When Life Doesn't Go As Planned By: Dr. Phil Kidd

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[Music] [Music] I have been announcing all week that I wanted to deal with this subject for many reasons just alone while sitting in this building I want to preach on the subject when life doesn't go as planned I have lived long enough to tell you by experience that I've had things happen to me unexpectedly and I've also had some areas in my life that I thought had planned out that were disrupted by me by other people and sometimes even by God so what do you do when life doesn't go like you've had it planned out I want to read one verse in Psalm chapter number 37 and verse number 23 the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord and he delighteth in his way the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord and he the one that God directs his steps he delights in the way when I thought about things not working out right in our life even though we know as a Christian ultimately that all of our footsteps are guided by Jesus if we love him I think about just some things right here in this building today that has happened that seemingly people didn't have planned in their life I think about brother Wally this morning and I hope miss Kay wanted to get with you and I hope you don't mind me using brother Wally brother Wally was a hard worker all of his life a carpenter done his business made his living for his family raised his children and brother Wally had gotten to the place where he had retired and wanted to enjoy life and they had moved down here to Tennessee and in moving here they wanted to join our church be a member here and spend the rest of their life retired and join life and enjoying God and in just a few short months brother Wally has now been put away in a assisted living facility because of dementia and now he doesn't even know where he's at now if I were to sit down five years ago and say to miss Kay miss Kay what what is your plans well brother Wally's gonna retire he's been a carpenter he's worked hard all of his life all of our kids are raised we want to be around some of our grandchildren moved out here try to help us do something with Hollywood to keep him out of jail God would permit she had no idea that's five years later her husband would not even know her how do you plan for that how do you plan whenever there were couples that come to this church and they were loving and holding hands and they were happy and they had families and they had children and it seemed like that it all together and today while I'm preaching in this building they're divorced if you want to stop them two years ago in that back door holding hands laughs and enjoying each other if you would have stopped them and said do you believe in your plans you could be divorced they thought you were crazy not long ago there were people sitting in this building that were a picture of health healthy strong vibrant energetic filled with energy and today many of them are not even here because they're so sick with diseases and plagues and they can't even get out of their bed and today by thank God for Internet they can set it home in their illness and at least be fed somewhat by their pastor but if you to set them down and said look you're headed for heavy bodily affliction they said well I feel great there's nothing wrong with me because it wasn't planned that way I've got people sitting right here today that that's under this ministry and families that are members of this church that that the division has slid into several families seated right here in this building we have got families that can't even not communicate and get along with other members of their own family but yet everybody's saved everybody goes to church everybody loves Jesus but you can't talk to each other right somewhere down the line somebody screwed up but yet if I would have told you years ago in a family gathering when you all were playing horseshoes and football and volleyball and laughing and having a good time if I would have said your family down and said look I want you to know in the future your family's going to have drama there's gonna be division and separation you're not even going to talk to each other you would have laughed me to scorn but today that's your family the depression has cast the dark shadow among the people of God there used to be people that ran the aisles of this church ten years gone by when I was here ran the aisles of this church today they're sitting in a dark room with a handful of prescription pills and hardly even come out to take a shower and go to the bathroom if I would have set them down when they were running the aisle of this church they said look I know you're enjoying God you're having a great time but I'm here to tell you something years from now you're gonna sit in a dark room with a handful of prescriptions you're gonna lock the door no television no lights no family no communication you're gonna isolate yourself from the world you would have looked at me and said are you out of your mind I love God I love this church I love Jesus but today while I'm preaching that is taking place in somebody's life you don't think depression can attack you you don't think the vision can come into your family you don't think a disease can be in your body a divorce can enter your home or even dementia invade your mind but I got people sitting here I'm just using illustrations to show you stuff happens that we don't plan there's people here plague was so much doubt that it surfaced in their life there's no question in their faith and they will never tell you publicly but they're even questioning God but that was a time when you had total victory there was a time if we asked for testimonies you would have been the first one on your feet there was a time when you carry tracts from the church and pass them out everywhere you win there was a time on the job when everybody heard you talk about God all the time but now depression has so wronged you and has sifted every bit of spirituality out of youth were you living off your side anymore or not did you plan for all that to happen in your life absolutely not not got families here good families godly families god-fearing families love this church love the Bible love their pastor but while they're sitting here today their kids are rebels and slugs are in prison their daughters are on the streets the grandkids are dope addicts I'm talking about their families in shambles brother Dodge if I would have set them down when those kids were on their knee and playing at their feet and going on family vacations if I would have set you down with your family and said your son's going to prison your daughter is going to be a prostitute your daughter's gonna be a dope addict your son's gonna be a drunk and all your wild imaginations you never planned that to ever happen to you I've never in their right mind in my life that stood up and said I trained my children to be a failure I trained my children to be a disgrace I wanted my children to be wrapped and ruined no parent in their right mind would even conceive such an idea much less let that be the prayer of their heart but yet I got good people sitting here good people that cry themselves to sleep every night because they don't even know if their daughters alive or not they cry their self to sleep tonight cause their grandsons and granddaughters are getting beat in prison by other inmates stabbed and choked and raped and there's nothing they can do some of you here raise your kids in the house of God and this Sunday morning while you're sitting here with a Bible and you're laughing Jesus in your heart your kids are so lowdown and sorry and lazy there's still wall around in bed and could even care laughs if their mom and dad ever attended church anymore I say no ever playing that to happen with their children but yet it happens and the list can go on and on and on but I try this these problems are real they exist they affect us so my question is not if plans are going to get this right they are I want to know what I'm supposed to do when it does oh you may be sitting here today and think you got it all under control maybe your life has been a cloud of ease hang on Jack you're not dead yet you will face the same decisions we have faced when we throw up our hands and say what in the world is going on in my life when these things happen it's not a question of if it will but win these things win these plans win the unexpected when the abnormal when the unthinkable happens you've got to be careful there's three dangers that we all have to deal with when we face our plans being changed unexpectedly number one sometimes people get stuck where that change that unplanned decision takes place they get stuck there they refused to allow life to give them a fresh breath of air and a chance to live again they feel like they're obligated to be stuck in that situation that's devastated them they feel like if they go on beyond that devastation they feel guilty they feel like they have forsaken something or somebody they feel like it's an act of disrespect because they don't go on with their life let me use death as an illustration what are you gonna do ladies when you roll over one morning to kiss your husband and he's cold he's stiff and you find out you slept with a dead man all night there are women that are so stuck on that experience they're right there and they cannot and they will not get beyond it my mother rejuvenated her life and lived 18 and a half years after my dad she never got over it I don't think you're supposed I don't think it's it would be abnormal to say you get over you just wanted to live with it but I asked her I said mom you seem so strong I mean brother she just buckled down and stepped up and kept being mom and she I said mom what has helped you through you did not get stuck she was on her way to pick my dad it from the hospital the doctors had already signed his release and they walk in the room and he's had a massive heart attack and he's laying there dead doctor already seen in that morning she said son what kept me from getting stuck and wasting the rest of my life on your dad's death was this I realized the days that I found my husband dead there were also millions of other women across the face of the earth that found their husbands dead as well I wasn't the only one that had happened to for 6,000 years since the fall of man women have been burying their husband and somehow they find the strength and the grace to pick up what's left and go on and to live their life you can't get stuck because something happened in your life that don't plan my kids weren't bad I'm sorry but you can't get stuck there I've had cancer I'm sorry but you can't get stuck there there's drama in my family I'm sorry but you can't get stuck there you've got to go on with your life there's a danger of getting stuck second of all I want to warn you the danger of getting sour I want to talk about bitterness as a result of thinking let me think what bitterness is being honest is because you think you know what's best for your life better than God did and because God did what he knows is best for your life you're bitter because it's not according to your plan you can be bitter at God and really not even know it you can have a bad spirit and not even know it it was Jesus had told his disciples he know not what manner of spirit ye are of you got to be careful not to let it invent make you sour and bitter I was in Georgia last week and a woman came up to me at the end of the median and she started crying and she's a godly precious silver haired lady I love her she loves me she came up to me after the last night of the meeting Thursday night of this week and she said I would like to speak to you for a moment I said sure and so I met her over in a fellowship hall and she said preacher not long ago I found my husband dead and she said because God let him die like that alone and I found him like that I just didn't feel like I could sit in church without him cuz we'd sit there for so many years together so she said I just quit Church and she said it wasn't long till I said how can I talk to a God that took my husband and he was alone so she said I quit praying she said how could I read a Bible written by a dog that's left me here alone so I quit reading and she said I even got to the point I mean a precious lady she said I gotten to the point where the kids were I didn't even know if I was saved and I didn't even care because I got bitter but she said this week I realized my husband didn't die alone he was a child of God I may not have been there but I know the Lord was there for my husband he's safe in the arms of Jesus and I want you to know I got victory over being here and you have to be careful that you don't get stuck in it you got to be careful that you that you don't get shower in it many times these feelings affect those that love us the loans we get bitter and mean and hateful and vindictive eight people that love us the most because if your hearts and you don't know how to respond properly you will automatically hurt other people and it'll be the people that want to love you and be with you and comfort you and be there for you two miles and if you're not careful you're chasing away the very people that you need in your life the most you need them you can't let something happen that's unplanned make you get stuck you can't make it make you sour and I'm reluctant to mention this one but it's biblical and I must if you're not careful it can make you suicidal even Bible illustrations that I could give you from the Old Testament and the new men felt like the only way to get relief from their disrupted plan was to in their life may I say to you suicide has never solve the problem it only compounds to hurt the pain and the confusion and sometimes we can get so out of our goals so out of our vision so out of our dreams and plans and the way God has directed us in his way that he's putting us on is so counterproductive to what we had planned out that we think death would be a blessing to get us out of the confusion the hurt and the despair that we're living in suicide has never been an answer or solution to a problem god never promised never to put any more on you than you're able to bear if I only live for God because everything in my life was worked out I closed my Bible walk out of this church and you'd never see me again but I've chose to live for him no matter what does or what doesn't work out he's still God he's never made a mistake and he knows what's best for you and I that doesn't mean always like it doesn't mean always agree with it but I found out in 42 years of being a Christian God has never asked my opinion about anything sometimes I've offered it without his request and I'm still waiting on an answer so what do you do when things doesn't work out you're gonna get stuck in it you're gonna get sour and bitter you're gonna hit suicidal say I'll just leave on go my way one old-timer said this life consists of 10% of experiences and 90% attitude I wish I could tell you as your pastor that I could wave a magic wand and make these things go away that never happened to you but in reality I'd be a false prophet in doing so so it is my calling to equip you for when these things do happen what do you do when life doesn't go as planned probably between now and this time next month some of you sitting right here and some listening around the world this very reality even me will happen in our lives what are we gonna do with it let me go back to verse 23 I want to show you four words that I want to pick from this verse number one the word steps number two it's two words good man number three I want you look at the word ordered and number three look at the word delighteth those are going to be my four points that I want to talk to you on what do you do when life doesn't go like you planned it number one don't let up notice what he said in verse 23 the steps plural you see that that implies to me brother Chad that this gentleman that's our lady that's going through evidently it's a deviation from their plans because God had to remind them that he had an order for them so ever then there was something going on that they didn't understand but notice the word step is plural which shows me there's motivation and there's movement in other words here's what this person saying there may be something that has come in my life that I didn't play in or maybe I wasn't even ready for but I just want to serve notice on the devil if you're coming after me you better get your running shoes on because I'm not stopping and laying down do because there's an area of my life that I can't figure out and I can't put my finger on and I can't explain I just want the devil to know I'm not stopping anything you don't let up you know what I found out from people that shoot all the time a moving target is the hardest one to hit if the devil comes after me blessed God he better have his scope tuned in because he's going to be coming after a moving target this plural word means that you are going to take another step notice I said the steps of a good man you know what that means when the devil comes to you and says this is gonna be your last step oh you got a dues read verse 23 to him say you're a liar the Bible said the steps that means I'm gonna live long enough to take another step I'm gonna live long enough to take another step I'm gonna live long enough to take another step I'm gonna live long enough to take another step the steps of a good man are order of the Lord you know what that means that means we're motivated that means we're energetic that means we keep going on you show the devil's done told me this is gonna take me down and shipwreck me and I'm gonna be nothing but a ruin the rest of my life yeah well let's check his back mavar's that dirty egg-sucking cross nose plug nose foaming at the mouth good-for-nothing he said that about you last year and you're still here and you still love God and the Lord is still being good to you he supplied every need he's brought us the river trials we are you gonna learn the devil is nothing but a bald-faced liar a moving target in my school when you quit moving when you quit grow it when you lose all your validity to get closer to God now you're gonna get in trouble now you're gonna falter and you're gonna fail what's this I'll give it to you you know what the Bible said about Adam before he's seen in the garden he lived in a place called Paradise son that Adam had it made yeah how did he have it made no sin no children freaked upon it walked with God every day Adam didn't even have to have a bellybutton you ever thought of that you think about that wasn't born Hollywood you ever thought about that Adam didn't have to have a belly but didn't have a chickenpox car and think about this you don't think he lived in Paradise he had the privilege of having a wife without a mother-in-law David now if that ain't heaven on earth I don't know what is mine just came to spend a week with us she stayed a week I had a physical she's 84 and in better shape than I am I don't think the old hag will ever die but here's what the Bible said the Bible said that Adam walked with God in the cool of the day now watch this Dustin as long as he's walking with God he's in fellowship with God am i right everything's good we're in perfect fellowship there's no sin everything's perfect cause he's walking with God but when he stopped walking and he started listening now he falls in the sand notice the Bible didn't say Adam was walking when he predicted that fruit he stopped walking with God and started listening to the enemy and see that's why it's so important to stay motivated you don't let up you just keep walking with God but something's happened that I don't understand keep walking but it hurts keep walking I don't have answers keep walking I feel forsaken keep walking when I play it seems like nothing keep walking the Bible's nothing keep walking I can't find God keep walking it's somewhere around the sunshine again [Applause] you don't let up I'm following Jesus I don't have time to listen to your junk here's what the Bible said walk in the light as he is in the light and we have fellowship one with another and the blood of Jesus Christ God's Son cleanses us from all sin how do you stay cleansed from all sin you walk you exercise your relationship with God you don't let up because something happens that you don't understand sure it hurts to the point where you feel handicapped I've been there and you have - there's been times I didn't know if I'd ever see the Sun Shine again in my life but through time and walking with God it happens you remember when Jacob wrestled with the Lord all night long in the book of Genesis and the Bible said when he got up the next day his his thigh was pulled out his hip was totally dislocate located and and the Schrunk of his leg was deformed and twisted where he fought with the angel all night long and the Bible said brother Mark when the Sun come up the next morning Jacob was walking now that doesn't mean it felt good that doesn't mean he understood it and it doesn't mean it's what he wanted but here's what he said I may have one area out of my life that's out of joint but the rest of my life is in unity and by God I'm not letting one thing get me down I may come limping but I tell you what god I'm gonna keep walking [Applause] right not in the morning get all that up even if it hurts you keep walking you don't let up number to notice the second thing I talked about was a good man you see the universe you don't leave God the word good man means somebody that's upright righteous dedicated clean living I don't understand why people run from God when things unexpectedly happen you think it would cause his children to run to him direct your frustrations and your anger to the one that's responsible you know growing up I was the baby of five children and uh I've suffered all the ridicule about being the baby uh how you get by with stuff and all the other kids got whipped for I've heard how many of you the baby's family aren't you tired of hearing that stupid stuff they're just jealous it's not that we got less whippings because our mom and dad loved us more it's just by the time we come along they were so tired of beating kids that they didn't care they just didn't care anymore [Applause] but one thing that always gripe me with siblings and some of them are watching today and this is part of my bitterness is when something would happen and dad would come in and say all right I'm gonna whip both of you you ever heard that there's a fight something gets broke who did it not me goes everybody else who did it not me all right I'll whip all up nothing burned me up anymore then they get whipped for something I didn't do I got blamed for something I didn't do I got chewed out for somebody didn't do then you get your tail beat and you didn't even do it but yet you get accused of and you got to pay for it see that's how I'm sure God feels sometimes when our plans are disrupted we start blaming God we started dieting God God ain't never did nothing but good to you if you're gonna have frustration and anger and blame put it on the lowdown devil he's the ones that's caused every bit of it anyhow and leave God out of it don't leave God I'm a gangster question show me one person in your life that's ever left God and their situation got better I'm show you minute left God and it didn't get better it got worse brother I don't want to close with this I'm out of time man have I enjoyed preaching this to you today I want to close with this God has been so good to me that even if you tried to leave me I'd track him down I know a good thing when I got it I'm not going anywhere this is the best I've ever had he might as well get used to me I want to close with this I had a preacher friend who had a dog it was called the name of the breed is called Chow Chow now that ought to tell you something right there to me that's too close to being choo-choo and any dog that'll choo-choo you you need to kill it or dispose of it I should say he had a dog it was a chance I'm taking about a full-blooded Chow its tongue is purple you do not have to be a rocket scientist to know that if a dog's not a purple dog and he got to the point where he couldn't take care of it we'll have to edit this brother John things don't go a little over so he gave it to a lady seven miles on the other side of town he'd love that dog he'd been good to that dog but he just felt like it's time for it to go and he gave it to a woman 7 miles on the other side of town take care of it he got out the next morning got a cup of coffee him and his wife went out sit on the front porch and there was that dog standing in the front yard looking at it he said that how did that dog get seven miles back home he called the lady said lady your dogs missing she said I'm looking all over the neighborhood with the leash he said it's seven miles away it's in my front yard she said he must have jumped the fence she got it took it back built the fence up higher he said him and his wife got up the next day got a cup of coffee went out sit on the porch and there shut that dog again seven miles that it found its way back twice [Music] [Music]
Channel: drphilkidd
Views: 20,220
Rating: 4.8705502 out of 5
Keywords: Wondershare Filmora
Id: 7Pyrc_t9Ios
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 39sec (1719 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 15 2018
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