Dr Myles Munroe: The Power of Personal Excellence

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[Music] the power of personal excellence the power of personal excellence first let me begin by making a statement excellence is not a gift please write that down you are not born with excellence excellence is an attitude generated by a spirit excellence is an attitude generated by a spirit all of you know as you encounter the corporate world and the the development in business for the 21st century that every industry including the one in my country that is now the leading minister ministry of tourism everyone is talking about quality control everybody is talking about management of quality control and every company is trying to get the edge on quality because the market is so saturated with so many different types of products and types of services that the future is not is not belonging to those who just produce products it is no longer belonging to those who just supply service the future belongs to those who have the edge on excellence in service or excellence in quality that's the difference between success and mediocrity in the next century in business so this organization like any other company must concentrate from the top down on excellence and quality rather than just products and service everybody is selling products and everybody supplies a service but only the few at the top supply qual service and excellence in products excellence is defined as write this down highest quality not just high quality highest quality another word superior standard superior standard thirdly extreme quality extreme quality excellence is not just quality it goes to the extreme and finally excellent is defined as maximum quality maximum quality so to work as a supervisor or manager or a leader or anyone else and to work less than excellent you are literally working below your true ability excellence will cost you what mediocrity will save you excellent people will conquer what average people will complain about is that true most of the people who don't get ahead in life don't because they're too busy complaining about why they can't get ahead in life but an excellent person conquers the things average people complain about excellent people pursue solutions average people stare at problems right there down that's good to tell you down line excellent people pursue solutions average people stare at problems excellence orchestrates in the mind translates into speech and demonstrates in your life I repeat excellence originates and orchestrates in your mind then it translates in your speech and it demonstrates in your life you don't have to acts a person if they are excellent have you noticed you can tell by the way they dress you can tell by the way they talk to you you can tell by the way they organize what's around them you can tell by the way they order their words when they speak excellence is not imposed from the outside it is released from the inside if you and I are going to be effective leaders and if we're going to inspire people to be excellent they are going to have to see it in our mindset our demonstration of life and in our speech excellent people make improvements not excuses boy that's a good thought I'll repeat it for you excellent people make improvements not excuses we who are leaders of the other leaders that are on their way to becoming leaders like we are leaders we should encourage people to pursue solutions to their obstacles and their opposition's and their challenges rather than letting them give excuses a leader competes only with himself and herself a true leader never compares him or herself with anyone a true leader competes with him self and herself so here are the principles of excellence that every human should know number one don't several for the average do not settle for the average average is the grave in which excellence is buried isn't it average people strive to fit in while excellent people strive to stand out you can never change what you accept I repeat you can never change what you accept so don't settle for the average you can never change what you refuse to confront if you keep pretending that mediocrity is your best then you will never proceed to excellence you are not born to be an average person this therefore is the challenge we need to inspire people to not settle even when they seem to be successful as a matter of fact the greatest enemy of progress is your last success when you settle on what you've done and believe you've achieved everything you have just begun to die excellent people never settle for the average number to develop a deep commitment to excellence you will never be excellent until you decide that this is the lifestyle you will have develop a deep commitment to excellence first you should be the best then you will be first you miss that write it down first you must be the best then you will be first get it you think you got it in business everybody is trying to be first in the market but that's the wrong pursuit excellent people don't try to be first they try to be excellent therefore first you should be the best then you will be first Michelangelo one day was painting the Sistine Chapel and you all know the story of Michelangelo the most awesome painting in Rome people travel all over the world to see this man painting and you know Michelangelo did right he lie on his back on a scaffold and he painted the entire ceiling of the Sistine Chapel it's the most beautiful awesome artwork in Rome are awesome work one day the story goes is the true story that Michelangelo was painting and one of his aides came in to check on him when he walked into the chapel there were candles everywhere it was dark and musty Michelangelo could not be seen and so his friend and colleague cried out Michael he heard no sound Michael are you here he heard some noise in the corner in the dark behind a post up above the nave in the secret corner where no one could see Michael and he heard a voice from way in the back underneath the scaffold behind the post up above the ledge in the dark corner of the chapel an answer came yes I'm busy and the egg came walked up and looked up in the darkness behind the post we're behind the rafters and there's Michelangelo on his back with a painting brushing his teeth one in his hand on his palette and he is on his not feeding the feathers of one of the little angels in the dark behind the post where no one will ever see his colleague said Michael what are you doing up there he said I'm painting the ceiling he said but Michael you are putting details on the feather on the wings of an angel in the dark behind the post above the nave beyond the rafters where no one will ever see it why was your turn and without catching a breath Michelangelo spoke through the brush in his teeth and said but God sees it he keeps on painting what a spirit of excellence an excellent spirit does not work because people are watching it doesn't work because it will be known excellence comes from a spirit an attitude on the inside see Michael was not working for the observation of people he had an integrity with himself he believed that everything he did should be the best he ever done even if no one ever saw it I think we should give Michael a hand for setting an example of excellence that is why we cannot ignore Michael because Michael was a man of excellence number three possess ethics and integrity number three possess ethics and integrity a person of excellence will always possess these two things ethics and integrity you see your gift will carry you where your character won't keep you how many of you know the story of Joseph in the Bible I think we read his story how many know the story of Samson okay I'm gonna give you a test this is a test of integrity which one was stronger Samson or Joseph Joseph now Samson had all the muscle Samson had all the physical strength Samson could pick the gate of the city on his back and take it to the hill Samson killed a thousand men with his bare hands in a jawbone Samson was so powerful he broke a temple to pieces by his bare hands the guy was a monster but Joseph had no muscle never killed a thousand men with his hands never destroy the temple with his arms and yet Joseph was stronger than Samson why because morality is stronger than talent we don't take advantage of people in our downline we don't violate family we don't violate marriage we respect people's opinions in other words excellence has a commitment to ethics and high morality we know in reality that morality is stronger than energy Joseph was a greater man than Samson because you remember Pharaoh's wife who was married wanted Joseph to sleep with her she came into the room when Joseph was coming out of the back and she came in with nothing on and Joseph only had a towel Samson met a woman with everything on and he could not control his desires Joseph was so strong on the inside that the story says he dropped the towel and ran naked away from the woman to me that's a stronger man we in this organization and in any company should commit ourselves to the strength of ethics and integrity above personal satisfaction and gratification ethics are moral standards grounded in principles that govern your beliefs and convictions ethics are mental attitudes based on beliefs that control your behavior what you believe manifests how you behave integrity is integration of your words with your behavior what you say and do are supposed to be consistent if you are a person of integrity an excellent spirit is a spirit of what integrity integrity write this down please integrity is the integration of your word and behavior integrity is the integration of your word and behavior excellence produces trust why because people watch what you say under see if it equals what you do before they trust you leaders true leaders are people who cause others to trust them because they say what they mean and they mean what they say if you're gonna be a person of excellence in leadership you must integrate your words with your action if you promise someone you're gonna give them a call give them the call if you promise someone you're gonna meet with their group then do all in your power to show up and be at that meeting if you promise someone that you were sending some products at a certain time do all in your power to deliver on that promise why because excellence is integrity what you say is what you do and what you do is what you said the word integrity is from the word integrate which means to be one what you say is exactly what you are credibility and character then are results of integrity number four an excellent leader shows genuine respect for others show genuine respect for others to respect means to honor to esteem to value highly to place much worth on another I'm going to repeat this again because you and I need to do this with those we work with to respect means to honor to esteem to value highly to place much worth on another my question to you as a supervisor and a manager of your downline is this what are people to you to most companies people are just employees they are not separate worthy humans the most companies people are just pawns in a big game that make it work what are people to you to others people are just opportunities for me to use to get my life ahead you see listen carefully what is your value of a human and how do you see others people know when you respect them and when you don't so don't fake it people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care respect the Worth and value of people excellence manifests itself in honoring people number five go the Second Mile go the Second Mile excellence is manifested in people who are not afraid of doing their best Christians should go the Second Mile but everybody should but especially Christians you see responsibility is greater than right write it down it'll make sense after I'm gone responsibility is greater than rights give more than you take from life go the Second Mile you know how many people do you know they only do what you ask them to do how many folks you know only do what they can get away with how many of you as leaders only do what's expected of you and no more you don't have a spirit of excellence an excellent spirit always goes beyond the call of duty and beyond the assignment an excellent spirit does not do just because you were told but it does because it believes and it acts go the second mile for excellence number six be consistent nothing is as frustrating as an inconsistent human you know a few of them don't you you probably sitting in their shoes right now an excellent person sets high standards for themselves so I want to encourage you to write this down I will set high standards for myself be consistent people forget how fast you do a job but never how good true people forget how fast you do a job but never how good be consistent in your performance always do a job the best you can always manifest the excellency of your attitude and everything you do be consistent a lot of people can be good for a moment but a true leader is consistent all the time never ask God for something you are not willing to go after be consistent consistency attracts promotion another word for consistency is faithfulness faithfulness you want to manifest faithfulness before those that you influence because you want them to be the same do you know how many of you have ever had this experience someone said to you I'm going to be for you at 5:15 and you suddenly was controlled by the promise to the point where you started rearranging your schedule and putting pressure on yourself to be there at 5:14 because of a reputation this person has developed at you which says they are always on time in other words their consistency begins to make you consistent if you want the people in your downline to be faithful then you the key if you want the people in your downline to always show up to meetings then you should miss them if you want the people in your downline to always be faithful to assignments then when you expect to do something for them then to see their favors in you you see consistency breeds consistency number seven never stop improving oh this a good one never stop improving excellence is a spirit that is never satisfied ready down a person of excellence may be impressed by what they've done but never satisfied that what they've done they are constantly improving excellence is the gradual result of striving to be better excellence is constantly growing if you grow everything will get better I repeat if you grow everything will get better that's why a true leader is constantly developing coming to seminars reading books learning and self-learning and unlearning and relearning because a leader knows that if you grow everything changes you know things and life don't change much you do is that right I mean half of the things that you thought were problems twenty years ago you look at them as opportunities now because you grew ignorant is the greatest enemy of man knowledge is his best friend so unless you know the more you are confused about life the more you learn the more simple life becomes a true excellent leader is always growing because he knows everything will get better as he grows so take responsibility for your own improvement and tell your people that you can't babysit leaders you inspire leaders and if you want others to become leaders like you then you must encourage them to take responsibility for their own development let me say one thing that I believe is going to be the secret to 21st century management write this down good leaders manage people and develop systems great leaders develop people and manage systems now look at the difference do you see it which one are you you gotta answer that question yourself for the last 800 years and recently the last 500 years as we expanded into the Industrial Revolution you will note that the majority of management systems and philosophies in the world including big business has been to manage people and develop resources what a pity the greatest resource you have is the people so true leaders develop people other leaders manage people when you stop learning you start losing when you stop learning you start losing when you stop growing you start dying number 8 oh this one is good always give 100% an excellent spirit always gives 100% life look at me it's made of four kinds of people I think it meant him before number one cop-outs two holdouts three dropouts who and for all outs a cop-out is a person who says it's impossible so I won't even try I won't even join I would even attempt the holdouts are those who are only in it to make use of your time but have no interest or commitment in improving or doing any better they're just holding out they're the ones that consume your energy without profit the third one are the dropouts a dropout is a person who started with zeal excitement you know them oh this is great man I've never seen them this is our opportunity of a lifetime oh yes I'm gonna go with this whoa we're gonna be excited we gonna be rich rich rich rich great tomorrow you know them all outs pay the price to reach the goal excellent people are more concerned with getting ahead rather than getting home most of the people that are employed on jobs wait for five o'clock they live for lunch times but a real true excellent spirit has a spirit of paying the price for the gold they work not to get home but they work to build a home and there's a difference they go beyond the call of duty into personal pride Wow I like that an excellent person goes beyond the call of duty into the realm of personal pride they say I'm doing this because this represents me when they do a job they do it because there's a sense of personal pride involved not working for someone else that's a spirit of excellence they see their work as their signature that's a good thing to note an excellent spirit sees its work as a signature if you are ashamed of what you've done then no one else should see it if you are ashamed of what you have accomplished then no one else should see it everything you do should be your signature as a matter of fact your life should be so excellent that whenever people walk past something you did they can always say I know who did that just by the way it is done it's your signature number nine make excellence a lifestyle you got one more after this and then we take a break number nine make excellence a lifestyle everybody say lifestyle come on leaders say lifestyle come on Lions say lifestyle let the Eagles say lifestyle that's important excellence must be a lifestyle what does that means do it right the first time all the time mediocrity is a personal trait excellence is a choice like attitude you choose to be excellent people we'll see you before they hear you so look good to yourself how many of you ever put on a suit or a dress or a pantsuit oh I mean and you just knew you look good anybody else for that way of course you did don't look so sure I mean there's some clothing that just look good on you now there's some you where you kind of put up with them you know and now you don't feel good but there's certain things that you put on they just look good what do you do you can't wait to go out matter of fact that's the one day you're very conspicuous hello hi hello hey buddy hey how you doing good good to see you brother rattle hey why you just no you look cool track with a good basic rap you know it's true why because the excellent spirit is upon you you see people will see you be before they hear you so when you look good to yourself you're proud to talk an excellent spirit is a spirit that's a lifestyle it always looks good feels good works good I have an a principle in our company and we have a staff of over 52 full-time workers work in our office and another staff of 267 volunteer workers that work with me so we got our staff over 300 people and there's a law that we have throughout the whole office ever since we started the company it's a personal original statement that I came up with for my own life and I taught it to my whole staff and the leaders in our and a whole company and it's this if you can't do it right don't do it yet I want to encourage you to adopt that attitude in your life and in your business and in your work say with me if you can't do it good if you can't do it right say it if you can't do it right don't do it yet say it don't do it yet that's the attitude of excellence why because you only have one time to make a lasting impression when you go to present your program to a group of people put on your best clothes and put on your best cologne and perfume and and fix your hair the best you can and walk in there with your best walk and give them your best stand and talk with your best articulation and impact them at your best breath why you only got one time to make a lasting impression every time a man sells diamonds and he ain't wearing none you better doubt the diamonds if a man selling fish you know he'd fish you better doubt the fish in the market if we are going to become leaders that inspire people to become leaders that we have to look like leaders act like leaders even relate to each other as leaders so they can see how we relate at our level so they can be inspired to do the same at their level we are the manifestation of our own lifestyle of excellence you're our parents is the platform for your presentation so be excellent in your physical appearance I want to give you a challenge a simple one here's your homework until I see you again study class simple assignment steady class spend the rest of your life studying what is class hopefully first class even if you ain't there yet study it because whatever you study you begin to think and whatever you think you become because as a man think it so is he if you don't think excellence you cannot be excellent remember write this down quality is never an accident your house is not beautiful by mistake your room is not cleaned but you didn't intend for it to look so quality is not an accident it's a decision and a result of hard work and finally excellent spirits never compare yourself with others but with yourself take that to your downline but beginning in your own life first I repeat never compare yourself with others only with yourself people of excellence never look at what other people are doing and use it as a measure for their success excellence write this down is competition with yourself excellence is competing with what you did last to see if you can do it better excellence is striving to complete what your mind says you know you could do better excellence is self competition not other competition striving to outdo yourself is excellence celebrate what makes you an individual you were born an original remember so don't become a copy of someone else's mediocrity look at people but don't let them make you what they are some of you have accomplished a certain level of success in this business but I'm warning you don't ever become so impressed by what you've accomplished that you see striving to accomplish what you could compete with yourself attitude standard state of mind is the secret to life excellence is a spirit that produces an attitude that results in a way of thinking that manifests in a way of life finally to be yourself and to become yourself is the essence of life to help others discover themselves and release themselves is the essence of living you of life and you give life when you create leaders around [Music]
Channel: vooke
Views: 134,187
Rating: 4.8619452 out of 5
Keywords: Dr Myles Munroe, Myles Monroe, Bahamas, Personal Excellence, Purpose, Vision, Myles Munroe teachings, Wisdom, Leadership for Africa, Success, Mediocrity, Mensa Otabil, Bahamas Faith Ministries International, Ruth Munroe, BFMI, Motivational Speaker, Inspirational Speaker, TBN, Trinity Broadcasting Network, CNN, CBS News, CBC News, BBC, CNBC News
Id: 8b3Pxr4vmpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 51sec (2631 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2018
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