The Spirit of Excellence | Pastor Jentezen Franklin

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[Music] [Music] at free Chaplin as we're gearing up their service I'm gonna let you know about a a bit of information that pertains to you and your involvement and what God is doing in the life of this ministry pastor Jenson was actually just invited to Washington DC this past week to take place in a conversation about prison reform and one of the greatest parts about this is that legislation is now going into place that is bipartisan and so pastor has had a strong involvement with that but the beautiful part is is that you have involvement with that as well meaning when Pastor is there you are there representing the church representing the body of Christ and having a voice in what God is doing in this nation and around the world so stay connected with what God is doing through social media Instagram Facebook whatever social media outlet that you find most convenient for you stay connected so you can know how to continue to pray and stay involved with what God is doing in our church but not only that for all the ladies out there I wanted to remind you that divine conference is just a few short weeks away here in our Gainesville campus so if you are not currently registered for this conference and do it today you can go to divine conference o RG register and one of the great parts about this year's conference is that we have free childcare so make sure you again you go to divine conference dot o-r-g register today but I want you to check out this quick video a divine conference 2018 before we get into service check it out redemptive advocate who would invite you to come not from me that is calling us excus hope and joy and freedom for our future ain't nothing like finding your after you've lost everything and you hit rock bottom and you find out who the rock is at the bottom which is season telling you that the greatest battlefield that you have is in your mind wish somebody would thank him for what didn't happen that should have happen that was planned to happen but College burned it away [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning free tempo I said good morning [Music] you human why me they take true I'm pressing on with my back to the past maybe bursting bursting like heaven it's too big I'm pressing on I need everybody in the whole place it's a dark haven't you you can't go [Music] J and you you call me back we every trial hi [Applause] [Music] [Music] ah we seek you commonly cures wrong this Oh we see have you you Oh [Music] for ten more seconds what you put your hands together because you have to understand we praise and energy to lift up account and this place today cuz brain is here honestly this spirit is here to the counter phrase in this place today we love you Jesus we thank you God we thank you Jesus amen and amen and amen I don't know about you but I'm excited to be in church on a Sunday morning can somebody say Amen before you seen him would you greet two or three people and just tell them that Jesus changes everything and if you're joining us online right now we're thrilled that you're here we pray that God ministers to you in this place and we know that you're just as much a part of this service today as the people that you see these seats so huge welcome to you today well good morning if it is your first time with us we are so glad that you are here listen we are a church that gives really good presents so if you want we'll do a little exchange there's a visitor information card you can find it right in the seat in front of you feel that I'll bring it to our connections lounge and get yourself a really good gift I'm telling you you want it if you're tech savvy you can text hello one two three one three one three one it'll prompt you through and you can go get your present if I haven't had the opportunity to meet you yet my name is Laura Hammond and this is my husband Blake Hammond Anna and we have the amazing opportunity and privilege to lead our free chapel college and we're really excited because it launches this Tuesday we have over 100 students coming in this year so yes it's a very busy time in the Hammond household needless to say we are seven weeks deep into new Bournville we have a precious little daughter now that has been added to the kid pack family and so yeah if we look like we're a little in a fog that we because we are but it's been wonderful you know as a wife as a mom I think as woman it's written in our DNA we are helpers and we are doers and we are providers we're trying to make sure everyone around us is doing okay and I think the one person that often suffers is ourselves because we get put on the back burner to make sure everyone else is okay and what I'm so excited about just a couple weeks away it's no brand new news to you but we were having our Women's Conference again our annual Women's Conference divine conference and I don't know about you but for me this is such a beautiful time and an investment into me it's so nice you to drop the kids off and comment with a hot cup of coffee not having to worry about anybody else and just sitting in these comfortable chairs and being poured into being able to just come and soak and listen this year is the first year we're doing this but kid pack is opening their doors for free child care for any kiddo five years old and under so listen we want you to come we want you to come and invest in yourself it's so worth it because we all know if momma ain't happy nobody's happy right so uh come and invest in your soul and I'll see you there Church are you ready to give this morning if you're unaware we're currently in the midst of a series called heart for what this is this is our response to God's calling and his Commission to be the church out in the community and in fact yesterday we had hundreds of people volunteers and staff members coming together to unify our efforts in love on our communities and the great part about this is that it wasn't just Gainesville Gwinnett Buford campus coming campus we had our Midtown campus and even our Orange County campus we literally served all across this nation and hundreds of people came together and just loved on people some people were pressure washing buildings some people were painting cafeterias we had people that were distributing food packaging gifts for people going to different apartment complexes and the beautiful part about what you're seeing on the screens right now is that it it wasn't people of you know it wasn't the most talented people in the world it was ordinary people showing the extraordinary love of God and so I want to invite you if you are not part if you did not participate with us yesterday you have an opportunity this coming son I'm sorry this coming Saturday this coming Saturday we're going to be doing the exact same thing loving on the on different people from around the community in different neighborhoods and so I want to invite you if you are saying man I feel God calling me to do something like this go out into the lobby register and I'm telling you God can use ordinary people to do extraordinary things if we just make ourselves available and in first John chapter 3 verse 18 it says this it says don't just love with your words and with truth but put action and deeds behind your love meaning it's not just one it's yes it's important for people to hear about the love of God but it's equally as important for them to see the love of God through our actions and that's why we get involved in the community and as it relates to our giving that's one of the ways that we express our love and gratitude to God is by giving back what he has give to us freely so I want to challenge you take that tithe and that offering that's why we give that's why we gave us a family but let's take that time and that offering and let's pray for today Lord we love you and God we thank you I pray that you would bless the gift bless the giver Lord and I pray that she would continue to challenge us to go out into the community this coming weekend to live on those around us and we thank you for it in Jesus name and everybody said amen amen I can change my home [Applause] what are you by your spirit I will but singing together one more [Applause] [Applause] all over this place as we stand to our feet and as our crime our hearts to say this together we take up our cross to leave I won't go my signals together we say and take up my cross and I take her my crops and now I take her hey girl and [Applause] [Applause] come on they lift up a great praise to God if that's if that's your heart today what I want you to send me and use me for your glory we praise you this morning let's praise the Lord every Lord we just give you the honor you deserve you just give you the that you're worthy of today Jesus No we honor you Lola we praise you Lord any good amen you know I'm so proud of our music team because they released that song that they wrote on iTunes and as of last I heard it is at number 14 it was this morning now moved up hey since the first surface that's pretty good since the first service it moved up to number 13 and that's pretty good we don't have Sony we don't have all the big corporations behind this week we they aren't talking with us and we're praying about it but I like releasing it ourselves amen but in that beautiful now what we're praying for is that all of you will download it not while I preach but you'll download it after the service and that it'll go all the way up to number one wouldn't that be awesome and all of you there in Gwinnett and all of you in Spartanburg and Buford and Midtown and Orange County in and something else is starting today and there's something that leave somebody out Gainesville little Gainesville Gainesville and so so thank you for that let's give our team Jonathan and our team a great great big hand clap we appreciate y'all they do such a great job they really do you can be seated smile at somebody tell them you look good tell them you smell good too and I appreciate that me a flat guys the blood you know something before I sing it I'm gonna ask you to do something while you're sitting my are late at our latest granddaughter six weeks ago was born and she had a little complication with her breathing and something was not fully developed and the doctors thought it would develop but to make a long story short she had to be hospitalized this week and but this morning while we were having service in the first service she was operated on and with the good news is we got news as the service was over that the surgery went perfect and everything is good and she's recovering well Charisse is down there now and I'll be going as soon as I can get down there from this service but I'm gonna ask you just a I'm gonna take a little selfishness here but I want you to pray for my granddaughter her look her name is Elliott will you pray for right now just reach over and join somebody's hand if you're single this is the best part of the service right then yes reach over right now and just say Jesus touch Elliott heal her completely restore her health completely let there be no complications I plead the blood of Jesus over Elliott in Jesus name and everybody say thank you Lord you are a healer I just speak that over all of you - in the mighty name of the blood that Jesus shed for me it was way better on darker the blood it gives me strength from where it's hot you know it's sing it right where you are it reaches is mine Oh gives me strength from day it will [Applause] [Applause] it reaches is smart even today it should reach and we'll give you strength go sure will aren't you never lose can you give Him praise everybody will thank you Jesus the blood of Jesus over every marriage over every home over every physical body over every addiction over every disease and oh Jesus the devil is defeated if you believe it if you believe in the power of the blood just right now thinking for the thank you for the blood nothing wrong with our power wonder-working power in the blood what do we can pop in the pressure you say a gun their field now wonder-working where is my wonder kid man in the there is power wonder-working Wow if the brass give the Horde the biggest praise you can't come give him the glory give him the honor give him the phrase that's what we came the church for give it the honor I still believe we're overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony praise the name of Jesus in the good church doesn't it feel good in here smile at somebody on your way down and open your Bibles with me to Daniel chapter 6 the Book of Daniel the Old Testament chapter 6 since the last time I saw you I preached all over the place I went to Tulsa last Winston our Tuesday I forget and preached the six thousand people and then the next night I was in Tacoma Washington and preached at two thousand pastors and then I went to Los Angeles in downtown Los Angeles and a big theater there and I preached to several thousand young people and a lot of celebrities were there LA Lakers basketball players were there in Dodgers baseball players were there several rock stars were there one of them that has over a hundred million people who follow them and movie stars were there looked over an assault Captain America I had to do a double-take all kinds of people very influential people and I won't name the people but if I name some of the people that you watch their shows and TV programs and one of them particular was so moved that they asked to come back in the green room after the service and talked to me and this is a person that's on TV a household name and they were crying and they said exact words I have never felt or experienced anything like that in my life and sure wasn't me it was Jesus was in the house and it was powerful what God did and we don't need to limit God's grace it can reach anybody anywhere and we just need to preach and tell the truth and people are hungry for it and I'm so thankful for what God is doing in and through this great church and I do I do love that video because that's great reaching those influential people that's great but just as important and just as beautiful and just as much of precious miss in God's sight is these teams of 800 plus people this week serving our community going in two areas and doing for people demonstrations of God's love it's just as great as me preaching to some of these famous people you're reaching people God says your reward would be probably even greater because that is pure and undefiled religion and it's beautiful can you say Amen I want to preach for just a few moments it's 1137 for you clock-watcher say man it's 11:30 I have a clock I can see it so you don't have to do this a lot amen Daniel chapter 6 because it doesn't do any good Daniel chapter 6 it please darius to set over the kingdom 120 say traps to be over the whole kingdom and over these three governors of whom daniel was one that the say traps might give account to them so that the king would suffer no loss notice that so the king would suffer no loss then this daniel distinguished himself above the governors and the say traps because an excellent spirit was in him and the king gave thought to setting him over the hole so the governor's in the SE traps ought to find some charge they got jealous because he was promoted over all of them and the governor's in the SE traps ought to find some charge against Daniel concerning the kingdom but they could find no charge or fault because he was faithful nor was there any era of fault found in him then these men said we shall not find any charge against this Daniel unless we find it against him concerning the law of his God I want to talk to you particularly from verse 3 this Daniel distinguished himself above the others because an excellent spirit was in him I preached many times through the years there are certain themes that I guess every ministry feels an affinity with and when I first came to free chapel I guess it's been 26 years now I came and this particular chapter in this particular verse to be specific in the first year of my pastoring this great church the Holy Spirit lit it up in my soul lit it up in my spirit I don't know why it stood out so strong to me and God gave me this desire to research and search and look into that what does it mean Daniel distinguished himself among his brothers because he had an excellent spirit and I began to preach and teach a lot on this subject in the beginning years of this church when I was your pastor because I believe that we need an excellent spirit in our Christian character we need to ask God for an excellent spirit an excellent spirit literally means an excellent attitude it exemplifies Christ when we have an excellent spirit we exempt fire Jesus Christ Daniel the Bible said was flawless in his character he was impeccable in his willingness to be great for God he existed in a terrible setting he had been taken captive into a secular idol-worshipping Babylon culture kidnapped taken away they took the sharpest the wisest the the the most talented and left the rest after they burned the city of Jerusalem down and they took the most talented gifted ones in that culture and put them in the Babylonian culture the Bible said to build his kingdom that Nebuchadnezzar used the smartest the most gifted he gave them and made them learn a new language the child Ian language no longer were they allowed to speak Hebrew he changed their names from Hebrew names to Babylonian names he even changed their diet and all of those things were fine but then he reckoned he recognized Nebuchadnezzar I'll never really change these people until I change their worship as long as they're worshiping in my culture their God their worship that connects them to their God is more powerful than my culture and so I don't it didn't have time to read it he built an idol a statue and he made a command that when the music plays it's what he said when the music starts playing when you start hearing the music play everybody in Babylon is to bow down and worship the statue I couldn't help but think you know if we're not careful we just like that generation the Bible said that everybody bowed down but Daniel he would not bow down when he heard the sound of the music if we're not careful music can have a powerful influence on our lives for the negative if you're listening to music that disconnects you from God if you list notice that when the music played then you had to bow down and Daniel said I'm not gonna let the music of this culture caused me to disconnect from my worship to God and start worshiping idols I can't help but believe that some of the most filthy music that's being put out with profanity with turn ography its musical pornography I don't understand how Christians particularly young people think that they can listen to that pour that into their spirit hour after hour day after day week after week pouring profanity pouring musical pornography and filth into your spirit and not think that it will disconnect you from God something as seemingly innocent as rhythm and and raps and songs and lyrics can absolutely cause you to bow down to idols and disconnect from God it matters what we listen to what we listen to matters the enemy is thrilled when he can manipulate your thinking when he can cause you to break your relationship with God and just as Daniel had to make a decision in a secular culture he was away from his mother away from his father away from his pastor away from everybody and he had to make a decision I know everybody here listens to it I know everybody responds to this music but I have a higher call I must stay committed and connected to my God no matter where I am I don't just praise him in youth group I don't just praise him when I go to church around church folks I am Who I am in the college dorm I am Who I am wherever I go and nothing is going to be more powerful in my life than Jesus Christ I worship Him I don't worship the idols of this world especially the music come on and clap your hands I'm preaching the truth I'm preaching the truth Daniel was a spiritual young man he had the ability to interpret dreams he had the ability to to to have visions and operated in the gifts of interpretation of dreams but the thing that impressed people more than anything else was the way that he carried himself he caught listen carefully he called the eye of leadership because he distinguished himself with an excellent spirit there was something about the way that he conducted himself there was something about the way that he that he did what he did that distinguished him from everybody else your Bible said that there were a hundred and twenty we would call them governors over a hundred and twenty Providence's and then out of those were three presidents and then on top of the triangle was the king so you had a hundred and twenty powerful politicians then you had three presidents Daniel was one of the three and then the Bible said that the King watched those those three and decided to put Daniel over all of them including the other two that were supposed to be his equal I love it he was LFA elevated to president of the nation only under the king himself because he had an excellent spirit he had a spirit of excellence which means he was a man who was diligent listened given to precision he was dependable he was detail and it elevated him he had an excellent spirit what does that mean he had an excellent attitude what was Daniel like I believe that if you gave Daniel a vacuum cleaner he wouldn't just vacuum clean he would take the Dustbuster and go in between the cracks of the seat and make sure that everything looked right he didn't just do a get by get over job he had an excellent spirit the church today needs an excellent spirit when when an when when an excellent spirit comes on you you become excellent in what you do you do it with diligence you do it with professionalism people look at the way you work people look at the way you succeed and they say you've got it together that brings glory to the God that we serve that causes his kingdom to suffer no damage when we live excellent lives we have excellent marriages we have excellent life's and lifestyles because we want to bring glory and honor to Jesus Christ I'm tired of the innuendos about Christians some people make fun of Christians and say they're only just a bunch of emotional people who go to church and cry and shout and their mental pygmies all we can do is dance and cry and praise God a little bit and play some music but we can't work we can't start businesses we can't have success in life I hate to tell you this but you're a old school somebody the new Christian doesn't look like that anymore we've come to a place where we understand where the head and not the tail we're above only and not beneath we belong in politics we belong in every aspect of our society we belong in government we belong in entertainment we belong in medicine we belong in law we belong in Hollywood we bow wherever we go we don't bow down we influence the culture for the glory of Jesus Christ and we'll do it with excellence diligence amen this is what I started preaching when we were a little church that we're gonna whatever we do it's gonna be excellent that's why when you pull up on our properties wherever you are you're not gonna see a bunch of brokedown junk we believe that if his name is on it it ought to be excellent if people walk in here it ought to be excellent if they look out there it ought to be excellent cuz our King is excellent his name is excellent and there's none like him and we will praise him with the spirit of excellence come on somebody give him some excellent praise not mediocre not get by get over excellent in everything that we do hallelujah excellence affects every aspect of our lives every part of our life ought to be excellent if an excellent spirit is on you we should be excellent in our hygiene [Music] you know it don't take a lot of money to be clean it don't take a lot of money to make yourself look presentable and nice you're never gonna get out of poverty until you get a job opportunity and you show up looking like a winner it don't take a lot of money to press your pants it don't take a lot of money to comb your hair it don't take a lot of money be excellent and brush your teeth it doesn't take I'm gonna preach like I felt like because this is what build a great church I just started getting up in preaching just like it is you know tell your neighbor if you're excellent come on tell them say if you're excellent it'll show up in your armpits you put some deodorant on you it'll show up in your breath you'll get a breath in just trying to help it's the truth we need an excellent spirit the gospel will get right down to where you live right up under your armpit the Holy Ghost will make you win the Holy Spirit will make you an asset to our society and I don't care where you started ain't about where you start but if you let the gospel get ahold of you it'll pick you up it'll clean you up it'll set you up for success and you will become an asset instead of something that just soaks in everything all the time you will actually be can be a blessing you will actually be a contributor you will actually be someone who shines light in a dark world tap your hands up I tell you I feel this thing mediocracy seems to be the thing of the day children go to school and they don't even shoot for an a anymore it's I'm just gonna get a C it's not excellence the goal is not a C the goal was an A+ when you're excellent you'll stop coming in late when you're excellent I better get a big one on this you'll stop leaving early I felt something go all the way through me and come out there then he's the Lord when you're excellent you won't be sloppy at your work when you're excellent you won't be slack on your job just throw it together on the spur of the moment that's what we do you know when I came up in church I guess they did the best they could but they'd get up and a guy would old brother Joe or whatever his name was would bring his guitar he didn't come to practice he didn't believe in practice he believed that he just relied on the anointing he'd come in and hook his guitar up and you'd hear him just as dad would be getting up to open and back then they used to read a scripture or something to open and dad would be reading he'd be over that burner tuning his guitar down burn burn somebody else would come in late and sit on the drums and start hitting the cymbals and just you know PA sense blurring out nobody didn't get there early to make sure everything's good that stuff drives me crazy we don't have it around here God deserves the best oh we're just Christians no we are just Christians therefore we don't go by get by slack by I don't believe in just showing up and you know if people gonna come in here it ought to be this good all the time we don't just do this we didn't just know you were coming today and made this look like this this is what we do this is who we are we don't have to do a lot of stuff when somebody real special some bigshot governor or if the president were coming in here today we wouldn't do anything different this is what we do because he deserves the best Jesus Christ the one that we represent you know we just sloppy stuff and you know one time I had someone bring me a letter they wanted me to sign and and and and I noticed that the stuff was blurred some of the printing had been messed up I said I'm not sending that out oh we're just Christians pastored they no no no we're not we don't do that y'all looking at me partly cloudy right now excellence excellence it ought to be better than the secular world it ought to be better that's why people you know what why do y'all do what y'all did because he deserves the best notice the key to the story he said because he had an excellent spirit the kingdom suffered no damage Wow that's what lit up in my soul 26 years ago that if we get an excellent spirit we won't be embarrassed to invite our neighbors we won't be embarrassed people won't be afraid to invite their colleagues in the law office or in the factory or wherever they won't worry about coming to church and somebody getting up and doing something silly and stupid and embarrassing because when you have an excellent spirit there will be no damage done to the kingdom that whatever we present it is presented with excellence in a way that touches and changes the lives of men and women when we're not excellent about the work that God has given us to do when we what does excellence mean when we are not detailed when we don't have precision and class and and just do it the best the very very best that we can all of you listening to me right now you ought to have an excellent spirit on the jobsite clean up after you did you work fix things up do excellent do excellent don't just get by and leave stuff I can't stand for somebody to come into my house or whatever and do something and I'm paying them to do it and then they leave the mess for me to clean up we need an excellent spirit because notice that the king was watching a hundred and twenty three leaders and out of the hundred and twenty three out of the hundred and twenty there was three on the top and the king noticed how how daniel distinguished himself because he had an excellent spirit and the King said I'm putting him over at all you don't know who's watching you you don't know who's watching what kind of job you do you don't know you think that you're getting by and you're getting over just kind of slopping around and you know as long as you and you know the funny thing is when you get an excellent spirit and the people on your crew or your job they don't have an excellent spirit they'll have a problem with you as long as I slop around and you slop around and we're all slopping around and we're all slack it's no problem but the minute you get an excellent spirit notice they got a problem with him notice they started conspiring against him when he got an excellent spirit so when you get an excellent spirit don't think everybody's gonna be your little cheerleader but going into what God's called you to do with all that you've got Oh preaching better than y'all letting on now we better get an excellent spirit get it together get it detailed get it precise get an excellent spirit because your competitor has one go clean up your closet go wash your car go clean out the trash from your car I'm bad I eat in the car I'm bad about living basically out of the car but at some point I really believe what I'm telling you at some point the Holy Spirit will convict you and say your car is nasty clean the car up you know there's a verse that says cleanliness is next to godliness did you know that's a Bible verse it means if you if your house is nasty if and it stays nasty and you don't never clean it up you're not living close to God because God said cleanliness is next to godliness come on is this too strong you okay the excellent on your job site clean your truck up wash it got bumper stickers all about Jesus and the thing hasn't been washed in four months at least I must say no matter what kind of car or how old just make sure what you got is clean if you've got one pair of jeans and two shirts make sure they're clean and cap and go you go you go like you've got whatever God's given you do it with excellence and if it's got a hole in it wear it with that hole with excellence rip it a little more and it'll be better in style I love it because he didn't have a just get over attitude do enough to look like I'm doing it ooh are you one of those employees that you do enough to look like you're doing it fine something on him his colleagues said we've got to find something on him and and and sabotage his success and I love this this is my last point they started checking his record they started checking his work they started checking his integrity they started looking that you know let's find him in a lie let's find him stealing something let's find him cheating let's find him having an affair let's find him sleeping with somebody unless let's let's leak it to the king and then he'll lose his power because he Nall that he doesn't really have that kind of excellence in every aspect of his life but when you have an excellent spirit it also hits your character it hits your integrity you carry yourself in a way that you understand I am to be who God has called me to be no matter where I am no matter what setting I'm in and I don't have secrets and they tried to find a lie they tried to find a theft they tried to find him cheating but notice that when the Holy Spirit really gets ahold of you he'll make you dependable he'll make you trustworthy he'll make you faithful Bible said they could not find a lie they could not find thievery they could not find sexual affairs they could not find things to - that were you know there that they could attack his character with he was what he was because he had an excellent spirit and I'm telling you today this little sermon may not be about miracle sign and wonders in the third rim of the angel band of the seventh horn of the book of Revelation but boy I'll tell you what if you get an excellent spirit just like 26 or 27 years ago the Lord said preach that into this church preach it and I'll preach it over and over in different ways I preached it over and over in different ways but I kept going back to the theme we need an excellent spirit we need an excellent uh sure we need excellent Squier we need excellent music we need we didn't have but one camera up in the balcony a VCR camera and a cassette tape ministry and one that that did three tapes at a time and you had to go to a little table out in the lobby and get a cassette tape but we did it with excellent we bought little t-shirts for the video man we bought little t-shirts for the girls that were selling the tapes and they did it and we got some little stickers and put them on there and put Church on fire that's what we called it back then Church on fire and we were selling those you know it's just a little thing but we got excellent with it one camera now we got I don't know how many six seven eight nine I don't know how many take old cameras expensive cameras and we go to 200 nations around the world but we were excellent with one little camera we did the best we could when we took it serious we would pray and get together and hold hands Lord we're sending out 25 VCR tapes this week cuz we're getting orders from all over the world 25 basically from Ball Ground somebody ordered one and you know Tacoma Cleveland but we were excellent now I don't care who walks in here now I'm never embarrassed at anybody coming in here cuz I know we prayed I know we fasted I know we've salt God's face I know our teens are excellent I know our worship is excellent and we do it with an excellent spirit we're not here to glorify us our name we are not even here to glorify free chapel who cares we're here to glorify Jesus Christ we must be excellent come on he shouted a man survived this week this week when I I was invited one of the most moving days of my life one of the most enjoyable days of my life so far I'm 56 and one of them happened this past week I was called by James Dobson to come to Colorado Springs and sit down for two hours on his radio show and he wanted to interview me about love like you've never been hurt our book and for two hours and it'll be played all across the world on 1800 radio programs radio stations I should say and we set in a studio first he wanted to go to lunch and so we went to lunch we talked and laughed and he told me stories and and it was just an amazing time just a real connection he's 82 years old still how many of you know who James Dobson is I mean focus on the family and all of that and then we went back and we taped these shows and the presence of God came in the studio and he started crying I started crying the presence of God filled that place and he mentioned to me at lunch he said you know I've seen God do so much that this ministry started with nothing and he's taken us all over the world he said the number one prayer that I pray every day of my life it's like and it's one of those moments where you know this is God speaking through a man to you he said I pray this prayer every day God because you've trusted me with so much don't ever let me bring shame to your name into your kingdom that the kingdom daniel said do you notice that verse 3 he said he had an excellent spirit that the kingdom would suffer no harm we live in a greater Kingdom than the Babylonian Kingdom we live in the kingdom of God and I need my character to be so excellent that I'll never bring shame to Jesus name to these people under the sound of my voice to our church don't you want that and and hey you're here and you represent the church you are the church may we have an excellent spirit may we have no secrets may we be like Daniel may there be no secrets between husband and wife may there be no secrets between us and our private life and our open life our secular life what people see is what they oughta get may there be no secrets they search for things and they couldn't find it because he had an excellent spirit it's time to clean it up it's time to present our very best for Jesus Christ because the world is watching us and they're looking for the church that will be excellent for the King of Kings I don't want you to leave I want you to stand to your feet at every campus all over this room in all of our rooms right there in Midtown right there wherever you are just stand to your feet every head bowed every eye closed I was a I was really amazed in the earlier service how many people came to surrender their life to Jesus and I think it's because this little message strikes like it didn't me the first time it hit me 26 years ago something in me wants to do something great for God it did back then it still does I believe God calls all of us to something great you can't do it without Jesus you can't be excellent you can't be free you can't be real you can't be without dark secrets unless Jesus cleanses you and sets you free and he's here today to do exactly that so with every head bowed and every eye closed if you would say pastor Jenson I'm not living an excellent life for Jesus Christ I know that I'm far from him I don't know what would happen if I went into eternity I don't feel good about where I am and I'd like to see a change I know there's a more excellent way I know there's a more excellent life and I'm not living it I want Jesus today to give me an excellent spirit an excellent home an excellent family starts where you are right now with a decision to surrender to Jesus Christ pastor pray for me I know I'm not right with God but I want to be pray for me if that's you boldly raise your hand right where you're standing I want to see it it's fantastic that's amazing it's fantastic they're going up every campus lift your hand right here lift your hand high if you're in overflow lift your hand if God's speaking to you every one of you that have your hand high I want you to get out of the seat where you're standing right now and I want you to come down front just as quick as you can come come on just as quick as you can come you're so close to it you're so close to it you're so close to it you know you were born for greater things you know you were not born from mediocracy you know you were not born for common life you know you were not born just to be ordinary and waste the days of your life it begins with reconnecting to the one who created you who knew your name before you were in your mother's womb come on come on come on come on they're more get out of your seat I'm talking to young people I'm talking to teenagers and college students and husbands and wives and moms and dads there may be somebody whose marriage is in terrible terrible shape why don't you get out of that seat grab the hand to that wife grab the hand of that that spouse and walk down and say we needed an excellent marriage the enemy's tearing us to pieces but we want a home that glorifies Jesus all you got to do sometimes is humble you're saying come on come on anyone else anyone else this is beautiful I love seeing these young people give them a big hand that's awesome that's awesome come on darling come on come on come on there's victory in this altar there's peace in this altar there's purpose in this altar you were born for more than just getting by just getting by God wants you to become excellent detailed he has something that you can do nobody can do it quite like you can do come on come on anybody else this is awesome they keep coming and I love it I'm just gonna wait how many times we have to clap till the last soul comes I'm so thankful that every one of you came to church today it's truly truly humbling to me that God somehow would here would cause words that are spoken to touch your heart and that you knowing you you wouldn't do this this is not you this is not normal for you to walk out in front of a bunch of people and stand down here it took a lot to do that took a lot to do that you wouldn't have done it I tell you what made you do it it was the Holy Spirit drawing you something in you said I really need to respond to this so you if you never hear from God again you have heard his voice today and he called your name he called your name he wants you to know he's not done with you he wants you to know that good days and good things are ahead let's pray this prayer pray it from your heart everybody in this room understand my voice every campus say these words Lord Jesus I surrendered I give my life to you I believe in you I thank you that the change that abound me have been severed by the truth of your word and I know there's an excellent life there's an excellent life that you have called me to I receive it I think your Lord that you bled and died and rose on the third day to give me a brand new life and today I embrace it and today I receive it and today I declare Jesus Christ is my Lord and my Savior and I will for him and I will be excellent for him in Jesus name now just give God a mighty praise give him a mighty praise can we sing this one time Here I am use me lay down my car at every campus here's what you need to do there people down front all around you that just gonna get a little information we want to help you and your new won't we care we care they're people in this church who would do nothing but love you help you you don't face anything that all of us haven't already faced and still face but we're in it together and there's a real community of faith that can change your life right here we have something called next steps it's right out there go to the connection lounge is called next steps and one of the next steps there's three steps and one of them is water baptism matter of fact this Wednesday night I'm going to be baptizing people and it's gonna be it's one of the highlights of a verse of our month when we do water baptism I'll do it right over here we bring a tank in here and it's beautiful and it's powerful and that'll happen Wednesday night but you don't you won't be able to do that one because it's already full but you can get signed up for the next and we give be my honor to get to do that welcome to the family of God you are clean you are washed you are accepted you are chosen you belong to the Lord are y'all ready for the blessing hallelujah everybody say I'm gonna download here I am it'd be excellent to see it go to number one wouldn't it how many believe we could do it just just download it do you know how to do that if you don't find somebody with glasses they're the smart people and and say and say download it for me a man aren't you ready and now may the Lord bless you and keep you make his face shine on you be gracious unto you lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace and excellence this week in everything you do we love you so much god bless you wanna hang out down here and say hello if you're visiting if you're a guest or your regular or whatever you want to say hello I'm here not going anywhere I'll be right down here I'd love to meet and greet you and say hello thank you for worshiping with us god bless you and as we leave here today I want to encourage you to stay connected with all that God is doing through the life of this ministry as I mentioned earlier in pre-service pastor Jensen was just recently invited to Washington DC to sit at the table and be able to speak in two different social reform issues such as prison reform and right now there is legislation going in place that is bipartisan which is a praise report for us and so I want to encourage you to stake in that to continue to pray for this ministry as God continues to use this ministry to impact the world in this nation and so as a reminder when Pastor Jensen is there you are there as a representative as well and our voices are being heard but also for our ladies if you have not yet registered for divine Women's Conference do that today this conference gonna change your life I promise you and not only that we have free childcare available which is amazing for all of our moms out there so make sure you go to divine conference Oh our G register today you don't want to miss out but we love you so much we're thrilled that you join us here today at free Chapel and we'll see you next Sunday morning you
Channel: Free Chapel
Views: 86,573
Rating: 4.8368354 out of 5
Keywords: free chapel, music, worship, jesus, christ, sermon, church, god, jentezen, franklin, christian, the spirit of excellence, jentezen franklin 2018 sermons, free chapel 2018 services, christian teaching, pastor, Success, failure, influence, dreams, finances
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 28sec (3388 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 20 2018
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