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[Music] let's welcome our television and all of our audience around the world they're tuning in right now god bless every one of you luke chapter number six i want to begin reading with verse number six and it came to pass also on another another sabbath that he entered into the synagogue and taught there was a man whose right hand was withered and the scribes and the pharisees watched him whether he would heal on the sabbath day that they might find an accusation against him but he knew their thoughts you need to underline that you can fool some of the people all the time and all the people some of the time but god knows your thoughts and he said to the man which had the wither hand rise up stand forth in the midst he arose and stood forth this guy's in a full church now jesus said i want you to stand up then jesus said unto them i'll ask you a bunch of pug nose pharisees something i'll ask you one thing is it lawful on a sabbath day to do good or to do evil to save life or to destroy it looking round about upon them all he said unto the man stretch forth thy hand and he did so and his hand was restored whole as the other notice the terminology stretch forth thy hand i'm going to be preaching from these verses this morning and i want to preach on this subject today reaching for your miracle reaching for your miracle i would venture to say today that behind the friendly handshakes and the beautiful smiles there's a lot of people sitting in this building that needs something special from god and the very thing you need that's so dramatic so special and so impossible may only be an arm's length away from you the word miracle according to the bible means a wonder a power a sign or some mighty work that only god can do here's a guy he's coming to church on the sabbath day and the bible said that his right hand is withered it's all drawn up he can't use it like he used to but he needs a miracle from god now you can understand nobody's told him there's a healing service going on far as we know he didn't even know jesus was preaching that day he just knew he needed something he he he knew it wasn't like it used to be he he knew he wasn't as strong as he was he couldn't work like he used to he couldn't fellowship his hand was withered he couldn't shake hands uh his hand was withered he couldn't worship he couldn't lift his hands in worship he knew something was wrong with him he needed a miracle from god and he had no idea when he went to church that day that it was simply an arm's length away from him i want to show you some things about this man this story i'll give you my thought and i'm done number one i want you to notice the destination he was at when god gave him his miracle you know where he was at he was at church now god can bless you anywhere and god can heal anywhere and god can perform a miracle anywhere but there are some things god is only going to do for you because you have decided to make church a faithful priority in your life you're missing your miracle by getting your destinations messed up on sundays now here's a man that's got a withered hand you know he don't feel good you know that thing's got pain you know if he's had a stroke on that side it's not only affected his hand but it's his leg so he's dragging a leg he don't feel good he's not sleeping good you know it's affected half of his mouth he can't talk right he can't eat right he can't swallow right he don't feel good in his body and he had every excuse in the world to say you know what i don't feel like going to church today but he got up and said you know what my mouth may not look right my hand may not look right my leg may not look right but i believe god's got something for me and if i'm going to get it i'm going to have to go to church [Applause] [Music] the destination of his miracle jesus performed it only in the church number two that was verse six look at verse seven the distraction from his miracle there were some people that came there not to get help from god or hear the word of god they were pharisees and sadducees they simply came to accuse and to find fault i learned something a long time ago if god was going to do something supernatural for me i had to learn to ignore those that were coming for the wrong reason and stay focused on the fact that i personally need something from god myself you see what i'm talking about you're always going to have a pharisee you're always going to have a sadducee you're always going to have somebody with a chip on their shoulder and you at the right church to get it knocked off bless god i don't put up with nobody running around here with chips on their shoulders i don't put up with that i don't have one and you're not gonna have one but he could have come in and sat down and he could have heard the pharisees behind him in the pew saying yeah let's see what jesus does today but he tuned them out and said you know what i don't care why they're here i don't care what they're saying and i don't care on how unhappy they are there's a man in that pool bit today that's got a miracle for me and i'm not letting somebody with a bad attitude distract the fact that i come here today to get something special from god that's the distraction that can happen if you're not careful may i say to our church for just a moment please this is a spiritual hospital therefore people come here because they need a miracle in their life now when people come here needing a miracle they're messed up you understand that right they that are whole need not a physician jesus said but they that are sick so people come here because they're sick with their life they're sick with their future they're sick of their family they're sick of their job they're even sick of being alive so when they come here they're screwed up and the last thing we need to be doing as a church is sitting there on the sideline and when a visitor walks in saying wow look at the tattoos on his arm look at the earrings in his nose oh look at the short dress she's got on folks yeah you better believe they're messed up and when they get here you ought to be the friendliest person they've ever met in their life and let them know that outside of jesus we're messed up just like they are it's a hospital man get over it i don't want clean people here i can't pastor church people you drive me nuts i want dope addicts and drugs and prostitutes and divorces and shacking up and prison and penitentiary and convicts brother you win them to god you ain't got no problem with it but this church trout that's got it all pinned down and they know how everybody else ought to live they're not worth a dime a dozen don't be distracted from your miracle today don't listen to what others are saying around you i want you to notice the determination of his miracle in verse eight now watch this i wonder what happened if i did this here so jesus looks across a packed auditorium it's sabbath day morning everybody's there and he sees the guy with a withered hand if jesus knows their thoughts i know he knew their sickness and in front of the whole church jesus said hey you back there i'm talking to you stand up me yeah you stand up you got a problem you're withering away and dying there's something wrong with you look how quiet it is in this building right now because everybody's thinking oh my god don't stand me up but this is how determined he was to get help from god when jesus pointed him out the bible said he never got mad jesus said come here i'll talk to you it's from the whole church this dude with a withered hand everybody can see it right see he comes in late and leaves early so that nobody can see this but now jesus is making him come up in front of the whole church and jesus is saying i not only know you got a problem everybody knows you now if you would do that in the average baptist church now they would get up and run out and go home foaming at the mouth and get on facebook and tell everybody how sorry that preacher is and how he don't preach in love anymore but he was determined no matter how blunt jesus had to be to him if it was going to get him his miracle he was willing to stand up in front of everybody and bring his problem forward notice he didn't care if anybody else was moving he didn't have to have 20 people coming to the altar he didn't look around to see what other people were doing he came and said i need a miracle i'm messed up the man of god told me that i got to get some help and whether anybody else moves whether anybody else cries whether anybody else prays i know one thing i'm getting help today i'm getting help he had a determination i'm going to get to jesus now watch this here's what i want to get to in verse 9 and 10 brother gary i want you to notice the distance of his miracle how far away was the miracle that he needed when he comes forward nobody's playing the piano brother jamie nobody's singing just as i is nobody's playing the drums there's no music so the guy steps forward and jesus said you got a problem yes lord i need a miracle jesus could have said be healed jesus said you everything's taken care of go back sometimes jesus healed people and never even saw him the cyrophonician woman come praying for her daughter that had demons and was dying jesus said go your way your daughter's healed jesus never even met the girl so if jesus can heal people that he's never seen i know he can take care of this guy standing in front of you but watch what he made him do he said stretch it forth you know how embarrassing that must have been for all of his family and friends and community to be sitting there and jesus said you want help from your problem you want a miracle let me see it jesus knew he had it but when he stretched forth that hand it's just an arm's distance he didn't know he was just an arm's distance away from his miracle and without anything else being said brother similarly when he stretched out that hand and got honest with god and he pulled his sleeve up said i ain't covering up anything the bible said immediately his hand was restored and immediately it was just like the other hand and it was though it had never happened he had no idea when he went to church that day he had no idea when people were critical that day he had no idea when the preacher pointed him out that day that he was just an arms length away from one of the greatest days of his life [Applause] so god has miracles for all of us and it could be closer than you think if you would just reach for it miracles are real i know they happen because my salvation is a testimony of the miracle of god miracles are revealing when god is revealing prophecy he said you'll know it by the signs and wonders and miracles in the sky and upon the earth miracles are rejected by people after jesus was resurrected people came out to see him and they were looking at the resurrected jesus and the bible said and some doubted some people reject the miracle even though it's standing in front of them but thank god miracles are reachable it's just an arm's length away could i trust you today whatever your miracle is that you need and i'm sure they vary across this auditorium have you ever just tried reaching out and seeing how close it really is you say but you don't know how bad it is i don't need to know how bad it is i'm just going to tell you how big he is he's big enough to turn your situation around right before your very eyes now watch this here's my message and i got the roll i want to show you some people in the bible that reached for their miracle and every one of them got what they reached for sometimes you got to reach for a miracle when you're standing still it's in exodus chapter 14 that moses is bringing the israelites out of egypt and you know the story after pharaoh let him go he changed his mind and he got his army together and he's chasing the israelites they get to the red sea it's 12 miles across solid water 12 miles across and pharaoh and his army is coming after them there is nowhere to go and in our personality and in our disposition of being a human our our thought pattern is run swim jump hide do something this thing's bigger than i am it's insurmountable we'll never pass this test it's crazy this is where it's all going to end and moses around and said stand still i i don't want to stand still moses i can hear the cherries the clinging of the swords the army's coming to cut our head off moses said stand still and see the salvation of the lord you know one of the hardest things for me to do when there's something surrounding me and it seems like i can hear the enemy breathing down my neck i feel like i gotta do something i don't i i don't know if god can do this miracle or not so i got to have a plan b just in case it doesn't work out so i need to either have a boat or a kayak sitting on the side of the red sea or i need to have another path that i can go through to get around and moses said you're never going to get your miracle as long as you're trying to work it out just stand still and shut up and moses turned around and said now lord you tell me if we ain't in a big mess or not and god said moses you remember that rod i gave you here's what he said stretch thy hand out over the sea and when you stand still and you say god will never work a miracle just standing still but i got nowhere to go and i'm outnumbered and the enemy is all around me why don't you reach out and say sandy somewhere in the shadows you'll find jesus and the waters opened up and the children of israel went across on dry land i said sometimes stretch for your miracle and just stand still second of all i think about exodus chapter 16 sometimes you've got to reach for your miracle when you're just starving for a blessing of god two chapters after they crossed the red sea the children of israel go to moses said we got a problem those who said what is it they said dominoes don't deliver this far out in the wilderness mcdonald's hadn't invented a drive-through yet and we don't have any food we're hungry and they said what the god we were back in egypt with the leaks and the garlics in the middle and they started murmuring and was even going to kill moses they said man we just we're in a dry desert land we just need a blessing and a good meal falling upon us would just be a blessing but how are we going to eat out here there ain't nowhere to eat ain't no food out here we're in a desert and the bible said in exodus chapter 16 god got what moses said moses i'm gonna do something for you starting in the morning i'm gonna rain manna down from heaven the dew will be dried up on the ground i'm gonna rain down manna and the children of israel need to pick up an omar for everyone in their house that's about a quart jar in our day and they're going to get an omar worth of this man it's heavenly bread with a with a dip of honey on it dear god fresh out of the bread room of god still warm when they picked it up he said but if they pick up too much and they're not trusting me for it every day it'll rot on them and some of them didn't obey and they picked up too much and when they got up the next morning it had rotted because see god wants you to trust him for a miracle every day not just once in your lifetime so on friday god doubled the manna because he didn't want them picking up on sabbath day so on friday when the manna came it was twice as much and when they picked it up on friday it didn't spoil it on saturday and they could eat it on the sabbath day you imagine what a blessing it was to get up every day for 40 stinking years of your life hungry and starving and all of a sudden like snow hot man a dipped in honey starts falling from the oven of god can you believe that here's what i'm trying to say there's going to be times in your life when you go through a dry spell we all do this it is a normal thing as a christian there are wilderness journeys that we got to go through and sometimes more than food in our body we just want a blessing in our soul we go to church it seems like we can't connect we're not plugged in and we don't know what's wrong but we just feel like we're distant and cold and nothing's really happening but you just hang on while you're hungry for a blessing you may say i'm out in the desert there's no way god can bless me oh yes he can you know what i did some figuring last night my wife will tell you i was up at 3 30 this morning figuring this up on a calculator in my bed with the bed at 5 30 this morning but at 3 30 i was doing this on a calculator in my bed if you took enough mana to feed two and a half million people and put it in tractor trailers that's 48 feet wide and you know how big a tractor trailer is 48 feet long excuse me did you know every morning when the children of israel got up out of bed did you know every morning god dumped 150 tractor-trailer loads of mana packed with if you packed it with manna from front to back side to side and bought on the top it took 150 tractor trailer loads and that's if they only got one piece of manna but they didn't get one piece they got an omar they got a whole courts worth so every morning while they were getting up god dumped about 300 tractor-trailer loads of fresh manna and it only fell where the children were at in the wilderness my god i'm preaching now listen to this and for 40 years out in that wilderness they never went hungry one day and god showed them his faithfulness in 40 years 300 tractor-trailer loads of manna backed up to the portals of glory and dumped them out on the children of israel nobody else got fresh bread from heaven except the children of israel did you know by the time god fed them the first time till the time they went in canaanland 2 million 187 000 tractor-trailer loads of manna fell from heaven to earth and if god [Applause] if god can give 2 million tractor trailer loads of manna he's got enough when you're going through the valley if you reach out he'll give you what you need god can give you honey in the middle of your desert just stretch your hand out when you're starving for a blessing number three i must hurry matthew chapter 7 just reach out for your blessing when you're sick in your body jesus is on his way to capernaum i mean he's going to raise a little 12 year old girl from the dead jairus's daughter has died jesus is on his way to jairus's house and there's a big company of people the bible says thronging jesus in other words they're pushing on him they're touching him it's it's crowded kind of like the dc parade yesterday just shoulder to shoulder everybody in the streets trying to get around jesus and all of a sudden jesus stopped and said wait a minute who touched me peter said what are you talking about who touched you lord are you kidding there's thousands of people following you they're bumping into your shoulders they're tripping over you they're grabbing on to you what do you mean he touched who touched he said oh no no i felt virtue go out of me somebody touched me and he stopped and said who touched me the crowd was silent all of a sudden a little wayward woman that had been sick for 12 solid years the bible said she had spent all she had on physicians she had blown all of her obamacare and the bible says and yet and yet she grew worse they took all of her money and she drew worse she had a issue a fountain of blood that wouldn't dry up in her in her body and she heard that jesus was passing by and she said oh that's the one that can raise the dead that's the one that walked on water that's the one that makes the blind to see the lame the walk the death to here he's the one that can raise people back to life again and she said i don't want to be seen i don't want anybody to see me i've got a disease i'm a nobody i'm an outcast i live with the lepers and the bible said she slipped in on her hands and knees and got between the crowd and here's what the bible said she reached up and touched the hem of his garment that very bottom folded piece where you put the edging around it she said i don't need to grab his hand i don't need to get a hold of his shoulder i don't need to put my arm around his neck if i can touch that last seam at the end of that garment and the bible said a woman that had been sick for 12 years reached up and grabbed the bottom thread of the garment and the bible said immediately her fountain dried up and she was made whole i'll tell you something buddy the same god that saved you is the same god that can touch you and heal you whoa thank god when we're sick in our bodies he can remove that sickness i look that word up brother randy withered hand in my text the word withered hand is where we get our word stroke you've seen people that's had strokes before it paralyzes them and their their features and their members begin to draw up in the fetal position that's what had happened to this man he had a stroke well you know what a stroke is a stroke is a blockage between the head and the body while the blood is circulating the cardiovascular every 30 seconds approximately eight pints of blood circle your cardiovascular every thirty seconds twenty percent of all oxygen is shoved to your head the other eighty percent is shoved to the extremities of your body and somewhere in the human body either through a blood clot or through a piece of cholesterol something blocks an artery it can block it in the lung it can block it in the heart or it can block it in the brain and when there's a blockage between the head and the body all of a sudden the body begins to wither away it begins to dry up and die because the flow's not right there's something blocking the head from ministering to the body are y'all still with me all of a sudden the head can't minister to the body like it has so the body begins to dry up because there's a blockage between the body and the head somebody asked me why do you preach so hard why do you run people off why don't you put up with nonsense i'll tell you why i don't want you blocking this body from being in fellowship with the head i ain't putting up with anybody making the whole body wither cause you brought a blockage between us and the head and here comes a man who's got something wrong in his body and brother the way that jesus healed him is whatever that blockage was when he stretched it out jesus eliminated that blockage and the bible said restored it as the other hand in other words he made it like it had never happened before you know what i like about revival you know what i love about church you know what i love about a second chance a church can get dried up get something between them and god begin to wither away and die and all you've got to have is people hit that altar and say god i'm sorry i want to get it right and i'll tell you what the head will do he'll open it back up again he'll straighten that arm back up again and act like it never happened he can heal us when we're sick in our bodies in acts chapter number three why don't you stretch your hand out when you feel like you're being shunned by others in acts chapter number three god i got this is good but i got to close the bible said there was a man that was lame from birth and he didn't say a boy it was this is a full adult man and he was born without the ability to walk but he had his legs and he had his feet because later in the story the bible says his ankles received strength so he had both his legs but they'd withered up and died he had never taken a step in his life and here's what the bible said his family and friends did to him every day you ever feel like you just kind of dropped off by people you ever feel like people use you and just turn their back on you and act like i don't know you one day they're your best friend the other day they run from you when they see you at walmart you ever been around people like that so here's what his family and friends would do they would pick this guy up every morning in acts chapter 3 and they would set him at the beautiful gate going into the temple and they would set him on the side of the road and leave him maybe the family did that because they were ashamed of him hey is that isn't that your son isn't that your uncle is that your nephew he's just some old guy at the gate he was shunned by everybody that bible didn't say they sat down with him it said they dropped him off and the bible said he was sitting there with an offering pants so i know he was a baptist he's sitting there with an offering pan this is what your bible says here comes peter james and john and they're going into the temple the worship and you got to go through the beautiful gate to get there so the guy starts shaking the plate and said hey y'all got some money they said we're preachers he said hey you broke as i am then but peter turned around he said i noticed people drop you off and don't pay you any attention they think you're a nobody you're worthless give me your hand the bible said he didn't know it that day when they dropped him off brother guy but he was just an arm's length away from a miracle and not even knowing what peter was going to do he lifted up his hand and peter took him by the right hand here's what he said silver and gold have i none but such as i have i give unto thee in the name of jesus christ of nazareth arise and walk and the bible said immediately his ankles received strength and he stood up and here's what your bible said he runs into the church and he's shouting he's never been in the church before he comes in first-time visitors shouting all over the bill that is what the bible said leaping son he looked like peter pan bouncing all over that building jumping from one side to the other and he was a praising god because he received strength now watch this i saw this today i'd never seen this before and i just finished reading my bible 63 times last week i'd never seen this before after he received strength in his legs and he ran into the temple and got the shouting nowhere in the bible does it ever talk about him begging for money anymore because money wasn't his problem god put him in a position where he didn't have money so he could get him outside the gate so when the man of god passed by he had a miracle waiting on him see you may think you need something but it's really not what you need but god's gonna let somebody drop you off god's gonna let somebody walk out of your life god's gonna let somebody turn their back on you god's gonna let somebody say you're not worth anything but don't you give up you're just an arms length away from god pulling you in much more i can say but i'm out of time thank you brother thank you thank you i'm more out and i want a cigarette anyway this is what i want to give you i'm done there are sometimes a miracle's passing by and you can't reach out for it what do you do then over in luke chapter 7 this widow woman her only son has just died in the city of nahum they've already embalmed him they've already sent flowers the pastor of the first methodist church has already had the service and the bible said they're following the funeral procession out to the cemetery the guy's dead and jesus tops the mountain with his disciples he says look at there there's a funeral i think i'll break it up now there's three pallbearers on each side of the casket and i've done this hundreds of times so i know what i'm talking about they're carrying this guy he's been involved by the way you don't have a drop of blood in his body his heart kidneys liver pancreas everything hadn't functioned for days they've already had the funeral they've already paid for the grave plot at the tombstone and they're carrying him out and here comes the miracle worker himself jesus and the bible said jesus walked up to the casket and said stop right there fellas and he looked over the side of the casket at that man but he was dead and even though the miracle of miracles was leaning over his body he could not reach up and touch him so here's what god does when you're dead and your trespasses in sin and you can't reach out and touch god god will reach down and touch you there you say preacher i can't trust god for a miracle i've never been saved i'm not born again i don't know that i'm going to heaven and you're dead in trespasses and sin and you couldn't get to god if you wanted to but i'll tell you what god will do in the person of the holy ghost he'll come to where you are and while we were yet dead in our sins christ died for the ungodly i'm glad brother ye that were dead in sin had been quickened by the holy ghost of god you say i can't get to god you don't have to god will get to you let me give you this as a final thought the bible said he took the young man by the hand the man couldn't take jesus so jesus took him david said i waited patiently for the lord and he inclined unto me and heard my prayer jesus reached over and touched him and said get up been laying there long enough your mama's crying get up the bible said he sat up in a casket i've buried hundreds of people i've been embalming since 1975. uh brother and the bible said he sat up and began to talk could you imagine carrying a casket out to the hole to put it in the ground and all of a sudden somebody knock on the inside of it you think is that what i thought it was and somebody unlocks the lid and the man laying there says y'all doing all right today oh hear me well thank god for depends because i'm telling you brother and here's what the bible said and jesus gave him back to his mother you know why he's the only one there i've got news bless god you carry the casket out to the cemetery and that dude sets up and says man it's a beautiful afternoon that crowd got out of there dropped that casket jesus had to give him back he's the only one left standing there i don't care how impossible you say my life's messed up i've been down the road you don't know how screwed up i am i don't even care how screwed up you are that doesn't that's not what matters anyhow you're dead in sin and you do what sinners do but there's a holy god that'll visit you wake you up save you turn you around and send you back home again give the lord a half lap of praise in his house and these are the days of your servant moses righteousness being restored and all these are days of great trials of famine [Music] of the lord
Channel: drphilkidd
Views: 2,405
Rating: 4.9191918 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 48sec (2088 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 17 2020
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