The Storm May Blow But The Faith Walk Continues

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[Music] mark chapter 4 Jesus is preaching all over this gospel in this chapter and when you're dealing with sowing and reaping my god it pulls the anointing of God out of you and he talks about that in verses 1 going on down gets up to the 60 30 60 100 fold and then he gets over to verse 24 and he's very concerned about what people hear and he says take heed what you hear not how many I'll believe the read parts of the Bible reason why I say that cuz some people don't believe in some of the black parts and some people only believe in the Holy Ghost up to the neck they don't let it get close to their mouth reason why I believe in speaking in tongues it's the only prayer you can't mess up because you don't know what you're saying verse 24 says take heed what you hear then he said what measure ye mete it shall be measured to you and unto you that here's your more be given faith cometh by hearing you want to know why the Lord is blessed brother Copeland's ministry sister Gloria brother Jerry's is because they've heard and that much more is given to them I mean that's in red you got to believe the red parts I noticed Jesus then had a break and been preaching on the parable of the sore that's taking that anointing out of him because the Bible said at times he got tired and he get so mean he's very cautious to watch what you hear you keep going on down against the verse 33 and it says this and with many such parables spake he the word unto them as they were able to hear it as they were able to hear it but without a parable spake he not unto them and when they were alone he expounded all things to his disciples they should have known all things it was coming from Jesus now verse 35 a I want to get to and the same day I noticed he hadn't had time to rest the same day when the even was come he saith unto them let us pass over unto the other side just a simple request I've been preaching all day I'm tired I'm gonna get in the boat catch a couple of weeks we'll just go to the other side and they did that they said okay they got in the boat he got in the back of the boat laid down and when they had sent away the multitude they took him knows they took him I mean he was tired he was weak so they just took him I mean I Peter did that one time the Jesus mom said he took Jesus and Jesus said get thee behind me Satan grabbing God like that y'all not do that just took him but Peter was a boisterous man Jewish Cajun man so they took him again even as he was in the ship had one of the handkerchief buried and they were also with him other little ships thank you now notice he just said let's go to the other side but verse 37 comes upon the sea and there arose a great storm of wind talent this sermon today is a storm a blow but the faith walk continues I know the season had said it did Li squat about any storms he just had I've been preaching all day it's nice to get on the water let's go to the other side but there arose a storm a great storm not just a one little storm there's difference between storms and great storms and the waves beat into the ship so that it was now full Jesus is so tired and then he wake him up he'd been preaching all day and he was in the hinder part of the ship asleep on a pillar you know this he could care less but he's so physically tired that winds that are filling and water filling up the boat don't even wake up the man verse 38 and he was in the hinder part of the ship asleep on the pillar and they wake him and said unto Him master rabbi Reverend Mother however you want to call it father Jesus carest thou not that we perish I mean that's the first word he hears time to get up they said hey you know Capra - in demands of the sleep he'd be like you sleeping in your wife's a gap you don't care for my dress what I mean the aunt had time yet think think - thou not that we perish and the Bible said he arose and rebuked the wind and said unto the sea knows he rebuked the wind anyone had to bail out the boat because the water was in the boat he just rebuked the wind the problem that's causing no order to get into the boat and sudden and to the sea peace be still actually when he said was shut up in that familiar you heard that that's the first word you ever heard when you was a baby shut up my mother used to tell me I start crying she says shut up and she put her fingers on my two eyes and I was trying to see if she could hold him eyelids down I was gone about three minutes and I was so low in somewhere I heard a person the other night brother Koch was preach I heard that they say shot telling a chopped-up kid wouldn't say Amen I know what the kid with it well if she shut up nobody know we what's going on here he making more noise than I am he said peace be still and the wind ceased and that was a great calm I understand great storms of wind or great winds of storm because I'm from the New Orleans area we live in a hurricane a hurricane area great storms powerful wind I don't forget being out 140 miles out in the Gulf of Mexico on a drilling rig and there was a hurricane out and a comes into the Gulf but you know when you shut those rigs down those whales sand up they cost a lot of money to get that to working again so they held us out there as long as they could this was a great storm hurricane Camila went into Biloxi Mississippi wiped out everybody I'm out there and that's thinking water so they always send a helicopter to get you because you can go 140 miles an helicopter in 40 minutes or 50 minutes whatever but the wind was too strong for the chopper to fly so they had the thinnest a boat took 14 hours to get out there take 14 hours to get back 20-foot waves you find out what you ate for four years [Applause] I'm talking upchucking you wish there'd be some water in the boat so you could clean the place up and I never forget a wave came over our boat and blew the windows out the front of the boat not the captain out and you can hear the electricity I mean went over not the wind the wind is completely out the most not the captain out and we were inside the boat a hundred miles from shore with two and a half to three foot of water inside the boat see what do you do pray everybody plays everybody comes together the unity of the faith nobody talks against nobody astronomic you get it all they sign their life to be a lifetime covenant partner with you great storm I never forget that I wasn't save you know when I first thought up mama oh and I thought about all those things she'd say it's your top rock he's born to me boy you gettin saved whether you like it or not I thought right now would be a good time I'd like it the storm was blowin they revived that captain but he had to get us it was his responsibility to get us to the bank or to the shore he didn't have the power to say peace be still now let me show you something here there are many storms that come in life but it makes no difference Jesus has said let us go to the other side nah he ain't worried about the storms and I made up my mind had a guy aggravated me three weeks ago in the meeting he said what's the matter what you think you I guess you just bleed the whole Bible I'll say what else is there I believe it from Genesis to the maps I go sliding off on the lever covers what else I'm going what else am I gonna bleep why not leave everything stars blowing he got angry at me well you don't worry about those things I said I am made in the image of God not only in His image and it is likeness and if Jesus wasn't waking up in the middle of a storm why should I [Applause] if he ain't bothered with the boat doing this then why should I be bothered with the boat doing that if I'm an imitator of God as dear children if I'm supposed to do what he says storms blowing but the faith walk continues and you'll have many opportunities to fail just don't take any you'll have many opportunities to sin just don't take any you'll have many opportunities the lie just don't lie I'll never forget one time I was invited I'm a Cajun boy we know we know New Orleans people and Bayou people know something about food we know flavor flavor it's not just hot flavor and I was up in the northern part of the country and this lady wanted to pick wanted to cook a gumbo for us now if you don't know nothing about gumbo don't mess with it because it's an art to get a good gumbo you get a bad one you can use it to wash your house that's how bad it is and she invited me to their home and I very seldom ever do go to people's home but I decided to go cuz gumbo is a blessing to me I got there and I can tell by the smell because the secret to a good gumbo is Oh Roo Roo how many y'all know what I'm talking about yeah the root has got to be right throw everything else away the ruin right so they fixed it they asked me to sit down they gave me the biggest bowl I could find and I looked at it but I wasn't going by what to see the storm started to blow but the faith walk would continue so I'm sitting there with a spoon true story we pray over the food I take up bite of this gumbo it'll trash oh I'm talking major bad here I mean a dog would go bad so I take up but now I'm like this catch this picture I went to myself and her husband was looking at me and he had his spoon and the little boy nine years always looking at me she said brother Justin is it good do you like it not what do I say do I lie like a dog and say oh it's wonderful and go to hell because of a bowl of gumbo the storm is blowin I'm being rocky I don't want to hurt the woman's feelings so I said I might oughta ask God I mean the Hollis is going on they waiting with me to take the second spoonful and I said God what should I do he said tell her the truth I still a teens of unasyn you're not eating this trash now I'm telling you exact words here I mutton finessing this hour she asked me said what about Justin do you like it I said ma'am this is trash her husband went throw the spoon down the kids with throw DS he said I know you a man of God I was shocked when all else fails when all else fails tell the truth he said I know you a man of God we've had preachers come over and eat this trash this is no God you the harlot man that told the truth and the wife she said honey you didn't tell me it was bad he's not he wanna hurt your feelings but I prayed for prophet of God [Applause] storms blowing faith walk continues God said get to the other side yeah but cancers in my way cancer has a name everything that's made that's the name of Jesus faith walk continues humor television stars ruin you will get blown out the boat how bad some people say well would you Robbie you know you wouldn't walk up Jesus why should i he said go to the other side I figured this much if I drown he drowns and he can't drown so if the star won't wake it will I'm gonna say it again neither should the storm wake you up what did Jesus doing that boat he entered into the rest storms blowing faith walk continues when you understand what I'm saying here you're flowing that anointing of God people in the world should marvel at the life of the believer not the sins of the believers that's what the world is marveling at today ladies and gentlemen they're marveling at the sins of the believers when they ought to be marveling at the life of the believer you not gonna get anybody leaving their religion if you not live in the life that Jesus said you could live I want people to marvel at the believers life in me not the sins of the believers I've said it now say it again I really have a hard time sinning I've learned embarrassed in it's fun you won't see me embarrassing if you're walking back and some man putting eye on you lady but walk up to her said what's happening just holler loud sad wife calm your husband's making a pass I guarantee you'll run from you in seven ways embarrass that level because the devil likes to look cool and calm and collected storms blowing when you're in ministry you know what I'm talking about God says walk my faith I got a sign in my office if you never come you'd seat in my personal office their ministry headquarters and it's in gold lamination paint of something it says go ye what I want to put on the end of it is Wow he's never told me where he just told me no go you I say okay where to the other side man I can't even see the boat how I'm gonna get to the other side you see there's been times I thought that people would have to take me and put me in the boat as they took Jesus and put him in the boat but it makes no difference what's coming your way I realized something about the devil he's the oldest lose I know that ball is loosen he goes before the Father accusing me in you and that's something he cute how can you accuse me I'm the redeemed of the Lord but he does cuz he's an idiot he's on the limits of retardation I figured that out a long time ago Starnes Lowen faithful continues so how do you make that faith walking it by quoting the Word of God a lot of times I get up in the morning say Jessie mr. Toby Creek what your chosen generation bless God that makes me feel good God chose me your raw priesthood bark you have by you water flowing through your veins you got the blood covenant of God you a peculiar person I knew that before I ever got say Starnes going but I'm steadfast immovable abounding and the work of the Lord for I know I'm not believing I know in whom I have believed and I'm persuaded and I've learned something most people miss God not by the devil tripping them up but by them getting weary and the things that God wanted to do God said in Galatians let us not be weary and well do you standing for your husband yes don't get weary about it it's his tough luck he married you greater issues that you don't get weary in well-doing falling through season you worry if you faint it's possible to get your prayers totally completely answered and you passed out on the floor and your answers to your prayers go right by you and you get up say wonder when he's coming storms blowing how do I keep this faithful don't get weary now you'll have many opportunities get where there are times when you preach as much as I preach and Jerry preaches and Kenneth and glory bridge you don't want to preach sometimes sometime you're walking up to the pulpit like this people think it's the Holy Ghost now I just fatigue and you're waiting to receive that pulpit and some idiot start speaking trash I won't say where it was but the other day or whatever a while back I went to brother Copeland meeting he flew into a place and I said well come on Cathy meaning you gonna go we'll go to me and I just flew in from a plane I was beat the pictures my body said lay down lay down my spirit said get up go receive what that man has to say so we went and I got to see one of the staff I was talking and the pastor gets up there to deus mother cool ladies and gentlemen we have with us brother Kenneth Copeland what a blessing the dog he said but before we asked him to come to thee to pulpit and brother Cody since then you can tell oh brother Kings faith where he don't like snot I'm here just here go [Applause] you can tell with something Bobby and this person says you see that white head of guy that was me he's going on I'm going I cycle trip with this guy well like hope live here you boys know to get a bunch in church y'all all they get killed oh it just gonna have a ride why do you think you're gonna get killed even if their heart troubles in life the faith walk continues you notice Jesus didn't get him sick whoo stop I mean I wonder what the disciples would have done if he did jump down with Wow hurricane let's go walk on the water no wait wait wait don't get crazy with this thing jump out the boats and start running to the beach what do you think Peter would have done let him go by himself I'm the captain of the ship there's been times God's told me booth get on the water whoa but we bought this boat for Starnes blowing what you saying I'm saying that the world ABC CBS NBC HBO Showtime the movie channel Cinemax ought to be saying we got to go film that believers convention we got to see those people my god they go in the church at 9:30 in the morning like this my god they go from 9:30 to 12:00 and don't even get out then they go Russian II didn't get back in one sided then 2:30 then we go to service at night and we bought ready to leave and God moves in 5000 people come for prayer why walk my why aren't they doing that because we kill our own wounded I'm not worried about the world I don't have a problem with the world is the church that does me bananas jesus said come together in the unity of the faith what is this convention calm what causes belief come here television audience where are you he said come together in the unity of the faith [Applause] he said that he said that why aren't you here don't you believe God like one famous preacher said don't shout me down I'm gonna preach him good let us not be weary in well-doing I would die for my wife and my daughter but sometime they where in me I'm not gonna lie about it's the truth sometimes Cathy can make me ecstatic but she can drive me up a tree but then she acts like Jesus just to come down I'm going to your house today and I found out you can't win an argument with God and you're not gonna win an argument with UI you may think you did but you didn't because they got weight great stress they can last longer than you you make them mad son man get mad tell you one thing but to you right now what you gonna tell me I just getting stoned blowing faith walk continues I got mad at her one time I saw I gonna bad with you no more she said we'll hook him up big boy get out of here I'm mad at I thought I was penalizing it can't penalize no woman three days later man I was in the kitchen door say hey [Applause] here's a rose cat is she still mad get out of my face storm blowing I will make this so simple faith walk continues the three Hebrew children my Shack EO Shack and a bungalow all you want to do is serve God I got some devil from hell wanting them to bow down in my Shack says the yo Shack what's a bungalow doing here you know how crazy a bungalow is here bound but you're gonna do my Shack whatever you want me to your Shack heat the furnace seven times hotter that's all a bungalow I got some gas in my pit if you want some and Yosh accent shut up a bungalow it's hot enough as it is you got a quick boom didn't believe was convention what's the matter with you and old never throws him in the fire he said I'm gonna watch him burn but Jesus was there Jesus is always where the fire is if that if I would have been my Shack or your Shack or a bungalow how to walk to the front of that front and say hey never but I probably would have died because I'd have been in the flesh storm blowing but they came out there and all Neville said we will serve your God now notice they didn't get weary in well-doing they didn't get weary at all well doing you'll have many opportunities to quit more you'd have a lot of people st. hit man don't get mess with this thing bow down and repent later we're gonna drink tonight will repent tomorrow how many are used to get saved over Sunday morning Sunday night whoo yeah storms blowing sure people want to get out the wind in the waves the storm will not quit till it's over until Jesus jumps up and says shut up be still so don't be weary in Galatians 6:9 don't be wearing well do it for in due season now what is due season what do season to me means now now faith is I had a man Jeremy says it just don't look like you ever get guilty about anything I said well it ain't my fault he said there's there for now but does now mean to you boy he said now means now I said you're a brilliant man now there's therefore no condemnation to them are in Christ Jesus don't you see my tattoo in Christ in Christ in Christ in Christ I refuse to be condemned hey you don't have any trouble look I tried to win them in 190 mile an hour without there the Stars lied but I'm bout ready to walk on I didn't say shut up well you might not wake up Jesus what for what for we can handle this he told us to go to the other side let him rest I think it was shock God if people would wake him up or talk him say hey got a big major truck would come you'd say I handle this Lord the Lord say I've got to see this and you get on it's about that boat piece shut up be still my grandmother was not a very boisterous person all her children were but she come here for here my mom was Boston my uncle to Boston but grandma and my grandpa was embossment but my grandma was very quiet she just got up and said if y'all don't want to die of hunger quit fighting we knew what that meant she wasn't gonna cook and everybody wanted her to cook I think three days before she died they asked her to cook a major meal the old girl could cook she didn't have a she was a wonderful person but I bought her a beautiful dress maybe I can she said oh thank you grandson and she kissed me with him loose lips I just lovin sometime I just take her lips pick them up a little bit okay then back down I'd understood she knew it I said grandma I don't buy you a notch I get you a Nolan Miller suit get you something super night fine fine whoo she said oh I'm aware this when I die I say you can't see it grandma and guess what she wore guess what they buried it that's it see she can only think of it in terms of death she still could be living today not that she was ignorant and all but Jesus said people are destroyed for lack of knowledge and hey a lot of people around her knew God but we didn't know how to keep her alive but she still be here taught me how to tie my shoes that was a storm in my life I had to have it I had a custom problem when I was five my grandma my grandpa would say say this blanket blanket thanks Blake I go blanket in black he thought that was funny he said now go say this to your daddy cuz I don't like him Nina I'm serious I'd walk it to my dad I said that it pop off said blankety-blank might need it so he would get in me man that's the true story he taught me he thought that was funny thank God he got saved seven days before he died mama had a storm with her father but the faith walk continued well what do we do when we see things that are not right well second Corinthians 14 while we look not at the things what you see but at the things which are not seen for the things which this is the three verse four the things which are not seen a temporal subject to change but the things which are not seen are eternal second Corinthians 4:18 most people quote that all the time I mean if you're interested in things get to second Corinthians that's a thing verbs storms blow it faith walk continues just simple truths I never forget when I first started dating Catholic I'm from south Louisiana been around water all my life but I've never water ski because my daddy didn't do that stuff so he didn't do it really do it and I've never snow ski I've seen people that have snow ski they need healing most of they say once you come up there I said well let me get my faith up first I don't know nothing about skiing you know but anyway so when it comes to balancing things I got a problem Kathy wanted me to go skating say what you want you wanna take me skating Jesse now how do you want to pick a skate and comes out in know how to skate you look you're trying to be cool as a teenager he's got little kids skating around instead come on Fat Boy you can make it you know and here's this girl that you dated man she just so I'll put them skates all night and that wasn't like these beautiful skate rings that guy had him old skate rings with those wooden floors anybody remember that used to have those big old masonite blade fans in the corner so I said I wanted to be cool so how's holding on there Kathy said you don't know how to skate that's in the hall but I'll learn then you got this guy with a whistle come on move get your hand off the rail so I take it off wham and get the rock and he didn't care if he hit the ground storm was blowing and I took me a long time to get back up and grab that rail and Kathy had come y'all many helped you know I can do it ain't it I said how do you stop they said well just put your foot fart and that little rubber stop I did both form at the same time what I hit the ground twice hard on the mold wooden foot so but I still trying to get it the storm was blowing ball and then kids is going on ha ha ha one time I felt I caught one slapping as I went down I still have enjoyed that slap and that's been almost 30 years ago I'm not that long 27 years ago but finally I got to going stone blowing well I got going down good but how do you turn and some kid pushed me and I went and I'm heading straight for the fan the fan a big old masonite blade fans with no screen just blowing to keep air I ran into the fan I couldn't stop going I went into the fan the rail broke and I went into the panic caught the blades thank God he wasn't going and also the pain going ah ah ah blue smoke coming out the fan he come the whistle guy turn it loose no it's a eat my lunch if I turn it loose Jack I've burnt the fan up they had to shut the skating ring down to get me out the fan is that right storm was blowing what are you laughing at me for you probably did it too what do you saying I wanted to get it I finally got out the Fanta had cuts on my hands I burnt the fan up everybody said you back the fan up your back to us I want to throw him in the band anyway just scold him was blowing you know what Cathy made me do come here give me your hand come on hey it's walk continuous and he went wrong I was took a long time to turn the curve just hit the ball so you could get to the straight away and I'm still not good with balance John Copeland took me yesterday before he said you want to work out with me yeah I'll do that man so I'm a jogger you know and I'm out there tight Johnson he said Johnson hey Darrell Oh Jesse God you ever done wrong laminar and all erratic tracks I think that's my slicker John I kill him I kill you I'll give it a shot John I get on that thing he said no all you got to do is this that is not true I wanted to say John cares the hell that we perish I got on the thing fool my feet slipped on them and John darling John help me said put your feet back I can't got my feet were underground I said I can't die okay hey John are you going finally got me out that apparatus I said John you do it so John gets on it you said look this is real simple you got it oh yeah I got it live like a dog yeah I got it's okay you don't and Jon Faine same response so I went home I still hadn't learned to do that thing I tried it by myself the other day and the whole place was laughing it you know for a few minutes you didn't want to be saved I wanted to turn on set you don't want some of me stolen blow it this is so simple the agree to the point of this is not getting wearied and just keep walking and if Jesus is not being disturbed by the storm why should you say brother yes I've been fighting sickness and disease all your boats just about full now but you see you can't mix faith and unbelief that together cuz either call Jesus master is faith master and then fear comes in cares though that we perish you know Peter did that on on the water he said Lord save us you know you mix faith and fear fear always comes out on top because faith want why not because fear is stronger faith will have nothing to do with here I'll say one more thing and then I got to go out at two minutes when the storm is blowing that faith walk keep walking now Jesus said watch what you hear now some of you but I've been told blessed are y'all not be going out under them kind of meat because then things are over no they're not over maybe take it will never be over it can never be over this we just rehearsing for what we're gonna do when we get to heaven what's the difference between a believers convention on the earth and I believers convention in heaven really nothing now the thing cuz faith has fallen from both of them I guess I don't think you won't get sore sitting back how many y'all gets or sitting down under seventy all came up for healing birthday they waiting you just was so now see some people are fall I guess well I tell you what I prayed for my person last night I said what's your problem or nothing just pray okay I felt like saying okay lay hands on me I'm hurting pretty bad myself in the craziest thing then first thing you do is go to the hotel and sit down you go hang out I said uh-huh no rest it storms blowing faith walk continue what do you say it second Chronicles 2020 believe in the Lord your God so shall you be established I'm just hitting these scriptures real quick believe it's prophets and so shall you prosecute not the world won't tell you you shouldn't do that if you go their way you will participate in recession depression and everything else if you want hey if you think they got something better than you watch them what they needed was coming here and get full of the Word of God I'll say this real real fast and close we're we're in a little church about 35 people was Venice Full Gospel temple a little shot going to look in white church or wood frame church house a small small boy and my father and my mother would they were had about 3035 people in church that night and we began to hear what it sounded like trains we had real bad weather that night would come to church it sound like a thousand trains and we realized that there was a tornado coming through the woods there so I was very little in those days I remember my dad in the pastor and several people walking out the door and they told all of us to get down on the floor of the church I never forget get on the floor it sound like a bunch of trains coming boy and I mean that Tony that twister was come busting up trees tearing up everything also dad in the past and a couple other men just walked outside and stupid me up I just I ran for my bed and when I went outside Wham and when blue meat just bowed me in the yard my dad said get that boy come here boy and he's holding me about a pan from the wind just picking me up like if I remember that man I mean cuz I I remember bugs hitting me in the face oh when and I never forget those preachers my dad in the seventh written several people begin to speak to that star and I thought we are dead I remember this I'm e9 ever felt wind like that in my life they begin to speak to that storm huh we had another choice see the thing was coming you couldn't run fast enough away from it it's gonna blow the church about you you're in the path you don't get hit ripping trees I seen trees just by helmet and it just I mean you're a black swirling cloud just coming and I saw that thing on my own - I don't forget it I was split they went they were hollering Jesus's name powering it you could barely hear because of the wind and I sort of think you know part of a sky what I'll never forget that don't clap you take it my time alright and they all begin to shout and everybody that good church began to dance in the spirit so did you dance no I was just going wow so I went to school told my teacher that our church beat up a tornado split in half and she looked at me said how'd y'all do that by the power of Jesus name that teacher said that's nice I said it's more nice I mean it made me a witness the storm was blowing but what made those men and there was a - Loveladies I don't remember their names they went out there what made him stand against odds that cannot be beaten in natural life what was it Jesus was in their boot but they didn't take time to wake him up they just went out there and begin to shout shut up peace be still the thing split and it was over in a matter of it seemed like two minutes nothing anymore just a light mr. Brean you may have a storm in your life and I just cut the surface of this you may have a storm today in your life are you standing right in front of a tornado you don't know what to do maybe you yes Lord thank you there's several people here you you're the one thing you want more not your whole life is the love of your father you got his name but you really don't have his love at least you don't think he seems to be too busy yes Lord there's been favoritism of the other children and you've been looked down on but I won't tell you something that may be true in terms of your natural life but the Lord loves you more than any man and woman could ever possibly think and I want to ask you real quickly cuz sister Gloria is coming and this is the Lord's impressing me this has been a great storm there are other storms in here but the faith walk continues you don't have the Lord's not sleeping because he never over sleeps and he's not sleeping start with but I've learned as I grow in the word and as I studied and believe in attend meetings as these things and receive these things that sometimes I just don't bother God love a situation I just say Lord I handled that in your name through the blood covenant the power of your name the fire of attorney and it took care of it and I've had the Lord say that's nice that's good now we can just sit down and fellowship said I have to be fighting Devils about something how you doing Jesse went to prayer just the other day hadn't been sleeping much since they got here why I'm trying to figure out how to make that NordicTrack work bless God to get that thing to work but I just said Lord and he said what I mean he was right here what that's it oh he said what do you want Jesse I said nothing not a thing how you doing hello just want to talk to you he said you need anything I said if I do I don't remember but this don't need talking about needs just how you doing that happened two days ago in this hotel he said I'm doing good and then this morning he woke me up I got to bed real late I don't know and they woke me up and and that he woke me up I didn't wake myself up he said how you doing I said I was sleeping that's what I say it he said I said is that what can I do for you Lord he said nothing just want to say hello good morning how you doing so I'm doing fine I saw thank you for allowing me to be here today he said thank you for allowing me to come in your room anytime I want to and just talk he said used to get mad about me waking you up but you don't do that no more I used to get witty oh why don't you come at five o'clock afternoon why are you waking me up at three o'clock in the morning he said the television is not on yes that's what he told television what are you saying storms of life will happen but the faith walk continues if you have a deficit in love stand to your feet be honest there's a deficit in your life look at this look at this how about you up and then high balconies I can't there you go ma'am thank you it's hard for me to see these television lights you watching by television hall maybe you got a deficit of love you won't you stand up right by your couch love never fail now you people that are sitting you see these people standing why don't you stand with them and lay your hands on them let's do that right now would you pray for them and transfer the love of God and your own love into their hearts do it right now you people watching my television we're praying for these we will be praying for you let's all pray together right now father in the name of Jesus you quicken that to my spirit a lot of people stood up they don't feel loves cotton maybe their lives hadn't shot hadn't haven't been shown love but Jesus you went to the cross for them you died for them lord I ask you to sin minister in angels the Holy Ghost whoever to their homes to their parents as are the people that did not show them love and this week let them see a difference in people because God the human race needs love we need them father I ask you to touch them all in Jesus's name Lord any love that's in my life I'll share it with them right now those watching my television I'll share it with them right now they'll receive the love of the Lord I ask you to bless them bless them now people pray for them real quick come on begin to pray in the Holy Spirit / interject eject interject come on give them a shot of that love eject love out of you into them come on hallelujah why do you think brother Copeland been preaching on hopelessness why do you think God because there's so many people without don't have anything to look forward to I like what he said the other night hopelessness a hopefulness I want hopefulness so receive that love right now in the name of Jesus storms blowing in your life but the faith walk is continuing by the power of Jesus's name I ask you to wash the past from their minds Lord the past never sees the future and Lord let them live in the now and the days to come they'll be so full of love not only the agape love not on a fillet oh love Stargate eros Lord but when they get to the people that did not show them love in their life growing up Lord that love will be extended to them I ask you this Lord in the name of Jesus and we'll receive it today now everyone lift your hands up and thank God you about television lift your hands up and thank God come on let's just receive it let's just be blessed by them the storms going but that faith walk continues be not weary yes Lord say it again Jesse I'll do it from now on the world are a marvel at the life of a believer instead of a believer sin don't ever forget that statement if you understand what I said you'll have a hard time sin you walk back to that hotel or you go to your home your job you don't have to push people with religion just let Jesus just light up in you I came down the elevator this morning by myself waiting on my wife and there's a person got an elevator when I went in this lady says you sure look like you're having a good time I said oh I'm having more than a great time I said I've come to California and I'm sharing it with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ I said you know it's wonderful to go to a place where Jesus resides she said that's very nice I said it's more than nice it's a reality see I notice all you people walk around in bed you're smiling I figure they got it [Applause] now available on total JDM gorg watch everything anywhere anytime go to total jda org and sign up today [Music] this media is copyrighted by Jesse Duplantis ministries for the private use of our audience any other use of this media or of any pictures or accounts without Jesse Duplantis ministries consent is strictly prohibited
Channel: Jesse Duplantis Ministries
Views: 191,606
Rating: 4.8208442 out of 5
Keywords: JDM, Jesse Duplantis, Peace Be Still, Jesus, Walk on Water
Id: wAnpnHsdqcU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 48sec (3108 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 14 2018
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