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[Music] i am today in second timothy chapter 2 and i want to begin reading in verse number 22. flee also youthful lust but follow righteousness faith charity peace with them that call on the name of the lord out of a pure heart but in contrast to that foolishness and unlearned questions avoid knowing that they all they do is gender strifes and the servant of the lord must not strive you must not get involved in that but in contrast we're to be gentle unto all men apt to teach patient in meekness instructing those that oppose themselves if god pre-adventure would give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth watch verse 26 and that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil who are taken captive by him at his will thank you for reading the word of god with me today second timothy chapter number two verse number 22 through verse number 26. i want to deal with the subject if i could please today you're aware of the fact that any time you read the chapters out of the book of second timothy you understand that the apostle paul wrote 13 books out of the new testament if you include the book of hebrews though the writer is not mentioned the similarities of terminology are so precise that i've never been persuaded any other way than that the great apostle paul was the author of the book of hebrews as well it's about ad67 now and paul is sitting in a prison cell in rome italy and this book is the last he's going to write just before they cut his head off on nero's chalk chomping block when you read this distinct chapter he gives examples in this chapter of himself a soldier an athlete a farmer jesus christ himself a worker a vessel and he even mentions in the latter part being a servant now don't ever take scripture out of its context to make it say something that it's not trying to say within the context of ii timothy chapter number two paul is warning timothy on how to deal with people that have been led away in false doctrine after paul had left timothy is now pastoring the church at ephesus or the book of ephesians this is where timothy a young man is pastoring and he's saying to the young preacher when people come with stupid stuff strive and argue with them don't debate them stay on the doctrines of christ and present the gospel and don't get sidetracked with issues and even situations of the day now [Applause] so when people come to me and ask where cain got his wife i just say he shaved the gorilla and married it i don't know what you want me to say i don't know where cain got his wife and you don't either and that's not going to determine whether you go to heaven or hell anyhow so i want to make the main thing the main thing and the main thing is that you have been washed in the blood of jesus christ that you have been born again and you are a disciple and a follower of him so in the context paul is dealing with this young preacher because evidently timly was getting fired up and blasting back at these people and he's telling them don't waste your time in god's with these people that are in false doctrine but he said be patient with them be loving to them keep giving them the truth because it is possible that they can recover from the snare of the devil see when people are let off by false doctrine when people are let off in philosophies that constantly question the existence the miracles and the happenings of god the bible says they're enslaved or ensnared or entangled by the devil the devil has captured their minds and their thought patterns and warp their understanding concerning god and the only hope they have is for a man of god to stand up and present the pure word of god without favor without watering it down and just staying on the doctrines of christ and getting people right with god now that's the context of the scripture but it's amazing to me that in these 26 verses there is terminologies used that i want to deal with today in verse number four paul talks about being in an entanglement in verse number 26 the text i read to you he talks about a snare and he used these in picture form to illustrate the ability of the devil to enslave people in general i don't want to pop your bubble or make you feel bad today but i just got to tell you the truth the devil is not your buddy he's not a distant cousin he's not a relative he is your enemy he is your adversary he is the hater of god he has caused you every problem you've ever had every tear you've ever shed every pain you've ever felt has been given from the devil precisely to the children of god and so the bible teaches that the devil uses one of three devices in order to wreak havoc and condemnation in the lives of those that are lost now let me tell you the three ways the devil is after you and i'll preach on the third one the first thing he will try to do to you as a new convert is he will try to trip you up the bible is very very clear in galatians chapter number five that if a man be overtaken in a fault you which are spiritual restore in the spirit of meekness considering yourself that terminology overtaken with a fault is referred to falling as a result of being tripped up it means to become unbalanced by an unseen obstacle have you ever tripped over something you've never seen before well that's what the devil tries to do he tries to get you an arena where you're not noticing what's going on and slipping an unexpected obstacle that's just enough to trip you up and to get you to fall now this is his first step that he does to you when you become a new christian and there's nothing like stepping on something or tripping over something when you're in the dark and it's a horrible thing i don't think anybody's ever lived you've never lived do you step on a lego barefooted at three o'clock in the morning you don't even know what life's all about till you step on a lego you've never lived until you stumped your toe on the bed corner at night crawling back in bed and didn't want to turn the light on and you end up going to bed like this because you feel like your foot's going to fall off and so what the devil tries to do when you first get saved is he tries to trip you with the unexpected situation see i have people come to me and say brother kid it seems like since i got saved i'm running into more problems now than i did before yeah that's because you're not walking parallel with him now you're perpendicular you're in a different direction repent needs to turn around so when when you turn around you're going to face the devil more often and so right after your conversion he would love nothing more than to trip you up he would love nothing more than to put something in front of you that's unexpected to get you to fall it could be something as simple as as money it could be something as simple as a relationship it could be something as simple as bitterness it could be something divisive as unforgiveness self-centeredness it could be something as easy and simple as depression and the devil slipped that in and as a new convert you don't expect to see these obstacles come into your life and the next thing you know people are falling because the devil has tripped them up i want all our new converts to know getting saved doesn't mean everything's going to be right in your life your adversary the devil is as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour you may be vigilant you better keep your eyes open you better watch where you walk because he will trip you up he trips you up now the second step is when you begin to step into the beginning of the maturity of your christian life when you beg begin to develop when you begin to start showing the fruit of the spirit in your life he doesn't want to trip you now he wants to trap you you'll find this in isaiah chapter number 24. it talks about a pit becoming a snare to those that fall in it the word trap means to dig out a hole and to cover it with something fake till somebody walks on it then they fall down in the hole and it's so deep and it's so wide that they do not have the capability of getting out on their own it can also refer to a cage that's been set up for a bird it's a trick to get you inside you remember when joseph's brothers were going to dispose of him the bible said they took his coat of many colors and then they dropped joseph in a pit and while joseph was in that pit it was so deep and so wide at the same time that joseph did not have the ability to get out of that pit on his own it was a trap that had been set you see the devil not only wants to trip you up he wants to get you in a position where you have fallen for something that you don't have the ability to get out of on your own you see he just doesn't want you to fall and get back up again now he has set you up in something that's going to prolong your misery you see that's why i preach against sin at this church because i don't want you getting involved in something that you turned around and get addicted to and you can't find yourself getting out on your own see that's what the devil does when the fruit of god begins to be prevalent in your life he wants to get you in a trap he wants to get you in a cage he wants to get you in a pit he wants to get you in a hole so if he can't trip you he will trap you now when you're developed in your christian life as timothy was and has now become a leader in the church he wants to tangle you the bible said in chapter 2 and verse number 26 he talks about being trapped in a snare i look that up it's referring to being caught in a spider web it's referring to being stuck in a web it's referring to be a wrap in a cord abandoned to be caught to be suspended in air in other words your life is to be woven and interlocked with bondage now watch how it goes first you trip then you get trapped once you fall into the trap now the enemy comes and begins to wrap you with his web to entangle you to the point where you will never have the ability to get out and you will suffocate and die right where you are are y'all listen to me today i'm talking about being tangled up by the devil himself with that thought in mind i want to preach on the subject satan's snares i studied him in relation to a spider everybody in their right mind hates spiders if you are one of the unique individuals that wants a nasty hairy deadly godless spider in your home we have christian psychologists in kingsport that would be glad to help you get over your infirmity nobody raises spiders nobody gets on ebay and said we just had a litter of spiders and they're for sale nobody wants anything to do in their right mind with a spider as a matter of fact if a piece of lint falls on you and you even think it's a spider we have to remodel the kitchen once we get you to simmer down because spiders are an adversary literally to everybody but did you know spiritually speaking satan is just like that he has set out devices to entangle us to rob us to enslave us and to kill us prematurely if we allow him to do so i'm preaching on this today because some of my people sitting here are involved in the very subject matter that i'm dealing with today so let me give you some things about a spider in its web that's going to blow your mind and in relationship spiritually to the devil number one i want to talk about the substance of the web did you know a spider's web is made out of pure protein from the spider's body when it is produced out of what we call a spinach coming out of the back of that spider did you know that protein becomes solid smooth silk once the web begins to be woven by the spider the silk is bright and white and shiny it looks beautiful it even feels good to touch it and by the way it's just a spider web so surely it's harmless and it's weak you see sin always appears harmless and beautiful it's always had an array to it the devil has got many of people to fall because of what they first saw with their eyesight you remember long before eve ever partook of the fruit the bible said she looked upon it and it was beautiful to the eye when achan was stoned there by joshua in the promised land he looked upon the babylonian garments and the wedge of silver you see silk feels smooth and relaxing but little do you know that that good feeling you're experiencing right now is going to lead you in to captivity and into bondage i think we as parents need to quit telling our kids that sin is not beautiful it is beautiful quit telling them it's not fun it is fun quit telling them it doesn't feel good it does feel good but you must warn them that the enemy is tricking them into the web only because he wants to captivate their lives and put them in bondage for the rest of their lives the substance of the web did you know no matter how small or big a spider weaves a web it stays in contact with that web there is always a strand of silk from the web to the spider the reason why it stays in contact is the web literally notifies the spider that a prey has entered and has arrived in other words it pulls on the silk and tells the spider an insect has flown into your territory let me tell you something about the devil today he knows where you're at he knows the direction you're headed in he knows what you're up to and i promise you you may not see it at first but he's got something weaved just out in front of you that's going to be enough to get you in contact with the things of this world and rob you of the liberty that's in jesus christ and bind you up and screw you up for the rest of your life the substance of the web did you know some spiders as they weave their web they spice it with poison in other words the beauty of that web that draws insects to fly into it is the very poison that's going to turn around and kill it how many times have i as an embalmer and a preacher and a counselor seen people come to me and say but i love it only to find out the thing they love is the very thing that killed them you know how many drunkards have come into my office practicing psychology for 30 years and sat down and said i know it's wrong i know what the bible says i know jesus is against it but i love it i love liquor i love beer i love wine i love bourbon i love alcohol i love rum i know it's wrong but i love it six months later i'm standing at the head of their casket in a drunken stupor they passed out hit a tree left the road knocked their brains out slid them down a little old rail there stands a wife and three little kids at the foot of the casket and i'm looking at the dead carcass of a man that six months ago told me how much he loved liquor but little did he know what he loved was gonna kill him [Applause] you know how many people i've treated with methadone you know how many people have come to me with all these habits oxycodeine oxycodone i've come in and they say to me i got hooked on pain medicine some of you here probably hooked on it and i don't care if it's whether it's from a pharmacy or whether it's from a pusher if you're hooked on drugs you need to get some help you get help and these stinking low down doctors will pass out these medications with opiate base knowing their habit forming next thing you know now we got a whole generation that's hooked on opioids and they can't even function until they get something in their bloodstream you might as well say man cause i'm gonna preach it anyhow so they get all messed up and they get all freaked out i remember talking to a preacher's son not long ago in north carolina and he sat down in the office with me and he said brother kid i got in an accident at work i had back trouble they put me on oxycoding for pain medicine i've never been able to quit it my doctor gives me some plus i buy some off the streets and by the way you can buy that junk as quick as you can in eminem anywhere you go and he said i'm hooked on it and i said but david look it's going to kill you you understand this is shutting down your respiratory it's shutting down your muscular system it's slowing down the neutrons of your brain you you know this stuff's gonna kill you and he looked at me and said i know it's gonna kill me i know i need to quit i know a christian shouldn't be doing it but i love it and i stood in over in a funeral home in a church auditorium with over 600 people he was so loved and respected in that community and over 600 people filled that auditorium and while i preached the funeral of that boy his daughter got up and crawled up under the casket up under it and laid on her belly and cried just a little girl the whole time i was preaching her daddy's funeral i said yeah i'd like to take you back six months and hand david a microphone now and say what about you like now what about makes you feel good now what about you love now what about the things you want now i'll tell you something about the world the world will make it pretty the world will make it feel good and the world will always make it available but you remember the very thing you're playing with is the very thing the devil's going to use to kill you [Applause] that's the substance of the web did you know i was reading when i was studying this did you know a spider is one of the only creatures in the world that does not have the ability to experience emotions or feelings they're heartless they're ruthless they don't know how to have compassion spiders don't know how to cry they have no conscience about them at all they're self-centered and they have one thing on their mind to get to you and take you out let me tell you something about the devil you saw well he understands i'm going through this bad stuff though he does it he has no emotions he does not care about you he don't have the ability to cry he don't have the ability to have compassion he don't have the ability to love on you he don't have the ability to have mercy on you he's ungodly and he's ruthless [Applause] did you know this there are over 38 000 different kinds of spiders in the world there are so many different i'm get fidgety just preaching this jock please don't lay your hand on somebody in front of you we'll have them passing out in the pews right now there's so many different styles and shapes and sights we must be careful to avoid all of them no matter where they come from let me tell you how self-centered spiders are in order to keep producing the silk out of their spin it in the back of their body they must be digesting at all times the problem is spiders cannot digest solid foods so what a spider does it injects its victim with a serum that breaks it down to nothing but powder and once it's broke down the powder it's mixed with moisture and then and only then can the spider consume it you know the said one time jesus said to peter the devil desires to grind you is weak he's going to put you through the sifter see the devil wants to bring us down to nothing and then consume us but let me tell you how self-centered the devil is if he needs to spin another web and he doesn't have any nutrients inside of him to produce it he will turn around and eat old web and reproduce it again so what he's trying to tell me with the devil is simply this the same with he got your grandparents with the same addictions he got your parents with the same addictions he gets your siblings with he will recycle that and use it over and over how many of you know generations of family that were nothing but jumps generations of family nothing but whoremongers generations of family nothing but dope addicts you know what the spider does he just engulfs it spins it said i got your paw paw i got your daddy and i'm gonna get you and i'm gonna tell you he got my paw paw he got my uncles he got my daddy he got my family he got my siblings but oh thank god for that marvelous grace that can break that chain of sin it doesn't matter what family you come out of it don't matter how many generations it's been affected the grace of jesus christ can break that change [Applause] that is the structure of the web number two i want you to notice the speed of the construction did you know a spider can begin and finish a web in just 30 minutes spiders build a new web every day searching for new prey we have to be aware we have to be on guard at all time because what may seem a clean lane in your life today may be infiltrated with the adversary tomorrow a spider web can be spun anywhere matter of fact the only time this is mentioned in the bible the old testament writer said spiders are in the king's palaces a spider can spin a web it doesn't matter where he's at what his climate is if it's day or night there's no hiding place from the prayer the presence of his influence is what i'm trying to tell you whether you're in a king's mansion or whether you're living in a shack on the road there's one thing both of you have in common you got spiders there so see as a child of god don't ever let your guard down and think you're in a safe zone as long as we are in this world outside of jesus there is no safe zone because no matter where you live what your financial standing is it doesn't matter where you come from the devil is everywhere and he's seeking out who he can devour and take down as his next prey especially the child of god [Applause] did you know spiders are one of the only animals in the world that never sleep and they do not have eyelids that means 24 7 he's watching you and while you're getting weary and collapsing and having to go down he's wide awake see that's a perfect type of the devil he is watching you around the clock trust me he watched you come to church today he'll watch you leave today he'll watch you go home and between here and home there'll be a web somewhere somebody will smart off to you at a red light you and your wife will get in the fight one of the kids will say something stupid you'll have a flat tire the motor something dumb will happen because he never sleeps he's always awake looking for an opportunity to pounce on the people of god resharp i hate to quote this because it makes me nervous research proves that we are never over 10 feet away from a spider they're everywhere everywhere developing ideas and strategies and building their kingdom you say well i'll run from the devil did you know a wolf spider can travel two feet in one second i can beat that you you you you put that sucker on me i i ain't out do that i guarantee you one thing you put one of them nasty furry looking things on me i tell you there's not much that'd make you me punch you in the head automatically but i'm gonna tell you when you start putting fake stuff on me i'm telling you now i don't mean to do it i'm gonna knock you out man you throw a freaking rubber snake on me you're gonna wake up in the er cause i'm gonna knock you just as cold as a wedge i don't want you throwing no fake junk on me i don't want no spider on me there's other things we can do to laugh besides throwing stuff on me it's going to cost you your health i just don't like junk like that you want to see brother snap act like he's 21 throw a frog on him you throw a frog on him he'll do the break dance that make michael jackson look like an amateur number three i got to get to this i want to talk about the strength of the bondage did you know the drag line tinsel think about this from a web in comparison has the same strength as hardened alloy steel see many people get to play with the devil and the things they are of and they think they're just going to jump in and jump out oh no once it starts to get ahold of you watch this this is how stout a spiderweb is if you could multiply it four times back to back it's strong enough to stop a 22 caliber bullet to look at it you would never know that and that's exactly what the enemy wants you to think is that there's nothing to it listen to this if every strand now this blows my mind but you can look up on the internet internet if every strand of a spider web was pencil thick instead of the hairline thick think about this if every strand of a spider web was pencil thick that silk would stop a fully loaded 747 boeing jet in the air think about that never underestimate the power of sin addiction and human depravity you say that thing looks so innocent i'll just blow through it as a lot of people thought they were going to blow through it and they ended up getting bound up in it now watch this it'll suck you in because you're just playing around with it now say this was a spider web here did you know when insects flap their wings it put off it puts off a minute source of electricity it's a proven fact as their wings flap it not only puts off calories it puts off an electronic static energy so here comes the innocent insect has no intentions on getting involved he just wants to ride around the edge and play with it but little did it know that it's going to get sucked in has no idea that when you play around with something that strong it's eventually going to suck you in i'll tell you young people you may not be drinking but you're running around a crowd that does it ain't going to be long do they suck you in these bunch of fornicators out here it ain't going to be long they're going to suck you in the same thing you get to running with these dope paddocks they're going to suck you in on the same thing some of you deer hunters going out and hunting all week with these bunch of god cussing drunks no you don't drink but you lay in the cabin with them all week and it won't be long so they're going to suck you in i'm telling you you become what you hang around you show me what you hang around i'll show you where you're headed in your life i tell you what we all better do we better stay as far away from sin we better get away from the temptation we better get away from its presence we better get away from its ability because you might get sucked in [Applause] so i'm going to talk about being saved from the web and i'm done the bible declares in verse number 26 that there's a possibility that you could recover which means to be saved quick and revive prevail redeemed restored it means to be made whole or to be set free see some here maybe even before our salvation for sure we got deceived sucked in addicted bound we've went through the suffering and the harder we fought to get out the more entangled you get see the silk brother randy is sticky so when you run into the web you think i'm just going to push it out of the way but it sticks to you so really the harder you fight the more in depth you become and it sticks to you and it begins to wrap itself around you you become entangled as the bible said then here comes a spider with eyes that never close with poison in his mouth and a smile on his face his eyes are on you his surrounding is to come and simply to march around you and wrap you in silky bondage to you literally suffocate to death and cannot breathe at this point you can't move all hope is gone you become a victim the next step for you is certain death and ingestion to the enemy years ago i was coming out of my house long before i thought about this message and from the corner of my garage to a shed was a big spider web and i'm like you usually if they're not in my way i don't i don't fool all that junk i just leave them go and so i don't know why but when i walk by that web a little fly had got caught in it and evidently he hadn't been there very long because he was pumped full of life so i stood there and i watched that white sticky silk wrap around that that fly more and more up in the corner was a spider watching the whole thing the web had already informed him we got one so the spider is just setting him and that fly is fighting for everything he's got soon his his transparent wings are white soon his black body is white finally out of exhaustion you can see just he would take a break then fight again take a break then fight again and then after a while finally just standing there watching it i saw the spider slowly make his way down to the to the fly that was doomed and right before that little spider got to him i could imagine he said you're stupid you should have never listened to me you've come this way you're paying the price i'm gonna devour you the fly had totally given up by this time brother mark and was just laying there for the prey and i don't know why i did it because i don't like flies anyway but i reached over there and grabbed it by its wing and plucked it out of that web and i cleaned all that white string off of it and i threw it up in the air and i didn't have a microphone hooked up to that fly and i don't know what he said when it went out across that field free and set at liberty but i can imagine he said my testimony is this one day i got messed up i got bound up i got entangled i got tripped up i got trapped up i got tangled up i tried to get out but i couldn't get out the harder i tried the bigger mess i got in finally i was exhausted and i gave up and i thought all hope was gone the enemy was coming his eyes was set on me and i knew that i was faltered to die and he said and i don't understand it but from out of nowhere here come a hand much bigger than i much bigger than the spider and came in to where i was yes it came to the mess i was in i don't know where ought to come from but i knew when that powerful hand got hold of me that i was gonna be set free i'm telling you brother i'm gonna tell you why we're on our feet today because we got messed up we got screwed up we got trapped up we got tripped up we got tangled up and just when everybody had give up on us a big hand came down out of heaven and brought us out of the mess we're in and now we fly and we're free because jesus set us free now i know we're out of time and this don't wanna it won't be on tv but let me give it to you anyway because this is good i'm done i'm out of gas watch this brother andy so i was studying all this and i've studied it i'm not exaggerating probably 30 hours i've read just all this junk so when i got done brother corey i decided if if you ever get entangled can you get out on your own has there ever been a case where a creature got entangled and got out so i looked it up in the encyclopedia on record there's only one insect in all the world that can get messed up and get out and recover it's a butterfly the only insect in the world that can do it you know why he can do it because at one time he was an ugly caterpillar there was nothing to him nobody desired him his life was a waste he you can't tell its head from its rear and he crawls up on the edge of a branch and he puts his legs around it and he dies but while he's dying life is being germinated inside that caterpillar there's something in there called a butterfly and that butterfly it's working and it's germinating he's not alive yet you can't see him yet he hasn't taken his flight yet but he's a work in the coming out of there it's a type of getting saved how you got to die out to yourself to be resurrected through jesus christ and brother after a while that could cry out and crack and that butterfly will bust out with a hand-painted wings done by a sovereign god and he'll fly through through the air and he's set free because he's died to himself and been made alive jesus and because of the texture of his wings if he accidentally flies into a web because he's been resurrected because he's a new creature because he's not what he used to be if he accidentally flies into the web the spider comes down and says i got my eye on you i'm gonna get you and the butterflies yeah it says but i'm covered with the texture that you're not used to and he begins to flap his wings and that resurrected butterfly flies through that web and goes his merry way i'm going to tell you something as a child of god you don't have to live addicted you don't have to live enslaved you don't have to live in bondage if you've been resurrected you've been covered by the blood of jesus christ we've got an unusual texture about us and because our texture is different we can fly by the enemy let's give the lord a hand
Channel: drphilkidd
Views: 3,879
Rating: 4.9130435 out of 5
Id: mwWZomtS780
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Length: 37min 28sec (2248 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 13 2021
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