The Story of Ny'alotha, The Waking City [Lore]

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this video is brought to you in colaboartion with pampamapampam pampampampam Hello everyone! Last week we talked about our road into Ny’alotha the sleeping city. With the old god N’zoth set free at the end of 8.2, the city is now waking up and trying to claw its way into our reality. It nearly succeeded in the chamber of heart, but Keeper Ra’s heroic sacrifice prevented Azeroth’s doom, at the cost of losing him to Ny’alotha. Our plan of attack is to place anchors within Ny’alotha which we can use to target our weapon at, or more accuractly, the weapons left behind by the titans. The Forge of Origination in Uldum powered up by the Engine of Nalak’sha run through the Chamber of Heart should give us the power to vanquish N’zoth. Going into his realm gives N’zoth the homefield advantage and if old gods have tought us anything, it’s that they’re really good at corrupting and driving people crazy. That’s where Wrathion comes in, protecting us with a beautiful new cloak forged out of the knowledge and power stolen from horrific visions. Lets hope that it’s going to be enough to hold on to our sanity. Lets venture beyond the veil of our reality and step into Ny’alotha... “Come my chosen. Witness the fate of this world. Behold the one who shall herald its coming.” “My dear friends. A wondrous honor has been bestowed upon you. The chance to embrace your destiny as I have. N”Zoth has shown me the inevitable truth. That to save Azeroth, we must accept his gift. Kneel and serve. It is the only way.” Well, that didn’t take long. Five minutes in and Wrathion has already been taken by the corruption while as we can see in the background, Azeroth isn’t doing too great. With his mind twisted by N’zoth, he believes that the only way he can truly defend Azeroth is to rule it in the Old God’s name. Like father, like son... the black prince now goes by the title of black emperor and tries to incinerate us for his new master. A proper dragon fight to kick off the raid. “azeroth is doomed.” “You tread within a vision of what was...and what will be.” “My empire is this world’s inevitable destiny.” “Signal interference negated. Connection restored.” “You’re back. What happened?” “I learned that it doesn’t take much for my friends to believe I betrayed them. Champions, that vision was as much for me as it was for you. N’zoth wants us to believe that my corruption is inevitable. Doubt me if you must, but know that I will not rest until his smoldering corpse lies at my feet. So yeah the first fight was just one of those horrific visions. Wrathion still firmly stands at our side. This is what Ny’alotha actually looks like and it’s designed in such a way that you can pretty much choose between which bosses you want to face first. Don’t worry though, no matter your choice there’s going to be a whole lot of trash to clear. “Trash, trash trash traaaash” In our case, we decided to go for Maut. “More mana!” As the ancient aqir, a bug like race that originate from the organic matter of the Old gods, rose from the desert sands, their prophets set about the construction of an obsidian destroyer imbued with the essence of the Old Gods. Driven by an insatiable thirst for magic, Maut consumed the mana of its creators once it awoke and left their corpses to rot under the scorching sun of Uldum. “Skin of stone.” Maut might make you think back to Moam one of the bosses of AQ 20, this creation of the Aqir loves his mana and always hungers for more. Aim of the game is to prevent him from gaining that mana he desires and once his mana bar is full, so when he turns into stone, hit him very hard or else he will gain too much power. “Not enough mana...” A bit of backtracking and enjoying the view is in order as our next boss, prohet skitra is on the opposite side. Just before the boss there are some anubisath sentinel adds which again calls back to Ahn’Qiraj. I was kinda expecting them to transfer their buffs upon death, but that didn’t happen. “Your minds smell so delicious.” A master of illusion, Skitra delights in terrorizing his victims as he breaks their perception of reality. Those who fail to see through his deceptions become lost in Ny’alotha for eternity. Assaulting the mind that’s what the prophet loves to do where as his major ability will look familiar to those who have taken on the first boss of AQ 40. “Are you certain any of this is real? Giggle.” Our heroes get split up into two different realms where the copies of Skitra are in different spots. You can find the real target by figuring out which copy is in the same location in both realms. Once it’s been located, it’s a simple as taking it out and regaining your sanity. “How...did you...know...” Now we can make our way from the Annex of Prophecy up the elevator and through the door where finally the beauty of Ny’alotha is revealed to us. They’ve done a fantastic job with the skybox and the design of this place. We can see Vexiona flying about, different levels with different bosses to confront. The magnitude of N’zoth lurking in the background, it’s beautifully done. “Multiple anchor points detected.” “Protocol requires localized sanitation prior to anchor deployment.” “All eyes are opened. Yours were the first.” “Aye, ye’ll have to clear out any beasties so that the anchor can be placed. Once you have them all set, we’ll take the fight to N’zoth.” To get those anchor points in place we’ll need to clear it out first. My team decided to go for Dark Inquisitor Xanesh first who’s hard at work in the ritual chamber where we run into an old friend... “Anchor point detected within temple interior. Recommendation: Proceed with caution.” “Caution?! We don’t do caution. Storm that temple and send those cultists screaming to the abyss!” “Impudent underling! You will...adress queen!’ ‘Insolence only prolongs your agony! You will break, or I will carve out your defiant tongue!” “More likely, Xanesh...azeroth’s champions will be the silence you.” “Release me! Only I possess the means of defeating N’zoth!” Azshara was yoinked away at the end of the Eternal Palace raid after completing her mission of releasing the old god N’Zoth. Looks like she had plans in mind of betraying the one hwo transformer her and her people into the naga, saving them from a watery death after losing the war of the ancients. Few can resist the whispers of the Old Gods, but those who do, like Azshara, find themselves at the ‘mercy’ of Dark Inquisitor Xanesh. “Your agony gives me strength, my queen” A cruel and sadistic torturer, Xanesh prides herself on slowly carving the sanity away from those in her charge until all that remains is unwavering devotion to N’zoth. When Azshara agreed to their bargain, she made sure that it was as a queen and not a slave. All along she wanted to get rid of those that tried to rule her, get rid of N’zoth. The pain inflicted upon her causes massive waves of void across the field. This is one of my favorite fights as you also get to play a little bit of footbal. We get a void orb and a goal, 3 players go out and manouver the orb without letting it touch anything else. We had raiders fight over who got to do it, a lot of fun and if done right, we release Azshara to see what she has to offer. “We fulfilled our end of the bargain, Azshara. Now honor yours.” “Mind your otne, whelpling. A queen keeps her promises. Listen closely, as I will only say this once. For all his bluster, N’Zoth was ever the weakest of his kin. One vestige of their power yet remains that can be turned against him. I would have driven this blade into his foul heart myself..had you not disrupted my plans. No matter. Xal’atath is yours, mortals. Strike true. Should your first blow fail, you will not survive to attempt another. Now go and do what you will. I tire of intermediaries and heralds. The true throne of power beckons, and I intend to claim it. ” “Azshara has a fondness for games. I will examine this dagger for signs of treachery, but for now let us continue” It’s Xalatath, blade of the black empire that she intended to use again N’zoth. Originally picked up by Shadow priests during legion to wield it as their artifact. Overloaded when sucking the corruption out of Sargeras’ blade and then rediscovered by everyone, brought to N’zoth at the crucible of storms raid. Xalatath has a body and is still out there while the empty blade was brought back to Sylvanas who gave it to Nathanos as he guided us to Nazjatar. The queen of the naga split the waters and welcomed us into her domain. Apperantly the blade then moved from Nathanos to the queen with the intend of striking out at N’zoth. That never came to pass, we were a bit too much to handle but perhaps Wrathion will have better luck. Azhsara just teleports away, nobody really tries to stop her or hold her responble for what she has done over the millenia, but how else are we going to get a potential naga allied race?! That throne of power she mentions is rather interesting. Is she going to compete with Sylvanas or does she know of other thrones to claim? That’s a story for in the future, for now our path leads us to Vexiona... “Gather, servants of the Void. It is time to receive my gift. Those who are worthy shall be remade through its power.” “New anchor point detected. Recommendation: Terminate void disruption.” “If Vexiona and her ‘dragonflight’ wish to be cast into darkness, then let us help them on their way.” “Wrathion! I look forward to reuniting you with your father!” She’s a new kind of dragon that showed up with Battle for Azeroth, nicely in league with the void. We’ve seen her go around trying to recruit or transform others into service to N’zoth while here at the Twilight Landing, there seem to be plenty willing to surrender themselves to the Void. Those loyal gain full acces to the dark powers offered by N’zoth. The dragon herself loves to bathe the field of battle in voidfire, but her death clears the way for our very first anchor. “This is destiny...” ‘Void corruption eradicated. Initiating anchor materialization.” “Good riddance. Vexiona would see all dragons kneel before N’Zoth.” Drop anchor “Well done, champions! Each anchor brings us closer to unleashing the power of the Forge agains’t N’zoth!’ Onwards towards the hive and some of the greatest Aqir forces N’zoth’s army holds. “The hive will devour you.” “I shall peel the flesh from your bones!” Locked in a constest of wills, the generals Ka’zir and Tek’ris constantly vie for dominance over their fellow aqir. As they wrest control away from one another, the hive shifts its tactics and obeys each of their commands with fervent loyalty. This swapping of tactics involves different abilities and different insectoids that swarm the fight. It also dictates if you want to tank the bosses close together or far apart. “N’zoth...will have...your flesh. gAAAAH” Either way the Hive can not stand in our way of finally reaching Ra-den at the Terrace of Desolation. “Error: Corruption at critical levels. Anchor placement terminated.” “Ra-den?! It cannot be! You’re a servant of the titans, of Azeroth herself!” “N’Zoth opened my eyes to his great truth. He freed me from the narrow confines of the titans’ path. Come. I will reveal the master’s glory and liberate you from darkness!” This is sadly not a horrific vision, this is a brutal reality. Ra-den the despoiled has been corrupted by N’zoth and some of you wondered why Azshara was able to resist while a creation of the titans could not. That has to do with Ra-den’s history. He hasn’t an easy life, being one of the keepers actually realising that their creators were struck down by Sargeras. His depression and issolation interupted by Lei-Shen who stole his powers and imprisoned Ra beneath the land of Pandaria. For millenia he rotted away, listening to the shrieks of the tormented, feeling that corruption locked away beneath the world. Only because of our actions, and maybe a bit of MOTHER, was he able to believe there was hope out there. Maybe someone should have told him that the titans are actually back now, but regardless, that darkness rooted in his heart is what N’zoth prayed upon. Now his mighty powers, very similar abilities as he used during the Throne of Thunder encounter are turned against us and we have no choice but to put him out of his misery. “Perhaps...a glimmer...can repel...the dark...” Poor Ra-den, wasn’t even able to spend some time with MOTHER. She doesn’t even aknowledge that he perished. Ahwell, another anchor placed time for a deep dive into the Maw of Gor’ma. Into the maws of the beast with first up, Shad’har the insatiable: Ill’gynoth: “You enter as parasites, but wil lfeed my perfection.” That is indeed Ill’gynoth whispering to us. Those that played during Legion will remember running into him during the Emerald Nightmare raid. Back then he was part of the corruption of the emerald dream and dropping some delicious, mysterious whispers hinting at things for the future. As he said back then, he journeyed to Ny’alotha and make his return, but he will show up in just a moment. First up there’s Shad’har who’s one of N’zoth’s most nightmarish creations. It feasts on the corrupted carcasses that the Old God’s minions discard into its domain. Tormented by ceaseless hunger, Shad’har’s body twists and mutates with every corpse it devours. “Cut and tear my flesh, but wounds are trivial. I am beyond your abilities.”” “I am the darkness within. Step forward and accept my embrace.” At the warren of decay we find a big old tentacle waiting for us. The grotesque amalgam of flesh known as Drest’agath slumbered beneath Ny’alotha for millenia until being awakened by N’zoth’s return. Now she rises like a revolting boil, ready to burst and spread her vile pestilence across Azeroth. You might not think it, but this boss is indeed a she and major abilities used by the big tentacle in the middle is copied by the others around the room. You can’t even hurt Drest’agath in a normal way. Only by absorbing the darkness left behind by its apendages do we get a small window of oppertunity to get rid of the ancient corruption. “You claw my flesh, but I am eternal.” “Warning: Reduction of contamination required for anchor deployment.” “You will never be rid of me.” Why hello again Ill’gynoth, Corruption reborn. This, we can only assume, is his true form. Fused with the city’s architecture it spreads across the black empire like a creeping infestation. As Il’gynoth’s corrupting flesh grows ever larger, so does its power as we find out throughout the fight since there are massive blobs of corruption hidden within the walls. Almost as large as Ill’gynoth himself was during the nightmare raid and now we have to confront him with N’zoth peeking in and dropping void on the floor. One by one we take out his organs until even Ill’gynoth himself is forced to submit, dropping one final interesting line... “Those who pass beyond...shall the dark.” Considering the cryptic whispers we’ve gotten in the past, perhaps he’s referring to the upcoming expansion and the souls of the fallen drowning in the maw... Who knows, the whispers have been a ton of fun to speculate about and even now can still be applied to different things. “All anchor deployed. Calibrating beam projection. Warning: Proximity to target required for ensured accuracy. Insufficient power for subsequent activations.” “What MOTHER means is we only get one shot at this. The closer you get to N’Zoth, the better our odds of hitting him.” “Understood, Magni. N’zoth will answer for what he has done to Azeroth... and to my father.” Even deeper we go, one last portal to jump one, one more level and as we look up, we can see how massive N’zoth truly is. Not surprising when someone like Yogg-Saron has been rumored to be as big as Northrend itself. The art department definatly delivered, lets see if Wrathion can do the same: Cutscene: “To use the chamber’s weapons against N’zoth, we need to get inside his...husk. Leave this part to me. After all, dramatic entrances are my specialty.” Look at me boots, these be sexy boots. Now let me do a flip and show you what a dramatic entrance truly looks like. I go left, i got right, i swoop in and OOEEE SPLAT, but wait. He turned into invicible vape juuuust before the tentacles hit and now Wrathion is completing the mission we started during the cataclysm. He’s showing the world what an uncorrupted black dragon truly can accomplish. Take that N’Zoth, WRATHION MADE A DOOR! “Insolent whelpling! You desecrate that which you were bread to serve!’ “Angry, are we? And after I tried so hard to impress you with my dagger handiwork.” ‘RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH” “Warning: Corruption levels exceeding measurable parameters. Recalculating...” “That does not sound particularly encouraging, MOTHER.” “You will break, like your father before you!” “N’Zoth’s rage seems fixated upon me, champions. Perhaps you can turn that to our advantage.” The cutscene is really coo and it appears that Xalatath, blade of the black empire is destroyed while carving our entrance into the carapace. The blades history goes as far back as the days of the black empire, the days the old gods ruled the world, so in essence using an artifact of their own making to hurt them. Its origin is described in the lore books back from legion. Some say that it might be a forgotten old god who was consumed by its kin in the early days of the black empire. Other theories state that Xalatath is the claw of Y’shaarj, ripped from the old god’s monstrous form and bestowed upon its servants for use in ritual sacrifices. We don’t know for certain at this point and all the same, the blade seems to be gone after Wrathion used it, but Xalatath is still out there...somewhere... “Your defiance will be thwarted! My strength is unending!” wrathion breaths out “N’Zoth is restoring his flesh, champion! Do not relent!’ You might have noticed how we’ve been dodging massive tentacles while dancing with the fury of N’zoth. At the center of Ny’alotha stands a dread mountain of flesh, teeming with eyes and tendrils of unfettered corruption. Madness itself seeps from the writhing mass, eroding the sanity of all who approach it. This is the heart of the Black Empire, N’zoth’s seat of power, the body of a god. Any who dare to look upon it would lose themselves to madness but we have been preparing ourselves. The cloak is of great use and Wrathion holds us together while we get rid of the Horrific Hemorhages and beat down the fury of N’Zoth itself. “Come whelpling. kneel before you master.” “I do not dare to enter that place for I might lose myself to madness. Strike him down.” This is the chamber, the core of it all where, despite many tentacles trying to squish us, the Fury of N’zoth goes down and the real old god comes out to play. Once again a big thank you to Squishei for getting these recordings out there as my raid team is still making its way here. “Every war waged. Every trial overcome. Lead you here. To me.” “My vision shall be made real. Complete the circle. Open the way.” “For an old god who claims to see everything, you are blind for the threat before you.” Like with Yogg-Saron, N’Zoth invites us closer in and while stepping through his portals and leaving our bodies behind, he drops some interesting stuff. The old god flaunting his amazing achievements and power infront of us. Like the corruption of Deathwing and his black dragonflight which caused so much devestation, too much to list here, but you might remember a little expansion called the Cataclysm which transformed the surface of the world. Yeah that was Deathwing in order of N’zoth. "Enter and behold the greatest of truths. Behold my betrayel...and yours..." “We have a bargain then. I will bring both fleets crashing to the ocean floor and your champion will deliver the dagger to me.” “And in turn you will have the key required to free the old god from his bonds and leave him volnerable.” “You wound me warchief after all I am as dedicated to my master as you are to your subjects.” “Indeed just to be certain that once you have what you need, you dispose of your guests. Let none of the heroes escape.” “I admire your ruthlessness Windrunner. It seems our interests are aligned. At present. ” “At present” “Treacherous banshee, do you think I am blind to the darkness you seek to unleash? ” ‘Only I can save this world.” His betrayel and ours, the Horde picking up Xalatath and bringing it to their warchief. She then traded the blade to Azshara in exchange for her help in getting rid of us. Azshara planned to use it against N’Zoth but the old god was aware of this, wanted her to believe she was in control while ultimately, he was free of his chains and she tormented in Ny’alotha. The darkness Azshara is aware of, that would be the events of Shadowlands so things coming in the future. “Champion, N’zoth is breaking dimensions to breach the chamber of heart.” “The true prize shall be mine.” The forge needs some time to the charge while N’Zoth sets his eyes on his true prize. The very reason why the void lords shot out all these old gods, the total corruption of Azeroth’s titan spirit. On mythic Magni and MOTHEr begin unleashing the fury of the Forge of Origination to put an end to the Corruptor’s plans. Or, so they hope. Hopefully we’ll see a cool new phase during the mythic race, but storywise I have my doubts we’ll see many changes considering the end quest and end dialogue is still going to be the same for everyone, but hey who knows...they might surprise us! “The forge is nearly charged champions, hang in there!” Cutscene: Your MINE. Warning: Corruption levels approaching 100% No! You got to keep fighting champion. Through your flesh, my black Empire is reborn. Don’t listen to his lies! You don’t belong to him. You’re a child of Azeroth. Her your strength. I HAVE THE POWERRRRRR Attention: New anchor point acquired. Well then, what are yo uwaiting for? Aknowledged. Fire sequence inniated. HOLD ON CHAMPION death start super kamehameha tier 5 essence laser beam of deaaaaaaath TAKE THAT N’ZOTH, AND YOU TOO EYE OF SAURON. BLOW UP AND LET YOUR CORNER OF THE BLACK EMPIRE BE DESTROYED. By the holy light champions, we did it. Final cutscene: Since being wounded by the mad titan, azeroth has been crying out in pain. In her hour of need, she lent you her power. Today, at long last, she’s free from the grasp of the old gods. Her song rings clear and strong throughout this chamber. Hold her heart with pride. Know that you are more than a champion of your are a champion of Azeroth! We did it champions, our hard work payed off. The forge’s power, a gift from the titans, has been turned against N’zoth and the threat of Ny’alotha is gone for good. The old gods forces did hit the chamber quite hard so they need to get some repairing done, but apperantly she’s now free from the grasp of the old golds. That is where the story of Ny’alotha, the Waking city and the story of battle for azeroth ends. I’ve done a reaction video on the subject, but in short, in my opinion, this story deserved a lot more time to breath. For the first time since the days of the titans we saw an old god released from its prison while its effects are limited. Where during the Cataclysm we saw Deathwing rock the world and change its surface, someone working in order of N’zoth, now the old god himself can barely manipulate two zones. Granted, he was the weakest of the old gods, but it’s not like we catch him by surprise or unprepared. Story ideas like Xalatath, Alleria and the Void Elves that are unused. Ra-den going from depressed to heroicly sacrificing himself to serving N’zoth and being killed off. All in all the ending itself is not terrible, but I think an old god on the lose needed more time then just a patch to truly grasp the magnitude of it. Having Azeroth free of the old gods corruption is also interesting since in the past it was more about pushing their physical manifestations back into their prisons, but apperantly we actually completely removed them. Makes you wonder why the titans and their creations themselves couldn’t just take care of them this way. Unless all of this was just a vision and N’zoth is still out there, slowly corrupting our minds. Making us farm islands over and over again for his own sick amusement. Who knows! but you’re up to speed on the story that goes down in Ny’alotha, now our journey takes us to the Shadowlands, but that’s a story for another expansion. So for now thank you very much for watching everyone! If you’re looking for more details on all the things we talked about today then check out the related WoWhead article in the description down below. Subscribe if you like my videos, leave a like if you enjoyed this one aaaand until next time...see ya!
Channel: Nobbel87
Views: 381,107
Rating: 4.8949213 out of 5
Keywords: Nobbel, Nobbel87, NobbeltheNoble, Story, Lore, Ny'alotha, Waking City, Raid, Battle for Azeroth, Patch 8.3, Whispers of N'Zoth, WoWhead, Magni, MOTHER, Ra-den, N'zoth, Old God, Titan, Forge of origination, Engine of Nalak'sha, Vale of Eternal blossoms, Uldum, Lei-shen, Vexiona, Wrathion, Deathwing, Dragonflight, Xalatath, Blade, Black Empire, Naga, Azshara, Sylvanas, Nathanos, Shadowlands
Id: HC_jrvE5AeE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 16sec (2056 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 26 2020
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