Liberty's Kids 103 - United We Stand

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the clever darling today liberties kids cowardly and attacked the top who is responsible for him flaming the subjects of Boston to this violence Parliament raise the tea tax over our objections maybe next time they'll listen but you must learn to distinguish between a patriotic act of protest and mob rule all right these colonies are troubling with England and Boston this is not Massachusetts you say true this is Philadelphia in Pennsylvania but trouble moves drown leave your politics on board and don't pick up any politics ashore September 1774 dearest mother please give my best to dr. Franklin as he may have told you Parliament's response to the Boston Tea Party has not been warmly received the colonies has sent representatives to Philadelphia to attend a Continental Congress no thank you the first gathering of leaders from each of the 13 colonies they intend to draft a formal response to Parliament there is so much beauty here it's not difficult to understand why the people are passionate about their colonies and passions as you know can make men's blood run hot by giving Canada the Ohio River Valley the lives lost 11 years ago during the French and Indian War were lost for nothing but Parliament's demand that Boston pay for the tea they destroyed is perfectly reasonable the tax is not reasonable only a Tory would think so I thought oh it was a colony you know like if a person was a Tory they were from Tory like a New Yorkers from New York Sarah's not a Tory colonists who defend Parliament are called Tories a nasty name on this side of the Atlantic I must learn to be careful what I say since my opinions are not always popular Sam it's vital these pamphlets are distributed in Boston immediately the pamphlets need to be read while the British warships are still there with cannons pointing at church steeples John even I wouldn't accuse the British of targeting church steeples and I consider myself an expert at stirring the pot you're right of course it's too much but we must get these pamphlets into Boston we must you gentlemen have a way of agreeing that makes it sound like you're arguing your pamphlets are nearly done Sarah on wreath James you remember mr. Samuel Adams yes sir we were there in Boston the night of the Tea Party a most splendid protest the people should never rise up without doing something worth remembering and this is mr. John Adams the same John Adams who defended the British troops who fired on our Patriots at the Boston Massacre James that was many years ago Oh Moses the lad is right I did defend the British soldiers and they were found not guilty for a good reason they weren't guilty and our Patriots were they simply stood up for what they believed I think it was very brave of you mr. Adams to defend unpopular men in the midst of friends and neighbors who wanted to see them punished I had justice on my side the men involved in the so-called massacre were not Patriots they were a drunken mob spoiling for a fight it was a case of self defense facts can be stubborn things if I have been there I would have been with the Patriots son I admire your heart but you must learn to distinguish between a patriotic act of protest and mob rule the tyranny of the people can be just as brutal as a tyranny of the crown the pamphlet looks good John now all we need is a way to get them into Boston how about you James here's a patriotic act get these to my wife Abigail I would but I've agreed to assist the scribes during the Congress since the harbor is closed British troops patrol the road stopping and searching every carriage there will be danger Abigail is going to meet the convoy well outside Boston the danger will be minimal you you don't even believe in our cause and maybe not but I believe in adventure I could take on me with me no one would suspect a thing Sarah is right a nunnery is a stout able young man right on ring good then it's settled fortify Abigail my courier you have to learn to be aggressive if you want to be a journalist I think you are very nearly rude to mr. Adams I was to the point nose-to-nose you were as busy giving your own opinion as getting his I like Sam Adams Sam is a man of action this is a time for action what have we here I was looking for my shipmate I'll be on my way I offered to buy you a drink I don't drink that it or is you wouldn't join the toast me Parliament rot the wretched roots where are you going I don't know my way at night oh all right already look I don't want any trouble let me go about my business you are my business I'm worried about you out of the chilly night air he needs a warm coat of tar and feather I can't believe I'm going to miss this I can't believe you'd want to have anything to do with it if you're a gentleman you put a stop to it imagine how silly he's going to look covered with tar and feathers you look like a giant bar now sailor isn't this more of a story than that poor unfortunate sailor what story we're loading wagons these supplies have been sent from four different colonies that's a story I had the impression the colonies consider themselves separate countries they did until Parliament closed Boston Harbor if they can do it to Boston they can do it anywhere what is it it's the bar now on parade I disagree now that's a story I would see what happens next hold on me we're leaving soon the wagon master said the roads out of Philadelphia easier to travel with this moon on the same city street at the same time I witnessed an act of compassion as strangers donated food for people in need for people they have never met yet I also witnessed a callous act of brutal bullying and James's swept up in it a large type across the top booty who gets the boot because you look like a barn owl after they tarred and feathered him and they kicked him when they cut him loose get it hootie-hoo boot I don't think so Moses he had it coming to him remember what John Adams said about mobs what does mr. Adams know about the newspaper game he could learn something from the author of that pamphlet he's sending to Boston no Vangelis now Batman is a writer no Vangelis is John Adams it's a pseudonym meaning he writes under an assumed name John Adams wrote a government of laws and not of men that's John Adams the very one maybe I should write using a pseudonym yeah I'll call myself something modern dagger quill all one word but capitalize the cue chatter quill would be more like it the lesson here James is less about the name and more about the message mr. Adams is a very wise man you would do well to learn from his example now get this paper stock over to Congress you will let me write a story about the Congress for the Gazette only if you study the issues learn about the men arguing the various sides deal that boy I forgot the paper stock dearest mother this land is even more spectacular than father has described in his letters but the people I have met a most uncommon their desire to learn what is going on in the country and their willingness to share with their fellow Colonials gives me hope for mankind I could choke half of them with my bare hands don't they understand the suffering that's going on in Boston patients said we will make the case with facts stacked one upon another like bricks soon we will have an argument so strong it will be impervious to attack on our second day an old man brought his shoe to the convoy he explained he was too old to continue heading sheep he had given most of his flock to his daughter but he wanted to give the rest to the block hated city of Boston at first our wagon master didn't want to accept the flock it will have slowed us down too much but I had an idea all right troops I know nothing of sheep but I know soldiers I depend on you to assist me lieutenant yes sir well sir quit fighting with the lieutenant use a bigger if you behave I would give you all ranks of honor and names and valiant french knights and Musketeers it is essential at the outset to determine our method of voting who is that at the podium in that's Patrick Henry relation of the larger colonies what say you Devorah at the provisional meeting of the Stamp Act we voted by colonies one vote each yes we're all equal who's that standing up delegate Duane he's from New York what say you to that sir the matter of the vote has not been decided that's John Adams him I know let's make a deal I'll tell you everyone I know and you tell me everyone you know I know everyone everyone who's that John Jay of New York now please I'm trying to listen as we said about our business I remind everyone of our purpose we are here to re-establish harmony with Great Britain they're not here to provoke Parliament into further action against us outrageous gentlemen come to order I have just received a message by courier that British warships have fired cannon upon the city of Boston church steeples have fallen there is panic in the streets and some number of dead as we near the end of our last day on the road we are met by a most marvellous lady and the driver she is the wife of the Massachusetts delegate John Adams Abigail Adams is so much more you would like this lady very much welcome from all the good people of Boston and you must be Sara forgive my brazen husband that mr. Adams sending a girl on such an errand you must thank him for me it has been a wonderful adventure but I must ask you we had a longer journey that Boston has been fired upon is this true heavens no general gage sent troops to Cambridge and took arms and powder stored their patrols on the road stop supplies from entering the city but actual warfare god save us from that has any wood come from England anything new from Parliament that might provoke violence no general gage can act under his own authority he claims he sees the powder and guns to prevent violence however if he finds these pamphlets it would be sedition that could land us all in jail sedition that's like treason you have nothing to fear I won't let anything happen to you I promise please put everything in my carriage I know how to get the pamphlets into Boston without anyone going to jail my squadron if I follow the marsh Road into Boston no one will think twice young man that's brilliant tell me what happened in the Congress well I found the delegates at carpenters Hall arguing over what to do about the Intolerable Acts one group wants to demand Parliament repeal the Intolerable Acts while the other group wants to ask the king for his help who are the leaders the firebrands that's what the moderates called them are the Massachusetts men John Adams and Sam Adams write the names down who are the moderates then who speaks for them our own delegation can you believe it shame on Pennsylvania mr. Galloway sounds as if you were a member of parliament himself good job James excellent reporting you have all the facts why are you so glum because they just talk and talk and talk why won't they fight it out and be done with it let's say a prayer of thanks we have men who aren't so quick to fight the moderates won they're going to petition the king to fix it with Parliament it could be weeks before there's any news Moses let me do a story on the sailor that got tarred and feathered that's real news patriotic and funny I know where you can find the sailor maybe you should talk to him and still see how patriotic and funny you think it is you want to ask mr. Parker questions for the newspaper yes doctor he's in a great deal of pain you'll have to stay in bed for a month maybe more he's hurt bad he can't be I saw him I saw him stand up and walk away when a person is tarred guitars like hot oil they boiled Tarr burns a man's clothes on to his skin you mean like hot candle wax and you peel it off and worse when you peel the tar off you peel the skin away then there's the risk of infection which I'm afraid is already set in they were Patriots taking a stand they were criminals who used the cause to beat him and robbed him of his hard-earned pay but they were shouting slogans against Parliament and they sang a Liberty song did they respect mr. Parker's Liberty you want the real story go ask him a question I I don't think I want to the facts James if you want to be a reporter you must have all the facts tears are salty that adds sting to the wounds one tear leads to more hurt and more tears it's a cycle of pain no man should inflict on another for any reason who is that it's Moses I brought the young man I mentioned earlier could he ask you a question or two yes is there anything I can do these wagons headed toward Boston somebody got an answer for me yes they are they were loaded in accordance with the law of the king by the sound of that voice you're a ways from home ear missing mother I am sorry to say these British soldiers were far from gentleman two of them held muskets at the ready they talked among themselves deciding who would ride which wagon they intended to sell the goods and pocket the money for themselves sir my father is a British officer really an officer you say which one of you would like to sign for the wagons I'm sure a general gage will want to know who took the supplies general gage see we didn't know these goods were she's not the daughter of we don't need to make an issue of who her father is just fine we don't have time to take the wagons now there aren't any newspapers appear Flitz here I swear on the Kings health there are no printed or published works in these wagons morning all right stay quiet until we know what we're up against you do not keep your eye on the six man lava cannon colonnello as we are Indian James a famous shadow warriors you cannot see them until they are right beside you yeah so general soon this sounds like cheap it could be Indians they make noises like birds and bears to fool the enemy they must have popped the rebels how to do it let's get out of here moving we will find a large field to engage in a proper battle after onry delivered his squad of sheep he returned the dog he called early tenon to the old man we rode back to Philadelphia on horses from the stable of Abigail Adams I shall miss her safely back in Philadelphia I made my way to mr. Adams with a letter from his wife thank you so much I worry about her there in harm's way she asks you to write more often yes I must if you would include a message for dr. Franklin in your next letter to England tell him I am as heart strong as head strong I am convinced by this Congress that America will support Massachusetts or perish with her I will tell him that John Adams arranged for us to see a bit of converse and action mr. Adams said it best the distinctions between Virginians Pennsylvanians New Yorkers and New Englanders are obsolete I am NOT a New England man I am an American we are Americans
Channel: Liberty's Kids - WildBrain
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Keywords: liberty kids, liberty kids full episodes, boston tea party, liberty kids boston tea party, george washington for kids, liberty kids we the people, liberty kids constitution, liberty kids paul revere's ride, liberty kids bunker hill, liberty kids shot heard round the world, liberty kids declaration of independence, liberty kids midnight ride, declaration of independence for kids, george washington, liberty kids green mountain boys, the boston tea party, Hamilton, Hamilton Musical
Id: oAbMPt1vXpU
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Length: 23min 17sec (1397 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2016
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