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[Music] we're signing on around the world I want you to help me wait make welcome everybody all over the United States and in 63 different countries now that'll be listening to our broadcast today we welcome you to our service thank you for tuning in I'll begin reading in mark chapter number 5 in verse number one and they came over to the other side of the sea into the country of the gadarenes and when it was come out of the ship immediately there met him out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit who had his dwelling among the tombs and no man could bind him no not with chains because he had been the Bible said often bound often bound with fetters and chains had the change had been put to sunder by him and the fetters broken in pieces and even worse than that neither could any man tame him and always night and day he was in the mountains and in the tombs crying and cutting himself with stones but when he saw Jesus afar off the Bible says he ran and he worshiped him please keep your Bible open as I preached through these verses in mark chapter number 5 our story today is one of the most detailed revelations of a person that is possessed with demons this account that you read in mark chapter number 5 is also listed in Luke chapter number 8 but in the scriptures when the Holy Spirit is revealing to us the desperate need of this man the strange thing that in verse number 4 he emphasizes that as far as this story this man had supernatural strength in his body he was able to break chains he was able to break fetters and the Bible said neither could any man tame him he was beyond hope and no doubt beyond help but little did he know though he had the physical strength to break chains and to break fetter he did not have the strength the break change that he could not see much less be free from I want to preach this morning on invisible chains I want to talk to you about the things that have you bound that others cannot see in your life I'm talking about the things that are only known between you and God that robs you of your Liberty your freedom your joy and your peace you see not all chains not all bondage can be seen by the human eye some are what we call naked to the human eye others are covered by our personality our smiles our handshakes and even our friendliness but deep down inside the hearts of many people today beyond the smile the friendly handshake and the Welcome lies invisible chains that has bound them up for untold amount of years if God were to open our spiritual eyes this morning and show you in this packed auditorium the amount of invisible chains that are bogging down different people from different areas of life we would probably all be shocked to death so I pray that something I say today will relieve you from not only bondage that may be visible but things that's got you tied down that nobody knows about I would venture to say that most of the things that we're facing that ties us up and brings us into spiritual bondage are probably all found within the life of this one man because you see he was bound with invisible chains or the Bible talks about his emotions you know people have emotional problems in verse number five the Bible said he was always night and day is what your Bible says it was a never ending process and a demonstration there were several things that this man did continually from sunup to sundown number the Bible said he cried when it talks about him crying it's not talking about a tear running down his face or a quivering lip it's referring to wailing out loud with an uncontrollable level of inner pain this man would scream at the top of his lungs because he was so emotionally bound with invisible chains he was not only crying at the top of his lungs and screaming and wailing but the Bible declares that he was cutting himself you gotta remember it's a continuation he didn't just cut himself he was always cutting himself we call it body mutilation in our day it would probably astound you to know that one out of five people sitting in this building today in one fashion or another has practiced body mutilation hoping that the emotional pain from inside would drain itself from their body by a gaping open bloody fleshly incision people are so emotional distraught they totally scream out in the night but they cut themselves hoping that the outer pain will give them inner relief only to wake up the next day to find that the invisible chain is still there the Bible also declares in his emotions that he dwelt among the tombs he wanted to be accounted with the dead so low was his emotional condition that he thought delft death itself was his only means of escaping the bondage of these invisible chains no wonder suicide is at an all-time high in America people are bound by things they can't identify they're bound by things they cannot break they're bound by things they cannot see and so far are they gone emotionally that the devil has tricked him into thinkin that death itself would be a relief from their invisible chains the Bible declares he was in the mountains night and day when they down at night those that lived in the village below could hear his unending screams as they echoed off the sides of the darkened mountains and traveled down to the valleys below no other invisible bondage is so real and so strong as to be in bondage emotionally locked up deep within the mind and souls of many people lies a fit change of emotional instability robbing them of their opportunity to enjoy life happiness love forgiveness and peace itself all the untold millions that were wet their pillows with tears every night longing for freedom and sweet relief from this emotional torment in captivity that they face on a daily basis here is a man that's so emotionally gone that they've drove him out of the town and out of the village and out of the city and they set him up in the mountain to live among the tombs if you study the land of the gadarenes you find that the flood waters of the Sea of Galilee would sometimes come through the land and because of that they put their cemeteries on top of the hill so that the sainted dead would not be affected by the waters that would roll in here's a man that was so emotionally distraught he was so emotionally gone that the town in the village he was bound with feathers and change so no doubt he was in trouble with the law no man could tame him he was in trouble with a psychiatrist and they drove him up into the tombs and said the only place we could leave a man that's so emotionally gone is to let him dwell among the dead are you sitting here today with an invisible chain of emotions that you can't seem to climb out of that's something so drastic happened in your life that every day you wake up in a dark Valley below this man could equate with you for he too was emotionally bound by invisible chains it not only affected him emotionally but it affected him morally the Bible declares in Luke chapter number 8 in verse number 27 when you find the other account of this story the Bible is very clear to tell us that that he dwelt in the tombs and wore no clothes his mind was so twisted that the natural shame of being naked had fled from his very conscience can you imagine being morally so far gone that even in the presence of God himself there seemed to be no attempt on his part to cover the nudity of his earthly frame the Bible said when Jesus stepped out of the ship there met him out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit he was so far gone morally that he could stand in the presence of God naked and not even be ashamed and not even be embarrassed when someone's moral compass becomes flawed and false to the degree that there's no embarrassment and shame upon nudity and immorality it's due to something more than just their personality and depravity possessing them the Bible is very clear that he contained an unclean spirit which means dirty filthy corrupt through and through moral defiance is a pure sign that something other than that person himself is controlling the desires of their lives have you turned on the news lately every day of our life it's new reports about child abuse the elevation of rape cases and the boldness of public perversion is evidence of these invisible chains wrapping around the hearts and lives and souls of unconverted men and women public perversion is one way of people reaching into the dark corners of evil searching for the key that will give them rest and fulfillment in life but I say to you whether you're male female transgender neutral gender by gender you will never find peace and satisfaction in life through your immorality it's a demon out of hell the lust problem that America is facing the day is far beyond just the depravity of people that don't know God did you know rape has become so a custom in America that for raping a woman now a man only goes to jail for four years for raping a woman for years and they'll be out of jail again now you say well that's not all that bad what if it was your wife what if it was your daughter what if it was your granddaughter Lescott if he fooled with one of my family one of these perverts he better pray for more than four years because when I get my hands on him he's with the God he's back in jail again but maybe you fight lust within yourself maybe this depraved demon of an invisible chain is wrapped around you with lustful desires 65% of men that go to church are hooked on pornography nationwide one out of every two marriages will end up in divorce in the United States of America seventy percent of this generation will cheat on their mate within the first 10 years of their marriage we've got we've got 70 percent of the children in America that are either being raised by one parent stepparent adoptive parent or grandparent the family unit has been blown all to hell this demon of lust has been promoted in our kids through the school system through television through internet through the neighborhood through their friends hey Matt you know I'm telling it right and now preachers don't want to preach on it anymore cause most of them screwing around with their secretary or somebody else on the side themselves so they don't want to preach against this anymore and the next thing you know the church house hitting much more than a whorehouse and everybody's swap it around and fooling around and nobody wants to live clean and holy and dedicated under God [Applause] maybe you fight this thing of immorality maybe you don't have an emotional problem but maybe you have a lust problem from your past life before you converted you fed your flesh and areas and ways that was displeasing to God maybe as a lady you got wrapped up in lesbianism maybe as a man you practice sodomy only to find out that it left you in peon void there now finding out that people that are having these transgender operations are seven more times to commit suicide than normal people that leave their gender alone seven more times out to commit suicide because after they go through all the money all the pain all the rejection and all the embarrassment they're just as empty when they're done as they were when they started that's why they commit suicide maybe you have a battle in this thing with your morals for you that have a battle with your with your emotions and you look at people that fight morals you may say what I don't understand why they don't get over that well they may look at you and say I don't understand why you can't get over your depression because if you've never been addicted and you never had to fight that battle maybe sometimes you don't understand what people are going through and here's a man has not only got any emotional problem he's got a moral problem but it doesn't in there he's got other change dangling from him that he cannot see he has a philosophical problem the Bible said in verse number three that I told you the tombs were located in the top of the mountains it was a hiding place for him to get away after they tried to bind him and tame him he ran from him I looked that word up neither could any man tame him and that gives the implication of trying to train an animal to obey you this man was so far gone morally he was so far gone emotionally he was so far gone philosophically that they said he acts like an animal we need to treat him like an animal his mental disraeli have such supernatural strength that once they would bind him with all the change in the feathers and they would strap him around his wrist his waist and his feet in just a matter of seconds when they wrapped his naked bloody body he would stretch his earthly frame and break them all to pieces many attempts had been made to reform him release him Andhra mold him only to fail at each of their honest efforts his chances of ever heaven a mental revival had long been accepted as impossible many years ago by those that worked with him on a daily basis if you were to ask about this man they would say he's a lunatic he's crazy he's demented insane nuts mad deranged mentally off disturbed sick ill and he says he's a psychotic maniac have you got a philosophical problem going on in your mind in your body today did you know as I'm preaching this morning forty three point six million Americas suffer from mental sickness fourteen point four percent of Americans have one mental illness five point eight percent of Americans have two mental illnesses and a staggering six percent of Americans have three or more mental illnesses going on and even though it racks up to almost 45 million less than half the cases in America will ever try to get treatment or help because of their mental disabilities but when I read my text I realize that sometimes people don't need just treatment they need transformation the Bible said in Romans chapter 12 and verse number 2 being renewed in our minds being transformed here's a man can you imagine having all of this in your body at one time you're emotionally shot you're morally gone you're psychologically a lunatic and a nut you're foaming at the mouth you got a long untrimmed beard you got long greasy hair you're naked you're living in a cemetery you got fetters and chains hanging off your body your body's soaked in blood where you've cut yourself and everybody that passed by that cemetery and saw him jumping from tombstone the tombstone said there's somebody that's beyond help but he had another problem he also had a he had an invisible chain of spirituality now stay with me the Bible said in verse 9 Jesus asked him a question what's your name you don't think Jesus didn't know his name but with Jesus spoke to the man the man did not answer him the demon inside him answered him had a spiritual problem and the demon said my name is legion the word legion is a german name that comes from their army which means 6-thousand this demon speaking to jesus said I'm not only a demon but there's six thousand of us in his body no wonder his emotions were shot no wonder his morals were shot no wonder psychologically he was shot no wonder spiritually he's gone surely he's beyond help they have six thousand demons in him the demon spirits were communicating with Jesus Christ through the voice of this one man I believe all the former issues that I listed to you an introduction were just a byproduct of his spiritual situation his ability to break the feathers and change was known throughout all the community there's no chain big enough and there's no fetter strong enough but this man was bound with chains that he could not see much less break so if you're here today and you've got an invisible chain maybe it's one that I didn't even mention but you know there's something inside of you that keeps you locked up from being real and having a deep settled peace what do you do if you're having emotional problems and you can't get stable what do you do if you fight lust every day and sometimes the flesh overtakes you and disappoints you in God what do you do when philosophically even maybe your own family and friends look at you and say there's something wrong with them they're not right what do when you realize that maybe you're not right with God you're not ready to meet God and there's something inside of you that's controlling you am i beyond hope preacher I can't even save the change I can feel it but I can't see them they're invisible how can I bring something that I can't even see I'm glad the story doesn't end in verse number five verse number six makes all the difference in the world in spite of the fact that I'm emotionally shot its spite of the fact that I'm morally shot in spite of the fact that I'm psychologically shot in spite of the fact that I'm spiritually shot here's what the Bible said and when he saw Jesus he ran he ran no I did this I said when he saw Jesus he rides you say my god preacher how am I gonna break this emotional trauma wrong the Jesus what about my loss wrong the Jesus what about psychologically run the Jesus what about me spiritually run to Jesus he's gonna answer he is the answer so you mean to tell me just running the Jesus can solve my problems well let's look at verse 15 after this man gets saved the Bible records three things about him number one he's seated now wait a minute aren't you the one that jumped around up in the mountains how to the one that was emotionally shot aren't you the one that couldn't find peace aren't you the one that couldn't find love and forgiveness aren't you that lunatic that lived in the cemetery yeah I am I don't run around like that anymore I don't jump around like that anymore I'm seated now I ran to Jesus he took at bless God Almighty he took care of my emotional problem but wait a minute aren't you the one that was immoral aren't you the one that ran around naked hurts you the one that didn't have any moral compass anymore yeah that's me look at verse 15 again he's not only seated he's clothed by running to Jesus by the way I'll ask you something I don't believe this man had a duffel bag I don't believe he had a backpack I don't believe there's a Walmart around the corner thank God now if he ran out of the tombs naked and he was crazy and he was in the fridge the presence of Jesus and he gets saved and set down where'd he get his clothes from you see the same God that can save you is the same God that can supply your needs he didn't have any money he didn't have a credit card there wasn't the Salvation Army but the same God that converted him is the same God that he closed beyond just by running to Jesus oh yeah look at verse 15 again he seated enclosed remember that psychological problem he had and the Bible specifically said and in his right mind when I started going to church my daddy sent me down brother dinner and said you know son religion will drive you crazy said my aunt read the Bible one time and went nuts spent the rest of her life in a mental ward well Lord I'd already been locked up three times spent 130 days with a man that thought he's a rooster and the last thing I wanted to do is go back to a mental ward so I was afraid of that Bible but you know when you're lost you can do crazy stuff crazy stuff and people think nothing about it i drugged a cigarette machine out of a wall one night with a chain and a car that i stoled out of a beer joint drugged it down the road that thing bouncing eight foot off the ground got 55 packs of cigarettes and 255 dollars in quarters and I drug that thing home and my family found out I did it and they're all set around the table said well Phil there's nothing wrong with you everybody drags cigarette machines down the road in a stolen car there's nothing wrong with you you're just a kid went through three mental wards 30 days at a time there's nothing wrong with you you're just an average kid went through three dry-out clinics put rubber blocks on my mouth to keep from gnawing my tongue and swallowing it but you're just a kid everybody goes through these transitions my daddy picked me up out of my own vomit my sister that was here last week said our daddy wore a car out chasing you through the ghettos and getting you out of jail and my family would sit down and say that's there's nothing Sonia nothing abnormal about you you're just a kid November 22nd 1975 I got born again and I came home with a big family off the Bible and I came out home at night with 36-inch bell-bottom blue jeans 4-inch white platform shoes a dirty t-shirt and the biggest family altar Bible you ever seen in your life my hair is in a ponytail I walked in my house and said I got in the nastic I got saved you know what my family started saying he's crazy I will tell you something brother religion they drive you crazy but when you run to Jesus he will put you in your right let's gotta fight crazy leave me alone I'm having the time of my life yeah but he needed to be saved where does that come in in this is where I want to get to it I gotta hurry and close so when Jesus cast the demons out of this guy they ran into hurt a swine and these pigs ran violently down a steep place into the sea is what the Bible said and I've told you this before I put this in the margin of my Bible any demon possessed Pig loves the beach I didn't say that now I'm telling what the Bible said boy was that clap vague was that vague oh yeah you Myrtle Beach people look up here me that's God you ladies run around in bikinis got enough sell your life to make somebody seasick so they cast the demons out of him he went into the people the people that owned the pigs got mad so they ran in the village said hey man this guy we're cast demons out of a federal they wittenauer pigs and they went into the water and come out on the other side preach and you got to be baptized to be saved and said yeah our hogs are gone we've lost everything we're gonna go confront that fella now here's how I know he got saved watch his brother clear and the Bible said when they came to him that was possessed with the devil they came to Jesus first they couldn't get to him they said we're going after that fella and they started toward him and he was seated and clothing in his right mind they said hey we got something to say Jesus that between them said he ain't saying they say anything good he's mine now he's my child I forgave him it's all under the blood he's been delivered I got news as a child of God every demon a hound can come after me if they want but between me and them stands my big brother that shed his blood on the cross I don't care what kind of chain you have you could be delivered if you run to Jesus it's that simple yes I want to close with this in 1874 a young man was born by the name of Eric Weis he was one of seven children his daddy was a Jewish rabbi and he moved to North character to New York City as a Jewish rabbi with his wife and seven children when Eric was only 13 years old in 1894 Eric went to his dad a Jewish rabbi and said I've decided I want to be a professional magician horses family and the neighborhood laughs daddy sort of keep from having his Jewish name and his Jewish heritage Eric Weis changed his name to Houdini it was then that in 1899 his career took off with his ability to escape from chains that were locked many times he was placed under water after he was wrapped in chains and sealed with locks and once he was secured they would literally baptize him under water and he would get free in 1912 for the first time he was not only wrapped in chains and they were not only locked by local police officers but he was hosted up by his feet and let down feet first into a glass tank and the world watched him fight for his freedom for the first time a straitjacket wrapped in Chains sealed with locks but the one thing Houdini could do that most people cannot do was he could hold his breath for three minutes and in the three minute period of time he was such a great magician that every time he could work his way out of that straitjacket pounds and pounds of solid steel chains and locks on October 31st 1926 at the age of 52 Harry Houdini died in Detroit Michigan a ruptured appendix many of the artifacts that Houdini used back in that late 1800s in the early 1900s were auctioned off years ago by his brother and his family most of them were were bought and purchased by one of the most famous magicians alive today David Copperfield that lives in Las Vegas Nevada he bought all the artifacts of Houdini because he was a master of getting out of change in logs but there are some chains and locks that even Houdini can't get out of there are some chains and locks that no magician can get out of but there is not one that the Lord Jesus Christ can not break in your life and set you free here's what the Bible said and if the Sun set you free you are free indeed from the inside out we free give the Lord a hand clap a praise in his house today while we stand our feet I'd like to ask you a question [Music] declaring and these you know sir like just I know great Oh [Music] [Music] of the Lord
Channel: drphilkidd
Views: 4,931
Rating: 4.891892 out of 5
Keywords: Rec. 3-08-20
Id: 31qefzU812I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 40sec (1960 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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