The Story of The First Ones & Their Cosmic Cycle [Lore]

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This video is brought to you in   colaboration with pampampampam pampampampam hello everyone! The mysterious first ones are   wrapped in quite a bit of mystery. The greatest  minds have tried to decipher their language,   their architecture and clues left behind but  none have come up with solid answers. Today   we’re going to take a crack at it,  combine information from the chronicles,   the grimoire, shadowlands itself and see if we can  figure out what these first ones are all about... In the beginning... It is said that before  life began, before even the cosmos took shape,   there was Light...and there was Void.  Unfettered by the confines of time and space,   the Light swelled across all existence  in the form of a boundless prismatic sea.   Great torrents of living energy flitted through  its mirrored depths, their movements conjuring a   symphony of joy and hope. The ocean of Light was  dynamic and ever shifting. Yet as it expanded,   some of its energies faded and dimmed, leaving  behind pockets of cold nothingness. From the   absence of Light in these spaces, a new power  coalesced and came to be. This power was the Void,   a dark and vampiric force driven to devour all  energy, to twist creation inward to feed upon   itself. The Void quickly grew and spread  its influence, moving against the flowing   waves of Light. The mounting tension between  these two opposing yet inseparable energies   eventually ignited a series of catastrophic  explosions, rupturing the fabric of creation   and birthing a new realm into existence. In  that moment, the physical universe was born. The big bang you could say, light  and void clashing with eachother,   the explosions and energies forged what we call  the warcraft universe with reality in the middle,   the emerald dream and the shadowlands connected  to it. The elements that surround it and then the   major cosmic forces, the domains of Light,  Disorder, Death, Shadow, Order and Life. But what if these cosmic forces did not  just automaticly fall in line. What if   they were actually forged, Scribed, SHAPED to  do so? That’s where the first ones come in,   atleast according to the research of the brokers; The archives in Oribos, as well as  the singing stones of Nirem- Ahn,   confirmed that it was the first ones who were  the progenitors not only of the shadowlands   but of the very fabric of all realities. Six forces existed in strife, opposition   to one another. An imbalance until there was a  need for something more. They came together (or   were brought together, dependending on how one  interprets the fractal) and gave form to their   design. Each gave a portion of themselves, and  thus the pattern was drawn. It is from here that   the language becomes clearer. With a framework  in place, all that we now comprehent came to   be. As if reality were nothing more than a fungus  growing upon the frame. Six forces now in balance,   and from their intersections arose others. A  simple structure, growing infinitely more complex. A design that answers questions like how or  why did aman’thul wake up and start to form his   pantheon? The first ones might have been a catlyst  in this, part of their design. Reallity grew like   a fungus upon their frame so I read this as the  first ones brought order to warcraft universe.   They layed the foundation, they got these  cosmic forces into an eternal tug of war.   As we learned from bastion, that balance is  really important or all would fall into chaos.   A framework, but not a set in stone kind  of deal. Rather it grew in complexity,   on its own, with the choices made by those that  are inside this universe just like it always has.   Yet on the other hand, you could  take this and spin it in such a way   that no choice matters. That reality as we know  it has been forged by the hands of the first ones.  A path, a purpose, a prison  guiding our every steps... “Ow you misunderstand. We’re breaking  a system that has always been flawed   and remaking it into one that is just. Scuf. Do you expect me to believe   that all this time you’ve  been fighting for justice?  How can I convince you. From our first breath  to our last, every decision is made for us.   Then the afterlfie decides what eternity we  must endure. We can’t even choose who we...   We couldn’t control anything.   But through the jailer, control of  our fate will at last be possible.” While researching the first ones, the brokers  sought centers of knowledge that legends tell   them have been shaped by the progenitors hands.  Places like Nirem-Ahn, that has singing stones.   Baraneth, a new place mentioned. Korthia,  that land that was hidden in the in between,   used by the primus to hide his sigil  but dragged in by the jailer to claim it   and then... Oribos...and by extention the major  domains of the Shadowlands. Interestingly enough,   you could also read this in such a way that  the first ones created it with lines like; The first ones who were the progenitors  not only of the shadowlands but of the   very fabric of all realities. The great  cycle between death and life, as well as   the lesser pendulums that swing between light and  shadow, order and disorder – all were conceived   and put in place by the first ones, along with  the pantheons that embodied their influences.   All were conceived and put in place which  could mean they came up with it all right   and willed it into being or they conceived their  grand design and put it into neat little places.   That’s the line of thought I’m going with, the  way that the titans and the pantheon brought   order to planets. A similar thing was done by  the first ones, but on a much larger scale,   a cosmic scale along with the pantheons that  embodied their influences. We know of the titanic   pantheon and we now know of the pantheon  of death. There’s mention and speculation   about a pantheon of life supported with the  idea of Elune being the winterqueen’s sister.  What kind of pantheon would  disorder, void and light offer? So oke, the first ones dipped their hands  into the Shadowlands and went to work. Oribos was crafted to serve as the arrival point  for mortal souls where they were to be judged and   placed into their fitting afterlife by the  arbiter. The domains we’ve visited are only   a sample of the near infinite domains the  shadowlands hold. Now we need to keep in mind   that the research of the brokers takes  place between patch 9.0 and patch 9.1   so the recent revelations have not been considered  and it paints an interesting picture. Their   research talks about the purpose. Everything  that happens, happens through the purpose.   The moment we arrived in the city, they wouldn’t  stop mumbling about the purpose and just as   Oribos is the heart of the shadowlands, so the  purpose keeps the realms of death in balance.   All beings in the endless cycle serve the purpose  – even those who do so unknowingly or unwilingly.   The attendants in the city believe they were  created by the arbiter and due to the purpose,   continue their work, continue being her  voice and will despite the arbiter being   out of comission. And yet in Korthia  we’ve met a bunch more attendants,   some that even have knowledge on the sepulcher  and the first ones, knowledge that they’re not   willing to share. These are not dedicated to the  arbiter, they’ve have completely different rols   like dedicating themselves to the secrets  of the city or the fates destiny wields. Then The arbiters origins, that are as shrouded  in mystery as those of her fellow eternal ones   who rule the realms of death. Even a cursory  investigation of the venerable architecture   and detail presented in the eternal city would  lead one to conclude that the arbiters station   must have been established long before the first  mortal soul arrived to receive her judgment. So what happened to souls before  the first ones designed this system? It was the wisdom of the first ones, who  believed the arbiter best suited to this task   among their children. She was shaped by their  hands and blessings for this critical role.   And yet some among the attendants of the  arbiter continue to insist that it was her   choice to dwell within the heart of oribos. To efficiently facilitate the assignment   of the never ending torrent of  souls to their intended afterlives,   the first ones bestowed upon the arbiter the  ability to witness the entire breadth of the   life of each soul. She would use this gift to  great effect in the eons after. The attendants   insist that their arbiter has always been fair,  impartial, and implacable. Yet in my research,   I discovered certain ancient references to a  time when this being was not quite so benevolent.   But so worn and fragile were these records that i  fear i cannot, in good faith, avow their veracity. With the ending of 9.1 we learned a  great deal more about Zovaal the Jailer. “Once, Zovaal stood among us as  the Arbiter. Yet he defied the   will of the First ones and sought to  unmake the balance of the cosmos. –  We used Zovaal’s anima to construct a new Arbiter,  one that would be dispassionate and just.” Vague records that speak of a time when  the arbiter was not quite so benevolent,   a time in which Zovaal still fullfilled that rol.   They replaced him, and not even the attendants  nor the brokers research are able to figure out   that it was not the first ones that did  this rather it was his fellow eternal ones. These days no souls get sorted, instead they  go straight down into the maw which caused huge   problems for the rest of the shadowlands. With  souls come anima, the lifeblood of this world.   Brokers never considered hoarding the stuff for  their own gains since it was so abundant, but   those days were over. An attack, red of color,  is what shut her down. Still there has been no   clear answer what this attack is supposed to be.  While partying in Revendreth, a domain with the   purpose of paying for your sins and by doing  so gathering a whole bunch of delicious anima,   they did place the blame upon their Sire  Denathrius. The grimoire seems to be agree.   As the breaking of the arbiter threw the realms  into confusion and panic, sire denathrius employed   the very spires of revendreth to siphon the  ambient anima and add it to his hidden stores.   All the while, the drought’s devious architect  claimed to be just another victim of its tragedy. But why sort souls to begin with? Well, Anima  sustains the workings of this afterlife.   The system of the Shadowlands, the zones doing  their thing... it’s a process that both yields and   requires anima. The first ones understood this,  understood that they were going to need a reliable   stream of mortal souls crossing the veil. And so  Bastion was given the purpose of ferrying souls   and to make this happen. The progenitors must  have known that oversight of this pivotal process   would require an indomitable spirit with  an unwavering adherence to duty and service   to these mortal souls. The archon of bastion, a  statuesque being known as kyrestia the firstborne,   would embody that spirit. She established  the path that all kyrian were to follow,   never allowing her people to stray from her  singular focus on the purpose of bastion. In Ardenweald they use that anima for a cycle of  rebirth. The wild god cenarius is a great example.   When he died on Azeroth, off he went into the  shadowlands, ardenweald where he spend a bit of   time recovering. Considering he’s a child of  ELune, the winter queen treats him like he’s   family, and after enough time recharing, off he  went back to the emerald dream to eventually be   brought back to Azeroth itself. This function  supports their theories that the first ones   crafted the underlying framework for the cosmic  forces of the universe: one that would facilitate   an endless cycle of death and life, which they  made central in their creation. The role that they   designed for the winter queen within this cycle  was a vital one, requiring a bond between the   conflicting forces so intimate that it is logical  to assume that the existence of a reciprocal being   who serves as her counterpart can be found as  well. Yet just as the winter queen assumed her   place in the pantheon of death, this apparent  counterpart took up a similar possition in what   we must hypothesize to be a pantheon of life. Elune and the Winter Queen, one of the domain of   life and one of the domain of death. Seeing how  the origin of the Eternal ones is unclear, it’s   hard to figure out how this relationship, this  bond works. Did the first ones create the eternal   ones or did they wake them up similar to how the  titans woke up or did they empower and bless them   similar to how the dragon aspects came to be?  Is calling eachother brother and sister truely   a family thing or more like a bond as strong as  kind of deal? Questions still to be answered. Then there’s Maldraxxus to keep them all safe.  As the shadowlands is not this hidden away domain   where none can enter. We’ve seen incursions from  the void, we’ve seen the effects of the light,   even our forces have ventured in. The first ones  wanted a way to protect their forged shadowlands   to not only match but to overpower all potential  battlefronts ahead and so they imbued the very   landscape of maldraxxus with qualities that  are unique among the infinite afterlives.   The power to shape and alter the very landscape  of maldraxxus was granted to the eternal one who   stood at the head of the necrolords, the master  strategist known as the primus. By his hand,   the malleable flesh fields and bone spires of his  realm were shaped to serve as the ideal training   ground for the ultimate army. His stratagems  and weaponry would prove to be infallible   against his every foe. One acount cites that the  only losses the primus suffered were intentional,   as he felt there was more to be learned in defeat  than in an endless series of decisive victories.   The perfect excuse to use for next time you lose  a game. So we got Bastion as the supplyer. Oribos   as the sorter. Revendreth cleansing the bad  products and really good at sucking out the goods.   Maldraxxus to keep them safe and Ardenweald using  their goods to facilitate their cycle of rebirth.   An endless cycle of life and death,  fitting that the symbol of the first ones   is infinite or a snake devouring itself, a cycle. A cycle that worked as it was supposed too until  Zovaal wanted more. He wanted forbidden knowledge,   that which the first ones hid away within  their sepulcher. By combining their sigils   he would have been able to craft a gateway to  the realm of the first ones, Zereth Mortis.  “Venari dialogue” Decoded glyphs and many ages   of study translate Zereth best into keystone or  cornernerstone and Mortis presumably meaning ‘of   death’. His plans were prevented by the eternal  ones. Zovaal being so powerful that it took their   combined might to stop him, but stop him they did.  Ripping out his power and then use it to make a   new arbiter. His chains would be an invention  of the primus, the language of domination,   its purpose being the utter suppression of  another. Down into the maw they cast him,   the place where irredeemable souls get to hang  out. We now know that the jailer was not always   the jailer. He is as much the master of the maw  as the maw is the master over him. So far every   domain that we’ve visited offers a purpose, a  reasoning to this great snake cycle but what   purpose in the grand design of the first ones does  the Maw fullfill? Could it be that it was actually   the eternal ones that took a domain similar to  Korthia and repurposed it into becoming the maw   to contain zovaal. That could be an answer as too  why there’s a waystone of the first ones in there   similar to how there’s a waystone on korthia, but  still no solid reason why it only responded to us. Modifying the system of the shadowlands to  no longer just use anima to keep the cycle   going but to also contain their brother. And by  extention create a kink in the perfect circle   that would lead to its ultimate collapse. Since over time, the jailer would learn how to  turn his chains into a weapon. It would be he   that mastered this runic language, domination  magic. The primus foresaw this possibility as   he was able to leave messages behind before  disappearing. A journey that took him to Korthia,   another land forged by the first ones. The  perfect place for him to hide away his sigil.   And then, someway somehow he was caught by  Zovaal, taken in Torghast and tormented.   if we got to believe the legend of the  primus though, he never loses except when   there’s more to be earned from defeat... As a prison of the jailer, his mind was   shattered to rip out his greatest designs. Tools  that would lead Zovaal to claim the final prize,   the secret that the first ones sought  to hide. He ripped out the designs for   Frostmourne and the helmet of domination and set  his sights on a little planet called Azeroth. Azeroth is mentioned time and time again as  being this special place. Death is coming for   the soul of this world and while there might be  something really special about her, besides the   planet that our characters party on, it could  also be simpler...a matter of oppertunity. It   could simply be that Zovaal didn’t particularly  care what outside planet would herald his coming,   would aid him in his liberation out of the maw  and all the things that went down. Rather it was   Sargeras that made Azeroth his prime target  because it was through Sargeras, Kil’jaeden,   the Burning Legion that they wanted to conquer  Azeroth for the dark titans biggest fear was a   titan waking up while being corrupted by the old  gods. That’s what was slumbering inside our planet   and that’s why he wanted to come in and  destroy it. By making use of that plan   the jailer through the dreadlords send over  Frostmourne and the helmet of domination.   The lich king as we know it ...the massive story  that played out. Ner’zhul and Arthas are described   as failed heralds. They failed the Jailer and  Bolvar also managed to hold it all together.   Yet along the way there was another oppertunity  that presented itself... Sylvanas Windrunner. They make note that prior to the event that caused  the arbiter to cease her judgments, the scribes in   oribos claim that relatively few souls received  the irreversible edict of banishment to the maw.   After all, those with even a slim chance to atone  for their crimes were sent to revendreth, and as   we have documented in our cartels travels, there  exist numerous afterlives of temporary punishment   for souls who merit it... So why did  sylvanas end up in the maw to begin with?   Did the jailer still have a sliver of his sorting  powers from the days of being the arbiter?   Maybe but lets not forget that Arthas and  Frostmourne were able to give him a piece of   Sylvanas’ soul. We’ve been kinda worried that  they were going to use the soul splintering   as an excuse for her deeds, but the recent Uther  dialogue does not seem to support that. So what   if the soul splintering is instead used  as a reasoning why she got in touch with   the jailer in the first place? Uther was also  splintered and still made his way to Bastion,   but perhaps the jailer was like good...go to  bastion. The time of hiding is no longer needed.   Show them that I have mastered domination magic  and am breaking out. Show them that the path is   flawed, leading to Arthas being dropped into the  maw, devos joining the jailer’s side, the mawsworn   and all that followed. Being 100 steps ahead of  everyone at all times must be pretty great. If   the maw was truely designed later as a prison  to contain their brother zovaal then that sheds   a light on the eternal ones and the souls they  condemned to eternal damnation. It also makes   you question what sylvanas’ judgement would have  been, what domain she would have been send too. So that’s the influence of the first  ones and their design of the shadowlands.   Zovaal wants to reshape the universe, not one  that’s free, not one that’s just, but one in   which everyone serves him. Looking at tazavesh,  the powers of the first ones are heavily connected   to the powers that make up the cosmos. Still  plenty of mystery and questions to be answered. Did the first ones pop out of existence when the  warcraft universe came to be or did they make the   warcraft universe came to be? What rol did they play   in the creation of the eternal ones. What ties connect the different cosmic domains,   what other pantheons and relationships  between them exist out there.  Are the first ones we learn about in the  shadowlands just the first ones of death,   could there be first ones for all domains  that came together to make this all happen?  What lies within the sepulcher of knowledge?  What secrets of the first ones is zovaal after? Plenty to still discover but for now you’re up  too speed on what we know about the first ones.   Say that you want more details on all the  things we talked about today or just read   up on it in your own time, check out the related  wowhead article in the description down below.   Thank you very much for watching everyone  aaaand until next time....see ya!
Channel: Nobbel87
Views: 86,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nobbel, Nobbel87, NobbeltheNoble, Story, Lore, First ones, Warcraft, Chronicles, Grimoire, Shadowlands, Afterlife, Broker, Jailer, Eternal ones, Pantheon, Titans, Frame, Korthia, ORibos, Arbiter, Archon, Winter queen, Maw, Primus, Domination, Lich King, Arthas, Dreadlords, Uther, Soul, Frostmourne, Ner'zhul
Id: xeKEMgqrgd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 32sec (1412 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 15 2021
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