Nothing is Impossible for You! Nothing is Impossible to You! | Jesse Duplantis

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[Music] hello ladies and gentlemen thank you for tuning into the broadcast today I want to take you back in time where I preached for a bishop TD jakes at the potter's house in 2002 I preached a sermon called nothing is impossible for you nothing is impossible to you call a friend and tell them that turn that television on they're gonna be blessed by the power guy and notice that I'm a lot younger do you realize that lasting change happens when you're brave enough to believe oh you brave enough to believe will you put God first and focus on his word you can do anything so let's go into this great sermon entitled nothing is impossible for you nothing is impossible to you and it's gonna be a blessing I'm gonna watch it myself see how young I am [Music] mark chapter ten I want to preach something the Spirit of God has been given me uh you know Bishop Jake's I'm a man I love digging into the Word of God I mean I enjoy preaching something new every time I open up that book I'm a studious man mark chapter 10 go to it but I in the Lord began to deal with me about preaching a message he gave me in January you know I thought I preached it once maybe twice and then going about my business but then I realized he'd been moving on me to speak it more and more and I said God why fact I talked to all Robertson buddy he said Jess if you hadn't preached the message a hundred times you just had sermons I say what a hundred time Lord Jesus I said man he said you know how long I preached the fourth man how many times I preached the fourth man he said I'm still preaching I'm in my 80s because you see that a sermon can only be preached once but a message can be preached forever because it deals in ministers to the body now I'm gonna give you some revelation can I disappear the things the things that God gave me and put some humor in it too and things of that nature and I just want you to see this and and this is a message that the Lord gave me mark chapter 10 I want to start reading with verse 17 when he was coming forth into the way that came one running and kneeled him and asked him good master what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life look what Jesus said jesus said unto them why call us down me good there's none good but one that is God mark chapter then verse 19 thou knowest the commandments do not commit adultery do not kill do not steal do not bear false witness defraud not honour thy father and mother now look at verse 20 verse 20 is one of the most amazing scriptures in the Bible he answered and said unto him master so knows he called him master and Lord master all these have I observed from my youth I want everybody to look at me have you ever met anybody like that I ain't never met nobody like that this man's talking to God he said what must I do to inherit eternal life he said just keep the commandments he said I've done that I wouldn't you like to have that boy marry your daughter this man talking to God and Jesus then contend with him Jesus said Wow I mean I don't know of anybody that's ever kept the commandments like that do you know anybody's ever kept the commandment like and they talking to God I mean God he said just don't do that I've done that it's kind of like that commercial where that guy's on the Internet he says you have now finished her Internet how many all seen a commercial press the button and go back that's almost impossible in it but yet this man from the time he was born to now he's observed everything God said in that passage in verse 19 he said I've done that look what Jesus said in verse 21 then Jesus behold in the word behold it means looking at him loved him you're on the line that he loved him and said unto him one thing thou lackest go thy way sell whatsoever thou house and give to the poor and thou shalt have treasure in heaven and come take up the cross and follow me now ladies and gentlemen that's a that's a statement that Jesus very seldom said he always when people tried to follow him he said go and tell people the great things God has done for you but this boy he wanted him only staff this board could have been the third teeth disciple he should take up your cross and follow me this boar knew how to handle money he knew Judas is stealing from him so you think I got me a good replacement right here look what he said I mean you go all over the Bible every time somebody try to follow it he said go tell people two great things God has done for you but this boy he wants him on his staff he said hey man think of your cross and follow me thinking he said one thing though I like us we'll sell what you haven't give to the poor now you notice Jesus didn't ask for an offering you never heard him say won't you would you like to give that the Jesus of Nazareth evangelistic association he didn't say that did it he said go sell what you have give to the poor evidently Jesus didn't think he was poor well he certainly wasn't poor at all people thought he was before he went more than ten minutes to three rich guys looking for him he didn't haven't been born in the stable if he could have gotten that hotel but you know hot him crazy front there's people off got a reservation can't get in you gotta how many of had to fight to get in a hotel one time not too long ago I was preaching in a church I flew in a little bit earlier than I was supposed to and me and Kathy saw and this gentleman picked me up at the airport and I said won't you just take us to the hotel we're gonna freshen up a little bit I was about a hour and a half earlier than normal we've got some tailwind on that jet boat we were smoking just fine Lord that God hallelujah anyway make a long story short I said would you mind calling the hotel and just tell him I'm pretty sure I'll have my mind my keys because I know my staff they'll have my keys ready for me yeah because I called them ahead of time said I'm gonna be there little early so they said so the man called me said sir she says you're not registered I said give me the phone I said excuse me my name is Jesse the plans yes I said I know I am registered there if you look around you know wherever you are that there's probably some keys with my name on it she said well I'm sorry sir you're not registered I said ma'am I am registered I know I am I know my staff I know what they will do I am registered there she said no sir she said factory floor I said but that's what do you mean for she said well if you did come you couldn't get a room I said ma'am I already have a room just look around look around the front there then you see it she said I'm sorry I said well I'm coming she said well if you come he ain't getting around I said I'll be there in 10 minutes hung the phone up ladies and gentlemen I walk to that hotel lobby and as I was walking in there I saw my name on a set of keys taped to her computer monitor I know my people were I knew it I walked I said ma'am I'm the man who took your phone I'm just to the plants she said I told you we don't have any rooms and you're not registered here I said who are those keys for you know what I said I said I bet your great great great grandma lived in Bethlehem wouldn't let Jesus in neither there was room at the inn gametophyte that he'd had ever been born in a stable if he could have gotten a hotel room [Applause] so Jesus just looking at me said go sell what you have give to the poor this man mr. greatest financial investment of his life because what you sow you reap missed it completely right there talking to God and says I can't do that because the next verse says it looked burst 22 he was sad at that saying and went away grieve for you had great possessions Jesus looked round about and saith unto the disciples harley Chauvet that have richards enter into the kingdom of god don't everybody look at me see people misunderstand that statement how hardly they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God because they think the kingdom of God is a place that's not talking about a place that's talking about a method the kingdom of God being a method the kingdom of heaven being a place and many times ministers have mistranslated that some people in the Bible and mistranslated they put the kingdom of God where they should have put the kingdom of heaven kingdom of God being a method kingdom of heaven being a place real quickly if you understand the definition of the kingdom of God the word phrase kingdom of God you look at Matthew 6:33 he says seek ye first the kingdom of God and you got an amplified bible get us a parenthesis seek ye first the kingdom of god god's way of doing things which means the kingdom of god being a method the kingdom of heaven being a place you understand that and if you want a stronger definition you'd go to mark chapter 4 says where and to show we like in the kingdom of God or with what shall we compare it or what's the definition of this thing it's like a man sowing seed so it's dealing with the way God does things sowing and reaping and Genesis 822 says long as the earth remain B seed time and harvest time did you understand that I had to lay that foundation now kingdom of God being a method kingdom of heaven being a place and many times have been mistranslated thinking that well how can a rich man go to heaven anything new in heaven it has to do with God's Way of doing things so that verse should read like this if you understand it in the original Greek how harmless should they that have riches enter into the way God does things did you get that I want to get that foundation I'm talking fast because I want to get into this message I'm just laying the foundation and the disciples were look at that look at verse 24 one of the most amazing Saints and the disciples were astonished at his words now poor people wouldn't have been astonished they said praise God we're gonna make it and we've got nothing but everyone on Jesus's staff for business people my god an accountant do you think about that he had a tax person he had people with fishing boats jeez I wanted to know how much money Jesus made so I did a research of that time in place and and the only people haven't paid taxes in those days were people of substance and people of wealth and Jesus's temple tax was 30 percent down I read the Bible it's a good book and all my life I thought my god man he didn't have much in nothing but he certainly did cuz you don't gamble for rags you ain't throwing a good heart on burning on for some old raggedy trashy coke so look what he says here verse twenty fourteen the disciples were astonished at his words but jesus answered again and saith unto them children how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God or into the way of the way God does things said God says do not trust in uncertain riches a lot of people trusted in Wall Street but not trusting anymore he said let me tell you something ladies I'm out how much money you got you don't have you don't have a silver certificate or a gold certificate you have a Federal Reserve Note call call an American dollar because we've printed so much money we don't have enough gold and we don't have enough silver to back it up and if the United States government goes broke you broke C so you could read that this way children how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the way God does things it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the way God does things or the kingdom of God being a method Kingdom of Heaven being a place how did you get that Oh Lord Jesus and they were Spanish out of measure saying among themselves who then can be saved now that's amazing to me because you know what they was thinking my god we gonna have to sell the boats we're gonna have to get our division but you know your Peter never got out of the fishing business while he was working for Jesus he still had his fishing business because when Jesus was crucified he turned around he said four words and got seven converts he said I'd go a-fishing he went back this miss lazing them they were astonished said who then can we say see you people with substance would say that people would not know something would say what thread is gonna make anything we're got nothing I'm gonna lay the foundation down here see these people weren't people of substance you understand what I'm saying Jesus he wanted a donkey never been rode you might want a car never been drew Jesus wanna broke down beat up donkey he wanted a donkey never been rode a nice donkey he will no use don't get a half a donkey whatever the next verse is where I'm trying to kid you Jesus looking upon them saith with men it's impossible but not with God for with God all things are possible tired of this message the night is nothing impossible to you nothing impossible for you write that down because I'm gonna do a little teaching and preach it all together now I want to show you some things God has showed me nothing impossible to you nothing impossible for you I mean that's the Senecas God says with men it's impossible you know Bishop Jake's every time God's ever told me to do something it was impossible my lord give me time he tell me to do something he don't check my bank account to see if I got enough money to do it he don't care he just says do it seekers everything he's asking me to do is impossible and I said Lord I said Lord you know how much money that cost you want me to go over here you want me to go over there I mean you know just one station in New York cost you about 28 thousand dollars a week and that's 128 minute program you pay for 30 but you get about 27 minutes and 40 seconds something like that and times 4 if you weekly or if it's daily times 5 times 20 and in some weeks times 25 every month so if you don't care he just says go do it he says cuz with men it's impossible what I'm saying ladies and gentlemen everything God tells you to do is impossible so why are you trying to do God job you can't do God job that's the problem see nothing impossible to you nothing before you so when God tells you to do something and he's not telling you to do it he's just telling you to believe it so write this down the only job you got this to believe that God can do his job the only job you got is to believe that God can do his job when God told me to go on world television I said Lord Jesus you know how much that's gonna cost he said did I ask you to pay for it did I ask you to pay for I said no he said I didn't ask you to pay for it just ask you to believe for now he's got me believing for an intercontinental jet and Lord Jesus he wants me more overseas I don't want to go overseas I'm an American boy other thing I'll say I like being in America I like Kentucky Fried Chicken you know it's 11 herbs and spices I've been in Australia he ain't got 11 herbs this place they got about six over there about six think about that ladies and gentlemen thank God for the United States of America this place is a blessed way there may be a lot of things wrong with it but there's a lot of things right with it do you understand what I'm saying a lot of things right with it so nothing impossible to you nothing impossible for you so when I said God do you know how much that airplane cost he said that I asked you to buy it did I ask you to buy it he said back to jet you got now did you buy it did you buy it I said no he said I'm not asking you to buy it I'm just asking you to believe that I can he said I bought the last one you think I'm broke he's ain't asked you to Bob just asked you to believe that I could he seekers what minutes impossible the reason why a lot of prayers are being not being answered is because we're trying to do God's job when God didn't ask you to do his job he said with men it's impossible but not with him all he's asking you to do is believe that he can do his job now if you believe in God for your husband and your wife to get say let me help you out leave him alone you're driving them crazy you can't get them save if you could have got him save you'd already done it my wife tried to get me save she couldn't get me say good morning it say my mama tried to get me the didn't warn against it I enjoyed sinning mama said you going to hell I said I like hey oh mama I don't care I was a heathen from hell do you understand I never saw ugly woman in my life I didn't care for his black brown red green yellow fat skinny just come here mama he didn't Lingle differ to me I was a sinner I did not want to get saved captain China getting me saved I don't want to say you can't get somebody safe if you could you'd already done it so you know what they did my mom and her they quit looking at me and stop looking at the Word of God they found the scripture that they got the promise of their family down to a thousand generation it was my tough look I was born to mama and married Catholic and guess what when they took the eyes off of me and got the eyes on God I got saved seekers with men it's impossible but not with God for with God all things are possible do you see that so the only job you got us to believe that God can do his take the person's hand next to you I'm gonna just do it this way I know it's late 9:45 at the biggest clock of a scene in the church in my life I just saw it Bishop Jake's I apologize I just saw [Music] I thought that I thought that was the nursery number nine for the pray this prayer with me Lord Jesus I ask you to forgive me of all my sins I confess my sin before you this day I denounced Satan and all his works I confess Jesus as the Lord of my life thank you for saving me for bringing me back to where once was I believe with my heart I confess it my mouth that Jesus rose from the dead I am saved write my name in the Lamb's Book of Life and today is my God day with the Lord Jesus I pray this prayer to the father in the name of Jesus give the Lord a standing ovation you just made heaven if you prayed that prayer with me welcome to the family when you receive God's perfect love there's no room for fear listen you serve a God of the two much not just enough so what's your heart's desire is it impossible your only job listen to me your only job is to believe that God can do his job and do it for you let me tell you something about salvation everyone that ever knew me before I was saved said that guy is no way he gonna get saved I was a I was a chief of sinners like the Apostle Paul said but thank God that Mama's prayers got to me a little and the promises I got a far more powerful than the sins of people are you praying for someone to get saved right now sometimes prayers are not answered and why is that because we're trying to do God's job you're trying to get somebody saved you can't do that what you got to do is let God do that all you do is focus on God focus on his word focus on that promise that you got the promise of your family down to a thousand raishin my god you know what it's gonna come to pass whatever God has put on your heart to do remember mark chapter 10 verse 27 Jesus looking upon them saith with men it is impossible but not with God for with God all things are possible father I ask you to touch people right now minister to them spiritually physically financially thank you Lord that people are being saved and being healed and being blessed put angels on assignment Lord to be a blessing to the people today that's viewing this telecast I thank you for it I believe you for it in Jesus name Amen and amen you just received this perfect love and remember right now you can do anything he puts on your heart as long as you believe that's it that's so simple in it don't complicate it don't get religious with it just accept it I want to take a moment to answer a wonderful question that was sent to me this comes from a girl named Lisa who asked this and this is a great question I try hard to follow God and be good and be a good Christian in every way so I can be blessed so why do some people who don't even have God in their lives seem to have everything great question Lisa let me tell you from that's all you're ever gonna get in life you see what I'm saying they don't realize mine that they're going down a mountain at a phenomenal rate of speed when they hit they're gonna crash so don't don't look at what they have and don't say what you have Lisa say what you want and when you say what you want you'll get what you want because the Bible says the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want it he say I would not want he said I'll never get to the point of shell not a would want I shall not want and my preacher too strong god that's the power of the word that is a great question I've had that people ask me that many many times Lisa they'd say man you know I'm doing everything right far as I know but it seemed like the the heathen down the street or the heed the next doesn't mean he got more than I got I see that's all he's ever gonna happen all you got to do and I got to go back to this again I feel that of the Lord to do it we're always saying what we have God already knows that say what you want and the church don't preach that but Jesus does he said whatsoever you shall ask in my name that will I do that the father may be glorified in the Sun if you ask anything in my name I will do it that's Jesus's words that's Saint John chapter 14 verses 13 and 14 go read it after the telecast it will help you it will bless you glory that God I'm excited today Cathy's coming right now with some great glorious moments we call them glorious moments because I want to tell you something these moments turn into a lifestyle bless god of being blessed so Cathy take it away and bless people with these wonderful glorious moments now I'm glad you're watching the broadcast today you know Jessi and I know that prayer is a privilege and a responsibility in John 14:13 jesus said and whatsoever you shall ask in my name that will I do that the father may be glorified in the son we considered an honor to pray for your prayer requests and we love reading about your great results I want to share two powerful testimonies about answered prayer today this first one is from a partner in Pennsylvania thank you for believing with us on the sale of our home God showed up and did above and beyond exceedingly pressed down and running over you our good ground we are blessed praise the Lord I love these testimonies but get ready we have a glorious moment testimony said to us from a partner in Florida that will bless you says I sent in a prayer request to your ministry asking for a prayer partner to agree with us that my husband would not lose the bid on an electrical job for twenty custom homes the builder had said we won the bid but then the owner said he wanted to use his own electrician instead so we prayed and sowed mixing aregiving with our praying twice once in Thanksgiving that we got the bid then again that we wouldn't lose it that's when we called your ministry and asked for prayer praise God we were finally awarded the bid this bid is very special to us because it is the first bid invitation that my husband received as a result of his promotion your ministry means a lot to us you taught us about the four types of giving and our life has truly improved as a result of this new found knowledge thank you for being there and for having prayer partners who know how to reach the throne of God love that and I hope these testimonies have inspired you to believe for your glorious moment remember great expectations gets great results can you really have everything God has put on your heart can you ask anything in Jesus name Jesus says you can Jesse's book your everything is as anything will revolutionize your life whether you have a vision a dream or something that their heart desires your everything is as anything is going to inspire you to believe and achieve it all it's time to expand your view of what prayer and faiths can do in your life your everything is his anything order your copy today you just watched the spot here and I'll tell you excuse me if I drop a little water I was drinking something and you know so many people they love our ministry in love but what we do we have something here called total JDM and if you want to watch today's message in its full entirety it's available on total JDM org you can also access many more messages from both Cathy and myself I know I didn't say I believe I know it will be a blessing to you that's why we created it called a total JDM thank you for being so kind to us partners what can I say your faithful financial partnership is what keeps this ministry rolling think about that Mahalo Jesus had parties in his ministry jesse has parties and administer I want to thank you for being a partner nothing too small and nothing too big we've got so many things to do for the Lord Jesus Christ you know at the time that you're watching this I'm a little over 70 years old I'm thinking most of the people I started out preaching with they're retired they've stopped a lot of my friends but buddy I am running 90 to nothing I said the Lord and I'm not looking to retire I mean I fit we've got I could have a long time ago but I made it by mind you two important people are too important and God said I see I told a lot of loans I got any strength in my body I'm gonna preach this gospel but I need your faithful financial support to help me do it and me and Cathy don't ask you to do something we don't do we are partners in this ministry also I mean necessarily so thank you for blessing us today and I mean that sincerely also for your April partnership you can get my message what's the hold up hindrances to prayer so many people said my prayers are always being hindered it's a powerful message that is going to help you get their answers you believe in four and you need them now not next week you need them now so if you want to know more about that go to JDM dot org for ordering information it will help you I'm telling you now but now I want you to be sure to tune in next week for my new message expectation is the secret to abundance not just here but eternally it's based on my theme for this year great great expectation gets great results so you don't want to miss it partners thank you for helping me today I'm telling you I'm believing God for 20 million 5 million 1 million dollar donors and they're coming in why because people trust us and thank you for trusting us with your faithful financial support one hundred percent goes into world evangelism we're debt-free here thank you for watching today I'll be praying for you every day see you bye-bye God created you to live an expectation so great that your faith will grow and open up heaven's gates to you live a willing and obedient life that creates and nurtures the atmosphere for faith to breathe and grow make up your mind right now nothing and no one is going to stop you from getting the results you believe God for open your spiritual eyes and see with the eyes of faith that you can have whatsoever God says you can have you can be whatsoever God has put on your heart to be you can do whatsoever God has given you the burning passion to do God is waiting and ready to deliver great expectation gets great results you are a spirit house and a soul and clothing above it you have to learn to be spirit just like Jesus had to learn to be human he never called himself the Son of God he called himself the son of man even though he was the son of God because he was learning to be human [Music] you
Channel: Jesse Duplantis Ministries
Views: 42,945
Rating: 4.8924589 out of 5
Keywords: Jesse Duplantis, JDM
Id: 8nH_gGKVjXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 21sec (1701 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 20 2020
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