Iesodo - Joy: For Unto Us a Dove is Born - Christian cartoons

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[Music] can you feel the excitement in the air here at the cypress street yashido is away in the mountains and set to return tomorrow so we're getting ready for his [Music] surprise birthday party it's gonna be great everyone know their assignments i still have lots of decorating to do i was thinking of evergreen boughs and holly berries beautiful i found some nuts and some delicious fruits that's good cause i've been fishing since dawn but all i caught is a clump of seaweed and two crawdads and i threw them crawd at his back so that's what was pinching my tail feathers [Music] i've been trying to clean the tree but i think it does that i swept out i'm now sweeping back in i've been trying to come up with a special gift to show yesterdo how much we care some sort of poem or speech or song to sing you're gonna sing i am a bird i was quite a warbler in my youth i can't wait to hear this i still haven't thought of anything to get yasido what do you get the bird who has everything and needs nothing don't worry guys it's the thought that counts oh then we had better think of something no i mean it's not the gift but it's what it symbolizes means represents stands for what kind of gift can i bring to a special friend who has everything there's nothing i could catch that he would need and if i had all the berries in the world they couldn't match what he did for me cause what he gave to me is a brand new life but there's a gift i can give him give him something from my heart something from my heart that's the place to start with something from my heart something from my heart i've got it i know what i'll do for yasido at his birthday party oh too late boo boo there isn't going to be any party what why you can't cancel yasudo's birthday party i can't but craig can since when since now how now don't go what it's an expression that means what's up you know how now brown cow what's up is an official announce clamation from his regal resplendent high featheredness crave to help me do you have to do that even when he's not here it's tradition no celebrations of any kind will happen tomorrow by order of craig the leader of the opie's of the north that is all he can't do that can he right so it's a royal proclamation mum whatever it is it clearly violates the rights of all three birds and the expensive birds do that'd be like saying it's illegal to be happy don't give him any ideas he might try that next craig has summoned opie reinforcements from all over the countryside to make sure his law is followed oh joy oh peace to the what are we going to do many of yasido's friends are already invited to the party and they're on their way yesterday always wants us to do what's right right that's right but what if right is wrong it can't be wrong to do right and we know it's not right to do wrong of course you're both right that's right unless it's wrong i'm so confused can we talk that to me one more time i think we're done for now and i finally figured out yasido's gift what i was going to tell the amazing story of his birth it's so inspiring and everyone loves to hear it don't you think rocky why don't you share the story with us now we'd love to hear it yes rocky please tell us all right here goes it all started during the time when the great eagles ruled over all and the peacocks and the hopies governed the bird world by order of eagle augustus emperor all birds must return to the fields and nests where they were born so that they can be counted in the far north country two turtle doves joe and his fiancee molly prepared for the long journey to the field where joe was born but before they left a heavenly messenger appeared [Music] who are you i am an angel do not be afraid to take molly as your wife for the child she carries is special and she will have a son and you are to name him yesado for he will help all birds [Music] so molly and joe headed south towards the land of joe's flock it was too hot to travel during the day so they flew by night but they were not alone the coming of a new king of the birds is near when will he arrive what will he look like whenever it is whatever it is i will be ready [Music] so that's what happened so far as the world got ready for yasido's birth oh i hate that raven the raven is evil all right but he's not the only one is this supposed to be a happy story very sad man it's happy but you need to hang in there hanging [Music] you see there were these three wise owls from the east mel cal and thazar my friends the desert stretches onwards like an endless sea of sand and rock we have been traveling for days are you sure this is the right star that we follow we are following the right star there is no other like it we must push onward my tail feathers are sore my talons weary and our tortoises are tired [Music] i think my peak has moonburn maybe we should turn back we have come this far we must follow where it leads us agreed of course indeed [Music] [Music] desert and mountain following [Music] [Applause] [Music] bright west forgiving still proceeding guideless [Applause] [Music] [Music] still proceeding guided [Applause] [Music] how much further do we need to go we have journeyed well beyond the borders of our territory i've seen that rock before i think we are going in circles what's that over there i believe that to be the canyon of the peacock king we must stop perhaps he can guide us to the newborn king of the birds or maybe he has some fresh worms and a warm bird bath agreed of course indeed [Music] so out who goes there [Music] we are three hours from the east who have come to visit your new king i am not so new but i'm always glad to entertain others of royal blood welcome [Music] introduce me the greatest of all birds with the strongest feathers the most amazing wingspan and the most beautiful colors harold the pikachu potential [Music] that's me do you think i need a theme maybe a chorus of chirps or something no uh that is quite an introduction already who are you i am carl this is mel and our friend thasa we are royal owls from far east of the great mountains hmm welcome what brings you to my land the newborn king the what the sky tells us of a king of the birds who will be born the wisest and most amazing bird ever really born in my land you say that's right if you please king harold may we rest a bit we have traveled very far of course make yourselves at home and then you can tell me more of this king it sounds so fascinating [Music] and so they rested for the night [Music] i don't trust that peacock me neither he's about as trustworthy as a hungry flamingo and a bit of clams always what he burnt with ice on his feathers because he will be watching you if we are finished with the winged wisdom perhaps we can get on with the story yes what happened to joe and molly i was just getting to that joe and molly were making their flight southward but the weather had become very difficult i can't see neither can i we need to find shelter somewhere safe and out of the blowing sand let's try that canyon in the rocks [Music] thank you [Music] you must be cold i'm fine now oh we must find a place to nest soon i am so sorry that the emperor's decree put us on this long journey we had no choice i'll be fine i think we're only another day away from my homeland good can you fly that far i think so but my time is soon i was thinking about who our baby bird will be tell me oh my spirit flies far up to the skies and rejoices in god my savior and know i'm filled with love for this lowly dove will be blessed and remembered forever and the one who lives in me he has done this this mystery and oh i'm filled with joy for this baby boy is the promise for which we've been waiting and he sent from above with mercy and with love we'll show kindness to all generations for those who are humble he will give flight but the proud he has [Music] [Music] it's beautiful isn't it quite magnificent especially when we're sitting still we must be going really you just got here we must be on our way the star is guiding us yes well when you find this new bird king please come back to tell me where he is so that i can worship him as well agreed of course indeed the three owls took off from the oasis of harold the peacock meanwhile harold had sent for the hawk hawk i have an assignment for you that's your majesty service follow the three owls that just left where they headed i don't know but they're following that star make sure they keep their promise and show me the place where this new king of the birds is born so you can worship him of course i'm on it [Music] joe's homeland was finally within reach joe i can't fly much further we're almost there just over this hill [Music] this is where i grew up it looks like a beautiful place it is head for that big olive tree it's so crowded [Music] sorry no more room in the tree where should we go she's going to have a little one soon oh i don't know we're overbooked every bit of foliage around here has been filled for days we're all waiting to be counted joe we need to find some place like i said before please no there is a little cave over there i think there may be some straw and leaves from a quail family that went north thank you so much oh you're welcome so glad i could help it looks kind of scary it should be safe and dry it's so dark don't worry molly everything will be fine but when when will it be fine [Music] right now see the light that's a bright star and it's been our trusted guide on the whole journey here i'll make a nest come and sit thank you joe [Music] amazing star huh [Music] a bit bright for my taste it looks like it's light in that cave who lives there no one important i heard the star was supposed to guide us towards the new king no one will ever worship a king who is born in a tiny little cave not exactly a royal birth i guess have you seen three fussy owls around here no but the night is young big point but my job is to find the owls see you later i'll be watching come on out tom yeah i'm too scared i'm even underhawk are too much for me i know what you mean but that's not where the story ends it does for me come on out little friend the decorations look lovely [Music] they do look nice maggie what about the hoopies if molly can be that brave so can i [Music] the hopies can be very dangerous and vindictive birds even if the hopies make us take it all down we will still celebrate yasido in our hearts yeah and it'll be every bit as glorious even if there's no party at all but with a lot less fish to catch yesor wants us to love and follow him and the hopies can't ever change that but i still like a party what happened to our story right on that very same night there were nightingales nesting in the fields nearby take a look at that star will ya it's moving stars don't move oh this one does and it's big really big what do you suppose that means suddenly an angel appeared to them and glory surrounded them and they were frightened but the angel tried to comfort them don't be scared i have good news that will bring great joy to all birds the new king has been born this night glory to god in heaven and peace on earth to all birds suddenly he was joined by a sky full of angels singing [Music] glory to the newborn king [Music] is [Music] is [Applause] glory to them [Music] well you certainly don't see that every day no you don't that's no ordinary bird really i hadn't noticed king harold is going to have a big surprise coming [Music] we must be very close it is just over the next view our journey is almost complete we will present our royal gifts agreed of course great i mean indeed [Music] unto foreign [Music] [Music] peace [Music] yes [Music] oh he is beautiful what will you call him his name is yesadele a gift from above [Music] i declare this celebration over it is against the law [Music] whose law it's yasido the law of the hopies and of this land [Music] good morning craig what seems to be the problem here da emperor gus oh nothing to concern yourself with your great emperor ship the hopies won't let us have a birthday celebration for our friend is this true it most certainly is craig made an official announced climation quiet you add a beaked bird brain well that cannot be correct now can it for eagle law is over hopi law and we have no such edict do we no no no no no no no no are you the dove who has been healing other birds i am is that against your laws no it is not neither are birthdays until this dove does something that is against eagle law let him celebrate but he breaks all our traditions why don't you return with me to eagle's lair and we shall discuss this this isn't over [Music] that's for sure the party's just starting yeah the party's just starting this hey everyone sings your name all the world rejoices that you came it's your day so we will shout and say happy birthday to you [Music] you give joy to every bird in the sky bringing peace so we can fly so high every day you give us so many things [Music] world rejoices that you came it's your day so we will shout and say happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday so now you too know the amazing story of gasido's birth happy birthday jason [Music]
Channel: Bible stories - the teaching of Jesus
Views: 15,795
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: christian cartoons, Iesodo, Joy For Unto Us a Dove is Born, bible story, Joy, bible stories for kids, teaching of Jesus, christian cartoon, Jesus story, The Way of Jesus, superbook, Bible stories, Jesus's stories, story of the christ, jesus movie, life of jesus, christ, jesus christ, Christian, adventures, mission, nazareth, cartoon, kids, children, animation, animated movie, christ story, animated film, story of jesus, animated movies, a mission, Dove is Born
Id: r1pICuR6iYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 12sec (1692 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 30 2022
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