The SCARIEST YouTube Shorts in the World? w/Narrator

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welcome back everyone to the world's scariest YouTube shorts in the world question mark question mark yes because we don't know if they're gonna be the scariest or not we're gonna test it out narrator just in case Eddie like you've you've been showing me some very particular scary videos and uh I I got a little Godzilla blanket for strength but I found out that uh that wasn't enough so I brought a candle um and and I got a Stevie Nicks candle so we're gonna see uh uh Stevie Nicks candle a Stevie Nicks candle so we're gonna light this [ __ ] up all right take me from the ghost s I'm gonna match you with abir can Sita candle let's go dude wait wait you actually got it I just noticed what you were talking about you actually got yourself what when did you get that [Laughter] that's epic it protects me from the spooky Spirits Eddie I'm like a proud that you know what I'm I'm crying right now I'm crying narrator I don't know if you can tell like I'm such a proud papa oh yeah doing anything for you my little POG champ all right here we go we're gonna look at some uh scary YouTube shorts because let's face it you guys are sending some whack-ass stuff over in the scary Eddie subreddit so I'm resorting to YouTube all right here we go here we go here we go creepy playground oh okay here we go oh I [ __ ] knew it was coming dude and it still it still was like go away what is this oh [ __ ] oh it's moving in the background you see that oh oh God damn nice nerve-wracking the other one was just like I wonder what's under them this is hidden in a bar in Japan and it's a massive face facing the toilet there's a pressure sensor on the toilet so that when somebody sits down face will start to sing a drunken tune and start inching towards you until your kneecaps are eventually kissed by the face where was this why didn't we go here when we went to Japan what dude you mean to tell me we could have got our wenises kissed now listen narrator yeah what if I pretend to be drunk and go throw up in the toilet which means I would have to get on my knees seeing the toilet I'm gonna give you a big old yes brother I'm throwing up and then you hear that music from behind you and you know he's getting closer and closer and closer [Music] well they don't tell you Eddie is that things got like a gengar-sized tongue brother [Laughter] about to make that [ __ ] clear that the toilet bowl bro she's got Sparkle what do you need bidet for when you got this dude it's a finger licking good s why gays aren't in horror movies careful it's pride month oh that's exactly why we're showing this here we go uh oh my God oh [Music] my God imagine imagine the killer follows them in and just goes the end he turns around like oh my God you were in the scream mask I'm gonna scream with those big muscles let's go to the bedroom the movie ends the post-credits scene she's just like yeah he stabbed me post credit scene nut clarity hell all right I've got I'm back next when your house is haunted but you have nowhere else to live [Music] damn [Music] get your ass off my feet man it's a part he just comes to clean it up you got some good reflexes I'm the ghost of Timothy James and if you don't leave leave nah I can't do that well if you don't I'll probably kill take a look around those are two bean bags in my living room that is not my choice yeah but you'd be living with the ghost I'm about to eat pancake corn dogs for dinner this is my first meal of the day oh my God so how'd you die that's pretty funny but this is the scariest YouTube shorts where's the things that make my heart go he was driving by a haunted road a truck driver by the name Pedro explains that many of his co-workers have reported seeing a ghostly figure standing on the side of the road one night as he's driving by the allegedly haunted route what did he see [Music] okay I've got I've got questions narrator number one why does every person that narrates a Horror Story why do they have to sound like they've just smoked a fat [ __ ] joint dude I I don't get it everybody's got a sound like a walrus with smoker's cough I'm recording this down in my room my mother doesn't know that I'm awake right now and if she finds out I'm going to be in trouble exactly and my second question is why is Pedro driving the truck when Pedro usually hides in the back of it but if Pedro is now driving the truck then who's in the back it's one in Jose no but seriously what the [ __ ] is up with the little girl dude dude I don't I don't like the the Mr Fantastics extendo arm dude yeah that's questionable it looks real it could just be like someone that just got dropped off on the side of the road you never know you never know man it almost looks like she's asking for help like she's like hey yo can I get a ride help me no no all right that's pretty creepy it's pretty creepy next hello are you the long neck woman the [ __ ] is that hello are you the long neck woman don't okay okay I was about to say I'll but I thought she's gonna open it they were about to get jump scared right yeah I thought she's gonna open the door and be like yeah yeah good [ __ ] do YouTube shorts here we go a horror story was animated I haven't washed my coochie in over three nights I have a date tonight I hope he doesn't get income stinky oh [ __ ] it's Momo hello Momo joke's on you she's a lesbian that's just her roommate role-playing bro yeah that said that's not scary bro that's like happy pride month happy pride month [Laughter] oh [ __ ] oh oh what is that it's one of those things oh here's a gift for you take it bro he's got a little he's got a little happy present would you take the present from that guy I mean if it was bigger maybe that looks that looks like a a little teeny tiny guy it looks like a little fella he couldn't even hold socks oh this is what I'm talking about this is what I this is the creepy [ __ ] dude let's go nice nice nice nice no jump scare though please oh it just did the helicopter bless you thank you thank you thank you I appreciate it no like really like like bless you thank you bro I really appreciate it oh here we go a real ghost capture in CCTV footage what what [Music] just happened my dude just that's the most [ __ ] thing look at this he's like I'm Gonna Shine my light at it oh I think I see it let me gently fall down that's the most gentle fall I've ever seen a [ __ ] take dude oh what jump scare be a good one be a good one oh the little hand on the door good good that's what we like to see why would you put jump scare on there like you ruin the [ __ ] moment bro like I'm wanting to [ __ ] my little pants dude oh I wanna I wanna like fall back in my chair George oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh all right Pennywise I almost got him ah nice I almost got him oh there it is that was a decent one's acting like this may be warning you for Noble presses [Music] do this kind of [ __ ] dude you can see the front's back stand up as if it's being threatened by something girl don't get me scared was malena's dog warning her from malevolent spirit in the room of course into something else what if all of a sudden like it was growling she's like is there something there and the dog just goes and turns around what if we're being warned about the dude that's not writing this you are the malevolent Spirit well wasn't from the dog but from the guy that's been narrating this he's just sitting there like all right this is another crazy story have you ever seen a dog act like that have you ever built a Snowman [Laughter] oh this is another oh yeah oh [ __ ] oh oh don't turn them back off oh hell no hey she's right there oh there it is I hate those dude I [ __ ] hate those she fears no ghosts she was showing off a drink when she sees someone hiding in the curtains [Applause] yo nope would you throw hands too no way man why I see someone hiding in the curtains [Applause] nah dog [ __ ] it nope you need to move okay hold on I know my audience is waiting for me to debunk this video yup it's her it's her it's her it's her watch this narrator watch this so the left side of the screen is actually a different video playing but because the camera is still still she's copy she's cutting like two videos into one making it seem like that yeah I was either thinking that or the other person's there in a [ __ ] green screen either way no someone's behind the curtain messing around right it's either her or someone else but it's a different take because Watch What Happens Watch What Happens okay so see how the curtain's moving now yeah yeah then you can you can mask her put a mask over her yup and then as soon as she goes right there that's already a mask and you can kind of see it like cut around her chest right so when she go moves completely over the the curtain now it's back to the tape now it's back to the tank yep fake fake debunk fake debunked okay we're going back to the scary Eddie subreddit because uh YouTube shorts what is happening to horror where's the thing that makes me go all right here we go don't let me in a horror short living in Appalachia [Music] hey before you go outside make sure you put on your shoes yup and make sure you take them off when you come inside don't leave them outside and what's the rule come in before dark that's right have fun baby okay [Music] all right 3 A.M here's whistling don't whistle back from the outside Daddy Let Me In I'm scared oh [ __ ] that helps Sarah up oh boy oh she's in the house now oh what yo nice daddy what are you doing outside baby you left your shoes out again sorry Daddy it's okay but I need you to do me a favor okay okay don't let me back in okay no matter what I say or what I do I'm just pretending call your grandma in the morning and tell her Daddy found himself she'll know what to do now go to bed I love you okay Daddy [Music] that was that was pretty good take that Demon's ass bro that was pretty good POV you at you finally catch your dog acting Humane at night you know it's been caught and we'll have no other option but skin you alive [Music] it's weird as [ __ ] man nah nah dude if the dog comes at me like that I'm throwing [ __ ] hands dude okay so is that a mall all right Neato what's back there [Laughter] was a pretty good one I regret going back to the subreddit that was a pretty good one that made me jump a little I was getting there oh it's this screaming guy bro I've seen this guy before check this one check this guy out what Yamada I haven't seen this particular one but so narrator there's this there's these Urban explorers uh in the Middle East and in China yeah that scream at noises they like and they react by screaming and kicking back at the ghosts oh okay and this guy is loud as [ __ ] uh-huh oh oh what oh hell no that's the scary [ __ ] and scary games where like the thing comes at you from inside the water nah dude that's real [ __ ] hey you know brawl no no if water starts moving like that you get them he's gonna tell him this would be like yeah [ __ ] you I could splash water too [ __ ] come out oh my God no no [Laughter] maybe this was the way narrator maybe this is what we needed to do the entire this is what we need to do see like and we could we couldn't do this in Japan because we were trying to be sneaky but you and me bro we just gotta find some like Place haunted ass place in Texas and just and just scream at the thing then it'll go away oh that water starts moving again bro I'm out oh all right there's what no what the [ __ ] is that nope you get the [ __ ] out of there brother thank you this video made me gassy bro yes it made me very gassy I'm a couple hundred feet from my house in the background right now kind of sounds weird ah kind of sounds doggish hyenas but you can hear it going off in the background right now it's really kind of strange just to say the least uh it's been going off for about 15-20 minutes so far so he's hearing noises in the background yeah he doesn't see anything though he just hears screaming I don't know what it is or what that is going on right there in here you got protection my guy daddy fight look if you actually hear that [ __ ] what are you gonna do standing outside shot or something I'm just gonna stand sticking around seeing if I say anything weird ah can you guys be the judge Out of the Woods comes the walking dog just I can't I can't be the judge If You're Gonna Leave it to me to be the judge I'm gonna say it's fake dog you just put like screaming you know Ollie put some like distant screaming in the background while I'm sitting here like hey narrator yeah I'm worried 300 feet from my house I can hear screaming there's like this really distant screaming but I don't know what it is oh I just heard it get shot and now it's done I guess we'll never know take my digging holes in the yard dude what what what who responds like that the fakest [ __ ] I've ever seen family forced to leave their home during the night captures this okay oh sorry sorry I read that wrong Family Force to leave their home during the night capture this what's in the window inside now tap it on the window right there top window uh-huh It's a Spooky figure that disappears bottom window bottom window all right so now it's gonna go now to another window oh no it's in a different house what the hell is gonna zoom in on this oh come on I mean if that's your home and you look back and see that [ __ ] kind of creepy oh you're just going to different windows he's on the bottom right dude they've got some really cool neighbors we're gonna throw the whole internet into whack dude yeah yeah they or organize neighborhood fake out yup it's opening doors what is go lie down it's okay lie down stay it's been doing this all morning and I don't have time for this today stop wait what do you mean you don't have time for this today we I don't I got too much going on you gotta come on oh [ __ ] okay just going to set it up through the towels and we'll just let the Chrome roll this is like a daily occurrence for you it looks like it look at this [ __ ] Bro oh wherever you're gonna go he's okay please not today just holy cow what the [ __ ] chihi why is the dog not attacking it right oh oh that dog wants it that dog wants it that time that dog's like dude that's uh that's pretty creepy I'll give it that that's pretty creepy that's pretty creepy but I love how the dude is just like Jerry not again I gotta go to work a couple is inside their kitchen when something pretty terrifying is caught on camera as the following video comes from Crystal and Damien who both live happily in the house of their dreams they'll walk their home a few months ago before recently becoming engaged to the couple this house has become an important part of the relationship as without it their bond wouldn't be as strong although happy to be the property owners of this new house don't you just love the made-up stories without this house their bond wouldn't be as strong as it is today but guess what it's not over there's an unexpected visitor lurking in the shadows shut up you know that essay that's due tomorrow morning and you haven't started it so you just [ __ ] your way through it the night before when your essay needs at least 10 000 words and you've only got five hey my juices candle just went out uh dude I don't know how to tell you oh but did you see it actually just went out we're getting hunted brother oh boy all right here we go all right spooky [ __ ] happens all right watch the video watch the video on August 6 of 2022 a security camera inside their hallway captures this what is it it's worth noting that it was past midnight when this happened take a look why is it always past midnight why can't it be like 8 P.M yeah right I'm looking for it just kidding just kidding ah okay banged on the door okay huh it's a knock on the door uh-huh then what [Music] I just woke up where's the girl that's all I'm wondering open the door homie open it no more [Music] opening your [Music] if he opens it and then there's no one there I would be upset yeah I guarantee I guarantee you bro ready whoa it fast forwards for us that's cool they heard a door knocking but no one was there he opens the door with what appears to be a frying pan conveniently placed three times speed shows that there was no one at the door okay he'll then go back to the bedroom and it'll start knocking again there better be a better punchline than this come on ready ready take ready watch this take although not really sure what to make of this except that it might have been someone pranking them or some crazy person banging on their door late at night it's the following video that scares him the most the couple is inside the kitchen when this is captured okay oh shut up they're not like planning on you know it feels to hang out with a group of people and they don't even want you there lately yeah that marriage is Gonna Last no they don't they like it's the only reason yeah they like me they're my friend friends but they're because they're my but but they like you a lot they're not they're not trying yeah that marriage is gonna last oh oh my God Justice argument was getting intense a plate from one of the cabinets falls on its own following that another Plate Falls by itself but not before being flunked toward Damian it's almost as though whatever had chucked it had done so to end the argument between the two the argument had already ended bruh what was that per second look at her reaction when the Plate Falls getting intense a plate from one of the cabinets falls on its own she just looks back at it like without a surprise and then just walks away like if a plate fell in your kitchen and you didn't touch it what would your reaction be I would at least be like if we're especially if we're talking and we're not thinking about it and then it just goes my immediate thing would be like I'd be like oh Eddie dude like like this next video [ __ ] what the [ __ ] at least the what the f you know expected if it's in your kitchen yeah like it's a loud ass noise bro I'm not about to just be like oh well I wonder what that was it's like she's running on like Australian ping when she's playing in Texas servers bro she was like crap this next video all right this next one is like the creepiest the creepiest one narrator alone at home I can see who's going through her phone went out of nowhere this happens what happens I swear to God bro if you put in another times oh oh it's reacting good where's the where's the man Man in the Mirror why are you just watching it why don't you like immediately call out to your husband or your boyfriend or whatever and then you just go to it like no I don't beat you perhaps thinking that Damien had come home from work early she waits for him to appear no no you don't wait for him to appear you have to call out to him yo Damien why are you being silent but seconds pass hey uh tihi are you a robber isn't there no [ __ ] understandably Crystal was shaken up but it seems that this incident wasn't as scary to Crystal she was recent occurrence it's not what exactly happened but it's evident that whatever had just occurred has left the couple no choice but to leave their house in a recent video Damien explains the situation yeah this is acted bro yeah all right narrator this week out of how many uh how many dumpster fires would you rate this out of I would give it about I give it like like like two and a half dumpster fires out of five like they were there were some okay ones in there there were some pretty decent jump scares Muchachos I need you I need you to send the scariest videos that you can save horror content I want some [ __ ] that makes my makes me jump out of my chair we need to make horror great again okay I will not stop until we find the best horror content on the internet in the world no question mark No period Exclamation point Exclamation point double exclamation point double double wow all right thank you for watching uh I love you guys and I'm gonna see you next time bye bye guys
Channel: special edd
Views: 2,126,248
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiktok, scary, react, eddie, special edd, eddievr, horror, funny, spooky, mexican youtuber, Eddie tiktoks, eddie tiktoks, best moments, clips, scariest tiktoks, scariest tiktoks in the world, horror clips, scariest videos in the world, duo react, your narrator, narrator
Id: WMKvDKglFvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 44sec (1964 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2023
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