Why Did GOD Tell Abraham To Offer Up Isaac

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[Music] [Music] Genesis chapter 22 I want to get right into my thought today verse number one Genesis chapter 22 and verse number one and it came to pass after these things that God did tempt Abraham and said unto Him Abraham and he said Behold Here I am and he said take now thy son thine only son Isaac whom thou lovest and get thee into the land of Moriah and offering him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of and Abraham rose up early in the morning and saddled his ass and took two of his young men with him and Isaac his son and claimed the wood for the burnt offering and rose up and went into a place which God had told him get on the third day Abraham lifted up his eyes and saw the place afar off and Abraham said unto his young men abide ye here with the ass and I and the lad will go yonder and worship and come again to you neighbor him took the wood of the burnt offering and laid it upon Isaac his son and he took the fire in his hand and a knife and they went both of them together and Isaac spake to neighbour him his father and said My father and he said here am I my son and he said Behold the fire in the wood but where is the lamb for a burnt offering and Abraham said my son God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering so they went both of them together and they came to the place which God had told him of and Abraham built an altar there and laid the wood in order and bound Isaac his son and laid him on the altar upon the wood neighbor him stretched forth his hand and took the knife to slay his son and the angel of the Lord called unto him out of heaven and said Abraham Abraham he said here am I and he said lay not thy hand upon the lad neither do thou anything unto him for now I know that thou fearest God seeing that thou is not withheld thy son thine only son from me and Abraham lifted up his eyes and looked and behold behind him a ram caught in the thicket by his horns neighbor him and took the RAM and offered him for a burnt offering instead of his son that'll be all the scripture I read to you for sake of time I want to get right into the my message I just read in your presence this morning one of the most questionable stories of all the Old Testament when you read these verses it seems almost too dramatic to be real but you must understand the content of this story is not so much to test how to produce faith in Abraham's life but rather it was a test to reveal Abraham's faith in the our lives Charles Haddon Spurgeon said this about the story I cannot imagine a greater test and that which the Lord applied to Abraham in the quote it was here that Abraham learned a difference in trusting a promise and trusting the promise err he trusted the promise when he came out of the earth Akali ease looking for a city whose builder and maker is God that's a promise but now he's got a lien on God Himself concerning his son Isaac you must understand when you read the Bible there's a difference in being tested and being tempted notice in verse 1 the Bible said God tempt notice it didn't say tempted or temptation it means that God put Abraham through a test to reveal to us just how strong his faith was in Christ and in God when you are tested God puts you through a test to strengthen you when you are tempted of the world the flesh and the devil that is put into your life to bring you into sin God never tempted anybody or wants anybody to sin he will test you that you may grow but only the devil will tempt you to fall into sin every word every verse and every chapter of the Bible has what we call a primary interpretation it means that's what these verses literally are saying but also every word every verse in every chapter after you give the primary interpretation carries many applications in other words it can be applied to our life today I see five important truths the Lord is revealing in such a powerful heart searching an unbelievable story of Abraham and Isaac my endeavor today is not to try to explain all of God's workings and all of God's will because the Bible is very clear that his ways are past finding out there beyond our comprehension but rather I'd like to unveil some biblical revelations tucked away inside the pages of this experience that is still questioned though it was thousands and thousands of years ago I believe there are some lessons found in Genesis chapter 22 that God desires all of us to glean from it is my purpose throughout the rest of this message to dictate those truths to you number one when I read these passages of Scripture the first thing that comes to my mind is passing on a generational faith passing on a generation of faith the Bible said that Abraham rose up early in the morning after God told him what to do I believe there were several reasons why first of all he was energetic to do the will of God for his life but second of all I believe he tossed all night on the human side knowing what he was about to do with his promised son that he waited a hundred years for by the name of Isaac the Bible said he clave the wood could you imagine being a dad and going out to a wood shed one night and taking your axe and splintering the wood that you knew in a couple of days was gonna burn the dead body of your son could you imagine what it must have been like brother Dini when Abraham said thereby the whetstone and sharpen the blade of that handheld knife that he knew that in a couple of days would pierce the body of his promised son and leave him in a pool of blood on a wooden altar on top of some mountain he had never been to the Bible said that early that morning Abraham got up saddled an ass got two young men to go with him in Isaac loaded up everything they needed and headed out to obey God now I will tell you this man's at a level of faith I can got to I'm gonna be honest with you about it I wish I could tell you I walk on water and raise the dead but and this man got up and had such a good attitude about what he was doing that was a three day journey to the mountain you imagine what was going through Abraham's mind those three days headed for that mountain that God was going to show him there he looks at his son Isaac every once in a while and says man I'm gonna have to offer him up on a sacrifice on an altar this blade will penetrate his body that wood will burn his flesh but he was so confident in God that Isaac never went to him and said dad what are you depressed about what are you quiet about is there something wrong with you I notice you haven't been talkative the last couple of days I rolled over the other night and you were crying nowhere in the bible does this say Abraham ever staggered one time at the commandment of God he was under such a load that he couldn't even share this with his wife could you imagine what it would have been like the night before they left if if Abraham would have sat down with Sarah and said look I know you waited till you were 90 I know you prayed I know Isaac means the son of your laughter or permanent joy but he said I got to tell you something tomorrow I'm leaving with him and you're not going to see him again I gotta kill him why Sarah would have flipped out Sarah lived to be a hundred and twenty three years old she Abraham's carrying this burden and nobody in the world could even know about it but him in God but yet it never changed his demeanor it never changed this sadly when he got to the bottom of Mount Moriah God said this is a mountain three days later that's a mountain I want you to go to and watch this brother from where he was standing to the top of that mountain was two thousand five hundred and twenty feet high Mount Moriah and he's toting his son his sons toting the wood Abraham's carrying the knife and he knows this is the final journey him and his son will ever have together in the flesh but he never deviated he never sold down he never wasted time now here's why I call it the passing generation of faith when they get to the top of the hill the Bible said Abraham lays the wood in the shape of the altar and he pulls out it and I've and Isaac had done asked him he said daddy you've got the wood you've got the fire you've got the knife where's the sacrifice maybe him said God will provide himself a sacrifice remember now Isaac's a teenage boy he's not married he don't have any children Abraham we knows at least around 120 years old and Abraham looked at him and said son I gotta kill you God wants you for an offering okay something my daddy cut me with a knife and said hey God told me to kill you he'd better have his tennis shoes on I'll tell you what blessing thing I'm moving on the higher ground God say to him God they told me nothing God has never spoke to Isaac Isaac could have pushed his dad away and ran off and never been found again I said could have cut took the knife and cut his daddy but instead Isaac show total obedience to his dad and the Bible said he'd let his dad bind him up maybe why he let his dad pick him up I mean an old man that he could have overcome but he totally submitted to his dad this is what I call it the passing a generation of faith why was Isaac so beat I'll tell you why because his dad was just as obedient to God as Isaac was Abraham that shows me something mom and dad if you want your kids to be spiritual you're gonna have to be spiritual if you want your kids to walk with God you're gonna have to walk with God if you want your kids to live supernatural you're gonna have to live supernatural if you want your kids to live above a while you're gonna have to live above the world say Oh God [Applause] the second thing God shows us is not only a passing of a generation of faith but he noticed he's also the provider of a sacrifice Abraham bound his son put him on the altar here's what your Bible said he took the knife out any drew it back he was going to do it no hesitation Isaac's not screaming he's not saying daddy don't do it he said if you could submit to God like that I submit to you like that do what God said to do daddy and he drew his hand after the angel cried out Abraham and he stayed the hand the paper he said what is it here am i under slain when you called up out of nothing I will beat you then I'm gonna be in you now what do you want the angel said you don't have to kill the Isaac there's a ram caught in the thicket I looked it up in my Bible dictionaries no wild Rams lived on Mount Moriah there were no wild herd of Rams floating around on top of Mount Moriah waiting to get their head cut off it was impossible nobody had a herd of Rams there nobody had to hurt a sheep there out of nowhere when Abraham's getting you take this life of his son God said hey I got something over here for you what do you got I got a ram watch this caught in the thicket now wait a minute John said he's the Lamb of God Abraham said he was a ram caught in the thicket why did Abraham caught him around and John called him a lamb he had to because he was caught in the thicket if you study the Bible there were no thorns and bristles and no thickets until after the curse when Adam and Eve fell into sin thorns is a representative of sin and it had to be a ram because it had to have horns to catch the RAM because hid the briars caught the body of that RAM and ripped it or scarred it or scratched it it couldn't have been qualified to die cuz it had to be without spot and it had to be without blemish and God and God from out of nowhere put a ram up on top of that mountain and took the curse of man and wrapped it around his horns that's his authority that's his power what I'm gonna do in your depravity and he's the son of God it is without spot I don't know some of you are getting where I'm a preacher than hell but Isaac is a perfect type of Jesus in this situation him and Jesus have several things let me give you an illustration God told Abraham he said your beloved son both of them carried wood to the top of the hill in Moriah as Jesus carried the cross both of them offered themselves willingly nobody had to flip Jesus down nobody had to put an MMA move on him and put Jesus in an armbar to get him the laid out on the cross when they put the cross on the ground he looked at his disciples and said there's something I want you remember I've got the power to lay my life down again but I'm telling you I've also got the power to pick it up he they both willingly offered themselves both of them were sacrificed on a hill and boy saw this today and I liked I had a Holy Ghost said you know how many days it was from the time Abraham left his house till the time he offered Isaac on top of that hill it was three days I said it was three days but God if I could get in that drum room I'd beat him right now till they blew all the pieces all three days God got his son off of that piece of wood resurrected him and brought Isaac back down that hill I'm glad when they crucified the Son of God on that third and glorious day God got him up off of that cross God got him out of that tomb and he walked out with the keys of death and hell he's alive he's alive forevermore it shows us that he's a provider God can supply your needs miraculously when it seems impossible number three I want you to look at it prophetically we know if you know the Bible especially the Old Testament that Israel is the apple of God's eye Israel is the wife of God the church the New Testament church is the Bride of Christ and God loves Israel and God has separated himself because she's spiritually gone whoring after other gods Romans nine ten and eleven Israel as a nation has been cut off and wild Gentiles like you and I have been grafted in but God's not done with Israel now you've got to remember when Abraham lays Isaac on the altar brother Collins prophetically speaking the world's down to just one Jew and Isaac's laying on the altar and there's nobody to help him there's no hope in sight and God said somethin Abraham that seems countered injury he said take thy only son the problem is Isaac was not his first son and it wasn't his only son Abraham had already had an affair with Sarah's handmaid and it had a son named Ishmael Isaac wasn't his only son and he wasn't his first son he was a second son later they got in the fight and you know the story Abraham and Sarah ran her off with this meal but God said your only son why did he say that because Isaac was the only son Abraham ever had that had a promise with it and that promise was that through your loins I will make you a great nation I will make you as the stars of the sky and the sands of the sea through you you're going to be my people through you I will protect you the world will try to wipe you out but it's never going to happen in 1948 Israel step back into Jerusalem that nation had been disbanded and it had been buried but Jesus said 2,000 years ago but that fig tree was going to but again and in 1948 Israel walked into Jerusalem and said we're declaring our nation and Ishmael which is all your Arab people those are all Ishmaelites all your Muslims those are Ishmael they've always hated Isaac those Arab country sounded surrounded Jerusalem and said you little bunch of peons will knock you out of sight in three days they'll never find you and Israel said bring it on and they were outnumbered with military they were outnumbered with ammunition they were outnumbered with aircraft they were outnumbered with tanks but they had a provider from another world of a protector from another world and God reached down in that land like he promised and in 1948 in six days every Muslim nation in the world tucked their tail and ran out of Israel and the war was ended and they put their flag back in the air and God reminded man I am their protector with just a handful of Jews were down in Egypt and they were killing all the male's the reason why they did that they didn't want rebellion they didn't want to rise up they were aborting all the male children and they got down to nothing and they put the Jews in slavery for 400 years and they said we'll work until they die and the Jews will be done but all of a sudden out of nowhere God calls a man that stuttered from the backside of the desert here come a man with a rod of God in his hand and before long they're crossing the Red Sea oh yeah I tell you something else during the Tribulation Period Isaac didn't have any help he had no reinforcements when he laid down before Abraham during the Tribulation Period all the known nations of the world will turn against the Jewish people they will come down with Gog and Magog that's where Russia and China comes down the river Euphrates will dry up they'll come with the biggest horse Calvary the world has ever known and Russia and China will side with all the Muslim nations that's Iran that's I rat that's Turkey that's Syria all of those nations there they'll all band together and they'll say we'll take care of that Jew the Jews are gonna strike oil during the Tribulation Period it'll be the richest firma Auto that the world has ever known and they're gonna come down in there prophet poverty and they're going to demand that Israel surrender and give them their oil but if they got another thing coming the Bible said God will show up in time and run that crowd off and be their protector oh I feel like preaching this morning the hell oh yeah then at the end of the Tribulation Period the devil the false prophet and the Antichrist he'll see what the Jews had done to the Muslims he'll call one world army all the armies of the world will meet against the Jews in the valley of Armageddon there it'll be just a humanity man billions and billions of people will line up in that Valley they'll come against the unwalled City they're gonna push to Jerusalem and all the Jews into the Mediterranean Sea and the Antichrist and the devil said we'll be done with that Jew once and for all there's nobody with Isaac he's all by himself all the nations of the world heifer Sookie he's bound up he's laying on the altar let's put him out of business somebody blows the trumpet but about the time they start the blowin one of the captains said wait a minute the sky opens up a white horse descends from the glory world he's not many crowns on his head and it says the king of kings and the Lord of lords oh happy day when the great protector of God's people shows up it shows us that he's their provider I must hurry and close it shows us also in this verse these verses that he's give a promise now here's what Abraham said brother Chris he looked at the two boys now the two boys has been traveling with him pulling that jackass along they don't have the foggiest idea what's going on they just dealt with a jackass for three days done that several times myself being a pastor never thought about putting that in there they don't know what's going on but they've heard Isaac asks Abraham where the lamb was hey Thames God said God will provide himself a lamb and he turned around and here's what he said to the two boys he sent me in the lad will go yonder and worship now watch what he said and will return will return he was implying both of them were gonna return he had such faith in God brother Glen that he believed if he obeyed God to the fullness of the law in the letter that God could put that body back together you gotta understand brother Randy it wasn't that he just stabbed it with a knife he was a burnt offering brother McCarty that means he had the bleed amount cut his body in portions and then burned it on that altar but Abraham had so much faith he shall take something you don't know God told me that's my promise boy and Israel's coming through his loins and I don't care how much I cut him up and I don't care how much I burn him God is able the bringing off an altar put his body back together again where I got a promise I'll taste something about life's long I don't know if you're gonna burn to death I don't know if you're gonna die cut up I don't know if you were to dining nursing home alone on the side of the road and an accident in a hospital on a ventilator or in the middle of the night in the privacy of your own bed I don't know where how you're gonna die but I tell you one thing I don't care what happens to that body I'm leaving this world with a blessed promise that God can you give him my head clapper praise that we've got a promise that no matter what happens he's gonna race us up ones land and happy day here's my last point and I'm done if I bored you I'm sorry number five I see here an opportunity to praise him with gratitude I'll tell you something man when Abraham cut them ropes off Isaac and grabbed that Ram you can't tell me that dude's heart didn't skip a beat see flow that's cutting it close its living for Jesus ain't as easy as I thought it was he watched his daddy because he'd watched him before because he knew the lamb was missing I watched this and I'm done come start playing when I lay my Isaac down watch this down brother Corey Isaac watches his daddy cut that Rams throat that should have been his he watches him bleed out beside that halter nobody should have been him he watched his daddy cut that Ram in quarters all the time he's thinking man that should have been me he watched his dad as he gathered the fire put it under the wood and the hair in the flesh of that Ram begin to burn and no doubt brother snapped the dark trail of smoke started ascending the head him neighbor him and I should walk back off the hill arm and arm I'd like to borrow your imagination for a moment in closing praise group make your way up would you please praise group make your way [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh
Channel: drphilkidd
Views: 4,331
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Rec. 9-22-19
Id: XP0OPu0dodM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 20sec (1700 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 28 2019
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