hellscream doomhammer drek'thar and even snowsong you are what each battle made you you are what you have made of yourself you are the lord of the clans and our lord lead those that surrendered like sergeant who had taught in the meaning of mercy he let them go if they laid down their weapons sergeant did so after thrall finally claimed his earring he did pass them on a message for the rest of the alliance to tell them what had happened this day to tell them that if they choose the path of peace they will find us ready to engage in trade and cooperation with them provided they feed the rest of my people and surrender land good land for our use if they choose the path of war they will find an enemy the likes of which they have never seen and after so many years of searching thrall finally knew where his true destiny lay knew deep in his bones who he was thrall son of durotan warchief of the horde he had come home he has become the lord of the clans but there were still many of his people in need of liberation from camp to camp this newly formed horde moved liberating legends like edrick now having thrall as the warchief it meant that the horde had another shot another chance at carving out a piece of land and call it home the event of the past would never be forgotten but they could be better let go of the shackles placed upon them by the burning legion unfortunately the legion wasn't quite done with them yet nor were they done with trying to conquer the planet one night warchief thrall receives a visit in his dreams by a mysterious prophet heroes arise to challenge fate and lead their brethren to battle [Applause] [Music] as mortal armies rush blindly towards their doom the burning shadow comes to consume us all you must rally the horde and lead your people to their destiny seek me out prophet medivh has come to clean up the mess that he made since once upon a time he was corrupted by sargeras brought the horde in to begin with now he too has a second chance to stop the tide of darkness move the pieces on the board so that they would be ready to defend the world against the legion thrall couldn't make much sense of what this stranger was telling him but he too could sense the return of the demons with the spirits telling him to trust medivh he went to work bringing together his horde forces including grommash hellscream who were captured by the humans are you all right i'm fine little brother luckily they only injured my pride with the use of some stolen alliance vessels they made their way towards kalimdor on route they got caught in a sudden fierce storm we have no other choice but to seek shelter in the cove of a nearby remote island that's the place where thrall met with senjin leader of the darkspear trolls and fought of the vol'jin the trolls were having a bit of trouble with humans occupying their islands as well as the local murlocs the sea creatures they had started to worship a sea witch a naga as we would discover many years later they captured thrall and zenjin sacrificed the troll for the glory of zargera now our former gladiator does his best trying to save his friends but it's already too late the vision told me you would lead my people off this island [Music] you don't have much time young one go but you and your people are coming with us it'd be too late i'm already gone those of you who wish to follow me will face many dangers it will not be easy but if you wish to join us you are welcome yeah man pretty soon there'll be nothing left here anyway we come with you quickly they leave the devastation of the island behind in search of destiny after a couple of weeks on rough seas the horde does make it to kalimdor but they got separated from each other things aren't exactly more peaceful in this new patch of land and soon enough thrall's forces find themselves squaring off against the centaur i am care chief for the bloodhoof tauren you greenskins fight with both savagery and valor i am intrigued i am thrall and these are my brethren the orcs we've come seeking the destiny promised to us for seeking destiny it will find you in time young one however there is an article far to the north which might be able to north but there's an army of the horsemen marching north what no my village is in danger i must know more about this oracle follow them protect cairn at all costs cairn wants to take his people to the grassy lands of milgor which is a bit tricky with the centaur in the warpath thrall helps them out make sure that their people stay safe in return karen points him towards the stonetalon peaks where the prophet is rumored to be however thrall's not the only one on this journey medivh has also made contact with miss jaina proudmoore she has witnessed firsthand the death that the legion brought to the lands of lordaeron but old hatreds are not easily forgotten they're battling humans what loktar warriors hellstream needs help wretched orcs how dare you follow us to this land save your breath human you needed to scream when i start tearing off your limbs finally reunited with grum thrall notices that something is off in his brother the return of the legion it has its effects on the orcs and the bloodlust takes hold where once grump could see that thrall's way was the way forward for their people he now falls back into their old habits of death and destruction ignoring his warchief's commands thrall sees no other choice but to send gromm away for a bit while he deals with the prophets with these we can reach stonetalon peak by morning a true warrior would simply take the pass from the humans have you lost what's left of your mind grom i gave you a direct order to leave the humans alone what the hell is wrong with you don't lecture me pop the wretches deserved death [Music] don't you feel it thrall it's like the old days like the demons are near i don't know what's come over you and your men but this bloodlust is a liability that i can't afford [Music] i'm sorry thrall you're right i i can handle it i can't take that chance rom take your clan into the northern forest and build us a settlement i'll come and find you after we've reached the oracle hellscream was a bit pissed off at being sent away to do manual labor and get them a base thankfully for him the lands they've entered are those under the protection of the night elves who do not take kindly to these strangers in the lands that have started chopping down their forest even their demigod cenarius shows up to protect the wilds and that's exactly what the legion had hoped for cenarius in agent's past had been a great opposition if they could get the orcs to take care of him that would make their path for conquest all the easier so it was that mannoroth placed the little trap he left behind a bit of his demonic blood this is the same demonic blood that the orcs drank back on draenor grommash being the first to accept it despite this going against all that thrall stood for grumman as orcs they embraced the gift once again gaining the power to slay cenarius secure a victory for the horde but also placing themselves firmly back in the hands of the legion i've come to bring you and your brethren back into the fold though you orcs failed the burning legion before you will now serve us once again no stupid beautiful creature i am the mage in your heart i am the fury of your thoughts i alone empowered you to bring chaos to this world and by the endless voyage you shall thrall's unaware of any of this and after a bit of a rough journey finally arrives at the stonetalon mountains where he runs into karen again cairn what are you doing here our debt to you orcs can only be repaid with blood we've come to help you reach the oracle however those metal clad pink skins look like trouble those pink skins are called humans they are our enemies from across the sea they seem intent on keeping us from the peak hmm the oracle's wisdom belongs to all perhaps the wyverns that live nearby can be of use to us they have no love for hostile intruders oh warchief hmm that's the young sorceress grom told me about it appears that she seeks the oracle as well be wary young one that cave is the perfect spot for an ambush don't worry karen i was raised by the humans i know their tricks and stratagems there's no way that i'll let them stop me from reaching the oracle there are two paths inside the mountain so they have to split up for a bit clear it away avoid dangerous traps until their long journey comes to an end and they finally meet with the mysterious oracle orcs i knew that we were being followed defend yourselves stop there will be no violence in this place that voice you're no oracle you're the prophet very perceptive son of durotan i am the prophet and now that i have lord you all here i will tell you what destiny holds what the hell is going on here thrall this is jaina proudmoore leader of the survivors of lordaeron survivors what are you talking about the invasion of the burning legion has begun lordaeron has already fallen and now the demons come to invade kalimdor only together united against the shadow will you be able to save this world from the flame unite with them are you mad have you heard nothing that i've said the legion comes to undo history and end all life thrall your friend hellscream has already fallen under the demon's influence soon he and your whole race will be lost forever no i'll die before i let that happen then you must rescue him immediately he is the key to the destiny i promised you however you will need help wait this is insane you can't possibly expect me destiny is at hand young sorceress the time to choose has come for the fate of all who live humanity must join forces with the horde orcs and humans working together it was a crazy notion considering their long history but if there were any people to make it happen it was going to be jaina and thrall even as a child she never saw the orcs as the monsters that the others saw them as and for thrall people like tarifa they showed him that there was good and kindness to be found even amongst the humans so it was that these two put old hagers aside worked together to save the world first step would be to save grump from the legion destiny is at hand lord manoroth is our master now who you're not talking sense our thrall you always believed that the demons corrupted our race but that's only half true we gave ourselves up willingly on draenor the other chieftains and i we drank manorath's blood thrall we brought this curse upon ourselves you did this to our people knowingly a small detail that i guess they never told thrall before the orcs willingly accepted the demonic blood but at the same time they didn't know the full consequences believing that this was a gift from the ancestors the path that the spirits wanted them to follow sure better later and grumm is back at camp sanity restored but not yet entirely free i see clearly now i'm sorry i am so sorry to hell with your apologies right now i need you to help me save our people manorath we must face manorath in the canyon then let's go i don't want to keep the bastard waiting so predictable i knew you would come [Music] his blood is mine as is your whole less begotten race [Music] futile [Music] the boy believed you could be saved but he didn't know what burns within your soul when in your heart you know we are the same yes thrall the blood haze has lifted the demon's fire has burnt out in my veins i have freed myself [Music] no old friend you've freed us all [Music] [Music] for so long the orcs had to deal with the demonic curse but no longer grommash hellscream thrall's brother-in-arms has heroically sacrificed his own life to set them all free a small setback for the legion yet their plans our conquests push forward all the same taking on their ancient enemy the night elves and setting their sights on the world tree nordrassil at mount hyjal it's there where medivh's plans come together thrall and jaina despite not all the orcs and humans being exactly happy with the situation they are working together they join their forces with malfurion stormrage and tyrande whisperwind their force combined they hold off archimonde as long as they can while malfurion and his druids prepare a little trap you orcs are weak and hardly worth the effort i wonder why manorath even bothered with you our spirit is stronger than you know demon if we are to fall then so be it at least now we are wretched free work actually hurt me are there none left to stand against the legion his arrogance would be his downfall as archimonde had no idea that by the time did he reach nordrassil it was already too late at malfurion's command the spirits detonated blowing up the tree the night elves immortality and the powers locked inside the dark commander of the legion's forces was sent back to where he came from and the world of azeroth with great sacrifice it was saved what it seemed to be impossible to do had actually worked out but now thrall and jaina would have to go on a quest that were even less likely to succeed they wanted to keep the unity going show the world that peace between the alliance and horde was indeed possible that thrall's horde was not the same as the first one that had showed up to conquer the world as she took the survivors and set a base within theramore thrall took his people and they settled in an area that they called durotar named after his father durotan his original message to the alliance was the demand that they give him some good land for his people to the north there was ashenvale plenty of resources for the taking instead they settled here which wasn't exactly a comfy or beautiful land to stay in the reason behind that is that it would enable his people to atone for the harm that they had done and this land would toughen and strengthen them as well it suits them in thrall's mind at least because it is so harsh because it is so brutal because few beings other than orcs could rest the living from it with the aid of the goblin gaslow they then build up the capital city of orgrimmar named after orgrim doomhammer but just deciding one day that there would be peace between the humans and orcs would not let everybody just forgive and forget the events of the past soon enough jaina's father admiral daelin proudmoore shows up no matter what his daughter says he only sees the orcs of the past a threat to take care of she wasn't able to convince him otherwise so instead she decided to step aside let thrall do what had to be done in the meantime our warchief has received some aid from the maknaeval rexxar rexxar had been part of the original horde he had fought side by side with orcs like grommash but that darkness that was within the treachery of the horde it had him part ways believing that only the animals and the wilds could be trusted but a fate encounter it had a return to society and see this new vision that thrall had for their people after helping out with some odd jobs here and there gained allies like the pandaren chen stormstout save the life of being bloodhoof or helping out the trolls and figuring out what was going on with the humans rexxar is truly a champion of the horde he was then given the honor of carrying their banner into battle as they made ready to claim the head of daelin thrall rexxar i come in peace you must believe me i had no part in my father's plans i wish none of this had ever happened i don't know what to do we've bled together on many battlefields jaina we've faced untold perils as allies but your father threatens the security of our nation and the very future of my people you know how this has to end i know thrall do what you must there is a goblin shipyard on a nearby island that could provide you with warships of your own with those you could scatter the blockade surrounding theramore but please spare my man if you can my father will try to use them against you but they're the only real family i'll have left when this is over please do this for me we'll do all we can you have my word now you better make yourself scarce the battle is about to begin our force is already thrown it's now or never see it done rexxar i'll meet you with theramore i must admit you orcs are more tenacious than i remembered i thought you savages would have turned on each other by now this is not the horde you remember old man we have no interest in conquest or murder we have paid for the sins of our forebears in blood can your blood atone for genocide orc your horde killed countless innocents with its rampage across stormwind and lordaeron do you really think you could just sweep all that away and cast aside your guilt so easily no your kind will never change and i will never stop fighting you it's over stand down humans father why wouldn't you listen above all else gina he was a proud warrior remember him as such durotan is now safe we have no further quarrel with these humans we will leave your isle in peace jenna i pray we never have to come here again farewell peace has been secured for the moment but this is world of warcraft after all warchief rall now faces the immense task of caring for his horde his ever-growing family with many threats from both within and without four years have passed since the mortal races banded together and stood united against the might of the burning legion though azeroth was saved the tenuous pact between the horde and the alliance has all but evaporated of the uniting with jaina and the night elves thrawn's horde they've set a base in the lands of durotar with their capital of orgrimmar not just liberated orcs are part of their family we also have the tauren who were led by cairn the dark spirituals led by vol'jin was taken over for his father zenjin and then there's the forsaken led by the dark lady sylvan as windrunner thrall had sympathy for her and her followers the orcs had once been corrupted as well and that had been a hard legacy to overcome but he also recognized that strategic value of the forsaken they lived in the ruins of lordaeron a valuable foothold in the eastern kingdoms should the alliance ever provoke war again and for the forsaken they cared little even for their allies to them the horde is merely a tool that may further their dark schemes therefore ever focused on their one goal claiming vengeance upon the one who made them forsaken to begin with as a proud defender of durotar it is your duty to crush your enemies both seen and unseen as warchief thrall leads his newly formed horde through the dangers of classic world of warcraft dealing with threats like the burning blade cult the loa hakkar nefarian in blackwing lair and the so-called dark horde we saw epic heroes rise up amongst the factions and under his leadership the alliance and horde were even able to combine their forces take on something like the old god c'thun it was crazy to think that these long time enemies could actually unite and put fear in the hearts of the old gods but they did dreaming of a world beyond the one they had now in which all of them had their place but their dark history was a difficult one to shake and soon enough the legion would come poking around again the dark portal reopened and for the first time thrall was able to visit the planet that his people came from draenor or outland as it was called these days it had transformed quite a bit but there was one place that was still very similar the beautiful lands of nagrand that's where he met with his grandmother geisha in the village of jaradar named after his grandfather meeting her would change the warchie's life forever filling him in on stories of his parents that he had never known of his people and the life that he used to have she even told him his true name goel the name that his parents would have given him and in exchange thrall had something to teach as well jaradar's leader was garrosh son of grum and our hellscream knew very little of his father he was left behind here when he was too sick to join the original's horde invasion so he had no clue what happened to his father all he remembered was the man that stepped up to be the first to drink the demonic blood lead their people into the clutches of the demons thrall was quick to tell him that his father was actually a hero had sacrificed himself to take down the pitlord manorath liberate their people of their blood curse after living in the shadow of shame this field garrosh his heart with pride and thrall saw much potential with a young hellscream sure enough he was brash and quick to anger but thrall believed that his fierce pride and knowledge of orcish culture that it could serve the horde well and so it was that garrosh came back with him as his advisor for the horde right there this side when jaina proudmoore invited thrall and varian wrynn over to come to theramore for a peace meeting to negotiate and have talks about the future to bring the alliance and horde closer thrall and jaina were both lovers of peace although some nazi rumors surrounded them it kinda left out the peace portion nothing like that has ever happened for at least as far as we know they're just real close considering all they've been through and they act like a bridge between the factions now despite some initial hurdles the meeting was actually going rather well varian and thrall were able to see eye-to-eye see the benefits of cooperation rather than hostility outside forces sawdust as well made quick work of it made sure that they wouldn't join forces and accusations were quickly tossed around safe to say there would be no peace in warcraft today as both sides returned home to make ready for the next war arthas the lich king had woken up and his undead scourge roams the land we'll have to take the fight to northrend put more of their people at risk and while sylvanas and garrosh were ready to go thrall was a bit hesitant to do so his soul burned for revenge but the elements tell him to think clearly the lich king is a ruthless opponent after all one who must be handled carefully if he does have any traps for us we should know about them first not just blindly walk into them hellscream can't believe this cowardice if he was in charge he would first conquer the humans worse nothing to the might of the horde and then send their force to northrend to crush this puny lich king and his undead army the horde should rule all of azeroth and thrall could feel that garrosh was close to challenging his leadership it would be best to force his hand before support for his ideas could grow so he go to the man a bit don't make the same mistake as your father garrosh thrall warns him and that pushed the dead button just right challenging his warchief to makkura a duel of honor traditionally to the death but no longer as thrall had made sure to change those rules in the arena they clash with garrosh being no match to thrall's elemental mastery but there would be no clear winner to their fight as the lich king's forces dared to invade orgrimmar the issue had resolved itself as they clearly had no other choice but to stand united and face the undead armies head on thrall even decided to make hellscream overlord of their offensive with varrock saurfang at his side to advise him along the way despite the alliance and horde not really working together they still made great progress with the campaigns at the northrend that is until they combined their forces and assaulted the wrathgate behold now the terrible vengeance of the forsaken sylvanas windrunner and a forsaken they've been working really hard on getting their revenge a special surprise was crafted a plague designed to wipe out not only the living but also the undead it was unleashed upon all down below alliance horde and arthas the lich king sylvanas claims that she'd been betrayed that the attack was not on her orders that she's been kicked out of her own city not everyone believes her entire story but those are worries for later what is clear is that a whole bunch of their forces got wiped out which didn't exactly make things between the factions any stronger and the undercity has been taken away from her separately the factions go into clean house and claim their revenge blood and thunder champions of the horde we fight on this day for our fallen brothers and sisters mourn them not for they all died with honor in their hearts great wind brother clear our path great water spirit wash away this corruption the shaft is trapped warchief a fall would mean certain death the spirits of air have heard my call cyclones will lower us to safety now we jump coward you think to stop the warchief of the horde with pebbles i will show you the true power of the elements great spirits of the earth help us in our hour of need what is this welcome to your future what little there is left of it tireless endless planning it will not end like [Music] cease this foolishness and join me i will not fail not again [Music] a thousand thousand pardons master i will deal with these intruders myself years wasted [Music] we are victorious the undercity belongs to the horde once more lokta dark lady join me you have fought hard and spilled much blood for this right such will be the fate of all enemies of the horde warchief now we must deal with the wretch putress we shall sylvanas [Music] alliance horns stay on guard i was away for too long my absence cost us the lives of some of our greatest heroes trash like you and this evil witch were allowed to roam free unchecked the time has come to make things right to disband your treacherous kingdom of murderers and thieves putress was the first strike many more will come i've waited a long time for this thrall for every time i was thrown into one of your damned arenas for every time i killed a green skinned aberration like you i could think of only one thing what our world could be without you and your twisted horde it ends now warchief attack for stormwind no stop [Music] it ends like it began all that we have fought for in this world is lost the hopes and dreams carried by my father and mother my doom hammer go on if only you were here right now old friend you would know what to do i know what he would do he would say to you thrall lead your people let's go home old friend quite the blow for all that thrall had worked for and what happened in the undercity here today it made him leave behind some of his core crawn his elite fighting force and personal bodyguard of the warchief to make sure to keep an eye on sylvanas and her people his dreams for the future they seem near impossible not with someone like varian wren in charge not with forces from within and without trying their very best to keep the faction separate it did make for some interesting storytelling though having varian be the aggressor with his own background and motivations thrall and jaina trying to get them to cooperate and then garrosh being very similar to varian constantly coming to blows even when the fate of the entire world is at stake yogg saron has awakened i want to see this dwarf garage to see the fear in his eyes then we'll know if he's telling the truth no no wait we are going to need all the help we can get if we are all what what are they doing here let me explain i thought i smelled the stench of alliance pigs control yourself you want my blood come then dog he's mine [Music] a great deal in this conflict but we stand to lose everything if we do not stop fighting and work together a true war chief would never partner with cowards at the wrathgate the horde partnership killed more of our men than the scourge i'm done with your horde may this death god take you all you disappoint me time and again we can clearly see that thrall and garrosh has some different views when it comes to the future of the horde and their relationship with the world luckily heroes amongst the factions took it upon themselves to join tyrion fordring prove their worth take on the lich king despite their differences thrall still rewarded garrosh for his successful campaign in the northrend underneath the shadow of the armor and skull of manuroth garrosh was granted gorhal the weapon of his father the blade that had set their people free but also took the life of the noble demigod cenarius like any weapon it could be used for good or ill i charge you with being the best of your father garrosh with using this weapon wisely and well for the good of your people the warchief still sees great promise within hellscream and within a different timeline he might have been right in this one we saw the coming of the cataclysm deathwing breaking out of the world which caused a whole bunch of death and destruction before his arrival the world could already sense something was up the elements were in turmoil and so the warchief of the horde thought that it was best to take a little trip back home to go back to outland perhaps there under the guidance of his great mother geisha he could further his knowledge and power heal the world that he had come to love and make sure to protect his people that did mean that someone else would have to take over leadership of the horde for a while the potential that he saw it made him pick hellscream despite many voices garrosh himself wondering if this was the right choice karen tried to change thrall's mind on this one with wisdom and knowledge earned over his many years but the warchief wouldn't budge he left his longtime friends and brother behind with angry words hoping that the advisors surrounding garrosh could keep him on the right path soon enough karen and garrosh were butting heads with each other accusations and arguments flared up until they ended up in the arena again a makkora but with the use of the ancient rules none of that staying alive crap that thrawed at it karen would have won the fight as well was it not for magatha grimtotem secretly adding some poison to gorehowl the old tauren that had lived his life with honor had died betrayed none of that had reached fraul quite yet in nagrand he met with his grandmother but she would not be the one to guide him on this path agra an extremely gifted shaman would take him under a wing but agra wasn't exactly fond of thrall nor did she get why he kept his slave name i am warchief of the horde shaman and i have made the alliance fear the name that once meant slave to them it now means the glory and power of the horde i would ask you to use the name i have chosen to keep and so she did while offering a whole bunch of slight remarks he swallowed them remaining ever focused on learning what they had to teach on figuring out some sort of solution for their problems back home eventually she guides him through a vision quest a spiritual journey not in the armor of doomhammer the outfit of a warchief he would have to shed his skin and be here as a shaman completely with initiate robes and prayer beads to reconnect with his inner self with spirit wolf aggra at his side he then sees himself fighting in the arena as a slave the time in which the element of fire had picked him the first of the elements to do so his passion and fury that had earned him many victories and allowed him to get out of there then there was water in the form of terefa foxton it pained him to look at her again as just recently the world had to deal with the emerald nightmare and our warchief he had found himself trapped within one forced to relive her death over and over again deep within him there was guilt for what happened to her he should have done more he should have done something to save her but perhaps this was her fate agra told him perhaps she had done everything that she was supposed to do give him exactly what he needed to be pushed into action there was after all nothing else he could have done and her gifts would always be within him earth was shown to him as being grounded together with drek'thar huddled over a fire the home and family that he had found amongst the frostwolves the connection to a shamanism this was his place of peace one in which not even aggressive marx could hit him finally there was air the wisdom and clarity of thought which has allowed him to build strong connections like the one with cairn and the tauren or jaina and the humans as the elements passed there was only one left and thrall asked the question on his mind will i be able to save azeroth the horde thrall saw himself wearing the black armor that orgrim doomer had passed on to him as leader of the horde he carried that late orc's great weapon looking every inch the warrior but there was fear on his green face fear and a terrible sense of loss the doom hammer split into several chunks each piece hurling away as if they'd been fired from a gun the armor cracked and fell off and thrall fell to his knees glad only in what he wore now the simple brown robe of an initiate with fear in his heart he returned to the waking world unsure what the vision had meant the next day they travelled to the throne of elements to ask the mighty furies for clarity and aid but they can't do very much they can barely help out to corrupt the paint elements on their own world let alone those far away on azeroth the fury of wind advises him to think on his quest on what was shown fire burns a passion in his heart a blessing to help him heal the world which was an honor not even shown to aggra water lets him weep and truly feel feel for when he would be ready to heal the wound in his soul then finally earth gordog is able to share a bit more on what's going on back home he choosing a piece of azeroth that thrall always carries with him and he can sense the pure fear that the element is feeling a fear that he has tasted before just before draenor transformed into outland the elements are afraid of being shattered deathwing breaking out of the world thrall now has a deeper connection to the elements than he had ever had before and he's now ready to go back home and do what he can to save it by the time did he get back to grave mother geisia a messenger had arrived informing him on all went down with garrosh in charge the death of his brother cairne it hits him deeply and yet he can't return to the position of warchief yet azeroth needs him of this he is sure and he wouldn't go back on this quest alone at his side there's now agra no longer just pissed off and mean at him she'd grown up on stories of durotan and draka and she'd very much wanted to be like his mother a warrior maid then their son had returned to their lands which had excited her but he didn't stay then they returned again but only to seek out their hard-earned knowledge not even to save the whole world but this alien place of azeroth she had been pissed off about that but their vision quest together it showed her the real orc behind it all the real reasoning the big heart that felt responsible for an entire world she wanted to come with him but not if he was gonna wallow in self-pity he had chosen the possibility of victory by coming here over the certainty of defeat if he had stayed our former warchief recognizes the wisdom in a word and he would love to have it at his side together they returned first up being karen's funeral as he says goodbye to his brother he understands the vision that was shown to him if he continued to walk the path of warchief he was going to fail and so he takes off the doomhammer armor and once again adorns himself in robes and beads just at that moment deathwing breaks out of the maelstrom and the cataclysm hits in force thrall had been called and he would go not as warchief but as himself as thrall son of durotan and drakka shaman elements guide me for honor and glory for the horde let's move on route to the maelstrom now following the guidance of the elements to meet up with the earthen ring this is a collaboration of shamans across the factions but it seems like not everybody has gotten the memo that thrall is no longer warchief of the horde this is all your fault we were supposed to have these stupid slaves to kalimdor days ago i'm not taking the fall for this one you're the one who got us lost what does it matter gallywix is gonna have both our heads shh did you hear that captain who are they it doesn't matter our orders are to capture the horde target at all costs no witnesses [Applause] the alliance captures him making sure that there are no witnesses but the goblins of kazan had just abandoned their island which was rather lucky for thrall they set the shaman free and then worked together to get off the islands he points them towards garrosh and the horde for some reason allowing gallywix to stay on as their leader despite the trade prince wanted to sell his people into slavery nothing beats a good prophet after all so after that minor detour thrall and agra arrive at the maelstrom the spot where deathwing had broken out of the world working together with the other shamans to restore balance to the elements day and night they performed their rituals but all of them ended in failure not just because the damage that was done arthral was also to blame it was the death of karen his connections to the horde and the ongoing affairs of the world but there was also the question of his own identity of continuously planning ahead for the next day rather than living in the here and now he had always been able to hide himself behind the mantle of warchief and any disagreements critique our challenges they were given to him with the proper respect that his position awarded him even his name thrall it made him a slave to the horde rather than the true name of goel given to him at birth harsh words and harsh discussion followed from both the earthen ring and his beloved agra herself challenging himself with the simple question if you do not know who you are how can you know what to do he might have dropped the armor of doomhammer and his title but changing himself it wasn't going to be that easy a new road of uncertainty spread out in front of him and guiding him along their path was the green dragon ysera she'd been wandering the emerald dream for quite a while earning herself the title of the dreamer but now she is the awakened knowing about many visions and dreams but it's it's all hazy and confusing she can't tell the truth from the dream herself all she knows is that thrall has an important role to play and she sets him on a task a small task even one that he would have rejected in favor of staying here at the maelstrom had it not come from the aspect herself and some wisdom and guidance from agra from a small seed grew an epic journey that put him on the path of helping out the aspects and causing them to reunite i'm coming to help the bronze dragon aspect nostormu while investigating the timeways and discovering that the old gods were responsible for deathwing's corruption have been chipping away at their strengths and unity for thousands of years he now found himself trapped within his own domain thrall went in to look for him and while cruising the timeways he saw the death of his own parents but he also ran into a tariffa who'd lived a rather different life in her time way thrall had died at a very early age and so adeles had to rely on his own strength to make his dreams come true conquering orgrim doomhammer himself in battle and claiming lordaeron as his own the orcs in this reality were enslaved to his will eventually thrall figures out that nozdormu was trapped here because he is in all the timeways and none of them at the same time the past and the future while he needed to live within the moment see what's in front of him and ground himself that's right in this book thrall goes around teaching the aspects how to be aspects then he moved on to aid the blue dragons with picking up the new aspect most of them wanted to use reason and cold logic to make the decision but for all helped convince them to trust their hearts instead in doing so they chose kaligos over arygos son of malygos in response arygos attacked his own kind as unbeknownst to all of them he was actually in league with deathwing an army of twilight dragons assaulted the nexus but with fraser to their attack failed then he moved on to help out alexstrasza who was currently dealing with a whole lot of grief her beloved consort corey elstras he had blown himself up to save their dragon axe from corruption the queen of the dragons did not know this and some voices dared to question if krasus had perhaps betrayed them she was ready to give up on life and just die in desolace that is until thrall showed up shared with her vision granted to him by the spirit of life the truth of what went down in their sanctums revealing the heroic sacrifice that corey elsa had made her heart cracks open as tears welled in her eyes while she grieved for her lost love finally weeping the healing tears had been locked inside her shuddered heart there was going to be more grieving to be done for all that had been lost and he knew that she would do so but not now now the lifebinder was using her pain to fuel action not tears and thrall almost felt a twing of pity for those who would feel the heat of her fury she'd go on reuniting with the other aspects kicking some massive twilight booty and deal with the threat of chromatus all the aid of thrall of course her shaman had accomplished epic things on this quest that started out so very small in the process he also changed himself his journey to the far corners of the world brought him inner peace strengthen his connection with the elements he learned to focus on the present rather than worry about the decisions that he'd made in the past or the uncertainties that awaited him and the rest of azeroth in the future and throughout it he was able to reflect on himself realized some truths and above all there was agra on his mind the aspects had gifted him their skills their friendship and a quick ride back to the maelstrom there he told her that she'd been right he was hiding behind the mantle of warchief a thrall to the horde to what he thought was his duty and that had kept him from looking too deeply at himself and seeing things that he did not like and if i didn't do that i couldn't change them i couldn't become better i couldn't truly appreciate either the great things or the little things like this strong handy mine i do appreciate these things now agra every raindrop every shaft of sunlight every breath that fills my lungs every beat of my heart there is peril and there is pain but there is also quiet constant joy if we just remember and know that it is there i did not know who i was uthral would become after leaving all i have built but i do now i know who i am i know what i must do i know who i want and i know in my heart that when the time is right i will be able to do what is necessary no longer a thrall except to himself and the one he loved the former warchief of the horde now goes by the name of goel and he asked her if she would have him for the rest of their lives his love was reflected back in her face of course she would she'd been willing to follow thrall to the end of this world or any other how much more would she be willing to bind her life to go else do you think it will work goel the druids and shaman uniting to restore the world tree could it actually heal this broken world the aspects believe it will and they should know they grew it in the first place welcome son of durotan and to you agrilan of the frost wolves greetings friends a sense of vast power has grown within you young thrall you've achieved much since last we met master stormrage it's good to have you back in the waking world [Music] friends we have gathered here today to heal this world that we've sacrificed so much to save for the first time the earthen ring and the cenarian circle will unite to restore this great tree thereby healing the whole of azeroth time is precious sister let us see to our ritual they were all really eager to take the battle to deathwing but first they had to see if they could heal our broken world at mount hyjal they wanted to perform a ritual under world tree nordrassil the same tree that had been blown up to take out archimonde the world tree was healing but just not fast enough by infusing it with their power the dragon aspects hoped to restore nordrassil to its former glory deathwing found out about their plans and decided to send out one of their newly created weapons namely the druids of the flame using goel's own shamanic power they shattered his spirit into four different pieces air water earth and fire those pieces were then scattered across the elemental plains and while the dragon aspects were real quick to give up on their strongest ally agra was not ready to let go we found him but this tempest he's become i'll try to calm it to reach him somehow for you i have failed this world the elements will not speak to me the earth and green has lost faith in my leadership my weakness is delivered azeroth into oblivion it's me agra don't you know me oblivion nothing but oblivion it's too far gone we have to keep trying i have failed the horn as warchief needed to ruin my people to ruin care my brother why did i not listen you did what you thought best goel fight these doubts they're devouring your heart why did i not listen i know your faith agra oh my heart can't you see i am nothing selfish all i've done accomplished all for the sake of pride alone i am unworthy of you you are goel son of durotan andraka rightful warchief of the horde you are the orc who won my heart remember who you are agra it is you be still my love calm your mind you became a slave to your duty but being true to your heart is how you'll fulfill that duty to your people and to me i would have it no other way [Music] i i can't hold on your world shaman is already lost to the dark fathoms he exists now only to consume tortured by the currents of the life he longed for but never knew look there a vision within the torrent is this what goel longed for most peace with his enemies an end to the constant warring of his world he wished to lay down his weapon and the burdens of leadership another vision i see goel but it it's me was i his deepest desire a mate with which to share his life his burdens and his choice [Music] hear me goel you are not alone i am here with you i will not let you go the final vision ancestors could those be our children this was his deepest desire to be a father i have a family of his own with me goel never knew his parents it was only a few years ago that he even found his people i should have known this was what he wanted most hold on i will free you and you will have this life i swear it you have done the impossible shaman you have stilled the vortex within him without losing yourself in turn your love for him must be very great i need the world needs him whole once again but he's always placed the needs of others before his own how long has he suppressed these feelings these desires he must embrace them and find balance or this curse will never end his aspect shifts once again you are losing him there look at him frozen in stone unmoving and feeling that look on his face the resolve the stubbornness he gets it when he digs his heels in i have seen it before in nagrand when he refused to lay down his mantle of warchief and again during his training there's too many of them i don't know how long we can hold out go well now would be a good time to wake up we are patient he just goel can you hear me we need your help do something damn you go and wake up don't let it end like this we've come too far to fail now we are patient oh don't you tell me to be patient you green skinned agra i heard your voice calling me back where are we you're almost home my love our time is so brief you will change again goel but i will find you i will never give up on you agra agra i can't hear my parents murdered before i could know them betrayed goldman if i must burn my way across the afterlife i will find you in whatever hell you've hidden i will have my revenge do you hear me he's absolutely raging so much anger so much pain and he had the strength to suppress it all these years raised as a slave to kill for human amusement a totem is failing you must be activated anyone who would enslave another deserves worse than death all are guilty all must pay king varian you wish to make war on my people you shall keep the totems alive you will see the fury of the horde rage through your cities you will see your throne split into this i swear garage you must stop your anger is just but it will only consume you fight it down or we are lost can you even hear me agra it is you i am alive i thought i'd lost you okra my heart never gave up on me i owe you my life everything that i am for i see now what i had become so weighted down by doubt and anger all my life i had chosen to be a slave to fear a thrall fandral sought to use that weakness against me but what he and his twilight masters never understood is that the elements do not exist to rage in war they exist to bring harmony within the world and within us i have seen the truth and my chains have been broken now i am all that i once was and more well you're certainly more talkative but we must hurry back to the world tree the dragon aspects are waiting and you my love have a world to save thank you my friend i can never repay your service or your friendship meet us back at the world tree there's something i want you to witness very similar to the lessons that he learned earlier while partying with the aspects only this time it actually took place in the game rather than in a book back at mount hyjal we don't immediately go back into that healing ritual there's something of much greater importance we'll have to do first in the face of this cataclysm i've seen how truly fleeting our lives can be and i for one will not waste another second of mine what are you saying goel what is in your heart agra though i was not born on draenor i have always tried to honor the traditions of our ancestors i stand before you gowell son of durotan son of garad and if you would have me i would be your lifemate for so long as i live i will stand at your side as you have stood at mine i stand before you agralan daughter of real daughter of sarak and i will proudly be your mate goel in this world or any other looks like goel is making his dreams and desires become a reality they didn't show it in game but we know that they finished the ritual for nordrassil with that done it was finally time to focus on the main threat deathwing and by extension the old god n'zoth that wanted to bring about the hour of twilight the moment in which the old gods would break out of their prisons and rule the world once more many different campaigns have been launched across the world of azeroth but to keep it focused on the story of goel we'd see him take a position with the other aspects and become somewhat of an earthwarder the position the deathwing was supposed to hold not exactly a full-blown dragon aspect but his shamanistic connection to the element of earth it allowed him to substitute bring out to combine might of the aspects then all they needed was a weapon to use the dragon soul taken out of the past brought back into our timeline go on the dragon aspects then set out for wyrmrest temple to infuse the artifact with their combined might knowing what they were up to knowing that if his enemies succeeded he would perish deathwing unleashed all of his fury at the temple to stop gowell on the aspects the cost on all sides were horrific hundreds of cultists and twilight dragons lost their lives but just as many temple defenders fell on their battle their sacrifices were not in vain as it allowed the dragon aspects and their allies to focus their wrath on deathwing the ritual will take much from us as it requires a very piece of our being we will be weakened greatly heroes this burden falls to you once again you must protect us from deathwing's forces while we imbue the dragon's soul with the power of the aspects it [Music] my is twisting your pitiful welts into mindless abominations meant only to my will it was a very painful process they are my clutch no longer bring them down experience a means to a greater end you will see what the research of my clutch has yielded for this moment alone as i made look upon your death mortals and despair what it is done our power now resides within the dragon soul our fate lies with you earthwarder teresa can agra i will not fail you i will not fail this world [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] he is heading to the maelstrom we must stop him now we may never get another chance if he escapes in the deep home the first shot fired by goel it wasn't enough to finish the job quickly we pursued deathwing through the sky better away through more of the twilight hammer and then jump on the spine of deathwing by using the mad aspect to corrupt the blood against him we're able to peel away the plates that are holding him together leaving him wide open for goewell to take another shot [Music] sensed that its servant was on the verge of defeat the old god's plans were unraveling and made one final desperate attempt to turn the tide infusing deathwing with more of its power more than the old god had ever given the black dragon aspect before this influx of energy was so great the deathwing's unstable body wrenched apart you have done nothing i will tear your world apart barely holding on he makes one final desperate attempt to fulfill their plans but still it wasn't enough from platform to platform we jumped infused by the power of the aspects kicking him off and making room for goel to deliver the final blow i am i will charge you with arcane energy the end of all things inevitable i am the cataclysm such rage i have never seen we are one step closer the unknowable power of the emerald dream i now give unto the dragon's soul your honor means nothing i can feel the elements awakening rejoicing the cataclysm is over the champions who fought at our side assured the survival of our world but now we must see it with mortal eyes we dragon aspects have fulfilled our great purpose and our ancient power is expended but though our day draws to an end life endures and new generations will be born today's victory belongs to all who stood against the shadow you are azeroth's true guardians and the future of this world is in your hands for the dawning of the age of mortals has begun go well the aspects and heroes of the world have managed to save the day and prevent the hour of twilight from happening that motion to her stomach it means that aggrangoel have already started expanding their little family right through the cataclysm the two children of his vision a son named durak and the daughter called reza they would become a reality and while the world could desperately use thrall back as warchief goel decided to stay behind with the earthen ring continuing their work on healing the world meaning that garrosh hellscream also stayed on as warchief of the horde and he always had a different vision than thrall in his mind the horde should not have to beg or bargain they had might and should claim whatever they needed whatever they desired he was going to bring war back into warchief setting their sights on claiming the world first step taking out theramore the place where jaina had settled after working together with thrall she had dreams of peace dreams that thrall had shared with her but making garrosh follow their path would be near impossible so it was that she met with goel asked him if he could perhaps return to set things right perhaps just arrange a meeting of swords to make sure that garrosh would not get out of hand the death of kern the war with the alliance it didn't make him beloved with all the leaders of the horde surely they could come up with some kind of agreement some kind of peace gowell was not going to give up the life that he had built or forsake the charge with the earthen ring sure enough the news of what garrosh had done it weighed heavy on his heart but it'd be unfair to say that it was just garrosh wanting this war the alliance had struck out their fair share as well it seems withhralgon the only one that was still at their side who would share the vision of the world was young anduin wrynn old enough to care but too young to actually do anything about it farewell jaina goel returned to the maelstrom leaving jaina to deal with garrosh on her own soon enough the horde marched for war and garrosh wasn't shy to use or do whatever to get the job done despite the world still reeling from the cataclysm he had their shamans twist the elements enslaved molten giants to their will and blew up theramore with the use of a mana bomb all within the city including jaina proudmoore were presumed to be dead word of what happened reached goel he was grieving shocked furious he wanted nothing more than to dawn armor pick up the doomhammer and march straight to orgrimmar to punish grum hellscream's son for all the foolish arrogant devastating things that he had done garrosh was his mistake his responsibility and no one else's he had tried to instill orcish pride within garrosh but instead of taking the best of his father's lessons the young hellscream had taken the worst but he couldn't go could not satisfy his pain not yet even if jaina proudmoore's ghost were to show up and cry for vengeance right this moment he would have to tell her no nothing is greater than this duty right now so he stayed at the maelstrom meanwhile jaina had survived the attack and made her own plans of getting revenge she gathered a massive tidal wave to flood all of orgrimmar in one single sweep garrosh their warriors but also the children all the other innocents inside would feel her wrath and far away goel received the call from the elements she was forcing them to do something they did not want to do so our world shaman was someone to stop her not as easy as you might think despite the long time friendship he was unable to get through to her part of the blame was on his shoulders after all so they entered an epic battle for control over the tidal wave one which had powered up jaina was easily winning thrall wouldn't let this happen though not as long as he was still alive and jaina was ready to fix that to end his life just as the blue dragon caligo showed up he was able to get through to her convince her that she doesn't want to become an arthas together they're able to push her away from this plan to not let innocence pay for the crimes of the warchief and instead she used the tidal wave to defeat garrosh but orgrimmar and the horde still stood there coming war would rock the world every bit as the cataclysm had and the casualties would be many amongst them was the friendship between jaina and thrall it would be a long long time if ever before she could call thrall friend again and she knew that he knew with deep sadness in his heart argoal went back to the maelstrom to continue his work while warchief garrosh pushed on with his plans of war pandaria was discovered a land full of resources people and weapons that garrosh was mighty interested in throughout the expansion more and more of the leaders of the horde they opened their eyes to the path that the warchief was genderman all with the strength to stand in his side were welcomed within his horde but this was not the family that thrall had built this was not the vision of the horde as they saw it it all reached its peak when vol'jin of the darkspear trolls spoke out and got his throat slice for the effort barely clinging on to life he found by his old friend chen stormstout he hands us his hearthstone tells us to go find thrall at the valley of trials we see him there together with agra and the newborn child where once he had decided to stay out of the affairs he now believes the situation to be dire enough to step in the echo isles have been placed under martial law by the warchief there's horde fighting against horde here thrall can't believe what has happened to their family they don't even answer to him anymore as the new warchief has reminded them that they're strong so go well he has no other choice but to strike out clean out enough of the korokron so that the darkspears can reclaim their isle he has some really hard decisions to make and next time that we see him is with the darkspear rebellion vol'jin has regained his strength is ready to lead the horde and kick garrosh out of the mantle of warchief in an epic team up we see goel take the stage and kick some ass but what has to be done does not come easy wait for jin horde is spilling horde blood it's tearing me apart we need your man i know i trust you to lead the siege i am needed elsewhere i refuse to believe that all of my brethren support garrosh i am going to orgrimmar alone etreg sarfang surely they are standing against garrosh i must find others you sit one foot in okra mark hellscream gonna bury a knife in your neck it's a risk i have to take but if i am killed please watch over agra and my boy i won't hear you see such things it has to be said vol'jin if we don't make it through this i want you to know you have always been my friend my brother for the horde for the horde and so the alliance and horde combined their forces and went through the siege of orgrimmar with thrawn saurfang going in ahead in the past garrosh has stood little chance against his warchief but now he has the power of an old god on his side and he has come prepared it is not too late garrosh lay down the mantle of warchief we can end this here now with no more bloodshed do you remember nothing of honor of glory on a battlefield you who would parlay with the humans who allowed warlocks to practice their dark magics right under our feet you are weak we are the orcish horde the true horde we die bloody and thrashing on the field of battle like true orcs should you are an orc no longer and speak for none but yourself you betrayed our people to forge your fragile alliances and i will take great pleasure in tearing them apart then you have forced my hand i will correct the mistake i made long ago spirits of the wind the earth the water hear my call come to my aid fool my dark shaman have twisted and tortured the elements for miles around they cannot hear you now once again you prove too weak and powerless to do anything never powerless garrosh and never alone so you wish to face off against a real orc warchief so be it with the elements in turmoil and the old godhead empowering the warchief it fell to the heroes to do what had to be done after draining the heart completely showing us all the future that hellscream had dreamed of we put an end to his reign but not to his life you disappoint me garage you are not worthy of your father's legacy his punishment is not for you alone to decide i won't let you take him we have all suffered from his atrocities my people more than any other let him stand trial in pandaria there we will meet our justice for all the horde's leader is taken captive and it's vol'jin that had held him together so thrall decides to appoint him to be the new warchief a trial was going to decide the fate of hellscream or at least so they fought goel's biggest mistake was released from prison by the bronze dragon kairozdormu who then took him into an alternate reality an alternate draenor before the orcs drank demonic blood changing events in already changed reality it gave rise to the iron horde led by none other than warchief grommash hellscream and while the origins is different on the garrosh's guidance they still set their sights on our azeroth the dark portal turned red and heroes stepped through goewell included to chase down garrosh and stop this threat this was also an opportunity for goel to meet with his parents see durotan and draka in action even if they were only an alternate version sadly they didn't do a whole lot with that opportunity they didn't really dive into their family relations or have a whole lot of interactions between thrall and the orcs that had meant so much during his life instead the focus on goel was mainly on getting to garrosh clean up the mistakes that he had made at the stones of prophecy where in our reality thrall had shown garrosh the truth of his father instilled a sense of pride within his heart the two orcs entered the makkura [Music] [Music] you must answer for your crimes garrosh all i did i do this for the lord you failed the horde you made me watching you left me to pick up your pizzas you never had the strength of a true warrior i do not rely on strength alone garrosh my power is all around you you made me what i am no you chose your own destiny [Music] there are those out there who believe thrall cheated by using the elements and that that is the reason why he had so much trouble connecting with them after his execution i personally don't believe that he cheated but that's neither here nor there the whole part about the elements not coming to his aid that has more to do with his inner turmoil similarly to when he was so unfocused within the cataclysm dealing with garrosh it was a massive blow to thrall he did what he had to do but he still ended the life of the son of grom the son of his brother garrosh also said some strong words during the fight and while thrall rebukes them there is some truth to them and he knows it it was his decision to appoint garrosh as warchief in his absence hoping beyond hope that the promise the potential that he saw within the older orc that would make him a great leader the death of cairn the bombing of theramore the destruction in pandaria and so much more thrall is and feels partially responsible for it all which is why he's having trouble grounding himself connecting with the elements a problem to be sure especially when the next threat showed up the biggest invasion of the burning legion as of yet this time the horde and alliance are working together on the broken shore they try to stop the legion but the might of the demons it's too much to handle goewell crawls on the ground and the horde is forced to call the retreat abandoning the alliance to their fate in turn varian wrynn sacrificed himself to buy his people their escape as vol'jin's life is also ended before he could do anything meaningful as warchief he passes on the title to sylvanas windrunner while goel calls upon shamans to join the earthen ring for an emergency meeting at the maelstrom the greatest shamans of the world are gathering there but not even a maelstrom is safe from the legion as gef's zun and his troops they show up to crash the meeting i've got this one shaman help the others are you the so-called world shaman you fight like a crippled bag you will die your precious earthen ring will shatter your world will succumb the legion the doomhammer were able to repel the attack but the demon as well as the doomhammer have fallen into the maelstrom all the way down to the elemental plane of depolm it would be wise to keep it from falling into the wrong hands so we quickly go after it troll that demon is still alive down here all the more reason to get to the doomhammer first doomhammer it felt like dead weight in my hands the elements were silent it has been this way since i used it to slay garrosh keep your eyes on troll he's wounded he's likely to kill himself down here and i don't want to be the one who has to tell his wife watch it that thing's corrupted by the fell kill it i remember the night ordering fell run through by a knight's lance during the liberation of the last orc internment camp as he bled out onto the fields of arathi he bestowed the doomhammer to me the doomhammer is not merely a weapon it is a symbol a symbol of hope of power proof that an individual can change the world we've got to keep moving gethsune is close look there he is ah what is this sorcery this hammer i must claim it for my masters shaman we can't let that weapon fall to the wrong hands i'll distract him you grab the doomhammer no time to argue go hey you there me bird crap scarier demons than you oh i come get some the doomhammer get the doomhammer prove your power as a shaman [Music] you got it oh pathetic puny salmon hammer did little to help its last master i will bring down this whole cavern i will corrupt your sorry world from within the whole of azeroth will rise against you demon the very earth beneath your feet and the skies above your head will lash out against your damned crusade there are others [Music] thank you the doomhammer chose you shaman already you wield it with a power that i never tapped into i must go my own way i have a great deal of thinking to do agra will be at the maelstrom shortly listen to her counsel she has taught me so much go back to the earthen ring bring them together turn their might against the legion this is your time our connection to the elements it allows us to tap into power that not even the world shaman goel was able to tap into we take the lead in the battle against the legion as clearly goel has a lot of soul searching to do azeroth earned their victory and then returned home to a wounded world sylvanas windrunner was going to bring the war back in warchief setting our sights on killing the world first step taking on darnassus the expansion battle for azeroth in which sylvanas made garrosh look like an amateur but still the story was very much the same the world rose up against her made ready to kick another warchief out of orgrimmar throughout it all thrall remained pretty much absent living his life with his family in nagrand that is until saurfang showed up in need of his aid so this is home now home family and where are they not far this world looks good but it's wrong broken falling apart just like the horde do you know do you know what she's done while you've been hiding i left that life behind i'm no one's savior i will not lead the horde i didn't ask but i hoped you would at least fight for it [Music] he's ugh [Music] you were followed i followed them [Music] you and i we don't get to hide as far as i can tell we see sylvanas sending out assassins to take care of gowell before he could come back and become a threat i do wonder how she could think that two assassins were going to be enough to take him down and why the assassins didn't await with their attack to either hear goel's answer or catch him without saurfang there either way regardless the old soldier is able to convince him to come back in the meantime baine bloodhoof has gone against his warchief's wishes and aided jaina by returning her brother he's now held captive within orgrimmar baited to take another shot at ending some powerful threats but working together our heroes managed to escape with their lives and they rescue bane thank you brain would have died without your aid i couldn't let that happen nor could i i refuse to fail him like i failed his father i wish i could change it all karen garrosh theramore [Music] sometimes it feels like i did everything wrong [Music] we all have blood on our hands and now sylvanas will come thunderbluff will burn just like teldrassu once before you and i stood side by side on the slopes of mount hajjang that world tree did not fall because the horde and the alliance worked together lord alliance we've come to this crossroad again and again jaina it always falls apart what's different this time we are once more the alliance nord gathered for a siege of orgrimmar except no war would have to be fought varrock takes it upon himself to challenge sylvanas to makgora a duel in which he does lose his life but he also earns victory he exposes her showing them all that she has no love for the horde to which he flies off into the next expansion thrall still refused to become warchief again after all that has happened it was time for the horde to change they would now have a council all voices of the different races the different families would be represented that's something that he would be a part of to fight for his beloved horde quite the difference compared to where it all started from and yet also very similar despite wanting to change and wanted to go towards some kind of peace with the alliance there were those that could not forgive and forget what sylvanas and the horde had done and there were many that wanted to bring windrunner to justice but unlike garrosh she was not taken prisoner nor was he placed on trial she pursued her dark schemes by shattering the helmet of domination opening up the veil between azeroth and the shadowlands her valkyr then fly out and kidnap bane anduin jaina and thrall they also tried to take tyrande with them but she's a little bit too much to handle off they go a one-way trip into hell or the maw as it's called where sylvanus allied the jailer is imprisoned he wants to break out and make his way to zed of mortus also known as first one's land to make those dreams come true he needs someone special perhaps someone like thrall the heroes of azeroth are summoned to go after them and save their leaders the first time they try it doesn't really work out as the waystone their ticket out of the maw it only responds to the heroes for some kind of reason meaning that from the others they're forced to stay behind enjoy the hospitality of the jailer for just a bit longer whoever you are whatever you want i will fight you you will not break me after partying through the shadowlands fixing problems and making allies their heroes go back into tourgust home base of the jailer where our allies are kept eventually they track down thrall so far we've seen him swing his new weapon around which is called dragora which means draenor's honor after throwing it at helya he have tried out a couple of different ones but all the same he's sticking with his weaponry rather than his shamanistic gifts elements hear me give me the strength to for some reason the torment of torgust changes that and he wields the elements once more together we escape and the only one that's left behind the only one they were unable to save is anduin wrynn the jailer has his eyes on him as anduin is exactly what he's been looking for a puppet to get in those sigils he desires we try to stop them of course we fail horribly the jailer's plans push on ahead and under the guidance of the primus we prepare ourselves for the worst case scenario we reforge the sigils while also taking on the forces of the jailer within the maw now being here in the shadow lands being in the afterlife it does mean that thrall finally has the chance to meet with his parents or the very least meet with his mother draka as we haven't seen durotan i knew who you were the moment i saw you do you really think i would not recognize durotan's eyes you were but a babe when i died tell me who have you grown to be i was once warchief of the horn the shaman of the earthen ring that is who you were who are you now [Music] i am uncertain much has happened in my life i do not know where it will lead next lesson then not from mother to child but from one similar soul to another remember who you were but take pride in who you are i once thought death was the end but now as a warrior of maldraxas i see that it was only the beginning it brings me joy to see how far you have come and i know you have much farther to go thank you mother i will make you proud come i wish to know more of your life all of it quite sweet but we don't have a whole lot of time to catch up not with the jailer getting ever closer at breaking out thrall joined us into the sanctum of domination where we far away all the way to the top sylvanas and anduin they keep us busy while the jailer reclaims the powers from the arbiter at last he is all he needs to fulfill his master plan whatever that might be [Music] realities [Music] and that's pretty much where we're at for the story of goel the story of thrall world shaman and warchief of the horde the storyline the shadowlands will have us chase after the jailer into zarathmortis uncover more secrets of the first ones and of course try to stop the jailer sylvanas is left behind in our custody with her soul now restored time will tell what the conclusion of that story is going to be it's interesting when you just take a step back and look at the long road that thrall was given if there's one character that symbolizes warcraft thrall is definitely up there from slave gladiator to warchief of the horde reforming it from its corrupted dark origins into a family trying to carve out a piece of the world that they could call home they then took him on a journey of becoming this this world shaman standing right there with the dragon aspects in their battle against deathwing and n'zoth he became a bit larger than life at least i recall the feedback back then that it made him a little bit too important so they decided to push him back a bit not to mention that chris madsen also left the company they pushed him more into the role of a family man and yet they were unable to let him go bringing him right back into conflicts into this new council that rules the horde and into the shadowlands what more can they do with his character i wonder is it perhaps time for him to enjoy a nice and peaceful retirement perhaps so but not right now not when we still have the shadowlands to finish so for now thank you very much watching everyone i really hope you enjoyed the deep dive into the story of thrall subscribe if you like my videos leave a like if you enjoyed this one and until next time see ya
Channel: Nobbel87
Views: 123,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nobbel, Nobbel87, NobbeltheNoble, Story, Lore, Thrall, Go'el, Durotan, Draka, Aggra, Frostwolf, Ner'zhul, Gul'dan, Drekthar, Shaman, Horde, Alliance, Jaina, Orgrimmar, Durotar, Rexxar, Garrosh, Vol'jin, Cairne, Earthen Ring, Maelstrom, Dragon aspects, Deathwing
Id: 3JM7_x7XDwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 14sec (8054 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 18 2021
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