Snake Bites By Dr. Phil Kidd

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[Music] [Music] let's welcome everybody as we sign on the Internet around the world let's make everybody welcome in the house of God today brother Anderson has greeted our first-time visitors I would like to do the same thank you so much by encouraging us just for being here and we pray that will be a great blessing to you as well in the book of project we see a sneeze excuse me chapter number 10 I want to read one verse verse number eight Ecclesiastes chapter 10 and verse number eight the Bible says he that diggeth a pit shall fall into it and whosoever break us in hedge a serpent or a snake shall bite them now when you read through the book of Ecclesiastes it's almost as the book of Proverbs when you hear the word proverbs and there's 31 chapters of those in the Bible proverbs simply means a piece of truth or advice or a short story of definition that expresses just common sense and here within the context of our scripture God gives a warning that he is going to put some hedges in our life a hedge is a place of protection but if you break through that place of protection that God has given you he said it is destined that you will be bitten by a serpent or a snake if you go to the first time the word serpent is ever mentioned in the Bible it'll take you back to the book of Genesis and it's referring to the devil himself and what God is trying to say is in life he has put petitions between you and the devil but if you break through the petitions that God has instituted in your life then your adversary is going to latch on to you devour you and destroy you quit treating the devil like he's a distant cousin he's your enemy he hates God he hates you and he's after every one of us now when you think about a hedge it's not like our hedges today in biblical days the hedge was about three and a half feet high or waist high they were mortared it was stone mortar together that outlined the boundaries of a piece of property it's kind of like what we would use as a fence today I didn't want you to think that it was shrubbery or trees or something of that nature it was made out of stone and when I think about hedges in the Bible and I apply a typology wise to the scripture there are three reasons why God hedges a skin with certain walls of protection first of all he does it so he can watch over us physically you remember when the devil went to God and said if you'll let me have job I'll have him curse you he's only serving you because you've been good to him and God said do what you want to do to it he said I can't you have a hedge round about him and God said I'll lift the hedge I'll show you that he loves me and you can do everything it's set take his life I'm glad to know as a child of God I'm not gonna die one second before God wants me to I am edged in and my life is preserved and protected by God so the hedge is to protect us physically if you will also reading the New Testament it's to protect us spiritually you remember when a man made a great supper and he bid his friends and they would not come it was that man that said to his servant this go out into the highways and hedges and compel them to come in he said find those that are outside of the grace of God find those that are outside of the family you see God not only protects us physically he also protects us spiritually you see I'm not trying to do the best I can and hope I go to heaven I'm not climbing Jacob's Ladder and I don't know anything about the rough side of the mountain I know I am safe I am secure in Jesus and my eternity it's not upon me it's upon him so God puts the hedge around about you to protect you spiritually but he also puts a hedge around about you to protect you emotionally when you read the Old Testament and the new you will find one place out in the vineyard where you found hedges in the Old Testament and the new and that was around the vineyard the grape yards for those of you that know the typology you know grapes in the Bible is a type of joy and what God is saying is there's a three-fold process of protecting you and hedging you in because God wants you to be healthy he wants you to be strong and he wants to preserve your life number two spiritually he wants you sanctified satisfied and secure in His grace but number three God wants you happy God wants you joyful because the joy of the Lord is our strength so every hedge that I'm about to mention to you today has a three-fold purpose to protect you physically to protect you spiritually and also to protect you emotionally and you will find out if you have those three areas of your life settled you're gonna have a pretty good life the reason why some people are so miserable is they have broke through the hedges that God has set up in their life to keep them separate from the adversary and when you break out but Devils gonna be right there and that lowdown devil will latch on to you I promise you so I want to preach this morning on snake bites this is not a snake handling church it never shall be a snake handling church as long as I'm the pastor here I'm only afraid of five kinds of snakes live ones dead ones big ones little ones and rubber ones outside of that I ain't afraid of a snake somebody said they're not all poisonous they are as far as I'm concerned I'm staying away from a snake and if you're a snake handler you'll have to cross over the line go up in the mountains over there and find you one because it's not happening here but the Bible said the devil would like to bite into your life into your family and into your future now let me show you some hedges God has given us to keep this from happening did you know tragedy spiritually physically and emotionally happens every second of every day and it's because people do not take to the boundaries that God has set up in your life look God doesn't put a hedge around you to hurt you he does it because he loves you he's preserving you and he knows what's best for you and he knows what's best for me so when I mention these hedges don't start pulling your hair gritting your teeth and throwing a songbook these are things God instituted not me number one God instituted the precious blood of his son to hedge us in and to protect us I was reading about the human body that yesterday and the blood the five pipes excuse me eight pints of blood that circulate through your system every 30 seconds it's amazing to me did you know with that blood and your body not only carries oxygen not only carries nutrients not only disposes of things that are not proper but you know one thing your blood stays active in constantly looking for something called a germ because germs are dirty they're they're infectious and they can make you sick and they can even kill you and if a germ tries to get in your body you don't have to set up a say okay blood let's get the job done now start producing some white blood cells we got to get rid of this germ automatically that blood starts fighting something that should not be in your life you don't have to tell it to it's automatically built within the blood to get something out of your life that's not right so is the blood of Jesus in the spiritual realm we are covered by the blood of God's Son and that blood wants to eliminate everything in our life that's not right that could let that devil bite on us that's why we believe in the blood of Jesus Christ they can take it out of songbooks they can even take the blood out of these modern-day versions of the Bible but it's still the blood of Jesus that can reach the vilest sinner and make them clean in the sight of God there's never been nothing but the blood and it always shall be the blood and if you want to stay protected by God you must be born again you must by faith receive the barrel and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ you remember in the days of Egypt when God sent Moses down to Pharaoh to let the children of Israel go it was then that some called it a Death Angel the Bible said it was God that was going to pass over Egypt that night and kill the firstborn and God said to his children there is a universal plague coming over the land and there's only one way you're gonna escape it he said take the blood of the Lamb put it on both sides of the doorpost and put it across the top and when I pass over in judgment and wrath if I see the Blood I will pass over you and the same blood in typology that stayed the judgment of God and the wrath of God on Israel in typology in the New Testament Jesus being the Lamb of God that died for the sins of the world if you have the blood applied you're not under the wrath of God you're not under the judgment of God you're under the protection of God God uses the precious blood of his son to keep the adversary from getting to you number two the second hedge to keep the snake bites away from you is preaching you know I've noticed in this generation they want everything but preaching somebody sent me bless God a catalog the other day and they're saying the number one pulpit being sold in America is a coffee table with a little attachment you can buy to put on the side to hold your Starbucks coffee while you're ministering to your people I got news bless God this ain't a coffee table fellowship and this ain't a Starbucks coffee hall either this is where you hear the preaching of the word of God God has put me in your life to keep the devil from getting to you preach it is to teach doctrine it's for correction it's for training it's for instruction it's for rebuke and it's also for warnings preaching the Word of God brings about change character and conduct it's pleasing the the wisdom of preaching is to be obeyed it's to be highly respected once God's word becomes offensive to you you're headed for trouble for getting mad at somebody that loves you enough to tell you what's on the other side of the heads and somewhere down the road you're gonna get in trouble now let me tell you what my calling is this isn't a job I don't need your money I didn't come here for money this isn't a job this is a calling God ordained me and put me into the ministry the Bible said I'm a watchman you know what a watchman does he stands on the top of the hedge in the top of the wall and he circulates the boundaries 24/7 and when there's something coming that's gonna tear up the people of God it is his job to sound the trumpet and the cry out aloud and the warn the people that dangers on the way any preacher they won't do that ought to be fired and ran out of the pulpit this morning it's not my job to be popular it's not my quote job to have the biggest Church in kingsport it's not my job to make you like me it's my job to love you enough to tell you what the Word of God says and you ought to thank God that you're in a church that's not a preacher that's not for sale not control and loves you enough to tell you the truth hey Matt hey Matt I told you when I come here no pop belly Deacon boards gonna get me in a Sunday School room and tell me what I can't preach in this pulpit no lizard tongue Jezebel is gonna put their hitman on me cause they got their little Facebook page and tell me what I can preach in his pulpit no rich family is gonna tell me what to preach in this boob here no matter how much family you got in there - Church I'm not for sales what I'm trying to tell you I'm gonna tell you what the Word of God says and you ought to thank God for it every time I do God has put a preacher in your life to keep you out of a mess and if you don't listen to me there's no hard feelings between me and you I love you I'm just trying to keep you from being bit God puts preachers in your life thank God for preachers I'm not a speaker I'm a preacher number three God puts parents in your life God gives us parents I'm talking about good parents I'm talking about normal parents God gives you parents to love you to influence your faith to build your confidence to offer support to give guidance and counseling to show in the shared compassion as well as to help you exercise respect not only for yourself but also for others being a parent is not easy and some of you kids need to understand this this is our first time doing this so we're gonna make mistakes we're not perfect I wish I could go back and reread my children knowing what I know now a lot of things would be different in my home and my family but we've never done this before so sure we're not perfect and it's easy for you to sit in your bedroom and text your buddies and talk about how many failures you find in your parents but I got news you've not walked on water Jack you hadn't been the perfect kid either I loved being a daddy but I hate being a parent I hope that makes sense I love hugging my kids playing with my kids fooling with my children making memories with my children but I hate having to set them down and get to the bottom of a problem or referee a fight of contention or who started this or who threw that first or why did you change the channel or daddy they've been on the internet it's my turn Josh shut up I could go on and on and on with a nonsense that goes on and sometimes sometimes we go to the bathroom and we don't even have to we just want to get away from you being a parent is rough and we're not going to do everything right but I promise you as a parent that's saved and loves God we have your best intentions in mind did you know the word parent is where we get our word caregiver a caregiver is somebody that takes care of somebody that cannot take care of themselves not whether you kids like it or not God gave you a set of caregivers and it's our responsibility to feed you mature you teach you how to walk talk respect pray love God increase your faith and live good decent lives and be an upright citizen that's our responsibility and we're trying to do the best we can with what we've got unfortunately some of us did not come from good backgrounds ourselves therefore brother Joe we really didn't have a lot to glean from when we started our own family so we make mistakes there's problems there's growing pains there's adjustments there's adapting you get them through those teenage years where they know everything and you're an old fogey you don't understand and they look at you like you're out of touch with them and somewhere between the age of 13 and 15 your little daughter that's been so precious will become a smart aleck and shoot the first time that woman's ever shouted in this church between 13 and 15 all of a sudden when you tell them to do something they wallow their eyes or they breathe deep or they got something smart they want to say back to you that's between the age of 13 and 15 with a little girl somewhere between 14 and 16 Bubba will start doing the same thing he'll start challenging dad he'll start questioning question and dad's second-guessing dad why do I have to do this why do we do this why can't I go here why can't I do and all of a sudden all you little teenage brats it's never been a teenager before you've got all the answers to life let me tell you something you still got scars from diaper rash you sleep with a nightlight on you're still afraid of the Boogerman you just need to shut up and grow up and thank God you got parents that love you [Applause] are you kidding me you talk about how tough you are you have hair under your arms yet you're not a decent adolescent much less some back-end people are getting up and walking out bless God are you mad at me or why and so to help us from making complete idiots out of ourselves God loved us enough to give us something called parents and let me say to you parents if I could turn this around you ought to be the biggest cheerleader of your child you should not be a hindrance to them you should be a developer of them you should be glad they want to be in church every time the doors open you should be glad they want to be in a youth group you ought to have them here for small groups they ought to be here for play practice they ought to be in a youth choir they ought appeal on the front rows that will be carrying a Bible they ought to be shot and what I'm preaching and you ought to be their biggest cheerleader you should not be a hindrance to them you should be an asset to them now let me say there was parents if I could turn this around because some kids are not fortunate enough to have parents that they can look up to and I'm sorry but parents please just because your child begins to develop physically would you stop thinking that their brain has developed at that same pace and at that same level we have now got 12 and 13 year old girls that look like they're 21 but mentally they are still 12 and 13 years old there's several reasons why development has happened in earlier in our country I believe personally one of them is because of all the hormones and chemicals they're pumping in our food and we eat every day if it made that that animal develop super fast it's going to make our children develop super fast so now I got a 12 year old girl in a 21 year old body and guess what it is out of hand she does not understand her emotions she does not understand her direction she is totally out of control but God made you a caretaker it is your responsibility blessed God not to be their buddy but to be their parent and to hold the hedge and say whether you understand it or not this is how it's going to be a hedge that God has given you is your parent number four another heads God is giving us is this thing that we hardly ever use is this thing called prayer I remember years ago a southern gospel group sang a song about building a wall of Prayer now see how quiet it got all of a sudden because the only time you praise when you need something the only time God hears from you is when you're having a problem you never thanked him you never want to fellowship with him you don't ever want to tell him you love him the only time you talk to gods when you want something go ahead get under the Pew you'll bump heads with your buddy in a minute you know I'm telling it right when you read your Bible that is God speaking to you that's why it's called the Word of God that's God speaking to us through the word and I don't care what the view says God speaks to those people and if they don't like it they can lump it they can lop it when you read the Word of God that is God speaking to you but in order for you to speak to God you must communicate through this thing called prayer what's not Jesus God manifested in the flesh was he not 100% God while he was 100% man that was never a moment when he was not God but yet on several occasions the Bible said he departed into the mountain and prayed all night long if God manifested in the flesh that never said never transgress the law of God and died for the sins of the world if they were time that he needed pray to pray and have prayer how much more should fall these sinners like you and I find a closet somewhere and close the door and let God know we love him we appreciate him we worship Him we adore him we need him we trust him we depend on him it's not everything prayer is given to us for forgiveness if you confess your sin he's faithful and just to forgive them prayer is given us for strength for the ability to worship and also to get leadership in your life let me tell you somethin bout your life whether you like it or not you're not controlling your life there's one of three individuals controlling your life right now either God's controlling you the flash is controlling you or the surface controlling you either the devil has so captivated your life that he now dominates you or you're yielding to the flesh and the lust 'fl desires of the old nature are overriding God's purpose in your life or God is controlling you and when God controls you you can communicate with him there's got to be a two-way communication to have a proper relationship for instance our assistant brother Anderson just got married I tried telling her honest to God I did I told her I begged her but she wouldn't listen anything I said but how would Miss Andersen like it if brother Andersen did all the talking and she never said anything it would not be long that they would be in my office needing some marital counseling because you can't develop a regular relationship that's one-sided you've got to talk but you've also got to listen um I staying on the track a lot of people get divorced because either they got to do all the talking or they do no talking and either one of those extremes is a bad and weak relationship there must be communication there must be a listening process and there must be a talking process if you don't the relationship is absolutely weak and at best anemic so it is in our relationship with God when you read the Word of God that's good you're ingesting what God is saying to you but why do you want God to do all the talking your relationship is going to be weak and anemic for you to have a strong relationship of God to keep you hedged in places where you shouldn't be and doing things you shouldn't do you've not only gotta let God talk to you you've got to talk to God you got to tell him when you failing you got to tell him how much you love him you need to worship Him adore him ask for direction in your life you need to pray for your children your mom your dad your siblings your grandchildren your grandparents you need to pray for your church you ought to be praying for your pastor you ought to be praying about your job you ought to be praying about souls I'm saying God prayer is a wonderful thing God gives us that keeps us edged in from getting in a mess also I want to say this very quickly he gives you the presence of the Holy Ghost now Baptists have a heart attack when you say that but if you're saved you have the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost was given to the believer for three reasons number one he's given to comfort you in the time of trials Jesus called him the comforter number two he's here to give you power for the gifts and the callings that God puts on your life number three he's there to warn you ahead of time that dangers in this in the in the forecast if you break out of the head you remember in acts 28 when the Apostle Paul was going on that ship and he got along with God and he came up before the ship sailed and he said to those men we don't need to leave the Holy Ghost told me while I was praying an angel of God told me it's gonna be much harm to the ship if we leave the Sun was shining and the breeze was beautiful but God ahead of time had already told Paul there's a storm ahead if you go that direction see that's why it's so awesome the yield of the Holy Ghost be filled with the Holy Ghost he can warn you a stuff that's coming down the road that you're not even aware of and he can set you up and prevents you from getting bit and making a mess out of your life down the road now I know by looking at some of you you're breaking through the hedge you're not gonna listen to me God the Holy Ghost the Bible or nothing else so let me tell you what you're going to face some of you sitting right here you're gonna screw your life up because you won't listen to me and by the way you won't be the first ones I hadn't listened to me to screw their life up when they've left here if you stick your hand or you get out of that hedge and you break away from God it's gonna be a painful experience it's impossible for a snake to bite you and it not hurt at least two puncture marks will follow the pain not only will it be painful but it will turn into an intense tingling that will begin to go through the body and then a burning sensation will fill your carcass from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet it's impossible to run with a snake and get bit and it not hurt do you understand what I'm saying I've had so many people used to shake their head say I agree with that brother kid but yet they didn't listen to what the Word of God said they broke out of the heads now they're calling me screaming and crying and wanting me to pray and put their home back together and get their kids out of jail and all they want to do is talking you know it's a funny thing to me they won't come to church servers but they want me to counsel in two hours on the telephone and take up all my time and they won't even come to church for 30 minutes I'm done with that crowd if you're listening I'm done with you you've screwed your life up you wouldn't listen to me and now you're in pain second of all it puts poisoning in you get around people that are toxic it'll get on you by the way I got the hurry hey you know how a snake produces poison through its mouth it's a lava begins to mix in its mouth and that's what makes it toxic there is a snake called a spitting cobra if you get within six foot of that snake it'll spit on you and that venom when it hits you is just as deadly as if it bites you there are some people that if you start hanging around with them you say well we're just you know we just text each other we just talk on Facebook every once in a while but you're close enough for them to spit on you you get close enough for them bunch of devils Oh Shyne
Channel: drphilkidd
Views: 17,042
Rating: 4.8974357 out of 5
Keywords: preaching, teaching, Bible, sermon, snakebites, sin
Id: Pt9lD0J9gvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 35sec (1715 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 04 2018
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