The Truth About Temptation

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[Music] and Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan and was led by the spirit into the wilderness being forty days tempted of the devil and in those days he did eat nothing and when they were endured he afterward hungered and the devil said unto him if you be the Son of God command this stone that it means a bread jesus answered him saying it is written that man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of God and the devil taking him up to a high mountain showed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time and the devil said unto him all this power I will give thee and the glory of them for that is delivered on the knee and to whomsoever I will I give it if thou therefore shall worship me all shall be thine jesus answered and said under here get thee behind me Satan for it is written thou shalt worship the Lord thy God now watch this and him only shalt thou serve now what's this you worship who you serve and you serve who you worship and he brought him to Jerusalem is sitting upon the pinnacle of the temple and said under here thou be the Son of God cast thyself down from is for it is written he shall give the angels charge over thee to keep thee and in their hands they shall bear thee up lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone jesus answering said unto Him it is said thou shalt not tempt the LORD thy God and when the devil had ended all his temptation he departed from him for a season in other words with the intentions of coming back and Jesus returned in the power of the spirit not want you to remember that and Jesus returned from his temptation in the power of the Spirit all week I've been studying on a two-part series message that I'm going to be preaching here soon on giving God something to work with but the other day the Lord woke me up at about 4:30 in the morning and so in press this on my heart for this Sunday that I could not get away from this thought I want to preach today on the truth about temptation the truth about temptation there are a lot of things in life that some of us will experience and some of us won't there are some tragedies that some of us will experience and some of us won't there are health issues that some will experience and some won't financial crises that some will experience and others will not trouble with your children some will experience and some won't but there's one common denominator that every one of us are gonna face and you might as well get used to it you're gonna be tempted nobody is excluded even Jesus from the in tempted of the devil so I feel like as your pastor if it's something that every one of us including your pastor is going to have to face I think it's very important to know where it's coming how it's gonna affect us and how we can have victory over this thing called temptation first of all you've got to identify who is it that is tempting you anyway James chapter 1 verse 13 says let no man say when he is tempted that he is tempted of God for God cannot tent with evil neither tempteth he any man God does not tempt anybody God will test somebody here's the difference temptation is to lead you into evil testing is to prove to you who you are and there's a world of difference every time you are tempted to do something that's anti Bible or grieves the Holy Ghost you have to identify right away that this is not of God God will never tempt you to do evil it is never the will of God for you to disobey the Word of God and part of the fact of winning a war it's knowing who the enemy is you can't conquer the enemy if you don't know who it is this is a little sidetracked and it may get me thrown off television and radio and Internet and Facebook but the originator and the leader of Isis was killed last night and I say a man thank God but you cannot destroy or defeat an enemy if you do not know who it is don't ever say I'm tempted to do evil and I feel like God's putting me here God will never tempt you to do evil he may test you in your faith but it'll never do to be - for you to do something that's contrary to the Word of God so don't blame carnality on God don't claim your sin on God God has never tempted any man to ever do evil it is always coming from a satanic world that's who brings temptation second of all what is temptation anyway if we're gonna face it I think we at least need to know what it is if you don't understand temptation it's like going to the doctor's office him doing a physical and he comes in with the results and gives you a name that's about that long in nine different languages now that's impressive and it sounds good but the problem is if I don't understand what the word is then I don't understand what I need to develop to fight it so just hearing the word temptation I just don't want you to understand that it's a terminology I want you to know the definition of it what is temptation when it comes our way it's to be enticed to do evil it's the face adversity in your body or in your mind it's to be challenged in a way that would put a lapse on your faith or your holiness to God it's to be afflicted with trouble to test one's character and spiritual trust it's an attempted experiment to prove whether you have divine love or just weakness of the flesh that one fella said this in 1906 temptation is a desire to engage in short-term urges of enjoyed enjoyment while threatening to never achieve your long-term goal in other words it's warning satisfied immediately not worrying about the consequences down the road James chapter 1 and verse 14 says this every man is tempted now listen to this this will blow your mind every man is tempted after he has drew been drawn away by his own lust you're tempted because you've allowed your lust your flesh your old nature your depravity your a dammit nature you've allowed that lust to conceive you've allowed it to build you've said it you've allowed it to grow and now it has thrown you into a vat of temptation and all of us have to face this every day of our lives so don't come up here bless God Almighty after church showing me the halo over your head I've been in this long enough to know bless God that's where your horns have grown together ain't nobody running around here with a halo over their head so that is what temptation is so we have to face this thing and I don't like it any more than you do I wish we world we're going to heaven on a flowery cloud of ease but the truth is the more you love God the tougher this thing gets and some of you are too big of a pansy to live for God oh you tell me how you whip 13 people in a beer joint and how you fought over in the wars and how you ain't afraid of nobody and man you stomp this guy in high school but you ain't got enough guts to pick up your Bible and look in the mirror and say I'm living for Jesus come hell or high water so I want to talk about when are we tempted with this temptation come I read something by watchman Nee which was a prisoner of war many many years ago and watchman Nee said this about temptation when he was locked up in prison be it known to all Christian followers 90% of the temptation you will ever face in your life will be when you're alone did you notice brother Corey that when the devil jumped on Jesus in Luke chapter number 4 did you notice the Bible said it took him up into the wilderness alone the devil knows he has a better shot getting you to disobey God if he can separate you from accountability you've got to be careful because you don't know the moment or the hour that temptation is coming into your life or coming into mine now if you're sitting out there thinking well you know he's a preacher he don't understand what I'm going through are you kidding me if you think the devil's after you how much more do you think he would like to get a hold of this church your pastor my family my wife are you kidding me you have no idea the depths of devotion me and that first lady have to have just to stay right with God and be filled with the Holy Ghost so we could give you something from the book when you get here let me show you some people that yielded to sin yielded to temptation that led to sin and show you some of these things are prevalent in your life did you know Eve was tempted the Bible said she was tempted she was tempted by Lucifer himself approached her in the garden do you know what turned her temptation into sin and lust as she began to listen to the wrong crowd the moment Satan approached her he should have said why don't you go to hell where you're gonna end up one of these days I belong to God I'm married I got a good husband I got a good home I got a good future I got a good relationship to God I'm not even gonna listen to you see when you let garbage get in your ears you are now allowing the devil to plan an opportunity of temptation that's why I surround myself with positive people I surround myself with positive music I surround myself with positive influences because whatever's going into my head will eventually affect the way that I live because the Bible says as a man thinketh in his heart so is he so if the devil can get you to listen to corrupt communication the Bible said it'll ruin all good manners corrupt communication ruins good manners and what the devil will get you to do is hanging around a crowd that doesn't love you and doesn't love God but get your buddies that's why some of you screw up and you got to get right every three weeks because of who you're hanging around as long as you're hanging around that hopping dope smoking crack snortin meth blowing but the three time losers you're always gonna be screwed up in your life you can't run around that crowd and live for God your to be alike you're to be the salt of the earth but I'm not listening to them they're not gonna talk negativity to me they're not gonna make some of the church the Bible God my Christian brothers and sisters and Eve telling the sin because she listened to the wrong crowd may I say to you teenagers it does matter who influences you at the school as a matter of fact it's about time some of you so-called Christian teenagers start being the influence instead of letting that humanistic philosophy be the influence on you why don't you go and speak the Oracles of God at your school why don't you live for God why don't you testify for God why don't you sing the songs of Zion why don't you speak positivity into somebody and maybe bring it to the saving knowledge of Christ you listen to that which is bad it will eventually lead you into temptation in proverbs chapter number 7 the Bible said there was a and the Bible said she found a young man gazing out of his window and the Bible said he was void of understanding in other words he didn't know the terminology of the streets and the Bible said with her much Fair speech with what she said to him the Bible said she got him in the bed and ruined him and he knew not that her bed led down to the gates of hell is what the Bible says so you could be influenced and tempted and sinned just by listening to what people say I'm losing some of you and you're looking very pale there must be a virus going around in the church this morning I say you're tempted when you listen to the wrong influences Moses was tempted and sinned because he was just so loaded down with the pressures of life you remember Moses he brought two and a half million backslidden bellyache and back this out of the land of Egypt and that crowd all they did was complain from the day they got out to the day God killed him in the wilderness all they did was complain you remember they ran out of water one day and God told him to take his staff and smoke that rock with the rod and water gushed out and everybody was to drink and all the livestock was the drink years later they came back through that valley again and God told him don't smoke the rock speak to the rock see smoting that rock is a type of Christ and out of him comes living waters you only get saved one time I'm not really saved you get really saved one time you may go back for fellowship but you will never go back for a relationship that's why God said don't smoke that rock again speak to it but Moses was tempted he was so mad at that crowd he was so tired of that Deacon board he was so sick of voting every week he was so tired of hearing him complain about the manna and everything else that God did for him they had a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of heat by night and they were barely a kid and Moses got to that rock and he was tempted and the devil said you're mad everything's going wrong just go ahead and smote it again and Moses smoked that rock just because he was loaded up with the pressures and anxieties of life I'm gonna tell you when the devil throw temptation on you not only when you're listening to the wrong crowd but he'll do it when things are going wrong in your life he's not a fair fighter by the way he's not gonna wait on you to get at your strongest point he's gonna attack you at your weakest point when the motors blown up and your mother-in-laws moved in next door and you're about to lose your job and somebody's killed your cat and started your dog on fire and when everything else in the world is about to go wrong the lowdown devil will jump on you and say what's the use anyhow everything you're doing is going wrong you know I'm right Yeah right so why not just go ahead and get in everything else's blow the hell in my home in my house in my life might as well just cave in to that but I tell you brother here's what the Bible said come on to me all you that labor and heavy laden and I will give you rest take my yoke upon you for my burden is light brother it ain't time to back up it ain't time to get out it any time to quit it's time to cast all your care on the Lord for he cares for thee so when you're loaded down with problems my situation is I don't get one problem at a time it's like ten things bombard me at once and before I know it I'm overwhelmed with decisions and things I have to do and stuff I have to fix and so you got to watch it when you're loaded down with the heavy burdens of life David was tempted when the lust of his flesh was let go it was King David that had already been married and he stepped out one night and he looked out the window of his house and he saw another man's wife taking a bath at the top of her house and her name was Bathsheba and there's a lot I can incorporate here and I will a little bit but what bothers me is if David was married and he was home in his house I wonder why his wife wasn't in his bed because if she would have been in the bed with her husband where she should have been David would have looked out the window and she would have knocked him in the back of the head and said you know better than that you're the king of Israel you're my husband quit looking at that lady like that but David had separated himself from his wife David had stopped the affection between the union of a husband and wife and David's lust I don't care if you're a king or a beggar flesh his flesh it's all depraved and it's all ungodly and David got up in the night and begin to lust after another man's wife you're familiar with the story how he brought in Bathsheba had an affair with her and she conceived a baby by him that later died at birth and David covered his sin by having Bathsheba's husband killed on the front lines of the battlefield here's the thing about temptation and sin it always leads you into doing something else to cover what you've already done so you keep lying to cover up the lie you started with you keep making people unaccountable and doing things that are wrong and transgress against God instead of coming clean with the mess that you've already made was David that covered his sin here's what the Bible said whosoever covers his sin shall not prosper but whosoever confesseth and forsaketh shall obtain the mercy in the favor of Almighty God all David had to do was get that thing right I tell you lust is something we've got to be very careful of in this technical world that we're living in that cellphone you have in your purse on your side or sitting in your you can take you anywhere in the world right now and nobody know about it but you and God I beg you parents put filters and restrictions on your kids telephone they should never happen opportunity they should never have an opportunity to go to porn sites and look at necking men and naked women and talk filthy and indulge in things that feeds the flesh that's ungodly you can't look at that you can't think like that you can't look at stuff like that you can't hear stuff like that and it not affect you and the more I say that the more you parents look at me like my little kid yeah bless god amighty mama I'm talking about your little kid I'm saying to you lust is something that rages and because of this perverted world we're living in I don't know how crazy the flesh can get anymore than what it is we got transgender non gender double gender we got men that thinks they're women and women thinks they're plumbed to be a man and we've got kids eating Tide Pods and we've we got an eight-year-old kid in Texas wanting to have a sex transplant and the father fought against it in the court ruled in the mother's favor you got an eight-year-old boy being turned into a girl what are you gonna do when he's 18 and an innocent boy falls in love with this thing and finds out after they're married it's a something he didn't bargain for I'm gonna tell you something bless God you young boys you listen to me if I had a ting a girl today I'd want to see her birth certificate I want to see that baby picture when she's naked on that furry blanket I want to know that that hag has been a hag since she got here bless God I married Leslie not Leonard you understand me ain't crawling in bed with no hairy-legged man you understand I ain't kissing nobody that's got a beard bigger than mine tell you that right now I say we're living in a messed up world and it's all slash it's all demonic and it's all I godly but say what the Bible said and God created male and female and II think other than that [Applause] hey what God said about it when you let your flesh go crazy oh I've had these spiritual parents come up to me and say why trust my little girl when he comes to pick her up I make them put a Bible between them ladies are you out of your ever-loving mind that boy will crawl over Matthew Mark Luke and John so fast it'll make your head swim in a washing machine he don't give a flip about the Bible when he's after your daughter alone in the back seat of a car I'm saying to you you gotta watch the lust it'll lead you into temptation even the disciples fell into it you remember in the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus turned around and here's what he said play with me lest you fall into temptation temptation in the presence of God are you kidding me you really think that those disciples a stone's throw from Jesus that close could be tempted and Jesus said on three occasions to them stay awake and pray with me unless you fall into temptation was it the temptation of Eve to listen to those that they shouldn't know was it the temptation of Moses that they were loaded down with pressure no was the temptation of David was their women there they were less than after no it was the temptation to let their guard down what was it they did in the garden that made Jesus rebuked them the Bible said when Jesus came back he found them asleep and he said would to them could you not watch and pray with me for one hour let me tell you about the devil if he can't get you to listen to the wrong crowd if he can't blow you out with the anxieties of life if he can't get you to mess up morally he'll just wear you down so you spiritually go to sleep you're not doing anything wrong you're just not doing anything right and you're close to Jesus when you're doing it it's not that you're out in sin it's just that you're not filled with the Holy Ghost it's not that that you're out doing something that's going to make the paper you're not you're just not doing anything for the kingdom and some of you think because you're not being tempted with liquor and some of the other battles people fight here drugs and pills and crack and smack and everything else you think you're pretty good but what the devil has done to tempt you is he's just got you to go to sleep on God it's not what you're doing that's making you fall it's what you're not doing that has made you fall away from God and that's being involved and that's being awake but this is the one I want to get to very quickly I'm still talking about when you're tempted watch this by the guy Jesus comes over the top of a Judean hillside this is what just happened before this story there's a wild man named John the Baptist standing on the side of the River Jordan he's got a locust hanging out of his mouth a jar of honey under each arm he's calling those people a bunch of snakes and tell him if they didn't repent this go to hell he had on a double breasted camels hair coat a pair of leather breeches and everybody's saying who is this nut and from out of nowhere Jesus comes up off top of that Judean hillside and John which was his cousin looked at him and said behold the lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world now watch this Jesus came down to the River Jordan and said John baptize me Johnson oh I need to be baptized of thee and Jesus said suffer to be so that all righteousness should be fulfilled now watch this brothers when John baptized Jesus the Bible said the father said from heaven this is my beloved son and who I'm well pleased and the Holy Ghost descended in the form of a dove and delighted upon Jesus you know when the devil's gonna get after you is when the Holy Ghost is moving on you you know when tation when he came out of Jordan soon as he came out of Jordan the devil said my soul he's got the know neither the power of the Holy Ghost I gotta get after him and took him up in a wilderness alone by himself and put it on him for forty in 40 nights and he tempted Jesus in all areas of life the Bible said he was tempted in all points as we are yet without sin and Jesus walked through that valley for 40 days and 40 nights and quoted the Word of God and stayed true to the Word of God and here's what the Bible said and he returned I don't tell you why the devil's after you I'll tell you why all hell the floodgates have broke out after you cuz he knows right down the road God's about to pour something on you he knows the Holy Ghost is about to lie to you he knows God has something special for you and he's gonna take you through that wilderness but I'm gonna stay with God I'm gonna walk with God and when I come back down I'm gonna be more effective than I've ever been for the glory of God God has something good for you and the lowdown Devils trying to get it out of you before he gets it on yet that's when were tempted I want to hurry and close how are we tempted two ways we are tempted first John chapter 2 said the lust of the flesh the lust of the eye and the pride of life every temptation you and I face will fit into one of those three categories if you'll study those three you'll find that was the very three that the devil put on Jesus on the Mount of temptation first was the lust of the flesh sure Jesus was hungry turn that stone in the bread we weren't doing lust of the eye look at all these kingdoms lust of the flesh he set him on top of a pinnacle do you understand the greatest temptation Jesus Christ ever faced on the earth was when he was at church do you understand when the Bible said he set him on the pinnacle do you know what that is that is the steeple of the church the devil took Jesus set it on the steeple of the church and said if you bow down and worship Me I've got kingdoms I can give you I can feed you and look at the world leadership everybody will bow to you listen the devil can tempt you with stupid stuff while you're sitting in church he can bring stuff to your mind that's so out of kilter with the Word of God it's sickening to even think about it you don't have to be at home you don't have to be in front of a computer you don't have to be in your car on the job he's so sorry he'll attack you a charge the lust of the flesh the lust of the eye the private is how am I gonna win over this I'm no match for the devil you're not either here's what the Bible said in first Corinthians chapter 10 and verse 13 there have no temptation taken you but such that is common the man it burns me up when people come to me the same preacher the devil's after me and I don't know if anybody understands as if there's been some kind of certain strategies that's only been placed on you the Bible said that any temptation we face is a temptation that's common to man in other words everybody goes through it but here's what he said in that verse but God will not allow you to be tempted above that which you are able to bear he will not only give you the grace to get through the temptation over here what he said and he will also make a way to escape [Music] I [Music] [Music]
Channel: drphilkidd
Views: 6,181
Rating: 4.9756098 out of 5
Keywords: Rec.10-27-19
Id: V0lFWeLT088
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 5sec (1745 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 16 2019
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