Faith the Facts: Keep Your Mind Full Of Great Pictures! | Jesse Duplantis

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hello i'm jesse the planters and i'm reminding you to like the video subscribe to our channel and hit the bell for notifications [Music] hello ladies and gentlemen this is justin plans and we're talking about faith to facts instead of fear the facts or face them we're going to faith him and you know what we've been going through excuse the way i'm dressed here because i've been running all over i mean it's starting at 4 30 in the morning all the way to nine o'clock at night you know just doing everything doing this post-hurricane situation but god's been so good and people ask all the time you know how you just stay up all the time i put inside my mind wonderful pictures of what i want to happen i always say what i want instead of what i have i don't deny what i see i don't deny what i have i deny its right to affect me so i say what i want see it's a perfect picture the bible says in the book of second corinthians chapter 10 verse 4 and 5 for the weapons of our weapons of our warfare are not corner but mighty through the pulling down of strongholds casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of god bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of christ so i mean this this storm has been so overwhelming but i don't let it overwhelm me so when i see people that are overwhelmed i'm not that i'm better than they are not but see because their mind is statement they're taking those thoughts and bible says take no thought saying so i refuse that and you know what we just keep going on and going on that doesn't mean the devil hadn't fought us that doesn't mean we hadn't have damage and things that we're still on generator power at the time that you're seeing this but that don't make no difference if we just do what we got to do like the old gentleman said you got to do what you got to do you know i think he was a sicilian myself a good guy most of my italian friends are sicilian i love them all praise the lord so i want you to know today maybe you're facing up a stage 4 cancer situation i mean that's bad right yeah why don't you put thoughts in your mind it may sound crazy it may sound imagination whatever the thoughts of your mind you walking feeling good doing good and by jesus stripes you are healed now that's faith in the facts i don't deny that people have those things i deny it's right you know for it to exist in their body so when i pray for people that have that kind of a storm and that is a major storm i ask them a question it sounds a little hard do you want to live or do you want to die and they said all of them say i want to live the bible says death and life is in the power of the tongue not in the power of the medicine that they're giving and the medicine is good don't misunderstand but sometimes it works sometimes it don't depends on what individual you know genetic code call it what you want but the word of god will work for everybody if they'll take it intravenously in the spirit what i call praise god so you're building yourself up on your most holy faith praying in the holy ghost see now that's what i'm talking about i so i keep pictures so every time i see damage on the building i see it fixed and yesterday i came by there was a whole bunch of damage on our executive offices and when i looked up it was all they had finished all that facial whatever they call that stuff i said look how pretty this thing is makes you really appreciate the wonderful people that are willing to get out there sweating everything you can think of to get the job done it's such a blessing of the lord for our weapons are not cornered but they're mighty through god mighty through god to the pulling down of stronghold let me say it again casting down imaginations and every hard thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of god what are some of the high things well financial pressure uh hurricane pressure you may be in uh california fire pressure you know it seems like people forget when another story comes out but you're still going through those people that lost all their homes it's just as bad if not worse than a hurricane all the people here but you know what haven't done all the stand stand there for so i put a nice picture that everything gonna be all right you know something like old roberts used to say something good is gonna happen to you i like that statement and yet people got mad at him for saying that i'd rather say that and say something bad's going to happen to us you find what i'm saying so every time we see a an energy truck going to put a pole up we get off we get all excited about it because god's word is true now you know i mean we're in the world but we're not of the world i mean it rains on the just and the unjust you might hear it right now it's raining we don't want it raining we got pollens when it comes tarps on top of people's houses they've had enough damage they're doing all they know to do but that's all right we're gonna get through this thing over and above and beyond why because we're gonna paint a picture in our mind that the house is okay the kids are okay everything's okay and if it's okay bless god i'm gonna act okay because that's the word of the lord there's another verse says here colossians 3 verse 2 and 3 and i love this one set your affections on things above and not on things on the earth for you are dead and your life is hid with christ in god so i set my affection on the promises of god if you really want to get rid of gloom in your life hold on to a promise the promise of god are yea amen which means yes and so be it so i'm going to tell you something it's very easy to get depressed or discouraged as despondent i mean i could but i can't i have over 100 families that rely on me for this ministry and i tell you what and i'm relying on god and together we're getting this job done so set your affection on that and let maybe you're struggling financially here's a promise get rid of that gloom that pressure my god shall supply all money according to his riches in glory whether you lost a job or not it all has to do with his riches not your job oh you hear what i'm saying so if you're fighting the cancer better bless god by your stripes i am he if you've got a bunch of crazy kids and they send it up some say instead of tough luck i got the promise of my family down to a thousand generations you see that's casting down the imagination that satan wants you to think and start thinking about god bringing every thought into captivity thinking about what god says so faith the facts and watch the facts will work with your faith and together you will get it done it suggested a plan saying we love you see you next time god bless you bye-bye [Music] this media is copyrighted by jesse duplantis ministries for the private use of our audience any other use of this media or of any pictures or accounts without jesse duplantis ministries consent is strictly prohibited
Channel: Jesse Duplantis Ministries
Views: 5,320
Rating: 4.98524 out of 5
Keywords: Jesse Duplantis, JDM, Cathy Duplantis, Faith the facts
Id: 4J0JirdtyC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 27sec (387 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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