Hearing God's Voice, Part 1

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[Music] hello ladies and gentlemen thank you for tuning in to the broadcast today I want to take you back 26 years I was skinny I even had gray hair glory to God I preached a sermon called hearing God's voice seven ways God speaks to these children call a friend tell them to turn that television on they're gonna be blessed it's funny it's hilarious and I'm a lot younger too and skinny whoa what a blessing to God so I'm telling you you're gonna be blessed by this because it's got a lot of humor in it but it's got great revelation in I mean necessarily so get a pencil and a piece of paper and write some of this town hearing God's voice seven ways in which God speaks to us and you could be surprised some of them that he uses you're gonna be blessed are you ready get ready be blessed [Music] I want to deal with seven ways in which God speaks to his people in number one God speaks through Scripture number one as you read or as it's revealed to your mind now I want to ask you a question how many times you've read a scripture and all of a sudden one day he was reading it or someone quoted it and he just leaked off the page or I just exploded out of somebody's mouth and you went oh I got that how many of you have ever experienced that see that's one way God speaks to his people that's why he believes in all of us reading his word or devouring his word really so God speaks to his people through Scripture as you read or as it's revealed to your mind and there's been many times I have read verses where I might read that same verse 14 thousand times it seemed like and all of a sudden when I read it that that last time like that brother was just talking all of us and I said man God is that what you say yes that's exactly what he is saying so God speaks to his speaks through scripture as you read now you know you gotta understand something about me I love the read the Word of God I thank God that I was educated enough to read reading is one as a phenomenal beautiful concept to read and be educated through reading and a lot of times I'll read my Bible on a plane I even read a Bible a magazine or a USA Today something of that nature but every once while you know I'll get my Bible out and start reading and when I started reading the Bible but I don't read it like this in the beginning God created the heaven to the earth and earth was that form and void and darkness and speed of the Lord moved the point of order buckles on face that evening God said let there be light and there was like you know just reading a little bit about you know just you know I'm irate 5 chapters a day well hardy-har-har how many do you remember how many do you understand how many is the revelation of knowledge given to you so that's common I pick up my Bible and I tell I had a man sitting to me one sitting right next to him in the middle seat I happen to be in the window seat not just turned into the book of Genesis cuz that's my favorite Old Testament book Genesis my favorite New Testament book is the book of Ephesians oh I like that look Lord God I see my name all over that book hello Luke now just enjoy that but anyway si just opening that I went to page 1 of the Bible page 1 it says in the beginning God created the heavens in the earth and the earth was out form and void and darkness upon the face of the deep and the spear the Lord moved upon the waters and God said let there be light actually didn't say let there be light and said in the original hebrew light be and that i was not the son yeah I'm saying that's not that son you see burning out there tomorrow morning or whatever no no that was God releasing himself in the nothing and out of nothing who would he hang something called the earth in you so God is light in whom there's no darkness no shadow a variable of turning think about that so God releases himself into nothing and out of him cuz everything you see touch smell taste and eat so he first has to release himself because he is the creator so I'm sitting on it and I've read that verse my god I don't want to exaggerate but I don't know how a bunch of times thousands every time I've read the Bible sitting like I just always think in the beginning God created the heaven and earth so I'm reading there and all of us suddenly just leaps off the page and I look at the man next to him I went oh god just created the earth it just came out it was revelation knowledge who an evolution from an even who man you into this I said no it's into me he said you seem excited I said yes I am I am possessed I think the guy whoa I am faster with a holy it just leapt off the page to me in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth and the earth was a farming board and and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the Spirit of the Lord moved upon the waters and God said and I looked at that word move and I love it in the Hebrew it doesn't say move it means fluttered boom man he begins to create that's how all you get say because the Holy Spirit is fluttering on top of your head all right there that creating that Trinity it's moving on top of your head and all that that Holy Spirit is waiting for Jehovah to say light be my God when God says like me and Holy Ghost goes in you Wow and you born again into the kingdom of Jesus Christ [Applause] he's fluttering tonight waiting to me move waiting on command God couldn't do nothing till he said it notice that light couldn't come into existence till he said it but that Holy Ghost is ready he said I'll create a new one any time God talks so if you've got a family member that's lost it's they're tough look they were all related to you you got the promise of your family down to a thousand generations and you can't live that long my god at all the ghost is fluttering and moving and waiting for a command and all you got to say God all your promises are yeah amen which means yes and so be it and got a look at that sinful husband or that home for that grandpa that Daddy or that daughter that son and you're looking at me go who you start breathing who and every time you breathe something comes alive he goes right be why I'm at Holy Ghost goes in it hello drunkard comes back full of the Spirit of God got that new wine of Jesus Christ I love it so how does God speak he speaks the scriptures one way as you read or as it's revealed to your mind I like this scripture Philippians 4:19 most people always think about this my God shall supply all my need according to his riches in glory there always are you seem to focus on the need I don't need what needs I said it this morning I deal with seeds instead but you know what I focus on in that var verse Philippians 4:19 not my God shall supply all my need according to his riches in glory people thinking of the richest and the me what I think I was the first to words my god personal Paul didn't say the God the unknown God he said my God my God I want you to meet my wife I want you to meet my husband these are my kids do you want one of them send me oh yeah I got some I'll give some amount away I won't even sell em for her to go I like those two it my god personal relationship now you see God spoke to me he said Paul called me his God what do you call me Jessie I said I called you Jesus Christ the Anointed Savior you are my god and not only that you are my friend oh and it's so wonderful to be saved by you and while I'm talking to you let me tell you what you said about me greater is He Who is in me can you see him God he said I'm looking in the mirror I can see myself I live inside of you everyday I had a lady one time a doctor she said I'd like to know what God looks like I just unbuckle my seatbelt stood up in the plane said look at me just look at me lady I'm made in His image and I'm made in his likeness I got his genes running through my spirit through my soul and through my body she looked at me said well he's a bit short in imagine those people on television you know in their living rooms going you thought I forgot you did now glory to God so number one God speaks through Scripture so that's why you need to not just read the Bible to get five chapters done today so you can get it read in a year no no no no so that revelation knowledge comes through the Word of God as you read and main I mean some of those scriptures you've been knowing for years will leap off the page and make you shout something most of time I don't know why script you always hit my right leg I don't know what I do sometimes I go WOW and people think it's an affliction no it's the Holy Ghost just do this happens like that my wife it hits her hand I'll tell you one thing ok and notice the me man she saw me did you say reach over didn't grab my button she's anointed my god I'll tell you what more she can throw a button on it'll show up on you by itself that's number one how many of you got have spoken you through scripture raise your hand up you people watching my television how many of you God have spoken to you lift your hand up okay look at that man he lifted his hand I mean any money sir I'm talking about the people at home they're blessed God just thought I'd help you out fella said oh what'd he say I forget my had a guy one time you almost fell asleep I said how many his wife said mister Adam at you to say what he said same thing I mean you want to go to hell he said no better watch it I love to catch it I'm dealing with hearing the voice of God and I noticed Jesus heard God's voice scream aloud from the throne do you excite God so much that people hear and talking out loud around you so number one you read this Bible so I'd sure like the head a voice of God in the beginning was the word the Word was God in the Word was with God get the Word of God read it every day spring it into your spirit let it leap off the page and don't let it stay logos readable word let it become Rhema revelation word oh I like that and that's done through fellowship see now number two he speaks to your spirit hearing the voice of God here's a second way God speaks to his people he speaks to your spirit through an inner witness now I want to deal with this for a minute what do you mean an inner witness let me give you a prime example what happened to me years ago one time I got up and everything was going so good it was one before the minister was doing great my personal life was doing great everything was going fine to tell you the truth like I thought man what a great day but I got up and I had that heaviness on me that kind of feeling I don't know how else to expect it yep I mean you're not sick you know or anything of that nature in terms of physical symptoms that you can see in your body but all but you just got this heaviness on your gonna yeah just so I got up and I had that feeling I want to call it it was kind of inside this so I began to rebuke the devil I said Joe I've come against me in Jesus name I buy you the Bible said if I'm buying the strong man then I can enter into his house and take his possession I'm buying Jew devil from hell I said get out of here but it got worse and worse just heavier not with ministry doing fine personal life doing find everything business life social life publicly everything's going great great but something was happening and I didn't realize what it was so I stopped buying the devil I mean I must the bind I mine for about 35 minutes I've had more knots in that rope you can shake a stick at sir i bind you find the lord said just it then I knew that boy I said what he said what do you do you're binding me I said I'm binding you he said yes I am using your spirit right now with utterings and groanings that cannot be mentioned that Spirit of God me inside of you is using your spirit to make intercession I never nothing wrong with me he was nothing wrong with the ministry there wasn't anything wrong at all but I was I had that kind of heaviness feeling and what happened was the Holy Spirit was making intercession through my spirit with utterings and groanings that could not be mentioned in here I'm binding God thinking it's the devil how many of you have experienced such a thing oh yeah no not as many as the first that's good good see God speaks to his people through an inner witness sometimes it'll happen to you on a song you're singing it's a and it ain't cooking it ain't moving you know it's kind of like you trying to get that beating the whole congregation going you stop and say shut out I'm up here you aren't there okay that right hello Heidi what I'm saying I'm saying God speaks to his people through an inner witness to your spit through in any way see here I'm thinking the devil's trying to make me feel bad and what I'm thinking I automatically begin to bind the devil when it's God making intercession through me through the person is just the Holy Spirit with others and groans that cannot be mentioned in other words that my intellectual ability cannot understand I don't know who God was praying for through me might have been somebody in China could have been that brother in Siberia going over that wasteland could have been you couldn't even Bend for me but all of a sudden I felt that live however I realized that God was using me speaking to me speaking through me for someone else maybe even me hearing the voice of God so I begin to be draw myself more sensitive to spiritual things so I could understand when God was talking on when the devil was just trying to aggravate you now what aggravating this thing I just had that feeling I call it a feelings all about you describe it in terms of the natural but what it was it was uttering and groanings that cannot be mentioned sometime God comes upon me I mean I might be in an airplane I could be at a store I can't talk I'll go they go something wrong about Jesse I go you got strep throat you got what they call it when you lose your throat was that sickness laryngitis I go but you know what I'm thinking my mind that fool I'm praying for him and he don't even do it with utterings and groanings that cannot be mentioned man god I've met some people I think there is I get to tell him hey God put you in my heart to pray for you when I get to him I go holy ghost Center City there's been times God woke me up in the middle of night I just had to feel and I knew what happened I went oh yes Lord okay hallelu I'll go sit down in my living room and just let God finish I'm just sitting there when that Holy Ghost man just said go on to town utter and go then wonder what he said wonder who it's far made no difference to me all I am was a receptacle that he can fail if he can use me to be a blessed God speaking to your spirit through an inner witness that's number two number three remember that next time something like that happens do you find out who this is it's talking through you number three God speaks to your soul or your mind your will or your emotions this is usually done through a person have you ever had anybody come up to you say I'll tell you one thing bless God God gave me a word for you how many of you have ever had that happen to you God's given me a word you not this is talking about hearing the voice of God the first thing your mind goes you judge well let me hear what this man got to say Jack secrets time can God go beyond your spirit and deal directly with your mind and your soul but your soul is the mind the will and the emotion of man the reason why God loves the soul because the soul is where the decision is made to recreate the spirit of who you are the real you so watch this not number three he speaks to your soul or your mind will and emotions this is unit unto the person immediately your intellectual ability you said well let me judge this thing to see if it's of God or if it's not so you say give it to me use about a word of knowledge a word of wisdom something of that nature and in meeting you don't go oh what's God say you might get excited or I'm gay but boy you're listening intently and if there's something just the least bit off you go because you're trying to intellectualize this has that ever happened to you it surely has happened to me it's wonderful when God speaks to us through a word of knowledge now listen what I'm going to say but you should not develop your life on that one word how do you develop your life but Jesse you bill your life on the Word of God you don't build your life on the gifts of the Spirit the gifts are spirit exactly with your their gifts they're a blessing of God but you build your life on this Bible this Bible is God in written form let me ask you a question are you struggling to hear from God I think a lot of people are Romans chapter 10 verse everything says so then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God go to the word and listen see a lot of people are listening but they're not hearing and that's a problem you say sometime your children are listening but they're not hearing now you don't understand what I'm talking about they heard what you said but they're not listening or they're not hearing it even though they listen to it a wonderful viewers sent in a question and I love this and it's going to bless you this is a young man named James he's 12 years old and he says this I'm 12 years old and I always have trouble staying in prayer for more than five minutes how do I get more engaged and me answer that first game first thing you don't have to time it that's your problem you're trying to work say that's that's works when you ought to just talk to the Lord and it can be it could be five hours or five seconds so don't try to try to make it long just pray from your heart he also says this I have trouble knowing what the voice of God sounds like let me answer that James jesus said my sheep know my voice and a stranger they will not follow James you may be only 12 years old you are hearing God's voice another blessing then he writes this how do I know if it is gone or just my brain rambling what'd I tell AJ you've got some good question first your brains not rambling the best way to know without a shadow of a doubt is the pray and the Holy Ghost because the Bible said when you pray in the Holy Ghost guess what happens you're praying I mean you saying what the father says the Holy Spirit is telling you what the God the Father says ain't that amazing hearing God's voice is such a blessing and I've had no problems hearing the voice of the Lord sometimes I don't want to hear it well I guess I mean think some God is a God of love but he's also got a judgment there's a judgment side to him but let me help you if you obey Him you never see that judgment side I want to talk to my partners here for a minute partners people are hearing God's voice through this ministry every day why because of you because of you God is speaking ministry through number one a weekly broadcast this could not happen without you our website JDM dot org social media like Facebook and Instagram voice of the covenant magazine let me stop right there people love that magazine now I know you can do it digital but I'm still putting it out and written for him and then finally books my god I love reading books every available voice we can get our hand on that couldn't happen without you and without you believe in the word of God see when you support this ministry you're hearing God's voice do you hear what I'm saying you're not just giving you a money away to give it away but you're not just giving it where you're sowing seed into God's kingdom that's what it's all about now people freaked out when somebody says something like that but I've never seen anything that didn't cost something you know we live in an economic world just common sense now you know I wish all the television was free I wish all that production was free I bet my god who don't but you know what people have to make a living and I don't mind people charge me why because they're supposed to they got to make a living so thank you partners for helping us preach this gospel going on very every available outlet we can get our hands on and brother this ministry is growing and grow it and grow it and it's amazing why because partners like you faithfully support this ministry monthly some people send our offering in every day summer every couple of weeks it's amazing some people do it once a year it's the most amazing thing you do that the way God says but you know what you would not be doing that if the Lord did not speak that to you and if you're not a partner you pray about becoming one and allow God to speak to you because 100 percent of what you're saying goes in the world evangelism that ain't bad in my god since 1982 me and Cathy has been debt-free oh it's good to be debt-free so I made up my mind I'm not struggling and I don't want you to struggle I believe in the hundredfold listen to me the hundredfold not a hundred times one hundredfold double and every time you fold it and you certainly deserve that because this ministry is reaching people changing lives one soul at a time notice we always say that one soul at a time and then we preach into billions of people all over the world but we see one at a time that's kind of like Jesus isn't it the obviously be there for imitators of God as dear children and that's what me and Kathy did we are preaching this gospel so thank you for your faithful financial support nothing too small nothing too big big projects on my desk man my god I mean I say God did you see my hair lately it's white I started working for you when I had brown hair he said come on Jessie I gave the energy and I gave you partners and buddy I will tell you we are receiving more partners because the more we receive the more we preach this gospel I'm already taking care of ya it's Adams and God been good and gracious to me and I'm a pretty good businessman at the same time so God has been wonderful so thank you for supporting this ministry pray about what God would have you to do come on we'll even God for $20,000,000 don't fire million in 1 million that just freaks out people you know freaks me out - ladies and gentlemen I wish you wouldn't cost that much but it does so thank you for supporting this ministry I stay right there I'll be back in just a moment I want to show you a few things that are happening here right here at JDM international headquarters which is all debt-free it had a blessing I got because of you what a blessing of God you are watch this and be blessed I'll be back in just a moment [Music] well y'all ready to experience what God has for you more it can be released anytime you call on the name of [Music] when you listen you learn things instead of memorized things a lot of people see the outward word but they never understand the N word meaning you say I need conversation I like conversation with God and if you around God you're gonna learn a lot of things so you need to be a good listener the responsibility of hearing available for your September partnership of $50 or more visit JDM org for more information you know if you'd like a copy of today's message you can order it at JDM dot or check it out today and my god man I'm gonna do it myself I like seeing myself younger and skinnier I'll tell you you get this you get this thing in this flyer that new to television we can't play it off you're gonna laugh you're gonna cry but you're gonna learn something I mean you get some popcorn story you say this is something because God's Word is true hearing God's voice is very important why cuz God wants a relationship with you so let's go to the throne together right now especially if you're not saved well let's get saved today father I ask you to save people that are watching that are not saved lord I ask you to bless people that are saved well that's actually the blessed people that need financial help lord I ask you to heal people that are physically sick I can ask all those things because your father you a good card or I thank you for it for doing all those things they just believe with their heart and confess with their mouth you rose from the dead they say by His stripes that's Jesus Christ they heal I only got to do is ask whatsoever you shall ask in my name that will I do that the father may be glorified in the son so financially spiritually physically you got it all covered thank you Father for hearing our prayer today in Jesus name we pray amen and amen I like praying for you I've learned something about faith it destroys all distance between me and you did you know that I don't care if you're watching this in Singapore you might be watching this in China or Japan really all over the world how about the North Pole mm-hmm we even there too and the South Pole what do you think about that pretty sky thank God for satellites in it isn't that amazing so partners you do all this you do and I thank you for it and if you're not a partner pray about becoming one thank you for your faithful financial support what a blessing of God you are till next week they're suggesting the plans from New Orleans saying I love you I really do I'll see you next week god bless bye-bye can you really have everything God has put on your heart can you ask anything Jesus says you can Jessie's book your everything his as anything will revolutionize your life whether you have a vision a dream or something that their heart desires your everything is as anything is going to inspire you to believe and achieve it all it's time to expand your view of what prayer and faith can do in your life your everything is his anything order your copy today if you'd like to meet my friend Jesus he would love to meet you it is truly a blessing from God year after year to go all over the world sharing messages of who he really is now those messages are available at your fingertips [Music] now honey you've had a vision not as many visions are told the difference in dreams visions come into conscious state you could be playing a song they are long gone and your fingers are still working your mouth filled things but you somewhere [Music] you
Channel: Jesse Duplantis Ministries
Views: 25,440
Rating: 4.8848615 out of 5
Keywords: Jesse Duplantis, JDM, God's Voice, Voice of God, TV Broadcast
Id: A8sGxBguPqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 23sec (1703 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 08 2019
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