What Is Your True Net Worth ?

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[Music] I got some letters from other countries today I don't know if you saw on my facebook a man wrote in from Kenya and got saved listening to our broadcast and he is now a preacher of the gospel and he wrote to tell Emmaus thank you for reaching over into the continent of Africa and bringing in the gospel of Jesus Christ he's watching right now and saw our millions of other people let's welcome them to our broadcast today thank you so much I'm reading today from the book of Mark chapter number 8 I want to begin reading with verse number 34 please mark chapter 8 and verse number 34 and we need called the people unto Him with his disciples also he said unto them whosoever will come after me let him deny himself take up his cross and follow me for whosoever will save his life shall lose it but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the Gospels the same shall save it and he asked the question yes two of them for what shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul or another question what shall a man give in exchange for his soul when you read mark chapter number 8 Jesus is talking about discipleship here and our willingness to lay down our lives our ambitions and our own self desires to follow him but then he equated their self-denial to finances it's amazing how he linked it to together because in another verse jesus said you're either live for God or you live for mammoth and mammoth is a type of money finances greed the world so everybody has to make a decision on why you're alive and God narrows it down to one or two things you can either be living for greed you can be living for God and so I got to looking at this in the context of finances and it brought the title of my message today I want to preach on asking you a question what is your true net worth what are you worth today sitting here in this church our text reveals to us that it is possible for somebody to gain the wealth of this whole nasty world but you always remember the desire and love for money must be kept in check because it can lead to greed and misconduct there's nothing wrong with having money as long as money doesn't have you because you remember according the first Timothy chapter 6 and verse 10 the love of money is still the root or the beginning or the origination of all evil what are you worth today if I were to pull all your assets together the terminology net worth means the total sum of all your possessions and all your assets being put together that includes money investments houses and land automobiles real estate and anything of any value which could include collectibles jewelry and antiques if we were to take everything you've got and put it together I wonder what you would be worth today studying the statistics of finances in America this is what they say your net worth should be in your age category from being born to the time you're 35 you should have the assets of six thousand nine hundred dollars from the ages of 35 to 44 you should add that sets of forty five thousand seven hundred and forty dollars this is money or assets on hand from 45 to 54 you should have a hundred thousand four hundred and four dollars and that's true till the grandkids come from 55 to 64 you should have at least a total asset of a hundred and sixty four thousand four hundred and ninety eight dollars so by looking at those numbers and looking at your face right now I think all of us would admit we're below average on our net worth so I looked up the five richest people in the world and wondered what they would be worth today the richest man in the world is named Jeff Bezos Jeff Bezos is the of Amazon today he's worth one hundred and eight point six billion dollars Bill Gates is the second richest man in the world he's worth one hundred and six point seven billion dollars he's the founder of Microsoft Bernard our net family is worth one hundred and five point seven billion and they make the world's most luxurious goods that are sold around the world Warren Buffett is the fourth richest man in the world at eighty five point five billion dollars and he's known as the world's best investor and trader the youngest one in the upcoming one that has really just scratched the surface of his life is Mike Zuckerberg he founded Facebook and because of crazy people like you that won't get off of it he's worth seventy two point nine billion dollars did you notice your name was not in the top five and neither was mine but I learned years ago as a child of God and please get this statement the net worth of somebody's life cannot be totaled until you include the things that you have that money cannot buy you might be richer and wealthier than you think today there are some things in life that even the most wealthiest people in the world do not possess but here we set out in the country in Northeast Tennessee and we are blessed with certain possessions in our life that probably most of the five that I just mentioned to you being the most wealthy have never ever experienced or having their possession so with this attitude of Thanksgiving that we have once a year I I think one way we could be thankful is to just sit down and kind of add up some of the things that we have that rich people can't have and I'd rather have these things than money anyhow because there are some things that money cannot buy money may make life easier for you but money will never make you happy let me mention some things that I think we have that are priceless number one if you have a your home if you have a secure and a safe home did you know that something money can't buy the Bible said in Psalm chapter 127 of verse number one except the Lord build a house they that build it labor in vain there is no amount of money that can guarantee anybody a stable and a safe home and I'd rather live in an old shack without running water and electricity and have God and peace and serenity and safety and security than to live in a mansion and have hell every time I walk in the door so if you've got a good hole you young people if you've got a good bed to sleep in clothes on your back shoes on your feet food on the table and a mom and dad that works everyday and pays the bills and takes care of you and make sure you have your needs met you ought to get up and thank God every day because you're a lot richer than most people are in this world I was raised in the ghetto of millions of people my daddy was a hard-working man but he had a drinking problem my grandfather spent most of his adult life in the penitentiary for murder and my family knew nothing about God of the Bible and right next to the house we lived in in the ghetto right next door was a beer joint and the only thing between that little corner beer joint in our house was the parking lot where the drunks would park and I remember as a little boy sitting out on the front porch with my dad and we would watch the drunks come in and go out on Friday and Saturday nights I was about ten years old and I was sitting on the steps and it was summertime and I'll never forget the door was open and only the screen door was closed on the beer joint in the jukebox was blaring through that screen door and it was getting dark and late and a little boy he couldn't have been no older than I was pulled up in front of that beer joint on a little old bicycle with the old solid rubber tires remember them and all he had on was a pair of shorts he didn't have on his shoes he didn't have any shirt all he had on was a pair of shorts and he couldn't have been any older than I was and I watched him as he pulled up in front of that beer joint he got off the bike and laid it down I noticed he must have been instructed not to ever go in it because he stood at the door he's huge some of the flies away and put his little face up against the screen and I heard him say daddy daddy he was yelling because the jukebox were playing in the drunks were screaming and laughing and dancing and a little boy put his hands over his mouth and said daddy in just a few minutes and his work uniform a drunk dad staggered out of the screen door and I heard the boy say daddy I didn't want to come but the baby don't have any milk he's hungry and I told mommy I didn't want to come down here because I don't want to with it but she said we got to have milk for the baby you got paid today and mama wants to know can I have enough milk money to buy milk for the baby and in a drunken stupor I watched that man take his belt off and throw that boy across that little old bicycle and beat him to the blood ran down his back picked him up by the hair of the head put him back on that bicycle and sent him home in his pocket so the next time you think you got it bad and the next time you look at Hollywood and television these reach rich teenagers and people that have made millions and you don't think you had anything just remember when you lay down at night you got a daddy that loves you you got a mama that wants to take care of you you got a roof over your head and you got God in your home I say to you you're richer than what you think you are when you have the security of a good home number two your net worth maybe more than you think if you got strong health the Bible talks in the Book of Jeremiah chapter number 8 it talks about having a time of Health on this earth many wealthy people that have died because of diseases would it everything they ever owned away and picked up cans on the side of the road if they could just purchase more time on this earth health is a wonderful experience that is never appreciated until it's gone Queen Elizabeth said on her deathbed many years ago all my possessions would I give for just another moment of life one-third of the world's population are considered to have either bad or failing health one third of the world's population is in bad health it's good to be able to get out of the bed this morning it's good to walk across the floor it's good to be able to see you it's good to be able to hear the songs with my ears it's good to be able to walk and talk shake your hand and fellowship if you got out of bed this morning you're one blessed man you're one blessed girl oh it's a blessing that have health and if you don't believe it all you need to do is go visit a hospital and nursing home one of these clinics or a funeral home and you'll realize just how wonderful it is to be alive upon the face of this earth being a Christian is not somebody sitting around saying I want to die I want to die I want to die you're not a Christian you're crazy a Christian is somebody that enjoys the life that they had in Jesus with the blessed assurance that if they die they know they did what the Bible said to do to go to heaven but God came that we might have life and that we might have it more abundantly we all would be the happiest people on the face of the earth I'm glad I can walk I'm glad I can talk I'm glad I can still taste food I'm glad I can still drive a car I tell you did healthy it's a wonderful thing it's a wonderful thing to be healthy many people here suffer in their bodies and plunge through pain just to get here I remember when this Judy was having her last shoulder surgery she said to me brother kid I really don't want this surgery not the socket of her shoulder was gone and she said I really don't want the surgery I don't want the pain and she said the only reason why I'm letting them do surgery to fix my shoulder is because I don't want to quit cleaning the church and I'm willing to go through that pain and have that surgery as long as me and my husband don't have to quit cleaning the church and I've watched her push through pain and agony I tell you man if you don't have pain in your body today you ought to be on your feet saying glory to God if you're not taking a handful of medicine you ought to be saying hallelujah if you've never had to have joint replacement you ought to be saying glory to God if you're not eat up in arthritis you ought to say hey man if your heart's not failing today if you can breathe there if you can enjoy God if you can hear the birds if you can feel the sunshine I tell you strong in our health number three your net worth maybe more than you think if you are shared with true love true love is a wonderful thing by the way it's not the concept of Hollywood love you die of AIDS fooling with that kind of love first John chapter 3 verse 11 said that we are to love one another did you know love is a feeling did you know love is human the human race is strongest emotion in the world love refuses to be confined contained denied or diverted love consists of bearing caring dairy and sherry if a person lives and has all the money in the world but does not know the experience of being truly loved by somebody you have lived a life in vain real love when I get to this time of year it always reminds me I was going to a cancer hospital for children and there were so many children brother Glen in this hospital with cancer they come from all over the world that they had taken the rooms and and put a curtain in the middle of the room and divided it in half where they could put two kids in the room instead of one and they were still on cots and beds out in the hallways I I've never seen anything like it and I would go in there and there's Christmas musics playing and the Christmas trees are in the best view of the hospital and then you turn the corner and here's a little kid with no hair in a wagon throwing up in a little plastic dish headed for another chemo treatment following that wagon is a little broken hearted mama with bloodshot eyes dark bags under eyes she's crying she can't cry no more and those people go through there and many of them make it through it and thank God many of them are healed but there's one common denominator you've over all the death over all the chemo over all the sickness there's one thing about that hospital always stood out to me there was just love just everybody seemed to be in love what's your story how's your kid how's the treatments going I didn't know that day brother guy but that day that I went that I'm going to tell you about changed my life forever they gave me the room of a little girl that was dying of cancer she was 4 they were kids everywhere I mean hundreds of kids and I don't know why but the lady at the desk gave me the wrong room number so I turned left and I went into the room and there was a church there and the church family had come and they were given baby dolls to every girl and little fire trucks to every boy in the hospital for Christmas and so I didn't know what brother Charles but they were right behind me with the toys and I turned left and I went in this room and I looked and there were two little girls there and they looked to be about maybe seven and nine years old neither one of them had any hair both of them had IVs hanging out of their arms and you could smell death when you walked in the room I looked and there were two sets of parents just hugging each other shaken waiting for the next report from the doctor and the blood tests about that time the people from the church came in behind me with the baby dolls this is love you young people listening I'm about to tell you what love is and they came in and I kind of backed off because I was in the wrong room but the family thought I was with them so I just kind of blend it in I don't know what to do and they took the baby dolls and they gave one to the girl in the Far room and she was so weak she couldn't her hands to get it they just had to lay it in her bosom and they went to give the baby doll to the other girl that was closest to the door and my life was about to be changed without a hair on her head and a smell of vomit in her throat she looked at that lady and said ma'am you didn't have to do this you don't even know me thank you so much for the baby but my girlfriend it's real sick I don't think she's gonna live and if it wouldn't hurt your feelings would you give her my baby too because when she dies I want her to have a baby in each arm and I couldn't hold him brother gilfs I ran out of the room I stood there in the hallway with tears running down my face and here's a little girl not feeling well the only gifts he's ever gonna probably get that year and she's saying give it to her she's sicker than I am and maybe it'll make her feel better I turned to walk down the hallway and there was a momma leaning up against the wall and she had a little girl she couldn't have been four months old little frilly dress and a boner hair and she's leaning up against the wall going No I went up to her and I said ma'am are you all right she said no I'm not all right I said I'm a preacher can I pray with you she said preacher I made a mistake and I had a baby out of wedlock and this is my baby this is my life this is what I live for and I think she told me she was four months old she had a little dress I don't just look like a porcelain doll and she said the doctor just told me my baby's got leukemia oh pretty please my baby I'm telling you if you got somebody that really loves you if you got somebody that'll call you and check on you that'll text you and say I'm praying for you you need anything you call me first I want to be your friend i'ma tell you what a friend is it's somebody you find standing next to you when they have every reason not to be that's what you call a real friend and if you've got one of them I'm gonna tell you one thing buddy if you've got one of them in your life you've got something worth more than this whole world will ever offer you no wonder the Bible said that Jesus is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother when you can share true love you're one blessed person number four quickly I must hurry if you have satisfying peace in your soul today Ephesians 2:14 the Bible says for he is our peace peace is the ability to be calm and restful in spite of our surroundings and our circumstances there is a deep settled peace that can only come from God and sometimes it's so evident when the world looks at us they think we're crazy because everything's falling apart but we've still got a song I was reading a life story today and I started weeping and I told my wife I sitting there crying in the living room I said never read this story then I just don't break down weeping it was in 1875 the seventh of twelve children was born in a little town in Missouri his daddy was a Baptist preacher so you know he was mean as a snake he was raised poor and at the age of 10 he was informed by his daddy that he would have to start buying all of his own clothes and shoes he begin to work in a department store and learned how to buy and sell and trade goods so as a young man JC Penney started his first store when it when it rose to his peak in his mid 30s I think it was he had risen from nothing from being in a preacher's home to own in 1,400 stores that was worth back in the early 1920s over 40 million dollars but in 1929 the stock market crashed it went to nothing and in one day he not only lost 1,400 stores he not only lost 40 million dollars it also left him 7 million more dollars in debt it was more than he can handle his home fell apart his business fell apart and he had walked away from God his prosperity had caused him to drift from the Lord and he was in such despair that in December of 1931 he entered a mental ward in Battle Creek Michigan a total nervous breakdown lost his mind dead broke out 7 million dollars and not a dime in his pocket he drifted from God he'd forgot how to pray and one day while in the in Salem silent he got up and he heard some commotion in the hallway and he got up and he went down there and a little band was setting up their instruments he didn't know who it was or who they were with or what they were gonna sing about and they rared back and he couldn't believe it they begin to sing his daddy's favorite song God will take care of you his spiritual peace that had left him years ago because of prosperity in sin flooded his soul he went back to his little barrack and fell on his knees beside a little old simple cot and told Jesus Christ that he didn't care if he ever had to dine the rest of his life but he wanted to have the rest of his life with a peace of God that passes all understanding because I've had 40 million dollars and I didn't have peace and I'd rather be broke in a mental ward and have the peace of God then they have 40 million dollars back in my pocket again mr. JC penney lived to be 95 years old when he died he owned 2053 department stores it's worth today would break over 30 billion dollars when he was on his deathbed at the age of 95 one of his grandchildren came to him and said papaw if you had the dude I've over again what would you do at that point brother Tyler he was given 75 cents out of every dollar he made to the Lord 75 cents out of every dollar JCPenney made he gave to the church on his deathbed his grandson leaned over and said Popoff you could do life over again what would you do different he said I'd give more money to the Lord because the Lord gave me something that 1,400 stores could not not give me the Lord gave me something forty million dollars could not give me the Lord's give me something thirty billion dollars could not get me and that's the peace and I had in my soul and it's worth more than the whole world has off you got peace in your heart you're richer than what you think number five and I'm done if you possess the surety of heaven you're one rich individual Hebrews chapter 10 in verse 22 says that we have full assurance of faith if everything you live for right now will end when you die at the grave you have wasted your entire life I want to live for something that when I take my last breath it will follow me beyond the tombstone and the only thing that will do that is salvation and faith in Jesus Christ because when everybody and everything has left you down and they pulled the plug and your body ceases to breathe Jesus is going to be the only thing that matters anyhow I'll close with this illustration I used to preach for a fella he's dead now he was a rebel but his mother was a godly woman and she would make him go to church when he lived at home so when he got old enough he ran away because he's tired all that church stuff Mama's shout and they didn't barest him to death she'd run the aisles and just wave her hands and he said I just want to die so when he got older he got up and he left and for years he ran and ran from God and ran from mom he got word years later still a rebel that mom was dying in the nursing home so over the pool loaded up and said I need to see mom before she dies he said brother kid I walked inside that little old frail saw that frail body leaving that nursing-home room she was shriveled up to nothing he said I looked at my mom and tried to talk to her and he said she wouldn't answer a thing I said and the nurse came in and said she hadn't spoke for days he said but she kept staring at the ceiling but for some reason to me it looked like she's looking beyond that eight-foot ceiling and he said I stood there a rebel away from God and he said I looked in the face of my mother and this is what my mother said when she died she had not smoked for days I looked at that little shriveled silver haired lady laying there in that bed and my mother went glory Wallace City and died he said it like to drove me crazy I knew mama was ready for that place and I wasn't he said I joined the military and decided I'd go to Germany and I'd get away from mom and all that influence she'd give me down through the years he said they asked me to go out drinking and I'd never really drunk before but he said yeah go to a pub if it'll get my mind off of this God and mama stuff and he said I went down to a beer joint he said I sit down I didn't know how to order beer in Germany and he said give me a big glass of beer and a guy brought him a glass of beer the bartender and he leaned over the bar and said hey sir can I ask you a question he said yeah he said you're new here he said I've never been here before he said can I she's a personal question he ever been saved I said look man you'll bartend they're asking me about what how do you know I'm not saying he said I don't know said they've been some Marines out there passing out little booklets on going to heaven and he said I'm a bartender and I've been picking them things up and reading them and he said man I'm going to hell and he said I was just wondering does anybody ever ask you if you were saved he said I went to put that glass up to my lip and I could hear mama say glory what a city he said I threw that beer down he said I couldn't touch that he said I ran out of that beer joint I was running down the road thinking I can't here I am in Germany and I still can't get away from mama he said I was walking the streets with my hands in my pockets he said every step I took I could hear mama say glory what a city he said about three o'clock in the morning I couldn't take it any more he said I went running into my barracks he said I was on the bottom bunk and I slit up under the bed he said everybody thought I'd lost my mind they start piling how the bunks and said pool what's wrong with you he said shut up I'm trying to get saved and he said while he was under the bed he said while I was under the bed one of the sergeant's came in and grabbed me by the heels and pulled me from under that bed and said pool what have you got to say for yourself he said glory wanna I'm telling you bless God Almighty I'd rather no my name is in the Lamb's Book of Life oh my brother no I'm ready to meet God then the hole in his whole world let's give the Lord a clap the praise in his house today [Applause] [Music] [Music] great Oh [Music]
Channel: drphilkidd
Views: 2,678
Rating: 4.9506173 out of 5
Keywords: Rec11-24--19
Id: DWyQ-cF7P80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 32sec (1832 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 07 2019
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