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[Applause] [Music] all over the country today we are so thankful for our listening audience and we want to be sure to make them feel comfortable and welcome many people are home because of the virus they're scared to go to church and many of them their churches are closed down and so this is an avenue that we're getting ready and have the ability to go into many more hundreds of thousands of homes than we ever have before and we're so thankful for the opportunity to do that and again our first time visitors no doubt you are our honored guest today and we want you to feel comfortable let's welcome our audience around the world thank you for listening today i'm in john chapter number 12. it's a very busy chapter here and jesus is talking to his disciples about his death in verse number 23 jesus answered them saying the hour has come that the son of man should be glorified how's he going to be glorified verily verily truly i say unto you except the corn of wheat fall to the ground and die it abideth alone but if it die it bringeth forth much fruit he that loveth his life shall lose it and he that hated his life in this world shall keep it until eternal life isn't it amazing that when jesus was typifying his death burial and resurrection he used a grain of wheat to illustrate the prophecy of his resurrection in the context of my scripture you must always give the interpretation of scripture before you ever give an application of it in the context of our scripture jesus is using this simple metaphor of a grain of wheat to illustrate the fact that he may die and be buried but he's going to get up again now there are several things in this verse that we could realize immediately if jesus continued to live on his own he is the only one that would have abode in eternal life second of all his death he knew was going to be an investment for the future you don't plant a grain of wheat and expect it to be a full stem the next day it takes time it's an investment number three our text teaches us that his sacrifice later on if he would die the bible said it would yield much fruit so i have been studying uh different things about wheat and horticulture which is the most boring thing i've ever read in my life but i felt like i needed to know in its context what i was preaching on so i've been studying horticulture all week i found out that every stem of wheat at the very top of it has something called a kernel in that kernel of wheat that's at the very top lies another batch of seeds there's at least 50 seeds in each kernel now think about multiplication for a minute if i took one pound of wheat that would equal 17 000 kernels you multiply that by 50 seeds in each kernel that means with one pound of wheat i can plant it over again 850 000 times see the bible is referring here jesus said if i die i'm not only going to rise up again but i'm going to bring a bunch of fruit with me there's going to be a bunch did you know wheat is from the grass family just like corn and grains and sauger and rice and oats and rye they're all from the grass family did you know out of the 50 states in america kansas because of its weather is the best state in america to grow what we call wheat i found out that corn and wheat both are considered what we call cereal grains according to horticulture wheat has been a long-standing symbol of fertility or reproduction in other words it grows isn't it amazing that out of all the grains jesus could have talked about he talked about his symbolization of his resurrection as being wheat because he said if i die i'm going to reproduce what i am i'm going to bring many unto my kingdom did you know once wheat is harvest do you know what they do with wheat back in the bible day they made bread out of it but that wheat has to be planted it's got to die it's got to grow it's got to be harvested and then it becomes bread no wonder jesus stood up in john chapter number six and said i am the bread of life i'm that grain of wheat i'm going to live i'm going to die but you wait i'm going to get up and i'm going to bring a bunch up with me when i come i am the bread of life i found out in deuteronomy chapter 8 that wheat is a valued divine provision to the people of god i'm not much of a planter i don't like gardens i don't know why anybody wants to plant a garden i do not understand that you can go to walmart it's already grown pick set it on the shelf you buy the stinking stuff put it in your cart and go home american people are crazy they'll plant a garden if nothing comes up they gripe boy my garden was sorry this year didn't get enough water i didn't get nothing the next year god blesses them and it comes up and they'll say oh god i don't know what i'm going to do i got so many potatoes and beans i don't know if i'll ever get them out of the field why don't you shut up if it doesn't produce you complain if it does i know look up here at me but investing takes time i'm not in the gardens my wife grew a little one in the backyard and she'll ask me to water it and all that and i'm not doing it i'm just not doing it i don't like it uh the only thing i ever grew was pot and i'm gonna taste something it'll kind of take care of itself and and uh everybody loves you in the neighborhood but you know my wife will come in honey look at my squash well i'll be honest brother there's nothing about a squash that turns me on i i mean it's cute you know it's yellow and it's curvy but she'll say look at these cucumbers you know fine honey cook the suckers i don't want to look at him the rest of my life or she'll come in with carrots you know what in the name of god honey walmart is full of this stuff but she she plants it and she'll go out there and put fertilizer in it and dirt and fool with it and she'll come in all sweaty i ain't feeling with it by the way i ain't fooling with it i ain't watering it i ain't checking on it i don't care nothing about it and she'll water and come in and say oh i'm just so dirty i'm so sweaty and i'm thinking why are you fooling with this nonsense but see see being productive takes time it takes patience it takes work and it takes a little bit of faith my uncle used to be a farmer and he planted 30 and 60 and 90 acres at a time and i remember when when uncle travis would plant he didn't plant the seed one day and then cover it and come out the next day and expect the full crop he knew it takes investing he knew it took patience he knew it took time and he knew that god had to bless it with the right amount of sunshine and the right amount of rain in order to bring forth a harvest now with that in mind i want to preach this morning on the subject from the bible my text the seeds of investment there are some things that we have to invest in that you don't get the repercussions or the benefits of it right away and because we're in this this hurry generation everything's got to be now you don't believe it let the light turn green and hesitate for just a second before you take the foot off your break you'll be cussed in nine languages and two people will be chasing you with tire tools i'm telling you everybody's in a hurry go to a restaurant before all the virus hit they'd be five people in the restaurant and 49 in the drive-thru because fat people don't want to get out of the car to get their food yeah you know i'm preaching right and the only places that are taken in the parking lots the handicapped places you go to dollywood every other person's in electric chair now i'm telling you man 30-year-old people in electric chairs 30 years old and got a wide load sign on the back of it so you know to go around it and not get hurt 30 year old people electric chairs y'all still with me right so we're in a society where everybody wants to move fast everything's got to be fast so when it comes to investing in spiritual seeds we get discouraged very fast because when we do what we're supposed to do when we plant it we want a crop the next day but you have to invest you have to be patient you have to work it it takes sweat you get dirty it takes time you got to wait on god and the average christian is not going to do that but if you're ever going to have fruit if you're ever going to multiply if you're ever going to be blessed you've got to do it god's way you got to do it god's way now let me give you a fruit few seeds that all of us need to invest in and i'm done number one i want to talk about the seed of your family genesis chapter 32 abraham's setting out in the middle east by himself and he's the only jew god called him out of earth the chaldees and god said i want you to look at the stars in the sky in the sands of the sea he said i'm going to multiply thy seed i'm gonna bless your family and at this time abraham had not even had a child but see god ordained it in creation that the coming together of two seas would produce life you must have that of a man and that of a woman they come together in what we call conception at the very moment of conception 140 things were 140 000 things determined about you that moment the color of your hair the color of your eyes your fingerprints your heart rate your sexuality morphs into that what blood type you have everything about you was given that moment of conception so god is showing us that when it comes to a home being fruitful and having seed it's got to be done the proper way and the proper way is the coming together of a man and a woman after they're married after they're married i know that's a little old-fashioned but this is just the way i am you stay out of the stinking bed that you're married you ladies keep your dresses down your boys keep your pants up stay clean then you get married then when you get married go crazy i don't give a flip what you do but god instituted it in an amazing that it's got to be the coming together of two seed now why did god do that in the family because god wanted to show us that any other kind of relationship out of the one that i ordain is not of me i will not bless it i will not expand it i will not multiply it let me illustrate two men cannot have a baby therefore it's not of god god is not in it and that's why they cannot multiply every good seed ordained of god can multiply that's why two women cannot have a baby together because it's not ordained of god it's perverted what god intended sex and family to be now i'm not mad at these people i'm not mad at them they've been twisted and taught and maybe led in a way that maybe they don't even understand within their own bodies but these people have a sexuality problem that is perverted from what god intended it to be and one of the proofs that he gives them is he does not give them the ability to multiply because god doesn't want to fill the earth with men married to men and women married to women and i don't care if washington likes it i don't care if nashville likes it it's still the truth god ordained the family to be between a husband and a wife we have got to settle that as long as i am pastor of this church there will never be two men walk the aisle of this church and be married there will never be two women walk the aisle of this church and be married i refuse to bless something that god has intentionally cursed and forbidden to be reproduced you invest in children marriage comes along you get together the seed comes together and you produce this thing called a child the best way to think about raising a child is take the next 20 years of your life and throw it away because you're about to invest in a little brat that is self-centered temperamatic a replica of what you were when you were that age and all they care about is getting what they want and thinking about themselves and accomplishing everything they can to take care of their own desires and the sad part is after you raise them 20 years and they go off to college or they get married the sad part is most of them won't even turn around and hug your neck and say thank you that's the average family that we're raising in america today but god wants our family to grow god told adam to be fruitful and replenish the earth god wanted fruit from our family but just as god wanted fruit from our physical family it also takes two seeds coming together to produce fruit in the family of god i may not give them my outline but i want to get on this a little bit heavy today there must be the coming together of two spiritual seeds before there's a new birth isn't it amazing that god called our salvation a new birth he linked it to some similarities from our first birth what is it the fact that two seeds have to come together what are the two things that has to come together in the soul of man before we can't experience the new birth it's very simple the bible said in first peter being born again not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible by the word of god which liveth and abideth forever the first seed that must be germinated in your heart is the truth of the word of god faith come by hearing and hearing by the word of god but you can hear the word of god all you want to and die in your sin and be comfortable in doing so there must be a seed that collides together with that word of god what is it holy ghost conviction holy ghost conviction getting saved is more than coming forward and repeating a prayer and shaking my hand and getting in the baptismal pull getting under conviction is the spirit of god opening up that word of god the letter killeth but the spirit of god maketh alive and the holy ghost begins to reveal unto you that jesus is not a historical figure but he's the lamb of god that died on the cross for the sins of all the world the holy ghost [Applause] lord have mercy hey no way i can get done with this there's never a time i didn't believe that there was a man named jesus there's never a time when somebody told me he died on the cross that i refuted that or doubted that but i still lived in my sin and loved every minute of it until one day i got a visitation from another world and god the holy ghost came down to where i was in a little living room out in the middle of the ghetto and opened up my blinded eyes got me under the preaching of the word of god and got me born again now when those two seeds come together you got to be patient because it don't always bring a birth right away you don't conceive one day and have a baby the next ladies don't you wish to god it was that easy but there's a process that goes on after the conception of the word of god revealing to you through the holy ghost that you've got a spiritual need you've got to be carried around for a while and while you're you've been born yet now you've been conceived in conviction you ain't born yet so you got to rely on somebody else to protect you until you're born you don't have the ability to protect yourself you don't have the ability to feed yourself you don't have the ability to walk around you don't have the ability to pay the bills you are totally waiting to be born while you're in your mama's womb you don't even understand it but you're being protected by a higher power that you don't know you've never been introduced to you don't even know your mom and dad's name you don't know what they look like you don't know where they live you don't know what kind of character or personality all you know is that you're resting on somebody else as a matter of fact you're so protected that god puts you in a bag of water so that if your mama bumps around you're shielded and protected you laying in a water mattress for nine months before you ever got here you ever thought about that god gave you a water mattress for nine months and all the time all you're doing is relaxing all you're doing is being fed by somebody else all you know is this is the best it is but it's dark in there it's dark in there and you can only stay so long and then all of a sudden mama starts feeling pain and all of a sudden you start turning upside down your head turns you don't know what's moving you but something's moving you in another direction you know all these people talk about these spiritual times when their wife was pregnant i hated it i can't stand it it was like being married to santa claus it was just i just can't stand that those times it's hard and your wife just kind of floats around she's miserable she swelled even her nose swells and she just kind of floats around and she's got it looks like a map across her stomach and she throws her leg over your back and it's all kinds of miserable stuff and she'll say did you feel the baby kick well that don't turn me on i mean i'm not being mean but i don't care if he's a soccer player it's oh the baby kick but then all of a sudden she'd say you know the baby's been still all day i wonder why he's still because the mattress is about to break and he's getting in a position that he's never been in before and he doesn't even know he's doing it but something more powerful than him turns him the right way faces him the right direction [Applause] and i don't know whether the preacher shout i'll just tell you the truth some hand from another world says i'm going to lead you in a direction you've never been i can imagine that baby said but my comfort zone you're taking me out of my comfort zone this is all i've ever known all of a sudden the water breaks the lights turned on somebody screams it's a baby and you come out and you see life and you see light and all of a sudden you go from living in water to breathing air think about this before you were born you were submerged in water for nine months and never choked the moment after you're born if i put you in water you would drowned god changes your direction he changes your position he changes the way you breathe he changes the way you live he changes the way you act oh yes yes yes when you get born right he'll change everything about you you just thought you had it made in the womb but that's because you didn't know any better but once you get out once you see the light once you smell the flowers once you smell the birds once you start to eat you'd say i wouldn't go back to that dark place if i could and i tell you everybody that ever gets bored again when you get out of the darkness [Applause] and you're revealed in the glorious light you'll never want to go back to where you used to be and when a baby's born right this is the only point i'm gonna get i'm done i'd rather be in line than have an outline i'd rather be in line with god so my wife and i go from this beautiful marriage this hot steamy mayor where i come home every night she meets me at the door with a big hot kiss throws her arms around me and we unplug the phones and turn off the lights and turn our fan on i'm old school gotta have a fan on put a candle on oh it was just wonderful to come home and be in her arms and so warm and loving and quiet it was just me and her then all of a sudden she comes home one day with this thing it's called a baby i've never been around babies i was the baby in my family so i didn't have to put up with this nonsense growing up all of a sudden she takes this little brat and puts it in a crib i'm thinking all right go go to sleep i crawl in bed it's going to be a nice warm night i want a big hot kiss for my wife this is going to be good stuff she gets in the bed i roll over i said come here sweetie all of a sudden i'd never heard a noise like that in my life so it freaked me out i jumped up and grabbed my shotgun i said somebody's kidnapping our kid in the nursery so i'm in my underwear and i'm running through the house with a shotgun and i kicked the door open and that kid's screaming at the top of her lungs and i flicked the light out and said put her down when i turned the light on she looked at me went i said honey what's what's wrong with this kid she said she's hungry i said hungry you just fed her two and a half hours ago she said honey newborn babies are hungry they want milk when they're born i said well here's what i can do i i i know how to open up the vein and give a shot here's what i want you to do bless god you go downstairs get a gallon of milk i'm going to hang it from the ceiling i'm gonna put an iv in that brat and we're gonna knock her out and let her suck milk all night through her vein she said honey you can't do that when babies are healthy they desire milk you know what peter said in the new testament he said when you get born again if you've been born right you desire the sincere milk of the word of god you won't find a reason to stay out of church you will find a reason to go to church and preaching won't tick you off every time the preacher says something you won't slam your bible and cut your eyes and wait to get out of here and go home and get on facebook and run your fat mouth and your lizard tongue about what you don't like about a man of god that's got enough holy ghost in him to preach the word of god and tell you what you need to hear that's god almighty if you have no desire for that book i wonder if you were really born right but christ brought the seed he came into this world conceived in the womb of a little virgin girl and the conception began for 33 years jesus was in darkness to the world he came to his own and his own received him not the bible said that they turned their eyes from the light because men loved darkness and evil more than they did the light in god and for 33 years jesus staggered in darkness trying to present the light but he's about to offer a new birth now so he goes to the garden of gethsemane and for the first time the contraction pains begin and they hurt so bad that jesus cried so hard that his sweat became as it were great drops of blood and the pains were so heavy he said father if it be possible let this cup pass from me nevertheless not my will but thine be done here comes judas with a band of men he kissed jesus on the face and jesus said friend where he do dead and the mob said are you the one he said i am he and they fell backwards and they got back up and when their swords and stays and and their mockery and with their torches they grabbed jesus and now they've taken him to jerusalem and the pains are getting faster and that night he went through five monk trials standing before herod and pilate finally pilate washed his hands and said i find no fault in him but they stripped him of his robe and took him downstairs and beat him with a cat of nine tails and put a fake robe on him and put a crown of thorns on his head and spit in his face and beat him with a rod and blindfolded him and naked he stood before all humanity and the pains got closer and they took him outside the gates of the city and the roman soldiers laid a cross on his back and said take it to the top of the hill and the pains got harder and the pains got quicker when he got to the top of the hill he laid his life down and sprawled out on the cross they nailed him to the cross they picked it up and threw it in the ground and from the sixth hour to the ninth darkness filled the face of the earth and the pain and the contraction was so hard that jesus said my god my god why has thou forsaken me and in the midst of it all he looked up and said it is finished and the water broke and jesus was pierced in his side and the water and the blood came out and the new birth came out with him and now [Applause] and now sinners just like you and i get in on the new birth because the seed died and invested in you let's give the lord a head clap of praise in his house today [Music] the days wow elijah declaring the word of the lord and these are the days of your servant moses righteousness being restored and though these are days of great trials of famine and darkness and soul still [Music] of the lord
Channel: drphilkidd
Views: 2,390
Rating: 4.9565215 out of 5
Id: 98iGrrlVXjk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 40sec (1720 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 11 2020
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